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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Dec 1885, p. 1

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 o. 1045 meets inl if ore full mooaf Uaster;)r.J. :oL- 6- -No. 277. MAitKDALE, ONT., DEC. 3J, 1885. Corut or ths Staiidau FiTB CEHTS lACH. kThingoTlBeautylsa Joy Forever." _MT LiNie OF-^ YEARS 6ARDS. ire rery pretty, at list pricei and ' plain ligurei. PINE ASSORTMENT lltVERWARE, I j.goliow andFlat Patterns. 10 p«r cent off for cafh tliis month. yij Silver Watches, Cl^ks, jewellery Spectacles. I A. BROWN, A reliable Jeweller, A hew; choice Pomes for sale cheap at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Jhs public will regret to Itam that there will be no "Ayera Almanac" iRtaed for 18S6 in Canada. Wk are compelled to leave oter a quantity of intareeting matter until next week, for want of space. $50,000 to lean on farm securitj. Terme easy interest light, and square dealing. Apply at thie office. Git a bottle of "Silver Cream," and make your lilverware shine â€" only 25c. W. A, Brown, sole agent. Omt brass band will semade the town thi« evening, and will play the old year otat and the new one in. Odb remnants in fancy goods and Toys will be sold at cost price to clear out stock. A. Turner Co. andOthfifitfeins. SoiicEs m these columns intended to benefit tmiiridml or Society will he charged ten ts a line for the first insertion and fivt I i line each subi:^ent insertion. The prospects for llear'i i« txcellent. Cheisimas day was a green .New beautiful aad Mi'KiciPiL matters are \)odinint this FsoF. JiMis it now lectnrini^'in this iTOimty. Ml. Glaostovk was 77 years 'did jcn Tuesday. A BBias BANS has been ortjltnizea 'in Ifliit-wortli. yisn up on a home a few Mb. Josuh Pi^is is liom Wariaw. W. L. Davis has been kj5 from Meaford. Vnt Honey in one pound cans very Itbp. A. Turner Co. MxB. CiPHEs, of Allenford is the |jMst of Mrs. Wm. Brown. M». and Mrs. Woodland of Dorham |«re in Markdala last week. ilE. and Mrs. J. R. Trimble visited \hnitiQ St. Mary's- last week. He. J. HuQHSB, of Orangeville, spent I J few days in Markdale last week. Mis3Bg. Allen McDougall and Thos. Mea arrived from Fort William on UsEFtL, ornamental and durable Pew Year's gifts to be had at Mc- liitland's. Nkt sittings of Division Court No. ^. viil be held in Fleaherton on the and Januaiy. f^T.P.and Mrs. FHni, of Sinf- "ipton, have been visiting friends » till! locality. Ii leads the van in the triumphal ;?*fch of progressâ€" McFarland's Pare "inmphant Tea. JJAsiEt Jos Allen and Mr. John ;f ord, of Allenford, paid Markdale 'nyiDg Visit last week. ^8 esteemed young friend, Mr. ' Jfqnss, now of Calgary., is vi»ting ^wias in this district. Wnm, Pills are a favJrite purga- Jm, ^Jiii-Wious medicine they ««aild and thorough. ,^ Markdale roUer 2' Mid closed m, 'PWi in about ten days. yoi are in arrears you need not W""" ' °«fc week's â- ^"' B^scjiBssB at a distance will kindly ,1, promptly if they wish to receive J^^ASD^D right along, iWto/'^; »"d Mrs. Sivag*. of iIcF»i' .^* ^^^^ *b6 guests of W. J. '^•flandtlio past week. rink is up, and will bs pap«r Ths pews in the new Methodist church will be let on Thursday, the 31st, at 2 o'clock p m. Terms cash. IvpoBTANT. â€" All parties indebted to Wm. McLeod are hereby requested to cail and settle befere the 1st January. A ooinfUMicAnoN from "J5armer" tame too late for insertion, the paper being more than full before it reached us. Ms. A. CouFOBT' of Binbrooke, and Mrs. Bnrtch, ei St. Catharines, are visiting their sister, Mrs. B. W. Ennis. Thi sink hole on the gravel road in Allen's swamp has been repaired, and is now passable and safe foi public traffic. Wo«M3 often destroy children, but Freeman's Worm Powders destroy Worms, and expel them frem ths system. Me. R. H. WraTBT, of Oransceville. was home a few days about Christmas. I We were pleased to see him looking ^BO wfell. Mbs^s. J. B. and Samuel Irwin, of Hockley, visited their brother, the veterinary surgeon, in this place recjintly. f oR«i6vil^kNDBOTF. â€" Cleanse the scalp with Praf Low 's Magic Sulphur