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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Nov 1885, p. 4

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 â-  j-A'**' ?^*^?f5;?- "J^*^. ^,.' il m c? ' v5 On Tuesday evening lasfr the East Grey Agricultural Society's banquet came off at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesh- erton, as announced. The roads were in a very rough condition, yet there was a good turn-out, and a very pleas- ant time spent. At half-past five, about sixty sat down to a substantial and tootiisome spread, gotten up in the usual superior style for which the house is noted. A very pleasing feature ef this banquet was the pres- ence of a number ol the fair sex, about twenty per cent, of the guests being ladies. After full justice was done in supply- ing the wants of the inner man. Tijos. Kells, Esq., President of the Society, called the assemblage to order, when 3. Damude, Esq., secretary, read letters of apology from prominent gentlemen wlio were unable to be jireseut, amons; whom were Prof. Brown of the Experimental Farm, Guelph Dr. Landerkin, M. P., South Grey; Mr. SJcGee, M. P., Dufferin ihe Commissioner of Agricvlture, and others. The chairman then proposed the first tocvst, "The Queen," when all arose and sang "God Save the Queen" led by Prof. Anderson, who also gave other two, Scotch songs, during tbe evening in his usual vigorous and pleasing style. Then came the "Dommion and Provincial parlia ments," coupled with the names of B. Allen, M. P., and Dr. Sproule, M. P. Mr. Allen dwelt on tbe advantages which our Dominion, and especially this Province, affords the agriculturist. He gave a statement in figures of the average yield per acre in this province of the various kinds of farm produce, showing an apple crop to be more profitable than any other product. Dr. SpTOule followed, giving an out- line of the duties of the Dominion Parliament and their connection with the agriculturist. The municipal interests were responded to by Dr. Christoe and J. Blakely. The agri- cultural interests, by the chairman (Mr. Kells), W. G. Pickell, J. Bolaud, E. Oliver, A. Stewart, and others. Mr. Kells urged very forcibly the ne- cessity of adopting some means of pro- cnring a change of seed grain of a pure quality from a distance so that the average farmer could secure a change of seed at a nominal price, or in other words, he advocated that the County Council should take the matter in hand and import a change of seed, paying the freight out of the County treasury, and thus pnable farmers to procure the seed at about the same price that they can realize for their own. He claimed, and we think very reasonably, that such a course would add five bushels per acre to the yield, which in itself would be a very material addition to the wealth of the County. At this stage of the programme we had to hurry away to catch the train home, and are thus unable to give a report of the latter end of the banquet. There was a good representation of leading farnrers and business men present, some ten or twelve from Markdale, and the interchange of ideas will doubtless result profitably. © arr aspa JidaBx38. Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for th«opini«ns expressed by oar correspondents â- To the Editor of the Standard, Deab Sis, â€" I notice an item in last weeks Chronicle stating that "For Deputy-Reeve, Mr. John McMillan will be opposed by Patrick Neil." This report lias been doubtless origin- ated for a purpose, and I deem it my duty to pnblickly contradict it, as I have no intention of offering myself an a candidate for Deputy-heeve, neither have I intimated such to any person Trhateveir. Patrick Neil.. Glenelg, Nov. 26th, '85. From our own eorretpondent. That a plaee like Walter's FaUo should be advancing rapidly witbaut the aid of railway, telegraph or tele- phone, mav be classed among the re- markable events of the age. Various theories have been advanced to ac- count for this phenomenal state of things One, that it is owing to the inherited and extraordinary vitahty of the mhabitants another, that some latent power stored away at the com- mencement of what 18 called the "Middle Ages" is now coming to the surface and in course of development, while others again assert it is because this is the center of a nch agricultural country. Wnatcver may be the reason, certain it is, that building operations here have been pushed on with vigor during the past three or four months. Mr, Richard Olmstead's new plan- ing mill, adjoining his lower saw mill, put up by Mr. Wm. Lemon, is a model for neatness and finish, and will be a boon to tbe surrounding country. The capacious new stable of Bonnell Bros., with stone foundation, built by Mr. Samuel Caswell, and the wood- work by Mr. Lemon, is a building