mi W' h -iKM i'-i Hie Markdale Standai^ Ib iaraed evi Mill Thnrsdsj, at the ofBce, Street, MarkdRl*. TsBMs â€" f 1 per year in adTance; 91.50 it not paid within three montha. Professional and bat;ines)i cards on* in«h space and under, per year, 94. 1 TB. xo. 8 IfO. WrheUcolamn .fSO 00 #27 50 91S 00 Half oolnmn........ 27 00 15 OC 10 00 Qnarter eolnmn .... Ifi 00 10 00 C 00 Twoinch space 7 00 4 00 Thresinehspace .... 10 00 fi 00 Casaal advertisements 8 cents per lins first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent insertion, noniMireil measure. Bditorial notices, or notices in local col. nmn 10 cents per line first insertion. 5 cents '=«each subsequent insertion. Stray animals Ac., advertised 3 weeks for *1, the advertisement not to exeeed twelve lines. No paper discontinued until all arrears •are paid except at the aption of the publisher. X WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEBLET, Issn» of Marriace Licences. Money to Loan on Seal lateto at low rates. Hot. fi, '86-ly SAnUBA. WABDEII^ w dane^ â€" Snider's Hill Owen Sound ALL ELL DIGGKtl AND DBILLEB. ordors promptly attended to. Besi 122-86 Fa8liona,lle rTsLilor, OTKB XAerABLAHD's 8T«BB. k PERFECT FIT GUARANTEID. -JOB PRINTING.- Th Stakdabd office has a splendid equip- Tment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders filled with dispatch. EDITOB AND PBOPEIKTOR. ISAAC STIJySON. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Briek and Stone work. Estimates given. All work j^arautced. Orders by mail promptly attended to, 195-«m* MABEDALB P. 0. EUGENIA GrisUarandLatlil^ Having made eqtensive improvements in myOnstMill I feel confident I ean ipve good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Doiie Every Day. Cnstora Sawing and Bills Pilled •a. the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, BaUamat, White Ash, Blaok Ash Bassweod, Pine and Hemlock Legs wanted Markdaie fioM Mill. The fbllowiBg U tb« aoab 0l exchange for flour: â€" Tkpr. BranA Short*. Whett. 63 61 60 69 68 67 66 66 64 63 52 61 50 40 89 88 87 86 82 81 80 28 26 25 91y. M. AKITT. Evgesia. IJi ^J J, fWWi 13 14 .. 14 15 .,. 16 .. '17 ,. ' 18 19 20 20 30 20 20 FOBD. T-LME """9 effect Monday, j^^ ^^14 W. G. RICHARDS, dc ABCm- ijt%0\* I*. IcCraioxig:h, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ac. JUFFICEâ€"OVER McFARLAND'S STORE, MABKDALE. ^l.Kikey to Il«oa,ii. 274 HANDS, EGHLIN GARVIN, (snCCBSSOBS TO UlUDKB A HAVOs), BABBISTEBS, Solicitors, Proetors, No- taries, Conveyancers, ifce. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oifiees 16 King Street Bast, 19t-251 Tosoxxo. MA«801« MA8SOIV, "DABEISTEB8, SOLICITOBS, ks. DlTicBB â€" Owen Sobhd, in Yieker's Bloek Pdulett St.; Branch office in MM-kdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday andSatuiday every week. 67-ly J. Masbox, Q. C. 8. Mabson. W. IIabboit. N. B. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six to Eight per cent. Alexander Broiim, ISSITEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Uommissiouei in B. B. c. Conveyancer and Money to loan for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Panctaally at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Prieeville, Nov. oth. 1885. ' 1-y BUILDBB, CONTBACTOB, nor, Markdale. 1241T YIGTOIilA R. B. PREGEPTORY, j^o. 282, Meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. O. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jamxs Bbodie, W. p. 275 Thomas Elliott, Begistrar. Mone y to Loan. 6 to 6^ per cent. All business strictly confidential. Apply to JOHN B. :pAINES. Lot 30, Con. 4, Holland, 276-88 GlascottPO. WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/ain Sl Ornamental Plaster Opposite the new Presbyterian Chureli Mark- daSe. Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Bepairs promptly attended to. 3a3 EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, ]Vf:.a.IfcKX.A. JL.E FUNERAL FURNISNmeS snpplied en the shortes notice. i« hire at moderate rates. â€" AU kinds ofâ€" PIGTURE FRAMING Bone on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. R uraock Blood Victor Roller Mills, MARK dale;. The following is the scale of exchange for flour 1^â€" Bran Shortfi. 13 'â- »4 15 16 17 18 ..19 20 ..20 20 .. 20 20 Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the four townships, for which the highest price will he ^aid in cash. ai» ANGUS PLEWBS- â- â- â- » ' Scale of Crlstins: at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. GOINQ CardweU Juuction Orange- 1 Arrive.." vilJe f Leave. " OrangevilJe inn." iShelburne-. Dtthdaik ...".â- .'â- â- ' t'lesheHon Markdale... '"â- â- â- ' Berkeley.. ....""â- ' WihiaiiiKford ;... ' Chats wonL '^RTh. llail, 1032.. iia.. i'«2,.,,, |ifiw.. Wheat. Flour. 62 '• • 40 61 • •â- 89 60 • 38 59 b • 37 58 k • 36 57 • 85 56 • • 34 55 • » 82 54 • • 31 53 • • 30 52 • • 28 51 • • 26 50 • • 25 Owen SouDil.^.".\'"""'-il2i 1 0; STATIONS. Ow«n Sound.... Chatsworih..!..' Williamsford! Berkeley ....... MarkdiUe.....'.\\\ FleshertoH ' " Dundalk .....'.â- ;' Shelburne Oi-abgeville Jnn!. Orange Ah-ivs. ;^ville..f Leave..'"' CardwellJunetion. Toronto Arri 610 625 634 47 ve.. 70J.^ 72(.. 751' 822.. .1830' •!845' .!!)25.' .iioss.. is] ml 3 !RI( VVarj ISICA. flTiB. Broivn, JSSUEB OF MABBIAGE LICENSEB,ke Commissioner in B. K. e. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly Attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se eority. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GBADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prae tiee of his profession. 122-47. JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. Contrasts taken for all kinds of BRICK MD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Ctdtominin^ in all Shadm and Colort. Charges moderate and salufaetion guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe StajoaXs efllee will recciTe prompt attention. 126.1y. WBKA1. -2 lbs. 6i " 60 " 69 " 58 •• 57 •• se " 65 " 54 '• 5iJ " 62 " 61 " 50 " 49 " PBESBYTERUN cSST Semc« e^ery Sabbath »t 10*. J f"7J„f*ti?8 every Wednel;^' 8 o clock. Eev. A. Wiknh d M Brown. S. S. SuperiBte3 "'"â- 1 WEIOHINO. 41 flour. 40 » 89 " 38 •• 37 •' 36 " .15 *• 34 " 38 " 32 •• 31) " 28 •• 26 '• 24 nrrii,. 13 I'jb. 15 " 14 •• 16 •* 16 •• 17 " 18 '• 19 •• 20 '• 20 '• 20 '• 20 " 20 •• 20 CHBIST CHtECH J. w. rord, Snoerintendent. WILL CURE OR REUEVE KUOUSNESS. DIZZINESS, OYSPEPSIA, IMDIQESriON, JAUNDICE. SRYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, rtsorderwl LIVER, KiDHEYa STOMAoff BOWELS OR BLOOD, ^^^^ DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE Hem; ACIDITY OF THE STOMAOL DRYNESS OF THE SKU Ilemember I give yen all your small wheat home with you. which is considerable. «70 W. J. ROWI. MARKDALE f lANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE ^OM, OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS MEl'HODIST CHUBCH, Services every Sunday at 10:30 nd 7 p. m. SuDday School at 2:30 'fj Meeting every Thursday eTeningtamj itev. Wesley Caastn. Pastor; W ik S. 8. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid i J nection j Mr«. T HiU. Secretaiy. S REPA iW.J lalai $wMir f irtitnii. H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEB OP MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS (ft HEADSTONES, Mantlet, fumiturt MarbU, iU. Weaving doae on short notice. Cotton warp supplied. Charges moderate. A call respectfully solicited. 