gottp. A deligbtfal medicated soap for the tdil^t. -A TteroMtft of •fen1*i$irise in the Im- portatiein of ipfrire Ttsts of excellent flaTor--W.J. McFaifliEd'B ^nre Tri- umphant Tea. Thi social «in ^Oriclhy 'tiigh* in the basement Sf tho Methocfirt church was well attended aifiai!ickll3r «i^«7^- Proceeds $10.1^. Mant a i^oor "WOoTMh Mntoi ie 'ean do nothing without a htribsind, "and when she gets one ^finds nhe (CSn 'do nothing with him. 3h«i8t Church «. «. ^Cbriitelfs Tree entertainment Iwft night *as 'fc grand success. The halll *«» '«*oWd- ed and thti tree heavily lad«i ^th giftl. Artw choice Photo AibUtOd ^iil be sold at greatly redueed ptices 'to clear out Stock in that line at Medwrt Hall. A. Turner Co. A CbtinO Evil.â€" Children '»«; often fretful ind ill when worms «t* the cause. Dr. Liow's Worm Syrup safely expels all Worms. A wife once kisfledher hnsband, andiaia sbtf: "Myown sweet WiU, how dearly I lov« th»e. Who •yer knew a lady, good or ill. Who ^dnot dearly l«v«'herown»wet WtU Th* sermons by Bev. Dr. Griffin last Sunday were masterly and very po'werful, and the audience dehghtecl and profited by each discourse. Two TiAB old Bull, with pedigree, for sale, cheap for caah or go^ mark. B. Freeborn, one mile from Wilhams- foi4. Also two food Colts. 2e8-tf Thb Owen Sound Poultry w»d Pot Stock Association will hold annual exhibitiou at the Tpim. on the 5th, 6th and 7th of January next. Tot '-Canadian Almanao" for 1886 is now for sale at Turner Co't Drug store; price 16 c«°^ ^^ ^3^^* get as much practical nsefd uiform- Ition lor the same money m «fly otkerway. Noprog^««^;^ ^^ afford to bo wiAout It. ,„.,--= Mb. ' J. S. PutwES, of Sbelbnme, brother of oar Mr. Angus Ploweo of Victor Boiler Mills, expects to have his new roller mill in operation next week. I wnj, give bargains on the few nice New Year's eards left. You can. prove this statement by calling early "New Year's Eve," W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Mb. Fbamk PoBTkB, the efficient principal of the Markdale publie school, is spending the Xmas vacation in town with his brother, Mr. T. Porter. â€" [Dnfferin Post. Thb annual school meeting was well attended and matters generally satisfactory. Mr. John Lyons was elected trustee without opposition Mr, Edward Bntledge was the retiring one. A rouB-TBAB-OLs girl in Markdale received a doll en Christmas morning among other toys, and her little brother asked what she would call it, when she promptly replied, (Colorado call her Ada. Wabmimo. â€" All parties indebted to me by account aro hereby notified that if a settlement is not made before the 9th January the same will be placed m other hands for collection. John McEonua. â-  ^K â-  u flL a. » o ;h « CO •d H c8 Z « UJ u S u -1 rt a. S 1-4 o o Cj X H a A DUBTiuN was awakened by a wag in the night with the announcement that his best cow was choking. Be forthwith jumped out to save the life of Crummie, but lo he found a turnip stuck in the mouth of the pump 1 their Hall A TBA-HBBTnro will be held on the evening of New Year's day in the Babtist Church, 10th con., Glenelg, when addresses wiU be delivered by several reverend ^gentlemen, and mtsie by the choir. Admission, 25 cents. 'Obahoz SoiBEE,â€" Temple HML. 0. %i. No. -394 will give a grand soiree in tthdir new hall, 9th line Euphrasia, on ih* evening of New Year's Day, when M}V4ral reverend and other gentlemen «tl«Sxpeoted to address' the meeting. !ljidk4ift8,^5'cents. ^Stetft^iABiTT of the main spring of life, iind regularity of the bowels is (^e of -the most essential laws of health. ^Burdock Blood Bitters re- gulaten^be bowels in an nsitural man- nit-, cfltfing 'Constipation and preven- ting ^jssrdottji disease. 'T^'SnUtufl'tea-meeting-ofEbenezer Church tlihiline Euphrasia, will be held «ofl -N»W Year's Day.. They always have 'good feme, and this onis^stpetited'toie ^no exception tbe^ale. ffea««rod'froin 6 p.m. -AdmisiionSK centfc WB-have a 4Sffiib«r -of â- nbscnbers who aro in sflfreart ovilt a.y/rtu: whose naffl«* wiU ^e dms^ 'off our lirt next weiJk and^tir mtOiMim placed in ooirft*)rlJOH«Jtii?i». ai^y ippw to bo-iotormmoatoibiKIIW^rt of 4ho unofmt, «t4eB«4MiBO A lilTIWJ Queatiomâ€" •!