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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jan 1886, p. 1

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 O.-No. 2r«. MAiiKDALE, ONT., JAiN. 7, 1886. Copias OF THx Btaxs'akd FlVK CENTS EACH. A^$,$H 4S. 'â- ^ of Beauty is a Joy Forever MY LINE OF Are very pv P fEJS CARDS. ttT, at list prices and 1111 figures. FINE ASSOFTMENT IsILVERW ARE, cei v KudFlat Patteriis. 10 per i,ff f,.r cash this month. \Sold Silver Watches, Clocks, jeweHery Spectacles. Mh. a. QniNN of A.yr, visited friends m Markdals last wetk. NoTicB.â€" Those who are indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, are requested to pay at ouce. I am determined to collect all outstanding accounts. W. Dundas. Thb best time for a youag man to take his ^kl sleighing is during a "driving snow etorm." He can use both his arms to hold his girl in the aleigh, and let the snow storm do the' "driving." Mb. Maddul, of Corbetton, preached both raorning and evening in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. His sermons were listened to with wrapt attention by the ceagregation, and well appreciated. New Music. â€" A song with music on ••The Wreck ol the Algoma" has been composed by A. E. Davies of Port Arthur, and may now be had in shefct music form. It is well gotten up and should be very popular. Tkb brass band intends giving a grand concert on the 22nd instant. They are spanug no pains to make this the best concert ever given iu Markdale. It will, no doubt, far surpass their last one, whieh was highly spoken of. Brtjck County Council passed a by-law imposing a license of $75 for hawkers and pedlars. Grey County Council also passed a similar by law, making $25 the fea for such a license. If this is put in force, there will be fewer shoddy pedlars, LiTTL« BoT â€" "Ma'^ma, they call all the Wall street men bulls or bears. Which is papa " Mamma â€" "Oh, dear Willie, don't ask se many questions go and ride your velocipede." Little Boy â€" "Well I just want to know [whether I am a calf or a cub." The social given by the ladies of j Presbyterian church iu Haskett's Hall Ge i:i;: s ;.ml Oysters cheaper than j oa Monday evening last was well at- ,T L. I,-*- ai â- 'i.v.-ii, at Morrow's. tended considering that the evening Vv s.i. XI] A reliable Jeweller; ]m aai Otlieriteiiis. I tmu I- Mi: Mnif ' ciliinuixiutended to benefit S(,.'/c'fy/ iPiJl hecharg-ed ten ' v /(â- /••( m.eition and five :il,.'"^i'nt innertion. has a steam laundry. ',VA of Alhston died on TE ff St. Thomas is Dr. Christoe's majority is 247. ScBOFULA is known by swelling of the glands of the neck, abscesses, sores,' s pale countenance, low vitality, and ceneral signs of bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters cures the scrofulous condition by makine nure healthy blood. Fabmsbs' Institut*. â€" A meeting of Centre Grey Farmers Institute will be held in Markdale on the 8th and 9th January when Professors Brown, Grenside, and Barre, from the Agri- cultural College, will deliver addresses on Bubjeets of deep intMMt to the farmer. Those meetings will be free, and every farmer in the neighborhood should make it a point to be present. The meetings commence at half past one. Hasyasb's Ykllow. On. is positirely guaranteed to relieve or cure Sheumatic Pains, Sore Throat, Croup, Deafness, Cold' Shiv: Th:-t I on MVua:! fni- sale at Williams' :â- .;.•) Ktialo. 'jiii ir places iu Markdale aiul nut, a drunk. Mr 'S. I 'are u:, a p EOL.!. K IM.IT ,s.. ex-reeve -of Glenelg, 'usaiiL call on Monday. i Til always on hand at ' same price as at mill. r bad state of the roads iiit"iored with business. Yaa r.:.;ii,Y Stephens started last lloi]ihv,'!o visit her brother in Bran- iOn, 'l;:ll. Irs. John Whitby " spent day with friends in Mr Cfi"ni;;:; is somctiuies called spark- KgjKCiU'c ihc real fire doesn't com- mence v.i;' ii aftt-r marriage. S"!. I uO to loan on farm security. Terms ?asv interest light, and square â-  i)lv at this office. Gti and mak aealiru' :le of "Silver Cream," ake your silverware shine â€" only \: A. Jjrown, sole agent, Ms. ii, Torout!