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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Jan 1886, p. 5

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 indersofl.Marlcdale, July '86. ^%:rMiirkdale.S«pt.'86. ^^' xlbuffie.Markdale. Jan. '87. "UcC V, U»^rUBii^ (New) Feb. 5e]soo Markdale, Jan. '87. •8G. Ja"^^;;il Mark-dale. Jan. "'Ser, Markdale, Jan. '87. "-^ Markdale. Jan. '87. ;o^^p» Beat}' Eapbcasii ell. The members elect of ike townihip council of the townshijiof^EaphraRU for the year 1886, being. The*. GUraj Esq., Kee»e; Wnr. Fawcett. Etq., Dfepaty.ReeTe. James Boyd, J amen Erakine, and Henry Hard, Esqs.. Councillors. \\c. Jaekspu: Jr., Markdale. Jan. " ,) AVhitbv, Markdale, Aug. '86. ;â-  piakell. Fleshertou, Jan. '87. r' ""'pitteison, Pricevilie, Jan. '87. 'tr'casson, Mt.Forest,Jan.'87. r*;JBuiaml,Vaudeleur, Jan. '87. ..bLouglieaJ, Klmberley, Jan. "• i.B 'irafford, Kimberley, Jan. '87. • "usiuu Little, Maxwell, June '86. !• t Murdock, Harkaway, June '87. M« lis. Welsh, Pomona, Nov. '85. 'f WeWi, Berkeley, Jan. '86. â-  '" \Vri"!it Berkeley. Jan. '87. rf;i5. J C'arke, Williamsiord. '87. â-  ,liu L'eleree, Walter's Fallb, Jan. "'Deavitt, Fort Ellice, N. W. T. 1',lm'F.Arnott, (New) Sault Sfce ijijiie, Feb. 'B7. Peter J. Keg«donee, (New) Cape |r„,|i»r, Jan. '8G. V, H. Patterson, Ntw Westminster, fcrpl Hi). Voit Bro's, Markdale, Jan. '87. JuiiM Lyors* Kuphrasia, Jan. '87" f, fowling, Berkeley," Jau '87. -^- â€" «ntf â-  NERVOUSNESS. I'M unhappy aud distressing con- jion called nervcUbness arises from ^etiiity, trritatioti, pool? circulation ^j blood of low vitality. Eeorgauize [^f system by Burdock Blood Bitters. |»ii;ch gives permanent strength by rigorating the biood and toing all i â- jri'fuiB TTith perfect action " Isoyal Searlct Chapter Ulectingr. Ill* annual meeting of the Scarlet iple: in eonoection with the topniesia District Orange I/odge,- [•K held in the loilge^room of L. 0. li* ' i29, 0)1 Uih inst. There was j:mJidate raised to the scarlet •.â- ree. The following are tlieofficers ma-! fori 880:â€" Cm. Sir Jas. Brcdie, W. C. C. ' " 1). Stiusou, E. 0. ' " Jas. Best, Chaplain. 'â-  'â-  Thos. Strain, C. Scribe. • " Wi,?.. Piutledge, Treasurer. ' 'â-  E. Bi-odie, Sir H.-K.-at- Arms. ' " J.. A. He9.rd, I. Herald. â-  â-  " E. Clark, 0. Heralk. ~*"-*- DEAFNESS. me propriators of Hagyard's pC'W' Oil have i();irtytfi€.eertificaies of pe most remurkable cures of Deaf- K by that magical remedy for pain, pivw Oil also cures Eheumatijm, r-'Uiis, Bruises, Sore Throat, and ^j iatlamiaatory troubles, fast Grey Agricuitni-al Society. Tae annual meeting of East Grey piCiiltural. Society was held in the -^nHallon \Veilue8day last. The ^stmg was well attended. The ut- f^^'t 'ood feeling preyailed.. The 'â- till reports were adopted, unani- i"^^ly. 'early all the members of "board were re-elected. ^waias Kells, Esq., President, ^;-ffl Abbott, 1st Vice-President. ^•l:. Ellis, 2nd " â- ;â-  P"i\'er, Director. ;â- ;â-  'luushaw. " j"^i-Pickeil, ^iDamude, •» J^offlas Gilray, u 'â- I. McGirr, •« • JM- Norton, «• • ^•Wieand H. Meldrum, Audi- m^^^T'"" of the board held sub- ' f;7' b. Damude was re-eleeted ^l.-:ftea3. "Aboard decided to hold a Spring ;, ^^ 6ire stock on the 29th of Said members elect, havitg assem- bled ftt Dodsou's Hotel, village of Kocklyn. at 11 o'clock a. m. on Mon- day, the 18th day cf Januarr, 1886, made and subscribed their declarations of qualification and oflfice m due form, deposited th« same with the clerk, and took their seals at the council board. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. W. H. Dodson, on motion of the Eeeve, and J. l! Wilson, on behalf of the council, were appointed auditors at a salary of $12 each, and a by-law passed accordingly. Robert Myles was appointed asses- sor at a salary of $100, and a by law passed accordingly. The Eeeve and Eeputy-Reeve were appointed a committee to enquire into the vaUdity of the Treasurer's sureties (in compliance with statute), A. T. Buchanan, A. C. Paterson and D. E. Ellis- ^ere appointed members of the local board of health to act in conjunction with the Eeeve and Clerk. The Treasurer was ordered to pay to the depttty-returning officers at last municipal election for their own servi- ces, and that ol their poll clerks as follows, viz; .