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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jan 1886, p. 1

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 7j im.!»H 6.--N0. 279. MAKKDALE, ONT., JAiN. 14, 1886. 3 LINES OF [CAN WATCHES j^- Warrantable JiRADEs. I URGE SILVER- WARE. iiusic^ INSTRUMENTS, Peile f Specb. (WAcr A//Je« o( Jew^lrys etc Hmt 18K. WEDDING RINGS. ids Work W arranttd, \m BEPmm a specialty. ii BROWN, A i£sliable Jeweller; and Otheriiems. cheap at Great Bntam ie 20 lbs. Light Sagu- for f 1.00 Kuapp'i, Hanbury'g old stand. Thk anrnTersary, Berriees of Mea- ford Methodist church nett«d $200. Go to Eaapp'a for averythiiig in tbo jtrocerj lin«, fcir he will aot be ander- iold, Hanbnry's old stand. A GBAVuNmriiBT boardiug house was destroyed by fire early Tuesday morn- ing, and eight men were seriously burned. Mas. PsBSTON, wife of Dr. Preston, M. P. P., turned the first sod of the Brockville Westport Railway last Monday. If you #re about to purchase an organ be sure to get the Doherty; the best in the market. H. Williams, Agent, Markdale^ Thb annual meeting of Glenelg Agricultural Society takes place to day, eommeociuf; at 2 o'clock p. m. m Haskett's Hall. Thk railway time tab'e was changed last week. Tlie morning train, going south, is twenty minutes later than before, leaving Markdale at 6;47 now. Shblbtjhme bas four ministers, each of whom has ^en presented with a fur overcoat this winter by their re- spective congregations. Clever for bhelbnrne. KracEs is these eotumm intended to benefit findiridml or Society will be charged*ian I a line for the §rst insertion and fiv€ I a line eixh sub^quent insertion. 8 lbs. of tea at Morrow's for $L. 14 Ibg. white sugar for $1 at iHorrow'e store, Mes. W. H. Rutledg* is visiting Ifonds in Alton. Gkocebks wouderful llloirow's store. The wenther in maiWj severe.- Ekafp is astonisking the ^ualnims |iitli cheap goods. Tffl; Meaford Mirror leaned « sew leading last week. Go to Knapp'sâ€" 4 lbs. Tea far -^il.f iHinbirj'i old stand. Shut music for sale at Williams' |8tition^ry, Maikdale. 1 Kntpp'i for the cheapest «nd best ifbiskey in the oonnty. A DRUGGIST wts in town prospecting I ior an opening this week. Don't forsret Trimble's great auction I »le to-day and to-morrow, Tbi Flcsfaerten skating rink was «p«Ded on Tuesday night last. Hi.vD in your renewal of anbicrip- tos for the Mail to this office. Ho«giCl»thing.«nd filetgh Wmps I ^eap at Mathews' Kiamess store. With the cold anap has come » utU* mow, whick improves btuintM. MABKDiLE RottEB BoiK is last ap- ProMhing completion. It is 40jl 80 J*m Monday will be the first -eoua meeting m all townships for the you wish to renew your snbserip- «il J»r, If JontotLe Globe, hand"in your $1 it HUB office. Doo poisoning is the rage in Mark- je- Several cats have also pertaken «tbe medicine. The FamiUj Herald and Wetkly Star »i per year. Hand in your subscrip- *«»i at this office. gjW women cast their votes ^^owiand m the recent election for ior "»yor in Toronto i,„^^GofEa8t Grey reformers called for Tuesday next, in the "nhalLFiesherton. '^Ddrfocb, a French. Canadian 2* »t Winnipeg the otb«r day, '^^R walked fr^mQaebec. ^Cd" ^**^"" ^- 0- '*~ a»kS/if ^- '«PP"»« off Sution, •««S It simply "Dundalk." ^tmi ^°**^« 0^ "Silver Cream." ^C W 4^°^' silverware shin©â€" only "• Brown, Eole agent. GBiiriNB. leather, manufactured by first-class workmen and strictly hon- orabiw dealing, is how Thos. Mathews has won hib enviable reputation and built up his business. W. J., son of Mr. Thos, Neely, of Holland, is home from British Columbia, after seven months trial of that countrv, and is perfectly satisfied to remain in Ontario. Pbof. S1MP8ON, first mate on the Algoma, who was one of the rescued from the late wreck, will attend the opening ot the Markdale Boiler Biuk on Wednesday next, 20th mst. Notice. â€" Those who are indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, are requested to pay at once.. I am determined to collect all outstanding accounts. W. Dundas.- Crbdit Salb â€" Monday, 25th Jan. on lot 14, cta. 9, Euphrasia, farm stock, implements, e. Terms â€" IS months on sums over $5. Josiah Sauder, prop.; Geo. Noble, auctioneer. ScaoFUUL is known by swelling of the glaads of the neck, abscesses, sores, a pale eoantenanee, low vitality, and general signs of bad blood. Bordoek Blood Bitters cares dM acrofnlons condition hj making pore healthy blood. Thx annual tea-msetme of the Sbenezer church. 