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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Dec 1885, p. 4

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 '!^P» .^•i m Tha Standard. MARKDADE DECEMBER 17. 1885 A JNerrj Ctaristmas and a Happy New ITear u» all our subscribers. MUNICIPAL. The mnnicipai atmosphere in tbe variotiB Burrounding municipalities is uuuBually calm, yet there is often the greatest calm before a storm. GL£NEL«. In Glenelg there is hkely to be im- portant changes, but they generally leave the question open until the nomination, when all fall iento line. The latest word is, that Mr. Charles Mofiat and the present deputy reeve wUl be candidates for reeyeship. Mr. Dunsmore is spoken of as a probable candidate for deputy. Edward Rnt- led;e is spoken of as a proper person to represent Markdale ward in the council, and if he will consent to take the field, will be elected without doubt He is one of the first settles of the township, and is a staunch progressive farmer, and has the respect and con- fidence of the whole community. HOLIAND. Holland council met at Holland Centre on Monday last, and as far as we could learn there is yet no proba- bility of any opposition to the present board. Should the ratepayers unite in the direction of economy they have now a good chance to save the town* ship $100 in tiection expenses. ASTBMESU. As far as we can learn Artemesia is in about the same position as Holland, and the old council may all be re- slected by acclamation. OSPBBT. Our correspondents in Osprey either wish to keep matters quiet, or they have nothing to report on the proba- bility of municipal changes. BX7PHBASIA. MumciFAL matters in Enphrania are more quiet than usual at this advanced stage of the season. Mr. Gilray, tbe reeve, will not likely have any opposition, whether or net however, ho will be re-elected. Mr. Fawcett, the deputy, will have opposition. Several names are mentioned, but who the opposition will be, is hard to say just yet. W. J. Shepherdson has been named, and at first declined the request of various ratepayers to take the field, but later he has been so pressed by leading ratepayers from the four quarters, as well as tbe centre, of the township that he has decided to leave tbe matter open until nomination, and then if it is tbe determination of the people to elect iiim, he will accept the nomination. If he should, he would doubtless be elected by a large majority. His municipal experience has been short, hut he is an apt scoUar, and bas improved bis time, and besides he is jjopular all over tbe township. U«weAlBK Alwnt Cbristaaas.â€" ' A Bear Story. To tkt Editor of the Siasdabd. Si«,â€" As no one has committed sui- cide, broken his leg, or eloped with a •ertain gentleman's "Betsy Jane," and as no events of interest to your read- ers has come within the range of my observation, 1 will give you a few thoughts about Christmas. Christmas is near at hand, and we fancy we smeil the aroma of roast goose rising on the crisp frosty air. Several prophets predict a green Christmas but, in the face of the fact that prophets are always correct, let us hope that in this ease a green Christmas has been predicted by very green prophet" Wait a moment, I must tell you a bear story which I had almost for- gotten. The other day, while a Glen elger was walking through his bush, he was attracted by a crackhng of brush, and espied a few paces ahead, a large black object. Could it be a bear? It certainly seemed like one. B«ing unarmed, our hero speedily re- treated, and marshalled a company of intrepid volunteers for a bear hunt. Arrived at the scene of action, the self-constituted leader harangued his followers and ail pressed forward to conquer or die. The