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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Feb 1886, p. 3

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 EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. 'i .J '-^ [^WnifT of Io^B ^^ ^^^ AdYBBtDn, tmM upon ItartUog KerelA- ^«^' tioiu in the Oanar of Inlii Fada, If ^»»w of •• NiKAf Th» NiHum," •* In Rn Brwn," " Th^ BvanAii Srr,' CHAPTER XXyil. .^POSSIBLES-FAT CAPTUMSAOT [•^C o" honebaok. Mid monntod rjltdromedMtM' "'"l.^'fLTtiTM'hid reached the bound- it toe ib J _...a â- kimminff BCMMa "were not yet clear of the omU, Pl"i-ndi and were akimming acrou r"lSMder full sail •kirn the aeas K £ Seir chance; In the Ufe and "' that vaa aworedly abont to en- r "!!Mbe ini»ll Indeed againat the long- *».^-Jj?Sw d the .wiftfooted drome- "nffiBLSfthe wild«on« of the de^rt from Pjive all our people!' exolalmed Lta Donnelly pretently, with great fer- Ki the remembrance inddenly ocoorred f " "for Arab! Paaha oounta upon jrizty nd of the Bedouin robben and ont- -Jio help him to rid Egypt of ita JJu, population. I have heard ao L,'hebe»t authority." ii'iue lay they will be officered by thoaa 1,111 be able to keep them weU nnder f'l farldo not even yet believe that f«r minister is one-quarter io black aa fi, Minted," replied Nellie, gravely. llonsre welcome to think what yon like IliD, darlfag, since you oared for him »o Kjtyou preferred riaking the perile blurdBlilps of the wildernesB with me. I L i.nnah. that those infernal monntalna 8^K little nearer, for I vow that deaert ^Ti ii mora deceptive to distance than oven XbTe ooiie the Bedoa'ni oat Into hooen desert at .a trot. hfu fven so there they were, humrea I their camels and dromedaries, or oe- M their horiei like Centaon, with ItioDZ beardi and the looie enda of thdhr Jrt knffeeh ,or ahawl head oove inga) rtringinthe W, and the white moon- ht glinting on their bright lance pointa, tiJarreli, drawn iworda and the whola of lesser weapons that each man 1 ioh'i broad leather belt. J loi the camels, too, waa anrmoonted liiaall piece of artillery callad a ginjanL ibie of throwing a half ponnd ball to a t distance and with aoouate aim aa .U8S. o m a • P 2 1.3 ?•* p I KiiooDer did the Bsdonina dlsoorw tha LtpMition of those of whom they were iMtoh than they waved their taiaeled Li and sent up a wild whoop Into the Edit heavens that sounded not unlike Idionii of wolves over an nnezpeoted fNellie trembled and felt faint at the fierce barbaric yell, and the young officer tld not help exclaiming, " Would to hea- itkst we had haurded the railway oars II kU." Bat no sooner had the vain re- t neaped his lips than Nellia rejoined, |Yoi icted f or the best, Frank, and God g protect ns here as perfectly as in the lb. We shall have to endure, perhapa, a jipr ntpense, but tliat is all." lAsforPatMonaghan, he replied to the Idooln jelliwith a cheer that.waa almost ^wild and quite aa reckless, and aa he chad a ipear to wave he did it with a Iblict, like the petrel, which is only live- ludcheerfal in stormy weather, P»t waa khii dement again, and felt as men are pee to feel after a bottle of ohampasrne. [When the Badouins presently discharged ill fiiearmi and the bullets therefrom all lihort, making Boorea of little fountains i^Bsdwaete they dropped, his joyous ex- n«t reached its ze^th and he exolam- i jabert and if there waa but another [^(of the old corps here to make up a nate Hcz3n, we'd soon rid yer honor and Pt yonng leddy of them scarecrows," and tthii point Pat sent up an eldrioh shout of "It'inooae wishing for the impoaalble, F^udwe ma it take comfort from tbe old prthtthewho lighta and runs away will pt3 fight another day." I Ihiifromhia maatsr but Managhan waa lit "0 eMily pacified. "Fkith ita running away widont any Tm at all, we are. Half a oruat ia bet- tthu no bread, ao on the same principle '*^'U at a Bjdonin would be more aatia '"8 than liz maps at the empty air. Bat nader ud turf, it may come to tliat yet, pr tton ngly baatea wid their oorporatlona l*H«r backs are making the running, and r»«tike, and the chap wid the swivel gun [•nil jtonlder U slewing round to fire." I J** Donelly gave utterance to an eja- l^hon that wnnded like one of alarm, for U^^ «"".d in turn he saw that the 1^ j^i^^tl^e gtojaul headed the I2t' ""1 that it had been drawn up mo- Iz*" permit of the Uttle piece of artll- |J!