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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jan 1886, p. 4

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 HP WiPillW*PBiW»"»™" 11 ^i '1 ' '^i 1 i 1 Ii 1 |s| 1 '1 *â- â- â- . 3i' J r The $t»«MUurd. MABEDALB JaNKABT 81 1886 NON.^ABTIZ AK J^APEBS. ' !!rh«Jl^tor of t^ .l^|»«berton ilit- ' vanctf lUBiis tlie optnioii th«fe sli news- ::pU)ax9'-Tlitti0 and bifâ€" should belong ~\a one dt the elh«r of tiie two great political, partiea^f tbe day, and speaks ^eeordingly tiueogh his paper of last 'iroek. We find, faowefer, on xeriewing the 'newspaper world, that those, taking «ian independent stand are growing more powerfal Beth in number and inflnenee year by year, and the qnes- tien wonld natorally arise, why is this •elass of newspi^ers making â- nch pro- ^ess? Thr answer eomss-mth force, 4md even our extreme politicians ad' ~mit tiiat the leading political jpornals -eannot be rslied «. Their leading «rticle8 and reports of a political or national charaeter are so biased that iio nttsrly niisafe to rily, on. uch, «nd thas it runs, eren into the country party papers; it is therefom.. not at -all sarprising that the intelligent, .public should look lor a reliable sonree ^om. which to procure information re- garding the great questions of the day. -The respect and confidence once plac- ed in the leading political papers, has (been so abused that a gradual-^but none tiie less .certain â€" change has been going on, and now we find those who desire "the truth, the whole truth •0," invariably look for an independ- ent paper in order to procure such information. It is therefore not tu be wondered that this class of news- "papers are gaining such power and takisg the front as leaders of public opinion. As to local papers dabbling in poll, tics, we are still strongly of the ppin- lOD that their sphere is not in that 'direction, and that the less polities is. to be seen in a ceuntry papert- the better; even where there are two papers published in a place,, and each takes a side. A local paper is a local paper; and no city publication can take its place, neither can the country 7)aper take the place of the city, there- fore the great aim should be to make each issue so interesting with the do- ings of the locality that politics will be completely crowded out. LAMP LIGHT. There has beena number of inven- tions and patents brought before the public during the past yaar, but they all appear to sink into insignificenee when compared with the "Harvey Safety Lamp." Mr. Harvey in a former resident of Meaford. (jrey Co., and .has now the lamp mannfactuiing business almost to himself, and is do- ing an immense trade through Canada. His show room is No. 9, Adelaide Si. West, Toronto. We bad the pleasure of visiting hta premises last week and found Isrga qaantities of this fioe lamp in various stages of completioo. This lamp took first prize and silver medd At Toronto's Industrial Exhibition, 1885. Some of the advantages over the old lamps are, they never blacken lite lamp glass, neithw does the ohimney break with heat. They giye more than three tunes the li^ht of an ordinary lamp. They are uon-explo- eive. They are just the thing for Churches, Halls,and Public Buildings, and for a domes^- kght they are by far the best lamp in the market. In the hHVua. -W4 ^^i^^S^^ vaiae fcr aaidpftpMn, vfasa aetted to daiorttd Iw^ni him (FraBk) to jMike li^tiM of this wd gOTon. himielf aecordmgly. B01iL£B SINK QSEBINCK Markdale roUa^fmk ialsoaied in a TMj elmtral posatioo.^b^oef^*' 7^- ttotth of the Markdale Bimaei l%e aijcaisjib x iO teet imUi gJteryatbije end. Everyiluaf w«#iB geod i^^m lor the opening.. weU^JB^apti and a^*- eiderable Mntiadc, imd motto'e of weioome ware e(m^i*^nfi. all of whiehaddedimneh.toihe appearanse^ oftheiiXraJt.. Thebrass band.diseonn- ediXOMiy exorilettt seleetions dnring 'the evening, wbio^ iwfui bjgttly appreoix atsd.. A kxK* BVVber '•' present, and many fmm. a distan w;;; two gpbd sleigh loado-droive aUi the'wary fiom Owen Sound while some came by tain. Prof. SunpsoDiBavieafgrand exhibition of fansf dmtiBg.keeping time to mnaie bj.the^ banid;:{ was. very muoh enjoyed, by the hundreds of speetators. BotirithstandiBg the Gsct that this was thjB ^st; opportnaify iu this place for a trial on roller skates' theie must have bsen over, JISO, Ipo^ ealelNretiss ti^ingrfcheir hand, or zaihet their, fset Japanese Tomy. the gieai boneless bonder,. gaye a free ezhibitien for 20 minutes oh tba rink, and his feats were well appreciated by thfliiaadienee. There was' heaps of fun,, and all appeared to thoroughly enjoy them- selves. Tbt management was first dasa^auduould not be otherwise in such ablja hands as.Marsb, Jaokman A Porter. lObaxwelk IfpxxcB.;â€" We wish ^t distiaetly aaderatood X\tm%, we do not bold oatBeWesTeflpooatb** for tbn opinions expressed ^r oar oorr^^ondents To tke Editor QftM StamUtrd.:, ' ./_ I)kab Sni,â€" I want to say.