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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Feb 1886, p. 1

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 141 meets in every alternate j A visit Irom 3 solicited. meets in their ill moon eack W. J. Blakely, "' 4. -**'-**• :ob. O.-^o. 2b:3. MAKKDAlxE, ONT., FKB. 11, 1886. COPUW OF THS StAHSABB 1'ITE CENTB XJCH. SUITES OF- UillGAH WATCHES iRANTABLE GrADES. U Thomas Clocks. nnr im jt iR^iCRTMENT SILVER- WARE. ^ifj/^L IIISTRUMENTS. Ui feile Specks. I fliher Lines of Jewelry, etc. 18 K, weoFiSg RmGS. ys Work Warranted. U llEF/iihm A SPECIALTY. !v. il. .1 BROWN, e liable Jeweller kai .1 mvi Mpm. 'Mini!!' intended to benefit i Uj Kill he charged ten ',r.:t iiueition and five '• ;:ent insertion. \K iiuM w. 'tlier this week imcil meetB next En-in;ASiA lt;i!i.":ty. " Mks. T. Hai.l ox Dxmdalk is viiitinp a:Ma'e. • Tfli cii;ir.ioii Parliament meets 1 \b i'lth Fel-.ruary. VrJenTiJies at the Medical tail. A. Tnruer Co. I The Artouifisia and Glenelg assessors peout ou ihti T-.;ir path. A RNi Slock of linen and other apei lOi letter lieads at this office. Mr. E J. McGov of Tara, formerly litbis piece ^ras in town last week. X.4iio\ AL Piixs purify the Blood, Kulate Stoiiiach, Liver and BoweU. Fo« Sasli, BoorB, Mouldings and 'reine3, go lo Grant A Co., Markdala. iis. Donald McLbod. formally of I'iii Tillage gave us a call on Saturday. Emilopss aud Utter beads done tat and cheap at the Standakd office. McFadbbn, of Mono pleasant call last |fetre, ga?e ua a AvKBELL of Newton- visitiug friends in tiiis Mss. Feank hcbiijbon is I'iistrict Iaiige quantities of "Wood, Sawlogs, 'M Grain, hare beon brought to town 'â- -•3Treek. Se. Lo^'s TVokh Sybup willremoye quicker than any Scliool Bool|^, Blank Account Books, and several lines of Stationery just received at Medical IIsll, A. Turner Co. Will Lyonb of this village has been prostrated with inflamation of the lungs the paet week, and we regret to say he is yet in a very critical con- dition. Pabtiks who contemplate building the comiug summer should call at Grant Go's Planing Factory and leave their order for dressed lumber, sash, doors, c., c. Mb. Andrew Nodwell of Artemesia sold three fine beeves to Sarjeant Bro's this week. They look immeuse when dressed, and are eieeedingly palatable when cooked. Cheap Boots â€" Cloth Boots, mens' and womens' also Felt Overshoes, away below cost at McLeod's Shoe Store. Call and examine, you will be aetonished at the bargains. John Buskie, Peter Harris and Wm. Wiley brought each a load of birch lumber last week from Wiley's mill to the station, whieh weighed 6,700, 6,400 and 6,30'0 lbs. re«pectively. A SUCCESSFUL and very interesting Bible Class is being held in the base- ment of the Methcdiet CLurch every Monday evening unddr the able leader- skip of the pastor, lieV. Mr. Cassou. Au. parties indebted to Mrs. Eobt. Montgomery will please call and settle before the 24th inst. If rot paid on or before the above date they will be placed in other hands for collection. I CLAIM lo do reliable Watch work, and charge only for work done. Leave your fine watches with me and I will carefully repair them with good ma- terial, at close prices. W. A. Brown. Last Friday morning was the cold- est day in February for thirty years in Toronto, and within three degrees of being the coldest in that time any month. 1861 being the coldest on record. Mt 18 k. Eings are made as stamp- ed, full to the trade-mark if not proved souby highest acid test, I will gladly refund the cash for them. Have sold cloee t« 1 doz. this year. W. A. Brown. Nkw BuTomBB Shop.â€" A. Wester aad E. Sproule have opened a butcher â- hop opposite Noble's blacksmith establishment where they are.preparei to eupply tl'«»' customere with all kinds of meat. I HAVB a yery fine line of American Watches now in stock â€" Stem wind. Key wind, Pendant setâ€" 3, 4 5 oz. Coin Cases. Warrantsâ€" Kun two years, and cover breakages. Prices close for cash till March 10th. W. A. Brown. Causes Dyspepsia, Indi- Causes Sick Headache family of friends in «Co. 'Ofms and Cause =tter Medicine. •Jr. ^A 111. Sanuders and aolIeuhaTL been visiting '••^Jsaistnct the- past week. AiL desifjns in furniture at Graflt If we haven't what you WJUit, set It up to order in dispateh. 