5ICAN WATCHES ,K Grades. U/A 0aL Ihstruments. Iff p£P^JmGJ SPECIAL TV. A reliable Jeweller 111 and isms. -l/!. intended fo benefit „.,â- ,,,,„,; ,.j- .Src/c/;/ will he charged ten ',« f,,r;;(f jiM insertion and five A LOT of foaliter crowded oat "ireek, wbicli w'Ul appear, next, Mb. H. Pab^s, Biuggjst anfl Seedsaian, Durham » wan ts «, quaiutity • of good timothy seod. Mbs. DENBAia of Kincardine liasi been vifciting L-er sister Mrs. J" Me- Kenna i Martdale, rcceiatly. OwKK SorjfD RifHi Stihfol Im' hecn ni«de a nbiieginte Inptitut" and was opened 'Ast -week by H.on5^^. W. Boss the Minister of Education. For the finest lot of Toilet b'oapa, ever broupkt to Markdale 'try A. Turner Co. "We have sampled the soaps and speali from experience. Mr. Wm. Ha^jbuby returned home from Toronto Saturday night last, aft^r selling his matched team of pou- nies for tlie ronnd «am of $000 cash. Mr. John Wickham of Euphrasia is preparing, to erect a brick dwelling at Yv^alter's Falls. He is hauling the briclc frf â- "•^. Bowler's brick yard near Markdalo. Rev. Mr. Kbtb, pastor of the English church, "Chatsworlh, removes this winter to Clarkfhurg, after 25 years ministration toChatsworth con- gvegation. It is said that the famous "Bnesian A.mber" seed wheat that our district is being supplied with is the ptoduct insertion. lirriEsiA and Euphrasia councils ,*JIoni'iay. I.Talextines Jay comes on Sun- ItiieUthinst. lissKLs council meets at the Town luexi Saturday. ralentines at the Medical A. Turuer k Co. liver Comfteiat cestion, Inver CoupJSddt Oatues Sick ficadadie DizeinegB, tiivfer Oompkkit Ceases bU Kidney Troubleg Liv* Oomplaint Cannes Tbree-foortfas of ntl Aiseasc. Liver Gompkllirt is cored by Dr. Chase's LiyerCnre. Feb â- "Tww is better far than one For conncil or for tight." Our respected coufrere Mr. Fawcett of the Fiesherton Advance was married on the 27th Jan., to Miss Maggie Carberry of Chinguacousy, Peel Co. We wish them domefitic ' felicity, as viell as journalistic prosperity, and here goes our slipper. Tms is a slice out of the verbal part of • a recent examination for a good Civil Service post ••'What is the principal propeitv of heat " Answer "To expand." "And that of oold Answer "To contract." "Give me au example." Answer •'The days are long in summer and short m winter." Tea-Meetino.â€" The annual tea- meeting of New England Methodist church will be held on (D. V.) Wed- nesday, Feb. 10th, 1886. Tea served from 5 to 7 o'clock, after which ad- dresses will be delivered by Eevs. C, E. Perry, J. E. Howell, T. L. Wilkm- son of Parkdale, and others. Music by New England choir. Admiseion, 25 cents. of ProtDU township, and that the agents are frura Duudalk. Cheap Boots â€" Cloth Boots, mens' and womens' also Felt Overshoes, away below cost at McLeod's Shoe Store. Call and examine, you will be astonished at the bargains. An old man rrjarried a younj; woman. The man's age multiplied by 4 and divided by 9 gives thie woman's age. What is their respec- tive ages He was 54 and she 24. :.mamel people should call on I There will be a shooting match at 1 k Us tor their furniture. Condy's hotel Kimberlev, on the 10th February, when a number of (jeese, (LLAXD council will meet on the j)^q\s^ Turkeys, c will be provided trobniary at Holland Centre. Scott Act was defea,ted in biac last Aveek by 500 majority. A. McPherson of Eingwood, 1 his Bister, Mrb. A. MeFarland, beek, fiira bargains given for the next in Boots Shoes at Wm. f-tod's. • Geosge Bailey, Keeve of Me- lon, was elected Worden of Duf- for 1886. Oldham of Chatsworth has ifine brick residence, and moved I ;t last week. • Jons \\'alker of Artemesia is 2? preparations to build a brick ptlie coming season. M' J. B. Fuller, artist, and lady l'«u spendins; a few days with â- liios.HiU, Markdale. MHED lO.OCO good Baeswood Logs f^tach the highest cash price will 1 at Ban-bead Mills. pre framing, the best ahd cheap- •1 the county, ai Hamilton's '». Gallery, Markdale. |te!TY of good mixed chop for ^/J the ton, cheap for cash, at WoVictorEoller Mills. ^t^esisns in furniture at Grant l,i/^^^ iiaven't what you want, • " set It up to order in dispatsh. v^ons HcKeghxie, of the 11th -,"«elg, is preparing to erect a "â- '"fk house the coming summer. rJJ in