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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jan 1886, p. 2

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 -^Ik i:l ^^ Kelt both. TMl iium _3..,»^ looki after hu^odvJ^d and «»«.. Tnu raDgioDâ€" not a^^tere profMaienâ€" b ft gnat help to healti^ however bad may have bees eâ€"^ ^|ilylft«:l l««*fi% TT,hliL early ranroaiidiiiga. It teaehef hia» i» kaap. hk a^etiteaâ€" greatMoimaof d i rtai a whaa allowad the â- iMtery-^ ^««U J^««-*«Mb. No truly religiou man oan lii^lKrea^mBi ate hT8 g' Mlf with aloohol, or «0;b«.« de^Mochee. Sooh a man will get more real plj^eal pleaaora ont of Ufa ^u thoae in whom the lower natare baa the naatery. RelisioB oondeauii and tenda to repeaaaU jealmisy, enyy, hatred and the malign fiaarinna, each «f whioh when' yielded to make aerere dranghto on the health. It enj(rfn8 Ioto to God and man aa a fundamental doty, iind fbetera it aa the oea- tral principle of the life. SvuA lore not only arreati aU miOIgn tendenoiee, bat dlftnaea tiiroiq^ the ayitem a oabn, aeoth- inff, gladaome iaflnteoB, ^naUy oondmive to hishett health. Nothing oan be rapwior in thb reapeot to aottre benefiotnce. It keepe ambition Mid tiia deaire of wealth within proper bonnda. It le^da the man with capaoity for tiie high plaoaa of l^ower to aooept them, tbat he may Mrre the people aa a lerTant of God. If he baa Sat bnaineai capacity, inatead of (hrivell- into a mint over hoard^ thooaanda or liona, he ocndnota himself aa being God'a atoward and keeping tiie ontflow of wealth proportioaed to ito inflow, he ii nplifted, enlarged, and made every way a happier man, and thna a truly healthy one. It ever makea life worth Uving. The religioaa an never laoki for an aim In lifeâ€" and othing ia more depteaaing ph yai- mlly than a life withont an aim. He knowa that be is made for God and the eternal fatnre, with the image of God with- in him, to be here more and more develeped aa the baaia of nnending growth. Beligion prevento unwhokaome and often deadly depreaaion in adversity. The religi)aa man knowa that diacipline is es- sential to moral advancement, and that he isnnder the wise training of a loving Father. He ia aaatained ana cheered by the wonderfnl aasnrance that all things shall work together for his good. It leads him to look on death as the door to liis eternal home, and thus he aacapea that life-long chill, through fear of it, from which so many suffer. -V Mpbinfd. P dbMa^aad |noed|Mi:by^ n4B cUB is ildl. widobhthe l«««ft ,. _. _„ FABM, ' V' r^fan»l iilmenl i|i y/Waf^lK 4^1 exacting si u » u ii-«»f»»'«»^w â- toek, Jiot necessarily by any mtea|| but ba- :«^â€" irftlta wi,b"t of their ownalf. Qold preijriaklu||?«fcv;!«i||ty of A ' '• any jiW*"**?5«jP^^ *»'"*â- * water-bagato the feet, and hot flaxaeod ^^ IJOnitjeereTe r t h e Iwng a wher e the p a ip i fc ,. .JUld ttl9 moat aevera. B-pIaoe these Wfth'otiiers tionthe ^^^li^w^WmSS^WSS^V»inUtatV^ for daya a|iould eel, iand boiling " new " milk, with an laion of Tichy, two table^tweafnll to e(ght pf milk, or a large oapfol. Avoid' oold ddnlu till the pain ia gone and the, natural temperatac« restonkL A BoctfT «f DiTJni^f In Miaaiaalppi so many liarkiea have claimed' e x a mptten from road duty on tibe pretext of being mtniatera of tiia gospel, that aome of the oonrta have required toat all cl a iming «xemptIon en that aoore rhall produce owtificatea o ordinatien or ap- pointment. At the laat term of M*dlaon County Circuit Court, Brother tHck Bamea waa ndnua thia all-importaBt document and he aonght the advice of a young friend who told him • he would fix it all right for him; to come back in about ten mihntes and he would haVe a oertificato fo? hn." While thepfeaohef waa gone the young man atepped