- in reply 19 Jfraiik £«ter'i iM^e, thst I don't vaiit him to mention my naqie as i faa«i Kg atqfYhibi^ to do wi^ hib^or ytntmn ;c^n[c€rtt^.,the agreement "^.tl(;^TEf;u. H. -Foi^ter. aalam noi a^ ivafly.^o the paperF,^birt I amaritaew Si i^"i-'" From. our. own: Correspondent. We have been, wondering for some time what to say that would be uter- esting to the general public, as news seem to be scarce at present but we must say that we regret to learn that the Alhson Hotel here is changing hands. Mr. Joseph Allison, who for some years past, has been the occu- pant, and has managed it exceedingly well, and we do not boast when we say that it has been one of the best kept houses in the County of Grey. Mr. A. leayes shortly, and Edward Liiiley of Smghampton takes his place and no doubt will be able to supply the general public with abundance of Scott Act and other reqmsites in his line. At a recant: meeting of the Osprey Agricultural Society, ,a new President was elected in the person of Mr. An- son Lss of ^eversham, thus leaving the former Vresident, W. Guy, at home. We don't see why the change was made, .as Mr. Guy has generally acted as President, and filled his po- sition very well, and hae always shown his anthoritysas well as he possibly could It is altdgether too bad to. put "Billy" out of hoffice. It is reported that some means are about to be taken to unseat the Beeve of Osprey (A. McGirr), as it is rumor- ed that he is not qualified for the po- sition. If such ha done, a new elec- tion will have to take place, thus caus- ing considerable trouble. The Gospel Army are now holding meetings at the centre line cnurch. near Wareham, where, no doubt, they will win many souls to Christ. Messrs. Little Bleakley seem to be doing a lively trade in the cutter hne this season, having already turned oat quite a number. They make the anvils ring, you bet. Business also seemato be booming at the Big Boot, as usual. The pro- prietor, Mr. H,, furnishes good mater- ial, and has in his employ the best workmen that can be procured in the county, therefore, he says he can guar- antee satisfaction Bjfe. Robert Gordon is doipg a big trade in the shipping line at present. He has been sending loads of beef and pork to thj9 city about twice a week for some time. I think 1 have given all the news, ef any accofunt this week, and will try and grind yon something better m future, Audjw Bridget, mv wtfe, com, plams of be^g m. I must be alter the docldr. I remain yours, Ac, Pmz. Inm a Corretpondaa. Christmas holidays liave come and gone, ;and with them the usual cood ^? of iea parties, socials and soees jothmffto mar the. enjoyment of!Sv: having occurred. ' '^v' ' The imrmmtfam.^ • day,«ia^«-}wr*» attondwL •£!»• jcoearfa. taioaatoa to $80.oa. ' â-  ^â€" ^-i^ The0»ii«e aeires^wiMl* ««»• •â-  Dk. tattle. M. P.. *wl. BJV^ the meatus. Thftfcveeed* amowited topewrfft^--^ '--' '-^: â- â-  lltt T. Mi, 6nA'rf ott'jwujg^'nwP. went ta 'ioiom U»ely.:awt bn bl« re- tam seemed to tbmk -ttot ^^ ^?* mittriad; at Isaeb ha ^seeded in makitK iome^oC bii^fttirada think so. HiTiiM taken iff afMr; dome tbmk froiath* effwta of hb delosion. We ara^gladto say that he is abla to be axomid again. Some of the potatoes that were m pits; were badly froaen lately lu this aeighborbood. Of eoazse iiwsa not owing to waaaawaakheB^ „ ' The Kimbezley Sdbbath School anniyersaij and tea meeting ownes off here on the 8id of Eebmary.. There will be a good programme and aathe psoeeeds will go for a good pnipose, we hope there w*ll be a hurge attend- anM. CBUTCHIS BBNDEBBD UBBLBSS. The poor eripQls^o has tease erotdhas' on Msoont ofrBhemastism, atif and swoUoq, jpiiits, eontiaeted eords, sod iother aches^ paitif and Iswtnttti may throw aside his eratehes ilhe wOl ti7,aicptdiB Tallow Oil ^titUallj. â- ^„t^^ It is shaking the Town and Coujuy. from centret^ fiMjencc, aiid^^omjpletcly. ptitverizing and parak^^ ^:;..Iri- :â-  .