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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Dec 1885, p. 5

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 -wrtiof County P/«pert5,BdB0rtdon, f^"' i Printing ComrtatUm, wan IP" FBIPAT. ..-Ceniiy preseuied report ct FJnnee J" *^!. T«eMOffi«adinjJ pajm«»t c '""'!*oBBts also that »55 be gtauuted »t«**fj,eJ»'"n«"s'InatiJ;ute8, .and ihat »** ,,«,r purchase wbokaaJe a stock of {or County Ofitfials and Board jot ,Ir«' OTuB^ ^fnit re»a report fiircuiax •'â- "" tment of AjriQultuie, in wiiifib it P^t'Seudea that the jKioide of tke ^^d take m interast jn thcconung '^;-ai£it*m»n. Adopted. â-  *â-  we It recommended » gLvai ot i2a i** f^jcljeri" Institute .of eaeb of the v ~^ -Q tije payment.of sweraLaooooBts. ' ,1 nas'td bv-law icspecting f eddlars °TKnal ita^e,. Ihe tyjaw im- I 'â- ^'^Vtonie fee of 325 on ,aU Peddles, in ;*":Lewitbthe.new_Act. "^-i Couucil went into .Conuaittee and jome anisndmeuts .in the jSdusation *^1 On tbe adoption of thejcepqct .Iwing fjji in Council, it was AiMedbTDr. Cluistoe m .amendment,- ,i,J bv Dr. Jamiesoa, That .the jeport â- "^Xired" back to C-mmittee .with instrnc- ",: to insert the .following :^Tha,t yonri ivinnitee vroulJ recommend that tie JkTlin'pectoratesof the.county be .chang- That the original ground winch ,co» "-i Inspector (iordon'fl Inspectorate be ^w'dtolum, excepting perhaps a sligh !|i.ction to equalize the work .with another \AtAox T ha t a duly educationally qualifi- ./Lftctor b« sought l^L tue second In- L-.-oratt. whose service ihall .eommence Jji. ie New Ysar, or so siwu thereafter as i^oia^ihereby dispensing with the .other ii-iicci^irs now employedâ€" being deemed rfioieni. That the lu.spectors be paid by Lr.-iach salary to include ey^jy change „j,j]b;uj; to the office. Ihat a Committee ffiiie be^ballottt'd forâ€" to whom shall be coiLB^iited the duty to ask for applications .eciJe upon a fitting man for tlie ofce, ' the I ji ;,.o to arrange the Juspectoratei and iwiiesti' be paidâ€" their report to be «ub- 1 EieJ W new .Council in January. ir. Ciiristoe said it was thought no «a- I dpaiii' 10 Inspectors, for he had a high spion.of them personally, and the position Jielva^forcfd to take was painful to him, hut it Ttas solely because the Inspectors (with laeeiception of Mr. Gordon,) were inefficient, I adtlie eilucaticn of the county was suffering- 1 li :i]i was that if Mr. Gordon's old I !ii;feetorat« waB restored to him, with the jaofitiou of Ci'Dingwood of Euphrasia, it I fouM equalize the county, so that there 1 :oiiU be two pood Inspectorates, and they I livlit baTL- tBo good men. Mr. Keail said theie was nothing to show Im: Ay. (.ititfr was iuelBcient, except hearsay lidjcatiou did not seem to be suffering in liiE luswciovate, and aa an instance he stated l±«i at tlie la-t tutr :uce examinations while Ken Sound a little orer 50 per cent. |:ii-ri;. and a: Durham 33 per eent., at I Meuioru ".7 i er cent, pasied. He thought liiio ihat Mr. Griei 'a long experience counted liorsomtthiig. He would not go for dii- I !; ail Inspector on mere hearsay. Mr. McKeiiiiy spuke at length on the I '.ihti'iu, ayiiig that il would uot be a task lBeinie;s ot the Council should be ealled on laaidertake to give thoir personal experience ;lc qaaiiiications 3f the Iiispectori, or to Jiia.l till' iiikirmation which they must lii,r«-;b«j;et from hearsay; but he urged lit passage- of the motion on the ground la: tiiecJucational interests of the county IJeaniiiiicd that we should haye Inipectors ".tLthi leRal qualilicatians. Mr. Frost .said although the County 'i.or.KUastm]niwerad to dismiss for ineffi- J-s:cv. iliat lucfiiciency should be proved in |!tEeui;i;ible way, and not be taken on iMreiitar^ay. An objection was raised that is atvtctcrs wtre men of the past but he |iite: think that a sufficient reason. We ~im discard men in other professions who Ja ong experience because they were .K'tJig up in years, In the legal profession Iteresere men who entered years ago when r-« never passed an examination, but they hire successful practitioners. And so with T*tor?. tluy were not discarded when they iMbeenpractiiing for a long time and got IJp"ience. Mr. Frost went on to speak at I ";^^ '"S'h on educational matters in s^enei- ' He was in fayor of having two Inspector- l"'*. tilt dill not believe the present motion l»« guincabout it properly. I k • ^*"*^ ^^" ^^' would dismiss no man l*-iiars;iy or rumor, bnt wanted something mui. He agreed wtli Mr. Frost that the |*0Ecn wouU be impracticable. «. Gihay .sai J the East Grey Inspectorate l^-cnmerly part of North Grey, and a r • ;».on w.,s made because it was too large. I^JEot being properly attended to, and it "Mfpiopofddto go back to the same iic/ *^*^- ^^'" people of his township I -^ ^atistied with tueir Inspector. Jr. bo^es also defended Mr. Grier, and hr"^f/'" 'i complaint from his town- Wiim«|ytt, qSiaeJ^Sttl' Me: -Pnnjae, Jamiecon--19^ The repett mas then adopted It was derided to print 250 copies of the y-lawa lebtmg to Mcboneeni and peddlea. «*"njBB« JfOKlIIHO. «k^ Jo***® ,*^**^1',* ' "^^ *o the towa for the use of Council Chamber. ni^rtl^^ ' ^°^*'8' seconded by Mr, Clark, That the Legislature be memorized, to make midsummeT hoUday in rural school sechon^ two weeks mstead of seven weeka. '^- ^owes said on account of the state of the roads in winter very often smaU children eouldBot get to school, and the summer time was the most convenient for them to go Mesars, Gilray, Clark, Bhute. Cameron, ^^ey.. and FAwcett, agreed with Mr. Bowes. Mr. Agnew auggested that otner countiei .should be asked to cc-operate. Dr. Christoe thought the Province was Buled m edueational mattera by Teachers Associations, and the Minister would not pay much attention to what we said. He tho»ght two weeks was too shoi* in the^ interest of the children, and suggested four weeks as a compromise. Mr. Frost also spoke stronglv about the way in which the Province was school ridden mthe interest of teachers. He suggested that a holiday might be given «ay in Nov- ember, when the roads were bad. Mr, Bead agreed with Mr. Frost. The resolution was altered apjJointing the Warden and Clerk to draw up a memorial, and ask other counties to co-roperate, and passed in -that shape. Movedby Mr, V.Lang, seconded by Mr. McCaUum, That the thanks of this Council are due to John Chisholm, Esq., Warderi, lor his able and impartial conduct, and that the sum of JlOO be granted for his services â€" carried by a s'tam^g vote. The sum of $10 was voted to Mr. Frost as a slight acknowledgment of his services in cpdifyaig the rules of the Council. The su m of #30 was voted to Chairman of County Property Committee, «15 to Chairman of Finance, $i.O to Chairman of Education, and $10 to Chairman of Printing. The Keeves of St. Vincent, Euphraiia and Bentinck, were voted $5 each for expenses in estab- bshing Farmers' Institute!. The Council then rose. TEACHER VANTED. xUm oeitifieate.' to JOSDEffHlfANiaBT, ^77-79 .Goring P.O hoHmgatd A.WB^ statmg siJaay, Farm for Sale. \KC\ ACBES Kortbt^lotJfa. 18,«ob. iV V/ 8, Buphraaia. 