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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Nov 1885, p. 2

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 â- M IppppiPIPIIPjpigiq^.i'.u.- ,,ipi^^.ii,^. rff';; fl \% 1 1 'i\' I *T *:•' p '*-T M -:* fif s -1 ;_ ff' ^1 rl ♦a ^if HEALTH. How to Can Obeaity. la til* Foortfa CoafiMi of (Janaui phyai- fliMMthsfint M^JMk diaoosMd wMoorpa- l«a«. EhrtriB admioacl the opialoa that dragawwaof UtttonrriM ia icdnoiag tha UM«itoffit,aBdthatMi wtin ohMuein the ragliâ€"i liMiliiJiug both ohnage oTdial aad of the nuaaerof livingâ€" wm aooaauy. Any motbod which ndnoad tho ganeral BQtriticn, and thiuromovod fat, wiw » faO- â- n; thofatalooe mutbe nmovad. Tho method mut not nqolre ^o Indivldiud to S^To np hia boafaMw dniisg hrratmeiit, elao i« wonld not bo generally appUoabliB. The method mnat be capabio of bong ooatmoed iadefinitdy wMioat nradodeg nndeaaant raanlti, for indindnala prediapoied to oor* palenoe by heredity or oooatttatioB moat keep up tike diet for a loac time. One method ia tooato£faU fatty fooda. Bat aa curbohydratea may be changed into fat in the body thla ii not reaaonable. The object ia rather to prevent the formation of fat in the body. To aeonre thia it ia necea- aary tc ragnlate the proportion of albomln- osa, atarohy, and fatty fooda, ao that perfect natrition ahall be aeoored, bat no exoeaa of fat prodoced. The neceaaary amonnt of fat for a healthy man ia 142 graina per diem. If thia ia rednoed one-half a part of the unoont neceaaary for nutrition will be taken from the body to oompenaate for the reduced allowance in the food, and thna the ezeeaa of fat may be removed. Under thia ayatem the indi^nal doea not suffer the dia- treaa which ia felt by thoae who are cut off from all fatty food, and the reaulti are more raccetafnl and agreeable than thoae of the Banting ayatem. The amonnt of oarbohy- dratea ia to be reduced ao that no aurplna *ilMve bodily needa ahall be taken. In the Bantinc ayatem the diet ia chiefly nitrogeaona, which often canaea indigeation. Ebatein givea nitrogenoua food, with the reduced allowance of atarch and fat in anffi- dent quantity to keep npthe general nutri- tion and wo'king atrength, but not io auoh amounta aa to overload and embarraaa the organs which digeat proteida. The neoea- aity of mnacular ezeraiae of anfSoient force tc produce free perapiration ia inaiated upon. Thia ayatem haa met with approval in Ger- Buuiy on account of its auocesa. Hennebers, in diacuaaing the aubject, ap- proached it from a different aide, and, by a review of the methoda adopted in fattening cattle. Bought to deduce the rulea neceaaary to be obaerved in avoiding the aconmulation of fat in man. The general diacuaaion eli- cited varying viowa upon the pbyaiology of digMtion, but all agreed that the nae of medicine for reducing corpulence waa to be avoided. dMto tiw«»M«iT««lnftiotbyeleIaii^ aadaaw they hava gbw the SMM oftanta elbow toapaiafal aOawBt wlddh b aaffi- deatly cxpUaad by Hi tWa. Whfla pbv- iarfSleaSpi^ia'addeidyMtia «ha right elbow, tho amdrepa to tha ald^aadtaka oraervioelafapraalbia for peiteda varylM fren aiz waeb to ab aaoatiM. Bm a«a«, it BOW appean. aw ^nr fc«q«e»t Oae aaflerFT aaufbea it to rilan a iatia m and another fooad ha had fraotored a email booo. The fanner tried riiaamatio medidne and tha latter pooltloaa and both got won the majority of thapatienta find that rf at ia the beat remedy,^ and, indeed, the only remady. A oorreapondant write* npon a diaeaae wbiiAk U BOW too ooBunon "I have be- omne oonvinoad that hay-fever ia not tha aolo prodoot of aay one or aay tialf-dozen kiada ^of flowera, or waoda, m gr aaa a a bnt roanlta from any weU-diffhaed