fOL. e.-No, f At»tlM* L Thing of Beauty Isia' ' Joy Forever^" __MY LINE OP- ^:raas-:-Ca.rd.s Areterj pretty, at list prices and plaiu figures. FINE ASSOETMENT (silver WARE, llo Hollow and Flat Patterns. 10 per cent off for oapb this month. [lold Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewellery Spectacles. f A. BROWN, A reliable Jeweller. to! and GtlieritB ms. NoniES !;i tliei^M eahiinvs intended to benefit B-iiidhiihial ur .SwiVf?/ uill be charged ten !j(i(i live for thi' fjft insertion and five \nU a line each S!iht-iuent insertion. GABiiiAL DuMONT Las bceE re-visiting laiiitoba. Egremont is to have a cr«amery |:iit year. HixoTER roller rink has been suc- [eessfally opened. Two WEEKS from next Monday â- will I'oe nomination duy. A good YouDf,' DrivJDg Mare for [sale; apply to A. Turner. The tbtruiometer registered iO lislow zero Moniiay morning. Two WEEK.S from next Wednesday 'ii! be annual :~clu;;l meeting. Otjb fifteea iio'-jes of snow 'fell latins tlie BtoiL.: f last week. Call ami s^o Williams' Christmas Ir*^!, just Oi i'tinlop's block. }h.ll Fo:-; !.,:,, to. of Williamsford |=it for Brit:?li 'da-vaia on Monday. Ms Jas. C'Li-ri;.,,, of Meaford, is a f'dihiQ for V;iy^2- of that town for ;i' TtK:ER A; â- ; are to the front laan imn;,,,5,; rfnck of Christmas l-'Bili, T'OLLED Fi -â- ?fi Stuff, rs- !i::nili; ThePouI.v, â- iMproffiif-j: AjEVERK ?;;- rf%, COL;i-r. Pnndayevei.::., iHE pev:s i.]' Itbiircli Will |^Kat2o'cIorii5^ I^HOSE wll ', Shorts, Chop- rice at Benson's aa •' in Toronto this Le the best ever storm Est in last a ore or leas until H new Methodist fin Thursday, the r»ou will D â- fill! u 1 re promised us fire- ^li^is there is .i^phii ttfch it along now biug. tPTv,'-!^ sini o.';.oug medicine; 4hey '^^tt'i^dandiuoiough. ^T'^^ " learn the IW "°^^^^^; apply to »obt. if- Mb. Mcisaa, of York Co^ Las 'om the «Sation of Durham, h!»i.ll^"/^e'^.'t^e 'Preabjt^rii. Wrl:'^°J"' ^^^^ J«««e Wing «f â- ^^»«a has left for parte MAKKUAUi, ONT., DEC. 10, 1885. J-'WM, not be undersold by any one m my lin«, and don't you lorgpt it, for I belong to the brass bandâ€" W. J. B h^i onknown, inpaid debts. I'^irrJ^^^l^' as8ortm«nt of Xmai ISfowD- x„?"^« Gifts at W. A. HouM and lot f sale on George Street, Markdale. For particnlars râ€"n-r^ apply to Peter MfcArtkur, Traven- ton P. O., or to this office. 266-tf WoBMs often destroy children, but lE^Reman's Worm PorirderB destroy Worms, and sxpel tihem from the system. Miss Bdkch has mo^ed mto one of Haskett's new storM, ^here she will! continue the ladies dreas and mantki making, Ac. "Eo^BMOvE Dandbuff. â€" Clean se the scalp with Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightfml medicated soap for the toilet. A stiiTABLB Holiday present for $1., the SiANDABD, any address to the -end of '86. Send it to a friend at home or at a distance. A CfiYiNG EviL.^-Children are often fretful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Jjow'a Worm Syrup safely expels all Worms. Benson has opened this week, crate of Delph, China, and (ilassware, ot all description which I wiU sell cheap- er than any one in towii. Parties wanticsg a gallon or bottle of good Liquor will do well to call at Benson's and get their Xraas New Year's Whisky without water. Two YEAR old Bull, with pedigree, for sale, cheap for cash or good mark. E. Freeborn, one mile from Williams- ford. Also two good Colts. 268- tf Me. John Shields, of Manitowaning, and formerly of Markdale, has, we understand, leased Mr. Thomas Campbell's farm for a tei m of years. I HATK got better and will sell cheaper Liquors of all kinds than any one m town, and will give Whisky without water. Come and get a flask OE trial free. Thk ladies of Erskine Presbyterian Church. Meaford, held a very snccess- ful social at the resiience of Mr. Jas. Stewart last week, at which they netted $33.60. W. A. Bkown is agent for the celebrated Laearus Spectacles, and; has a full stock on hand. They are the real pebble, and will suit any pight, r.nd fully warranted. EliJ.Aenold of Central Ontario Juuctipn, C. P. R., will accept our thanks for renewal of subsoription for '86, and alfio for remittance same