100 acrea. cleared and under cultivation, 60 acree.of which ia£t f«*r reaper and mower, fecced with cedar rails, well «aterwl,log house and frame bam. The uncleared portion is hardwood, with suiBoiant cedar for fencing pnrpoaee. SoU clay loam, and almost free from stone. Xhia is a de- sirable farm and wiU be sold on msy terms. Church and school convenient. Diatanco from Markdale, 9 miles irom Socklya, 8 milei. For further partieulara apply to JAMES BOYP. « BooklyniE-p. Store to Rent in Makoa/e. THB Store is Baynold'a Bloek to rest. Application as to terms can bo obtaiood from Joh» Lyons, Markdale, or JOHM Wmn, St. VinioBt, 14»-tf. Btrathnaim. P. 6.. imm m ^fj|^nO^«i^ itw siiiiomi -ANDâ€" EMPORIUM. Flouring Milk to Rent. THE well known "Speeton Mills," within one an a half miles of Fleaherton, to rent on very reasonable terms. Apply to the executors, JOHN W. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM CLAYTON, JOHN BOLAND, Flesherton, Nov, 2S. 1885. gavE MoneY By boying yonr Watches, Oc k8. Jewelry, Spectacee, Pipes, Ao. JAS. ITmsEWs FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from. /OOOOOOOOO OOP o o o ooo It 11 a fact, as oTcry on* I sayi, that RUSSELL is th« mani to repair year Watch or Clock properly. Vo o o oooooo oooooeoooj THE BEST COUGH CUEE. The best remedy lor Cough and all Throat and Lang tronbles, is one that loosens and dislodges the tough raucous, elears the bronchial tubes, and allays irritation. This ie what Hagyards Pectoral Balsam does in eyery case. Boots! Boots! Boots! SAVING MONEY. Y'our life may now be bright and clear And sweet as honey, Yet some day sorrow may appear, So save your money. Cash is King o'er young and old. Cash makes friends that ne'er grow cold. Cash brings please ne'er untold â€" So save yonr money. If you would make your burden light And times seem sunny; If you would keep things going right. Why, save your money Buy what will only last you long â€" Boots that are neat, yet cheap and strong. Buy of McLeod, then you can't get wrong â€" And so save your money If you have jolly boys and girls, Happy and funny. If you would give them sterling joys For Jittie mjney. Buy them boots that's good and smart. That fit the feet and charm the heart. At Wm. McLeod's, that's the spot Where you'll save money Auction Sale Of Valuable Property. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold on Thursday, the 14th day of January, 1886, atone o'clock in the afternoon, by Geo. Noble, Auctioneer, at the Revere House, in the village of Markdale. Lots Nos. 74 and 75 in 'the 1st concession North East of the Toronto and Sydenham Bead in the Township of Holland in the County of Grey, coataining 100 acres more or lees. Terms: â€" One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down at time of sale, two other tenths within 30 days thereafter, and the balance thereof to remain for a term of years sectured by a first mortgage on the property bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from day of sale. For further particulars apply to EOBINSON O'BPIEN, 4 Co., Vendors' Solicitors, No. 68 Chtirch Street, Toronto. Mrs. Williams Has opened a new stock of Stationery and Fancy Goods in DDNLOP'S OLD STAND MARKDALE PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENCILS, SLATES, PENS, INK, SCHOOL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, c., c. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction. JAS. 6. RUSSELL. 217-269 Scale of Cristine: at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. WHBAI. «1 lbs. 61 " WBie.HINO. 41 flour. 40 " orritL. 