• 0««iaew«tffli4i»injt?* AMWor-~'I« »11 4«peB4i wlip •*»» livor ' If toirod or insMStivow ««W€8 a Afflj toiiflj ^!»r^ «*»*» " ^aso'«IiiT«t^Jw««^ ' booyaney. 8oW IfiF to o'clock NoncB. â€" ^All persons are hereby warned against purchasing a promis- ary note for $38.10 in favor of John Boland against Alex. Mercer, Jr., and Jas. Mere«r, due the 12th November, 1885. as the same is paid, but the note lout. Markdale, Dec. 29, 1885. J. J. Graham. Tba-Mebting. â€" There will be a tea- meeting at Eimberley in the new Methodist Church on New Year's Day, commoneing at 5 o'clock, when a number of good speakers will be present, includmg Dr. Sproule, M. P. Proceeds in aid of the building fund. Admission, 26 cents. Thxbb has been fowl work perpe- trated on a grocer in Meaford recently, a number of dressed geese being sold which were afterwards found to be stuffed, some of them to the tune of three lbs., with pigs liver and such. The dishonest and avaricious custom- er is known, but not named. COUHBMDABLB EnTBBPBISB. â€" Tho Dundalk Herald Christmas number was a sixteen page edition, and was indeed creditable to Mr. Hall, the ambitious editor. It qertainly cost a great amount of laboi and expense to issue such a number, and we trust it has proved a successful venture fin- ancially. Ihpubb BtooD. â€" Boils, blotches, pimples and festering sores are indica- tions of impure blood that should never be neglected, or ill health and perhaps incurable disease may result. Burdock Blood Bitters purees the blood by acting on the four cardinal points of healtâ€" the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Blood. Bttbolabs entered the brick school house, 7th. line, St. Vincent, on Friday night the 11th. inst., and took awy the clock, and in trying to get at the contents of drawers, broke up the teacher's desk, besides other dam ages. Doubtless it was the same party who raided Meaford nouses on the Saturday nights following. â€" [Mea- ford Monitor. Nothing succeeds like success. West's Cough Syrup to-day stands without a rival, and we have never seen such' remarkable cures in Con- sumption m its early stages, Hoarse- ness, Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung diseases. Sold by A. Turner k Co. Druggists. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and fl.OO pec bottle. Dec. 31 NoTioB. â€" A public meeting of the Reformers of East Grey will be held in the Township Hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday, 19th January, 1885, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of re- organ^ation, c., c. Dr. Landerldn, M. P., South Grey, is expected. Friends of Reform and Good Govern- ment are cordiaUy invited. Wm. Brown, Sec. Reform Association, Ei^'t •Grey. Convoiilence.â€" ify** ^«i» toaubscribe tor or renew your sub- scription for any of tho following papers, you can do so at this office and thus save the trouble and risk of mailing: â€" Gloh; Mail, Ntws, Daily Warld, Montreal Star, Fwrmert' Advo- cate, or Amtrican Agriculturist. The balance of this yeu: free to all new subscribers for 1886 for any of the above weeklies or monthlies. Fabmbbs' Inbtitute. â€" A meetirjg of Centre Grey Farmers Institute rriU be held in Markdale -on the 8th and 9th January when Professors Brown, Greuside, and Barre, from the Agri- cultural College, will deliver addresses on subjects of deep ir^torest to the farmer. Those meetings will be free, and every iJamerir. the neighborhood should make it anoint to be present. The meetings commence at half past Beadbb. â€" If you are a subscriber for the Stamsabd, examine your address label and if your subscription expires with this number, or has expired somo time past, please mako an effort to have it renewed. f'l WISH you would pay a little- attention to what I am saying, sir,'*^ roared a lawyer to. an exasperating witness he was examining. "Well, I am paying as little attention as I can," was the calm reply. The annual tea-meeting of the Markdale Prebbyterian Church will be held on the evening of New Year't day in Haskett's Hall. A good