â- --J?'w3-» ^nneptioK "^ay, Well 'i»g out a. -es which: itioasly. ts Shoes men who 9S Examined ioundness and Certificates Given. ;PENSED • DERATE. ilDALE. ,vare, I tooth Saws Saws, riand SawS; Nails, s, Putty c. ttom prices. us a call as ARKDALE. .asses IcLESl jnuinenes Scotia, Ac- ' alitie' fall Assizes. ^^„j Ike 0. S. limes. jl Assizer for this County opened l^" ToffD Hall on IMoaday afternoon, I '"' „,,8 Ko-e presidiug. The criminal • '^a.BEUSually heavy, there being [tUstopol-ofore the Grand Jury, "^. M=e of wouuding with intent, ,^, offoigevy, two of conspiracy, 'â- 'â- " "°r,y auJ other crimes. Mr. A. f^ '/. C^.Tni pro=ec«'0" The number i,E tiifc doeket -n-as six. The ;.»iiig e tntlemfc'J comiiosod th« lT;fKrLaug,i""'««" GGASP JUKV: James C. Miller, L,i Goo'lwin. John K. Ecid, Elias Edge, I jjeii, James l^mdner, Andrew Shore, Eeefi!' Hy. Bnrley, Jas. C. Paterson, ^^iiGooilcliiiJ. Hy. lionnell, Jan. Brown, ^4 LaiJkvf, Itoijt. Lynn, Wm. \Vhitelaw, Spionlc, Ji'ljn H. liurchiU, J. M. Fettis, :iIcBriJo,r.olt. I.cdinehiim. kj-ore procctiliiig with the business, Jno. (I. C, wi behalf of the bar of the [â€" in a 5-!i' " address congratulated f Jnstiw Kf"*« '" his elevation to the Lj, tiji^ ofciu:; tlic fir.4 court he has held L Judge Kusf luade a brief reply. vpLiSi) !v. CnARi.Tos.â€" This case was P^e,! oai of court. .,;;j;e [â- *. IjrRNKTT.â€" This was a case lr,Licli Mr. Christie of Owen Sound sought Lrvertroui Ja. Diii-iK-tt of the Manitoulin ;;,^. jiiici.' i)f ii:afhiuL-ry khippcd by '.«!•/:(«(' .V;ii'(C ID his adilrcss, but l-iiii I'.it- Tiie dofonJant contended ctLere wa= lio writt'jii contract, and as Evra; Til' li"'Vtny of the articles tbere no liai'ility. The plaintiff contended iJMCurrcSi'on.iiinee bflwecn theru con- si iicmitract. The Court lieli that tlic :-.iiI r;o; sl;^' a cjutract, and entered Lit:.: fj;'(i"f'"i.l:;iit, with Icavu f jriilaiu- kwcfVi-li'-yuri- fail Coujt for a verdict pi' Cri-usor ' ^lorrisou for plaintiff, â- s n i MaJS'j!! for defendant. fun cs. Bl±n.siiabj â€" rActi'on for Fe- et; j-'a^U'tVivlf.j. Verdict for plaintiff, Mr..-.: Ill Lt Mas.sou for plaintiff, Lhtd;!!! Jury iroiigiit in a true bili against Fn-'.tv f 'r Lireony. and against Allan ifor'.v.uiil'ii" with iulcut. \- tbeir 1^ id Diti rtaine^- E.SI'AY. Ihavie â€" The prisoner .; ;â- -1 .::.;M in- Ah'x. Mitchell at â- ;••â- ; tl"liJulvhst, ;:s published i :it .t:.;i: tiijio. ilr. A. Frost :..-. M. ;-.-â- . uVufL-nded tlie i)risouer. a ,i!';ii.!i'h: fiMiu tiie evidence that '.:! yo-.u;^ men under the influence ii.r.cr i:vl tiiat afternoon attacked Yt m. "l-T of the prisoner, evidently ^;a.-i:- ",tce-lored inen. They after- a-.i.. ,:.;., i Ez-kiel Bowie, another -c. n-.A "â- ]iil± lids att.nck was going on f ;:.so::er came lo Lis brother's assistance :â- '-â- riT, Allan Bowie stabbed Aler ;u the neck with a knife. The postlievi T tiiat he a?ted in self-defence psci,;;:tcitLe iiriioner. i-ec.n.vajiou of the case the. Judge I iici. Miiclieli and Mathew AVilson bound IJrfi) liii peace for five years. ':HTr;-.!vi J,n-y brought in a true bill N^Vm. H. Whitaey for larceny, and P'agii:n.-;t H. L. Tottenham for forgery. -K IS. AVm.. loSTER. â€" The prisoner stcKseJ of larceny in appropriating to "'-2 a oliequg given to him by Chas, ii-« for the purchase ©f lumber. The Planets appeared to be that Baines r-teii lii'ji a choi.ue for ?50, jjayable to â- ^^^ to pvacLase lumber for him that '^:'" "_*" fiiJorced the cheque and got it -utr.ea bought Uimber which he [v-"-a Lis vessel to Oweu Sound. When • '-f-e. Eiincs said the lumber was 'â- :^e urdered, and claiming that •"trsctad Foster not to cash the s-to pay it oyer to tbe firm from [-•Silvjnberwastobe purchased, had |-^- -r:-tea for larceny of the cheque. •'tT '°"!^ took the lumber which ^lj"f ^f"«-i liini. On hearing the ~r.."' "^- prosecutor, His Lordship â- ""â- i^ase, and directed that tbe ' ^^3 acpnitted. A Frost for the l^"(.,t'r'*°" ' -Jasson for the defence. ;â- -»^-i Jury Iroaght in two true bills [^. '"â- '^^ DriBkv,-ater for forgery. ' Jl J "^^^"""^^^^ '^as a very tedious JT..""