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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Jan 1886, p. 1

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 ^^?lH^^PiP""^ilB^^^^*i 1 wi- 6.-N0. 2bl. MAHKDALE, ONT., JAN. 28, 1886. â- a. :â- $ 3 LINES OF m WATCHES Wabeastable Grades. 'ith Thomas Clocks. im^imiWl SIIVER- ^* JVARE. lesicJiriiisTR'JMENTS. Uis Peie Specks. O^Aer I//?es 0/ Jewe/ry, etc. K. WEDDiiJG RINGS, Us Work Warranted, \m nEPmm a special ty. 1. A. BROWN, A reliable Jeweller and Othenteffls. 1 5nikES in these columns intended to benefit yjiniiin'ifiw' or Society irill be charged teii atia line for the fir-it insertion and Jive tjt a line each sitb-ie(xuent insertion. EiCELLEST slfeighiug this week. Knapp wauts 500 bags potatoes. Faem to rent see advertisement. The Delierty Organ takes the lead. Toronto has over 225 miles of side- The county council is in eession lliis week. The roller skatinj? rink is well fcatrocized. The thermometer registered 8 below 110 on Saturday morning last. Me. Jobs McAaTHCE of Priceville ^ss elected deputy-reeve of Arteraesia. DuxDALK School Trustees now |jiiblish the minutes of their meeiiivgs. Miss Feank Eeynolds retnrned thi« Ttek from visiting friends atNorwood^ DrsDAs has bought his Boots JShoes close, and will not be undersold. Mis. AxGus Plbwes returned last Ijeek after visiting 1 iriends in Simcoe ^0 Jlesherton ./itivance this week: ri» editor Is doubtless going to take JRcreation. liissMiNxiE Plbwes of Edgar, is |i'itmg her father Jas. Plewes, Esq., «'tliis town. ^kiokLang, EsQ./Keeve of Nor- piaEby Tvas elected Warden of the |»«utyfor'86. •aABKDALs cheese factory annual Jie*ting on Saturday next itt the',, Jiarkdale House. s Est. Mr. ^^ilkinson of Toronto' " preach in the Methodist 'Church ^t Sunday evening. J I-osD Salisbuby's GoyernnHmt was '«ated iu the English H»use of ons lafet Tuesday. QrARTEELY meeting next Swnday in Jf ilethodist Church. The pews are ""ee on such occasions. Picture framing, the best and cheap- C/n Ihe county, af Hamilton's "^to, Gall An old subscriber, when renewing l».8t week for '86, said that the present story in the Standabd was well worth the whole subscription itself. For the finest lot of Toilet b'oaps ever brought to Markdale try A. Turner Co. ' We have sampled the soaps and. speak from experience. Mr James Bell, a prosperous farmer iu Gleuelg, livo miles wcbt of: Markdale, is prepaiing to erect a fine brick residence the coming summer. Trying to do business without ad- vertising, is like wmkiug at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles.' You may know what you ar* doing, but nobody else does. Messrs. I. V. Lucas of London and A. Lucas of Alvinston visited their brother, Wm. Lucas, Esq., of tliis place, this week. Mr, E. G. Lucas of Dundalk was also in town a day. Quits a nambar of the Flesher- tonians attend the Markdale EoUer Rink on Tuesday night, and expressed' themselves highly ple;tsed with their evening'fl enjoyment on the rollers. To ALL those who are iu arrears for; the i:Jtanda«d who will come forward acd pay up and for one year in advance we will give a first-rate obitu. ary notice gratis in ease'it kills them- On Monday lastour respected citizen Mr. Eobt. Clark, had the thumb nearly severed fiom his right hand by a blow from an axe, while engaged in some work at Hogg's mill. â€" [Ad- vance. :\ lery, Markdale. I jA"^^'^TiTT of good mixed chop for iI.H, *°"' cheap for cash, at ^i^^ale Victor Eoller Mills. iii^r '° *°^ ^^^^^ y*"^^ Measure for Bam u ® "'^w before you get sunburned. ""ton IS doing them in fine style tr Tj^ it, tu J*^^^8 i* having great snccesi -pj^jsale of the Doherty Organ. jj^^i we indeed an excellem instru- »ii[! 9, '" and family have arrived IfetsTf*"^*^ down. Mr. Mc. ex- ^m\y ^^^ ^^® tannery in operation GBEAT-€learing Saleof Boots Shoes. Betore moving te my new premises 1 purpose selling, for the next two weeks, my entire stock of Boots Shoes at Cost. This will be a genuine «ale no humbug. Sold; â€" Mr.