' 78, meets trml it 8 o'clockklueirl Visitirg bre't!;itB| No 141 meets ml ck, every slieraatel ick. A visit itmf .Ices soIieiteJ. G4' mee'i=in ;L«ir| e iull mcon faclil tevr W. J. E'aheij, 6.--N0. 270. MAKKDALE, ONT., DUG. 24, 1885. GOPIU or XHX BXIKOAXD FiVX CBHX8 XACH. A$it» « «i A Tiling of Beauty Is a Joy Forever." MT LINE OF- %2rLas -:- CeurdLs Are Tery pretty, at list prices and plain ijgnrea. FINE ASSOETMBNT SILVERWARE, lu Hollow and Flat Patterns. 10 p«r cent off for caph this month. Sold Silver Watches, Clocks, jewellery Spectacles. W,A.BROWH, A reliable Jeweller; _j I â- ' " â€" Local and Otheriteis. SoTicER in these columns intendedtohenefit ^Rt/ individual or Society will be charged ten ;nU ii Uvf (or the first insertion and five mlid line each sitb^eqttent insertion. A RAPID thaw set in on Tuesday and has split the sleighing. Six coupl« of our young folks t:)ok a sleigli ride to Dundalk on Twesday evening and had a jolly time. W0BM8 often destroy children,, but Freeman's Worm Powders destroy Worms, and •xpel them fr«m the system. To EiuoTE Dandbuff.â€" Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicat»d for the toilet. soap A illcrrr Christmas Happy ^ew Year to subscribers. Next Monday will be nomination day. Next Wednesday is meetiug. annual school Tkot Trustee out your candidates. Village We had a pleasant call from Ifr. Thos. Haobury ot Duudalk, he and Mrs. H. having attended the church opening last Sunday. • A CaviNG E\iL. â€" Children are often freiful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Jjow's Worm Syrup safely expels all Worms. Two YBAit old Bull, with pedigree, for sale, cheap for cash or good mark. R. Freeborn, one mile from Williams- ford. Also two good Colts. 268-tf The Markdale Village Trustees ran their funds so close they had to write their notices of Nomination and Elec- tion with pen and ink. Marvellous economy. Mrs. Montgomery has just received a fresh lot of all kinds of Christmas candies, nuts, biscuits, cakes ol all kinds, at Danlop's block, next door to City Hotel. W^B mentioned last week that Mr. S. J. Coleman had returned, but have since learned that he has with him his brido. We extend oarcongtatulations to the happy pair. Parties wishing to secure a pew in the New Methodist church vrill require to attend at 2 o'clock p. m. on Thursday the 31st inst. No pews will be rented before tkat hour, yi Police Notice is given in the Gazett$, by Messrs. McMichael, Hoskin Sn Ogden, and a all our A HAN named Elvidge Knocked Mr. Jenkins, of the 0.hromcU, down in Durham recently for publishing an item which the former took offence at. Jenkins entered a salt against Elyidge. and he was fined $8. and costs. 'Dye see how it works Regularity of the main spring of lif*. and regularity of the bowels is one of the most essential laws of health. Burdock Blood Bitters re- gulates the bowels in an natural man- ner, curing Constipation and preven- ting serious disease. The annual tea-meeting of Ebenezer Church. 11th line Euphrasia, will be held on New Year's Day. They always have a good time, and this on is expected to be no exception to the rule. Tea served from 5 o'clock p. m. Admission 25 cents. Notice to Teachers' â€" The promo tion examinations in isouth Grey will be held on the 4th and 5th of Jan., 1886. The teachers' will please make this known, arrange for, and secure a general attendance of their pupils on the days specified. W. Ferguson, I. P. S. 6,000 W. J. McTarland shipped lbs, poultry last Monday. Me. a. G. HuNTiiR of Dundalk gave '.;! friendly call last week. Mr. F. PoETin is spending his Curistmas holidays at Sand Hill' McFakland has built up an immense lea trade by selling pure Teas only. The Chatsworth )ews of last woek i^ii tiie best number we have yet seen. The new "roller process" will be in operation about the Ist January in Markdale. The best place in town for all kinds 3f borse clothing is Mathews' Harness isiablisbment. Next sittings of Division Court No. 5. will be held in Flesherton on the -2ud January. A SPECIAL job lot of Mens' Overcoats It McFarland's about half price. See :Mm, see them. National PiLis are a favorite purga- •iTeaiid anti-bilious medicine; they "e mild and thorough. Blbscrieers at a distance will kindly "Dew promptly if they wish to receive ^» Standard right along. SoO.OOO to loan on farm security. lerms easy interest light, and square flealing. -Apply Rt this oflSce. r Shr the large assortment of Xmas ^Ms and Xmas Gifts at W. A. ^fown's Model Jewellery Store. Thi pewB in the new Mothodist ^aarcb will be let on Thursday, the '^«.at2 o'clock p.m. Terms cash. Jttfi- H. J. MmpAUGH, of Durham, ^aspwchased "Chestnat Jim," from '«. Hannah, of Flesborton, Station. ^^??TAKT.