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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Feb 1886, p. 5

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 met #§p»r oa all J^h«r8 not being Ji Cbi^^^^^ t^'Cqurtl^^ l^l^^f^^p^..^^ pireMiiit, tiie ' m. R«iBve J: J. A. W. W. W. TUESDAY KTINlHOi iTie Conucil met. at 7. p. iLias; are tiie memberB coim)08$ig 1 McArthur I)eputy.Re|ive. JcCailurD.andDep. Reeve •.. roffipbell. let Deputy Beem; MlUndDep. Reere jj«Jj-J- Robertaon, Ee«v«; Brien.Dep. Reeve. • purham--D- Jamieson, R««ve., f:f,rmontâ€"y^ Caulfield, Reeve WCoimack, Dap. Reeve. fuphrasia-7. Gilray, â-  Rieve l'a«ett. Dep. Beeve. 6/fnW;7â€" Clias. Mofifatt, RetTe; A. McCuaig. Dep. Reeve. Bollandâ€"3. Cameron, Reevo A. Sbnte, Dep. Reeve. Ap«iâ€" W. A. Totten, Reeve; J. Clark. Dep. Reeje. ' lUafordâ€"k. Thompson, Reeve J. J. Johnston, Dep. Reeve. ' }iurmanbyâ€"V Lang, Reeve G. H. gchenek, 1st Dep. Reeve R. Wataon, indDep. Reeve. Ospreyâ€"AaiTevr MtfGirr, Reeve A. ilclntyre, Dep. Reeve. inten Soundâ€" Jobn Cbifcholm, Reeve; J.W Frost, 1st Dep. Reeve; J. C. Miller, 2nd Dep. Reeve. Frotonâ€"S. Rogers, Reeve J. Agnevr, Dep. Reeve. Sarawakâ€" R. McNanght, Retfve. St. Vincent â€" J. Bowes, Reeve N. Head, Dep. Reeve. S\dlicanâ€"3. Bearman, Reeve; J, Stewart, Dep. Reeve. Sydenhani-^^' Lang, Reeve H. Gordon, 1st Deputy Reeve C. H. Heming, '2nd Deputy Reeve. All the alove members presented their certificates as being duly elected, eicept A. McGirr, Reeve of Osprey, and W. Brieu, Deputy Reeve of Derby, who wt-re absent through illne38. I'he Clerk calleti the Council to order and asked for nominations for Warden, ill. D. ilcNichol. Iteeve of Bentinck, nomiuiited Mr. Victor Lang Reeve of .Normauby, as Warden. He said Mr. Laijglmd taken a prominent part in the iiu:iiiri i;f the Council since becom- ii!g a miuiber and that he reprefeent ed a townshi;^" that had never been represented '03' a Warden. Mr. Lang also rc-nroseiitod a large class in this conntVj namely tiie Gdrinaii population, ;ind tur these reasons he proposed hitn as Warden. Mr. Cauliield, Eeeve of Egremont, sec:juijed the uommation. -dr. John Ciark, Deputy Reeve of Kep[-I, nominated Mr. N. Read, I'eputy Eoeve of St, Vincent, as ^Varden. ile said the Council all knew ilr. liead and then he was a Dep-.ty ritovc. The Reevos had iiuiierto b;.'cu running the Warrlenship; tK tlicy proposed that the Deputy Eeeves shoulii now have a whack at it. Tiie uoramation was seconded by ilr. (.rilniy, I'eeve of Euphrasia. There being no other nominations, -^Ies^rs. b. J-. Parker and R. Edgar Jfere iippoiulcid scrutineers m the liallot for Warden. They reported as follows :-^Lang, 20, Read, 19. ilr. Laiig was then declared Warden, «id after beill^^ introduced by his aowr, Mr. Mc-Nichol, he returned his iiearty tliaiiks on behalf of hia town- \^\i and himself for the honor coa- •"rul upon him. ,, " iBotioii a special committee of 3T6 were thou balloted for to strike 'andnig committees for the year, re- «uti!i£riu the apnomtment of Messrs. ^iiristne, Cameron, McNichol, Read »DdCiiirk. ^mntcs of last day of December «2S5ioii Were read and confirmed. flfpi""'" ""s. Chairman of Board JtiincRtum, at their request invited ^°|e Lonncil to be