-! iuis 15 a great moral victory for the gent ..AND was elected Mayor of about 1,700 majority ^aeca C j1;' Cassos has chosen a o' siccial topics for Sunday i:i tho datbg .] If series servi. Methodist church iai.u,tiy. H. Williams, ily complete, is the same â- yni are about to purchase an wganb'j i?ure to j/et the Doherty; ""W. in the market ^«iit, liarkdale. ^••"-^"•'^Y tank has been erected at K\^^ """' '^*' capacitv of over 5U.000 gdloKs. The one at Markdale "wch is no size. AFTtR the heavy rain and very arm weather, a sudden change took Jc«,on Tuesdfyy, and on Wednesday ^«nmg the thermometer registered «zero. ' .~~' '^- DuxDAs has commenced the oAn?°' "tore on his lot, comer ^ill and Queen streets, where he "i-contmue in the boot shoe "uniness. .HE orass band desires to thank Hi "'^.^'^s uf :\larkdaie for their liber- it! Jfp^f '^^' " '*^^ *^^ ^^^^ manner Ihn,. 'i^ ^^^y ^ere received on ^•^^s^^ight last. was very inclement. At the usual hour the company dispersed, feeling well pleased with their evening's enjoyment. There should be a large attendance at the meetings of the Farmers' Insti- tute to-morrow and next '^ay, (Friday and Saturday). The meeting first day will commence at half- past one p. m., and the follewing day at tpn o'clock, we hope to see a lull house. Ad- mission free. The annual meeting of all Town- ship Agricultural Societies, according to statute, is the second Thumday in January. Glenelg Society will hold their annual meeting in Haskett's hall next Thursday at 2 o'clock. A full attendance is desirable. All are welcome, but only members can vote. Mr. L. Kaapp, late liquor dealer of Shelburne, has purchased the grocery and liquor business from Mr. Wm. Hanbury sf tnis place, and is now in possession. Mr. E. comes to us well recommended as an upright, straight forward business man in all his deal- ings, witti several years experience m this line of business. What are the qualities in which Triumphant Tea, Imported Direct from the growers by W^ J. McFarland, signally Triumphs oVer other brands of pure uncolor«d Tea? We should point to its superior invigorating properties and fragrant aromi. which are perfectly retained in then? enturety by the Perfection Tea, Can. Notice.â€" A public meeting of the Reformers ci East Grey will be held in the Township Hall. Flesherton, on Tuesday, 19th January. 1885, at one o'clock p.m., for the purpose of re- organization, c., c. Dr. Landerkin. M. P., Sooth Grey, is expected. Friends of Beform and Good Govern- ment are cordially invited. Wm. Brown, Sec. Beform Association, Jliast Grey, QUINSY. At this season of the year fl^^^ ^^^ various forms of Throat Complaints preyaU ?iyard's Pectoral Balsam is an e«ellent S and lung medicine that cures Qj^^y. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and aU throat and lung troufelM. ouic xiiruat, ^Jroup, jjeatness, ooidv • Crumps, Aches. Pains, Bruises, Frostbites7|^|. Chilblains, Stiff CorJs, and all lameness and soreness, when used internally and externally according to directions. Tannkey.â€" We are pleased to state that we are to have an addition to our village in the person of Mr. H, McCay and family of Mono Boad. He and Mr. H. D. Irwin, one of our most prosperous and influential farmers, have entered into partnership for the purpose of carrying on the tanning business, and from what we know of Mr. Irwin and what we have learned of Mr. McCay, the enterprise is sure t» be a success. Grain Thieves. â€" On Tuesday night last week the premises of A. Scott, A. Culbertson andW. Michol, of Glenelg, were visited by parties who no doubt meut mischief. From Mr. Scott's barn a quantity ol wheat was taken, but at the other place the thieves were driven oflf. On the same night a clothes line was cut but no clothes taken away. The tliieves must have been green at the business by appear- ances. â€" [Grey Beview. Thousands owe their recovery from that fell dtstroyer Consumption, to West's Consh Syrup. Its success is unparalled in the anrala of medicine. It is a positiye end Complete cure for Couglis, Coldn, Hoarseness, Iiifluenza, Bronchitis, Astlnna, Whooping C, ugh, and all Throat and Lung difficulties. Price 25 eents, oO cents, and §1 00 per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggists. Jan. 7 In the multitude of things to be mentioned last week in our notice of the church opening, we entirely omitted Che new organ, and the organist. Numerous were the remarks anent the beautiful tone of the organ one of Doberty'scelebrated instruments which are so popular and Mrs. T. Hill deserves the highest praise, not only for rare ability as an organist, but for self denial, patience and regular attendance. She is never from