savage animal, finding himself surrounded, detei min- ed to make a bold rush for life, so, springing forward, he burst through the crowd, and, with a lond bark, Nap ran home, and the soldiers, niter hold- ing a council of war, sneaked ditto. Yours, c.. Fact. lil!»»t«reyC»»«erv»llTe A»»ocl- ati*a- ©at:-vesptiudeBX)e* Notice. â€" We -wisb it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsib'e for tk'K opiniens expressed by our eon-espondents To the Editor of the Standard. Deab Sie, â€" As r have been blamed for writing to the insurance Co. in connectisn with the burning of tbe town hall of Euphrasia I wish to deny having done so, or baing in any way connected with it. I enclose copy of letter from th« said Co. wbich I wish you to print, and by so doing I hope my detractors will apologize, or talie back water. Yours truly, W. J. Black. Epping, Dec. U, '85. MoNTBEAi,, Nov. 21th, 1885. W. J. Black, Esq., Eppingi Ont. Dkab Bib, â€" Your favor of the 21»t received. We beg to ssy we never received any letter regarding the town hall and tbe h»t«l built within a few feet of tbe same from you. Yours Faithfully, Btbwabt Bbown, Manager. Tbk Sunday School Papers pablished by Mr. Blackett Bolanson. Toranto, are well ndapted for Canadiaa achoojs. Thmr are three in nnttber, beaatif a]Dy iBiuiaratea, well printadand at lofW prteea. Beaitcx s;«cimeii Tiimb«ri. which aze aaot fraa of poatagy an MCGREGOR'S SPEEDY CURE. It is popularly admitted everywhere that McGregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and far cheapest remedy for Con- stipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Im- pure Blood, Loss of Appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necessary to take a great quantity before any result is produced. A few doses will convince you of its merits. Trial bottle given free at Hill Bro's. 3 "I say Aunt Chloo, you is getting around right smart." "Yes indeed I is, honey. I was pestered and sick abed with Rheuma- tism for six years and done tried this West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment the people are talking so much about, and I was sure enough cured. It done saved this old nigger's life." Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. Dec. » » The Folloi^'ing for Instance. The following is one of Benson's locals, which was sent in with others for publication two weeks ago this particular one was minus the name of the proprietors, and has subjected us to various puns from nur exchanges. "I have got better and will sell cheap- er Liquors of all kinds than any one in town, and will give Whiskey with- out water Come and get a flask on trial free." BOUND TO SUCCEED. In last week's Markdale Standard we found tbe following announcement, and as no name was mentioned in connection with it we presume it is a new dodge of Bro. Eutledge's to in- crease his subscription list. Following is tbe item "I have got better and will sell cheaper Liquors ol all kinds than any. one in town, and will give Whiskey without water. Come and get a flask on trial free." The MiKEOE is pleased to hear you are better Mr. Stanlard but is rather surprised tbat you have so soon gone back on your Scott Act principles. It does not sound well for a man who so strongly advocated the Scott Act as did you a short time ago, to an- nounce that yoti will sell cheaper and purer whisky than any other dealer. And thtn to say yon will give a trial flask free caps all. What has brought about the change â€" [Meaford Mirror. SuEiLT Not. â€" The editor of the Markdala Standard says: â€" "I have got better and will sell cheaper Liquors of all kmda than any one in town, and will give Whiskey without water* Come and get a flask on trial tree." Surely not, brother Rutltdge J Tbe compositor must have omitted the liquor seller's name and tbis made it appear as though it were vour own "budge."