â€" All partio. indebted to can J ^®°^ we hereby requested to ^a^d sattle before the 1st January. Hous* tnd lot for sale on George istrest, Markdale. For particulars te.-K-Tv^P^'-^ *° Peter McAifthnr, Travers- " ^- 0., or to this offic*. 266-tf A TEAMEETiHG will be held on tbo "T«img of :jjew Yoar's day in the Jjotist Church, 10th con.T Glenelg. "^ea addresses wiU be deUvered by Solicitors, ol an intended application to the Legislature for a charter to build a railway from Southampton to Meaford. Every preparation 'is being made for a crowd at the Christmas tea in the new church and it is intended to have sufficient system and order en- forced to ensure comfort and avoid confusion. TtiE annual tea-meeting of the Markdale Presbyterian Church will be held on the evening of New Year's day in Haskett's flail. A good pro- gram is being prepared and a splendid time may be expected. Twenty- TWO car-loads of new rails were distributed along the C. P. R. between Teeswater and Wingham siding one day last week. They are intended to replace the old T. G. B. rails. â€" [Walkerton Herald. Notice. â€" W. J. Bcfwe has hia Saw Mills running again having been idle owing to a break this last weak, he is now runnmg day and night to keep up with the orders and give you your lumbar home with you now. THsChlrist Chftlrch Snnday School: Xmas Tree entertainment will be given in the Orange fiall ©u Wednesday evening, the 28th inst. The entertain- ment will commence at half-past seven oV^lock. Admission, 15 cents. •JoKCBRT.- A grand concsrt will be held in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, m aid of the St. Mary's Chnrch Organ Fnnd, on Monday, the 28th Dec. The chief performers will be from Markdale. Refreshments at 6 o'clock. Admission, 25 ceats. OBAifoE Soiree.â€" Temple Hill L. 0. L. No- S94 will give a grand soiree in their new hall, 9th line Euphrasia, on the evening of New Year's Day. when several rev^end and other gentlemen are expected te address the meeting. Tickets, 25 cents. The opening services ot the new Methodist church wUl be continued next Sunday when Rev. Dr. Griffin of Gielph wiU preach mo"»«»K " evenmg, and Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., at 2:80. The attendance is ex- pected to be even grater than it was reverend gentlemen, and |jo*w« •.""• -- â€" «. ..11 #-«i nn "1!!^' by the ebon: Admission, 25 Iwit Sabbath the pewB are all free on «6iits. I those occasions. i~ The Piofebsors of the agricultural college have changed the dates of Farmers' Institute meetings printed two weeks ago. The meeting m Markdale for Centre Grey will be held on 8th and 9th January. Professors Brown, Greensides and Baree will be present. W^E are pleased to hear from our patrons, when renewing their sub- scription, that they cannot think of doing without the Standard, notwith- standing the hard times. It is not worth while economising in this pai- ticular, as the paper only costs two cents per week. Tea- Meeting. â€" There will be a tea- meeting at Kimberley in the new Methodist Church on New Year's Day, commencing at 5 o'clock, when a number of good speakers will be present, includmg Dr. Sproule, M. P. Proceeds in aid of the building fund. Admission, 25 cents. There is no medicineon the market that can equal West's Cough Syrup in the cure of Coughs, Colds, Con- sumption, Influenza, Hoarsehess, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung troubles, it has no equal. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggists. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Dec '24 Tea-Meetii»g.â€" The annual tea- meeting of the Methodist church, Williamsford Station, will be held on the evening of New Xear's day, when addresses will be deUvered by Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., Superintendent of Owen Sound District Rey. J. Hart, of Chatsworth, and others. Tea served from 5 to 7 in Handley's Hall. Admission 25 cents. Tms is the season of the year when the newspaiper man is bored with nnmerous and long-winded address' and reports of presentations. Those matters are always particularly inter- esting to those immediately concerned, but the public generally are not by anv means partial to such litrature. We hope therefore our patrons- who anticipate the publication of such in our columns, will be very brief in order to escape the waste basket. Farmers' Institute.