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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jan 1886, p. 1

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 ttl. 8, ** 4jin 5' 6ie' 7Dl 2- k 44 7«i Ilk 804 T 1. 880 SSi ?^ SlO 1 '• 8" ;j3 p. T^ re.-No. 2bo. MAKKDAIxE, ONT., J AiN 21 1886. 3ie| 3 30 1 3lo| ml *31 4 57 «23 iu\ *iol PBCH. 10:30 Paitor; wl 3 UNES OF IHCM WATCHES [\('iRR.-.xTABLE Grades. Thomas Clocks. fit iSSOmENT SILVER- WARE. U P* Specks. Iiler Lines of Jewelry, etc 1 18 1. WgiiNG RINGS. ills Work Warranfeti. [imiRING A SPECIAUY. lAJROm A reliable Jewellen isi aad Otheritems. fcmEs 111 i/if" columns intended to benefit or Societt/ teill be charged ten I 'mi for tin' /icst ingertion and five iilineeach sub sequent insertion. 1 JoHM Whitby bae been appoiuted uor for Artemssia for '86. ,D.R Ellis of Euphraeia, will accept thanks for a can of |!T. li: John McDoDald retarned to \n on Tuesday last Irom Engl- John Alkxandee of Thombnry j ^on Saturday the 19tb inst., .aged j j Oar SabwribMv at a diataoc* wboae Bubacription expires the lat JaDuary. will be dropped en the In Feb. if not renewed bj that time. Bio BlQghtered aale of Mantles Ulsters, Wool Shawls. Hoods, Gloves' and Blanltsts now going on at Mc- Farlands. REA-DER.-i-If we should discontinue the p^wr ab soon as the subeeription expves, would you have the Btandabd this week W. H. RoTLBDoi, hutcher, received a telegram on Tuesday bearing the sad intehgenee of his father's sudden death at his home near Georgetown. Bm Means Businkss. â€" Mr. D. Mc- Lean, of the City Hotel, is making several improvements in and around his premises, and is otherwise fast growing popular. Ma. RoBT. MoMToousBT, baker, was taken down suddenly with inflam- mation of the lungs last Thursday night and has been very low since, hut is DOW on the mend. CuDiT Sali â€" Monday, 25tli Jan. on lot 14, COB. 9, Euphrasia, farm stock, implements, o. Terms â€" .18 months on sums over $5. Josiah Sauder, prop.; Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Accident. â€" Yesterday evening about 4 o'clock, as Mr. John Jelly, of the Boyal Hotel, was takmg in an armful of wood, he fell, breaking the small bone of the left leg. â€" [Shelburne Frbo Press. J. B. Tbihblb is showing over 7,000 yds. beautifol prints. This is without doubt the largest and finest assortment of prints ever shown by any one merchant in Markdale at one time. We extend our sincere thanks to those who have renewed their sub- scription so promptly. Keep at it, friends, until you have all done so, and thus make the editor's heart re- rears. h are pleased lo learn that W farlaud made a ^ood bale of hntier. J. one |. R. Tbimelk ig showing over 2000 iplendid cotton shirtings re- irkable valuable. m. A. Innier has added a niokle p case to his store, and made primproyements. Samnel Douglas died last day, and was interred in Christ lurch Cemetery on Monday. |Ibe lecent fall of snow has made i sleighing, and a great improve- intin business is the results I Gn a bottle of "Silver Cream," ill make your silver .vare shins â€" only A. Brown, Eole agent. pwABD P.i-TLSDGE was ' appointed ^or for Glsnelg township at the tilmseting on Monday last. I^'JHY parson ought to see J. 'R. immense stock of prints, ' pi*c8s to choose from. [^ WillijiBsford band gave our ^.^r. and Mrs. Mercer a serenade »«ieir arrival so we are informed. I A M« from Eaphrasia got his hands â- 'M ears frozen on Monday TiiiH gicow to Thornbuiy malhet. ufyNewB,-- ',, " ' ' â- ^t Books, and several lines of ,,7^? just received at Medical "•A. Turner Co. «^88CBiBER asks for a Tsuraforcold Coma or ssa 8T*M»amB.i i^tvB os«n.a*CBi. J. oice. The trial of Neilson t$. Rutherford, in regard te the recent Proton Station row, oame off in Owen Bound last Friday and resulted in Rutherford being fined $20 and eosti and his two sons $10 each. Notwithstanding the hard times J. R. Trimble is shoving out the goods in great quantities. What is the reason? Why, because his prices are right and every person is dealt with on the squsre. Notice. â€" Having sold my business in Markdale, I hereby notify all per- sons indebted to me to settle the same ou er before the 1st February, 1886, or the same will be