pro- gram is being prepared and a splendid time may be expected. Thb Camebb Wobh ob thb Blood i* Scrofula, that gnaws upon the vital* and consumes the body. Consump- tion'is but Lung Scrofiila. Burdock Blood Bitters is one of the best known combinations to cure Scrofula. At the December meeting of the Markdale Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 1045, the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year â€" Thos. El- liott, W. M. Wm, Brady, Dep.M. Jas. Elliott, Chaplain R. W. Blakely,; Ree. Sec. Jas. Nelson, Fm. Sec. ;;, Thos. J. Lackey, Treasurer; Wm.. Walker, Director Ceremonies James Bryan, Lecturer. W. J. Blakely,. Robt. Clark, John Clark, Wm. Levi,. Jas. Lyons, Committee. Assigned.â€" We very much iregret that Mr. John Noble, blacksmith of this village, has been compelled, owing to financial difficulties, to make an assignment, Mr. Noble has done an extensive business in Markdale for the last 15 years, but unfortunately he has always been to lenient with- his customers, many accounts running from year to year without a settle- ment, and a large percentage never paid at all, and this is all the thanks he now gets for hiii leniency. Mr. Noble is one of the most obliging and industrious business men of the place, and we trust he will soon be in a position to resutae business. CAUTION. Any liniment or other medicine that eauBot be taken internally is unsafe for ordinary use. Halyard's Yellow Oil, the prompt pam reUever, is safo and reliable for all aches and pains., and swallowed as well as applied. ' Rewabd.â€" Mr. Peter Neil requests us to state that he attended the last meeting of Council in Glenelg to ask that body to offer a reward for tho apprehension of the party who broke a mare's leg, some time ago belonging to him. When tiie matter was laid befere tho council, the Reeve wrote a. motion t^erins; $200, and Mr. Patrick Noil remarked tliat he would be willing to s:ivo anything, upon which Mr, Peter Neil remarked that he was surprised at him, (Patrick) I telling parties in Durham that the. mare broke her leg by accident, and forthwith offered to pay any man^ $100, who would prove iliat tho- maro's log was not broken as indicated by what was found in the field. As the mattw now stands a reward of $800 is offered. â€" ^^ [Grey Review. SK-2W0TA •^ si^y Amt Qiloe, you U getting uound 'right smart." "Yes indoed 1 is, iionoy. I was pestered and nok abed with Rheuma- tism Â¥or six years ^nd done tried tim Wost's World'f Wonder or FMuily idiiimant the pe^lo aiw ticking so nmch abouti 9,ud X was nuro enough iDr. j eorod. Itdone saved this old nigger's ^te^" JBrico 26 cants Mid BO cents 1 Mr '^^lo. Sold hj A. Tomer CONSUMPTION CUKED. An old phyjicnan, retired from practice^ having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the foimiila of i^ oimpl* TcgetableTemedj for the speedy and perman- ent cure c3 Consumption, Bronchitia, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lang Afflictions, also a positiTe and radical cure far Nerroos liability and all Nenroos Gomplaiots, after haTing tasted its wonderfal onratiTe powers in thoosands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his snffwing fellows. Actuated by this motlT* and a desire to reUave homan suffering, I will send free of charge, to all wha desira ^t, this recipe, in German, Frenoe or BnglisH, irith foil directions for j^eparing aiul naing. Sent by mul by addremng witih stamp, naming tiiia paper, W. A. Motbs, 149 Fever's BlofK Rochester, N.Y. Dae, ' i -J £.s.fJi'..i:Sv.«.-- 'i -i^ blip ^s-i'.^ •:- 'M ' McGregor PARBE. Of Hamilton, Ont., are the mannfaetnrera of the greatest heahns asd ^fsaiiy mg com- pound known for Soias, Bijms, Gat.s, Scalds, Salt fihenm, frdst Sitef ^. It is ealled McOiefor H Puke's CsiAoSb Cefrte. Be Bore'WDd get the gennizte Mc(^iegor ft Parfce'a GaibOlfeCeialQ sold hftWH. Btq^s^ «t Ko. a bcw,, ft. n s-i ii 'I â-  IHlfci rUMV !i. .-'i â- â- â-  " -â- r W( I 't^4 fij 'â- â€¢l-'i 'i' i; ' -4 Vi Si ';i !: •:â- ' ' -in V;! ' f •; 1 â- â€¢;â- â- ' |4it:Hr «... â-  .u ' If "•â- :!*.

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