â€" A meeting of Centre Grey Farmers Institute will be held in Markdale on the 8th atid 9th January when Professors Brown, Grenside, and Barre, from tfae Agri- cultural College, will deliver addresses on sabjecta of deep interest to the farmer. Those meetings will be free, and every farmer in the neighborhood should make it a point to be present. The meetings commence at half past one. "I say Aunt Chloe, you in getting around right smart." "Yes indeed I is, honey. I was pestered and sick abed with Rheunaa- tism for six years and done triad this West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment the people are talking so much about, aud I was sure enough cured. It done saved this old nigger's life " Price 25 cents and 50 cents perbpttle. Bold bj A. Turner The Cakkxr Worm or thk Blood is Scrofula, that gnaws upon the vitals and consumes the body. Consump- tion is but Lung Scrofiila. Burdock Blood Bitters is one of the best known combinations to cure Scrofula. Fluid Lightning does not take a day or an hour to remove Neuralf^a, Headache. Tooth- ache, Lumbago or Bheumatisui, but will do it instantly, and without carrying your head in a poultice for a day or using greasy liiiiment. Try a 2oc. bottle from Hill Bro's. 4 If you intend purchasing Xmas Cards, or handsome and useful articles of Silver Plate for table use, you should come in Xmas eve and see my assortment. Fair prices and plain figures. VV. A. Brown, Jeweller. Mary, why is it you persist in getting that mixed, colored trash of Tea, and dosing us all with it, when by going to McFarland's you can get Tea war- ranted absolutely pure and. sweet as a rose. He is importing a special brand called Triumphant which is bound to crowd all others out. The next time you want Tea get a can of McFarland's "Triumphant Tea." Lost. â€" A buffalo robe, lining, made of two pieces. Euphrasia t^oaBCil. without had $15 marked on one corner with black paint, lost between Markdale and Noble's stone house sideroad, late in October last. Any person who will return it, or give such information as will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. Jcdin Boland, Vandeleur P. 0. Dec, The virtue of Cwbohc Asid for Healing cleansing and purifiyng is well known but from the many modes of applying it, the public is uncertain how best to use ii. To meet that want, McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate is prepared, and may be used with confidence. Do not be misled. Take only McGregor Piwke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold e Hill Bro's. 4 Enterprise ExTRAORDncARY.^The souvenir nutnber of the Sheiburne Economist came to hand last week, and is a cracker, It is dated 1985, as much as to say "this is the state of perfection to which progressive news papers will have arrived at that date." The number speaks volumes for the taste and enterprise of Mr, Smith, the publisher, while the ex- cellence of the material (type, c.), would put some of the city offices in a back seat. We wish the publisher and his excellent journal the success so richly merited. Pleasant Valley.â€" The tea-meet- ing which came off at Pleasant Valley Methodist church on Wednesday of last week was largely attended and a pleasant 'time spent. The program was lengthy, varied and well rendered. A number of readings, recitations and dialogues were rendered by young people of that neighborhood in a man- ner which did them great credit. W. A. Brown, of Markdale, occupied the chair very Creditably, and the Metho- dist choir of this plaee gave several fine selections of music. Revs. Oasson and Grandy were present and did their part. Proceeds $28. GtJN Accident. â€" About a week ago Mr. John McNally, of Traveiston, Glenelg, went out shooting. He loaded bis gun with buckshot and then tried to insert a bullet, which str'ick part way down the barrel, the consequence was thai when he fired the gun off it burst about a foot from the lock. A piece of the barrel struck Mr. McNally on the thumb inflicting a very ugly gasb, which, owing to the powder getting into the wound has been very painful, and at last accounts was not healing up properly. We hope Mr. Mc. may recover without losing his thumb. â€" [Grey Review. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed iu his hands by an East India miasionaiy the formula of a simplo vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all threat and Lung Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure fer Ncrvons Dabihty and all Nsrvous Complaints, after having tasted its wonderiHl curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suftering, I will send free of charge, to all who dnsire ^it, this recipe, in German, Frence or English, with (fnll directions for preparing ani using. Sent by â„¢m1 by addressing witih stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noras, W9 Pewer'f Block, Boehttter, N.Y. The council met pursuant to ad- journment at Dedson's hotel en 28th Nov., 1885. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. The treasurer was ordered to obUin immediate settle- ment from Mr. Jordan of balance due on roll of 1884. $4.00, charged to J. W. Knott for statute labor, was struck off roll, as it was made to appear that said labor was performed. $8.27 was straek off Daniel Pattoa's taxes.beiug an error produced through discrepancy between assessment roll and notice. By-law 85S, to close and dispose of part of the original* allowance of road between lets 6 7, in the 3rd 4th concessions, was carried through the different stages and passed. ° The following named gentlemen were appointed deputy -returning offi- cers to hold the next municipal elec- tion, viz Thomas Ellis, Nicholas Hewson, George Crabtree, Daniel Silverthorn, James Struthers, Esq., and Nathaniel Curry, By-law No. 856, confirming the ap- pointment of deputy-returning officers appointing the agricultural hall as place of nomination, and appointing polling places in the several polling subdivisions, was carried through the different stages and passed. The tTPasurer war ordered to remit .to Creasor Morrison, barristers, Owen Sound, $8.00, fee for legal ad- vice. â- The reeve's orders were issued on the treasurer to pay as follows, viz George Hutchinson $25, building bridge on blmd line at lot 18-, George Emery $50.20, work on 12 13 side- line, con. 1 2 Thomas Londry $8. 75, work on 15 16 stde-line, con. 4 James Reekie $1.75, repairing road scraper William Dales $10, work on 24 '25 side-line Charles Howard $13, work on 6 7 side-line James Wiley :$1.44, plank for use on road William Pringle $10, work on 9 10 side-line E. McConnel $1^ work on 6 7 side-line â- DoBi^d Campbell $30, building eolverts {m 12 18 side-line Thomas Ellis $6L40, work on 6 7 side-line, eon. 4 W, Hewgill, Esq., $5, work on town line Colling- wood John Ferris $15, work on 6 7 side-line Joseph Bums $3, work on 12 13 side line -, John Pritehard $1, work on 24 25 side-iine, con. 0; Joseph Hawken $6, building culvert on 12 IS ^de-line; WilUam Charters $2, repairing culverts A. Grier, Esq.. $5.50, forming union School Section, Council adjourned until Thursday, 24th December next, then to meet at McConuel's Hotd for the dispatch of business. Robert Domlop, ' Tp, Clerk. Attained Us Majority To our readers who see in agriculture an art to be followed by the light of intelligence rather than speculation, we commend for theu approval the ji'armsr's Advocate and Home Magazine. This journal has been established 20 years, is edited an owned by a practical farmer of 50 years' experience, and as an educator of farmers in matters pertaining to agriculture, stock, dairy, apiary, c.. c., combined, the Farmer's Advocate stands without a peer. It is got up in neat shape for binding, neatly printed on fine paper, and each num- ber is well illustrated with original practical dravring.s In addition to its fund of intormation for the farmer, its Home Magazine Department pleases all the members of the family, young and old, who find m it a large amount of profitable and entertaining reading. This month sample copies are sent free to applicuits. Impcrs Blood. â€" Boils, blotches, pimples and festering sores are indica- tions of impure blood that should never be neglected, or ill health and perhaps incurable disease may result. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood by acting en the font cardinal points of healt â€" the Stomach, Bowelf Liver and Blood. m • •-,, .. â- t..' k'l -liti-, ^:-----