present at the formal' -peung of the Owen Sound Collegiate- at •^?' ^y the Minister of Edncation, "oO ou Wednesday afternoon also •i Q08 noaajMniMdea on county line, all of which baA ^teeti Jaid by arao», mai artinc tUtfr half December, 1885. setting fourth that ^V^^ .,...' tl»e County iiaol wasin ^bod donditioB; i; "Ti..' \_ « • _ii glad to ee^ alterations iiiSort House! i»«I»l »•*«*. ltai«fctfc which WQuIdmake it more convefiieot ;^ congratniatyig Coancil .m, amall etiiamalliBt eomparcd w^lt lize. of county; and asking that jtutfn be allowed f 2 per day ibbtead of f 1.50 while attending court. ;- kngerr pipes. HagyanTs Feetwal Balsam it a prompt remedy' fir' tke inH^tiQQ tiLj Lettari from ThoB. Gordon, x^ard-" log a paper on stock law* reiid at -the reciftnt Farmers' Institute. A* there was dissatisfaction with existiibg. stock laws, it was thought that a, general stook law i^ottld be passed, t^tt stock sneoid not be permitted to run at lai^e exoept under cure of an herdsman. The Council were invited to gite their yi«W8 by memorial to Government. Letter from W. Fergusqn, stating that in an appeal held at Fieshsrton against a certain By-law â€" that By. law was sustained. Letter from Pnsoners' Aid Assooi- ation» setting forth that there was a large debt on their boUdipg, and asking lyd from this mnnieqpality in eommo^ with others. 1 fii.'i -lua i« 4 feteHpdiniBCMiu, ""â- "" 'â- -• to the T, Dieter of £j,,g^^jQ^ and others iown Hall in the evening, when ^^di esses " "«• â-  Mi ^ouid be given by ^e on\v%^"'incil adjourned to 10 o'clock ^^ednesdayuicramg. WEDNESDAY MOIQUKO. ^^S-^^^ read the following oobH lous â€" Au^S^^'"*;'""s 10 be appointed CT' ^^^^ ^- Edgar, Owen Sound; »ndf, ^^ McDonald, Chatsworth «om Jno. ^ii,gj.^^ Meaford. •Utag "" Minister of £daeation •niamr/' *° .memorial askuig that Treasurer's statement of non-Tesi- dent lattd fund of each monictpality also statement that a five Tear*' da- b^utoxe pf $25,000 had matured on 5th iany., which he had re invested at per cent. Debentures to the nmomtt of $75,000 wonld also mature this yeai' requiring re-in\;estment. Applicatioa from- Jno. J. Dalton, Chate:irorth, asking appointment as County Engineer. Lfetter from Co. Clerk at Stratford, asking Couacil to unite in a memorial to Government to make width of sleighs ifeet 9 inches^ and width of waggon tires to be not less than 8 inches." Letter from^ownship of York, ask- ing this (Jonncii to unit*) in ui«morial to Legislatures to' ask amendments in Municipal Act, regarding powers to open streets. â- Report of W. Ferguson Inspector, respectnng schools in South Grey; A number of acceunts were read. Mr. Read presented report of special committee to strike the standing committees as follows ;â€" Finanje and Assessmentâ€" MeBsrn. Christoe, McNicol, Rorke, Robertson, Caulfield, Gilray, Moffatt, Cameron, Totteu, Schenck, McGkr, Rogers, Bowes, Gordon, Bearman, McNaught, Thompson, Jamieson, ChishoJm â€" Rorke. Chairman. Boad and Bridye-JMeasts. Mclntyre, McCua^, McCormaok, Clark, Fawcett, Stewart, Agnew, Messenger, Heming, Miller, Thompson. Shuto, Brien, Read, McArthar, H^wgill, Watson- Clark, Chairman. t-oimty Pro^Fft/^-Chnstoe, ..Read, Miller, W. Lang, McNicol, Watson, Johnston, Moffatt, Mcln