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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Dec 1885, p. 1

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 =*lr^««fll«*" 63(1 703. 752., 8 04-. 880 t'Spm' 92.),, 1;2"1932 28' I 9 23on 3 31).. 3 40" S ii « lf6" 4 31' 4 57. 5 23" 6 30 " 8 35 "I VOL. e.-No. MAKKDAL^, ONT., DEC. 3, 1885. CSOFUt or XHX SXUISASD FlTB GKBTB JUCB. TO THE^UBLIC. )Inny thanks for your gen- Ls support during the past L years. By straight deal- l honest representation of ods, {air prices, and satis- ctory v.crk, 1 trust to merit Icontinuance of your patron- f A. mm, The reliable Jeweller; m M Otherii ems. I vinT.s 1)1 tliefe {oliininf intended to benefit â- :M[iihud oi- S'n-icf// will be cJiarged ten [,: a Vue I'lic the tii^t insertion dnd five Vj!iihiein':]iuhcijuent inaei-tion. hEVEKAL farmers are still plowing. |iiE3 the leading makes at Haskett rs. J Tweeds, special valuss at W, J. Mc- Itikud's. jSsiii.^nn for sale, apply to Smith It barber. â- Lsiis' Mantles iind Ulsters, special pe at McFarland's. KicciKATioN is about as prdvalent nn^h the country as bad roadi. iSivEE Star cross-cut saws, the fit in the market, at Haskett Bro's. thermometer has kept above kir.g pciut mast of the fall so far. I Ors village subecribers will all find ppapers at the post o£5ce in future. IIhere is now 3,.527 miles of the pian Pacific Eailway ic operation. ISoLLEp Flock, Brau, Shorts, Chop- P Muff, same price at Benson's as 1 1^ right place to procure a good frpiD? aie is at Haskett Bro's, pT buy a lamp of any kind until l;5«Btlie latest, cheapest and best iMfarJand's. I Wvu, Pills are a farorite-purga- pia anti-bilious medicine; they 'Cildand thorough. H world may owe a man a living, T^'-iemany another debt:r it only H«M» alter repeated duns. \5oim;^mi L^TE.â€" A Markdale »â-  f "ad a field of fine potatoes HcnTuesday, tbelstDec. '^.L not be undersold by any one y "De. and dou't you lorget it, for pgtotbebiassband-W.J.B. l,^j"^^"^Es put up inbookfl of 20, kl ' suitable for auctioneers "fBiers, at tbe Standard office. ffi? Sr^*""" ^^' ^°' f"" sale on CFeorge iK '^.T: "tdale. For particnlars R^ai,pij to Peter McArtkur, Travers- f" or to this office. 266-t£ |J"**,^°"er rink, in course of ,°nv Messrs. Marsh, Porter â- ^ ^as started on Tuesday ttfrjii*'^^ ^f*^er a cross cnt saw r«4ht ?! u^'"°S in the country, fc "^ot to Haskett Bro'B, Mark- L^*"!Cfl!^'J°^°"'^^^ the publishers of '^loajlef^r'"' '^^ enable to clab ties '"[^ journal to aU prepaid rab- l!" EonL '""^^1"» saving to the l^Vrr"')°'^^'*^^"Ftionii«w and f. '/f«eforthe balance of this Oats. Potatoes, Apples, Corn and Oatmeal, Breakfast Cereals, Bulk Oysters, Cranberries, at Benson's cheap. Worms often destroy children, but Freeman's Worm Powders destroy Worms, and expel theoi from the system. FoBTv thousand packages of Reju- venator Bitters sold in four year8 bv its own merits. Sold by Smith, the barber. 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. AU shingles warranted as re- presented. Teacheb Wantkd, for S. Section No. 6, Holland, for "86. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Standabd office, Markdale. To Eemove Dandruff.â€" Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. A Crying- Evil. â€" Children are often fretful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Liow's Worm Syrup safely expels all Worms. Benson has opened this^eek, crate of Delph, Chiiia, and (Jij^ssware, of all description which I will sell cheap- er than any one in town. Our station yard is in a desperate condition with mud. It should be well gravelled, as the business done there is something immense. Mrs. Lee, an old and highly re- spected resident of this locality, is now on a visit from the North- West. She is looking hale and hearty. Two YEAR old Bull, with pedigree, for sale, cheap for cash or good mark. R. Freeborn, one mile from Williams- ford. Also two good Colts. 268- tf R. H. Benson removed into Haskett 's new block on Monday. This is a very handsome shop, and will be kept neat and well filled with fresh goods. I HAV« got better and will sell cheaper Liquors of all kinds than any one in town, and will give Whisky without water. Come and get a flask on trial free. Mr. S. M. Smythi,- Binfhampton, N. Y,, renewed his snbscription for 1886, last week, and says he would not be without the Standard for $10 per year. Thanks, S. M. Look out for our annual grand dis- play of Christmas and J^ancy Goods. O-jr stock is being selected from the best collections in the city, under per- gonal supervision. A. Turner Co. The freight rates from Toronto to Winnipeg by all rail route are to remain the same for this winter as the summer rates, which were very low. This is an unexpected boon to merchants. Save Monet.