plaeed in other bauds for collactioD. Wm. Hanbnry. OuB respected friend, R. H. Whit- by, has gone into the stationery and fancy goods business in Orangeville, in company with Mr. Gillespie, a highly respected and immensely popu- lar young man of that town. We wish them every success. NoncB. â€" I have been notified by Messrs. Robbins A Aggelton, Waltham Factory Aents, that the Waltham Co. will make no more Key wind watches excepting the g^rade named "Broad- way." W. A. Brown, Agent Waltham Watch Co., Markdale Try banki with cold. Ctr^'fthey BtillremaiS r^'^s sawdust on firs. kt\°"n' Plewes^of the Mwkdale r j; Roller Mill, has been making ' «nproyements in his mifl, and ""8 a large business. jt *• yesloy McCoy of London and „^^^JOffiag McCoy of Toronto spemi '•- :*J^^tli their sister, Mrs. Mo- "^a.ia Markdale last week. ton\° ^a«8ie, of the Central nagfiRf',-^*^" awarded $8,000 NX. J.^"" publishod in the lr.wr for. $10,000 fox "^l^nime of Montreal. there is a family. for children taken on bread at school for lunebk where th6'yo^^g8ter8 cannot go home far dinner. Mr. D. R. Elhs of Euphrasia, has several hundred peunds 9! the-g^vu* skiff for .sa^. .. It is not the oorreet thingin society now for a young man to say to hia offianced. "Dturling, lay your head npon my breast." He shoald say. "Poll, take your wig off of mv wish- bone." The Rural Oaaadian is really a a yalnable farm journal. 'Every Canadian farmer should hav« it. It comes to us tnis week improved in form, f 1. per annum. Sample* at this office. C.B.Robuison, publisher, Toronto. We notice with pleas^ that onr yonuR ^end, P. McCollooh, solicitot, of Markdale.has been appointed notary public for the province of Ontario. Mr. McCnlloch is a young man of sterling integrity, and vail be ah ornament in the profession. â€" [Thornbury News. TwBNTT THREE Candidates wrote on the Entrance Examination here, six of which passed. The names of the successful are, Linde Thibaudeaa, Lillie Long, Isabel Cunnmgham, Harry Large, Charles Casson, and Peter Thibaudeau. Five of successful belong te the Markdale public school. Social. â€" A sneial will be held by the Ladies Aid Society in the base- ment of the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening Bext,lcoiBmenoiog at? o'clock. A good programme )ii^l be served and refirashments gone through in the usual manner. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all. Admisiion 15 cents. Back Again. â€" Mr. Jas. Allen, of Allenford, has been again placed in the chair in the Amabel council for the year of 1886. If experience is any use to a man we think Mr, Allen has it, and there is one thing certain that the ratepayers of Amabel are not tired of their long tried Reeve. The Canadian Pacific Railway has put in a claim to the rebellion claims commuBion for $700,000 for trans^ porting the troops to and from the scene of the disturbances m Nort^i- west. The friendship of Riel and all the discontented ones in the eount ry could have been bought forever for half the sum. Painful Accidemt. â€" Mrs. Madill, of Corbetton, while washing some clothes the other day had a sewing aeedlt) run into the palm st one of her hands, the needle breakii^ nearly in the centre and one half supposed to have re- mained in the hand. Dr. Norton en- deavored to extract although he made a he failed te find Economist. Habkawat Gbanob. â€" At a meeting (rf Harkaway Grange, No. 648, held on Jan. 16th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Bro. E. W. Moore, Master; Geo. Ptolemy, Overseer; Peter Smith, Secretary; Wm. Carberti Steward; David Squire, Asfj.- Steward Robt. Elliott, Chaplain Jos. Hawkins, Lecturer Jne. Thompscm, Gatekeep- er Robt. Elliots, Treasurer Sister E. J. Moore, Ceres Mrs. Smith, Flora; Mrs. Elliott, Pomona; ^ss Smith, Lady Assistant Steward Peter Smith deligate to Dmsion Grange. Okdinatiom ahd Induction Sbbvicbs. the needle, but deligent search it. â€" [Shelburne a large around HoN« is a valuable meiicihc where T^ ^^^^J; '"f 'iT^h^l *on It is especially good, ducted as pwtor of Knox Church on n- J 8 .. rp^gg^y p^^_ Mr. Park, Rev. Mr. Wilson, R«v. Mr. Straith and Rev. Mr. Bickle. offieiated. The utmost harmony prevailed, and a very ap- propriate sodal was held m the even- ing to receive him. The selection i» soxe to be very popular, and we. trost a very nsefnl one, for the Chords. [Durham Chrvnicle, Band Conckbt.