• j^lj'cp^pi^itio^ We are all bound for " (^•vm our eorrtapondmt.) ' At the annual school meeting held in. the stone school hoaie here, Mr. Bobert Grahami was sleeted school trustees. MiM Ford has, oommeneed her du- ties aa school tsacher here. The schoal is very wM attended. SuDOBN I)iuiTH. â€" A young man nhmed Chambers died at tiie residence of Mr. Thodaa Knight, on the 13th inst., Tei7 aaddtoly. He retired to bed the n^ht before in, his usual health, and was dead the next morn- ing. Dr. Christoe was called in, but did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest. *, â-  â- - ' • â€" fc i iai Flestaerton t^heese Factory. The annual business meeting of this cheese lactory was held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on MondaiV, the 11th inst., for the purpose of lay- ing before the patrons an account of the business tf the past season. The secretary's reports, showed that there had been 1,P56;111 lbs. of milk sent to the faetdry by the patroqs, fiom which 101,617 lbs. of cheese was made which was sold for $8,644.78. The cost of running the factory was $2,- 265.82, lesfving $6,279.41 to be de- vided amonig the patrons according to the amoun| of milk sent by each palr.n. ' A unanimous vots of thanks was tendered to the President and Direc- tors for the very satisfactory manner in whicb they discharged their duties during the past season. The aibnual meeting of the paeons ot the factory for the election of oflfic- ers will be held in Flesherton on the 9th of March. Com. Consumption cubed. An old physician, retired from practice hapng had placed in hia hands bv an East India missionary the formula of a aimpl* vegetable wmsdy for the speedy and pennui. ent core of Consumption, Broncbitia Cuarrh. Asthma and all threat and Lung Afflictions also a positive and radical cure fai^ Nmvous lability and aU Nerrous Complaints, after having tested its wonderf «I eoiatiVe powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make It knawn to his snffming feltows. Actuated by this motiT* and a desire to rdieTehamansnffMing.iwiU sand iiee of diarge. to who desire it, this recipe, in Gennan, Frenije or English, with full direcboM far preparing and Tising. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp. uamin» this P' To find bu*/ the. :ause c* such a commotion, v gencEJlly supposed *o have been createdbythe ' Outogeoiis^ Low Pri( AT WHfiCH JKIVAI^P fiET/SBLIilirO THE IMMftKSB tYtf trt bjf Us MlMb Qtimaii amds^ inyJ Aau^ W!»rythi^ kept iitt ai first-class Grocery. Whijoh b* bas jut leeeiTed He baa goods %t will gladden tbt I ijie Youns^ the Old, the Bieb and the Poorâ€" everybody, inlutHiil] gladdening process don't eoat mneh, either. Ber sure aivt call at KWAPP'S, ^orhewil undersold. Remember, BANBURY'S OLD STAND ^v n\ WW's '3 Spectacles and Eye-Grlass -^ABE THJ8 ONLIâ€" GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES| â€" -INTHliâ€" a -â-  Real Petibiles are kept in stock. Tests are given to Porchasers to prove GenuineflB â€" â€" =-^^-' They are recommended bv and testiownials liave been receivedl President, Vice-President, Ex-Piesident and Ex Vice-Piosidentoftbeli« Association of Canada Ible President of the Colletce of Piiysicuns and » geonsof Quebec tte Dean of the Medical Faculty of Lii?al Um^i*' President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Conacil of Nova Scotia, tt-l o â- â-  â€" These recommendations ought te be sa^fijieut to p"'^« "â- '" ' tout it further proof ia needed, cidl on A. TUMItR ACo., Chemists and D^ The only place in town where they can be obtained- Spectales fitted on scientific principle £i MARRIAGES- ittiiuiiâ€" CA»B«Lir-On the nth iiwt at ^cresidameeof thabndtfa lather, b^'the 8ev. J Mdnnis. Ifr. J-xeOoriok N. Kirk- ham of Bearboro, to liaTinia, daniiht«r of James CampM. E»q^ of^Uie^pSL?' M^Mi^«_W^a«4»y, theisth inrt.. Ba». I)^fcL«d, Mr. Angus MeLeod, of ter^a«da»*i«M»aiBljMl.tfBan«S, Uieneli;^ .-...,,:, .rru,j..[cs j â- â- -,0 .eTTTT t: |«n Wheat... .;..."'iw -fe trj^o*? PUBLiC NOTICEe THE annual moating of Harkdale Cheee* Faetoiywillb* bdd at the Markdsle Honse on Saturday, the 80th Janeary, at 3 odoek p. m.. for tbe imipoie of reoeiTing Additors'Beiiort, Cleetion of Officers, and other important botinera. A fall attendance ie reqaoRted. B. COLEMAN, 280-81 Prwrident. farm to Sell orH^ LOT 15..con. 18. HoB»i "J from Markdale WJlJ^j^l e^eredand under cdtntg.... U)j house, young "T^W^ leaied for a term 9I jeais. 'W- 2|Mf °^ i! To I«o»a osteal ,Mtet aMoiity. flimpto^" ^.•^•?*T'?*r' «« •^y «««». IN CONNBCTION ^^ ;. jStawlari omek. P/ewes' Flour aMr^ }i TTTT .1 .^r-' 'TO'rry £.2 Having just reccJ eMcie. FrisI •jj STOCK rrea,s. Which wiU be sel^ l/respeetfully •«»** patronage^ 198 J» â- d'

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