time of $2 for Mrs. Gill aid fund. The Markdale Presbyterian Chuich has been enclosed with a fence, matting put down in the 5hurch and other improvemets mad«'WIiich adds much to its comfort and appearance. Money TO €jOan. â€" Messr*. Masson Masson, Barristers, have a large quantity of private and Companies funds to loan at from 6kto 8 per cent. Office open all through the week. ScHOOi. Tkustees. â€" Sec'ire your notice for annual school meeting all ready printed at this office. The annual meeting comes on the last Wednesday of tht. year, 30th insi. Look out for our annual grand dis- play of CLrietmas and fancy Goods. Our etock is being selected from the lest collections in the city, under per- lional supervision. A. Turner Co. Wb have a number of old out- standing accounts which must be settled or w« will be under the painful necessity of placing them in the hands of the clerk of the court for collection. A tea-meeting will be held in Pleasant Valley Methodist Church on Wttdnesday evening, the 16th inst. Admission 25 cents. A good pro- gramme 18 prepared and an enjoyable time expecttid. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Much is blamed upon the Kidneys when people are ill and suflfer from weak and painful back, etc. U you Tbachbb Wamtbd for third department Markdale School, Female holding Brd class certicate, for '86 Apply, stating salary, on or before Monday, 21st Dec. to B. Coleman, Sec, Markdale P. O. Mb. Vfu. Stkain, of Flesberton, and Mr, Jas. Bell, of Glenelg, returned last week from Philadelphia, where they bad gone to attend the funeral of Mrs, Bunting, sister ot Mr. Bell, and aister-iu-law of Mr. Strain. By an arrangement «ith the publishers of the Rural CanaHan, we are eaable to club that valuable faRujonmal to afi prepaid sub- scribers te the dTAXDABD for the Bntall sum of J1.50, thus effecting a considerable saving to the readers. Brnew your subscription now aad get the i2ura2/r«« f« the balance cf this year. Sold.â€" The Shelburne Cheese Factory was sold by auction at the Eo-yal Hotel, yesterday, for the sum of $600, Mr, J. F. Miller was the purchaser. Mr. J. C. Whitten bought the Badjeros Factory for $180. â€" Free Press. Frost Bites or Chilblairs require similar treatment to a Burn. There is no better remedy for either than Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the well-known household remedy for Pain, iiheuma- tisra, and all Inflammatory Com- plaints. McGregor Pakke's Carbolic Cerate is invaluable for Wounds, Sores, Salt Kheum, Cuts, Burns, Scalds nd Festers, as ahea'ing and purifying dressing. Do not. be imposed nn with other useless preparations, recom- mended to be as good. Use only cGregor Park's Carbolic Cerate. Sold by HiU Bro's. 2 Eemoved. â€" Miss Burch has removed •to Haskets new block where you will find stylish and cheap Millinery. Wools of all kinds, Xmas Goods, Cards, etc. Dress and Mantle Making executed in the latest style. A call respectfully solicited. The discoyery of the instantaneous, process of taking photographs has been quickly followed in the medical wovld by a perfect and instantaneous remedy for aU acute aches and pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Kheumatism, etc. This valuable remedy is called Fluid Lightning, and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by HiU Bro's. 2 The Stouach is the grand central of the liying system, the first organ developed in animal life, and the first to sufi'er from excesses. Eegulate its diseased action by Burdock Blood, Bitters, which restores health to the stomach, bowels, Hyer, kidneys, and blood. Last Call. â€" Saturday, the 12th Dec, I will ba at the Markdale House from one o'clock p. m. to receive taxes for Ward No. 2, Arte- mesia. This is the last warning, so those interested will plpase govern themselves accordingly. John H. Anderson. Killed. â€" A brakesman named Patrick Eyan, of Orangeville, was killed on Monday last by f,illmg be- tween the cars on the Alton grade, south of Orangeville. The train passed over him. Conductor Hassard had charge of the train. â€" Shelburne Free Press. â- A Handy Relief for Pains, Aches and accidental injuries