-â€" Our brass band will giv« one of their popular concerts on Friday evening, 22nd inat., in Haskett's Hall. Thiais fuUy e^fpected to eclipse any former effort on t^ part of our popular band. W. H. McDougal of Toronto, and formerly of Markdale. if expected to be present; also Mr. J. B. Anderswi, onr famous Scotch Vocalist, and Prot. W. J. Benson whois a whole team m himself. With audi able assistanefs as the aJwve we may depend on a crowded house. Doom open at 7 o'doak 26 eents. all other merchants, having line of Spring ods and amongst which will be found Cotton ShiVtings, Denems. Grey and White Cottons, Tidaajgi, Prints, *c J. Bi TirtwA Bias j«it i««Mv«d •vei two hundred pieces choice prmts in all the newest patterns and shades, fimt .daee gooit, always below the regular tenre at which these «ood» are offered any place elee. Ahabbibd man of Markdale was late out one night last week, and his wife surprised him the next TBaornmg by discovering a portian of •*•*•• Ub«iing|l»*4tiiiniBiiigBfa«to«ed to to ooa« button. Admiaaion A STOBT is toUl of a shrewd Sooteh- wouian who tried to wean her husband from the dnMU'shop by employing her brother to act the part of a ghost, and frighten John on hvway home. "Who are yon f " said the gnidman, as the apparition roe* before him from be- hind a bush, "I am Anld Nick," was the reply. "Come awa' man," said John, nothing daanted. "Gie's a shake 0' your hand. I am married to a sister o' jours," EniMBLT Obanob Soibbe.â€" Tue Orange Soiree earn* off on l*riday last the 16th as advertised, and there was a good attendance. The tea was ex- cellent, the program good and the muBicfld part of the entertamment by Misses Wilson was grand. Yery appropriate addresees were delivered by Rev. A. Wilson and Dr. bpronle, M. P. of Markdale. We fed indebted and thankful to those from Markdale who so eheerfuly and ably assisted. [One who was there.] Fnx AT Edge Hill.-^u Thursday morning last, about two o'clock Mr. Robt Moffat's heuse at Edge Hill, Glenelg was noticed to be on fire. The flames had made to much pro* gress when discovered te give any hope of saving the houss which was totaly distroyed along with most of the contents, as- Mr. Moffat, and family had only time to get out with a few articles. This will be a serious loss as the house was a good fram)B one. and recently built. â€" [Grey Re- view. Knapp is opening the eyes of business mBQ a* well as the citizens with cheap groceries, wines, liquors, o. See his adv. in another column and then give him a fair trial. Thk other evening two loving eonple might have been seen wendint; their way towards the parsonage for what purpose we leave our readers to guess. When they reached the gate one of the ladies made an effort to escape. At this one of the young men broke out m a lementable voice, "I want to marry her, and she wants tp marry me, but I can't get her to go in." And she didn't go in either. We hope the matter will end more successful next time, or else that they will talk in more subdued tones. We pity the young man, are glad for the young lady, and sorry lot the nunister, who for the time being at any rate lest his fee. â€" [Dundalk Herald. Mb. Robt. Shell, lot 6, con. 8, N. T. S. R., HoUand, died suddenly last Sunday. The deceased though a stout hearty man, upwards of 60 years of age, has been sorely afflicted with business iaroubles of late, and was also troubled with heart disease, to which his suddeut death is attributed. About 10 a. m. on Sunday he went out to tbe stable to attend to the horse, and being longer out than usual his daughter went out after him about 11 o'clock and found him lying just behind the horse, where he had fallen while in the act ot cleaning out the stable. As there were no suspioions circnm- stances attending bis death an inquest was not considered necessary. â€" [ChatsworlhNews. Olebical Chanobs. â€" Rev. Father Cassinremoves this week to Mt. Forest to take the place of Father O'Donnell who goes to GaU, while Father Feeney of Arthur takes the Prieeville and Glenelg parish. The removal of