â€" [Bhelburno Econo- mist. DON'T BE DECEIVED Beware of any dinggist who will try to induce you lo tlre anything in place of McGregor Parke's CarboUc Cerate It is a marvel f healing for Sores, Cuts, Bums etc. i^cfan^y should be without it. Itha^ no equal. Get cGregor Parke's, and bavenooiher. Ocly 25c. per box at QiU CAUTION. Any hniment or other mediame that eannot be taken internallv is unsafe for ordmary use, Hafcyard's Yellow Chi. the prompt pam reli,Ter. is gafe wi reliable for all achei and puns and gwaUowea M well a« jippUed, XUCnON OF OFFICBJIB. A meeting of the above association was held m Markdale on Friday, the 11th inst., when a fair attendance was present. The loUowmg officers wera elected f-President, Thos. Kell«, Van- deleur P. O.; Viee-President. Ibos. Gilray, Epping Recording Secretary, John Lyons, Markdale Correspond- ing Sec, W. H. Dodson, Rocklyn, for North I. T-raynor, of Dundalk. for South; Treasurer, Wm. Douglas, Markdale. HmnciFinmBS. Artemesia, J. Brodie, Vandeleur CoUingwood, Thos. McMurohy. Thornbury Euphrasia. Wm. Pringle, Duncan? Holland, A. Freeborn, Berkeley; St. Vincent, N. Read, Bay View Snllivan, John Sparrow, Chatsworth; Proton, John Ahott, Dundalk; Osprey, A. McGirr, Feversham; Melancthon, R. Slack, Melancthon Meaford, H, Chisholm, Meaford. *** Amons the forthcoming Book« of special interest is the "History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion." by Kev. Professor Greg!,' D. D., of Knox CoUege, Toronto, who has been gathering information for the work for the past dozen years. From the well- known ability of the author, the care with which every fact has been verified, and the mterests whidi naturally attaches to the history of a great denMiination, we have ne doubt the publicatioD ol thi* work will prove the literary event of the year. The publisher is Mr. Blackett Kobinson, 6 Jordan Street, Toronto, who will be glad to hear of a reliable agent in each congregation. THE BEST COUGH CURE. The best remedy ior Cough and all Throat and Lung troubles, is one that loosens and dislodges the tough mucous, clears the bronchial tubes, and allay I irritation. This is what Hagyards Pectoral Balsam does in everv case. Kimberley. From a Correspondent. Muni'-ipal matters are unusually quiet. The present council will seek re-election and. as they have the township afi'airs in good shape, it is almost a certainty they will be re-elect- ed. Mr. T. Abercrombie had three sheep killed one night laut week A Tea-meeting will be held here on New Year's day. The proceeds will go towards veneering the new church. Mr. T. Bradbury has started in the slioe making business here. He was not able to attend to all the work, so be bad to employ help. Our school teacher, Mv. S. Gaudin, has been engaged for another year. He is a good teacher, and we could not well do without his services, although his salery is high. Mrs. Thurston, mother of James Filloman and tbe late Rev. Leroy Thurston, past away from this life last week. She was 83 years of age, and as intelligent and sociable a woman as yonr correspondent has ever had 1 he pleasure of being ac- quainted with. A LIVER CURE. One single trial of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will convince the most skeptical and confirm better than thousands of testimonials that ii is a sure cure. Medicine and Recipe Book $^' Dec. A LIVING -QUESTION. Questionâ€" 'Is this life worth living?' Answer â€" 'It all depends upon the liver ' If torpid or inactive it causes a dull, tough, languid feeling. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure gives health and buoyancy. Sold by A. Turner ^«- Dec. A SENSATION. An unparalleled sensation is being created all oyer Ontario by the wonderful and un- equaUed manner in which Neuralgia, Tooth ache. Rheumatism, Backache, Headache is removed by but one appUcation of FJuid Liehtning No efifeasiv©. disgusting drugs need ' taken fo, days. It is an instant cure. Xiy a 25c. bo ttle from Hill Bro's. s BIRTHS. "^r^^'^^^^^y, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. B. T. Abby, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. KiNGHOEHâ€" Ikkbtbsâ€" At the manse. Piioe- ^e, Wednesday, the 9th instant, by the Kev.D McLeod.B.A.. Mr. John King! horn. Artemesia, to Miss Annie Infatw daughter of Mr. John Inkster. Osp gy ' mabkdale. Pall Wheat..... jq 80 Spring Wheat o 83 Barley Peas ... OaU ... Butter Eggs ... Apples Potataes Hay ... P«k ... Flaw ,,, 40 •••••* a • 50 ••• •••••• ^8 •••••«•» 13 ••••••••• 17 .••••«'•••• 40 ••••••••• J9 ••••••« •• 9 00 •'«••••*-•'• \5 00 •••If ,, 4 00 »"Mlt »•• IT ta to 84 to 0.85 to 65 to to to to ta to 56 29 14 18 60 85 to ooe tfr 5 IS TO THE PUBLIC :o: ,U)SSUMPTION CUBED. jTphysioian. retired from practi, hJl5aoed in 1"8 hands by an Ei *i.i!S«»w7 t**" formula of a simi r*^u«t«inedyforthe speedy and perm; I*** »nnnsumptiun. Bron. hitis, CatiU Icnrt^JXall thn at and Lung Afflictio """ttfitive and radiciil cure for Nerve •f-.^dell Neivous Complaints, af We have opened a SHOEMAKER SHOPinconne,, withsour business, under the management of Mr.Kay J^^oasana,.;^;^^-.^.^ ^^^^ known as a superior workman, and purpose turnincr .^'^^â- '""bf thfs motive a..d a de«re ^looc r.f.a'.nHs of unsurpassed excellence at nnV J ?l^«rhiim'm suffering. Iwill send free ^d all til" ** ^^^ liaug Afiiictioi â- Jjjye and radiciil cure for Nervo i^ty and ell Neivous ' WpA its wonderial curative po\v( Known cto a. oi*i^v-*»' ' IT -t classof-g'jods of unsurpassed excellence at prices" cannot be beaten. '"" Repairing Done Neatly, Cheaply Expefc :o: " We continue to sell our genuine Diy Goods, Boots feSh^l c., c., at figures which astonish ihe shoddy men i make such loud "blowing." IS- N. Buâ€" Salt only 70 cents per barrel WM. BROWN CO. Markdale, October 20, 1885. '*^* tIJ'"who dwsire :it, this recipe, l-Vrfnce or English, with large '""f"'s ft)7prepa»ing and using. Sent Misaddressing vrith stamp, naming tl ^W A- NoTKS, l-O reiver's Lia SAiERJfANTED j?MALE, holding 3id class certiflcate well recommended permit, for S. L 19 Euphrasia, dgties to commence marv '86. Apply at once, stating sala I references to ' CHAS.DEVITT, |Eppm«. I^ec. 10, '85. Epping P. O 275 Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Treats a// Diseas- es of Domestic Animals. â- Â»*-â€" STRAYED lO the premises of the subscriber, lot con. 10, Euphrasia, about the st N 3,^, a heifer about three years old, id white. The owner it requested to pv iperty pay expenses, and take her. JAMES E. SPAELING, GoriBg P. IS-77' Horses Examiail For Soundnisiitl,] CertiSeiites Gim. â€" 0â€" VETERINABT MEDICINES KEPT DISPENSED-I CAK.LS PBOMPTI^Y ATTENDED. CHARGES MODEBITE OHieB tk Infirmary KILL ST.. Opposite Standard OfSce, MMKDUL WOOTING MATCl, Spectacles and Eye-Glasses| ARE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES â€" -IN THlii â-  IHEBB will be a Shooting Match i Baffle at "Queen's Hotel," HolU totie, on Christmas Day. All arc cordi lyited. JOHN FITZGEEALD, Proprieto' Mone y to Loan 6 to fi^ per cent. All business 8tri( fidential. Apply to JOHN B. BAINES. iiot 30, Con. 4, Holland, ?5-88 Glascott P raSHIRE BOAR jlOE service at McBride's, near Ea i he mills. Terms 75 cents cpsh or ?.' (not so paid. »5 80 EOET. McBR] D b;. "money" Loan on real estate secinity. Sim pterest, low )ates, and easy terms, C. W. EUTLEDGE, '° Standard Ofiict VICTORIA R. B. PRECEPTO?; JSTo. 282, leets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. 