13 lbs. 13 " 60 " •19 tl u 59 •• 38 t* 16 58 '• 37 l 16 67 •• 36 ts 17 66 •' 35 l» 18 65 •• 34 «• 19 64 '• S3 K 20 68 " 32 «t 20 82 " 30 *t 20 61 " IS (( SO 50 " 2« ti 20 49 " 84 â- 1 20 WILLIAM McLEOD. BOOT (k SHOEMAEEB, IVfarkdale, Out- TEACHER WANTED. FEMALE, holding 3rd class certificate or well recommended permit, for 8.' 8. No. 19, Euphrasia, duties to commence 1st January. 'SiS. Apply at onee, stating salary, and references to CHAS. DEVITT, Epping P. O. Epping, Dee. 10, '85. 276-77 Head quarters for brated the celc- ii OOHERTY ORGAN M Bemamber I give you all yeur emaU wkaat kome with yen. which is eeniidarable. tn w. J. ROWS. FARM FOR SALE. BERKSHIRE BOAR FURS ANB SKINS. I WILL pay the highest price for all kinds of Furs Skins and Wild Game that is shipped to me. Send for price-list. GEO. W. GOEBNFLO. 273-2m Hamilton, Omt. 1873. ^0X$BJ 1886. Canada's Comic Journal '^?- ifti tre were complaints against the ,J«U)r of South Grey let them deal with â- ^./'"oi" ^Ira-ging in East Grey. It ji'^^ifs^-n .-^poke of a complaint against -tcvn"""" '" neglecting to have a fair i-u °^ ^^^^^ school pupils sent to tii~ """°^ '^â- 0 of the entrance ex- j^ won hting withdrawn from Durham ^- prtscinations were made to tbeDepart- i^rc.^'^l*" "^^"e'i to several teachers i'lA ' '° "â„¢ about the inefficiency atd/^'f"^f^°rs of Bast and South Grey. W»ti' 'â- ^^®' ^o'^OTer,in dismissing ,jj 'uiout notice, as this motion would It IT I -tci'e- M^' "" spoke, severely eriticiaing • E tiiVt ^^ appeared in a paper attack- l-ij-it.^l'.^'^tors. He referred at sc ""'Muntr '""^*^"^g cost 0^ education *f9 baii,^' " ^^^ complicated system we liosiik. J " "P He thought something cw°'^°'â„¢pi'^yit. diMussion should preTafl. tridWtT^"'" said he waa opposed to ««d ii^ ^* /^"ttnty into three Inspectorates, °*ionr,^^^ It appeared from the dia- »«Eoaa in r grieTance in South Grey, Ihei^^^'Grey. "KBdC't " "^y on Dr. ChrisUw'a 3r^:*«e»8 follows:â€" .t«e, Blakely, McNicol. Mc Bume in up eto Cliristo j[^-7?g that his motion • • tame "â- J-B, **gai, IfcCormick, Dayis, McMil- Tbirteenth Fear of Publication The aim of "GBIP" is to set forth, in an impartial and independent manner, the pass- ing events of Canadian political and. social life. Its Cartoons speak more definitely and more pleasingly than whole columns of edi- torial. In this pungent, easQy appreciable, and artistic style of presenting a subject, the whole situation is revealed at a glance. The success of Grip shows how weU this fact is appreciatedâ€" its Cartoons on the passmg political events of the country bemg even mere eagerly sought after than the chas.e and humorous letter-press of the paper,â€" though the latter i? equal to that of any similar publication on the ccntinent. For 1886, Grip is to be considerably im- proved. The old cover is to be discarded the paper is to comprise 12 pages; while a handsome design for the title pi^ge, a re-ar- rangement of the matter, and improved fa- eihtiea for the artistic production -of the Oai toona, wiU materi^Oly improve the typograph- ical appearance of the p^Mr. »â-  Thb Pbicb will kot m ihcbkasb Grip is now the cheapest paper of its daaa in America; and these improvMBKita mxKt decidedly enhance its value. No "no who K any interest in the P-liVrL"'^.^?^ affairs of this country should bej«tli«t Grip, as it presents a complete and ««t»*^- SlfrictoriiJ rewrd. M«ie pananma movea. G-RIP'S PLATFORM: Humor without Â¥ul«m^ *2£?SJl2f*^ OBl7 •• « STRAYED. To the premises of the eubscriber, let 31, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the Irt Nov- ember, a heifer about three yeara old, red and white. The owner ie requested to prove property pay expenses, and take her. JAMES B. SPABLING, 275.:77» Goring P. 0. KEPT for service at lot 18, con, 14, Artemesia. Terms â€" 75 cents at time of service. Bows returned free of charge. 