*°*^t gleamed, and with a puff of lirtu" j" P^ff f* red flame the giBJaul IK V^' ""l report, and the Iroa I»Sih!*'"*° hummed over their hsaiia •JhU far in advance. L,,*** "nost unpleaaant disoovery that Lvirt^J^'^yeU within range of this Ci °* "bow -chaser," albeit that till fi,^ «°' ground for congratulation in 'S u^' li»vbg missed them. Ut..u.** '" from likely that all the Uoft. """' suit, which was evidentty tig r.^Py'iou of the Bedonina, so frantio UidS ^^y °^ pwcaiving it splaah up the T^W of the fugitives 1^ '.must ride farther apart, aye, the KtUkl? armwid sabre apart," 8»ld (ii,Tr*«"y. *ho rightly guesatd that If •f tW r*"" ^®" toclioed to apare either for, ^." »nW be NeUie, and who tliert- SniuhT 8*'« ^er a chance of life. 3(.cijijj"»»8*»t be denied to himself and HmJ*S^'»* Ae would not oonjeoture the "«-b«»mj'.^"'*««"» formation, nor did ^Zm " '^^ °i8ht be in order that a I "^W '^y â„¢' ' on* ** " ^â„¢* '^•£al^""y grew t3 be mcrs aoour- I ^nppQaltim oaoaed the blood to ran ooU In her Telna, for ahe felt that thdr peril moat be great bdaed. Y«kaU three atOf twe on for dear life, heaOng atra^ht for the mountaiaa that every minute aee m e d to beoome vaater and nevrer in their front, and whleh, ooald they but readi in time, might afford themaonie hiding pinoe from their aavage pnrsuera though even ttiat waa but a bare hope en th ir parti, and on the other aide of thoae hills they knew that there waa another de- aert a hundred times more vast and t^.-rible than even the one whioh thw were non traversing. On, atill on, but now the agUe dromedaries began to draw ahead of all their ether pur- â- uen, of all at leaat save the one that car rled the giBJ*ul, and who aeemed to be swifter than any of them, even though every no« and then he waa drawn sharp up to permit of tliat quaint but provoking piece of ordnanoe being disoharged from liia baok. The worst of it waa that at each shot the aim of the swarthy-viaaged, red-tnrbaned cannoneer waa evidently improving, tlut is to say, If he hadnt been joying with them all along as a oat does with a moiue At laat a tiall hnouned past so oloaa to Pat'a car tliat he Involnntarily raised a hand tiiereto to still the ringing in It. Next he uttered a strange national inter- jection (in naming it after one of the nine parts of apeeoh we are speaking mildly) and the next inatant, to the infinite surprise of both his maator and Nellie Trezarr, they beheld him turn round and spnr furiously toward Instead of away from the approach- ing aoore of Bedouins, who were now, how- ever, stretohed ont over fnlly a quarter of a mile of desert, the gun oamel and two dro- medaries being well in advuioe of the others. '•tiomebaok, madman 1" ahonted Frank Djnelly, at the top of his vcloe, but Pat Mcmaghaa wasn't as mad as ills master deemed liim, for tiiongh he rode straight at the oaknel and its rider and with fiuly as mnoh ardor as that where with Den Quixote charged the windmill, yet he gained far more by tiie enoonnter tliaa did the Knight of La MajEohSk for tlMai^ 1m made pretense to dtiige vitt Ua ipear, y«;t an sooner did hctfittthMM bytliaa qdas Oghtnlnghe slug that, nnder the ofaroaastaaaea, uaeless weapon, and drawjag his revolver gave the huge oaOMl and t^ twe dromedaries a oon- pla of i^h wrgsa Miooe. ToBdstsndi bulky targets was almost Impoaslbla, and tlie eamet Immedlateiy toppled over onto ite nose dead, wliilst one of the dromedaries sa^ on ito ride nttering the meet plaintive bellowa and ita compan- ion, maddened with tbe pidn of a leas seri- ous wound, tore trumpeting across tiie plain, at right anglea to the oenrse that It had nitherto bemi pursuing so having aooomplished all that he had desired or In- tended, Pat came galloj^ng iMok wild with gle^ to his companions, yelling at the top of Us voice aa he drew within earshot " Faitii, an' I've