"^^ ' 'J," ut.WPti " Uil^ippp^!ilPPPnilM^niiP^f^^iiliP WV^^SIF^ lU|||iUU. M^ilil iJJilUWIip9.Ly|Li,|f i.ar£Ki^«S:^^ .*' ^.-MfflPtion par M « «* Ml'lrdie Sootoh kMp lb* Ataol.ai*?"'"' 1.872 li7«qM, '"•tfbti exponire" wu fhe irwdiM J^fraSSd by • Helen. (M T) jwy. UjfJT^fahorae thief whoh|id bMn 1*^ the weUknewn opentia oonpo*- 'J^min'ocei a new omtorio on tbm l*j!lafS( Fra(i3isd'Aiaiii,th«tlilrtceii«t I tta mild weather preceding the imiiiiig I 2i«tf«ai very conducive to the health I j|*««th of g»ni8 blrda, Which u« m l^j^ abundant, at least throngb now oat h tliatiieatre at Manwiliea » geatieiQaa 'lila the stall! dreie a revolver fcem hb |5i and bleff out hi« braini. He wm In lUflth an aatrew who wa« performing *%t the deed wae oomtnltted. Tkabrmeninthe neighborhood of New liL we excited ov.;r the eawoaed dta- l-wrT of petroleum foontains, which, if it iMft true, will Interest geologists amuiag- Til th*t whole region is nnderlald with JaMw granite I Os the body of the Rev. Mr. Jardlne, the itlo clergyman of Ebd'M City, who ^^ the efiectB of chlorform, wm fonnd ^ill iron chain one-eighth of an inch L^ It wai worn around the loins, prob- liily for penance. ^dinner in Gautemala conolndea with. •gbe. It is not the fragrant doooction one adit expect in a coffee- producing country, ZsreT, bnt a thick extraC, handed round ltbottlea,from which each person takea « ^qaantity, dUnting with hot water. Violet Wordswortn, a tprandanghter of fllllam Wordsworth, the English poet, was juried at Ambleside the other day to a Uverpool aolicitor named Jones, who there- liion changed hia commonpUce name to the [JnepMlicAl one of Wordsworth. fo the list of funny typographical erron n miut add the announcement of the \imV,p. Union that "at Worcester, Mass. a mtion aociety has just been organized, a lilt of fficera whose names are signi- tof wealthandintelligenoe." The Union {stut to aay "cremation." The walls of the famous moeque of St. ihiain Constantinople are said" to le It in need of restoration. The eabes of gaic constantly fall out, or, worse, are M'itft ont to be sold to strangers, and mMiy e arcades and lesser walls would tumble had they not been rudely shored up. At this moment it takes twenty- two police- in reUys to watch Lord Kmmare's ion at Killainey. Kach policeman, by time all Is told, costs nearly £100 a year, theGoTemment (that is, the t^ucpayers Great Britain and Ireland) are at tliis lent paying £2,000 a year for the pro- ion of Lord Kenmare's mansion. The aheriffof Forsythe connty, Ga., who !Tied on a circus, and whose inability to iius the animals caused much amusement ifthninployees, has gotten out of the pre- lent by disposing of the menagerie at ion sale. An elephant brought $1,300, ler animals in proportion down to parrots, ch went off at $1 each. Monkeys oom- ided $2 apiece. tispro^oaed to erect a new Bourse in ia. The one which at present exists is lodlons and excellently situated. One itimoat peculiar features is the daily hnirg in the square around i: of men oiantby the hour together on political lici, holdhig forth something in the style "ttMt preacher s or stump orators. Crowds iliMt aionnd them. Mota Is orbing aloud for spinsters, and M editor of the Fargo Argm says "We 1 acoomodate 10,000 girls with husbands Mot* on ninety days' notice. We Iiave ibluhed 2 OCO letters from as many young; wn, and made as m ny matches." With tliu talk It is strange to learn that Major *«i'^i est ir-in chief, aid Major Flam- ' managbg editor of the Argui, are both *ni«d, although they have looked over AwO li.ve Ihtttrs. I^boar hnnOig, which has only been 'Oflihed at Aic.chon, in France, for two •. attrac's a good many sportsmen, both "eh and English. It is, however, a hard KHons task for men, horses, and dogs. «jMe aeldom lasts less than three hours, ""ten more. The laat boar kiUed welgh- »" oonnds, and put seven hounds hora r^r "«fore he received the death blow tie master. His head now adorns the M tho olnb at Arcacbon, and the tasks Whiohes long and as sharp as a knMe. The Dnmkard's Eaeeit Weaa- !