mt â- Mi Xi.lll! ij i liS IsiMaed«^fihizdib|r;^ii« office, MiU 8treet,_J4arkdale. -Tbbms â€" $1 per.j^«artii adTanee; f 1.60 if 'not paid within three months. Professionrffliid bafthem eaxisaat'mah. ' apaca and aitder, ver ytikti 14. ._. " '1 tb; 'tiio.- Sifo. Whole eohimn..,, .^fso OO #27 60 »1* 00 Half colnmn. ...,: 37 #0 IS 00 lO 00 Quarter colanan ...i IS «0 10 00 « 00 Two inch space........ 7t 00 4 00 Three inch gpaae .... 19 00 • J 00 Oasnal adTerttsitments 8 centr per lin« first insertion, 3 cents per line each sobseqaent inaertion' noni(»«il-iBeasnre. E*torial doftees, or notice* in loeal col. 'train 10 cents per line fir«t inaertien, o eenti each subsequent insertion. Stray animals Ac., adTortised S weeks for 91, the advertisement not to exceed twelve lines. No paper discontinued nntil all arrears are paid except at the aption of the publisher. ' â€" X ' 1 WILLIAM STUART, Lean on Beal Srtate at low rates. Hov. 5, '85-lj I 't: vV orders promptly attended to. Bea c(ms«mi -{(nider's Bill (hMn Soond tSS-Sfr £* iitn »: iSt m»Ti HaTinsmad my Gnst Mii^^ »fet' Ive improTaments in i i fl W i M^ gan give B*r. -JOB PRiNTINC.- The Standard office has a spleiidiJ equip- ment of poster AS well as fiuo job type Spp- cial attention to orders bj' mail. Orders tilled with dispatch. 'EDITOB AND PEOPEIETOK. ttditu I*. ^IcCMllongli, BARBISTER, SOLICITOR, c. .OFflCE^OVER MoFARLAND'S STORE, MABKDALE. i\Ioiiey to Loan. 27i • OYBB ICACFABLAKP'S fiiTOSS. A. PERFECT FIT GUAEAKTKBD. ISAAC STiJVSOIS. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Briok and Stone mttk. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders bj mail promptly attended to. ISo-fim' MAEEDALE P. 0. W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTEACTOR, AECET- TECT, Markdale. 1241t tfbe4? .... ...» ii.; v. -, .â- •'â- • J '.:* :i 't :. -Chopping Done:. Every 'Day^ â- â- .. ',_ ,..• Cufltora Sawing and BiU» Hilled «a the^ â- hortcet notioo. o^ LUKBE;ft;AND LlTt AiiW^ts ON HAND. Cherry, BaLtcrnut, White Ash, .Slaek Ash BasBwood, Pine and fiemleek Xogi vaBted. 91y. 60 Ifill [Cmmu ii M AKITT, Kmi^cnia. » Oo • • • • ' fi9 :.. 3z.^, £8 „ 36 67 ...â- .â- .-.â- »'â- " S6 .. 34 53^ .,30 fil 26 ___lll__:GOINaN0RTH, ** â€" â- _ â- â€" J:; iijii, Toronto Lea^g HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (SUCCESSOES TO LAUDEU UAJs'ns), BAuEISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Couveyancei'is, c. Money to -loaa at lowest rates of interest. Oflices 16 King Street East, 199-251 ToKoxTo. MASSOI^ MAS§0]V, "OAEEISTEES, SOLICITOES, o. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Ticker's Block Poulett St.; Branch office in Maikdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday andSatuiday every week. o7-ly J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. X.3. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Sis to Eight per cent. VICTORIA R. B. PRECEPTORY, No. 282, Meets iu Lodge Eoom of Markdale L. O. L, No. 1045, iirst Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. James Bkodie, "W. P. 275 Thomas Elliott, Registrar. Money to Loan. 6 to per cent. All business strictly confidential. Apply to JOHN E. feAINES. Lot 30, Con. 4, Holland, 275-88 Glascott P 0. EOBT. ASEIN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURJIISHIN6S -supplied on the shbrtes notice. -A- JSileiiiicl flea.x*se tar hire at moderate rates. Alexander Broivn, SSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and iu E. i Life iu E. Money Insurance Agent. Commissionei E. c. Conveyancer and to loan for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Nov. 5th. 1885. 1-y WM. G. GUTHRIE, F/a/n Ornamental Plaster Opposite the new Presbyterian Church Mark- •â- ^Se. â€"All kinds of â€" PIGTUSE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Victc^ Boiler JUilk, The following is the scale of exchange for flour :. â€" â- Wheat. Florfr, '3ran Shorts. 