Father Oassin from this district will be much reftretted, bot only by hu own people but by all who had the pleasure ot his acquaintance, as he is possessed with rare social qualities and executive abilities, while his manX mfluenee is fdt for good wher- ever he goes. He is however making a good change for himself, and carries with him (he best wishes of m. h^ge chrde of aequjuntances. Lev. J. G. Fallis, Dntton, oertifies "Â¥?r some yean my wife has beeo txoobled with Dyspepsia, and hns tried one thing after sooUier leeommended bat witfi -little or no effect tin adriae to give eOr^or's Speedy Cute a triaL Since taking the first bottle I have notieed a deeided impromnent, and ran with oonfidenee i-eeoninwnd it to be one of, if not the best nedidoe extant for Dyapapsia. Thia in^oaUe medidne for LiTer Compkint, IndigeBtkini Kidney Com- phrat, is parely wiietaUe. Sold at HiU Bifl^a Aul bofttlesgiven free. S J. B. Tai^tB^'s poi^ Auetwn Sal«f will be oontuiued Wednesday. l^uTt- day, Frid^r aad Saturday, S^ik* 2801; 29th, and 80th Jan. The stode tnusfr be cleared out. Tj \, 1;^ ' k FBEE GIFT. ' Aroond each bottle of Dt. Chase's £iinr., Cme is a MsdiMlGaida and^ {Ukbo^. Book:.' oontainiac nasCal infermatinn, ..over 200' roeipas, uid pranooneed by Ooctora and.. Dmggists as worth ten timaa the cost of the medieine. Medicine and Book tl. Bold liy A. Tamer A Co. Saa,^-' Flesitert*m. â- â- ' JVoie omr own eorrupendefUm Rev. Mr. Wilson, delivered a, very.' imprersing scroaOn to the yoni^ .* people on Sabbath aftemobn test^ is the Presbyterian Church h#re. Rev. Mr. Ayers, preached tha-' memorial sermon of the late Mr. Down, in the Methodist Cuorch in. the evening. Skating is the rage here now, we. were favored with the presence of a- select company of young people from Markdale a few evenings agoâ€" come â-  again frifads. Captain Campbell of Toronto, and.' W. F. Doll of Winnipeg, haye been spending a few holidays m this lo- cality. Miss Francis Wright of New York is now at borne visiting her parentr^ in thia village, Miss Winegate is at present the^ guest of Miss Armstrong in this- place. Another of cur fair sex gone from onr midst, being that ef Miss Alice Bellamy, who was bound to Mr. Wm. Sharp,in the wholy,band of matrimony on Wednesday last, at the residence' of the brides father by the Rev. Mr. Ayer. Much happioess to you both,, so say we all. Tbe Fleshertbn Division Sons of Tempereuce with at. present a good deal of one hundred members in good standing, still grows and increases in numbers. Seven new members were added to the roll last Wednesday evening, among the members were- Rev. Mr. Ayers, and several of promr- ising men of this town. Heialtby Alphabet.; The Ladies' Sanitary Association of London gives the following simple rules for keeping health â€" A â€" 8 soon as you are up, shake blank- et and sheet; B â€" etter be without shoes than sit with wet feet C â€" hildren, if healtiiy, are active, nofe; still B â€" amp beds and damp clothes will both make you ill E â€" at alowly and always chew your' food well Jj â€" reshen the air in the house where you dwell G â€" arments must nevur be made too tight H â€" omes shculd be healthy, airy, and: Hght Iâ€" f you wish to be well, as yOu do. I've no doubt, J â€" ust open the wmdows before yott go out K â€" eep the rooms always tidy and^ dean L â€" et the dust on the farniture never beseten; M â€" nch illness is caused by the want- of pure air, N â€" ew, to open the wmdows be ever your care â-  Oâ€" Id rags add old rubbish, should; never be kept; .- Pâ€" eople should see that thmr floors' artf well swept " 'V â-  ' ' " Qâ€" nick movements .in iiljaldTehar'%. heaJthy and right I • B-^emember the young cannot thrive^. without lig|rt ' Sâ€"ee^ that the eisteri^ is clean iq^tlfe hrim Tâ€" ake care that your dress is all tidy and trim ' ' U â€" se your nose to find if thejre be a bad drain Yâ€" err sad are the lisvere t^t come in its train W â€" alk as much as you can without feeling fatigue X â€" erxes could wdk full numy league. Yâ€" our health is your wealth, which your^wisdom. must keep ^-«^ will help a good cause, and th» food ytm-wiU nam i.. if" i^\ J; -if /•

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