aorosa the atreet to a drug atore and got a "Maraden'a pllla " diploma and, placing it in an envelope, gave fit to Brother Bamea, who waa promptly en hand when the ten minutea had expired. When court convened, and it waa in order to offer exonaea, ete., Brother Bamea approached the derk'a desk and threw down his certificate and taid 'Thar's my certify tor preach their word." The clerk passed the document up to the judge, who smiled and remarked " Uncle Dick, this is a doctor's certifi- cate." " Well, Jedge, hain't I er doctor ov divinity other way. ?n^ heamve' kmp In be^ /whm 8pringqiifle8)the effisote el^lJbr ft between flannel sheete, apply hot rabber |pg l*f,|e«arf^thiv«»unt framea, too weak f noiMeopaiiBy mm l^ any jvuo^t a»»;.fay â- ^jIOBuuâ- wv^^ ntO he arrives keep in bed fWlien spring qemes^tfae effitota el .1 -1 â€" *. â€" 1_ u.» _vi â€" insiNseeaJBthe^gannt framet, â€" »WjO^SlMSe-bound skin the ccugh. ?Iy blaok leg. We might men- mers non tne p r e v al en t -iwim au •â- Â» mu««, eve ry two hours; A^ AOtful nMe ia a, btfth ierioua disorden, very wi^glgf -rrr .. r- ..^^ .nimei, aathey.»r«^ mBrp»|«»« ffMt" $f necessity »Im » WMnii,yei Irelt vsBftilated' UnAmeO, aa uiey. mmkjnmj ^Mtm 9«"«* Â¥* „ «_,.. ^.-^ _.^.... ,._ f^ general debility; reaultlng from poor feeding 'Sweet jie«e she gives wheieter the wrlTes She bniMs onr vlitne m the f onna onr lives Lays the rough paths of peevish nature even. And opens to each breast the lixht of heavtn.** ISo One Stile for All. No two persona are alike physically. People differ in temperament, heredlt susceptibility to disease, and in recnperati power. There ia also an acquired dispoi tion to particular diseases from occupatio and habita of life and temporary snsce,,- tibilitiea from anxiety, grief, watohing, and overwork, mental or phyaioal. B hy- gienic habite alao make a vaat difference, aa do bad hygienio aurroundinga. There are, moreover, undefinable changea in the phyaical ayatem froln childhood to old age, that render ttie liaUUtiea of the later period quite different from those of a previous one. Removal to a different cli- mate alao greatly changea the auaoeptibillty, So much ia thia latter fact true that vaccination, good at home, may be power- leas fkbrtad. Htnoe a medicine good fw one peraon ia not neoeasarUy good for another. Here appeara the value of a family ^ysioian, one who knowa tlia family history of his patient and the latter's physical individu- ality. We aee, alao, that the aame hygienic methods are not equally adapted to all. One oan sleep with his window open not only witiiout harm, but with podtive bene- fit. Thedepreaaed condition that charao- terizea sleep, the more night air, and the liability to marked changea in the eutaide tsmperatore, woaU render the habit perilous to many others. So one must not blindly toke a dally cold bath becauae others have tried it, and atrongly raoommended it. It might be death to ono, thoa«h life to another. One needato have regard to the condition ef the heart, and the readiness to react from a chill to a g^ow. To aome a aemi-weekly warm bath la much better. It is somewhat the aamo In tha matter of -exercise, which may help or may harm. One, if atalldeiioate^ ahonU oarefnlly find out what ii best, both in kind and degree. It is equally so in the matter of food. While the vigorona, wlio teigaty Hve ont doora, m%y eat almoot anything within the limito their i^jpeMes, othera mnat leam the limite of tbair own digestive powers, and aot aooordingly. It la oertafai that theae limita vary greatly. Teirible Tragedy* Neighbors noticing the absence of persons around Dr. Martin White's residence in Battle Greek, Mich., broke into the house and found tiie entire family with their throate out from ear to ear. Dr. White