100 ccEDs good two foot wood want- *for wbich the best value will be j'^en m Loots and shoes. Wm. Mc- ip.foBXaTTLE Eash, Itching Piles. IJttgworTn Eraptions, and ail skin 'peases, use Prof. Low's Bulpher DisTROY The Wobms or th«y may ^f^py the children. UseFre^man's J°^ Powders, they eip^l aU kinds J^Wand hall of. the 2^ei.undergomg some "'i^hennuished. ci^-^-f ETixG will beheld in Blair'« I " !^J \.' 8ood tame ii«zp«otr ^^° 'l are invited Liver Complaint KSStiOD, Liver Complaint Dizziness, „ „., -, i „ Liver Complaint Causes all Kidney Troublea Liver Complaint Causes Three-fourths of all disease. -r^ m. Liver Camplaint is cured by Dr. Chase s Livwr Cure. '^^ 1V« had a pleasant call from Markdale necessary oar esteemed former resident. Dr. Arm- strong, this week. TheDr. and his lady are spending a short time with friends in this district, and will take atrip to New York, Edinburg, Berlin, Paris, and other eastern points. Th«y both look remarkably well. Thbbi; will be a social giten in Black i Creek Grange Hall by the members of that Grange on Tuesday evening next, 16th inst. They always have a good time at this annual social and this will doubtless be no exception to the role. Mewrs. Moffat, Skene, and other speakers will be prasent. HoKoa Boix OF 8. S. Na. 7, Hollam), «» jAHTTi.-T._4:th Cla8»--JtoJW Erwin. 89^ Bttie Erwm. 877^ 8rd Class-^Jennie J^^kson 512 G«jon Price, 452. Sr, SeW Clas.--Neme Fitzgerald, 424; Thoinas Erwm^ 8767 Jr. Second Gia^Al^ Roolston. 482 Katae i^' ^^: Part Sccond-J?r«a«s I^^fJ^I Janie CaopbeU, 281. P«t ^-*- Gbaciee Doyle and Jamea Lii!»aM«E«e,^Teacher. .- .^ 5-}, Firstâ€" HolittM. If we can judge by the number of Organ Cases in front of James Sproule's Musical Instrument and Sewing Machine depot, he must be driving a lively business. Mr. S. handles the Bell Organ and the Williams' Piano, both first class instruments, and giving general satisfaction. Sabbath School AMiovKaaABT. â€" The Meaford Eoad S. S. Anniversary will be held in what, is known as Wesley church, on Monday, Feb. 15, 1886, (D. v.). Tea serVed from 5 to 7 o'clock. The Bev. Mr. Ayers, pastor of the circuit, will be present. Music by the choir, and choice recitations and dialogues by the school. Admis- sion, 25 cents. J. I. Graham, Sec. Ths first grand Skating Carnival will be given in Markdale KoUer Eink on Thursday evening, (to-night), when a number of good prizes will be award- ed. A luge number are expected to appear in Ancient and Modern Cos- tume. The Brass Band will be in attendance to enliven the sport with "Music from the old tin horn." Ad- mission 25 cents Masqueraders free. We are somewhat puzzled to know the Flesherton Advance political where- abouts. One week the editor is of opinion that every paper â€" ^little or big â€" should belong to some one of the two great political parties, and another week he says, he don't belong to cithe*. We notice, however, that he get8 a share of Government advertising patronage, which we (unfortunately) have no claim on. OuB LiTTLx Ones, as usual, is promptly to hand for February, and ie well filled with seasonable illustra- tions for the younger children. A specialy this month is some really frxcellent children's valentines. This magazine stands in the foremost rank in point ot excellence of illustrations and for pure, instructive and amusing reading. $1.50 a year: EuBsell Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. Somebody in Washington has taken the iob of investigating Hazen, the weather bureau and signal service sharp at Washington. Among his expenditures it has been found tbat a large sum ot money has been paid out for whisky. Well, a man can't be ex- pected to get up such weather as Hazen has furnished this country on a pailk diet, or cold water. Whiskey no doubt accounts for our suffering, as to weather. Wi haye received from the publish- ers a copy of the School Supplement, an excellent monthly magazine establish- ed about two years ago. It is a Can- adian enterprise, by Canadians, is printed on paper of Canadian manu- facture, by Canadian printers, and is largely supported by Canadian teaeh- ers, and illustrated by Canadian artists and engravers. It is brim full of in- teresting and valuable matter. Pub- lished in Toronto by the Supplement Co. at $2.00 per year. Unitbd Wobkmen. â€" Twenty-one new lodges were opened in Ontario during 1885. The Grand Lodge ot Ontario meets in St. Catharines on the 16th inst. Thirteen new Legions of Select Knights were instituted in Ontario during 1885. In Ontario there are now 256 lodges and 10,000 Workmen New York has 20,800 members, and Missouri 16,000. The Overseer skates there is likely to be a new ritual sub mitted for consideration at the next Supreme Lodge session. A movement is on foot to transfer the Grand Ee- corder's bffiee to Hamilton. Par Exckll«ncf-.