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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Jan 1886, p. 4

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 I^PPiPR^min^ *^^ m m TbB Standard. MABKDALE JaNUABY 28 1886 LETTER POSTAGE. The question of redociog the rate «f postage on letters baa been con- sidered at varions periods by the Post Master General and the Government, bat they have as yet been acaUe to see their way clear to make the very desirable change. It appears strange at first thoaght, tbat Canadians are required to pay three centn postage on A letter, to the States, while they can send theirs to tu for two» and it is iust as strange that the American ^nblishers have t« pay postage on their papers sent to regular subscrib- ers, while the Canadian publisher has his papers carried free. There is no doubt the Americans «an better afford to carry letters at a rate of two ecnts than the Canadian authorities, lor the simple reasen that the Dominion of Canada has a larger geographical area than the United States, while their population is ten to our one, bo that the cost of carrying 9iails and maintaining the postal de- partment in Canada is much higher than that on the other side compared with the revenue derived. It is of course intended that the Post-office department should be self-sustaining or as nearly so as possible, yet we con- sider that were the rate lowered from three to two cents per half ounce, (the United States is two cents for one oz.) the increase in the number of letters together with letters that would be iised where post cards are now made to do duty, would go a great way in making up the difference in revenue, ana furthermore we are of opinion that the postage should be put on .iiewspapers. We Can see no just reason why newspapers should be carried entiiely free of postage. We expect that our thousands of papers should be carried to their destination with care and dispatch, and should be Willing to contribute to the depart- ment that runs the machine. It would be money oiit cf the avera{,e publisher's pocket to pay postage on papers its per regulations of three years ago,, and have a reduction of letter postage to two cents, yet it would be the greatest benefit to the greatest number, and would therefore have our support. The matter will likely come up for farther consideration at the commg session of the Dominion Parliament, and we earnestly hope to see the de- sired change, putting us on an equal footing with our American cousins, as we are now equal, if not ahead, of tbera in other respects. expect to find in the speech an Old Obnntry ♦♦olod-boppw-." bat not from an inspector of the rismg and intelli- gent Co. of Grey. ItisweU known that the present Inspectors cannot meet the require- ments of tbs Education^ Department. I have heard several mtelligent teach- ers affirm that they would be plucked in a Third class examination. I have no doubt but that a compulsory Second would cause them to "step down and out." It is self-evident that many, both in and out ef the council, regard two of the Inspectors at least as altogether incompetent, neither nature nor edu- cation nor "experience" has been able to redeem them from downright in- efficiency. Every ratepayer ought to bs obliged to Dr. Chnstoe for his motion. He and Mr. Gamey and others must have felt the urgent need for better inspec- tors. The passing of pupils at entrance and other examinations is little owing to the Inspectors and a good deal to the abUity and energy of the teachers our Solous should mate a note here. Yours truly, F. W. ,, tt^^^^^ u i' i^ ' j*' '""" ' â€" 'X IK i»i NoHCz. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourseiTes responaib'e for Ihfl opinians expressed by our correspondeats January 19th, 1886. To the Editor of the Standard. Deab Sib, â€" Becenuly I observed in your columns that some of our town- ship fathers in council assembled at Owen Sound, had under consideration a motion that should have passed a dozen yearb ago. A more competent inspector of schools has been long called for. In sixteen years experience as a teacher in this county â€" fourteen of them in ^e ijouth Biding â€" I do not remember one original or valuable idea emanating from the P. S. I. that would help the teacher to teach, or the learner to learn. Some of ^he East Grey representa- tives think that it does sot follow be- eaoae we have an incompetent, that they have one, aod that there is noth« lug bat "hetmay** to condemn him. I have met hira a few times as an .examiner, the last was in' '76, when I notieed aboat twenty gross errors in pionmieiatMNt m his leaduig of a page of the fourth bbok (dwtatiou for those writing eeeood class papers). Take, as a eaaiji^, iiic^uUeslw Achilles, two elrrors; lagindstee Isgends eoaeh fur ^adb •VMkiiMB«C^i9it«nMf