and wife were lying upon the floor, and the two children in bed. It is thought that the Doctor became insane and murdered his family. The rooms show evidence of a ter- rible struggle between the husband and wife. No otfaer csuve is known. Dr. White b an irishman, who has been a practising pbysician here for a number of years. He has been known to have spells of nngov6rn»ble temper, during which he was abusive to his wife and children, and of late he has b?en seen to act a little strangely. The children, a boy and a girl, were found on the se ond floor, on a bed. The father and mother were on the kitehen floor be- low, A buteher knife, axe, and razor, smeared with blood, lay near the bodies. White is supposed to have killed the child- ren while Mrs. Whito waa at church, and to have struck her with the aae on her return home, finishing the deed wit^ the razor, as she had a gash on her head, and lay with her outdoor wraps and gloves on and had her hymn book in her hand. Hon ail, ao-oalled, oonabta of a feverlah eondition of tha^yrteati »Bd a lew irltklttyt aooompanied. by imgubw oinalatioa, which produoea alternate heat and chfll ot tiie ex- tiemitiea. The dfeeartve ' eii*ite° are ont of order, and the bfafai, flie oantM of the nar- voM ayatem, aoAn 0teat||f Zlia head ia In a odadition of ooBgeatlon at one time, and in a atato of aasemia at another. The boms are part of theakiill, and jUbe.l^Uow cores are lined with a aenaattve vaaonlar mem- brane, oonneoted with, the trcotal alninea. When the brain b eongeatec^ «h* Whole head ia hot, the eyee waep, tbr noso.ia dry, and of oourae the hprna appear hot to the touch, being ao olossly oonneoted witii' tbe sknlL But the distase Is not In the h'dhiB, or in the head, it ia In the stomaoh, as any penoa can r a^i^ whose ati mioh is out of order, and wbo has a "sick headache** from a biljout condition of the â- ystem. â-  The reme- dy Li, then; not topo«r tarpesitine into the eairs, or upon tiie head, and aetjt on fire, or bore through tha homa into the very aensl- tiveooiea, but to relieve the stomach tad Uver, by a liberal dose of physio; a quart of raw linseed oil, or twenty-four ounces of Epsom salta, and follow it with some com- forting meases of warm bran madL ' "Tail m" is anothw reflex result of a poor oondition.of the animal, in which this extremity suffers. The above remarks ap- ply to this case too, and an excellent reme- dy ia prevention by good oare and generous feeding. BlacK Leg^By and by, when winter ia nearly over and the young cattie begin to fbed on tbe dead grass of the first bare spota, or the first green herbage in wet, warm -places, some will be found limping about, lame inthe ahbnlder or the- hip to- day, and to morrow daad ia the field or yard. If one passes the hand over the akin d the si anfinal, the lame quarter will be found puffed up and a eraokUng, mstilng sound will be heard. After death these j It I diso^rett liver aa "Golden Medical Discovery " sant to the taato, mild but sura in iti -and|;itt-to..HaarlBg ilMBMltL.i?'gP ȣ Af tha moatmooeasfid nhvaioiaiia m the age lea- Ion, one ejettee: spote will be blaok and bloody, aa if the flesh had be«i bruised to a jelly. The liver ia soft and rotten, and the spleen is b!a k and like clotted blood. This is anthrax fever, the bloody murrain, or black quarter, which is the most deadly disc aie of cattle. There is no time for any remedy preven- tion is the only safeguikrd, aid just now is the time for this. Feed the young animals ^ell, D3 not tnm them into the fields to pick up rubbish. Give them a regular dose -of a teblespoon of a mixture of one pint of molasses, four ounces of sulphw, and two ounces of cream of tartar every morning, as soon as the weather begins tt get warm, and give