*»« to the ai, ol " Casties in the Air." pltt^Klt Uddie gMw wan-rin ttoongh the I^Ttt'^,'"' wl" his wee haektt feet. â„¢ Wit wee oalUn he's a dnukaiaFTi^t I ^wd Moon- the are a' Uugtaln' loud wi' ^SV^ **' ****** '»^™«. *• ««tuntaai«'s ^aiiita ' 'â- "*» !• blTJl)' "^i" his heart is nnoou ton, •«ltbn!?gh* '*°^ " Omoki* tbraogb ,^ihSi]S,'"n»M«r,;»n'he wun'eM wbrar "nltlwahe forgets her pair wso nggtt A^aa,,"""' loTe. an' fca kaas aas nilttes^ L te^*^^t •ORows, or kaoia Us ttMrttt |f«a,*" "• w»ukens, w smoott Us Ml s* 5^M« Wthe,-, tm». th. ^%tke **^irt Si' V? ?»«••" »u' «• y««" ^^"•*« Wahei-sMpUlasUiBea ^^•^"»l*h"«peaks hh tolas* Hps III ft^;tog^.th. b.i.„»i« an^ »k.f 2iJJ,'***«yM'turB thai siatf aiitt»-, 'â- «k|Q^hettoaelafaUbMM^ X Hit, P*ars care, thilr poll w P»««"» of • oonntoy or TiUa« ,„^„ „ ___. hall en tta firrt slarj on ba AMged to? door, and tUi Imw* i^Mk coimSSJS^ â- tabs snn ss Mh Ia frooi the nain haU, mttie f"t^!*^' V^^ H*" *â- «»»vrtad to a depth of fonr feat below tka grade Una. and the loose earth Taomed agiSwt the waOsi sflw they are dry, and the top is slopedM thai all. water nay mn «S. I^ looia envth notnqalredfai jnadiag. is removed i^m ttM pr^misMb JFbe eeflar is provided with windows which have heavy plank frames, ud an ouMde denUa-battanad dow.huiff **** "•*J7. â- *"** Wng*» pat on with This door is readied tm the ont- "tlie tinmlSiaiiPinSrSd â€" good.^^-tatnadbilbkkid b tar. AaMMaa ef tito fMnowHi balaw ji»de, jwp l ssts wd ii l Agw4 â- ""^f *• •!»»«»â- »â- Iqrthe paikr and dining-Toom are bro«|dit tnaethei is 1k« deeetonaeeondateryTwIthaa flaiaaapa •to and eoMtaraoas to tfMftep. baati- "»*?"*^t8rpipeseetaB«^d«ad. Zino safes for the stova pipes wbish aoonaot with the chimney in the cLaset oa saoondstotv. •resetintfieparthlbnwails.^^^^* The ehfanMya have nattOy and bhm* stone MPS. CeUar^^arsas, door, and win- dowa have hloa-stoeo flur mSjtj^^ all aet in good ^cement nortar. iS ezpoaed briiA- work is laid in oonsat mortar, stain- ed K^d, and at tiia OnMt the whole cleaned with dOhto aoid and oHed with two ooats best linsrei! nil, slainod Fig.' 1. â€" FKKRPKcnvR vikw. I J Fig. 2.â€" plan of fibst stoby. » PlO 3. â€" FLAN OF SW»VT STOBT witii Venetisn red. Glased tOa fadngs and hearth to all flreplMes, oaiafnlly sat in ce- ment, the lame supported npna fowr-inch briok trimmer wrohee, levolad m top with Theattfohi left miUnishad. All cl are;plsstered in two coata aU other rposBs and halls, purtry, and store-wwn, are hard- finished on two cents brown mortar and sea- soned lath. Ihe frame af ^tha li««o fa «« soond, tnasfmint ifraaa thnber of the follow- ing siaes GIrdva 6 bar 8 inahaa. 8iUi,4b9^8iMkeB. Floor b«aa^^9iBa^ Hendsr ju^trfmman, 4 by 9 CeOv barnM* 1 by 6 f«Ma. apart, weii naUed and fitted in place. The angles of all partitions are firmly anchared at their j tni^gs, to prevent tim eradcing of plaattr* Ine^itstoryistenfsetfnlMttht; the SMMMol atwy, aiiae feet a*! in O* clear. The oatsido watis ara sheated «ith soond, snrfacod banloek, thorongkly nailed to eaoli stnd, and are covered witb heavy builder's naaer and the lower story to tte belt eeme Is dm-beardad wittk dear wUtopina aix-lndi bav d sd dap boards. The tknskMvfsef nDdstsKMBa^ ^bllit eriybatonbe. Tba wator plaait seat tnp fi bStab is 9i dMRj. An doen el imitovlna. Theaeon.