flower odor or graaa orleatexhalatlona. I diaoover«d tiiat in thoae portiona of Europe where the winda were frequently from the aonth oreaat, hay- fever waa almoat aa prevalent aa in the Unit- ed Statea. From tbia feat I drew the oon- olnaion that the Pacific ooaat of thia oonthi- ent, from Ylotoria in Britiah Colombia aonth to San Diegoin California, ahonld be exempt from bay-fever, beoanaetiurauahont the aum- mer aeaaon (the hay-fever period of the year) the prevailingâ€" in fact, the oonatant â€" winda of the coaat are from tha Pacific Ocean. Thia laat aununar, before the nanal hay-fev- er aet In, I oorreqoonded with frienda in Or- egon and CUiformaon the anbjact, all of whom aaanred me tiiat auch a thug aa hay- fever waa utterly unknown to that coaat" ^â- *»-*.^».*-**^ FEBS09AL. YOUNG FOLKS. am III jieMjia •*'"'•* lafia-tMa: â- V Ihaa tka pm ehOd â- *«• toran AVERTSTEAHGEBOT. sr DAVID UOb "And th«boy.« The Darger of Contagion in Tbioat Tronblw. A medical editor writea A recent case within our knowledge, in which fatal diph- theria developed upon what had been be- lieved to be a aimple quinaey, auggeata a few worda regard ing the duty of iaolatiug any case of sore taroat where there are other children in the bouse. Without entering upon any disputed pointa regarding diphtheria, it is generally agreed that tbe distinctive viai- fale sign of it ia ita peculiar membranoua de- Soait. A cise m^y preaent clearly the con- idona of a "common acre throat,' and aub- seijaeotljr diphtheria be unmistakably pre- sent. Fjronr purpose is unnecesary to dia- ccsB whether aac^ caaea are diptheridc from the fif jt or become so. The point for pa- rents to knu .V ia that the sr quence of danger- ous symptwms upon those apparently alight is not uncommon, and that it ia better to isolate a child fifty times unneceaaarily than tc be neglectful once. NOTES. Dr. B rck of St. Louis aaya that aspbal- tuta vara;«h ia the bast disinfectant he knowa of it will destroy all germa at once, and no household inseuta will approach an article of furniture whose interior haa been painted with it, The Lancet thin^a that the ^UC J^lillLU UUUIBB Mia. DUO prOpOaill tO B^'BtSgUOl, nr luuu ujajr siuiyijr u. free the ring finger of pianista by dividing I he declinnd to make love to her. its connecsing hands ia ingenioua in theory, but would be dangeroua practically, owing to the riiks attendant, more or leaa, upon all surgical interferences. Anti-vaccinationiats leat'one of their chief arguments on the fact that calvea have tu- bucnlar consumption â€" a communicable di- sease. Late reaearchea by Strauaa idiow that tbe proportion of tuberouloaia in cstlvea does not reach 1 in 100,000. The Ruaaian traveller Fodtachenko re- cently discovered in Tarkeatau a plant which is said to be an excellent apecific against cholera and typhua. It ia tiaed by the natives of C ntral Asia against all kinda of maladies, and every effort has been made to keep its properties irom the knowledge of the £aropeans. The plant which ia named Ferula sumbet, has been acclamatized in the Moacow Botanical (rarden. The new idea of inoculation againat zy- motic difeases amounts almost to a mania among some of the European doctors M, Tayon recently said at the Academie dea Sciences that tie bad incculated himself and aeveral of his frienda with the microbe of typhoid fever, and that all were aeized with a mild form of that diaeaae. Further inocu- lationa with a more pDwerfuI preparation of the typhoid microbe failed to bring about a repetition of the symptoma. In the Kharkoo res;ion of Ruasia quinine ia conaidered of no account for the cure of ohilla and fever. The Dhafkoo doctor catchea a meaa of live craba, ponra