â€" Parties wishing to secure a loan at a low rate of interest in order to pay one off which bears a high rate should consult us at the Standard office. All such business strictly private and confidential. Rbjuvenatob Bitters assists nature and removes the caaM of diseases from the system by keepmg the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach and Blood pure and nature's channels free, then you have 'health. Sold by Smith, the barber. Frost Bite* or Chilblains require similar treatment to a Burn. There is no better remedy for either than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. the well-known household remedy for Pain, Jtibenma- tism, and all Inflammatory Com- plaints. Every sobscnber to the Stamdato can tell by referring to his address label, when his subscription expires. Our numerous subscribers at a dis- tance vnll kindly renew promptly M we cannot continue to send sncii after the subscriptiGn has expired. The Stomach is the grand centr*l of the liying system, the sk orgfm developed in animal life, and the first to suffer from excesses. Begul^ its diseased action by Burdock Blofd, Bitters, whi'-h restores health to tue Btomach, bowejs.^ liyer, Iddaeys, aad blood. ' f r :â- â€¢ Grip's Coiac Almakac. â€" This publi- cation, for 1886, is to hand. It is brimful of amusement, ' containing â€" besides its other attractions â€" a double-page cartoon, "Ancient Nursery Rhymes for Modern Pohticians." For sale by all booksellers only 10 cents. Last Call. â€" Saturday, the 12th Dec, I will be at the Markdale House from one o'clock p. m. to receive taxes for Ward No. i, Arte- mesia. This is the last warning, so those interested will please govern themselves accordingly. John H. Anderson. A Handy Relief for Pains, Aches and accidental injuries is an almost universal requirement. Such a ready remedy is best found m Hagyard's Yellow Oil, that cures Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Colds, and all Pain, Lameness and Soreness, whether internal or external. Difference in Climate. â€" On Tues- day last they were digging potatoes in Markdale, and when we went to Dundalk ou the same day we found to our astouishmeut there was several inches of snow on the ground, in tliat chilly climate we found our many friends as warm hearted as ever, all the same. Mb. H. B. Harbison of Owen Sound Marble Works, left Monday for the United States quarries to select his stock of Marble and Granite for the coming season. His business is in- creasing so rapidly he finds it neces- sary to visit the quarries annually. Look out for big bargains next year in every variety of stone. Dundalk has now one of the best public school building's in the county. It is indeed a credit to that village. The building is solid brick two story, and has four departments, and was built fey Large Cornwall of Mark- dale. The Dundalk people are very highly pleased with the manner in which the contractors did their work. Mr Jambs Crawford's little girl had a-narrow escape to day. While her little brother Jim was splitting wood the little girl ran in the way of the axe and it descended on her head, making an ugly scalp wound about three inches in length. Had the axe beea sharp the child would, very hkely, have been killed. â€" Chatsworth News. Dec, Ist â€" My fine lines of Xmas Cards from W. J. Gage, Toronto, and Atkinson Bros., Hamilton, will be open for inspection. Every card shown will be new, as I only had a few small cards left over last Xmas, and they will not be offered for sale. Call early and secure the choice ones. Marked in plain figiiros at list prices. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. What is it that gives the delicate aroma and gentle but potent nerve stimulating properties to Triumphant Tea Two things are responsible for these circumstances first, the tender condition of the leaf when it was picked and secondly, the Perfection T6a Can which perfectly retains its strength and fragrance. Sold only by the Importer, W. J. McFarland. The great majority of subscriptions eiph-e at the end of the yeaj there is but one month until that time, and during that month (December) is the best time to renew for next year. Those who have not yet paid for the present year will require to bring along an extra 25 cents, unless they pay for next year at the same time and that time must be before New- years in order to secure this discounL Chobch Opening.