^wftrat atay, iva- aad monldad boMt ddaa I ed bedi sldoL uusfft oMnatjIomof tta aeo- mw, wawB are monldied on wav bmw. enllf £U okhw iasida wood-walk of daftr, knn.MM|vydiMr pjaa ataiaad mabagamr^ odor in panor, dtoing-reosa, and Imll r stU- other » oow kflin the natoral oolsr of tb« wood. Allhlsida wood-work to haVa aan coat of woed-fiUar, and two ooats of soma good p r es er v a tiva rabbed smootii. AU wtsrior aasld and word-work is p a int e d tw o ooato patsnfe prepared, paint, in shadaa of warm bnwn. Pantry and doaats Iiava snMable wardrobe hooks. Hardwood saddlM to aU doors, with rdbed-tl|ped stops i^are rcqolnd. The front door haa a bronae faced m«Nrlise door look, with broBse knobs, roses, drops, and asontoheons. Closst doini have rim looks; aUotiisrs have bram-faoed mortiaa locka, and white porcelain knoba. Front door haa bronae, loose-joint butts all others liava Japanned, iron, loose-jofait butts. Oraatbgand finiaisi nivanlasd Iron. All fiadiiDga and linings n gutters best, L 0- charcoal tin. A gong bell, with hdl pidt to matoh tront doot knob, a suitable fnmaoe, with rqiisters and fdpea complet' a kitdien range, a forty-galloa galvanised bon boiler, galvanisad iron sink, twdve-onnce planis- ed oopper luath tub, and wash-out water oloaet, with all the neoessary oooha, tn^ps, vent pipes and soil pipes, all lef s in eom- pkto working order. Estimato oloost, |2.- SOOtotS.OOO. tool^ost. Tbarads, g a bl ss, i are "HowLongr The English tongue is at the best sadly oonfusing and contradictory to foreignenb If the foreigner be aGkrman, tlie probabOi- ties are that it will take him a long time to emerge from hia linitnistio fogs. Daring a certain trial it was thought important liy connsd to determine the length of time tiiat two qnarttrs of beef, two hugs and one sheep remsJned in an express wagon in front m flaibtifTs store before they wereti^en aWay y the defendant. The witeess under examination waa a German, whose knowledge of English was rather limited. CouTud â€" State to the jury how long it was after you took the meat from the store and put it in tlie wagon until it was taken away. Witnessâ€" If ow I shoost can't told dat. I dinks bout twelve feet. I not say nearer as dat. CcunseZ â€"You don't understand me. ^oio long was it from the time tiie meat left the store and was put into the wagon before it was taken away by the defendant ITaXficMâ€" Now I don'd see what yon ax dat for. Dar vagon he vas liack up mit der sidewalk, and dat is shoost so long as it vas. You toll me «v yon pleeze how long d ar sidewalk vas TCm f eet T D svelve feet 7 Den I tells yon how long. Counielâ€"i don't want to find out how long the ddewalk was, bnt I wish to know (speaking very slowly) howâ€" long â€" ^this â€" meat â€" was â€" in â€" the â€" wagon â€" before â€" it^ was â€" taken â€" away. Uttoetaâ€" Oh py oradous, I don'd sold my meat dat vay I 1 don'd measured meat,fnot yet I veighit already. Bat I dinks dat meat vaa 'bout dree foot long. Gounael (desperately) â€" ^Laok here, I want to know how long it was before the meat was taken away after it was put in the waoon. fr»(ne«8 (looking ka^cwingly at o imae)) â€" Now yon try and ged me in a scrape. D^t mead was shoost so long In der vagon as it vas in der shop. Du's aliltoH yon. Dat mead was dead mead. He don'd grow no longer in ten donsan' yew â€" ^not moooh I ^nuiseJâ€" That will do. Somethioc; Ghwd ih Old FaehionS' Mrs. Agaasiz, in her charming ** Ufa of Profeeeor Agamis," gives an aoooont of local customs in us early home in Switzerland, and of the personu profit he derived from them. It reveab an educating power in some of these old ourtoms, which has been lost in the improvenMut of our ipodem life. She Bays: •*In Swiss villagea it waa the haUt in. thoae days for the trades-people to go from hoase to house in their di»Hwit vocations. Tha shoemaker oame two or three timm a witii all hismateriala, and aaadaaluMa lor the whole family by the dav. ' The tailor oama to fltthom lOTgarment^ which he mide in ttia hooaa. Tha ooo| arrlvadbdora vintage, to rape" «UI barrds and bogaheads^ or to make now eaasb and to replace tlieir wom-oat hoopa in shsat, to fit up tfM cdlar for the oomii^ ssaasa." The iaflnfcnco of such vfaits «• OhOdrM gifted wUfa imimtiva akm may ba easBy im- adned. YonngLoniawaaanarpofaosi H« wataliadeho maker and taller toaae thdr work waa dona^ and waa haand to da it biaBSoIf in soma faaUao. Ha aaqabrad a gaod doal of skill In an da- rtminm. HaoanU ant aadpattegaOit a pair of iteaa for kb sistar'a