and leave your Measure for je now before yon get sunburned. "â- ^ IS doing them in fine style for the occasion and a hop at night. Fluid Lightning does not take a day or an hour to remove Neuralgia, Headache. Tooth- ache, Lumbago or Eheumatism, but will do it instantly, and without carrying your head in a poultice for a day or using greasy liniment. Try a 25c. bottle from Hill Bro's. 4 Large quantitien of wood has been bro't to this station the past two weeks. Mr. John McNeely, wood dealer, ia getting the most ot it, and although the prices are low, Me. ia giying gen- eral satisfaction. The advertising accounts of our two leading merchants combined, has not reached .$100 for 1885, aiid still they expect us to defend their interesta in every possible manner against pack pedlars and all such. A NtraraKR of township agricultural societies have 'appointed' the day for next fall show, at their annual meet- ing. Artemesia is to be on the 5th October Proton, Oet. 12th and 13th; Melancthon, October 5th South Grey 28 th and 29th Sept. Thevirtueof Carboli» Asid for healing cleansing an* purifiyng is well known; from the many modes af applying it, public is uncertain how best to use ii. meet that want, McGregorA Parke's Carbohc Cerate is prepared, and mav be used with confidence. Do not he misled. Take only McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold Hill Bro's. ** Mb. J. E. TsiMBL?: Jias purchased a fine young Pure Bred Imported Clyde Stallion, "Glenswilly," No. 2826, for $2,300, and will have him home on Friday. 12th inst. This animal is 4 vears old, and we understand ib mueli 'superior to "Garfield." Fm-ther pai- ticulars later. Brkap fob the MfeuoN.â€" I haye hia«e arrangements with a friend m Owen Sound for a constant supply of bread, which I will have always on hand with all eorla of cakes, biscuit, confectionery, c. Eemember, lop'8 old stand, near the City Mrs. MoBtgomary. SdcuiA^helft'lieaof the Prwby- terian Jl«b-«ii oi Markdale will »ve aBocialat School HouseNo. 6.GleHelg. on W^dnesdmy. O^e IQth iD.t. when a good program wiU be rendered, a^o .o,, .--. "uu »«verax im«s oi amusemems arid a good BC^ time i,n ^^«* received at Medical I generally. ^^«sion 16 cents. *• iurnpv ^- n„ I ^re cordinUy itrtjted. Don't fail to hear Mr. James' Lec- ture and Entertainment in Haskett's Hall next Wednesday evening, 10th inst. The Lecture is spoken of in liigh terms of commendation. The program is a good one and will con- tain Several novel features. The ad- mission lee is so low that all can at- tend. The Band will be present in full force. See posters. Mrs. Eobert Hooper, of Kinlosa, county of Bruce, in a letter, says "I have been troubled with Dyspepsia and Livcr Complaints for a number of years, and am glad to say to the public as well as friends that McGregor's Speedy Cure brought me around, and I am now all right, thanks to McGregor's Speedy Pure. Hundreds of like testimonials are frequently received, and are daily proving that this is truly a wonderful remedy, curing Sluggish Liver, Bilious Headache and Costiveness, where all else fails. Sold at Hill Bro's. Trial bottles given free. 4 but the To ^• ' iLLiAMs is having great success "e of the T)nl.ort.v nrcTQTi â- are indeed the au Doherty excellent Organ, instru. lot?? ^°^^ t^vo foot wood want- h^hl ^^' ^^"t ^alue will be y_ "^oots and shoes. Wm. Mc- 4t?^,l Books, Blank l»t,.. "°ts, and several lines of wner Co. Dan- Hotel. Sold Out. â€" Messrs. Ketchum McGuire, of the Dufferin Post, have sold out to a company, to be known as the Post Printing Co. The price received wab $2,000. The company is composed of Messrs. Mungoven, Hughson, Lrwin, Dufff, Bennett an others. Mr.'D. J. Mungoven will be editor, and the Post will be Conserva- tive in politics, â€" [Shelburne Free Pre«8. Eev. S. Gusaver. B. a., of Burluig- ton .visited Markdale Methodist church last week in view of building a similar structure in his town. He was very much pleased with the design through- out and also conferred vnth Mr. Eichards, the contractor, while here, as to the building of his proposed edifice. There are seyeral others also looking to Markdale church as a model from which to build. A SHARP student was called up by the worthy professor of a celebrated college, and asked the question, .