tiiem as much aalt as they will take voluntarily from this tl^e forward. of the moat mooeatfid phymianaM Mp whp itm oeltliB^ friend nor enemy ii wltlioab tntomi^ foiret or energf. ' Man's â- erh'e fiwaâ€" taaiwj, Woman'a work la never dens." Work far a neoeeafty to «B H^tmiiA hum many, women eaaedallVt doa«.il iall-wMh: tita burden of tiie ' leet atrnw/-' an^ thia, beoauae their pecnM*^ delb^to oonsUtationa are ao liable to fnaotienal derangeaienti. We ^ainetlMMB year toil, ladles, ut we •» aak^ |t,. eeder tfg yo n, by rf^M^ g you atronger and' bettelf able to do it. Dr. Pieroe'k " Favorite FresieripMon" wUl relieve yon of nervoua and other .WMk-i neasea, imd all the many lUa peonliar to ypor â- ex.- TThoa who wonldeb i^o, vivo qOkkly. In the gmv« thy lovod on* On roooivo no kinmeaa. Itellcata fM nervoua debility M»d premature weaknesa;liOwever Induced, itadl- oally cured. 3end tei oenU in atampa far treatise. World'a DbpenaaryMadicalAs- Molation, 663 Main Street BoflUp, N. Y. Strong thoDghti are kon nails dil^en in the mind tlmtnotldng om dimw oat. A Cube fob DBrNKBirinssâ€" Opium, morphine and kindred hnbiti. Valuable treatise aent free The medldne tm^y be given in tea or c. flee, without., the. know- ledge of the person taking it, if ao deafred. Bend two So. atampe.for fait pvtbmlaa and taatimoniala of those who n%ve- been cured. Addrees M. V. Luban, i^g^oy, 47 Wellington street eaat, Toronto, Canada' The London Lancet says that children who are allowed to go bwetooted en joy almoat perfect immunity from the danger of ' cold" by accldteitel chilling of the feet, and they are altogether healtiiicr and happier -than thoae who, in obedienoa to tha naage* of social life, wear shoes 4wid stockings. -, It ought to be explained that the weary traveler who fainted and fell by the way- side in all probability liad vertigo. Imperial Cough Drops wOI give Poaitiveand Inatant Seliaf to those suffering from Colds, Hearaeneaa, Sore Throat, eto., and are invaluable to orators and vooallsto. For sale by druggista and eonfeotioners. R. R. T. WATSON, Manufactuma, Taronto. A Connecticut deacon received a slight bjnry to one of his eyes, which gave the organ a peculiar, fixed expression. Heno^ when he asked tiie village drug clerk for soda water, that experienced person he- onemllei^^^^ad besoMoheaD- IK uT ?• 2 Vi_ â- on. For temu. An ^^Jtt» • .Tl" Aosdany. Atvde, tolSiir^'*** Axle andHi^iSelsS jre ol all kiadi tj 0, Maaafaotniert ot all kladi a o^ nice List on application. water; u WELL BOKiij 68 MABY BTBKBT. HAMltm ir n!a^| JAMES PARK ft Pork Paokers, Toronto,) L, 0. Bacon. BoUed Spice Biooa, C. ft k aiasMw Beet Hanu, Sugar OnndHia, Ml Breakfast Bacon. Smoked IODjnei,T5Hl •**«««' Ch«««. f»o^ wStTj Pflii Tuba and PaUi. The Bert tnalt H IMry Salt hi Steak Allan Line Koyal lall M BaOiasdiirias winter from rortlul mih uufax ererr Batordar to Urapool, uiha tnm Qnebee ef err Batar A Lonely Island. Lundy, a tiny island in the North Devo" electoral diateiot, has a grievance. In tfa* winter, it is often ont oflf for weeks together from all interoonrae- with the outer world, and a petition has just been addreated to the adjacent islands of Great Britafa," which sets forth the peculiar disadvantages under which this isolated bit of territory lies. It f**J^,!?'