of which they may well be proud. We hear that a new residence is also in contemplation by them (Bonnell Bros) to be built early next spring which will most Hkely be a credit to the vill- age. Then there is the new Methodist parsonage in course of construction, and which will soon be completed should weather continue favorable. David Brown of the Woollen Factory has put up a nice little stable on his place, which ought to be a neat one, as it was built by a cabinetmaker. I think you will conclude, Sir, from the foregoing remarks, these are signs of prosperity that cannot be disputed. Thera are vague rumors floating about of the formation of a company to light up the village with electric light, the power for doing so to be ob- tained from the falls. Not much con- fidence, however, can be placed in them but one thing seems pretty sure, that the want of street lampb are greatly felt, as only the other night a gentleman, endeavoring to make his way home, mistook the middle of the road for the sidewalk, and in his futile efforts to gaLu the latter, gave vent to utterances more expresbive than ele- gant, and vowed that at the very next meeting of the council he would strenuously press upon that body the absolute necessity of having the streets lit up on moonless nights. CURED OF DEAFNESS. Harry Eicardo, of Toronto, was deaf for eight years, and also suffered with Chronic Rheumatisiri. After all else failed, Hagyard's Yellow Oil cured both aflBictions. Yellow Oil is a re- liable internal and external remedy for all painfiil and inflammatory oobi- plaints. "iFilliamsford. From a Correspondent. Bad roads is the sound all around town. Business very good consider- ing the times. One of the grandest entertainments that has ever been held in this village took place here last Thursday evening. The erigm of it was a shooting match. The programme consisted of singing, dancing, wild speeches, and a few black eyes, and about 2 o'clock in the morning a moonlight procession took place which lasted until morning. It was grand. I think the audience en- joyed it well. A grand supper was given at the Queen's Hotel, and I think some of the boys had «aten their beefstake a little too rare, for before morning there was spitting of blood and broken glass laying around the (F'om our eorretpondtnt.) Our new blacksmith, Mr. Bitchard, baa arrived and is now hard at work. Mr. C. Gilbert and famUybave re- moved from here and gone lo Wiarton to live. Mr. W. J. Cooey, hw two toys, and Mr. S Gilbert started for the Inmber shanties on the Peninsala last week. Mr. Cooey is looking for a farm to purchase. j Our school trustees have had a good substantial wood shed ereeted on the school premises. Mr. R. McLougbry, our present school teacher, is leaving here at the close of the present school term. His place next year will be filled by one of the Miss Fords of Markdale. Bad roads at present. All hands are anxiously wishing for the beauti- ful snow. DEBILITY. Perhaps you are weak and weary, all run down, get tired with slight exertion, feel faint and dizzy, or dull and languid, then yoH need a good tonic regulator to make pure blood circulate; and give you strength. Burdock Blood Bittersâ€" it will fail you. Try net Osprey* From our own correspondent. H. Campaigne has rented the right W Feversham mills. Flour just now, so he says. A Mr. Hamilton, waggon maker, has taken possession of R. Brown's waggon shop. L. Hall is moving into the store lately occupied by M. Curts, who has moved to Rob Roy. Paul Bro's are making things hyely in the cutter and sleigh line. The Salvation Army have about fifty converts in Maxwell. Their singing and speaking is excellent. A Straight Split Between the Quebec Insb and French Catholics. Montreal, Nov. 22.â€" At St. Patrick's church to day the Rev. Father Dowd delivered a most impressive discourse on the duties of the Irish Catholics in the present crisis. He had enjoyed, he said, the privilege of a per- sonal interview with Mgr. Grandin, Bishop of the Northwest territories, the scene of thie late rebellion. From his lordship's own hps he had heard the recital of all the atrocities that had been committed by the pagan Indians and the easily deceived halfbreeds, urged on by a bad an unscruplous man. Four missionaries had been massacred almost under his lordship's eyes. The half- breeds had been led, not only to revolt against the government but, under their wicked leader, had been inducedto abandon their faith and turn their backs on the devoted clergy to follow the leader who wished t« set aside the pope and the church â€" all authority, ecclesiastical and civil. He had been informed by his lordship that the result of this was tkat to-day the halfbreeds were starving, and that he was now goUciting alma from the faithful in various parts of the Dominion