270-77 J.HANSON. MW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a 6h0ieee. Fresh and Select STOCK OF Tobacco, o« Which win be Bold VERY CHEAP. I respettfnlly solicit the public's pfttronaf.*. 198 J. PLEWES. TO SCHOOMTRaSTEES. The uniaraigned is nannfaetnring an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool F^umitiire, Consisting ef BC â-  1 OOL SEATS and DBSES, TBACHBBB' DESKS, etc, of the latest design anl aoet approved pattern. Highly reconunendad by School Trustees and Teach- ers, fer ehe^neae,aomfort and compaetneaa. whererer tried. An assortment af Farm and Sehool Bella kept alwaya on hand. Band far catalogue to Chatswerth P. 0. 181 AVDSBW HcOnii. Qrirw ACRES, within one mile of JWil- d\j\J liamsford Station, -being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Boad, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good frame barn, diiving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and aU necessary build- ings twe good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running through it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at oncOb For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont.' NEW GROCERIES. RESTAURANT HOT MEALS. PUBB BBAZHJJAJT PBBBUB SPBC TACi«.»««nfaetui»dlvftaiikI*»ra^ Uta of the lr« of LaiatM Marna, f«m- of Hartford County, ftow of Ko. W, erly Landon, 2?7-8 Mi^Iand^ Boad, ftirrow Boad, Bng.. ea« be b^.o'J" ' IfcUMtfa irirtd Vg to aotay ldM». miiu»i â- â- â€¢ •*y â- *â-  ^rf^ •a abwfu JF**"?. BRITISH WORM SYRUP- BBI118E WOBM BTBUP it the best worm •zterotinator. It ia pleaaaat to taka, rafmiraa ae poigativa, safe and effeeta- al, and tskas hot few dasaa. Sola 4jKWt, N. PARKER, Draggist, Dorham. The undersigned has much plearure in in- forming hi:i old friends, and the pubho gen- erally, that he has opened out a general 0-rocex3r Store, where all kinds of Groceries can be obtained, which for price and quality cannot be under- eold. A trial will convince. In connection with the above. Hot Meala wiU be served at seasonable hours and Lunch at any busines period called upon, thus giving free will to choose what you' i please. A call is respectfully solicited. Canned Green Fruit In every variety. OTSTEBS served, either hot or cold, either by the quart or plate, at prices whicn will astonish those who have dealt in thoia luxuries in the past. Temperance Drinks «^ Cigars, Tobaccoes, of th«^best brand?. PBEMISXSâ€" Opposite Mansion Houae Hotel Shads, Sydenham Street,, i{arkd^. MRS. S, MiORROW. Maikdala, Pee. 10. '8$, 275-77 FARM FOR SALE Salibta so •7«r«Bi r5 ml Siu.j[a7| OflU» OAA ^CBES, being lot 1, con. 8, Eu-.. /i\j\J phrasia, 3 milea frem Siaikdale, 70 acres cleared and balance good hardweod i bush; aail, elay loam; well watert^.witb ranmng stream well fenced and in good state of esltivat^a good frams honae, also frame ham and eedai leg atabi*. Will be Bold together or in two parte of- 100 acrea oaeh. Terms made known on appliaatioB to TH0MA9MAKN. t74T7 Ifitrkdala. ESTEAY. CAME to the premiaee of tiw.vadeEi^pied about October hiat one, bailer.;. The o^aner oaa baro tlwaamt by pnniBf F'tS**)^' and paying ezpemaoa. •â-  .: BALP«^MIST.\ n:*;-r' EpimicP.d; 5 i. •-â-  \l I ;â- â- :»!- ":H if I: i*i* t:l l.;:il.:.;i *.*ri1 \M 'i ii- m^ -â- â- â-  " W 3 .^1 ;o ii^t S-: Lot 15, con. 4, Ewcraiii, 27? '

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