- George Laurence, of Glenelgon Tuesday sold a fine match- ed team of young bay horses, to Mr. Eodstler, of Neustedt. for $260. The team was a good one and cheap at the money. â€" [Grey Review. An old man married a young woman. The man's age multiplied by 4 and divided by 9 gives the woman's age. What is their respec- tive ages? We will give the answer next week. Who else will E. R. Accident. â€" A collision took place oh the Northern Railway near Newmarket last Monday, in which one man was killed and another seriously, if not fatally injured, and two engines totally' wrecked. LiGLis woollen mill neac Owen Sound y?as burned on Monday momiag last. The building and machinery are a total wreak. There was $1,000 insuraiice on the machinery aad $800 on th^ building. The cause -of the fireis unknewn. Notice. â€" I have been notified by Messrs. Bobbins Aggelton, Waltham Factory Aents, that the Waltham Co. will make no more Key wind watches excepting the grde named "Broad- way." W. A. Brown, Agent Waltham Watch Co., Markdale. Bbbad fob t^ Milijoh.â€" ;I haye mad* arrangements with a firiend in Owen Sound for « constant supply of bread, which I will h^ve always on hand with all sorts of cakes, biscuit, •onfectionery, c. Remember, Dun- lop's old stand, near the City HoteL Mrs. Montgomery. At rr again.â€" After adding new and improyed machinery and otherwise improving our mill, I am now runnmg full blast every working day and pre- pared to give prompt and satisfactory attention to these who favor me with their custom. Angus Plewes, Victor Roller Mills, Markdale. Hand in tour Namkb. â€" Messrs. Turner, Wm. Brown, and Bowes, have kindly consented to take the names ol those who wish to jom any of the clasaes I am forming m Mark- dale. N. B.â€" A Juvenile class (ages from 6 to 18 years) will bo formed on Saturday, l«th Feb., at 2 o'clock p.m. in the School House, Pnnc. Portei s room. Obarge per quarter (18 lesaons) SScliool Boolcs, Blank Account Books, and several lines of Stationery just received at Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. TENDERS will be received at this office until Wednesday the 3rd Feb- lurtry for the supply of 10 cords ^-een three foot wood and 5 cords dry, -atj the Markdale Methodist 'Church. The *lry wood is to be delivered at once. the green by the 1st March. Ssarp. â€" A young couple from GlMielg drove to Markdald one day last week and were spliced, bat en- deavored to beat the parson out of the fee the plot^jroved abortive, how- ever, as the miniver overtook the sharp man before he got out of town and obtained the almity dollar's. Another effort is being made to create a new county. The following municipalities is required, viz â€" Pro- ton, Egremont, Normanby, in Grey Co., and West Luther, Arthur and Minto in Wellington, and Mt. Forest, Harriston, Palmerst^ju and the villages of Arthur and Clifiord, with Mount Forest as county town. Death-,â€" On Friday, last Michael "^oaff. {An old resident of Melancthon who years ago kept hotel on the gravel road, and who will be well knowh most of our readers, died. The funeral took place uh Sunday and was largely attended by members of the Orange society and neighbors of the deceased. â€" [Shelbume Economist. A. Turner Co. Druggists, will gladly inform any one enquirmg of them of the wonderful results of West's Cough Syrup. It is an unfailing cure for all Throat and Lung diseases. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Influenza. Consumption, in its early stages, and Whooping Cough. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Jan. 21. room. \7U»x{50i»«.^â€" ---- Vâ€" ' lilTMLW 50 cents ewh. Parents mterest^ we ^^ j^,,^. We regret to have this week to chronicle the d»ath of o,ur worthy citizen, Mr. Robt. Montgomery. He was teken suddenly ill with inflam- mation of the lungs, and owing to one of the lungs be ing already almost gone, thfe disease made rapid progress, and in eight days daath claimed its victim. A large number attended the funeral on Sunday. There i-s no necessity of paaslag a sleepless night and annoying the entire househol with that Cough, «s West's Cough Byrup will cure you like magic, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption in its early stages, and all Throat and Lung diseases. Sold by A. Turner Co. Price 25 cent, 50 cents,, and $1.00 per bottle. Jan. 28 Mb. Jahbs, the celebrated music teacher, has returned to Markdale, aad altho' frequent invitations and special inducements were «^ered him to go to Toronto to teach, he has decided to make Markdale his centra for '86. He has been solicited to take classes in different parts of the country since his return. Markdale will have the first chance, but will have to act promptly if classes are desired. Mb. J. Sparrow last week shipped another carload of cattle to Toronto, and brought back with him one high bred three year old cow and tea well bred ewes for breeding purposes here. The stock was purchased em the farm on which Mr. S. was bom in the County of Peel. The farm was re- cently sold for $10,000. Mr. Spairow shoul* be encouraged in his stock enterprise.