to save the Uyes of his unfortunate people. Beferring to the recent demonstrations in the city, seemed now to be in the hands of the mob. Night after night there had been inflammatory speeches at meetings convened bv deceitful politicians, the streets liad been occupied by noisy processionists, and respect- able citizens had been insulted. A section of the people seemed to have gone crazy. He did not address hunself to them, but he warned his hearers, for whom he, was responsible to God, tohaTODothmgtodo with thi« movement! which must result disastrously, and to av«id. meetiBgs. processions, and Sunday They had been advised by their desecrations place. This entertainment lasted fo»lish joumaUsts and deceitful poUticia^l more than thirty hours, and the lastltojoma so-caUed national party. But was not an Irish National partv. It DROPSY, GRAVEL, DISEASE. BRIGHTS These common and dangorons com- plaints are due to a bad condition of the fluids, unhealthy changes in the blood and secretions â€" ^tbe Liver being oqaaJUy at £fMlt with the Kidneys. B«gnlate these conditions with Burdock Blood BiU^rs, one of the beet system renovatM* known to anajieal heard of them, they were 'drawing to a close by singmg "We are all jolly good fellows." They may be there- yet. A very large shed was raised here last week at the Methodist church. You can go to church and listen to good long sermons and have your teams comfortable. Mr. L. Anderson is building two very fine houses here just now. Mr. F. Shunn is also hoilding a house here all on Mam St. A very nobby wedding is coming off at Beikeley to-day, and another is expected about Wednesday, not far from there. We wish them all kinds of saccess and happiness. ~: •-»•-• Mit.*au is the actiou of disease germs m bad air, poor drains^ swampy region8,Jetc., uion thesystem prodacmg chdls. fever, neuralgfa. and W an^"^**" "^« »?owel.7 national party of it Wis a a section of the people whom he had always loved. This must end m disaster. The banding togethw in this community of that section wonld miite as one man aU the Protestants of every race against them. The Irish CathoOioa must keep aloof from aU soeh folly. Tb«y were livuig at peace with thett neighbors of all creeds, they had no interest m this move- ment, many and many of th^m ware the trusted and respeotwl employes ef Irotestant employers. The wretohtd man «ho had been executed had admittedly b«eQ guilty oftworebeUions. He had sacrificed acme of the best Uyes in tbe Dominion, and had initiated a war that brought about massa^ disaster and death. He had been fairly tried," the highest court ia the empire had pro- nounced his sentenee a jnrt one. When the gaUows bad been erected the nnfortunat« man-had abandoned his wicked wayji re nouncedhi. falae reUgion, wept oyer' hia crimes, and with the aid of the chardi, had I Had h^ hfa been ,qpand ^t'j4 newrhaw i m g nle il fc iu^ ni^t -.â- vi^-. #y: -:o: We have opened a SHOEMAKER SHOP in con,^. with, our business, under the management of Mr. ^/^ known as a superior workman, and ^purpose turning J class of g'.»ods of unsurpassed excellence at prices\J" cannot he beaten. Repairing Done Heatly, Clieaply Exp«i J -:o: â€" •' We continue to sell out genuine Dry Goods, Boots 3l c., c., at figures which astonish ihe shoddy men i make such loud "blowing." PS- N. Buâ€" Salt only 70 cents per barr WM. BROWN CO, Markdale, October 20, 1885. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Treats a// Diseas- es of Domestic Animats. -o Horses immA For Soanrf/iejjuijl â-  Certmcatis Gim.\ VETEBINARY MEDICINES KEPT DISPENSlI CAT..LS PROMPTLY ATTEWDED. CHARGES IlIODEBiTE Office Infirmary M/LL ST., Opposite Standard Office, MARKDALL L'^\i5vSN?Wl^' ^^ svp 'S Spectacles and Eye-Glassc -ARE THE ONLY- GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THE CA.]VATIAP^ MARKET. Tests Real Pebbles are kept in stock. are given to Purchasers to prove Genuineaesj They are recommended bv and testimonials have been re«e^®" ,, j^ Presideut. Vice-President, Ex-Presideut and Ex Vice.P.osiieutoltfle. Associatinn of Canada the President of the CoUesje of "p"^^'^if,. J geons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval ^^^^Yh President and Ex-Presideuts of the Medical Couucti of Nova bcoQa, •. These recommendations ought to be sufficient to prove taeir q but it further proof is needed, call on A. TURNtR Co., Cfiemists and The only place in town where they can be obtaine IS- Spectales fitted on scientific principle. Health is Wealth! ^*;V.i|3 ;/-Ni Db. E. C. Wsst'b Kxbtb amsBkux Tuat- »J»T, a gaaranteed apeoifio ftw Hysteria, Dizziness, Convolsiona, Fifs, MenrouB Neu- niio», HesdMhe, Nervofw Proatrstiom eaoaed by the use of alcohol or tobaooo, WakafnhieBa, Mental Depreasion. Boftemng of the Brain resaltuig m Insanity and leadiiut to misery, dejay and death. Prematnre Old Age.Banen- ness, Losscf Power in either sex, Inyolnn- tary Losses and ^pemwtorrhna eaoped by over .exertion of the bnuu,Mlf.abn8e or over- indulgence. One box will core raoent casaa. Each box oontuns one month's treatment. One doUar a box, or six boxea for five doUara; wait by mail prepaid on reoeii^ of prieo. We Riiorautee six boxea to core any ease. With each order received by n^iar Bh^boxes, «e- eompanied with five dolVua, we irill send the pnrchnser our written gnarantee to refnni i the nu^iey if the treatment .dooa no* vBevi a eore. Utmaanteea UmeA nxiAj by JOHN 0. • mvi± Ca, Sole Propriftoi^ 181 « IflS W. Ma«a«i« «tVChio«eo, lU, B«»/hy4. CITY IIotH The subscriber begs to in"?