••Can a man see without eyes?" "Yes, su:," was the prompt reply. "How, sir?" cried the astonished professor, "can^ man see without eyas Pray, sir, how do you make that out " He can see with one, sir," replied the ready-witted youth. And the whole class shouted with dehght «t the triumph over meta- physics. Sold Out.â€" Eutledge Crosson. butchers, have sold their business to Alonzo Brian of this village, the latter being now in possession. We regret to lose Eutledge Crosson, both of whom are pood citizens, good business men and dewrable neighbors. They go to Acton to follow the same callmg.- Mr. Brian is now dealing out fish, fleskandanwge, and will no doubt receive a fait share of patronage, wish him success. CBUTCHBS ftENBBBBD USELESS. The poor cripple who has to w cmteheii on accomit cf fihemnabsm. stiff and swdlen iLts, contracted eords, »d other aches, a, and lameaess. may ttoow aside 1m Si« if he wfll tiy Hagyard's Teltow Oil ^thfoUy. EuPHBABU and Osprey eonneils haye each appointed their defeated candidate for reeve, as Assessor, both having served well their respectlTe township as teeve for many years in the past, viz: Mr. E. Myles for Euphrasia, and Mr. Thos. Gamey for Osprey while m Glenelg Edward Eutledge, one of the defeated candid- ates for councillor was chosen as Assessor. It is sometimes fortunate to be unsuccessful. Mb. John J, Dalton, provincial land surveyor, of this place,, has just returned from Toronto. We think it of special importance tc our readers to mention that he has brought with him copies of the original Field Notes of ten of the surrounding townships which he had been industriously em- ployed in preparing for the benefit and peace of the farming community. We may congratulate ourselves in haying a man of Mr. D's enterprise and care in our vicinity. â€" [Chatsworth News. A NEW swindle is on foot that faim- ers should look out for. A clerical looking'gentlemau represents himself as an agent for a religious society and delivers Bibles and hymn books gratis. We do not advise our readers to whistle up the dogs as sooh as any clerical looking gentleman comes to the premises, but if one comes along acting as we have stated, takes his dinner, for which he insists upon pay- ing 25 cents and asks them to sign a receipt for it, they are safe m applying the boots on sight, for if the receipt is signed they will find themselves let in for a good round sum in a neighboring bank not many months afterwards. EvKBY year every local paper gives from $100 to $5,000 in free lines for the Pole benefit ofthe vicinity in which it is located. No other can or will dd this. The local editor m proportion to his meavs does more for his town than any other ten men, and in all fairness, man with man, he ought to be supported, not because you happen to like him or admire his writing, but becanse a local paper is the best in- vestment a community can make. It may not be brilUani; or crowded with great thoughts, but financially it is more of a benefit to a community than the preacher or teacher. To-day the editors of local ^pers do the most work for the least money of any man on earth. Subscribe for yeur local paper, not as a charity, but as an investment. â€" [Judge Davis. iirey Division Orangr4» IVp. 2. The annual •?tteeting- of Grey Divis ion Grange No. 2 was held in the Town Hall, Meaford, on Thursday, Jan. 2Sth, for the election of officers and other business of interest. The reports of the various committeee were discussed and adopted and a large amount of other routine busmess dis- posed of. The following were chosen officers for 1886: A Elliott, Master T KeUs, Over- seer H Beid, Secretary Ji Brodie, Treasurer E J Doyle, Lecturer M. •Cathrae, Chaplain J M Eofers, Steward; J Boland, Assistant Steward L Goldsmith, Gate Keeper.; Miss E Drew, Ceres Miss McKay, Pomona Mrs E J Doyle, Flora Miss E. Arm- strong, Lady Assistant Steward. S. Douglas, J M Eogers and D Robert- son, member 9 of the iliecutive Com- mittee. J Denton and Mr. Munroe, Auditors. The next meeting will be held in Chatsworth on the first Thursday in July. Com. HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS. ••Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious,; my