10. 1045, first Friday in each moutli. Vi fg bir Knights always welcome. James Brodie, W. P. Thomas Ellioit, Hegisii;-; Tesi Real Pebbles are kept in stock. to Purchasers to ?ri-ove Genuineness. s are given They are recommended by aud testimoni.ils have b.^en re'^eived fto'n ' PresideJit, Vice-President, Ex-Piesident. and ExVicc-Pro«identoftbe.Mej^ Association of OdU*.da the President of the Col!-'e of Physicians auJ »«j geoiis of Qnsbec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval University, Prebideut aud Ex-Piesidents of the Medical Couucil of Nova Scotia, ic, These recommendations ought to be saSacient to prove tlieir qai' «' but it farther proof ia needed, call on A. TURNER Co., Chemists and Dm^^ The only place in town where they can be obtained. tS" Spectales fitted on scientific principle. ESTBAY. UME to the premises oflhe undersip J about October last one heifer, m can have the same by proving prop, pd paying expenses. BALPH ONEY, |, Epping P.O. I^t 15, con. 4, Euphrasia, 27: ESTEAY. r^ i°*° â„¢y premises, on or al^out tviZr^" "^y V^^^on proving projxrtT fS^g expenses, can take him a way " I tiolland, Dec. 3, '85. 'i; 18 2.) A P R D C L A m A T 1 N. (1«»^ â- ^^ GROCERIE Know Â¥e. Know Te All Men, women and childrenâ€" that the grw^^ editors, who, headed by Dr. George Thurber, have kept tne Avierkan ^0^^^^^ ajdS* front for twenty-five years, are now re-enforced by Chester ^•"fWi^ifl tiretn, the Fish Culturist. Wo propoae to add to the hundreds of thousanas which the American Agriculturist^i is read, and revered from the Atlontio to the Pacific as an old time friend «n I We ftre accordingly enlarging the »« Hearth, Household, and Juvenile Department and addmg.other features, so that it is to be from this time onward, esfen"*^^^^ j Periodical, as weU aa bednR deroted to' Agrioultnre and Horticnlinre. ^^^ ^^ who immediately sands as 51.50, the subscription price, ^^t-^.tv iotl^^i book, making »1.65 in aU, wiU moeim the AMBEICAN AGKICULTLB^oi^' ^«ii» the AMEBIC AN AGBICULTUEI8T LAW BOOK, jnst pubiished.-s l"'»J^,ijgnJ eveiy-day Law for Farmen, Msehanios, Business men. Manufacturers, «"• j^^if, «d1*' one to be his own lawyer. It ia a large volnme. weighing one pound »ta a j gantly bound in Cloth and Giild. The American AgrieuUurht WANTS THE to. yield bigger returns 1^ increaaing its great army of readers. We distril Presents to those whp ud«a in the work last year, and we are V^^'^^g^^ 0«e Presents to iforlqnn^TMu' Send for Gonfidential Terms for w^^jj* eabtb Presents to those whp sd«i i^eVork last yisar, and we are plani-jng^oK^vi^ "'â- ^ entstowtSpnij^yWu' Sei " " " "' '" ronr snbsoiij^ojfi^ SidMaription lents for nulUiig 3^ ffeuid dot JDst out, «Dd^aa|ip||s |»|iM vith table of ooatents of Law °^^-^fjtt' you fonrard yonr snbsoiintioii, ' SiBariptioix price, tl.50 a year «mgl« " •«^ Btod 6 Gents for ma^aTytifi ttud douWa number of the AmencM| ' â-  ' -- ri«h table of ooatentB of Law BOOK. p8TAUBAN2_H0T MEALI l^^dersigued has much pleaEure ir ms old fciends. and thepublic J. wat He has opened out a general "'riocer^r Stor^ 1^ !?,^.^8 of Groceries ran be obtai A t^T* ^^ quaUty cannot be ue **nal will convince. yj» connection With the above. Hot 3d 4at « V** seasonable hours; t^^^M """Sines period called u le I* „' *^ *o olioose what • «au M reapeetfully solicited. •aiHied Green Fru I /^ «very variety. "W^iS? *«^«d. either hot or ««t««Sf S?^ ©r^phrte, at prices w tt2Slf{h?SL'^^ l«^ve dealt in t J^*^ "^MWB of the beat brandi -r- Erery^'^^ w(F Milnim~^ntmHO»^ Mm/tut mtteULTVII^T,. ISI Snail»iaf.J^r^ Hk«j Jif .^*li»oaite ICansioa H ^*^«W*»m Stwet, Markda teMOBBOW

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