- Nicholas Hewson, $7.10; James Struthers, Esq $7.50 Na- thaniel Curry, $7.10 Daniel Silver- thorn,.. $6.70 Thomas Elhs, $7.00 George Crabtree, '$6.00; also to E. Duulop, clerk, for services in connec- tion with said election, $20. The Treasurer was ordered to pay for the use of buildings requited as polfing stations ait last municipal elec- tion Ms follows, viz School house in Union S. S. No. 4, $2 sehoot house in S. S. No. 14, $2 school house in S. S. No. 15, $2; school honse in S. S. No. 9, $2 Orange Hall. Kimberley $2 Carpenter's ehop at Eocklyn, $2. The County Treasurer was request- ed to strike oif from his books $10.32, charged on non-resident roll against lb** Vv'i of lot 6, in the 2ad con. for 1885, and the township Treasurer ordered to receive $7.32, being said amount minus $3 charged for statute labor, as it is sliown that the statute labor has been performed, $5 charged to William Ecrnahan for statute labor struck oflf collector's roll, as it ip now shown that the labor has been performed. The Eeeye was authorized to get plan and specific-ation for a new Town I Hall made out. The Reeve's orders were issued ou the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz A. Sunter, $J, printing J. Clugston, 50 cents, services rendered J. Falls, $3, fitting up agricultural hall for use at last nomination; Eichard Millar, $25, land taken for road purposes; R. Dunlop, $10, to pay for printing ballot papers G. Cruikshank, $9.25, repairing road scrapers A. McCauley, $1, repairing cross way. Council adjourned until Monday, the J st of February next. EoBEBT Dunlop, Tp. Clerk. sesaor respectiyely, w« introduced and read ft first and aseond turn. Mored by Mr. Binnia,- aecondadbj Mr. Lamb, that by-laws 286 and 287 be now read a thurd time, signed, sealed and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Bmnie, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, that road commissioners be appointed as follows, viz Ward No. 1, C. Wilhams Ward No 2, A. McCuaig Ward No. 3, Geo. Binnie Ward No. 4, Geo. Lamb.â€" Lost. Moved by Mr. Lamb, seconded by Mr. Williams, that road commission- ers be appointed as follows, viz Ward No. 1, C. Wilhams Ward No. 2. A. McCuaig Ward No. 3, Geo. Lamb Ward No. 4, Geo. Binnie.â€" Carried, Moved by Mr. Lamb, seconded by Mr. McCuaig, that polling places be paid for at $4 each, deputy-returning officers $4 each, door-keepers $1.50 each, and that $5 be paid lor deliver- mg ballot boxes for late municioal election.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Binnie. seconded by Mr. Lamb, that Henry Burnett be paid $10 for keep of Mrs. Anderson up to Dec. 5th, 1885. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Lamb, seconded by Mr. Binnie, that this council grant to Henry Stewart $3 per month as charity, beginning Ist January, 1886, he being in indigent circumstances, and tliat the money be paid t) Adam Turner for judicious expenditure, and thst cheque be now issued for $3 for January, 1886. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr Binnie, seconded by Mr. Willittms, that Mrs. McDonald, lot 7, con. 3.S. D.. R., be exempted from paying taxes for 1885, amount- ing to $5.61.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Binnie. seconded by Mr. Lamb, that John, McGilvray, lot 3 of 10, con. 1, E. G. R., be exempted from paying 188^ taxes to the amount of $3.93.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Binnie. that A. McCuaig be paid for seventeen days letting and inspecting road jobs. $30 for 1885.