her post, rain or shine, at practice or puplic service. We have never known her to disappoint, or her place to be vacant since she took charge. Fluid Lightning is simply, a marvellous Rheumatic Remedy. I was for two months a cripple, unable to get out of the houf e from Sciatica. One bottle gave me instant relief, and placed me on my feet again. I have iven fourteen miles to-day (something I could not possibly have done were it not for Fluid Lightning( for the express purpose of procuring -another bottle. So says Wm, Dixon, Gananoque. Only 25 cents per bottle atHillBro's. 6 Boots! Boots! Boots! SAVING- MONEY. Your hf e may now be bright and clear And siveet as honey. Yet some day sorrow may appear, So save your money. Cash is King o'er young afnd old, Cash makes friends that ne'er grow cold, Cash brings please ne'er untold â€" So save your money. If you would make your bur '1 en light And times seem sonny; If you would keep things going right. Why save your money Buy what will only last you long â€" Boots that are neat, yet cheap and strsng. Buy of McLeod, then you can't get wrong â€" Arid BO your moru^y If you have jolly boys and girls, Happy and funny, If you would give them sterling joys For little money. Buy them boots that's good and smart. That fit the feet and charm the heart. At Wm. McLeod's, that's the spot Where you'll save money â-  !NcTicK. â€" We regret to state thai we shall be unable to furnish our Canadian patrons with Ayer's Alman- acs for 1886, It was our intention to issue the usual Canadian .editions, but their publication was unavoidably de- ferred, pending the adjustment of our difficulties with the Dominion Customs Department, and the delay has been, unfortunately, so protracted that it is now too late to print and distribute the books. EespectfuUy, J. C. Ayer Co. ' "What are you doing, Mary " asked a Staten Island husband, addressing his wife. "I'm sewing ou a crazy quilt," she replied. "Are there any buttons on it " "No." "I thought not." he said "it would- n't be hke you to be sewmg on any- thing that needed buttons," and, drawing a deep sigh, he proceeded to fasten his suspenders with i. half burned match. The annual meeting of South Grej Teachers' Institute will be held in Durham on the 29th and 30th Sept. and Ist Oct., 1886 From circulars recentlv issued by the Minister of Education, we learu tliat Dr. McLellan will be present and will take "Outlines of the Study of ^ln"â€" Hopkins, and Lecturesâ€" Fifc/t, as the groundwork of some of his lectures. These works are from the Course of Eeadinscreeom- mendcd by the Minister of Education, and they should be read by teachers before the Institute is held, so that they will be prepared to discuss them. "l had for yearrbeeirr'a miserable sufferer from Dyspepsia, and tried all known remedies and th« best medical skill of my acquamtence, but stiU grew worse, until unable to eat any mne without great suffering, or do any Scf work. I began to think there was no hope for me. and that I must «irely ^e when, hke a drowning man catching at a TtSw I determined to give • McGregor's Sneedy Cure a trial,I at once began to Im- Even ic Canada, says the Hamilton ISpectatar, we are accustomed to speak oi the Canadian Pacific railway as Canada's greatest work. But a cor- respondent ot the London Echo calls attention to the faet that this is very far short of the truth. "Let me tell you," he says, "that it is not alone Canaday's great work, but the greatest work ever done under the British flag, or any other flag, or by any otht r people in any time, unless perchance the Chinese wall migl^t be held to vie with it. Whether i^ be con- sidered from an engineering},' military, or political point of view it' is at least three times ss important as any othe work in the British empire, or m the United States." 1. Anniversary. 'â-  â€" The Presbyterian anniversary tea-meeting was held in Haskett's hall on the evening of New Year's day, and was aidecidcd uccps. Th€ hall was completely packed rend- erin? it very difficult td serve tea. After the good things p^olvided by the ladies were demolished, a lengthy programme was entered upon Bev. Mr. Wilson presiding. The speakers were Bevs. Grandy, Caeson, and a gentleman from Toronto, wGt' failed to get his name also Mr.^Sjiear, Mr. Madill and Dr. Sproule,.]?!