liver not worbina: right, or racked with a headache, I take Chase's Liver Care. There is more real bene- fit frfjm one doee of your Liver Cure thou in many bottles of some medi- cines." â€" Jno. McNasser, Bond Head. Feb. L FEEE GIFT. ' Aionnd each Ikottle of iDr. Chase's Liver Cnre is a Medical Geide and I(eeeipe Book eontainioff neeial utfoimation, over 200 recipes, and paDBOonoed'hy Dootors uid Dmgi^ts as worth ten times the cost of the meditfine. MecKdneuMlBooktl. Sold by A. Tnmer A Co. Jan. Tlie first meeting of the d4tU conn- cil was held at Maxwell on I8th Jan. MembeBB all present miouteB^ ot. last meeting adopted Oommanicationsâ€" From J. Sterling r account 74 cents, for telegram, paid Hart Co., 'acct. 58 cents, blanks, .paid; J. Eutherford, acct. $22.15, municipal stationery, paid J. Gamey acct. $3, for legal advice in the inter- est of the municipality, paid A. Say- ers, A. Burns and W. Silley, certiifi- eates as to performance of, statute labor by John Pool, W. Arnott and E. Jamison C. W. WilUams, acct. $3.54, goods to J. McFadyen, an indigent, paid B. S. Kerr, acct. $11, medicine and professional attendance to J. Mc- Fadyen, paid Donald McLean, acct.. $25, for keep and care of J. McFadyen for 12 days and 13 nights, paid J. E. Sing, acct. $2, services committing- J. McFadyen, paid W. Hicks, D. K. Preston, D. A. McLean and Anson Lee, applications for office of Assessor not accepted George Guggins, asking the privUege to pay arrears of taxes on lot 41, con. 2 S. in statute labor on south line, not granted ^Tames Lloyd, asking the privilege to pay arrears of taxes on lot 51, con. 1 S., arrears erased without the performance of statute labor. Taylorâ€" Mclntyreâ€" That the Eeeve, A. Mclntye and J. Taylor be a com- mittee on Finance and Assessment.. The Eeeve, J. Speers and J. Hudson on Printing, and J. Taylor, J. Speers and A. Mclntyre on Eoads and Bridges. â€" Carried. Speers â€" Hudson^In amendment. That the Eeeve, J. Taylor and J. Speers be a comraittee on Finance and Assessment; the Eeeve, A. Mclntyre and J. Speers- on Printing, and J. Taylor, A. Mclntyre and J. Hudson on Eoads and Bridges. â€" Lost, Taylor â€" Speers^ â€" That G Grummett be refunded $6.40, being land taxes charged in error by assessment, and that the Eeeve issue an order for the amount. â€" Carried- Hudson â€" Mclntyre â€" That the Col- lector be instructed to collect taxes on lot 1, con. 14, less $2 for statute labor returned unperformed, but performed by John Paul. â€" Carried. Mclntyreâ€" Taylorâ€" That the Col- lector be instructed to collect taxes from James Lloyd, less $5.80, being arrears of taxes on lot 51, con. 1 S ,. for 1882.â€" Carried. Speersâ€" Hudson â€" That the Collec- tors' time for returning their rolls be further extended to the next meeting of councU.â€" -Carried. Speers â€" Mclntyre â€" That the fol; lowing accounts be paid, namely D. McLean, $25 B. 5. Kerr, $11 C. Williams, $3.54 J. E. Smg, $2, and T. Gamey, $8, being expenses incur- red in the case of John McFadyen, an indigent, and that the Eeeve issue orders for the several amounts.â€" Cariied. Mclntyreâ€" Speersâ€" That the fol- lowing accounts be paid, namely J. Sterling, 74 cents J. Eutherf jrd, $22.15; W. Milne, $4, maps of school sections for county council and town- ship as required by statute Hart Co., 58 cents; J. Gamny, $8, legal advice, and that the Eeeve issue orders for the. amounts. â€" Carried. Hudson â€" Speers â€" That t'le several D. E. Officers be paid $3 each, and the several hi- lis for Councils Meeting and Election be paid for at tlie rate of $1 for each meeting, viz., O. H., Maxwell, $3 J. Allison, $1 0. H., Fevei sham. $2 E. McGirr, $2 O. H., Smghampton, $3 Neil Mc- Lean, $1 J. McCutcheon, $2 nd W. Milue putting up nomination and election notices aud deliveriHg ballots and ballot boxes, $6; J. Madill messenger for hall key, $1, and that the Eeeve issue orders for tlie several amounto. â€" Carried. By-Laws were passed appointiugT Charles McLean aud Michael Ciirts, Auditors i^cd ThpruM Gamey Assess- or. Speersâ€" HudBopr-Tliat this Cran- cil adjourn to meet at 'evereham oa. Saljjrday the.27th Feb.â€" Carried, 1; '%m 1, ' ^^^1 â- 'HMJIiii '•hi. 1 ' 111; 'i i '1 â- â- 14 i '•!: â- tl: r;-'i â- â- air