â€"- Carried. By-law 238. taking lot 5. con. 7, from S. S. No. 3, and adding the same to S. S. iNo. 5, and bylaw 239, attach- ing S. S. No. 7 ti S. S. No. 5, was passed through all its stages and ordered to be engrossed on the minutes. A. H. N. Jenkins was paid $2.00 for printing nomination posters. The clerk was oaid half year's salary and $10 for copying proceedings of cauncil, and $2.18 postage, c. Council. adjourned to meet at Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 6th, at 10 a. m. J. S. Black, Clerk. Tis space Belongs to MR. ROOKE, The Baker. WANTED. WANTED, Timothy Seed Send sample and qaote price to H. PARKER, SavE McmeY By buying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectaces, Pipes, Ac JAS. Y^mSEU'S FtESHERTON, A Beautiful Stock to Select from. 'OOOOOOOOO ocooooooo\ It IE a fact, as every one I says, that RUSSELL is the man Ito repair your Watch or Clock properly. ^ooeoooooo 000*000 7 m siiTioiisi GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted fo' give satisfaction. MS. a. RUSSELL. 217-269 FURS AND SKINS I WILL paj the highe.«t price for all kind*' of Furs Skins and Wild Game that is shipped to me. Send for price-list. GEO. W. GOEBNFLO. 27.^2ia Hamilton, Oat. -AND EMPORIUM. DON'T BE DECEIVED Beware of any di uggist who will try to induce yoa to take anything in place of McGregor Parke's CarboHc Cerate. It is a marvel of healing for Sores, Cuts, Bums, I etc. No family should be without it. It has I no equal. Get cGregor Parke's, and liave no other. Only 25e. per box at Hill Bro's. 3 McGEEGOE'S SPEEDY (TUBE. It is popularly admitted everylvhere that McGregor's Speedy Cure is the Safest, most rehableand far cheapest lemedy for Con- stipation, iiiver Complaint, Indigestion, Im- pure Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all similr troubles. It is not necessary to take a great quantity before any result is produced. A few doses wiU convince you of its merits. Trial bottle given free at Hill Bro's. 3 GOOD VALUE. • Many suffers buying medicine have been disappointed, don't give up. buy a reliable article like Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, and with it you get a recipe book alone worth the money. Jan Crlenelff Council, ,.^ ,^"'SU1IPTI0N CURED. hftft""'?^' '^^"'^ed from practice, Katin- "^^"^i^l^ands by tin East [l^abletem 7 ^^^ formula of a sunpl« r -Jteofrn • ^°""^^ speedy and perman- " and i?'*?'P'"'°' Bronchitis, Catarrh. '»Posiw "' *°'i I-nng Afaictions. "'^i^andan'l "^^*^'^8 ^^ Nerrous PVtestM^ "^ou8 Complaints, after f^^isatZ ""^^^rf" cnrative powoB ...« Of cases, has felt it his du^ aseitVj --'==°, "as leii u nis outj latedbv tv* *** " snftering ftllows *«W.« i"^°'^^*»"d8 desire to '"'•'oauJi i"°8'I' "nd free «* v:,„^* desire '^it, this recipe, in fence or Englidi. with fuU ^^ 'direS?'"'?? *°^ "°K- Sent by ' WT^8 *ith stamp, namibg this The newly elected council for the township of Glehelg, met in the Town Hall, Glenelg, January 18th, 1886, pursuant to statute. AU the members present â€" Chas. Moffat, Eeeve Arch. McCuaig, Deputy-Eeeve; Geo. Binnie, Geo. Lamb and Christopher Wil'iams, Councillors. Ei '4 member made and subscribed the declai^tions of qualification and office and took their seats. The Eeeve in tl^e chair minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. The Eeeve nominated Adam Turn- er, Esq.. as aud'tor on his behalf. Moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Lamb, that Eobert Edge be the other auditor. â€" Lost. Moved by Mr. Binnie, seconded by Mr. McCuaig. that John Nichol be appointed auditor, and that^the re- mpneration of the auditors be $5.00 each. â€" Carried. 3/oyed br Mr. McCuaig. seconded by Mr. Binnie, that John McDonald be appointed assessor for 1886.â€" Mevedby Mr. Lamb, fMondedby Mr. Wilhams, that Edwapi ?*"*^*Jf • be appointed assessor for t^e year 1886 at a aalftiy of $76.â€" Carni^. __-,.... By-Uwa 286 and 287, •ontoiBglnwjdfeM^e Jbe ippointoiant of aB^ton vcAu^ Tor $!*».: 5 montbly Fairs* Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- yijle- „ Jlarkdaleâ€" Saturday before Orange- ville. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each months CJh*tswof ti?