silenced that battery and dismounted it aa well, an' sure, now tliat I've had a rale brush with the enemy I'll run away aa fast as ever yon like." « I ahouldn't wonder if yon had saved all our lives by your courage, and whatever happena we'll consider ourselves indebted to you and it to no small dwree, my brave fellow," responded Captain Donelly, as the three once more sped across the level desert tide by side. And in truth Monaghan had rendered no small aervioe, ainoe the race waa now al- most one of horse agidnat horse, lor the other oamels that the Bedeolns po ssessed aeemed to be of no great acoount, two be- ing heavy with foal and the r em a inin g three evidently old and stiff. Yet, though, thanks to Pat's valor, dr- oumstanoea had wonderfoUy Improved with them, the three fugidveswere far from being out of the wool, for not one of their human f oea waa much the worse for Monaghan'a okilf ul diversion In their favor, and though they were doubtleaa not a Uttle dlaoenoerted at the Peringhees being pos- sessed of weapons that could do such a maximum of damage In sooh a minimum of time, their vaatly "3?«*" »™5«" evidently gave them oonfidenoe they must come off triumphant in the «d, Md BO they stiU kept up the pursuit with ardor and with an fanorease of savageiT. Bntthe race wwiM now take a longer time in the running (both pursners and pur- sued knew that), and the latter were oheer- ed by the very minute nearer and aaarar loon^ofthe mountains, those moontalns fromVhosssmnmite Cairo juid Alexandria we alike vUible, with tne blue •«««»? ping the Utter town and marking too high- ^l£lSS*Stinutm and the p«md be- san to ilae, five more and the desert sanos SSe left behind and the brf«fc«W«-2SJei the prickly pear «»«'»^ '!!^kJ*3Srt olefta In the bare aid arid rooks, wmusi SiSr up from betr^ the "•t««»^*|â„¢" Se pomegranate, the date jmd the mrfon Jl bloo^ together. "»»«*„,•»"?*« of the pink and yellew wUd rose. CHAPTER XX Vm. TH« DIfUNOr or TBM SOOKPIOK BATM. Whilst aaoendngtiie mountain ride Cip toi^SiS?blgi?Tag«ely to w«i*.r jjjt Was to be done next. During their Oight Jwards these hills his only tlioughtjiad STS ,e«Alng them as the ««ly PO-^e SSe of safety, but now ««* »^'JJ ^ea^ed, ths question arose, whereto was **'SJ!l^"2*had both read and been told tJJS'n S^height f? " IJKS riSdied with cavern., "'iJ^iSiir^ iSSg into their aidea to form â- â€¢P«««*^ J" IJ^STthe «- 'i^sS £~ SZ forffotten even In those anow» l^^J",, _._ PhS2?reig«d i«Sy£^'^S?iE; his VekIL Bat »«»^ J"*^ J^e SS. not find those «'*» J* JSTWrf thiifrlbes TT- Jepatoh ttsmsA theaoisindaaleeaiM a 1 aateMse apd a* atorvl^ Asm to (SmA t TheeewsfsdlBtariiing thooghta^swuh. aadalmoBt, ladeod, too anohlto one m toat Us faithfd aMsadaat^ Pat UimtAuu j^aoed the asost periaot toast In Us^na- *^^'^*^?^^ aU out of tfae^£rape and that Nel^ Tieaarr reposed an equSl dMxee of ooafidanoe ia Um. »u r "U*** that he oonU only believe that he deserved it, bat he neither ooald nw dared so bellave. He was qaito aUve, however, to the vital impoitaooe of now or never getting well ahead of their pnraaera, so that whatover ruae they endeavored to put in praotioe should be at all evanta unseen by them. So In lialf a doaen words he expreesed his views to his oompuions, and all three urged thrir horses up the now steep inoline with what speed toev were able, though never could they get beyond s â€" â- * -* '*â€" strokes of their pursuers. ond toond of the hoof- • ^»w" ^» waa«as ^t*M.mvtmm» B.ogh and rugged every now and then was the zlgsag aacent, whilst sometimes the fngitivee would liave to ride In Indian file Udng the edge of a precipice of dizzy depth and where a single false stop or stumble on the part of a horse would have launohed both itself and rider Into space, to be caught after many a gyration in mid air amongst toe topmast branches whose leaves were â- tinedbythe desert air hundreds of feet below. On one Oooaalon on looking down they descried tiieir pursuers at least a hundred feat beneath them on the same winding patb, and so aitaated that had they had any loose rooks at their command they could have