whisky over them until they become hilarioualy drunk, and then pnta them into a hot oven. After being well dried they are pulverized, ahella and all, and administered in drachm doaea. The local papera aay that whether the treatment ia aoientific or not the patient geta well under it, thoogh qninlna haa no ef- fect on him. Dr. Fothergill, a greatiy reapeoted Eng- lirii authority on dyapepaia neaJca atrooi^y in favor of nulk puddilDga and atewed fmita for the dyapeptio, the biuiona and the gouty. He aaya " Sagu ia undoubtedly objeo- tionaUe to many, bat it ia by no meana no- oaaaary to add augar to atewad fnit. Iftlie acidity be neutralised by a little U-carboa- ate of aoda, the natural awaataeaa of tiia fruit will be brought oat and tiie diah bo made more a g reaa b la than tium^ artifioally- Biada angar ware added." It waa net long ago tiiat tiia dooton dia- iUiaha Vedder, the famona American ar- tiat who haa lived ao long in Rome, will, it ia rumored, return home and locate perma- nently in New York. Count Von Moltke ia in very poor health. He will not live till winter, it ia aaid. Bia- marok, who waa dangeroualy ill laat anmmer, ia dangeroualy well again. The death of Lord Strathnaim reduced the number of Britiah Field Marahala to four The Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Walea, Lord Napier of Magdala and Sir P. Grant. The Bf arquia of Bute, believed by aome to b3 D.'B.*eali'a " Litbair," haa juat finiahed, at a coat of $5,000,000, another palace, to be known aa Bute Caatie, and deacribed aa in every way beautiful. Meiaaonfer ia painting the portrait of Mr. Robert Barrett of Baltimore, though when Mra. Mack ay burned hia picture of her the little Frenchman aaid he would have noth- ing more to do with Americana. Preaident Eliot of Harvard Univerrity waa a widower when he heard Grace Osciood sing at a private concert. He fell in love at sight, waa introduced next day, engaged the next week, and married the next month. Kaiaer Wilhelm ia not only the oldeat of- ficer in the German army in point of age, but in point of aervice aa welL Hia commia- aionaa Major General beara date of March 30, 1818, and he joined the army aa an en- ai^ March 22, 1807. ThePrincesa Beatrice and her huaband will probably alwava mamtain an incognito when traveling in Europe, as the courta of Berlin and Vienna, certainly, will not rec- ognize Prince Henry aa a ' Royal High- neaa," nor grant him any precedence. The three daughters of Lord Carnarvon win inherit about $200,000 each under the will of their grandmother, Lady Cheater- field, a desc ndant of the famoua Lvird who tried to make a priggish anob out of hia son through a aeries of " Lettera." King Chriatian of Denmark is in his GSih year. He looks, aa he is, an austere man of determined will. In family ties and blood he ia more German than Scandinavian. He ia a Holateiner, and married a daughter of the Luidgrave of Heaae-Caaaell. Caroline Bauer lea vea on record her es- timate of Wagner aa " a conceited, arrogant swaggerer," which may aimply mean that Prince Jerome Napoleon ahe declared to poaaesa "enchanting beauty and amiability, with intelligent, deep blue ejea and a charming melancholy amile." Mra. Gladstone ia very abaent-minded. The laat time ahe went to Windsor Caatie her daughter, aware of her peculiaritiea, had the widat of her dinner drna aewed to the akirt. The firat idght Mra. Gladatone went down to dinner Lady Ponaonby, going down after her, dried, " Why, Mra. GhKUtone, what have yon on your akirt " It waa the waiat trailing on the floor. Mra. Gladatone, not finding iC had pinned a ahawl about her aa a low-necked waiat. There ia a " aet" in Eagliah aociety where nothing would have been