dolls aa waU ^^ jmtehadenav^aUnaBntaiiarto 3 â€" " to aHKan Wm-MMl kMnsT dkm ihwwMm. ditolty,i«alysfa, c tsKriiaai impatsnayvpmd Ib^aaanda ate ou«|d nttMr^ totr^ pe ndence. Tm notarM, pOa tuiorsi l jAcongh !fta worst hydiocela â- aada mdar ea ii guarantsad, wllli only a diortreddeiMe atlhelnstitiMba. Send 10 lOHsm'te otAiq^fiBir til* tnnaili' OaU^-Book (Ifle paga^),. whieh gkvea all partlralara. Addims, Wor)d'slysiehs^ iMtbal As- Bodatbn, Bal0| N. Y. Imitation atraw hati^ mad* of hraidsof plaited felt, are among lato millinery novd- Dr Pi*roo's •tenets" cure side and bU- ions haaf a ^he, aoor atnnaeh, and aU biliona attacks. China gansa brodie with 'email figurea oomea among otiiar b*ll dram aovdiy fa- btks. VkTorltlMM is a bad tting, bat Dr. Pierce's "Favorito Freaoription" deserves ite name. It is a oertdn cure tor thnoe painful maladies and weakaessee whidi imbictor the lives of so maiqf women. Of druggists. Men's shoes, to oe fashionahle, mnst be pdnted at the toe and low in the heel, A CuBB FOB Dbunkbmnxssâ€" (Mum, morphine and kindred habit«. Vakmabla 'treatise sent free The medicine may be given fai tea or o See, witiiont the know- ledge of tiie person taking it, if so desired. Send two Si. stamps for full particulars and testimonials nf those who have bern cored. Address M. V. Lalxan, agenov, 47 Wdlington street east, Toronto, Canada It ought to be explained that the weary traveler who fainted and fdl by the way- side in all probability had vertigo. Imperial Conch Drops will give Posittveanci Inafai^t Relief t) those su£Fering from Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, eto., and are invaluable to orator* and .yooalists. For sale by druggists and confectioners. R. R. ft T. W A T S JN Manufactums, Taronto. Seal and d«rk seal brown plujh wraps are all the rage, and are worn m spite of tiia warm weather. The county in Florida that haa the fewest doctors has also the mallest death rate. The natives are trying te decide which of these facts is cauie aad which effect. A Cure For Drnnkeniiesg. The C ire of Driskenncss is a task with which tlie regular practitioner haa been unable to cope. Nine-tentbs ot man- kind look upon dmksnness as a social vice, whldi a nun m^ overcome by force of ^idlL DrnnkenneKS is a bad habit we all admit, in the moderat= drizktr. In the confirmed drunkard it lieoomes disease of tiie nervous systrm. The medical treat- ment of this disease oonsisto in the em- ployment of remotiiee tliat act direotiy up- on those portions of the nervous system wliioh, when dissaeed, cause Innaoy, .de- mentia, and the drinking habit.. Remedies most bf emplyed that wilt cure the appe- tite for strong drink, eteady the trembling hand, revive the lagging spirit, balance the mind, eto. The nervous system' of the dram drinker being all unstrung ft shattered, must be given' a nutriment that will take the place of the accustomed Uqtor, and prevent e phyaicial and moral proatration chat often follows a sadden braaking off from thensa of alcobolio drinks. Ltb'n'8 medicine may be given in tea or coffee, without the knowledge ol tfae per8n taking It, if so desired. Thoae of our readers who are interested in tiiis subject, should send their address for Lubon's Treatise, in book foroi, on drunkenness, opium, morphine and kindred haUts, which will be mailed free to any address, when stamo is inclosed for poetage. Ad- dress, M. V. Lnbon, 47 Wellington atnet east, Toronto, Oat Mention this paper. .. i ACKsn WAVfBB roK nn sbw sbu. nftt Patensed article la Oanada to-day. Kosartsfor Sample and Agents' TSims. Inuoov ftOow, Ooelph. omHAMB, .aniKBM ABrnTBTcnm^ â- aUsd Bengougta's flborthaad and Ttiisliissi Toraato, will bftog oopy CSofOMpoiftaM ' .hasUoasaaltoAsMslBa. Pitos, fLOO frANTED AT •MCE- PARXm-M^LB OB FEHAliX-A8 •ssa We p^ aotlM srotkaia bic waaes. 1 Book ft mus Hooss. 46 MMl 48 Ffoat Kisl. Tpseato. MenHeathlspspsr. «vjiuLAin)SfOB«AitE-«in,ooridWlitdM 1, Noltawasata, BiJiooe Ooaoty: 100 as