â€" We are pleased to notice that Mr. W. H. Hearst, who is studying law with Masson Masson of Owen Sound and who at- tends their office in Markdale a portion ot the tune, hae recently passed his geooiid Intermediate Examination at Osgoode Hall, headini; the list of about forty students from all psrts of Ontario. He, with four ethers, ob- tained sufficient nnmber of marks to entitle them to write for (he Scholar- ship Exuniuation. where he (Mr. Hearst) snceoeded in eartying off Ist Scholanhip of ,f 100. This Thk Bairnsfather family, the noted Scotch vocalists, will give one of their popular concerts in Haskett's Hail on Wednesday evening the Ad- mission, 25 cents. • Fob Sale. â€" Two cows in calf, 2 heifers two years old, 1 steer two years old, buggy, cutter, wagon, fanning mill, milk can and a quantity of hay. For particulars apply to Mrs. Might, ou the premises 3 miles west of Markdale. 283-5 The present council board of Glen- elg ere determined to put economy in force with a vengeance. We have paid in its treasury hundreds of dol- lars in taxes in the past, and have done their printing satisfactory and at very moderate rates, yet they have decided to ask outside printers to compete. This is shabby to say the least. South Grey Division Grange oncers for 18S6 â€" Master, Jas. Skeen, Ov^r- eeer Jas. Pennock, Secretary Chas. Moffat, Treasurer Jas. Edge, Lectur- er Wm. Irvine, Chaplain; S. Dick- son, Steward H, S. Snell, Asst. Steward B. Bye, Gatekeeper W. Hastie, Ceres Mrs. Moffatt, Poinona; Mrs. Ledingham, Flora Mri. Doupe, L. A. Steward, Mrs. Skene, Auditors; Messrs. G. Ledingham and G Lamb, Executive Committee Messrs. James Edge and Chas. Moffatt. The above array ot names will give some idea of the personnel of the institution. KiNO Kennedy, the king of vantrilo- quists, and a most graceful performer in conjuring and legerdemain, gave one ot his unique entertainments in the town hall on Taesday (night to a good house. The variety of the en- tertainment kept the audience con- stantly interested and highly amused. He has no peer as a ventriloquist, and his performance keeps the audience constantly convulsed with laughter. His slight-of-hand tricks are numerous, interesting and gracefully performed. He plays in good bouses and he well deserves them. â€" Chatsworth News.] The above will give an entertainment, in Haskett's Hall, Markdala next Monday evening, the 15th. Father Hubbards. The eer day, when old Maj. Sol- man announced his readiness to pro- ceed in the direction of the church,, his wife appeared, wearing a Mother Hubbard dress. The old man intently regarded her for a few moments and asked "Mary, what sort of a coat do you call that?" "It's a Mother Hubbard, Jeems." "Are you goin' to wear it to chvrch " "Why, certainly, Jeems. The Mother Hubbard is all the fashion now." "Well, I'm glad to know it." the old man rephed. "Just wait until I get ready and we'll go." The old man went out into ^the kitchen' took a couple of meal sacks, cut the bottoms out, sewed the tops together, and put them on,in imitation of pantaloons. When he returned his wife uttered a loud cry of astonish ment and exclaimed "Gredt goodness, Jeems, what's that " "Father Hubbard," the old. man replied. "You're not a goin' to wear sacks, are you " "I've got to be fashionable to up with you. I've get as much to wear these meal bags as yon to go in that bran sack." "I'll take it off" "All right; off gees the Father Hubbard," and turning away, he added to himself "Only one way to beat a woman, and that is by agreein' witiiher. If it hadn't been for the daddy Hnbbard I'd a.beea in a mighfy bad fix." Stradferd. Mas. A. E. L. Eabsok. "WHAT SAY YOU TO A PIECE ^F EOAST BEEF AND MUSTABD?" Wefl, there is much to be said. The question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house, calls uc reminiscences 01 dose contiguity to the horns, and beef stake three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will pE»B unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for his trunk. Should there' be any suffering, the effects of an indulgence is such sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cure, a sure and effectual remedy for Dys- pepsia, Constipation and all affections of the stomach and liver. Sold by Hill Bro's. Trial bottles free, 5 Floods have dona seriour and ex- tensive damage in Belleville recently. 