thought of the lady appmring without the ahawL A correapondent writea from Hamburg " The Empreaa of Gsrmaay and Prince Bia- marck have been ataying here. This place ia a very dream of fair women, and the early hours and healthy life have done wondera to nuuiy fair facea that two montha baok one remembera a littie worn-looking after the fatiguea of a London aeaaon. MUis Winalow never looked ao lovely aa now, nor the cele- brated Miaa Chamberlain, and there are four fair aiater compatriota of the ira, the Miaaea Walker, who are taking all hearta by atorm. Anything aoexquidtely and delicately bean- tif m aa theaa four aiatera can only hau from the if I had Bot mahod in and draggad awaylTMB Um. I do bdUwa hod hava tSOad » poor Uttia fallow." **Ha ha I ha I" WaaU looked round ia amaasoMBt, for Charlia Thomton. of tha th Ben^ Native lafontty, tha plaaaaataat »nd„M Idtd-haarted yonng fellow among all tbe aighty-thraa aaloon paaaangara oa our hoina- ward-bound ateamar from India, waa tha very laat man any one would hava axpeotad to be amnaed at tha idea of a ohiid bahig beaten and iU-naeda "I bag yonr pardon, really," aaid tha young libutanant, atill qnivetlng with anp- praaaad marrfanant "but it aiwaya makea malaogh whenlhear of ahoy being hnrt or ttl-treatad." ' ., 'Than, air," growled a hard-faoad old Commiaahnar baaida him, "all I oaa aay ia that yon aoght to ha aahamed of yonrauf." "Don't ba to hard on Charlie, Mr. Corria," put in Major MoNal^ of tha Savanty-aighth HIghlandara. "Ill be bonnd thara'a aoma good joka behind it all, or ha'd navar talk like that Coma, Charlie my boy, lat'a hava tha atory it'a aura to be a good one." And Lieutenant Thomton began aa fol- lowa "Abont two yeara ago I waa down at Bombay on leave from Jhanai, juat at the beginning of the hot aeaaon. I put np at Watton'a Hotel, aa nanal' and before I had been there half an hour I met three old frienda of mine, juat out from England, whom I hadn't aaen for five or six yeara. ' We had plenty to talk about, aa yon may think and so we managed to ait together at dinner. After dinner we went out «n to the veranda to have our coffee and I waa juat in the middle of teljiing them about tha fan I'd had among thatigara up in tha Tarai the year b«fore, when all at once a great halloo from below made ua look domi, and there we aaw a eight that put everything out of our heada at once. "You know that enormtnarquara in front of the hotel, with the tall dock tower on the otiier aide of it Well, about midway across it, aeenuDgly coming atralght toward the hotel, waa a man, carrying a email boy in hia arma, and ahonting at him vety aav- agely every now and then. They were aoon near enough for ua to aee them qiute plainly and certainly they did look the two moat ex- traordfaiary hobgoblins that I ever aet eyea on. "The man waa an immenaely taU fellow, and aa thin aa a lightiing-rod; and ^though it waa now, aa I've aaid, the beghming of the hot aeaaon, he wore a long dark gray coat and high black hat, which made him look taller still. But if hia dreaa waan't very gay, tbe boy waa ghmd enough for both, for he aeemed to have got all the col- ors of the rainbow. He had ajiky-blue cap, an apple-green jacket, red pantaloons, white atockinga, and a bright yellow aaah round hia waist. "It takea aomething to gather a crowd in Bombay, where awarma of fignrea aa queer as any in a circus are going about tbe streets all day long but two auch objecta aa this man and thia boy couldn't be overlooked even there. Half a dozen young Engliah aoldiers, who were atroUing through the town, began firat to atare at them, and then to go after them Then aome other people turned and followed too, till at laat the pair found themaelvea heading quite a proceaaion. But the man aeemed to take no notice, and and kept atraight on, with the child in hia arma, giving him a ahake and a rough word every now and then, while the boy kept acreeching out. attra bay ,Aila«haafOirdbanltrtoBiMr aflu«ii- Miibal'k ao»' â- aid tha Taakaa^ ta^ ilisaawiilBf lini-^ Ml kaoddM. 