** I-nndy forms a portion, however inaignificaht, of her gradoua majeato's do- mfailons, and ia inhabited by 100 banian be- ing" who are unsurpassed for loyalty. Elec- torally, Lundy belongs to the Nortt Devon district, but Its Inhabitante are ntierly un- able to reowd their votos, as there fa no polling phuie upon tha island, and no reguUr postal commnoloation between it and the mainland. " At the present time," adds thia melancholy protest, «• we have nearlv .30 qualified electors residing here, not one of whom will be able to vote. Stranae aa it may seem, we have bean for upi^a of three weeks without letters or papers, and entirely cut o£F from the outer w^d. Al- though the great poUtical oontsal Urasine so near us, we are In igaoranoe of all pSSm- mlnewa. Cannot aomething be done to lighten onr darkiteasr' BaeterU The pr^portiea of baotaria In a onUo meter of ataaoepherie afir is, aoaeording to U. de Parvllk, 0.6 In aea air, one In the air of Ugk meulainat afacty In the principal oabin of a ahlp at aea, two handrad on the topof tbe Pantheea, three hundred and sixty in the Rua de Biveli, aiz thenaand in the FMia sewen, tiilrly-alx titonaand in old Paris bonsea, forty thoneand in the new hospital of tha Hotel Dfeo, aaid the saventy- niae tiwnsand in tha old hoapital of the Phie. Ia Ryder Siioet, S:. Jamee's, a oiiMe mater of air oonlaina only two hun- dred and forty baeiatia, wtiMeaa In the Rue de Rtvoli tha aamo quantity of air oontafasa three hnndred and dxty. M. de Parvllla aaya the anperiorlty of London air, aa oompaiad wltii the air of Parley Is alMwn not oaiy by ito ooataiafas lewer haotavis^ but alao by the rate ot mortally being amailar. The greater pnrttjr or leaaer im- purity oft e ur of Loaden ia iMjoonnted lor by London being nearer than Paria to tlie ae^ by Ms oovanng a greater extent of ground in ^oportfam to the popdiation, and by ite honaes being lower. Moaeal Sands in Oallfonu. An examination of the musical sands ot Kauai, CaL, wUoh hava exoited so mnoh Interest on the part of geologfats and oUien. Bcopfoklstrufltara. The grains are found to be ohielly oempoaod of amaU portioBs of coral »nd apparsBtiy oaloaioooa^mmM, *^i"r.*" !!!•'• "^J^ P«rfoi»toT5ith amaU holes. In aome instaaoesformlnatahML but mostly termlnathig la blindTSvitiS ;*quentiyenla.gadfattie inter alao in i^ u^S^J^SStp.^ ,^ jKl prindpaUy of crystTlf Sl^^iS: line, and magnetic oxide ef irafliibeSud ma glassy aatriK.- Tl» iltrnbinal^ grains ej^^lafna. it fa ttiouht. wh« ^n!^ amittsdw^tiMvani^:^ w^ sound fa qtientiyin tiie sides of SeSSSti2lj?!!r ^Tf ?^-- 7t»«tionsSSr.SS.r Timely SoQCestionB. A Down merino cross, all things corsld- ered, b the Ideid lamb for winter feedioff. The merino mother gives short legs, larsa body, fine wool and a large quantity, and hardy conatitatton. The DSwa alii givsa quick growth, a large proportfoa of the lean meat, length of wool, and a blaok face i^ legs. 01 the Downs as sires, we preftr the Shropshires and Hampehbaa ai of ve^ nearly eqn-lvalne; next tiie Soutiidown/ Oxfords, sto. Thereaaonof onrprefeiwoe fa in til. faot that tiie «iropshlirharSI smaUest head, whioh ha imrte, and he half-bied l*mb, tiina rednolng th? loss of ew;esln latabing and giviaTtim mateat value to the offing. « " "• grea«eat Warning u given by the People and Pa- triot against overfe^ing hor£a whfah Is declared to be even more'oommJi £J £ the of hogs: Witiifoodbefow ItkU fiUed. It fa an excellent plan to finrhow much horses really requi^ and ttan f be alarmed if everythtog fa ..ten olela £ the moramg. That to "the way It SIuB **•/•* "^way. taking care to give enouA Aphyslbton teUa tiie PhiSdelphiT^R. nighta by a oommoa tnbnhir Uatem wlti. lefleotor and a spring for iSaSSS • S place of putting It «r tha dSTl 3|d £ apriagover tiia adddia of tiwTbreaaESlft. dlrwfiyia front of tiie hoSi EtS^Sii of tiia rojdN fr^t ef iSTT pw37.J2! h j^^tTS*" much ssssjn iX^ar^lS^ TheooadmoSTSir hSiL-^i.Tl^*7= levei-h«idod fffii^SJ^ breadth of ohMt. anda to prevent the lantern HMKfaTdMri^ *weaa the hoiaa's Im. »i. *V "••â-  "*• *e tswiea 2EE 9lSS\^ â- JP' "â- Â«â€¢ a A^^r^i^r^ M **â- â€¢Â» be wall to Imva • enort strap sewad to Am *-^ -.. Peamaalfaafa^ritTda lieved he recognized the mute rcqueat for superior old p*le whioh prevaUs in many temp: ranee vUlagea. He acted en thfa be- lief. The deacon waa really surprised, and fluahed slightly aa he drained the ghtss, but he has become a regular customer for "spda," and tiie salary tf the eleik haa^een raised. The Care of Dmnkenness Is a task wltii wlloh the regular praotition- " *^. *!?T *?