lyreâ€" Chris- toe, Chairman. ' Education â€" Messrs. Gilray, Brien, Hei^ill, Heming, Frost, ahute, Read, j Campbell, McArthur, Rogers, John- ston, Schenckâ€" Read, Chairman. Pnittn^fâ€" Messrs. Mifler, Campbell, McCallum, Clark, Gilray, Bowes, Watsonâ€" 'Miller, Chairman. • Commumcations and Memorialsâ€" Messrs. Frost, Cameron, Read, Jamie- son, Messenger, McGirx,i Rorke- Frost, Chairman. " J â- â-  A By-law to appoint Co. Auditors was introduced' and read first' nd second times. The Council went into .committee on aboveBf -lawâ€" tiie Warden appoint- ing R. Edgar, as one Auditor, and John Albery pi J£eaford, .hio. Mc- Donald 'of Chatsworth, .and Jas. Canavarfgh of Proton being severally nominated on behalt of the Dpuftc^ A vote being .ta5e,n,ffser ashore dis oussion respeetiua. the merib of each, stoodâ€" Aibi-ry 1*. McDbwO*! 8, «avan- aufi^i 15. ' ' â-  ;.,^. â-  \. -u 1..V. ' The By-law waH t^i^J.Pfd HP 'i*" the Mames of R. Edgar, aad •'•s. Ca»ana»h--the«»lexy of.i*a«di auditor being fix«d lit $60. :-.j:lJl, " I, Triiatee to appoint a Boajrd.qf AmUt and to ooDfiem a B|hlaw of Kew®' dosing Bp»o«rt«tt *••*, w«i» te^ first and sec^dtii^ofc Qn n^o^upi a con^i tiM O^teMMMi^a' The Oonnty Grand Obaptwr of Grey Boyal Black Snig^ttf of Irdaod was lield in the prangii Hall, Hesberton StatioQ. on Jian. 97th. 1686. There vras a large represenaation c^ Sfr Kts. froQi Preceptc^s Nos. 262, Blirkda!^ iod 848, Dundalk^" ThW chair wal taken by Sir Kt J C Irish, Member of «}ommittea P G^Cbapter Ont. West, assisted by Sir Kt. -.Joyeph McArdle, Dspt. G Master. Oi^.' West. Dept. Chair taken by Sir,.£t. Jaiues Brodie, member ot G Committee (hit. West. The election of officers being the first business, reftnltttd as foltows r Sir J C IriRh. Co. G Master. James Brodie, Deputy Master. James Elliott, Chaplain. Jas Erskine, Dep Chaplain. Thomas Elliott. Begis^. Thos Abbott, Dep Registi»r. James MoArdlei Treasurer. John Whittef Dep !A:easuxeir. James Gibson, liActtrer. ii A Parks, Dep Leetarer. Thos Hanbury, St. Bearerl JaA Btyan. Dep Si Bearer. Wm Brady. Censor. George Hales, Dep Censor. Wm. Rntledge, PorsuiTant. J H Carson, Dep Pnrsuviant. Jas Allison, let' Committee. Thos McArthur, 2nd Ja»Tru5ke 3rd " J G Carson, 4tii " John McFadon 5th Wm Todd, 6th ThosGUray. 7th " Markdale was appointed as the next place for holding the county meeting. MIUTigill! WABHTBlXUiUlinil-. tit -4 ad ^i^J^V *-siti^ 61* yep lilt -AND- It u a faetj as vtwf one^ ysj that RUSSELL is the nan I i-epaiir j^onr Wate^ or 'CIb«k| properly.:, " "^V " ,, ' ' ' Jo a.e o 0.0. 0-0 o «.*» e ee o e e. EMPORIUM. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Most diseases of the skin arise from bad blood aud lack of cleanliness, ex- cept when caused by grubs or insects. Erysipelas, Salt. Rheum. Tetter, Pimples fend all Humors of the blood are curable by Burdock Blood Bitter j, which purifies the blood. Mi's. Williams has op^aeid a new stock of Stationeiy and Fancy Goods in MLOP'S OLD STAND MARKDALE. l^APER, :•: ENVELOPES, PENCILS, SLATES,: :PENS, â- â-  INK, SCHOOL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS,c., c. Head quarters for the cele- brated GIVE HIM AaTRIAL. Every job warranted. to»' give satisfaction. JAS. I. RttSSEU:. FUflSANDWNS. IWOiL pa tiie highert -prie« to: sU kind»^ • of Pars Bkins ttai. WM Gsme that is â- hipped to ma. .Send for |xrioa-li^. GEO. W. GOBRNFLO, 278-3ia Hsnahon.OBt. FARiK FOB SALE. MONEY To Loan on real estate security. ' Simple Interest, low rates, and easy terms., C. W.