w« may Fnma eorreepe^deHt. Not very long rinee, a wedding was to take pUce in our jiUage « W- thing was prepared-the cake baked. the fatted calf kiUed, the hands aske-l. and all ready even the day «me and the tram which was to bring the gropm arriyed, but no «room. The next train was waited for. and came, but still the prmcipal party was wantmg. and the company had to break up. The faithless one has not yet tumea up. It is a shame for any person to break trust in such a manner. I"^* 18 likely however to be two real wed- dings in town e'er long. We trust they will do it up Brown this time if not, our citizens wiU begin to think thAre is notmuch 7irtu0ia the business. FELT THE This order is negotiable. Luents not al- lowed to vary from this Contract. DOAlINIOn SEED COmPAJWF, HAMILTON, ONT. Deliver to me, freight paid, at.... Station or my place. Twenty Busb. of your Bussian Amber Spring Wheat, which I will sell in the Township of and County of Province of Ontario, Eeference being had to the following agreement which I have made with your agent, viz I am to give the bearer of this Six dol lars per bush, for the first twenty bui^. which I will sell at cigkt dollars per bush, when a sale is made by me. AH further orders by me are to be filled by the said Company at five dollars per bush., and should any re- main unsold at the end of one year, the same may be returned to the Com- pany at Hamilton, freight paid, and it is further agreed that this order cannot be countermanded except with the consent of both parties in writing, and I hereby waive all verbal agree- ments embodied within. Dated 138 P. Con Lot Dom, Seed Co. The above is in the form of a card and looks innocent enough. The farmers of this township, if they have a little patience, may be called on by a sleek gentleman, who, as a matter of course, will ask them to put their names to the abov.e card. Some have done so already, and they are asking themselves now what could have got into them. Best time ta get sorry is befere yon sign the card. What do you think of it, Mr. Editor J. S. Black. A. FBEE GIFT. Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's Lirer Cure is a Medical Ooide and Beceipe Book containinfT useful information, over 200 recipes, and pronounced b; Doctors, and Druggists as worth tea times the cost of the medicine. Medicine uid Book $1.. Sold bjf A. Turner fc Co^ Jan. Holland ' Centre. has and ex- in (F'ojn our correspondent.) The recent good sleighing ir.sterially improved the times, we have our wants well supplied cept with money,and we are living hopes for that. Mr. M. Smith's youngest daughter has been very HI,, but is we believe, on the paend under the care of a Guelph doctor. The Green Bush Hotel is said to flourish during this cold weather. Look out Jim. that it don't get nipped m the bud. Some ot our village scallawags stole the station master's thermometer recently. They are known, and if Ihey should be' so kind as to sail on the agent, he is anxious, to. oiake it exceedingly hot for them. Our village requires a constable. Who did I hear saying that John Lilbum would fifl the bill? Come Johuy, get your handy cuflEai. You noticed our village band in your last issue, as having serenaded our fnend Mr. Mercer. It was rather a misfoitune to our band, as Uiey got all broke up, or rather thei? instra- uients, and will not be in rsadiness for an eaiergeucy. Three more en the tapis, a tarmer, a carpen^r and railroader. The band wiU, have their funds replenished. surely CBUTCHKS BENDEEKD USEJiESS Ths poOT wirale who has to M. erotchBi on aMoont cf Bheiifflati,n,. .tiff moTSS. jau^ eoDtnetad «»ds. ud oSr SS HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS. "Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious, mv Uver not working right, or racked with a headache, I take Chase s Liver Cure. There is more real bene- fit frem one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some medi- cines."â€" Jno. McNasser, Bond Head. Feb. Singing A- Elocntian. I am open for engagemfcut to teach the following classes in Singing and Voice-culture, viz. Public Evenms Classes, Classes for Churches, Public Schools, Lodges, Societies c. Private (select) Drawing Boom Classes (D. E. classes are quits com- mon in England and are bemg intro- duced in U. S.) Special courses for Families, Quar- tettes, Duets, Tonic Sol-fa, and Staft methods taught. Elocutionary prin- ciples, as applied to singing, are given m all classes. Also lessons given in Elocution, as I keep up a close, critical readiag of the best inttmationai thought en the subjects I teach.. My pupils have the beuefit of the neivesl thjught, best methods, in shorH thorough instruction so practical that while it satisfies the mature miud, a child five years old can comprehend and vse. Lessons given as per agreement. Terms