rolled them over and crushed toe Bedouina, or have hurled them from their narrow ^roh into mii-air, but their were no snffioientiylieavy masses of stone alrant, capable of being rendered servioealde in thla manner with a less t ffiolent instrument toan a lever or a crowbar, so toat the fiidit had to be oontinu. d without pause and with no knowledge of where and how it would end but anyhow, to attempt to cross toe mountain, to descend on toe other aide and toea to renew tlieir flight aorois a seooad desert aa vast and level and track- leas as many a sea waa not to be thought of. Frank Donelly waa still raoking his brains and enoonraging Nellie liy turns, whilst Pat Monaglian aronght up toe rear whistling In lubdned tones one popular Irish song tfker another, when all at once toe soft oadenoe of some reed Instrument became clearly audible at allttie distanoe In toe front. The air wu monotonous yet not nnpleas- ing. but as mnoh could not be said of toe pUyer. who at toe next turn in the ascent was suddeady revealed to their view stond- Ing in the oeatre of toe nanow mountain traok and Intently regarding the steep messy banks on toe right whilst he played. So intent waa he on what he was about that he neither heard nor saw those who were approaching him as f aat as ever toe steepness and roughness of toe road per- mitted. Then all at once he dropped his inatru- ment and dar.ei oat his aim, and as it was witodrawn Captain Donelly percdved toat It grasped a serpent whioh waa writhing and twlatii^ in a futile Attempt to escape. Whilat tons engaged toe utter and nn- redeeming hideousneas of the man beoame apparent. He was dad in amaasof fiutterinc rags, and wherever hia skin was bare (which it must have lieen In a hundred places at leaat) It was covered wito coarse hair like a gorilla. His naked and tmadated arms and legs were in toe same condition, whilst a ourly Iron gray beard and whiskers reached up- warda to his eyes and downwards to his waist, his long matted elf-looks streaming over hia broad ahoulders in toe same filtoy ^rni unkempt condition. To oompleto this appalling looking being s deaoriptioa his huge broad nose waa al- most blood i^, hU leaden lipped month shojved through a volume of champed-up foam rangea of jagged yellow teeto toat would have done credit to toe jaws of a wolf, bis ears were tremendous and almost aa red M hia nose, and his eyea gleamed beneato joined boaby brows wito a dull red luminous glow that told either of madness or some- thing more fearful stilL To add. If It were pjsdblo, to toe horror of this seeming ghoul's appeuninoo, he owried a big bat somewhat dilapidated basket on his luck, through every fissure In whioh a serpent's head waa thrust forto, whilst over his shoulders, across his brawny breast and in and ont through toe filto of his hair and beard crawled a perfect colony of hnsa soorpions, toeir scales rattling Mid their deatodealing tails sometimes laahing toe air. Captain Donelly had by thU time recog- nized in toe atrarge and repuldve lookins bdng who stood directly to toeir upwu d pnto one of thoie aoorpion eaters and snake ^nsards that are so common In the dues of Egypt at oertain seaaona of toe ye r, though at ouier tonea toey are never seen, and who nap a rioh harvest by oharming honsea from being ente'ed by serpenta or anathematfzing sway toose who hav* already made a home therein who also head sundry o* the relig. Imi4 processions and pretend ta be babued wito tne spirit of prophe»y, •» "»'^*» ««*, rionthevbeoomeso exoited that toey not oSy foain at toe mouth, but scatter it aU about toem as they rave, when it U eagerly coUeoted by toeir credulous dup s who fancy it will ssoare them certain admiaslon to Ptfadise when thcydie, nO matter what may be toTaumber and weight of their dw. Bat to half toe time we have taken to de- •oribe tMe ghoul like betog Captain F«nk D«dlyl«ddete*mined what ho diould do wito bim. Doubtleaa he toought the "»««?»