'Vaot 1^' waa hMtaar Tataa talUn' tiuNMii^ that ofYaBtrOoqaioB' •and if any ofvonfolka earn to MB* *^ "V pacfemaaaoaattha Town- hall to-morrow avaoiag, 111 fix yon np a daal brt« ihow than tOa ooa.' • (^^ad riwfaaanr Polyroz kept iiia word aa Iha fMlowiBg avanias befera a orowd â- ooh aa tho Town-hall had net waBainoalt bdH" A OvtMto^ â- Â«ff™« and khri;^^^ Addw.lLv.L£!*»C3J Braid aoonoaaandfNjJ;;"" A Tettimonial' Riferriag' to aa aitaodad netioa of Truth's BOW BiHla oampatitlon ia aaothar c InoiD, n^ta^fbataadiui tha I'ctthat tba pabliahar of Truth haa givaa at pT*aaa iaoom- petttioa a dozaa at laaat of fltat daaa paaoa, ard twioa that^snmbar cf o^ganaandaewleg mcohtaw, *nd hnadroda of flnt-o*aaa wttohea,ardt*-an'Bi«i of rec'planfa, with their f ddraaaea, liava boon Fabliahcd. thare a a thoai w' e are yot Ixdd to aaa r« that eg feooh p izaa are paid. So A aaamtioaa aia alandaiB, and tha pnliTshcr wenU ba jaiti- fied :npr'Bcvti«g aoma of tha partiaa for alandr,â€" for nnjuatiy acd womgfnlly in- juring hia repntatioa aad h'a bafisaoa. Tba names of the w'nnara naTs all bean pnliah- rd in iSiuth e limoa, and aay,of the partial may ba written to in tegard to what they liava aotaidly raoaVed. Tha f llowing latter I aa been aent 1 a wal-known aad ratpeoted Frrsbyterian mioater, whose ton waa a auooeaafhl oompat- itor last year :â€" The Manie, Markham To Whoh it Mat COKCERN: â€" The piano wrnby my an. Bnain, in Truth Bibh Compeiii' B No 6, oama to oa abcnt a year ago, and waa aoknowladged at tbe time A tcr a year'a tervics I am abl3 o say that it prove a in every raapaot a aupnior icatmmtni. A " toner," a Tor- onfo gentleman, aaya 'ita tone and finiah are complete. A h rga r amber of people during the yar, have railed at tha maraa and ex amined ud tried it, and are anprired at ita I xoellmce. It U jait aa advaruaed. I am 'onviu'ed that tha publiaherof Truth Mr. Wilion, baiioo muchatatake to depait in my mmnra from hia offer*, which are bo^h nnmtroni and liberal.â€" F. Smith Pastor, St. Andrews. Me Bade of akirtwMtt?*»i oalors are vety ii^^ S!. _,The"MyrtUK»vi,.^ 1 ^^witiitiioBS'y^W.,J g*»of moatiSC?'!?* the firm emplovsTrJ' *^i tbeir order. S ^tSSi â- ought by them. tL^^] raqniratokeepauJ;«««Wi iiiiitaprioa,SthfaSil»iJ aaLnmediate aouroa •h!^*i3 eoetof apoet4oird!»!?*»»* He loaea iS3ibg?2i,»* â- *« I rtook«L Tbe ?; i» whieh there i,aao2i»'g wheat or flow, „d^3JJ»V foraaaUitatamfaoZa^' D^^?^??ca 0*" .ig] InaMtat* Townto." win' m!?* «| .v-^S^^ A forOalMidar.' Bid OFFER MSaJ akooea. THSNAnHltSiWli " 'Oh, papa, pleaae don't hit me any morel' big Dick Netherby, of the th Dragoona who waa aitting beaide me. ' ' If the fellow bulliea that poor littie chap any more, I'll go down and warm hia hide in a way he'll remember.' "By thia time the man .had come oloae underneath tbe veranda, and put the child roughly down on the pavement, aaying to " 'Now, you kty young whelp, jost walk on your own feet a bit. I'm not gotoa to carry a great heavy thing like you all the way home.' «.» " 'Oh, papa, do carry me a littie farther remember that I'm lame ' "•Lame! yes, truat you for bemg lama when you^ told do anytidng. If yo5 don't walk on thU mmnte, when I tell you. I'U lame yon ia eamaat.' " 'Leave that boy alone, you ooward ' roared Dick Netiierby, leaning over th?Sd- uatrade of the veranda, 'or I'U break every bone in your akin.' ""wjr " 