MliiiPiliPiiM'^^ l,l(!i;(pilVW,(!li|il)"15|!|.lV.2' ^p hi/ â- 4!^1 THE WOLF AND THEHBEAB. li The Bear was feeling ill^one fall So veig^btir^WoIf^made haste to call, To.tell what best would anit his case, Ajtd bring the'color to his face. New Doctor Wolf was shrewd of mindâ€" A^sb^u^r of the sharpest kind, AaA when'his eyes iiad travelled o'er (0$i Broin'sftemptiiig winter store, ?alde,':^"|YonrJpnlse is low indeed A^ehange of life yon sorely need. A trip asroasthe ocean bine JiCght^braceJIyoax failing strength anew. Or Greanlttnd's climate might impart A nnoottier action to yonr heart. But living' high,'.I plainly see, Is what will dig the pit for thee. Unless yon change your present style, Yon'll hardly see the summer smile. Take good advice, and fling aside Your salted pork and mutton dried Thejpickled feet and sausage give To those who'd rather die than live. Of roots and herbs your meals prepare. For health is found in simple fare." It seemed to give the Bear delight To.leam the way to ' live aright. So ofi the crafty Doctor ram lo te ll^hia friends aboat the planâ€" 'dlowBrnin now would feaat no more â- a stews and roasts as horetofore. But freely scatter the wind Trevirions of the choioeat kind. liio sooner had the bats of night Commenced their wild, unoertain flight Iten from the mountain and the glen, Tram'rocky lair uad earthy den, Ihe baasts came troo^ng, great and To give the ailing Bear a oalL Tith bag and basket well supplied, jyid apron strings securely tied, Xhey gathered round to get their share •f food that mifl^t be Hattared Oera. How ruin liad a hnmoreoa vsia. As well as even-balanoed brain And when he heard the rack and rout. He raised the sash, and, peeping out, A sober face he tried to show While thus he haUed the crowd below. Said he, • With pain occurs the thought, You've lost your evening's rest for naught For, truth to tell, depart yon will With bag and basket empty 8tIl, As I've decided to pursue My former oourae ttie season ttirongh. And change my diet by-aad-by â€" When gone my present large supply." A moral here uncovered shines Tor those who read between the lines The brightest hopes will often fade. However wdl the plana ars laid. A man died theatiiw day who newrta* butonelova. Don't be »«««d'^?^^J'5S He leU In Jova with himaell early in lHa and never U out again. i^ It is said OB good authority tliat joit be- foiNLoatbreLofoholeralnTonlon jbe nrallows sodd^nly disapp«red f«"V*°« locality. Anoffioerint"e Bengal Cvahy S^idta rafenmoe to this that durtx«a otol- «ra nid«n|e In India he had "of"** *^ S of the oairiwi-eating birds had dis- apimuKd. ^^ HaveyoufonndrellgfaByet, «y**Ut JSnScupatii .Si -kf- "!•-,:*• teotiva. " •' H'm I" obaerved the great revtv- alist, " that aooounts tor It." A now explodve has been invented ftatU said to be about the same as twin brother to an earthquake. Tlio nation doesnt iweo sure death at a mile and a quarter njJf as badly as it does some sort of a reuawe contrivance for getting a boy up In the morning, .^_ The megaloscope is a new apparatus bktelv brought to the notice of the Aoademie des Sirienoes. It m armed with an incandes- cent Ught, *nd is used to explore the stom- ach bladder, and other cavities of thssbody. By its means, an objective lens may bo car- ried into the cavity and a magaifiad image of its interior be obtained for the physician s inspection. BeVei Open Yoni Month- except to put something t? eat into in, is an excellen' motto for thegosaip and the suffer er from catarrh. But while the gossip is practically incurable, there is no excuse for anyone's suffering longer from caturh. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is an unfailing cure for that offensive disease It heals the dis- eased membiane, and removes the dull de- pressed sensations whi^h always attend ca- tarrh A short trial of this valuable prepar- ation will make the sufferer feel like a new being. The footmen who wJt solely upon the Queen of Sweden and her daughter wear a very quaint uniform, consisting of tunic, petticoat and breeches edged with gold lace. Their attire includes a wonderful head- dress, consisting of a kind of embroidered skull-cap from which arises three ostrich feathers, none of whiohis lejs than three feet h^h. Don't take that "cocktail in the morn- ing." If yoo have a " swelled head," nansi- ated stomaohr and unstrung nerves resnlt- in(;from the "convivial party last night." The sure and safe way, to clear the cob- webs from the brain, recover, zest for food, and tone up the nervous system, is to use Dr. Fieroe's "Pleasant Purgative Pellete." Sold by all druggists. The Manchester Gallery of PdntingS is to be lighted with electricity. The only reliable cure for catarrh is Dr- Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Ex-President Arthur is so bothered by Sersons who request him to sign all sorts of oouments and petitions tliat he has made it his ruler, as a matter of self- protection and in justice to every one, not to sign any petition. Though the soil of Virginia grows the best tobacco leaf in the world, it does not all grow tqual qualities. The production even of adjoteing counties is often quite difierent, the one producing leaf which at. once deteriorates if grown in the other. The leaf of the "Myrtle Ifavy" is the pro- duct of the choice sections of the State, which, through some combination of local inflaence, pr^nce'a better quality than any others. This is shown by its always com- manding a higher price than any other smoking leaf. Extinguishing a lamp is like a small sup- per; itUa light blow-out. A Cuke tob Dkunkenness â€" OpSam, morphine and kindred liabica. Valaable treatise sent free- The medicine may be given in tea or coffee, withoab the know- ledge of the person baking it, if so desired. Send two 3o stamps for fail partioolars and testimonials of those who have been oared Address M. Y. Laban, agenoy, 47 Wel- liojirton street east, Toronto, Canada. The daughters of a millionaire always have fine figures. Imperiid €ongh Drops wUl give Positive ana Instant Relief to those snfforing from Golds, Hoarseness, Sore Threat, etc., and are invaluable to orators acd vocalists. For sale by dnugists and oonfectioners. B. T. WATSON. Mannfactnrsra. Toronto. â- A.P.257 JaMM FAK ifc BOB, Pork Packers, Tow^nid. HMfiya* Bsil Baal. pieUsd IIAflnsDalfr8al»te»o« ,, __ FOBTPIiBASA^WT BJI^iuM â€" ^on onTâ€" Clapperton*« Spool Cdttcirj i â€" nre Pm'MTfcRS. "^elliiig o»ly »o in»k« way lorlâ€" ter pressaa. s. rsANZ wiLSOir, ••XKXJTfl" OFFICB, ToaoBiO. 