on application. J. H. JAMES. Markdale. Jan. '86. It is shaking the Town and County, firofs 'Centre to^^^^ feren'ce, and completely pulverizing a»d paralyaug ' all competition. We are all bouind for. To find out the cause of such a commotiorr, Jt^ generally supposed to have been created by t^ Outrageously Low Prices i A.T WaiCH KNAPP- IS SELLING THE DLMEKSE STOCK Op DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Most, diseases of the skin arise from bad blood and lack of cleanliness, ex- cept when caused by grubs or insects. Erysipelas, Salt; Rheum, Tetter, Pimples and all Humors of the blood are curable by Burdock Blood Bitteri, which purifies the blood. Artemcsia A.gricnltural Society. The annual meeting of Artemesia Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall,. Flesherton, on the 14th inst. There was a good attendance of the members and others. The audi- tors' report showed the society to be in a good position, financially, the total receipts for the year $292.64, dis- burseiaents $212.53, leaving a balauce to the credit of the society. $80.11. The following were elected officers for the year 1886 :â€" President, E. Oliver. Yiee-President, D. McLean, CIBECTOBS. €r. Stewart, J. Brodic, J. Stewart, A. Stewart, D. Harrow, T. Conkey, D. McMillen, A. Currie. Auditors, J, Gordon and J. Bates. At a meeting of the directors same day, James Brodie was re-elected Sec- Trea*. It was also decided to hold the fall show o« the 5th of October. IT m SIMPLY MAllVELOUS. Mrs. Theron Burr, of Adrian. Michigan writes that West's World s Wonder or Family Limment Curedher daughter of KheumatiBm which she had been afflicted, with from chd^ood. It 18 infallible. Price 23 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner ^°- Jan. 86 BIRTHS. Sabjbaiit-Li Markdale, on ibf aiirt mat., the Wife of Mr. Fwd Saijeant, batcher, of a soiv DEATHS- MoKT,^cw^l^ Markdale, on the 2Srd ms^. SoUrt.Montgome.7. b.k«. i«ed S M^tM » e»»rt»w MAKKDaLE. PaUlnr^t... .10 7g Spring Wheat oft S!f^y 40 2ZI'"""" «» Bntt« ............. ,^ *«».......,.,.,*.,,. JO â-º •%♦•••».., ,^^ .40- .(•*.•••...... ' .§(} •**••••«..,. •.OO *.••««« 4, Jt -***5?******v*« 4LQt- Apples Potatees £wk.,. «• to to to M. to to te te to to «• «e IP 82 80 65 00 29 18 SO 60 S5 000 iw 4Tf U Oysters by the Galloii. Gained Goods of all ijnis, X 00 Aand everything kept in a first-ckss Grocery. Which he has just received. He has goods that will gladden theheartiot the Young, the 013, the Bich and the Poor â€" every bod}-, infact-andtW gladdening process don't cost much, eiiher. Be sure and call at KNAPP'S, undersold. Remember, HANBURY'S OLD STAND. for he will pt be Spectacles and Eye-Glasses ^AKE THE ONLY â€" GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THE^ Tests Real Pebbles are kept In stock. are given to Purchasejcs to prove Genuinen8ss. They are recommended by and testimonials have been received from "i« President, Yice-President, Ex-President and Ex- Vice-President of the Mejcal Association of Canada the President of the Colle!,'e of Physicians and bw- geons of Qusbec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval University je President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of ilova Scotia, 4c., «• their These recommeudatious ought to ha suMoieut ta provo but it further proof is needed, call on A. TURNLR Co., Chemists and Drui The only place in town where tbey can be obtained. Spectales fitted on scientific principle. PUBLIC NOTICE. THE anaaal meeting of Markdale Cheese Factory wiU be held at the Markdale House on Satarday, the 30th January, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for tlie pqrpose of receiving Auditors' Beport, Election of Officers, and other important busmesa. A fall attendance is requested. B. COLBMAN, 280-81 President. Farm to Sell or Hen^ LOT 15, con. 12, from Markdale. Holknd, sBnnrf» 122 acres, All persons are hereby warned against purchasing note of hand agaii^t the onder- signed for »120, dated abont th/middle of this January and coming due six months after date, as the same was «ot signsd by me, neither have I reoMTed alae for the same. The party who is offering it for uU 18 one Albert Davidson. THOS. BUTLEB. Artemesia. Jan. Qlst, 1886. cleared and under cultiv8t»n, «»""«, 15 rot â- tenmi* log house, young orclisrf from school. WUl be sold ou easy leased for a term of jears. AppiJ .TAMES LOGA».^p g 280-tf HarkJWJ' J, J- iR'wiiv, -v. s., Honorary Brudimt»9f Ontario Wotonnair Coihga. ease, of domes- fmttk^^'T^ ticammid.. .fl^^m »^ and onti^ Vttonnaiy Ko^ieiiim g^fit mh4 fk^M^ â-  m a QHABQBS MiXDma^TM, NEW IN CONNECTION WB* Plevfes Flour andff!^^ Having just recei yed» aBiS** Choiet0* Fresh STOCK OF Whioh wfll Ve "ol^ .^ i w«pe«tfuUj "olictM" »«â- *,!* Wa â- b^r; "it(iJ± ' '

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