â€" The new Mark- dale Methodist church dedicatory services will be held on the 20th and 27th Decembv- The Rev, Dr. Wil- liams, Chief Superintendent of the Methodist Church of Canada, will con- duct the morning and evening services on the 20th, and Warring Kennedy. Esq., of Toronto, the 2:80 p.m. service of tbe same day. Rev. Dr. Griffin of Gnelph, the morning and erening serrioes on the 27th. and Bev. J. E. Supenatendenc of A Good Invxsthent. â€" The old Methodist church is a frame, built of hewed elm timber 82 x 52 feet and 24 feet high the viestry is 22 x SO, one story. If they were removed to a vacant lot they could be converted into two dwellings of 26x82 and one 22x80 feet. We will suppose the whole would^ cost $125 where they stand, ^HO fer moving them $100 each, or $300 for fitting up for dwellings, and say $126 for a lot upon which to put them this makes a total investment of $600. They would then rent readily for $4 each per month, or $144 per year, or almost 25 per cent, on the investment. Who will invest CHOLERA PEETENXATIVE. In Older to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect pnrity of blood, and the proper action of the stomach are required. To insure that end, in the cheaieBt, most available and complete manner, use McGreg- or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for indigestion. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by Hill Bro's, Trial bottle given free. 1 "I say Aunt Chloe, you is getting around right smart." "Yes indeed I is, honey. I was pestered and sick -abed with Rheuma- tism for six years and done tried this West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment the people are talking so much about, and I was sure enough cured. It done saved this old nigger's life." Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. Dec. Rev. Mb. Casson conducted the S. S. Anniversary services at Clinton last Sunday. His pulpit was filled very acceptably by Mr. Geo. Steer in the morning, and Rev. A. Wilson in the evening. Wbat Mre may Expect. (bolder weather Bat bad roads. An open vyinter. A wedding in town. Municipal matters grow interesting.. A monster attendance at the church opening, Especially the Christmas tea-meet- ing. The roller skating rink rushed to completion, And well patronized. A Recipe Tor Cooking Husbands Eloped. â€" One Wm. Smith, a farm- er of about 60 summers, who has worked a rented farm two and a half miles from Markdale, on the Toronto line, the past year, sold his grain on this market and disposed of his horses and wagon for $125, has left tor parts unknown. He leaves a wife, but no family. About the same time a man m Dundalk named Foster 'was left a grass widower. Up to the present, no trace of the pair of dandies can be found. Auong the forthcoming Books of special interest is the "History of the Fresbyterian Church in the Dominion," by Kev. Professor GregK. D. D.. of Knox CoUege, Toronto, who has been gathering information for the work for tho past doaen years. From the well- known ability of the author, the care with which every fact has been verified, and the mterests which naturally attaches to Ihe history of a great denomination, we have no doubt the publication of thi* work will prove the literary event of the year. The publisher is Mr. Blackett llobinson. 5 Jordan Street, Toronto, who will be glad tohear ofarehable agent in each congregation. A. grand entertainment will be held in the town hall, Flesherton, on Thursday evening, the 10th of Dec, under the auspices- of Fountaine Council, No. 146, R. T. of T., which promises te be a splendid afiair, besides the drama mi titled, "Don't marry a drunkard to reform him," there will be some excellent instrumental and vocal music, and will conclude with a laughable fare J the "Dentist's office." For further particulars see posters in a day or two. Wet feet invariably produces a cough, which, if allowed to stand, weakenathe lungs, and in time brings on consumption. By having a little of West's Cough Syrup in the house you can euro your cough like magic. It is infaiUble for all throat an luug diseases, hoarseness, whooping cough, influenza, coughs and colds. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggists. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Des. 3 Heavy Loss. â€" Trimble Pickle's fine entire^ horse, "Garfield,*' died ob Monday night last. He was taken suddenly with congestion of the bowels on Monday morning, followed by in- flamation, and in spite of all that medical skill could do. he died m about twelve hours from the first f ymptums. This IS a heavy loss to the proprietors, tiiey having purchased this fine animal last spring for $2,500, and it is also a loHS to tlie surrounding country, as it was the first real fitae animal of his class which has been introduced into the district. We understand it is the intention of Trimble St Pielde to pro- cure another of the same class if pos- sible, and we trust those interested in the introduction of this high class A Baltimore lady has written a re- cipe for "cooking husbands so as to make them good and tender." It is as follows â€" A good many husbands are utterly spoiled by management. Some women go about it as if their husbands were bladders, and blow them up. Others keep them constant- ly in hot water others let them freeze by their carelessness and indifference. Some keep them in a stew by irritat- ing ways and words. Others roast them. Some keep them in pickle all their lives. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be tender and good managed in this way, but they are really delicious when properly treated. In selecting your husband you should not be guided by their silvery appearance, as m buying mack- erel, nor by the golden tint, as if you wanted salmon. Be sure to select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go /to market for him, as the best are al- I ways brought to your door. It is far better to haye none, unless you will patiently learn how to cook him. A preserving kettle of the finest porcelain is best, but if you have nothing but an earthenware pipkm, it will do, with care. See that thp linen in which you warp him is nicely washed and mended, with the required number of buttons and strings sewed Tie him in the kettle by a strong on. silk cord called comfort, as the one called duty is apt to be weak. They are apt to fly but of the kettle and be burned and crusty on the edges, since like crabs and lobsters you have to cook them while alive. Make a clear, steady fire out of love, cheerfulneos, and neatness. Set him as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputters and fizzes, do not be anxious some husbands do this till they are quite done. Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call kisses, but no vinegar or pepper, on any account. A little spice improves them, but it must be used with judgment. Do not stick any sharp instrument into him. to see if he is becoming tender. Stir him gently, watch the while, lest he pe too flat and close to the kettle, and to become useless. You cannct fail to know when he is done. If thus treated you will find him yery digestible, agreeing nicely with you and the children, and he will keep as: long as you Waut, unless you become careless and set him in too cold n place."â€" rit/ mts. iKiHtletoe lor Kissing Purposes. Howell, M. A., .Owen Bouttd District. »' 2:80.. A enmd tea-meetiiu; w^ hMM fiWHm^ xtock will giye tiia necessary euconr- Ichixitauis ^:f^ â-  7' ;/ r^'agement. No English lady considers her home decorations for Christmas complete, until ii little sprig of Mistletoe, no matter how small, is hung over one of the doors On the insii.e- of tbe house. Upon this day, "if a gentle- man discovers a lady standing under tho Mistletoe, he ha* a right to kirn her." I£ this ancioat and honored custom becomes as popular in Ameiiea as it has been for oenturies in Emope, it will m largely due to th»Emporia (l^la.) Gazette, which, by the way. is paUished in Volusia County, Florida, which is temous fox its Sommery Winteis and Orange Groves for this journal has pr^ared paekaces of "^Gstletoo (a parasite and a native of Floric which it will send to any addresi upon receipt of five 2 cent stamps to cover postage, Ac. The Oaxette has pub- liaked a Florida Catechism." that gives full and aoenrate information upon all subjects of interest to tonrists or settlers, whicn i^ will mail, to »nj applicant, with i^ "sampin ooi^ofitsj^per, iipoitieiieiq?taf^2 cieifC stamps. 'â- ;'// 1, â- i'in t '^: â-  'W^^ â-  'â- |Il • • Mil » ' -i^ i 'ill :v ' •â-  .1,1 :V â-  I ^ivy-w- ' IMii^ • J â- ' V,*' â- '• -.fib* jJ i 'm h â- \i

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