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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Dec 1885, p. 1

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 ':! W â- t*,v^m'JV«yrm^-'i^jSf jQl, 6.-N0. 270 MAKKDALE, ONT., DEC. 17, 1885. COKIU or XBB BtUXOAMD Firs 0BHT8 XACB. fO At f'A Thing Of Beau l:y is a Joy Forever." ]\IY LINE OF :raas -:- Ca,rd.s p etty, at list prices and lain ti"iires. FINE ASSORTMENT ILVERWARE, I la Holli)«" a'" i""^^ Patterns. par cent off for cash this mouth. ^olil Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewellery Spectacles. f. A. BROWN, A reliable J eweller; J. J. Imwin, ^eterinarj eurg«on, has • larga practice and is building np a good lepntatioA. Specks to suit any sieht, from 25 $2.50, at Brown's Jewelry cents to $2.50, at Store, Markdale, learn the to Eobt. 'oTfi;;s!7. these oluii'iis intended tobenejit uym"r/f/v.-; â- ;;• ^^Oiictij leill he cliarged ten an II I've u,. 'he /i;«£ iiKtiiioii and five mU aline ,-,('.-rfy(.v;.v insertion. 1 .He:Tv f::;i'is'5«as and a Bnp{»y .^V«' Ter- to all our |sBb%('r;fc «'•"?. couttcil is in session Ti;: county iiis week. Next week tli3 days will slengtlieu. cooamence have two tobogan home from ToEoxio Is to piidcb this wiuter. I Mr. John McDtjkkk is piilisli Columbia. â-  The Oweu Souiul Advertiser wants itiljojan slide in Lswn. ^31. H. Taxderuilt left each of his ItsiiUliiidieu 810,000,000. I;:Ei.iF,vE lUisketc keens tiie best |rhr., ipuig Aid to be fourd. weechtf of promises â€" trousers put sascoliateral for a loan. â- I'spiPiced switch â€" when a woman's '.^t liair sets into the hash. -Hss, Angus Plev.-es is visiting 'fflds at Edojar, Simcoe Co. Mp.g. Jonx Trelfoed of â- s;mg her parents in Markdiile. A Sne r.sf ortment of Xmas goods l^^" K. Trimbles cheap for cash. .Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 19, "paiaiia. 8ee adv. in this paper, ,.\f'?5"s auy virtue in a horse-shoe ptDatienu I'osi is ;u for good luck. J^^^^'eiKliing has been excellent 1-si wttk ami business rushing. â-  lj"'^V^"'^^' of Allenford is spending I "ffdavd with (nenae in this place. -;Ik3. Do^nblly and daughter leaves â- â™¦"^av to visit friends in Simcoe Co. J,' IS !Kw claimed tliat pork is brain ' "ein- the product of many pens. Me J^ATioKAt P11X8 tare a fsTorite purga- tive and anti-bilions medicine they are mild and thorough. Mr. J. K. Teisible is attending the great Trade Sales goiag on in Toronto. Look out for bargains. Mamie Bowes and Emma Wright are home from Uollingwocd Hi^ School, for the holidays. Another consignmait of Gents' Overshoes and Ladifts' Shoes jnst to hand at J. E. Trimble's. Wanted. â€" A boy to baking business apply Montgomery, Matkdale. BtJBScsiEEKs at a distance will kindly renew promptly if they wish to receive the Standam) right along. If you are after Stationery or Holiday Goods, go straight* to Williams' Dunlop's block. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEek re- turned this week from yisitmg their daughter in County Simcoe. J. B.TFrimble is offering tne balance of his stock of Ladies' furs at greatly reduced prices for spot cash. $50,000 to loan on -farm security. Terms easy interest light, and square dealing. Apply at this oflSce. Isaac Isei.and a pump maker of Mt. forest, dropped dead of heart disease, in his shop last week. See the large assortment of Xmas Cards and IJ^mas Gifts at W. A, Brown's Model Jewellery "Store. -»^The pews in the church will be let 31st, at2 o'clock p Over one liundred the result of revival recently in Meaford Methodist Church, Hoosa and lot for sale ou George Street, Markdale. For pai-ticulars apply to Peter MoArthur, Travers- ton P. O., or to this office. 