0T. CAUTloJ »AOH PLUG OF TBI Free Lands and Cheap nomes FOB TaS MILUON AIoBE tfaa Una ct the cUeacoand Kerthwestera â- allwav to Centeal D«lc«ta -md MertkoMS Wrbraslta. New seoUon- are bel-e opeoed apuid »0idly settled In these wonderfldly prailscttve nylons, and the " flist oomers" wUl h^fo. "««â- » (dialae " of location. For hdl Inlormatlon (which wlU be sent yon ftea of oharKs) about the liee iMiids and cheap homas, a/pfij *** JOHN H; MOBLST. Westani Canadian Pass. Agent, O. ft.N. W. B., 9 Tork 8t Toronto, Oat. B. S. H/UB. Ganaral Paas. Agent. OhI-wffO. Ilta • Allaa Iiiiie ftoyal Hail Steamsliips. BaiUns durlDg winter from P.irt an eTeiy bwni».j, and H«iif4xever»8ata'a»y »v I iTarpoJl, ar d lo ••unme^ from Qaeb c ave y »»urday »o Ii TBrpo.'l. a ulluB »' I»' n; donderry-tu Und m»l » a d paftenm-rs tor a»tUad and Iiel nd. AlanfromB'IUmore.Tia Halifax and eit John H F to LiTarpooi fortaiilitjy dnriastwiiinpr moD'hi. The rteauers the GUvow 11 m tall danng nuter to and 1 om Halifax, For Uad. Boaton BndFhiiad«l- nha; and during ramiue- b'twoen Qiaagow a d Moe- treaT, we kly, G.a ow and Bjafa^n, w.-ekly; and Olas- gowandPWlad-Uhis»'^nl«atIy. For freight, passage, -r othennfo-madon apply to A- Sohum-ober Co.. Baltimore; tj. Canard Co Hulifaz utaea C" 8c John'*, N. F,. Wm. Thomson a, Sc Jonn, N. B .Allan Co., Chcago; Love tc Al-ieo, Kew \ork H. Bonrlier, Toronto Allans, Rae Oo., Qa«beo; Wm B^ockie, Philadelphia; Jtt, A. Allan Po'tland, Boston, Montr -aL CHR1»TIH4 CASDS BT MAIL At leaa than Wholeaala Prices. All weU aasinCcd. Ko two alike. P^taga prepaid. BIBTHDAT OABOS may be Inolndad. NOI Fkniswt. TaxmxD. 26 OABDS, good value, for • 16 91 60. 26 •' larger, " fO 2.26. 26 " very flna, " 1.00 8 26 1^ Orders mty be proporHoaalaly mixed. Oaab to accompany order. Addrasa, Matthews Bros, ft Co., Toronto IN BRONZED LSTTKRs NONE OTHPU m^] The New H)p8rRtiv, ABB IHBâ€" BEST IN TIEMABBl] Latest Improved Attachmoii Agents price for similar nadiiiii Our price only |25 eack, ^^ar MaaUnea gnaiante^ior tbn nwiai I itla smadilBawaiasidlii^ THI 00*OPIRATIV| 4af lad Sawing MaeliiiieCi TM^Ttf, CT ».-UTR H«inT,7flI, HOWARDIROBWORKS, BUFFALO, II MANUFACrURERS OF PAPER CUTTERS AND BOOKBINDERS' â€" SEMD POR CATAbOeUE- J. H. VIVIAN, AGT FOR CAMDi| S7 i^DELAIBE ST. E4ST, TOROIVTO, OKT. H. SZa^T fc Co 1 OKOIV I O. LIQUIDATION SALEa in olv«KOO«ti has The last new wrinkle I fouad in oreâ€" fng. TIm right hand la the olaverert member efthebody. It never geti left. Mn. MoEwenâ€" •' Did yon t^ the waiter, ' f Mr. MoBwenâ€" " Ye* didnt yea I nve him a quarter joat balote iie i for the dieok?Bat 1m tipped ne ^^tA." Mn. MoBwtnâ€" " A w«fter tip yoo, Meazy t" Mr. MoEweaâ€" " Ceratlnhr. He ^pped me the wink when ha handed me an lilfifcw.five cent dieok for a doilar-aad-a-half iSdieon." Stmok Wiih Idchtaiiig. Maatiy deaoribea the poettion of a hard or m^s t oom whaii Palaam'a peinleaa Com 'l^aotorie applied. It doea its sickly and wtawBt pal* that it iu^aalim uMem. Tn ft. I- Fotnam'a Patnfew Core by aU Mother My little girl goes to aleep ao nloely every night when I ring to her. lan't that 10, Mamie?" Mamie: "Yea, tfutt'a ao." (Taming to her anat.) " Don't tell mama, bntl only make ontthat I amaaleep to ^hjr to atop ilDgiDg, riw aingi m aw- Regnhur onatomar (diapoMdto be Akm tlona)â€" " I gueea youTl have to tmat me for tUa paper tiU morning." Clerkâ€" "Oh ti-t;.ainLht. Mr. B«^" luSlar S toBflr-" Fut rappoae I waa tolie kiUed between now and to morrow." Clm* "Well, the loM would BothTmneh,*!" tl.S!!l!IS?'~i!"*y~*^^*«» leave aU SST^i^^H"?* " "idewanl with noMv to watA them? lahoold ttdnk you would ie afraid aomebody wonM^SS M^"f?^ ' CC -afideBtlany ^!^ OB 8AL£ â€" biSVEAHL FIBsC â- OliAaS tU- PBOVED Farma-eaay terms ol payment. O. MARTE.V. T^untngton, Kgaex Oonnt y. PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE -LAMP GLASS cleaner and dlth washer comblDad: patented tieptember, 1886; sand 25a for sample and wtlcn- lare JKO. W Q^ ET Box 86, Ai^prior, ^t Y«»C» MAKE, AD1I1IES8 « NB T r\ CENTS. » ^.