â€" [Chatsworth News. The annual meetir^ of the District L. 0. L. of Osprey was held at Sing- bampton on the 12th of January, '86, at which the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :â€" Bros. John Stinson, WDM? John 0. Irish, D D M J. Elliott, D Chap.; A. Sharp. D R Sec.; Andrew McGirr, D, Treas.; Johnson Little, D D of C Joseph Stinson, D F Sec. MarshaU Morn- son, D Lect.; James Mullen, P D M. Liver Comitoiiit Gsoaes I)^pepmb Indi- LiT« CMDplamt Caoaes Sick Hsadadie Liv«r Complaint Ganma '" " The printed address labels is a com- plete mode of telling how your sub- scription stands for instance if your subscription expires the Ibt January, 1886, the label will be marked Jan. '86, and when you renew for a year, or if you have done so, the figures will be changed to Jan. '87. We are anxious that every subscriber should understand the address label, and then there should be very few allow themselves to fall in arrears. Euphrasia AGRictrLTURAL Bociett. â€" The annual meeting of the above society was held at Dodson's hotel, Rocklyn, on the 14th inst., when the following gentlemen were elected officers for 1886: J. D. Crabtree, presideat; Thos. Gilray, viee-do. Directors â€" W. J. Shepherdson, J. Boyce, A. Crabtree, R. Ireland, H. Johnston, G. Crabtree, J. Menary, J. Erskine, J. W. Boyd. Auditors â€" W* H. Dodson, J. B. Winter, J.L.Wilson, sec-treasurer. The annual tea-meeting of Ebenezer church. 11th line Euphrasia, was held on Wedoosday evening, 20th and was a decided success The edibles were abundant and toothsome, and. the program very interesting. Rev's. W. Casson of Markdale, Thibaudeau of Woodford, Young of Meaford, and McLean of Euphrasia, were the speakers, each of which did no dis- credit to themselves. The chair was ably filled by James Patterson, Esq., Proceeds $51.â€" Com. Tonic Sol-fa. â€" That the Tonic Sol-fa method is the Best System on Earth for the Vocalist, has been fre- quently and conclusively proven. This in the united testimony ot many of the ablest Teachers of music in Europe and America. As a Vocal method it is Complete, the only true, natural,, educational system in use. Such re- sults can not be obtained from any other system. It is complete as a Primary method, but its greatest utility is not fully seen till we come to more Ad- vanced work such as the singing of Classical Choruses. "Methods of Teaching" have been my life study. I know whereof I affirm. J. H. James. Three-foortliB of respeotfaUy requested to attend meeit^. J. H. Junes. this) liw Compluntis emedty Dr. Cbaje'ii LiyarCore. Feb Wedding Bells. â€" A preasant affair in the shape of a wedding took place at Keady on the 21at inst., when Mr. Mathew Hutchinson of British Colum- bia and Misb Hannah Jane, eldest daughter of James Douglas, Esq., of Derby, were made one. The happy event took place at the residence of tho bride's parents where a large attendance of friends and acquaint- ances were present. Rev. Mr. Ross officiated. The bride and groom were among our most respected young people, and we wish them a happy and prosperous career through life.â€" Com. Mb. James will give a Lecture and Entertainment in Haskett's Hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10th, for the purpose of organizing a class in Note-reading, Siriging and Voice- culture. The program will consist of a Lecture on Mnsic in general. Sing- ing and Voic» -culture in particular. Criticisms will also be given on differ- ent "Systems," "Metiiods of Teach- ing," c. There will be a number of Select Solos and Readings given dur- ing the evening. None should neglect this opportunity to learn to read and sing music at mht. Mr. ' James has been very successful as an Instructor in the art. He is rated among the best Teachers of Singing in Ontario. His terms are low for a teacher of hii abDity. Join the class. It is customary, io, some localities, to teach children to think of a text as they drop their pieces of money into the cotribution-bex. A certain little girl at Sunday'Bchool, recently, saw the box approaching,, and began to search in her memory for a text. She hesitated