^ ft" pubUcfienerally.thathehasl^j^^. premises for a term o ye«rs. »n ^j iatering to their coffort to m^J' ^J pubUc Jatrcnag^, Bar »" S« iM pUed. Good stabhng and attenu D.McLANE, Propna* Markdale. Nov. 12. 185. i Sife? i9 *^" ' 2^4:1^ ^. aula ii .4 I Now In Full Having raised my m«'!;f'fB,J aud thoroughly overbaoj^^^ mill, I am now in » r°s^ outallworkhiasatisfactorr^^ Bring along yo«jl?^f*,itI.| give you yonrlnmberhomj. also Shingles cut °" ^1 Gristing and Choppu«g " tha« hwrctofore. nr Barn] ESCAPE. BtfB». Nov. 17.-During t Ijrt of the 17th and 18th of Augr \tomo miscreants placed a dynami idgo about seven inches long ai **" (I g naif inches in diameter "e floor ot Mr. J. G. Strong's resideii f this town, to which was attached ase about afoot long, and pap atnrated in coal oil. The paper w nited and was about half burn Ifore tbe discovery was made by U '}h. Strong's son*. The iuferu oachme was sent to Toronto ai gud proved to be one of tl Boet powerful kind. The case w id before the Attorney-General, ai then plased. in the hands overnment detectiyes, who -ha' ^hice been engaged iii ferreting up tl It is said that some clue h: found, but as yet the evideuco i sufficient. The matter has be( Upt secret up to l«st Monday evenin irhen at a Scott Act meeting address* Bev. Mr. Keefer, the public we Bade aware of the fact. The moiii i prompted such a diabolical m an oiily be attributed to the proriiinei art Mr. Strong has taken in advoca ag the passing of and ceirrying iut ffect of the Scott Act. He was tl 'resident of the Associatioji at tl iime the Act was passed and this yei I Vice-President, and his servici jere Bometime eiuce recognized b be County Alliance presenting liii ritb H gold watch. There is not :e respectable citizen m Barrie tha Strong, and he personally coul have no eoemies. A PEOFITABLE LIFE. Few men have dccomplished tl ame amount of work and goo] i his world as the celebrated Dr. Clia )ver 500,000 of his works have bee old in Canada alone We want evei •rson troubled with Liver Complain llyBpepsia. Headache, Kidney c |iinary Troubles, to call in at J. amer Co. and buy a bottle of D base's Liver Cure, it will cure joi iedicme and Recipe Book SI. Nu^ Post Office Bobbery At Thern bury. The postoffice at Thornbuiy wa jobbed of a number of registers fetters containing a large amount c Poney, between Saturday night, tb list Oct., and Sunday morning. Th kbbeiy was at once reported to Mi Prry. PostoflSce inspector, Barric fho, aloug with Mr. Jas. Hendersor Issistent PostoflBce Inspector, proceer f to Thornbury and made athoroug Pvestigation of the robbery. Th Jesuit was that they w«re led to suspec lyonng man named BVed. Hutchinson Pl^aph operator, the telegraph an( K8toffice at Thornbury being together lesterday they again visited Thorn pry and completed their labours inen stronger suspicions seemed t Pje rested on young Hutchinson, an- P»y expected that he would shortl pempt to skip out. Today he ac F^t^his employer that he hac â- ^ived a telegram from St. Catharine i!;,^" "^r was dying, and accord PRiy^took th* train for that city. Oi nrvf r,*' ^lan3ale station Mr bmL?. " '^^"S^ and had hiii rmitted to Barrie ^aol. where h F« searched and tke greater amouu "• money found on his person. Illâ€" • •» ^teTf!. /r**"""' Toronto, are wel ^in«„™,^'" «^0"ls- Thev ar. otedanS *?'• beautifully iUustrated, wel iabe.r»k • V P"«««- Send for specimei ***TeIHead«f au IdleT^ontl Lat jiSl"" ""^^ Colonel Fizzletop -^/J'»°yf ««tting to be to r in teJJ°.T'*»i«»«- He is the lazies Hiaa uL ,$*'® morning, I notice i;S??-FnzBletop. "».*»e does that 80 h« can hav. • to loaf." specia iriai »S S« tSJ?*^ °* *be Presbyte; tS. -viS?"^*"" by Bev. Professo: P"%«^^f* CoDege, Toronto, whc L*»*tet^^ uifonnation for the wori P*abilit»^^ 3^"" *^m the weU 'a»J^t^*««athor, the care â- vritl •rirtS- b®en verified, and th« l»ia*Z*^?*°*^y attachei, to the nc â-ºW. 2Sjf^*'""»hiation, we hare __, ^â- "aW oa of thii work will prove SiJJl?** y*" The pubUahe: ^2llW*' '°'^»n Street, k^F IV |md,tp hear of a reliable

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