11th Ime Euphrasia, is postponed to the 20th inst., when • good time is expected aa nsmtl. A cordial invitation is extended to the fablic. C. Fbics, of Holland Centre, ia still lo the fore with all kinds of general merchandise, and after elevvi years business, wishes respectfinlly to thank his numerous eustomers fbr past fayors. Thx reeent cold wave has heen both severe and general, reaching oat to Texas, and doing serious damage to stock, and'^e bUzzard which aeoom- panied it, proved very ebstructtve to railway traffic thron(^ the States. NoTica,â€" Having add my business in Markdale, I hereby notify aB per- sons indebted to me to settle the same on er before the 1st Februwy, 1886, or the same will be placed in other hands fer collecticm. Wm. Hanbury. Hagyakd's Tillow On. is poMtively goaranteed to reUeve orenre Bheumatic^tos, Sore Throat, Croop. Deafness, Colds, Cramps, Aches. Pains, Brmaes, Frosttates, Chilbhuns, Stiff Cords, and aU Umeneas and soreness, when used intemaUy andextemaHy according to directions. OBAHoa SoniBE.â€" The membera of L. O. L., No. 1840, wUl hold a grand Soiree at Kimberley. JJnday evening (he 16th inst., when several good speftken wiU address the meetmg. Tea from 5 to 7. Admiarion 26 cents. QOTNST. Atthis ae«MB of the "•' Qninsy and JUsTcnas orltwe* Comfl*"** Jf^^ Agyard's Pectoral Bals». ^^ tiuMtt and hing iDMbeine. that rates • Con^, Colds, Bronchitis, and aU and long tioaUes. Kxw Pina.â€" Z%e Hmn is the name of a new paper in Thombnry, the first copy of which came to hand ibis week. It show's strong symptoms of able management. We wiidi Mr. iStaiTet, the proprietor, nnkoonded success. Thb Mount Hope Methodist S. S. will hold their anniversary at Epping 00 Tue"day the 19th inst., in the Orange Hall. A number of speakers are secured for the occasion, and a good programme in store. Admission 25 cents. MisTAKXN.-^A farmer from the Township drove into town last Snnday with a load of wheat He did not find his mistake until he drove over to the mill and found it closed He doubtless had too much brandy sanee on his New Year's turkey. â€" [Collingwood Bulletin. 100,000 logs wanted, \o saw on shares or by the thousand, at Dayis' Mill, Meaford Boad. The Mill is in good running order, and by careful attention by a competent sawyer, we can assure the public of good work and prompt attention. Davis k Anderson. A ifOBTGAOB is a thing to be dread- ed, yet it is better to loan money in this maaner at alow rate, easy terms, and simple interest, than to pay a high rate in any other way. Those who anticipate making a loan should ^pquire of C. W. Butledge, Stamdaxd Office, Mardale, Mb. Wm. large stock material f( BIason has on hand a of thoroughly seasoned jMbriages for the coming seasouf^ Mr/^ason is an excellent mechfmic, and is- determined to push his business wip greater energy than ever, and we can cneerfuly recommend him to the pdblic as an honorable business man. ' Wb had a pleasant call firom Mr. Simon Plewes, cf Creemore. Simon has built a large roller mill in Cree- more since be left Markdale, with a capacity for 100 barrels per day. and as he is one of the best nullers in On- tario, and a ithoroughgoing business man, we may reasonably expect suc- cess to attend him. 20 boxes Winter Gloves, half price at McFariand's. 662^ yds. Winter Dress Goods, 25 per cent, discount oS regular prices at McFarland's. 50 Boys Overcoats, half- price 296 yds. All Wool Tweed, 40 cts. per ysrd. auc- tion price 66 cents 8.000 lbs. Pure Japan l?ea, regular price 85 cts„ will be sold at 26 cents by McFarland. Thb meetings if the Farmers' In- stitute in this village last week were well attended by representative farm- ers, and great interest was taken in the various discosskms en the different topics. In fact we mast say, Aese present were delighted with the im- portant and practical information dis- pensed by the professors of the Agri- cvltural College. CzeeDent •«Thb dtfeat of Dr. Christoe as Beeve ofArtem^is somettung wonderfol in municipal circles in the county He was defeated by Mr. EUiott. The contest was fought on the Inspector- question re Mr. Ferguson Dr. Christoe being against and Mr. Elliott for his election."