is an almost universal requirement. Such a ready remedy is best found m Hagyard's Yellow Oil, that cures Eheumatism, Sore Throat, Colds, and all Pain, Lameness and Soreness, whether internal or external. CmsDiT TO WHOM Ckbdit, e. â€" We are pleased to notice the improved tone of the Flesberton Advance during the year now closing. Though the sheet is reduced somewhat in size, yet it is crisp and newsy, and should receive a wide circulation. More power til yer elbo, Mr. Fawcett.» Wet feet invariably prodaoes a cough, which, if allowed to stand, weakens tlie Inngs, and in time brings on consumption. By having a little ^f West's Goagh Syrup in the hoose yon can cure your congh like magic. It is infaUible for all throat an lung 1* X...^wuxAinAma ^Vtnnntntr MVnOa. Mb. Jenkins, of the Chronicle, "cannot imagine" why we suppress certain names, in an item which appeared in the Standabd recently. 'We did'nt learn (he names of those who should be exposed, bat that of the unfortunate one, and the traveller, neither of which had any right to he published. JcsT opened out this week at Ben- son's, the finest stock of Briar and Woeden Pipes, also Xmas Goods, Toys, c, finest stock of Biscuits Candies in town, which will be sold cheap a China Cup Saucer for 75 cents, that yon will pay $1.25 up town tor. Call and secure the bargains this month, will continue for 80 days. The Professional dead beat is decidedly the most despicable, detestable, deplorable, demoralized, degeneiate decoction of depraved huinanit.T. Persona who once pos- sessed intelects of more than average brilliancy, but have been blunted and morally wrecked by the use of intoxi- cating liquer, go to fill the ranKs of this profession largely. Another.: â€" Mr, Jas. Lunny, of GrifBh's Corners, succeeded on Satur- day last in shooting a fine buck, in Glenelg Tp. The carcase was broujjlit to Durham on Monday last, and sold to Mr. Thos. Colgan, who shipped it to a friend in Toronto. Mr. Lunny has been iucky in his shooting exploits as this is bis second deer this season, â€" Grey Review. Mr. p. McCullough, Barrister, Solicitor, c., has taken rooms over McFarland's store where he may be found and consulted in matters per- taining to his profession, Mr. Mc. is a brother to Dr. McCullough of Walter's Falls and cousin to Dr. McCullough of Chatsworth, both rf whom are popular and euccessful practitioners. We wish our "limb of the law" equal success. Judas, boys, the like of the liquors Beneon has in stock at present in his new store, beats anything ever struck Mto-kdale, 5 7 year old Whisky, and old man Benson says, "Divil the drop of water will ever 4,0 in the Whisky as long as he is around, for you know the old man likes a good drop himself. Call and see them, they are fine boys, and get the only pure Liquor in Markdale. Convenience-â€" If you wish to subscribe lor or renew your sub- scription for any of the following papers, you can do so at this office and thus save the trouble and risk oi mailing â€" Globe, Mail, News, Daily World, Montreal Star, Farmers' Advo- cate, or American Agriculturist. The balance of this year free to all new subscribers for 1886 for any of the above weeklies or monthlies. "I say Aunt Chloe, you is getting around right smart." "Yes indeed I is, honey. I was pestered and sick abed with Rheuma- tism for six years and done tried this West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment the people are talking so much about, and I was sure enough cured. It done saved this old nigger's life." Price 2.5 cents and 50 cents per bottle. -Sold by A. Tumor Co. Dec. Among the forthcoming Books of special interest is the "History of the Presbyterian Churcli in the Dominion," by Kev. Professor Gregs;, D. D., of Knox College, Toronto, who has been gathering information for the work for the past dozen years. From the well- known ability of the author, the care with which every fact has been verified, and the mterests which naturally attachet to I be history of a great denomination, we have no doubt 'the publication of thia work will prove the literary event of the year. The publisher is Mr. Blackett Uobinson, 5 Jordan