for a few moments, dropped the dinoe in the box, and exclaimed, triumphantly "A fool and his money are soom parted I" SWELLED NECK. Mrs. Henry Dobbs, of Bemdale, PUfy Sound, testifies to 'a proDq)t ooro of enhtrgsd glands of the neek ftnd sore throat by the internal and a^ecDalu8oofQagyard Yellow Oi!. ttoUow QfiLiBik sure relief for all pain- tFJ'OMiditioast Wbt is the earth like a school black* board Because the children of meu multiply upon the face ol it. A MODERN wit defines the difference between men and women "A man gives forty cents for a tweutj-five cent thing he wants, and a woman gives twenty-five cents for a forty-cent thing she dees not want." A Western newspaper is responsible for the following School-teacher, to a stupid and fat boy "You are better fed and taught, or else I am mistaken." Stupid Boy "Yes, I be, 'cause I feeds myself, and you teach me." "I Remember," said a Detroit boy to his Sunday-school teacher, you told me always to count fifty when angry." "Yes Well, I'm glad to hear it. It cooled your anger, didn't it " "Yoa see, a boy he came into our alley and made faces at me and deared me to- fight. He was bigger'n me, and I'd have got pulverized, I remember What you said, and began to count." "And you didn't fight " "No, ma'am. Just as I got to forty-two, my big brother came along, and the way he licked that boy would h|^e made your heart glad. I was going to count fifty land then run." The band concert has come and gone, and it there is anything in the old saying "laugh and grow fat," there should be a material increase of that commodity as a result of this concert. The weather was most unpropitious, hindering many from attending, and they .missed a treat, for the band alwiays gives a good entertainment, and this was no exception to the rule. It's a delight to listen to Mr. Anderson on any occasion, and^it is well worth travelling a hundred miles on foot to hear W. J. Benson I tell you he's a cracker, and no mistake. It's a mighty big house he can't bring down,, and he down'd them all on Friday night. The band gave some good selections and Mr. James' efforts wer highly appreciated. Mr. Marsh gave a comic reading from "Mark Twain" which was rich in itself, and well rendered. In fact all the performera did theraselyes credit, not excepting the chairman, Wm. Brown, Esq. The farce was most amusing and brought rounds of laughter from a delighted audience. We trust our band may go on and prosper, im- proving themselves, as well as wafting sweet strains of music on the atmos- phere of our village from time to time from their brass instruments. Johnson's New Hotel. â€" Amongst the new buildings erected in town the past season Johnson's new Hotel holda a conspicuous place. Situate on Barker street within a hundred yards of Poulett, right in the centre of the business part of the town, the handome briek structure appears to advantage and at once attracts attention. He has for some time past been Busy fitting it up, and this week has moved into the new house, where be has ona of the handsomest and most conveni- ently arranged hotels in town. la order to afford good cellarage, the ground floor is reached by broad steps leading into an ample hall. On either side of this are. snug sitting rooms, and to tlfe rear are the large dining room* bar, etc. Ascending the stairs we find on the first floor two handsome parlors in the front, and on this floor and the next are about twenty fine bedrooms, well ventilated, opening into commodious halls, and well furnished. Last, though not least, is thti atnple kitchen, situated to th rear on the ground floor, which Mr. Johason rightly judges to be the most important department of the house, and ha has provided every faciUty lor getting up first-class meals for his guests. Mn Johnson has long been, favorably known amongst farmera and the travelling public, and in hia handsome new premises he will no doubt do a larger business than ever.. â€" [Owen Sound Times. HOARSENESS AND LOSS Oif VOICE. Public speakers and singers arc^ fljften; distressed with hoars^ese, and 4Dncb danger is lurking in the bronchial ^pipes. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a.ptompt remedy for tV iWit*U6iiy and cures all throat and lcug[ ^ti^!^, m^ .- â-  1 .â- â-  '" ..â-  K-^' m ' .^ •? I ^^'Ifji â- \ ;. '!; \[ IB -Iff' ,, f I ;i! I ill It^ cnltics.

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