- BUTLEDGB, 275 Standard Offioe. DOHERTY ORGAN 99 TENDERS. TENDERS will be received for tbe erection and cnmpletion of a brick resident on lot 16, con. IS, Glenelg, by the undersigned np to the 15th Febraary. Plans and specifi- cations can be seen by applying on the premises, to JAMES BELL, Markdale P. Q. January 26th, 1886. 2»l-3 Next Friday at on A ^^^'^^'^S, within pna mile of ;Wil- dXjKj liamsford Station, being composed^ of iote 38, 39, 43 H, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Boad,. township Holland, Co. Grey. On. Jots 38. 39 tHaro s 9 acres cleared welii^ced, and under good cultivation a ftaVS Louse 22 z 32 fi.:. kitchen L8 2 24 it., well finished; good liame barn, driving house, straw hoiise, concrete stable, caitle. stable, open sheds' and all necessary build- ings two. good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy younK trees all bearing. Ou lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good streum runn-ng. through it 4 balance well timbered with, maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and ppfses!siou ^iven at once. For particulars apply on premises; il by, letter JOSEPH FAlfNING ... • '" • Williamsford Station^ Co. Grey, Ont. NEW (JROpR^ RESTAURANTiSi HOT MEALS.. Sgthat w vacations btt ihorteiicd, «tl»-' ^^tiy yscationg wew settled by act ^^mms^^m^ Co. V?iU comm iV X- ANNXIAji^'CfLBABING SALE The undersfgned lite much pleafure in in- foftiing hio old friends, and the public gen- erally, that he has ovenwi out a general Q-rooex3r Store, where all kinds of Groceries ca^ be obtained, which for price and quality caiin»t be under- sold. A tri^ wiU convince. in connection with the above; Hot Meals will be served at seasonable bottra; and Lnneh at anj' bnsines period called* upon, thus giving fre6 will to choose what you- please. A call is respectfully solicited. Canned Green Fruit: In every variety. OYSTEBS f'erved. either hot or co:d^ eithtir hy the quart or plate, at prices whicu will astinush those viha have dealt in tho)se Inxnrieii in the past. « Cigars, Tobaccoes, of the 6eSt brftndF. I^lEMIskS--Oppo8ite Monsipa House Qofel Shedd, Sj(dealxaqa,Street, Markdale. MariEdale,-Deak 10, '80. ^1^11: ijmFOB SAU. m**-; Bv ofl^rln" 2^M^^^^ of Gcaerai; »i'v£5.'?Hr Glotning, HAts, Caps rTIHE nitrtb hijf cA lo« nnmbtr' 15, con- JL cttssion il, HollaAd Tfcwnsi'p, County" s] of Grey, containing 100 acres,- This lot is aH bie^vy tiiab^re^.-with' beeeb^ mitpl«i elm, bsBswood Md^emkjpk, aqd is oitnatcsd oot 4!ja3pfl'fr !Serk«lejr, A from Wittiamsford aod '9' troAi Hairkdai*)' 'Stations, on th« Tomato. €key»nd -u«e Railway. ' ^r %«-m8 aiy pa/ticnhin apj^y to 'QV,0. .a^*9lS»,iS^., \bukAtkio, dr totbe under- requested to p»I«l|^ » »««l«Sl .ao»Ji»a I6«iriatei^, Godiich. .3* lot i6,^«aiB. !•; ^knrig, t«u nallM frma.. r lotiS f|.6.i(irtmK^ 6 I til â- fii*!! u r in .M I if it 1 J 1 ' -I- m fill ^^igmgmtmiigmttM

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