*»""" his home and he was acquainted wito ite ^cavern, in whioh case he wonW^be Ible to show toem many a secret hldmg- Btooe. from whose snug seohislon toey would STSie to Uugh toeir foes to scorn whew- f?r^!iSiJr« «»»»»»»g, be should guide them toereuntn. Be h^ no doubt that toe man knew aome- thSna of Boaliah. from toe number of times ttddSSSoM P««'™»i before BagUsh- lilungS-pI« to Cairo, Alexandria «id ^Str^LSss. ani toeref ore,at onoe taekled SiVSTwHe he be-t'und-stood him """Mv «eodfdlow." said he. " we arepor- byBetonini who would rob as of all •vUsiittf aiMitoiil Mid to Ub twy wdL bdllM pra. a of^ood pay altogrtlMr faDad towla "Aeoataed Kafirs," ha veaed,«*aadb IttomatoatyawoaldaMsal for year asis- ecablolive? XoMswho hava aaaisdeCtha blessed Zamsem weQ sad kissed toe blade atooeOf MaooaT Tome who havwrabbod hit say brew agonal the sacrsd easad aad fluvg stone* at toe davllt Is me, who, by the leave of AUah aad the frieadship of toe prrahet. oan handle the deadliest reptilea with Impnnl^t By toe'hundred and four- teen OliHitars of toe El ILhorau, if ye ex- pect aid or aaalstanoo from Aboa 8eif toe santon, ye are feob aad toesoas of fools.*' Ihedrof eKultatkm wito whioh he said all this sufidently revealed the hatred wUoh he boce to toe entire European rase, and as he otmdnded he planted hispself rii^t to toe centre of the narrow pathway, wito hia right arm stretohed toward them, sad to toe haod pertoining toereto, aa toongh it had lieen a letoel weapon, the aeipeat ha had just chaimad forto from ita nest in the buk, and^whioh waa a horrid looktog reptile of at least five feet ia lengto, and a flash color inolinina to rose, wito a flat triangular ahap ed head^ sofaitillating, ratobow-hned eyee, and an open mouto that displayed eaormous polaoofanga. The snake looked as toongh at the charm- ers bidding It was prepared to leap from hia hand upon who ever approached him, but ao maoh more serious to Frank Donsily's notion was the danger faat coming up be- hind than toe one whioh barred toeir paa- aage in front toat with a cheery word to Nellie not to be afrai1, for that he was only "an old fool and humbug," he urged his horse forward, and as the huge serpent ao- tadly did apring toward him at toe charm- er's biddtog, wito one hissing sweep of his sabre, which for some little while he had held bare to his hand he oldt it riffht in twain the tail end drop]^g on toe narrow pato and the deadly hcaid (fortunatdy, perhaps, for hia horse's legs) goiag over toto the abyss toat yawned on timr left. Then, ere toe somewhat astounded santon could draw anotoer serpent from his basket, wliiohitseemed tobe his fatentfoa to do, Frank^Donelly had him by the beard, whioh. grasptog firmly, he first of all gave his lieara a good shaUng toereby aad toon said to stem tones ' Ton will dtoer save us or perish your- self. That ycu caa save us I know, and If you dont or won't, I swear to you that toe most remarkable tUng whioh these Bed- ouins shall find about us when they over- take us wUl be your head severed from toe body. Can you understand that " ' Yes, yes." gasped toe now frishtenad santon,' let go my beard a nd I will serve you truly. By Allah and toe prophet, I will save you aU." " Yon can walk bedde my horse as well as to front of It, for whilst I hold you to this way I'U be toe better able to take (ff your head on the slightest show of iuke- warmness or. treachery. If you serve us well you shall be well paidâ€" aye, paid be- yond your most greedy deairea and you must know well oaiough, you old fool, that if you delivered ua over to the Beduulns, they would only throw you a few paras, for your pains." AU the Willie he was preaching to him to tols manner, Frank Donelly waa drag- ging him along likewise, for toey were to no position to waste even a minute. By toe time that he had finished speak- ing, however, toe aanton see m e d to see toe force of hb remarks and to fdl in wito Us j reasoning as well, for he said to mora de- cided tones. "I will save you." and prea-i ently added, ' Behold, the doei that leads to safety b at hand." (TO Bl OONTIKOBD GaBadiani who have been EoiKhted The boner of a baronetcy, writes a corre- spondent, was granted to Canadians to three instances bdore toe lata Sir George Carder was called