*. P., and Mr. Crowthers who gave'aTeading and a song. The programme was well sustained and the renderings appropri- ate, th«. song by Mr. Crowthers especi- ally brought down the house mightily. The music by the choir led by Mr. J. E. Anderson, was one gf the chief features of the entertainment. Pro- ceeds, $50. f" |-' CONSUMPTION CUrSd. WILLIAM McLEOD. Manufactcreb atd Dealer or BOOTS and SHOES, ££Li:*k:dAle« Out. Itlaxiircll. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a 8impl« V* g etable remedy for the speedy an d perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all thr. at and Lung. Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Dability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderfal curative powers in thousands of cases, has ffelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motiva aVid a desire to relieve human suffering, I wiU send free of charge, to all who dusire 'it, this recipe, in German, Frence or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Notks, 149 Pawer's Block, Rochester, N. Y. From our own Correspondent. Eoads very bad. An open winter expected. Business rather dull at present as people don't like to come out through the mud. Nothing like business. â€" We can now I oast of a bakery, fruit and con- fectionary stortin our village, opened by Mr. W. F. Kerton of this place, aud the bread is A 1. The Gospel Army have done good work on this circuit, but not as good as other places. About 60 have been brought into the fold in Maxwell, 40 at Providcuce and they have now commenced operations at Buckingham whf-re we wish them great success. Mr. W. H. Milne, of Queen's Uni- versity, occupied the pulpit of the C. M. church on Sabbath evening labt. Miss Phoebe Allison, of xyiiston, is visiting her brother, Jas. Allison, of this place. The fclection passed off very quietly and as the day was very unpleasant and the roads very bad, a large num^ ber of the voters remained at home. The following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year: â€" A- MoGirr, Eeeye A. Mclntyre, Deputy-Beeve. Councillors â€" Joseph Taylor, John Hudson, John Speers. We hope they will do all they can to benefit the township while they remain in the council. At the December meeting of Max- well L. 0. L,, No. 666, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year â€" Master, A. Sharpe Deputy- Master, John Little Chaplain, D. A. Holman Bee- Sec, Chas. Little Fin.-Sec, Geo. Burke D. of C, Jas. Coutts; Lecturer, Wm. Stokes. Com- mittee â€" B. Y. Burke, Bobt. Menzie, Geo, Colgan, Silas Udell, D. Madill. s Pmz. Bcfi£«lcy. From a correspondent. Berkeley Blazing Star L. 0. L. No. 176, met in their hall on the 15th of December, 1885, when the fo^owinfr officers were duly electsd and installed: â€" Thos. Abbott, W. M.; John Middle- ton, D. M. Geo. Bitchie, Chaplain Andrew Walker, Treas. Geo. Flem- ing, Bee. Sec. Bobt. Wilson. Fin.- Sec. Andrew Eitchey, D. ot C, James GUlespie, Lecturer. Committee â€" Walter Crawferd, John Love, Jas. Gawley, Jas, Rowe, Bobt. Anderson. Berkeley, Jan. 5th^ 1886. JVew and Renewed Subs. •w. '87. WeUasI had ever been in my EvBBS .LKAiquaTos. Free trial bottles. life Sold by Hill Bro's. A FREE GIFT. Aroand each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a Medical Guide and Beceipe Book containing! useful information, over 200 recipes, and pronounced by Doctors and Druggists as worth ten times the cort of the medicine. Medicine and Book ?1. ^Id by A. Turner Co. Jan. Rev. P. Sparling, Tobermorey, Jan John Hanbury, Brandon, Feb. '87. James Cooper, Camilla, Jan. '87. Chas. Moffat, Edge HiU, Jan. '87. Wm. Blair, Markdale, Jan. '87. Geo. Drew, Markdale, Jan. '87. J. C. Henry, Markdale, Jan. '87. Geo. Richardson, Markdale, Jan. H. Sparling, Markdale. Jan. '86. J. D»Thibautieau. Markdale. Jan F. Walker, Markdale.Jan. '87. Joseph Dormer, Markdale, July, '86. Thos. Murray, Markdale, Jan. '87. John Orr, Markdale. Jan. '87. Bobt. Torry. Markdide, Jan. '87. Joseph Lamb, Markdale, Jan. '86. W. J. Anderson, Flesherton, Jan. Joseph AuBsum, PriceviUe, Jan.' '86 Wm. Knight, Vandeleur, Jan. '87. J. Hanson. Vandeleur, Jan. '87. Thos. Davis, Durham, Jan. '86. Joseph Halbert. Harkaway, Jan, Patrick Neil, Pomona, July, '86. Jas. Smith. Berkeley, Jan. "87. John Delaney, Trayerston, Jan. '87. '87 '8G. 87., jiffi " fi .-- f -* 'â- "' I. " .^1 ;â-  ^!.-;i ;/? .!|^ •|-iâ- â€¢ ^: rfi 1 " Ji*'t â-  •! Ml -^ i-i' â- K M â- 

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