â€" Moftday before Dur- ham. Holla^d Gentarer^Saturd^ry before Chatsworjih. Pricevilie â€" Monday before Dumam, Hanover â€" Monday before Durhaiu. Walkertonâ€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forestâ€" Third We^uew^ay^ in each month. Mrs. Williams has opened a new stock of Stationery and Fancy Goods in DDEOP'S OLD STAND MARKDALE PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENCILS, SLATES, PENS, INK, SCHOOL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, c,, c. Head quarters for the cele- brated FARM FOR SALE. Onn *-^^^S' '"thin one mile of JWil- /^\j\J hamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39. 43 44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Boad, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 9;) acres cleared weU fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good Irame barn, driving house, sti'aw honse, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good weUs orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees aU bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running through it; balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at onoe. For particulars apply on premises ;. if by. letter JOSEPH FANNING WiUiamsford StatSx), Co. Grey, On*. o ii DOHERH ORGAN" TENDEES. HEADACHE. If vou suffer from headache you may be sure that your Stomagh, Liver or Blood is at ^ult. and perhaps all threq a^e combined m bad action. If so, 'th bei?t remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters, whico cures ^eadache by regulating the organic action genen^Dy. A SENSATION. An luipwslleled sensation i« being crested aU ov« pntano by the wenderfnl and nn- *^^^St W^jigjn^ BjicloMjhe, HM4aetw, u aehe. Bi| ronoviia by but we •ppl»^aonl FtaW No effeasive. d m g miBng drags Med bpken *«^'„.,, -^^ Wttle f^o** Hill ttvs. ItissBJ TENDERS will be received for the erection and completion of a brick residence on lot 16, con. 13, Glenelg, by the undersigned up to the loth'Febi-uary. Plans and specifi- cations can be seen by applying on the premises, to JAMES BELL, Markdale P. 0. January 26th, 1886. 281-3 Farm for Sale. 1 KAACBE.S Nortjif of lotNo.18.con. 1. 1) vi 8, Euphrasia, IW) 9Xf$s .cleaned and under Cnltiyatiop^ 60 acres of yJ^iich is $t tor reaper and mower, ferced wi^ cedar rails, weU watered, log bouse and fr,;t;me bam. The uncleared portion is hardwo^^ with sufficient cedar for fencing purposes. Soil clay loam, and almost free from stone. This is a de- sirable farm and will be sold PQ By terms. Church uid school convenient. Distance from Markdale, 9 miles ^om Socklyn. 3 miles. For farther particnlsrs apply to JAIOS BOYP. 273-tf Bocklyn P. 0. NEW GROCERIES. RESTAURANT HOT MEALS. The undersigned has much pleasure in in- forming hia old friends, ^nd the public gen- erally, that he has opened out a general 0-rocer37" Store, where all kinds of Groceries can b§ obtained, which for price and quality cannot be. under- sold. A trial will convince. In coimection with the above. Hot Meals will be served at seasonable hours; and Lunch at any busines period called upon, thus giving free will to choose what you please. A caU is respectfully solicited. Canned Green Fruit In every variety. OYSTERS served, either hot or cold, either by the quart or plate, at prices whicn will astonish those who have dealt in those luxuries in the past. TTemper'ance Drinks, Cigars, Tobaccoes, of the best brands. PKEMISKSâ€" Opposite Mansion House Hotel Sheds, Sydenham Street. Markdale. MRS. S. MORROW. Markdale, Dec. 10. '85. 275-77 LAND FOR SALE To IioaB SB lesl estate aeeoritj. Simplo Int^wst. lew rates. an4 fi(|(7 tenna. C. W. ggtliBDOE. tif Bt«idsidO«?ft THE north half of loc number 15, con cession 11, Holland Township, County of Grey, containing 100 acres. This lot is all heavy timbered with beech maple, elm, basswood and hemlock, and is situated about 4 miles from Berkeley, 6 from Williamsford and 9 from Markdale stations, ou the Toronto. Grey and liruce Railway. For terms acd pr/ticulars apply to GEO. S. .PQWES, J^sq., Markdale. or to theunder- sign^Kl, GABBOW 4 PSOUDFOOT. Bairisters, i253-t/ Gediichi. TTIOB s tenn tA t«m, emi es s o nsMetearms. .1 â- ; 'i i â- ;-^ V If-: n.

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