to recdve it. Sir Jamea Stuart, Sir John Beverley Robinson and Sir Loub Hydolite La Fontatoe are toe three Cana- dian baronets whoee patenta precede that of Sir George Cartbr. Sir James Stuart, who waa Chief Justice of Lower Canada from 1S38 until hb death in 186S, was created a baronet to 1840. Ha was toe Preddent of toe Special Counsd whioh as- abted toe Governor-? n Chief to rule Lower G uuida from 1838 till the union tod841, and aa such waa of great aervioe to the Horns Government. In the part he took In toe frandng of the Union Act. Hb son. toe present Sir Charlee Staart. of Temple Bar (Bagland). sucoeeded to hb titb. Sir Loub, La FoEtaine and Sir John RaUnaon were created baroaats to 1854. The former, who beoame 8b Stuart'a soooeeesor as Chid JustoM of Lower Canada, had. whUe a member of toe Farliamaat oonatitated byi the Unioai Act, strennondy labored to ea- toblisUng aad matotaialagforever to prao- tice. the greatprindi^e of Kesponsibb Gov- ernment. He died to hb chambers at toe Court Houae. to Monfereal to 1864, when hb title deaoended to hb ddest eon, a mtoer, •ho, dying shortly afterwards, left It to hb little brotoer. Thb latter baroaet did aot, however, long survive hb elder brotoer and the title beoama(extUMt. Sir John Rabtoeon, for many years Ghisf Jastioe of Upper Can- ada, waa, perhaps, the greatest bwyer that ever adorned the beach of that Provinoe. He distlnguishitd himself to suoh a degree by hb dear and fordbb logic as to deserve to be aumamed the Canadian Maasfidd. He waa aaooeeded at hb death by hb eldest SOB, the present Sir Jamea LuUn Robfason. etBeverwy House, Teroato. me of whose bfttosfs b Lteut-Govemer of Ontario. yeare If a man wanta to know how Indg nifi na nt he hia, jurt let hb go wito him wife to the dressmaker's. • Imitation b toe ainoeres* flattery." aa the young lady remarked to ihe oamd when she adjnated her toomure. It's many years ago siaoe toe p-et wrote that " beauty draws as wito a stogto hab.' It gsMtally takes a fifteen dollar awltohto do it aow. ^Vlto iriiat aa air of ealm supariority a hen will gobUe a worm after toe rooster hassoatohedbqp. Than are lotaof heas tothewwld. ghastly pisoeef fanaitBre ever eoaodved, will ha shewaattoaerhibiMnnoftfae FtaakU^Iii sMato, Ikbyear^ TtotoUois Mwb tha PalasMFiMC Flswos, ltoly» aad h Hi* work of Goissppi Ssgatli. who wsm sevenl aedtoita eeaetaaeUiiB. The ma- rwa from aboat a haadred ha- aadthe taUe ooasistaot a droular top resting apoa a pedastd wito foar sapports represoatnig olawa The face eC the table b aoent thiee feet to diameter aad appeals to be a faatastb but artlstto work to marbb^ tooe^ ia rsali^. It ta composed of toe bearte, livers, musdes snd totestfaea of toe human liody. Ihe weird eialtaiua n who originated thb stognlar piece of famitare has been dead for m my years aad hb work was oompbtsid hdf a oantury age. toe last comer of toe taUe oommittins auldde over it before it was sloored for toa Pol zao PittL SagattI spe..t several years to perfecting a qrstem m petrifaotloa aad anooi^ed to discovering a prooeos whereby the natural animd reaction to a corpse after doato dittld be dianged to mtoerd reaction by first ssoaring unmuaity from decay by an ambatmfagprooeas, and afterwarda iminers- iog the boiy to a ba*sh where it absorbed^ siild partides. For toe purpose of a practi- cal illustration of toe tnetood and Ite resnlto he set about maktog toe table. The corpaea neoeosaiy for toe purpose were obtained ftomone of thehospitab. The toteatinea ' were uaed In the construction of toe orna- mental pedestal, and, having been pressed Into shape, were petrified. The claws of the tabb were formed from the bearte, Uversand lunga. w^uoh still retato toe ap- pearapce of live fldah. The leaf of toe table waa composed of toe brser muscles of toe body artb'loally amnged together to form the desired effeot. The tsblewas totended to be highly omameato^ and toongh noth- ing waa to Im used fa the ooiistrntion but parta of the human body, the mfad that first concdvedit was not at'a loss to find means of ornamentation. A hundred pairs of eyea or more aadaa many pairs