Street, Toronto, who will be glad to hear of a reliable ageat in each congregation. Tna government provided for every possibility in the Biel case. It is said that Chief Sherwaod, of the Dominion police, who carried the death warrant to Begina, also boar a commiMion appointing him sheriff; so that,,.. in ease Sheriff Chaplean shoiild Q^^mm to hang Biel and resign his pbaiiidn At the last moment. Chief Sh^nrood A sensible exchange with a yast amount of experience hits the nail on the heavy ena when it says: â€" "It it worth remernbenug that no paper is printed especially for one person any more than a hotel it run especially to please one guest. People who become greatly displeasedjwith something they find in a newspaper should remember triat the very thing that displeasea them is exactly the thing: that will please somebody who has just much interest in the paper as they have." Chubch Opknino. â€" The new Mark- dale Methodist church dedicatory services will be held on the 20th and 27th December- The Rev,' Df. Wil- liams, Chief Superintendent of the Methodist Church of Canada, will con- duct the morning and evening services on the 20tb, and Warring Kennedy, Esq., of Toronto, the 2:80 p.m. service of the same day. Rev. Dr. Griffin of Guelph, the morning and evening services on the 27th, and Bev. J. E. Howell, M. A., Superintendent of Owen Sound District, at 2:80. A grand tea-meeting will also be held on Christmas Day. Canada's Christmas. â€" This is a beautifully illustrated Canadian Christmas Paper, pBblished by the "Grip" Printing and Publishing Co., Toronto. It contains 16 large pages, 8 of which are filled with magnificent lithographic illustrations of Canadian Christmas Scenes and Winter Games. The double-page lithographic cartoon,, by Bengough, contains correct port- raits ot a hundred well Icnown Canadian politicians, It is, alone, worth the whole price of the paper. The other eight pages are filled with entertaining reading matter. Buy your own Canadian Christmas Paper, only 15 cents for sale by all book- sellers. GxTR readers are all well acquainted I with Mr. John Gilkinson, who formerly resided in this town. He has always been noted as a thorough horseman, and we are sure his many friends here will wish him success in his latest venture. The Tara Leader says: Mr. J. Gilkinson, of this village, is now proprietor of "Clear Grit," having purchased him from Mr, J. R. Trimble, of Markdale, three weeks ago. "Clear Grit," is about the prettiest little stallion in Ontario, and has taken more first prizes than any other horse owned in the Dominion. Mr. Gilkinson paid a big figure for the animal, but he issure of a good return. â€" Meaford Mirror. Improvements. â€" The recent exten- sive improvements which have been going on in Armstrongs' saw mill in this village will be about complete this week. The changes consist of a large addition to space with other important improvements in the building, the addition of a 50 horse-power boiler and a 40 h. p. engine of the celebrated "Goldie McCullough" make. The other machinery being all first-class and of the most improved patterns, the mill, when complete, will be one ef the most extenWe and perfect iu the county. Tha object in making the aboye changes are to give the public better work with greater dispatch. The Canadian Pacific Railway are breaking th^ record every day. Now the North Shore Railway has been transferred to them, their time bill has been arranged that through con- nections to Quebec and Points in the Lower Provinces can ba made from Ottawa. Toronto, Detroit, and all points West, via St. Martin Junction, 12 miles North of Montreal, thus avoiding tedious waiting at connecting points and enabling passengers to reach their destinations m as short a. time as possible. We have no hesitation in saying that for comfort, excellence of road, and the politeness and at- tention of their servants, the Canadian Pacific Railway stands pre-eminent a»' thi Model Road of Canada, and although one may feel inclined to smile at their streamers advertising the road, a trip will convince any i h â- |i:U •liJ'i -t "\^ i^ m i? ?: ir- '•'â- PS-' â-