62 40 13 61 .. 39 .. .. 14 60 .. 38 .. ..14 59 .. 37 .. .. l.-j H8 .. 36 .. .. rc 57 35 17 56 .. 34 .... 18 66 .. 82 .. .. 19 54 31 20 63 .. 30 .. .. 20 62 ..28 -.. .. 20 51 .. 26 .... 20 50 .. 25 .... 20 Al^'^antecl, all the go'-d Spring WTieat in the four townships, for which the highst price will he paid iu cash. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- OardweU -JuuctioD " Orange- (Arrive. '"â- vilJe, /Leave.. """ OrangevilJe Jun.."" •yhelburne.. Dundalk ...."'â- â- â- â- Flesherton, ...*'" Markdale.,.. ..\ '" Berkelej' ....'"â- William sford .... " Ohatswonli ...., Owen bound..."' "'"â- â- â- GCIKC STATlOlNS. Owen Soiuid Cliatswoi til WiJlia:nsf,,id!"""' Jjfrk(.l..y â- â- â- tark(i!i!e Flcsljortun '.."' I'UD^llik " " Shclljpiiir; " ;),an{;fcvill;- Juij.V ' Ori:riu(.' I Anivt....' ^i'l-.., Leave... Car(hvHli.Ju,„.ti„i;. '^onniin Ainvo. lUfljU't" 1020"'!? â- lO^ui!!* 1058' i't) ^: 'Si WM^M (tintrrh girftt»t» Scale Of Grisifn^ at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. Servu-os .ve,.y U«tL at 10,0 J \V'"'neJavevei,ic,t| Piviyer Mecti- S o'clock. iU-v A. V\ llsoil; Lrowi), S. S.. bui.cra;te;.aen Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering e-s- eciited at cheapest rates. Calsoinining Lime Washing and Eepairs promptly attended to. 303 J SSUEE OF MAREL\GE LICENSES, frc Commissioner in E. R. c.. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se curitr. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Cahomininq in all Shadet and Colors. WI'K.VT, 62 IJ-si Gj " 60 " 59 " 5i '• !.7 '• 66 •' 55 " 54 " 5;; " 52 " ul " 50 '• 40 " WEIGHING. 41 flour. 40 '• 39 •• 38 " 37 •• 36 ' .H5 '• 34 '• 33 " 32 " 3!» " 28 ^• 26 " 24 lIAh. 13 ijo. 1-^ " 14 " 15 •• 16 " 17 " 18 " ]y " 20 •• 20 •• 20 " 20 " 20 " SO cm;i.sT cHuiiCH. Services for Jaimarv iitli at 7 10::iOand7. IVkn.,^ 7,i, ^^ ' 31st 14th at l«i:30 m and 7. i;..v. .l, Sabbath c^lIiooI '2.30 eudent. r'oid, Scfe WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS. DIZZINESS. Eemember I give yen all your stnall wheat borne with you. which is considerable 270 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. »E]%T1ST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will he at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the let and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Fleshertou, the day follcrwing the third Wednesday in each month for theprac lice of his profession. 122-47. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antec-' Orders left at ahe Stanbabd office will receive promxjt attent:on. 126-ly. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTIOf/, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUf,:, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, disordered DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THEHEAKi; ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE 8K!N, asa arislha: fr _K:oNEys._ STauoK W. J. ROWE. METHODIST GHUECH. Services every Sunaa.v at 10:30 a ns-il 7 p. m SunJ^.y ScLod at 2:30. P^ M^etinp evcvy TJi«,aay eyoin,;pto I^v. \\es!ev n. Pastor; W k.l\ S. b. Snjionntend'-iit. La.lits' Aid ii c* I â- eection .Mr.^. T Hi]], Secretarv. And every specias of disease araihe from BOWELS OS BLOOO, MARKDALE ^arlstir ^trwtdrtj. 7. mimm k eo.. "^^^s^ TORONTO. MANSION HOUSE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE HO"dSE, MARKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICSVILLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Xjrood iGed Room?!, c. The Bar and larde v.'oll supplit-d with the best the market af fords good Stabliiig and attentive Hostler's Til 03. ATKINSON. Proprietor ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenliam Sti*eet« ARKDALE. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture llarble, rfc, JUST EECEIVEP 3 Carloads Fines*: Variegated Marble «pW '"^^'*T,'*°" '° *fa^ Dominion to select from. PersonaUy selected at the quar l^- l°7f™«"t- ^Vill be sold at pricS which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. f ^-Tm-®^" °^ Monuments and Head- sto.ies of Tm. Spelter, or Zinc soldered tl gether, and oiled and SandbL ed to Vd^ the imperfections, and called White Bronze H, B. HARRISON. 1 MABKDALE. The subscriber beg? to iclorni the travelling public generally, tliat he has leased the above ]iremi3es for a term of years, end hopes by e.itering to their fiomf jrt to merit a share of public patronage, Bnr and Lardi r well sup- plied. Gtcd .stabling and attentive hostler. D. McLANE, 'Proprietor, Markdale, Nov. 12. 1885. EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Out. J. McAleer, -Prop. "SSlthis Wealth Weaving done on short notice. Cotton warp supplied. Charges moderate. call respectfully solicited. 248 4m F, J. Ritchie: MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. "'^^^^^^ Sixppiied _OrdeH respectfElly solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. T fti ^^^n\ ^^^Sa'-genfe Patent Load S.t/ ^^.^^^'^^ g and Bentinck town- '219 HAgVAmg, YELLOW OIL MarkdfJe C. 0. 0. F. No. 7S. meets m I alternate Moiidav trcuing^t bo'cioctif^t: HaU, .ArcDoiigaU-:3 block.' Visitirg tret welcome. Markdale A. 0. I" W, Xo 141 meets i I their Hall, McD.oupali's block, every alttra* I Monday eveniu.Lt at S o"cloei Avisiiriiiil brethren of reipliboi-iiig lodges solicite'i. MARKr'.^LE L. 0. L. Ko. 1045 meets iai'i' Hall on Friday ou or before full moon m\ month. Thcs: Elliutt, LJaster; Jr. J. Bislffi f Secretary. Peerless Oil!| Ahead of M Zm\ Highest Honors Golil| Medal at Toronto. SIXGnLDMEDALSINSYMRS'l BEST RECORD IN THE â- " Satisfaction Giifflli Ask for PEERLESS and be stifl you get it, as there are imitatioi The genuine is only made by I Queen City Oil Works. TOEONTO, ONT. Thepuhlicmay lelT on receiring averr Mttentioa at to Bfttablca, Drink necessary «Ues. and Ho»f .Caw. JLKE BEAZILLIAN PEBBLE or *â- L TAciKs.Hiannfactnredbv Frank Laraâ„¢.' la e of the firm of Lazarus wTris fo^" erly of Hartford County, now of No 2s" Maryland's Road. Harrow Eoii/ r^ ' .,Iil- ^- C- West's KIkbve ajid Brain Tb^t" MEST, a guaranteed specific tor^v^^Z' Worm powdzots; A«^-«ttot.k,. CoaWa thrown' ex- ness T^s« 7,7 ©.""^^""â- ^ge. Barren. ^^-ACHEKS' DESirq -7 â€" " •*"" ^^ajj.: The nnderaigned is aanufacturing »n ceUent assortment of desiim anH^^t; .1??' «•• of tiia Utest TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. over-exertion of th«Cu*;SZ"""^^^ ^^ -U..ence. One h^o^'StSfrSeVtValS" w, --vw.-r-«,.£fe^«S Watchmaker. c., Markdale. Mr. liazarns would bee to not.Ti, k;„ With each order received by us i!^\i^ i, companied with fiâ„¢ -i^i " oo^^s, ac- purchaser o^\SL?°""' "• ^^" ««°d the 24.-.7 -Boad.LondonW::SE.n?S f-^^'st'cSZ^i: â- VVESTCO «j«i„ T ""' "J' «»»-"»« u. ctalogn.toS.tSi'p^i'*^- 8e"'« TBI â€" *• w. ^DMW IfoQlIL.- Liver Jaundice, Cosiiveness, or any rtisea^^ "" 3] Uver, Dk. ChaskV; Liver Cm' » and certain rem' dy. -tMEOV ,^i NATURE'S REM^^Iivtfft^J, The unqualified success of P^V^. ct 1 Liver Complaint re^ts ^f-'^K^Lo^i^T^ compounded from nature s *«' •"' bjjjd ^^ » •Cher invaluab.. root5,^.bark f^V^ fjwerful effect on the ""'f:, n m* I lood. 500.000 SOl^.^jp^^ Over one-half milUon i-f Dr. L „«./ ^^ Wtrt told in Canada '^ff-Uidmi' woman and child »• 'w " '"TOT tltant ta try this ex.dkr.t "'«"'â- ; M " SO«nH.N0NEW. CjENAJi;,!^.^ W»pp«la«und even-bottle^^ G»i*j£^ Book (84 paps), conr|uning -«" pronounced by^ m«n^^« IFobI ^oj SOLD BY ALL DE*^pX| « «iMM»OII 00^ able, and worth ten times I TRY CHASE'S GAIABSH CML Naedy. Price, 25 cci;ts. tH^^