248 4m F. J. RITCHIE. Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, iceeiiii. alternate Monday evening at 8 o'dotliilij Hall, McDoagall's block. Visitirjli welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W. No Wl mil their Hall, McDcngall block, eTaril Monday evening at 8 o'clock. ArailL brethren of Peighboring lodges Hiliflteij Mabkdali L. 0. L. No. 1045 meetsiilj Hall on Friday on or before fall mi\ month. Thos. Elliott, Uaeter; W.U Secretary. VABEDALB, J. E. Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRIOEVHjLiB. Ont. Large and eommodions Sample Booms Qood Bed Booms, (fee. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor MBERT S. SM. TAILOR, Sydenhaxn Street* MARKDALE. OiTY Hotel, MABKDALE. The subscriber begs to inform tlie travelliuf public generally, that be has leased the alx^ve premises for a term of yenrs, and hnpes by catering to their ennifurt to merit a shnre of public patronage. Bar and Larder well sup- plied. Gcod Ktabling and attentive hostler. D. McLANE, Proprietor, Markdale.NoT. 12. IMtS. ^EUGENIA HOTEL JUST BBCIIVBD Carloads Finest Variegated Marble J^lf"^^J!*^^ â„¢ **• Dominion to Mlect from. PersonaUy .elected at the qw which detjr competition. SATISFACTION BUARANTEED. •tonef ;75r^'?L"°°T*°*" »"«» H«^- Biones or Xm. Spelter, or Zinc, soldered tn gether. and oiled and SandbUsSrto hide the miperfections, and caUed White Bronze H. B. HABBISON. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. ' «^** ***»*np« Supplied Ordtri respectftiUy solicited and Mtnotion gaaranteed. T iftlU ?^*m ^•'?*'K«n»'« P»Unt Load latter for Glen«b_and Bentinek town- rf»J.. ')rd«. by mwl promptly at- Peerless Oil IheadoflllConiie Hlg^hest Honors A Medal at Toronto.! SIX GOLD MEDALSIN3â„¢ BEST RECORD IN THE ii Ask for fEERLKSS iDi.l«^ you g«t it, as th«r» tn Tha genuiiw ii only mxl* V Health is Wealth I HACYARDg YELLOW OIL Queen City OH WJ TOBONTO, OP. WORK POWDEXB; »HT, a guaranteed specific for HysteiS. A**pleaaaa«le«aka. r^ I, EUGBNIA FALLS Ont. J. McAleer, Prop. Tho pnhlie ia»y i«lT on reoeinng eTery BMesssry attention as t9 JSataUes, Driak- ^Um. aad Borra C*n. tUBj PUBE BBAZILLIAN PeSbLE SPEC Watchmaker. A^JulkJ,;/- «~"'-- Bizziness, Con^^n.^K:., Nervo-uVFen! f alcohol) iression. Insanity leath. Pre if Power tary Looses and Spjrm.to„ho^-;a7s;d "by Menta] resultii deray i resulting in InsanitV TbTt f • " ^â„¢"» Each box -~-I°-- ^^ ""^^ 'ecc" cases. oonnecti-m with anv nJSl* « ** ' " »« minion, and TrSy uS't^^ ^^^""^l aa above. PmhIt i .1^ "• l"^»wei row B«»d. Lendoa wTSglaSi^ivJji^ J^acn Dox containM m,. ..iI. â€" "•«» OnedoUarabS^r.1^iJ?°"*?" "«*"'«»» sent by mafl prel^d^n^JJ!" 'r,^' """•"J KaHrauteoKStol^"'*°'P»'*- We each order .^vS*2yTir«xT " compani^ With five dott;r;iisS tÂ¥. I TuT* "JJ by JQHli C. W. M.di.oist^^CwSSrSE" '" CO., *»»â- »♦ c». SCHOOL TRBSTEES. The «de,«^ed is mannf«rtnriag « .,. « ». "«"« asHortmeat of ^i^re to Rent in Makoale, «.^_ "fi'uwMan aa to tenaa mb h. .t.*.!,.^ Liw Complaint, Dyn*?^ ._ CoMiveness, or «ny '^^-t^ " Uw.Df, Chases LivwW and c«rt«in renKdy- atU^^ The unqualified s»«*»J,,rVitl !^ Liwr Complaint '«' T'3|.kJ, cooiponnded from natures*" ^^ Wrsppri around e»eryWW«^ C*» Book (84 W^^^S^i^%* "Stit, and worth ten tiBH* " jj •nnr cittsri 6»T«w "» SOLD BVAttJ^r [ices tn tin dividual o line for i line each JOHK W] SOT for A D.R.I accept John ra on Ta( k. John [on Saturc in. are plet Itrland mi putter. IB. Tsoii iplendid kabl* Tall A.Tur case to ' improyi n. Sam J»y, and ch Cemc ie lecent fileighin tin basil hr a hot I make xot W.A. â- pDWAXD •or for Bil msetj «RY perl ible's it â- 200 WiuJ 1»eir arril :*ANfroJ ttont Be •aery B. 1. Tt au8t; in Anc Boll oinga Tlioia. ^•ftna, !*8«8ftr Wlai