™»"«* Beugongh's 6t ttb .a s. oa^iaSt Institute Toronto, wIB br v .py nopoJitan S»oreft«nfei-,b»sljouraalJi 6t uk. oSjttOO SendlorOalandar. _^^ •- «». --ce, »i.w. HI SB BY FOBSAI^ EMOINES AND *.. -.,5?S*3 1*" *^ Shlngia Mins, Planfaw ftc- tory Ontflta. Stave and BeMUoK HMUnaaTWatm. wheals. Chopping Mills, eta SeV^fSHSSoiK wtalogna. aig mcntloa what yon want (Mention thlapiyer.) a W. PBIBIE, Branttord. Onl A UEBTS ErtKA MBmEB ClDKK-BaT J\ tab. Half Banels and Kega always inalodL Allan's (^rifcdOMar, piepaiad^SdaSy St fiSott Aat ooTOtiaa Oidaisptomptt, ftilaSvSaSoShpSd twwwmoB oldar. AuaiTs Vnnoia WoMaTSS. Owing to the failing health of the aenior member of oar firm we have been ol)Bpit| abandon the contemplated continuance of the buaineas. The manufacturing premiaes, machinery, o., have already been sold. The entire stock of fnraltnre, upholstering material, o., amonnting to over I must be disposed of as epeedOy as possible. The furniture is all our own manufaotnie, and the reputation earned iy*" doting the last 50 yeara ia a snffioient gaarantee of its quality. The liquidation being peremptory, dealers and the general public are now liiriei* an opportunity as haa never ooootxed heretofore in Canada. m^^ floial (Sects h ahere^MBUoMd dlMi ^^ vmsdy TiiiriHBs.Peiieaa, Toronto, 12th Nov., 1883. MERIDEN BRITAHNIA CCMPAIY. FINB8T lleGtro Fla CAUTIt GoodfittDptJ" den SUva FM* MB B0 wr •n* yonW«iitrell»lil*J inaistongettliv' ImadebytiM MEBIPEN NUOOh HAXHIOB Important to All Who Desire More THE HARVrY "SAFEIyTAMP BIQ OFFER §,-go*«..^^ W. BMB,««elpk.«Bt. nSnsaOsBM HiM uMd. KOf vama***^ In ouas Bowls hi vaHoas«n» glass staaea '•«»*in»MtiatwB a»an«^dsaigM on msM-aad MgMssI eO Jh^ e w*iwe rt sd. Mhaetaotawndioof Oa 'VoW ^--« _- â- I â- â- BM s â- â- !â€" 11. JUfBTifTHTT^rpFT mama ua aaao â€" S||uLMBp"te6aaandHioiiel. Ihisbamtoc*ni8TFaui*oo 8a)vmlliBiJbal1lssaa«o^IndniMB}EzhibMoa,1885 fiaavav Bannr Lavr.â€" Wa have been l»»«redwitt»'h;oi L^.- "â- 'i^9^ ••**• aad we aSa atroa* 1» eoc»li a»d of I* â„¢*KS »Z « a ojal tnr er otcr any laiu jst pCa«d on the «»»f**. aS afrahavbarla wliitk the vitfe^MeVsamndad ha cpecicg •]" «2S^ VKmm^i%mSSSVSS»WMA wTwaid aronod tba Jjniijjl dnash^ Br tfcia aim gar nt the wlak^wae »• «»J*^KS "SS^T^S^SA _____ _â- * la'aeetloB toTted. bnnoa:9A^aideSt.West»Toronto ,.^^«-^ f^ Old Btoiy- arA.a.11. M tar goUaa hair. ._»«irfaB was hard to bear, â- *â- * ' *?iStS^ Wen with oaie.. K'Ti^ UMipSr loneona in pain. "" ,*« tha liter *• *** **' '•"•'â- %IS* bsr, no tab ol her ahama, J^SaWttai.BOtevananama. r" .,a.Vtliabar Ufehad beengnUty 1 l5iiJ:^'SS*fco»haryoatli oatUnoi ***wS .tawS not yet twen-y, tfJ^^Jli^^- Why! How? -^ hnkan. Maadtog heart, £' ^Sla at last an o'er. ""'•^SriSJearthlydart -^^iBSomepeaoefulieglon "S^ylSr^Wbed legion. a_aed by thtir heavenly flngen, I ^E?S S tea* BoW~ *^'„„,^ JKenaTer pa » »o' '^•"T iiogen, i^Eto lid paw for tvarmore. SIllASHIBHfAMO^BWOLYES hrilUnS 'I'"*® •' Pioneer Lif In Ontario. k a few days rince, my eye fell upon â- Ls deeoription of a contest with wolvei fj^ila itined some bitter memories c t The very name of wolf, causes â€" to creep over me, and brings bac of moat bitter associations, A dari vision f alia upon the inward, soa ,ring Incidents being as vividly poi laawhen enacted long years ago. ir indulge an old friend in a bru [^ ho^ D/»w your chair closer to th Hid I iHlT tell