'But the man took no nutioeof him. and aa the boy didn;t go on, hia fatiier gave him aalapon the aide of tiie head thit falX Imperial €oiigh Drops will give Poaitive and Inatant Reliet to thoae anffering from Colda,'HoaraeDeos, Sore Tluroat, etc., and are invaluable to orators and vooaliata. For aale by drugriata and oonf eotionera. R. T. WATSON, Mannfaotnrara, Toronto. The beautif id oompoaition known as par- ian ia aaid to oonclat of a mixture of plaater of Paria and borax. £100,000,000 IN iHB British Court or Chakoxrt Iâ€" a large part of ttiia vaat anm belonga to the peo^e of America. Cox k Co., 41, Southampton Bnildinss, Holbom, London, Eng., have juat publiued a List of theheira to thia enormona wealth. Header, aend a dollar and they will forward yon thia valuable List and if you find by it tiiat yon are entited to any money or property, olaim your own. Cox Co. will ahow yon tha way. MAOHINKET F01OIlsj« Sau.°^.2sp!s!nr'£B^i- Pork Packers, To Ii. 0. Bmob. Rolled Bsioi "•*. Bt set Beoon, flniokedlSL'91 Ush Fine Dairy Bslt toaU?' "^l â€" en oiiT^ Glapperton's Spool GBBAT BABGAIK.-VALU»BUhS Brick Hanslon tor asuTra «te klSI Lawiencs, one mile above PreMotLony? Of Ogdeaabnre, N. V., iKrWj aorea good plragb land, tw«at4nmt* land, sngrsr bush of one thoutcd tmi iL paetare. soil, day loom, wtll ienotd^ ma islon buUt six ;ean ago nude u celt^rated American Architect, nodnk menta. Boat Honse and Wharf, Ciniinl Bams, all new. Orofaard of thnt hnadnlh all bearing will sell maaiion, ontbuililiHi or twenty acres separate; onecfthiiiMW locations on the 8L Lawrence; WTcliai esay. JAME J QUIMN, Preiectt, O tP illan Iilna Jioyai asu Bf^ne dnring winter boa Periliiinel aad Hautaz ererr BatvdartoUmooLa' traai Quebea ererr Satardai toLinij(ul,a doodaRf to land malli and paooini to I Pland. Alio tiamBaltiman,TlaldlualS. v.. toUrafpooKorlnlihtvdBiaienil Xba Bteaoun of the Glaiiov Uaa itl taT to aad fnuB Halifax, Fortlaad, Boriaiini phia: and dorinsmmm^rbetiieBSIiiigiiL tnal^weeUr aianowaod Boilan,iiwal| and FUIadelahia, tortnlAUi. Var frelKht. passage, at oiktt t applr to A. SonumaoherfeOa., Bi Canard It Co. Halifax; 8]iBaftO».al ' W. I Wm. Thomson ft Co.. 81 Joh| AUan ft: Co., ChtcM«oi hm t Hk York i H. Bourlier, Toraato AUml Quebea J Wm. arockte, Ptaiiadsiithi I Portland. Bostan. Moatnd k: htj (( Ladies' Journal" Bible Competitioii lat. 2nd. head that fairly -w..-. -.^.«» .omedquitei j ^^-'»«d would have jumpedright into tiie atreet, and perW havl brokei knwkedhimfiown. Dick tumedquitepurpli with rage, and would havejumpedriaht doS» Cheek in man ia not to be admired bnt what ia nicer than a woman'a cheek " tn Siam, the cata have theb taila bang- ed." In thia country the entire cat ia Inuis- ed. BnaineBaia ateacUly getting better, bnt there are aix weary montha ooming for the husbands yrtuMt wives have naturally oold feet. A ama'l, brasen atatue, with feet of lead repreaenting a lad aitting asleep on an an-' ohoi:, haa been dug up on the laland of Cr- pma. Thfa provea that the telegra^ waa known to tbe ancienta, elae why ahonld they have telegraph m« aengera t "Oh," gaaped fat Mrs. Weighty, as she asomded the second flight of stairs fai her new resideBce, "I reiSy cannot run np any more stairs." "Of course noV testily ' "bntif thestana answered her hnsband U« leg. if we hadn't held Ehn. But juat toen there came a frightful acream of Sta from below, and we aU mahed downata^ and out of tiie door like ao many SdST to aee what had happened. "â- onion, "All round tiie door tiiere waa anoh a ^^l^'iSo:^ «d tiiey seemed to aU " 'Murder 1 CaU a polioeman. There's one over yonder.' i~"-~â€" »• xnerea J|^Hoj4 him tight, or he^U be tryingto •^S?««*^*t •*;*» "• own child r h.»