266-tf (Jhbibtmas is near at hand, and yon bet Hanbury is well prepai«d for it. H« has the finest stock of Wines Liqvors ever brought into Markdale. W« will suppose all our subscribers wish tc contirue the paper, if they do not notify us to the contrary, and will continue to send it regularly after the y«ar is out. It is not necessary for Hanbury to advertise any such fraud inducement as "trial flasks given free," to sell his Liquor. He sells the pure stuff, and it advertises itself. Mrs. Montgomery has just received afresh lot of nil kinds of Christmas candies, nuts, biscuits, cakes ol all kinds, at Dunlop's block, next door to Citv Hotel. new Methodist on Thursday, the m. Terms cash. conversions is services held IC«-ii JoiN T V, over oxs has been indisposed a "tei:, but is slov.'ly recover- \k w herf^^^^' ii'^e cenfldeuce men, ruins I ,?rea.many people by "getting into ^^Misfort.ues never come singly," |»mved ^^'° *^^ ^^"^* Cb""' ^D'l daughter of Msafordl |tl;ij^g^^"""iti»g,friend8 in MarKdale iJ\^^ friendly call from Mr. irtio^yf^J^'^eU of the 4dvanc«, on lw!J?"i"g8 of Division Court No. i^;?eheldin Flesherton on the â- ^^ Jaui uary. 1^1 *j; IS coming in, in large quant- If yod are after a Boss Cross-cut saw be sure and go to Haskett's, Markdale. I got one there, and it's a dandy. Me. Thos. Hanbury of Dundalk is a candidate for the reeveship of Proton, and ought to be elected by a large majority. Worms olten destroy children, but Freeman's Worm Powders destroy Worms, and expel them from the system. ToEiMOVE Dandruff. â€" Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet, J, E. Trimble wiehts airbis custom- ers, young and old, rich and poor, a merry Xmas and happy and prosper- ous New Year. There will be no service in the Markdale Presbyterian church next' Sabbath, in view of the opening of the new Methodist church. J.. E. Trimble has just received a large assortment of choice groceries in all lines, suitable for Xmas and New Year trade. A Crying Evil. â€" Children are often freiful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Ijow's W(?rm Syrup Rifely expels all Worms. The cheapest place m town to .i,'et Toys, Stationery, School Requisites, HoUday Goods, c, is at Williams' next door to the barter shop. Wnx. Aemstron* had a severe attack of inflaanmation of the howels on Sunday night last. We are pleased to learn he is now recovering. Good Thbeshiko.â€" B. Wiley and W Best threshed 250 bushels barley in two hours for W. J. Black with hOTse-power machine last week.. TwowAEold Bull, Tri#,l?Bdigree, '^^'MoS'^^^^^^P^^t^^' How IS it Hanbury can sell two barrels of Liquor while other people in the trade is, selling one Well, the reason is very easily solved He sells it just as he buys it. School Trustees. â€"Secire your notice for annual school meeting all ready printed at this office. The annual meeting comes on the last Wednesday of thb year, 80th inst. We have a number nf old out- standing accounts which must be settled or we will be under the puinful necessity of placing tbein in the bands oF the clerk of the court for collection. A LABGi; and well selected stock of Christmas Candies, which "Hanbury Kays he will sell cheaper than auy one in town ako lots of fresh 'Oysters, which he will dish up to you in any style, Wm, Mason has a number of 'fine Jigs ready for the road. Those ^in need of such should call and examine. Mr. Mason's reputation is the best recommend we can oifer^for the quality of his vehicles. The Toronto World, one of the most independent and reliable papers in Canada, has applied for incorpora- ion. The capital is placed at $50,000. We heartily wish our esteemed journal success. Wm. H. Vandereilt's wealth is computed at $190,650,000, which brings an annualincoms of $10,843, 000. This is at the rate of 28,000 per day, $1,200 per hour, or nearly $20 per minute Teacher Wanted for third dapartment Markdale School, Female holding 8rd class certificate, for '86 Apply, stating salary, on or betore Monday, 21st Dec. to B. Coleman, Sec, Markdale P. O. The vCanker Worm or the Blood is Scrofula, that gnaws upon the vitals and consumes the body. Consump- tion is but Lung Scrofula. Burdock Blood Bitters is one of the best known combinations to cure Scrofula. Ee-opened. â€" Mr. Eooke has moved into new premises East of the Mark- dale House, where he has a bran new oven, and everythmg in firt-class shape and is again on hand with bread and cakes, c., for the oailUon. A tea-meeting will be held en the evening of New Year's day in the Babtist Church, 10th con., Gle.uelg, when addresses will be delivered by several reverend gentlemen, anri music by the choir. Admission, 2i5 cents. An OniarJo farmer, John Eu ther- ford, of Eosevilla, swept the board witli his exhibit of sheep at the Chicago Fat Stock Snow. With tweuty.five head he took twenty-four piizes, the cash value of w hich was $600. .The Duffarin Post of latt week was a ,veiy creditable issue. 