â€" Hernbury Standard. [The above is slightiy in error, as the Dr. was reelected by 247 of a majority.â€" En. STAimABD.] Gband Opbmno. â€" The Markdale Boiler Skating Bink will be opened on Wednesday evening at 7:80. The rink is commodious and well arranged. The Brass Band will b« in attendance, and everything will be done to make it a grand success. Prof. Simpson has ace«!pted an invitation, and will the preseatafc the opening, also on Thi^ay afternoon and evemng. He is a fancy skater of prominence. He waa also me of iheiseeo^ on tho kte Algom* wteok. There is a large nnm- bar oC sIraDgert expected, and lisncy skaters from ft dislMCC Admistion, lOceiaa; BketeclOotnts. DTSPBPSIA. This prevalent malady »_«»•. PS!"Lf! mes»of oar bedily ffls. Oae of the best icmsdua known for Pyspipe». â- . chnwiib terns, after an else hsd fsOad. Utkbmbal.â€" On' Wednesday even- ing last, Mr. Hngh Mercer, of Hill Bros, establishment, and Miss Dorcas Dondas, daughter of Wm. Dundas, Esq., of this place, were made one. The happy event took place at the residence of the bride's parents, when a fe# of the friends were present. Bev. J. Ward officiated. The brass band escorted them to the railway depot, rendering some very fine selec- tions, when the happy couple took the 9:10 p. m. ti-ain going nortn. Mr. M. and lady have been among our most respected young people, and we now tender them our sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous life. A Mbmobablb Day â€" August 15th, 1860, should be recorded in history, as one of the most memorable days of the century. On that date, after years of careful study and experiments for some remedy to check the rapid growth of Consumption, West's Cough Syrup was introduced to tne world. Since then its history has been a continuous series of triumphs, as it has cured an unUmited number of cases of Con- sumption in its early stages. Throat and Long diseases. Coughs, Colds, In- fluenza, Bronchitis, Astiima and Whooping Cough. Sold by A. Turn- er Co., Druggists. Price 26 cents, 60 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. GHOLEBA PBEVENTATIVE. Inoidcorto withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect parity of blood, and the proper action of the stomach are required. To insure that end, in the che^Mst, mo«t available and complete manner, use McGreg- or's Speedy Cnre for Dyspepsia, and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveaess, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by Hill Bro's. Trial bottle given free.. 1 Sauobbh. â€" The presbytery met in Mount Fares on 15th December. Mrl Straith presented a call from the Durham congregation, signed by 106 members and 61 adherents, in favor of Mr. Bobert McNair, licentiate salary $900 per annum without manse. The call was sustained, and the clerk instructed to forward it to Mr. McNair. Mr. Nichol tendered his resignation of North Lutner, Boss and Gordonville on account of an effeetion of the throat. The representatives from the eongr^ations, while deeply regretting that be had been compelled to de S3, could not under the circumstances offer any objections. His resignation was accepted, and Mr. Thorn was ap- pomted to declare the pastoral charge vacant on the first Sabbath of January. Delegates from Alton, East Normanby, North Lather and Boss were present, asking for more satisfactory con- nections then they had at present: After considering the different positions and conditions of all the fields con- cerned, it was agreed to cite all parties to appear ft»r their interests at next meeting. Mr. Boss, of Dundalk, was appointed to organise Corbetton and Biverview into mission stations. The Aged and mfirm Ministers' Fund, Manitoba College and the Augment- ation Scheme were all duly eonudered. A committee was appointed to take charge of the Augmentation Scheme, and panics were appointed to visit supidemented congregations. It was agreed that in view of the financial dfficnlties of the college, and m vievr of the fact that a committee on con- solidation of the colleges, has been appointed by the Assembly, the system of lectureships should he continued for thA present. The next meeting of presbytery was appointed to be held in Enox church, Harrison, on the 16th day of March next, at 11 a. m. â€" [Prsabyterian Beview. Boots! Boots! Boots! MONEY. Tour life may now be bright and dear And s«eet as hocey. Yet some day sorrow mi^ appear. So save your money. Cash is King o'er young and ud. Cash makes friends that ne'er grow cdd, Cash brings pleasure ne'er untold â€" 80 save your money. If you would make your burden light And times seem sunny; If you would keep things going right. 