^^""j"'*^ ^y *• boy seem. with a knife in Us hand, wUoh two soldl». were just takiag from hiT^ ****" .J!^i^J^ ""• *•"•* «wJlydeadr MtoB o^d. Hollo 1 what sort of boy is P»P«t were made of dressau^era'biiir ^^Zm I «-i«»" ?^ **^* »*»'» wwdsrfnl. run tiiem np v^eS^." ^.?^^ tH^ .^L 2^ «* wbalabow wdT^ ttis? Why, he seems aflriba Uke a Japanaee nnlnella. "•WeaTli^^^ wbalebom aad I bo«d.'«iMnppoMd »«d«^J5!iJ: The Publicher of the Ladies' Journal nouncea the eleventh Bible Competition with a great deal of aatiaf action and pleaaure! The complimentary lettera he ia receiving al- moat oonatantiy from subscribers, who have won prizes, are'eo nnmeroas that he could be kept busy night and day reading them. He givea everything juat aa promiaed and carriea out every engagement to the letter. THft BIBLE QUESTIONS. Give firat mention of the word Salt in the Bible. Give firatmention of the word OxiONa in the Bible. The firat peraon oorreotiy answering these Bible Qckstion aad sending a half-a-dol- lar for one yei^'s subscription to the Ladiu' Journal, a large 20-page story and fashion monthly, will receive number one of the First Rewards named below the sender of the second correct aasmr, number two and so on till all the rewards ue distribut- ed. 1. One Fine Grand Sqnare Roaewood Piano, by a celebnted mi^er. 2. and 3. Two Ffaie Heavy Silver-PUted Tea Servioea 4, 5 and 6. Three celebrated Wanaer Sew- ing Maohhaea. 7 to 10. Fourteen Fine Solid Gold Gem Rings, size to fit the winaaia. 21 to 47. Twenty-Seven Solid Gold tUags of 10 beantifnl pattms. 48 to 127. Eighty Fiae Rolled GoidBroooh- M elegant aaw deaigas. 128 to 829. XwoHuadredsadTwoCoplea of "Ladies' Gaideto Faaoy Work;" a most nsefnl book for ladiea. Then, so all aiay hava aa equal '*}*f n ^^ Onehas beeaananged aserles of Middle Rewards, aamber m. ^hiA wffl be givea to the seader of tin middk correct ««M«wr of the whole Oompetttloa from first Mt. The sender «t fta aazt ooixeel "•- â€" /oBoio^ the fRJdiUe one wfll get rawwda;dM Umber two of Umm nUU* third number, three and m on, SI whole ninety rewards are givwi»*»!' THE MIDDLE REWABDi 1. One 10-atop Fine-Ton«d ft*»j gan. 2. Lady'aFfaie Gold Watch. 3 to 7. Five Fhie Solid SUT«rPl»»' Baakets, 8 to 20. Thhrteen Solid Gold Kl*1 deaigna. 21 to 40. Twenty Rolled Gold I 41 to 90. Fifty Ffaie Germin Oh auitable to decorate any hoiw In order that even the most i not be left but fa the cold, » i lation Rewarda have been «n»«Pl the aender of tiie laat correct m^'l ed afterdate of closing (J^'^^JJ be given number on^ (theGcW" theae conaolation rewards ttV the laat, number two; thefluA three; and so on till aU theieo varda are given away. THE CONSOLATION B*" 1- Lady "a Solid Gold Watcb. » time-keeper. 2 to 9. Eight Extra Qnadmpw^ Baaketa. ^, 10 to 30. Twenty-One B»f'^, Heavy Sflver-Platrf JJJJ 31 to 67. TwontySaveB sen* Ringa. Jf 58tol2L Sixty-Four Vdajl-, beautifuUy bound, M«^ $200. laaay oaae you your money in the iad|«r' I year. You wiU not reffrt " Only fifty omta r£qiiiw«« *j\ opportunity of getttog ^^^ j^ j rwvarda named above. D* ^, np tiie qneationa note. "j,^f whetiier you get a prize « "^j be pleaaed witii your »W, -â-  drsas. Editor Lod^^'/^tt^ C^,^ Ssad all Wt-'» preii. r#l0TB and Wild Myentnre, tioiu in the Career i â- ^ •• Ndta, Thb Nihilist," " T Etc, En OHAPtBB VL V-irt «T»n» OF TKB OOMIHG _,,sfafal loogwd dim^ Ughted Ki»e«igl«^ •»* oeUed witii t w^T-. ,v»ii having a door whose ?foM w other of the keys that J^didle of Blaaan, the baffbon. R7ins St last reached, and at fZA were massive onrtains of iteTiagebeavy bullion fringe, MTnattly loqjid up, whilst on in^ Bke a statue of bronze, iseBBBoh with a huge fiame- ihla head and loose yhang- r Mme oblor