'She general design was m keeping wLth the origm- ality of S. G-, one of th#; prc^etora. The Po»« is one year old under its present management, and is spicy, cnsp and sparkling. Eemoved.â€" Miss Biirch hasrtfooved toHasketsjiawbiock.«haEe yon will ^d slgrlish and aheap afi^ine^. Woola of all kinds, Xmaa Dreas and Mb. 8. J. Colaman returned from Leeds Co. thia week. The annual tea^meetiog of the Markdale Presbyterian Churoh will be held on the evening of New Year's day in Haskett's Hall. A good pro- gram is being prepared -and a splendid time may be expected. The Profebsors of the agricultural college have changed the dates of Farmers' Institute meetings printed two weeks ago. The meeting m Markdale for Centre Grey will be held on 8tb and 9th January. Professors Brown, Greensides and Baree will be present. Accident. â€" John, son of Mr. Johnston Freeborn, near Williams- ford, was kicked in the face by a horse one day last week. He was badly cut, necessitating several stitches. The boy is nndei the care of Dr. Mc- Cnllough of Chats worth, and is fairly progressing. Somewhat Late. â€" A Markdale citizen had a field of find potatoes rallied on Tuesday, the Ist Dec. â€" [Markdale Standard. How raised and where from, brother But ledge ?- [Shelburne Economist They were raised in the usual manner from the- ground where they grew, brother Smith. iK'Connection wiCh the church open- ing next Sunday, everything is in readiness. The Eev. Dr. Williams, who was to officiate, has had a severe attack of congestion of the lungs, so that he cannot attend, but an able substitute has 4)een secured in the person of Eev. John Shaw of Toronto, ex- President of the Toronto Confer- ence. A YEAS ago last summer a few lead- ing men of Chatsworth put their 1' effectually than any remedy on the heads together and determined to I market. There is no compound known to medical science that; can Thb new Methodist ehoroh at CorbsttrawM opened last Sunday and a snceesslal tea-maeting held on the following eveniug. The ehurch and shed cost about j^MX) in all, and was all provided for and a few dollars over when the opamng was complete. The collections at dedicatory services was $50, and the proceeds of tea $10S. The building is veneered with brick, and altogether very comfortable. You are sowing the seeds of Cen sumption by neglecting that Cough. Much misei^ and luagering sickness can be avoided by using West's Cough Syrup, as it will completely cure jou. Hoarseness, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and aill Throat and Lung Diseases vanish like magic before West's Cough Syruy. Sold at A. Turner Co."" Drug Stdre. Price 25^ents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Deo, 17 Victoria E. B. Preceptory No. 282, met in Lodge Eoom of Markdale L,.C. Lodge, Dec. lltb, when the following Sir Knights were elected to office for the year 1886 :â€" Jas. Brodie, W. Pre- ceptor Wm. Brady, D. Preceptor John McFaden, Chaplain Thomas Elliott, Eegistrar; James Elliott, Treasurer Joseph Gibson Thomas Gilray, Lecturers John Gillespie it James Bryan, Censors Geo. Eitcbie Jas. Nelson, Standard Bearers J. H. Carson, Pursuivant; Thomas Mo-- Arthur, Tyler. Committee â€" James Trickey, Jas; Erskin, Wm. Eutledge, Thos. McConnell, Thos. Abbot, Eich. Abber, Thos. Abererombie. This Preceptory i in a prosperous condi- tion, having a membership of 21, and over $100 in the treasury. West's Cough Syrup will cure coughs, colds, influnnza, consumption in its early stages, hoarseness, bron- chitis, asthma, and all throat and lung difficulties quicker and more 6«eds, Mantle ^^_ e 268^ti:^ A »Sla»pectif9Dy Bolicitel.;;,^;^ B. Freebora, one mile from Wiliiamsj -^^^^^^^^i,, .„i;«»i^ • r lord. Alio two good Colts. „. .^^, ow. build a town hall, which they did at a cost of $1,091.50. They havo sinse paid for. it all but $200. all being raised from entertainments, hall hire, c., accept $150 which was subscribed. That's what wo call com mendable and well directed enterprise. Honor Roll for S. i?. No. 5. Glen- elg, for November. â€" 4th class â€" Asa Robson, 158 Charlie Eabson, 15l Marion McNab, 120. 