you a story of Ghristma which wUlatlr your blood. J von know Carry Mason! Why do rSwauestiOD, for years have gone b a die died. I knew her and loved hei Dooald know her and not love her t wiy I turn back into the past whe [world was all a paradise and she if angel. She was beautifulâ€" ho' itifall No thing on earth was evt -410. I wUl not attempt to descr be hei iHght cloud tracing the snnmier sky, we more graceful no snow-flake ev« ,; no warbling bird or dancing etrean more happy or gleeful. And yet sh I a spirit which soared, and her blue ey l^d as the depths of a sumicer sk] Ud melt In tears or flash indignan-Iy e hfc of wrong. She was anrpaesing' atiful In form, and angelic in mine ,(k was the guiding star of my youthâ€" th k\g flower which beamed out in the the demess. Do yon wcnier that I love I love her cow as embalmed in men f around me In the winter of life Th Mascn of eartii, is dead. I kno Bat the Carry M son of Heave.i and I love ber as I love the this^ leaven. Years have swept by ac J the snow amorg my locks acd my ej â- dimly out upon the world yet th: khright dream lingers as freshly in tl irt as when treasured there in the Eprii •of life. with ycur chair. Heap on moi lor chills creep over me ss that blai â- by. I can hear the snow sift tbict I t the window pane. I. know that white snow-ahrcud is silently wea' \mn the leafless, bladeless, flowerlei So has time, woven a shroud over s bteight hopes of my youth. The drifts are piling up Away back i I village church, the heaps lie upon ti Im of the dead. Carry lies there. the spot now, even as I watch the hla 1 listen to the wind without. The snc I gathered is not purer than the spir at was a fierce one I The night wind ta language. I nnd»rstand it. Lui 1^ eaT8 I have sat here and listesei Ifiiey go past, they whkper, and i n a: Un thought until the aches gather on tl ^iag hearth. Mw the winds shriek and wail The I a touching moan. It makes me ea tar them sigh, and I people the uigl [«iUi spiiita of grief. Now a fain n dirge goes by. There I haxk to i which leaves a freezing serse of son jiiiil crime committed. And yet ti i» are company for me. Tfaty hai Biy sole companions for years. â- tUM winds murmur, for I should mi r latest whisper, "^•eight years ago 1 has fled fleetly. It seems but a da; 1 7«t I }ook in the g^au across the tab ••e the withered fe^turss of an old ma; 'Ktyaelf thatis old? I draw my hai rafaoeof wrinkles and then lay it upt â- *» bald h«ad. Around the ears, a I white looks, and a well worn st: •fathafiwUght. L?!*!?' gM» by whUe tJbe heart hi "^^iail li thbogfa: there was i I the iprobg tme rf yduth. y-«ight yeara ago, as I said, n ^l^lunOyMttled in one of theconnti itralOiitatio All was a wildernei ;f^Meaotifu). We located filte* J^^ TO fartheat j^neer " clearing I ?•*"•» were around us, the tall tre j^ Pfaturtqae itHls. P^^araounar'a day have I tolled i |y**jdf and looked out upon a sea ***w»|«d and ndlad in tl^ e snmm -•* J«tohed the waning sun as \*^MtlMthe whde wilderness '^i^ aaderiBiaom. Ail waa vei ^^ W9m4 ft naoe in the forei "^ataftiCbolold time, afiordi J* lodudn«ir and comfortabi 'â- amoke curled graceful •= r â„¢ '?*" with the ahadows of t; ^Mblaekeaed heaps smoked ai *ilf ^®P â„¢ thooe wild-wo iJ^ wilaemess blossomed ai Hy iiteâ€" uoe cf ydlow harvcsi l«M there. The birds eai i1|nd Ike deep river near t ' stlyst^htfalL The â€" rimgi in the old tre iwbt hcadi In the winds, rj;^ fljD«ted up from the vs 'â- •»«atare breatiied iresh ai