'Why, save your money Buy what will only last you long â€" Boots that are neat, yet cheap and strong. Buy of McLeod. then yon can't get wrong-r- And so save your monry If you have jolly boys ^nd girls, Happy and funny, â-  If yon would give them sterling joys For little money. Buy them boots that's good and smart. That fit the feet and charm the heart, At Wm. McLeod's, that's the spot 'Where you'll save money WIIililAM McLEOI). Manutaciubxb Axn Dsaueb of BOOTS and SHOES, IMiarkdale, Oiit* Eaphraaia C^ancil. The council met porsnant to ad- journment at McConnel's hotel, Bock- lyn. on the 24th December, 1886. Members all present. Minutes of Iwt session of council read and confirmed. $7 was struck off J. Kaakes taxes •n account of loss by fire. $2 struck off Thompson Allan's taxes, said amount being charged in error for statute labor. The collector's time was extended. $6 was struck off taxes charged to Thomas ElUs, this amount of error caused by error of assessment. By-law No. 867, regulating indem- nity ot council, carried through the different stages and passsed. By-law No. 858. appointing a place for polling in polling subdivision No. 8, was carried through the different stages and passed. The treasurer was ordered to remit as follows, viz: â€" To J. Farewell, $18.28, printing J. Buthettord,. $11.22, stationery Members of Board, of Health $2 each. The reeve's orders were issued on the treasurer to pay as follows, viz â€" Jeffry Artley, $2.60, repairing road scraper; James McClung, $8.50, work on side-hne 18 and 19 J. L. Wilson, $60, grant to Airricultural Society A. T. Buchanan, $2, drawing deeds Joseph Sparling, $2, statnte labor chafed in error Henry Hnrd, 80 cents, work on road; J. Thompson, $1.25, ditchmg on 12 and 18 side-line; George Logan, $16.90. ditching and ealyert James Falls, $5.60 as janitor of hall Henry Hnrd, $66, to pay for land taken for road; John Blain,. $82.60, wark on 8 and 4 side-KMhd, con. 10; Thomas Londry, $8.76» work on 18 and 19 side-Iiuo J. D. Crabtree, $8, i^ecial s»vieea; J. Stmthers, $8, services on nnion. school business; B. Donlop, derir,. $160, baUnee ol aalary, postage and freightage. The treasurer waa instrueted to pay to members of conaeil as indemnity for all kinds of services throughout tho year as follows, viz â€" Thos. Gilray, reeve $95 GO CPNSUMPTION CUBED. An old physkdan, retired from praetice, having had placed in his hands by aa East India miaainiaiy the formula of a simpl" vug ctabla teme^ for the spee^ and peiman^ At eon of Consumption, Bnmchitis, Catanh, ^^Vtntm. and all threat and Lung AJBictiQnB, alap a pontive and radical ear* far MeivQua ^ntll^^ and aU Nervous Complaints, after faaviiv tasted its wondetfal eorsitivf powers in thoaaaods of cases, has felt it his duty to nuriM it known to his suffering follows* Afitqated by this mottva and a desire to rdteva haman suffoiog, I will send free ol ehaige. to all itbm dnraia 'Ji, this ndpe, in Oermao, Vrenea or Biif^idi, whh full dinetnaa for preparing sod using. Sent hy waMi bv mUrmng with stasap, naaftiag tfais W. A. Noos, 149 PmterX Block, 69 76 03 lit Wm. Fawcett, deputy-reeve... J.Boyd, couneUlor..... H. Hnrd. cunneillor W. Shepherdsou, councillor. On motion being made and ed the council arose. Bobbbt DUNI.I^P. Tp. Ci.rk 80 20 20 CO :ond- H0B8E1IEN, ATTENTIO^ I 'When your horse is galled, scrs" cut, or has an ugly sore, Iwthe twi;- and apply licOregor Parke's Cerate. It is undoubtedly the fiueK' and cleansing appheation for it. you get MeOr^r Parke's. Sol^ ' per bo»^ at Hill Bro's. led' Of daily irbolic ealiHK sure r 25c. 1 â- '/iil»Ol-- *ti J.-.ic/i ,%.y.S" ' OWi-iiil iff l V^i' k FBBB GIFT. Around eaeh hbttb of Dr. Chaf'f Liver Cue is a Medieal Oaide and Bece:;v Book eontaiainR naefol information, o -: 20( leeqMii, and prononneed by Vocu.i' and DniggUs as wmtk ten times the cor. of the medlrtpe. M efflein e snd Book f 1 .Suld by A.7JipMr*0o. Jae... â- l3/-^j?s'tf9*Jmy"s^. «*,J^;. J m m^'t. LH:ii â-  t â-  %-^\: 'i "'ill:! â- IM I J will (flu -* ,.lv"i 'l.- mn Mi ]%t'

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