â- "• *1*- Nine-tontiis ot manUnd loi« upon drankeamess aa a aocial 'rl^.T*^ ?^" "»y overpomo by force *!!!?"• I"nkenness fa a bad habit we all ada^ ia the moderate drinker. In the oonfiraud dnnkard it becomes diseaae of] *^ â- â€¢^•" •y-jMn- The medioal treat- ment of thfa diseaae oonaista ia the em- ployment of remodiea that aot direotiy np -ki*^"" l»rti«. of tiie nervoua «yate^ Which, when diaaaaed, o»uae, Inaaoy, de- mentU,aBd tiie drlaklag habit Remedfas mustbe employed that wiU cure tlw appe- ttto for steong drink, steady the trembUng i^i' 't^*^* *• iHgtag eplrlt. balaaoe %h% â- dnd, eto. Th. nerveas system, of tiie dram 1^?L *!•" " nnatrung cr ahattorad, mnat be given a naSrimeat tiut will take *•?»•«• o' tte aoonatomed Hqnor, and S!!t^#l?%^7""""^»*«^ Joet^ation that often follows a anddea breakiag cff W.S*^""*?"""""^- Thoeeo?our readers who are interested In tills subject. J-raattse, in book. form, oa drankanuMa. o^um, morphine and kiadmd ha.hS. Ti2^^ fa Uieloeedfor posnga. U ^T?^Jto,'Si^ '^-^"^-^ .. A. P. «63. â€" â€" ^w.w.*«.«.. H«.w.wawloUfferpor, t a«t doodein to land maili aodpuKsfoifiir8Na Ireland. Aio from Baltimore, TtiHtUuiaiii iTV., to LiTerpool toitnlibtlr te-j| amMi I The â- teaman of tbe QUigow Una itU duh I to and from HalUaz, PcrtUnd, Bortoi id' pUa and daring nunmer betwceaOUiRt â-  lr«aljj(e3kly;aia««ovai' ' mtobvaellMiriGj and nUadalpUa, fortaifUli. For freight, passage, (u other li apply to A 8ohuinscBsr.ku,ad Cunard k, Co., Halifax;Shesk' ,Sil, N. F.; Wm. ThomMm k Co., M Joh.)! Allan Jk Go.. Chicago: Lore k Adi t York B. Bonrller, ftnmto Ailiu Bstl Qnebee: Wm. ftookle, PMItielnli;! Allan. VortlMi* Bnntna. Mm^^ CANADA PIBfllAi^Ul LOAN mim INCORPORATED A- D' IBtt Sabaoilbcd Capital. Paid np Capital ... BeserveFand Total A«eti.^..... ..|!1M ..stml OFFICE: Company's BnUdincs, ToroiKi^ Toronto- ' The Company haa now on bud amount of EogUsh mosey *faii^t"'fl pared to lend on first clasi aecuitia" rates of faitereat Apply to I CURE FITS, LEFSTor warrant to-dsy. Bead » ssaffi ilSSSf ,iJ?5*Jf *2* *Ool, QneiiJr •â- â- '^â- â- atir Item £s?Sr^-' ConnopoMian Mee. n.00 other* ha^ SaSTino "«SteiS!ft«^' core, oana »» """° .«.-.. -â€" â€" ,^fi*i^ mrinIUbie remedy. fit»» Ki|»«"S|bb«!« Faeumor'o s Pnenaoniiu jnflaaHnation of tlpa lungs. When the .aiaqimatiaa fa on the lining ef the oheet, i: i ^earfay. The two may be cated to tiie air In' tiiV^^-!S:;f"Sf moat favorable conditiona for ^^ " ssft^lr^-'^s^tSTgia; fat^a"sat-!Eh'-«i"^- r^/ -^ ««k.d, wh«i he Sad^ .*.. 2?? " â- Â«Â»Â»Â«tfanow out OnrS^iâ€" ^i_** must follow tids woinL aTS^ â- ^!*' oofleefaneveTfri^ At sU .vsnte, her •fitter e-ibemadabyT-S^ffiSS •wwdl eheltarad. S2idr^o3^ f«».i they tiiould have wamTwIE tfd2«W* iowiiassst£?^^'« «***«• Since tha Staad-Annalmac bnrfM^ a. baabeeaa eoMM»~Z5?». 'Wnees ft ytamm ia EMfaaid STa^./^i V"*** â- taaoea tiie jarr haSm^SfZ^ **â„¢ "»- TtrABTBB AT OSCS: "g?â€" gf*«w-iuii!! bit RXAu-as â€" ' ^»»awwa Wevay aa sl e a »aiaa^ k^ ^mmmm r«ETBS Aloacthe Has ot the CMogg^^iV nSleBa,sadthe "Wc" Bss-ofloeatioa. ^^fc^^bntfiJ ftefttU isfoRMtifla («** â- * ** ehaife shoot »»^*:? JSSkta, ,tii WaslUB Oaaadlas "•"j iS**,!^! ^2aSa'SL*i;g!Sv,oi •j-i^tth^jNMs;^ •fesst^ ^loHraad pr 400gniaeaa- ' 'â- *** *^y«e: WW WUraajDMisry *yw/ â€" â-  • u^ .. Wf •»-«»e|aJa"«i,a^«iir„.af.tte GenuUe i*^***'^^ â-  ^ZJt^ '"**^*«««^ Wool and Hariws- Every

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