draping hia form, I S^ brawny limha bare, whilst t ba cnV^ a naked aoindtar. theiraai^rfeotly nnarm- awace that the penalty i'te«eofhiasex to be found in 1^ Frank Dooelly did not feel par- rfjlffftaUe at sight of theae arm- r^t had they oeenjiron oolumna laat (to ail outward aeemfaig) have n with greater nnoonoem and aad a minute later Elman had 'nenthem into a beautiful apart- other aide of the curtaina, the I were painted with a aeriea of BS in a kind of distemper, _^ ing having life was intro- draw such ia a deadly ain ac- I the lawa of Mohbmmed. Thus I boat! being rowed npon lakes and I t BO one handling the oars, ahipa iseato idl appearance paaaenger- rleaa, and tiie interiors of moa- but all empty and desert- Ithalriah dragoon waa looking at La and alao at the pilea of cushions land the flowera toat formed the of tiiis aplendid apartment, s advanced alone into one that bnt had hardly been gone a mm- â- he reappeared and beckoned IfoUow her. ISO to find ^imaelf a aecond later in Vtlnxurionaly fitted up chamber wrtbrilliantiy lighted, and in the a woman who waa reoUning on a i ooihiona, in a poae of voluptuous who, directiy that* Elman had raaide her veil and amile d upon 1 ao the young Iriahman recog- Ibetntifnl Eayptian whom he had 1 the orooo^e and from drowning ing in tiie Upper Nile. laotanrpriaed, for he had guesaed p known that ahe wa hia ummon- Iwaaaatoniahed at discovering how 1 lovely a woman looka am'dtt Inx- lor, and genial warmth, than when bken, wet and expoaed to the ele- I u they are tempered and £of ten- t, the land of the sun. iwaagorgeonalyrioh.^ She wore |veat of crimaon velvet, embroider- rwith gold and having buttons of Ion. It fitted her to perfection (d the aurpriaing beauty of her ildera andboaom, for her akin waa ua Spaniah girra,^and looked I ntr when the heavy ebon maases iii-entwined hair formed ita back- p itoayad over it in wanton treaaea. t her full Turkiah tronaers were an and also covered with filigree I Ming handed tightiy around her wlsdtiietinieat of feet, that were |o a pair of orimaon velvet heelleaa lOueUy atudded with precioua have not forgotten me I You anmmona of the lotua flower and ' ^••t well for onrselvea and for (yon love me." â- apoken bi the purest French, and I sot alow in making reply â- Wowible to help loving the beau- JUh haa created the beautiful fa » ft ahonld be loved," and havfag "1 aloud, to muttered to himaelf 17** ^*^ ®' " English girl «to think her a forward huaay, '™™f«n here for the women to '-!??"' lauppoaol muat sub- Jgood grace." lie he tiiought he had made a 'anawer,but it aeemed to be a tLI^i" Ita nature for the party ' *M addreaaed. l^Za^V*^ **• ^^« everythfag and IriTa? »*»"«»'" »be aaid %etxx. |^**o» a roae to ^ecea and scat- "»â- Â« petals in a shower on the «^e yon to love only me, and • Who could brook a rival." tth. SZ. â- ***• »* »«»»» Prank l~?*wnM Who had made soim- f««d upon his affeotions, and IfcLfSl^*;?â„¢^*'** very few J*«*o least dilBonlty in ol;yfag aJZL*" »®W. witii tiii IflSiv "•â-¼â€¢iiness of the East, i^J*«»^was something abont ' of tiie beanteons graoe cf tiie â€" k somethiBg to shudder at aa 2S 'â- **• Wuntiy, as this tteTu P***"" of him, "to rivi fc.**!?*" â- ?»* ' know, k^L? *• •â- ^ witii you, I J^Ti.S" «» wbom I have ^4b25â„¢""»d of days." W'S^i-'"**' *•â-¼â€¢ grows in K^.**g»tadegAe as it â€" i^gy ywr life for me. It ^jP« !•« would not, for life ZL ^^tt, save love alone. jJ^J25 feelings towards ^S\t^ ??• y*" would never iSS!? hVt witiiont enoour- to raise yon up, and ta teUoquish all far year oonrage ate aad aiade me naworthyof il'raak. "fie- •••I'^iifcT^* r* " writtea â-  ••^^yn^ghbor'swife.'

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