'I McGEEGOE PAEKE. ' Of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers of the greatest healinc and purifying com^ pound known fcr Sores, BurnSj Cuts, Scalds,. Salt Eheum, Frost Bite?, etc. It is called McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine McGregor Parke's- Carbolic Cerate sold by Hill Bro's. at 25c. a box. 6 Montreal has an abduction scandaL HAMILTON happenings! There is now being manutactured here an article for instantly removing pain of any acute external nature, and it is certainly the most perfect cure for Neuralgia, Headache. ' Toothache and the like that has ever been tried. It is called Fluid Lightning from the rapid manner in which it acts, and is manu- factured by McGregor Parke. Sold in Markdale by Hill Bro's. 5 The Baptists propose building a, church in Flesherton shortly. HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS. "Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious, my liver not working rigEt, or racked with a headache, I take Chase's Liver Cure. There is more real bene- fit from one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some medi- cines." â€" Jno. McNasaer, Bond Head. Feb. The Canadian Pacific has concluded arrangements for a steamship line between Vancouver and San Francisco. SEABCHING FOB PKOOF. There is no trouble in ascertaining from any druggist the true vutues of Hagyaid's Yellow Oil, for all painful and inflammatory troubles, rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago,... trost bites, bums, brnisea, sprains, contract- ed cords, stiff joints, aches, pains and sore- ness. Municipal and School Trustee elec- tion is to take place on the same day m Toronto in fatnre. NO BLUNDEKBUS, There is no blundering in the dark â€" in the action of Burdock Blood Bitters upon the system. It is no scattering shot-gun prescription, no cure-all; but it acts directly upon the four cardinal points of health the stomach, the liver, the bowels, and the blood, and works its cures in a natural manner through nature's channels. Parry Sound is makmg vigorous efforts for railway connection with the C. P, E. via the Northern Pacific junction railway, A SEASONABLE ITEM.- During the breaking up of winter, when the air is chilly and the weather damp, such complaints as rheumatism, neuralgia, lum- bago, sore throat, croup, and other painful effects of sudden cold, are prevalent. It is then that Hagyard's Yellow Oilis found truly valuable as a household remedy. them keep right have the IB a Windsor. death or THE oldest MAN IK CANADA. #â- Â» A BAD BBEASDOWN. It is a oommtm thing naw-a-days to hear on eomiilain of feeling all broken down wUh a faint, weary, restleaa langoer, with atnength and q^etito nearly gona, andnawdldefiai^ This is general debility, whi^ iocdi^ our friend maj well be proud I B^d^BiMd Bitters ppwptij'i^eve8,'«d â- OJ. .^oaiu-^ff .â- â- :Ui» most uwariahlj e(U^»; Windsor, Jan. 28.â€" On Tuesday- night Freenian Coleman died here at the advanced age of 121 rears. He was born in Buckingham County, Va., on August 4, 1764, twelve years before the Declaratfon of Indepeudencs was made. His Christian name was given him because he was born and always remained a freeman. He was of mmgled Indian, Spanish, and negro descent. Until last Saturday Mr. Coleman was about the house, and m full pos- session of all his faculties, busying himself with varions little pieces of work, and went to bed that night feeling as well ts usual. Sunday he- was too weak to rise, and he gradually sank until the hour of his death, eight o'clock en Tuesday nigbt. He was able to count a numerous progeny, his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grand- children, numbering in all 188. His oldest Uving child is Mrs. Mary Dnnlap 76 years of age, who resides^ in^Ohio. QQ Bfi3DOA J3UMA^ ixi l.»raitaoQ »' srld.^iaij^alt fc« " .ri^s'l M â- ^ â- i! ' '1 f; â- â- ' ' â-  â-  wn 1 M

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