3rd classy- Katie Martin. 223; Sara Hastie, 249; Mary Ann Edge, 177. 2nd class â€" John Peart, 263 Willie Jack, 262 Nellie Neil, 188. Sen. 1st class- Annie Davis, 290 Jennie McArthur, 179; Tommie Blair, 98.^Jun. Ist classâ€" Ellen McNally, 183 Tommie Glencross, 146 Charlotte McNally, 143. Agues J. White, teacher, "Little Sweethearts" is the title of a wonderful picture by the great artist, Millais. It is of bewitching beauty that words fail to d«?scribe. It is published by the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKL STAR, Montreal, and is carrying the hearts oi the people by storm. State and Provincial Governors, Senators, Members of Parhanoent, and all classes of people the continent over, have deluged the Publishers with congratu- lations and ooraplimeuts. A poptal card to the Publishers of The Family Herald, Montreal^ will get yon terms and particulars. Dangerous HoLE.-T-rThe bottomless pit on the gravel road 2J miles north of Markdkle. known as "Allen's sink hole," IS now in a very dangerous condition to the travelling publick. Travellers who are aware of it go round by the back line two and a half miles out of their, way m order to avoid it, but those who may strike it unknowingly are m great danger. The road has went down over two feet under water, and many hnve recently narrowly escaped serious injury in crossing it. This, whole has swallowed thousands of dollars of township, and county mnney, bat all to no purpose, and we firmly believe that until a floating bridge is con- structed and placed over it, the authorities may centinoe to expend money without any fac^M of a permau- entjob. Something mnsfe be- done, however, npid^t right eaiJ]^ ' equal it. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggists, at 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Dec. 10 Conscientious. â€" The editor of the Parkdale Times was m Markdale last week, and on leaving, found a watch between the hotel and the station. Not having time to make any enquir- ies as to the owner, he left it with Mr, Caesar, the station agent, who prompt- ly found the owner, Mr. Richardson of the Medical Hall, Markdale. Mr. R. wished to reward the finder, and wrote him, receiving a post card on return mail with the following reply :. "Dear Sirâ€" Yours of 7th inst received. I'm glad to hear claimant has been found for watch. Your indebtedness to me is nil. May yon go and do like- wise in the event of you being fortun- ate to a fellow- sufferer in relieving his anxiety, as I hope I am in your case. Truthfully yours, G. Powlers." By aa arrangement fiith the publishers of the Jlural Canadian, we are enable to clab that valuable farm joornal toall prepaid gab- Rcribers to the diAXDAUD for the small flum of $1.50, thus effecting a oonslderabld saving to the readers. Ernow your subscriptioja new and get the Rural free for the balance of this. year. Monday and Tuesday, January 4thi and 5th, are the days appointed on which will be held the promotion ex- aminations throughout this inspector- ate. A great deal might be said about these examinations. It is admitted by all who carefully consider the matter, that they ai'e of much impor- tance, and it is greatly to be regretted that, some action has not been taken to have a set of papers prepared- for the whole county. We thms that the inspectors of the county are the per- sons to take action in the matter, and it brought kefore the County Council, to see if that eminent body would apportion a grant to defray the expenses of such. This is, done in a great many other cDuuties in the province, and we see no reason why it sliodd not be done in this. SEoniiABRT of the meui spring of life. alftd- rtsg^ai^y of the -bowels is one of tjio ,: niost essealj^i laws 'Of healtii. ' Burdock 1^^4 Bittf^3 rsi gakUe» the bowels inau aatasalnMRt ner, cBtin^OoaslipiKi^-flad ncrveoi-. tiOi^^rioua disease. ' ' 5E-.aj a; o;?b?' »v? n-^ttfip â- â- :•»*?#.'--? miy^.^i^i'mfi »! II :\m li Itf -1- â-  i â- *â- *â-  â- ' n i • .Mi M 1- • 'â-  :•*'â-  J; • %if â-  W!l ii'f ' -MM L ^•! !?. m^.Sk i"-|' liHiHr)..^ W d^w

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