of eara worn petrified Mid artistically arranged around the edgee. The effact was toe most blood- ourdling that could be imagined. The pro- osss snoeeeded to preserving toe eyeballs to tosiraataral state, so r hat after polbhing theyretdned thdr color and gmertl ante- mortem appear^ance wito aa totenrified bril- Haaoe, TJda completed the taak of the sav- ant. He was proud ef toe result of hb b- bors. Tlieteet of Us prooassof petrifiao- tion was emtoently sucoessfuL He com- municated Us method to toe medlod world* out naturally it never beoame generally adopted, though It was wdl uaderstood by surgeons and physidans. aiUBIOlTB STOBT. There b acnrious story attached to thb re- markable piece of furniture. Bdore it waa depodted in toe Palazzo Pitti It waa fa poa- sesdon of a Florentine geu'lemannamed Gla- come Rioqabocci, It was toe central pieoo of fnmltmre fa hb drawfag-room aad he de- lighted to exUbtt It to hb friends, at first speaktogof itmdy as a grotesque piece of handicraft, the work of a mad son'ptor, and snbsequtotiy, toming down ths lighte to add effeot to toe redtal of ite real hbtory. One Christmas he had sever. 1 ^eete from a distanoe. Early to toe evening toey sat down around toe shastly toble and began a game of eearte. Piay waa heavy and it had conttoued for several hours. The wax tapera cast a dim light over toe soene and caused toe eyes of stone which caught ite rays to assumiia ghastly glitter. Ricoaboooa waa aheayyljser. H^ was notioed to be very pale, often shuddered and repeatedly wiped hb brow, on wUch toe cold sweat vras plafa- ly vUble. He gave lees attention to toe oarda thaa any of the others, and frequentiy tomed hb gaze upon two of the eyea at the. edge of the table opposite him. At last he rose and paced the room exdt- edly. But the ornamentation of the tabla seemed to faadnate Um, and he kept hb looks fixed on it. At last he sat dc wn, and, despite the advice of hb friends, who could not understand what was the matter, insist- ed en resundng pby. Still hb eyei worn fixed on the ghastly rim of toe table.- He bet Ut money recklessly and played hb oarda as carelessly. "Change your seat that ens b unlucky," said one of the goeato. '*No, I cannot," was toe reply, in-jf pldn- /^ tivetone. The guest covered the horribl* eyes oa the table with hb arms, but Biocabooca pleaded for Um to imoover them, and begaa talking cxdtedly. "I Mve not yet told you the truth about thb table," he said. "Parhana you will not believe me. Those parte of ths humaia body wUoh you see and fancy to be the faa- tastb work of a sculptor are not natural stone. Thb claw b not of marble. It b toe heart of a woman turned to stone. Those eyes are not of glass. These are vitrified eyee of men. To-night, sitting here, those two- syea became briliaat wth the light of life and fixed toeir gaze on me. niey bumed into my famosfbelng, but Iwas ao f aadnated toat I could aot look away. Their uacanny gutter eeems to reaoh my very soul. They iHll affect me through etemtty I .cannot stand it. They wiU drive me mad." He seized an old dagger from where it hang on toe wall. Bdore any of his gueata could fatorfere to prevent hb desi^ he plunged it in hb breast and fell dyfag fa the arma of hb frienda. "I escape toem at laat," were hb bat worda The blood welling up fa hb ttiroat choked further utteraiioe,,and he lay dead bedde toe table. Hb heirs were only to3 glad to accept the liberal offer of the governors of the palaoa forareUo whioh would have ever been. ghastly redunder of toe manner of theb ii- eritanoe. 1 i-K â- f 1.' 14 I it u 'â-  V m 4 1 -J â- "Si i'l -I • '.;â- ?«. '»â- ,. t-' 1, Â¥' ' " Blesa me I" he said, toMn3 « the dock. •' It's after a eleven. H^w the time flies I had no idea It was so late." It's batter late ihat; never," ahe add, hiding a yawa. What b the origin of motion f asked a oebbiated preacher. Wdl. toere are many •origiaa. A call to oonM ap aad have a ditok will faciag fifty men to thdr feet la a sscond, and a spider down a girl'a nook b the orlgto of the liveliest motfoa the world m

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