^^ ' ^- 'â- "â- "'i' of Meaford sought to kio^r.^'" "â- '^^'^^r- Train of the same l--'ij,T:""' " '^^^ property, one-half of ^-"^•ag been carried away by the ,^= '^wfendenfs dam on the 31st of .ie ,;, "•* ^^'^^ a'«iout forty witnesses, }:l"\^-'^y'-^ most of Tuesday |t,|.y^'"o-clcck at night, and all day •iH" agaiwt John Qnin diBmiss-d and a Terdiet ^r plaintMfs againrt Wm. Quin for «300 Wilson Evaus for plaintiffs. W. D Pol- lard for defendant John Quin QU.KN „.. Wm. H. WHm,T.lTh,i,ri8oner, who resides in the village of EuKenia. was accused for ste»Ung a 2.year.old filly from a pasture nrar there. The horse was missed from Ithe field, and was recovered from a marfinOsprey.towhom the prisoner had disposed of it, he in ths meantime haying made some statements in respect of it not in accordance with fact. For the defence it was cont*nded that he bought the horse fi-om gypsies, and there was soma evidence that it was seen in their possession and him bargening with them. The jury found him Kuilty of receiving the animal, kngwing it to be stolen. A. Frost for the Crown. Jag. Masson for the defence. THURSDAX. CiXBEB vg. McMasteb.â€" Ejectment suit from property near Mount Forest. Defence contended for title by oyer ten years' possession andimprovements under mistake in .title. Vtrdict for plaintiff. Masson t Masson for plaintiff. Creasor Morrison for defendant. Qdei^st vs. Seabrook.â€" Prisoner wai ae- cused of the robbery of a horse in the town- ship of Holland. Defence was that the prisoner owr ed the horse and had a right to take it, Verdict not guilty. A. Frost for the Crown. Jas. Masson for defence. Menuy L. ToTTEXHAii, ageiust wirom sev- eral true bills for forgery had been found pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to seven years in penitentiary. Tlie Court is still sitting as we go to press. â- â€" I WHY EMPLOY DOCTOES. Cuusult a doctor, for a G or 8 oz. Lottie (if iTie'licine §1 â€" consult A. Turner Co. and he will give you a 12 cz. bottle cf Dr. Cha.se's Liver Cure for §1, and. a valuable Eecipe Book free. Nov. hi i;, Q^ â- ^SLSESDAT. N W"" 'wrought in a true bUl iGr^w' ^^J°6r for wounding. ^^5:g°' ^^^^S^ii in two more true "^eb'Il '^°"'^an' for forgery, '*^. .^SaiDst Jas. White for a ' â- '^obTa' Slandered horse on the P^iiido r""" Henry SeabrooK for ^i^_ on till against James McLaren l"*^-aa^!"""""" ^°'" defendent. [^•^0 r ^•^°""'*f°' plaintiff. .. ^t-., and J. S. Wilson for "ai'r, Q to cpi ** a?.â€" Action on an aside a conveyance. Case Standard Sale Register. tS^ Parties getting their sale bills printed at this office vrill receive a free notice similar to the following in the Standard. Wednesday, 4th Nov., at 12 o'clock, two and a hah" miles from IMarkdale, {reueriil fatm stock, impl^nients, c. The proprietor, Mr. John Mercer, has sol^ his farm and is .e;oing to British Columbia, and tbe chattels must be sold. Terms, 12 months on approved joint notes. Geo. Noble, anciioncer. Important auction sale on Friday, Gth Nov,, of village property in Mark- dale, comprising lot No. 5, Queen St., opposite the residence of Mr. G. S. Bowes, and lot No. 4, Brown St., op- posite the residsnce of Dr. Sproule,' M. P. There is on the former a fine oommodious concrete dwelling bouse, and on the latter a large brick residence. Wm. Eougb, Owen Sound, owner Geo. Noble, auctioneer. See posters for full particulars. Tuesday, Nov. 3d., on lot North i of 19, con. 12, Euphrasia, Mr. Wm. T. Jordan will sell his farm stock, implements, hoasehold furniture, e. Terms 12 months credit on approved paper. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. J. Manarey, auctioneer. Monday, the 2nd., Nov. on lot 19, con. 9, Eupbraaia, 7 horses 21 cattle and a large quantity of other stock implements, c. The proprietor, Mr. Andrew Manarey, havin? leased his farm will sell without reserve. Terms 13 months credit on good paper. Joseph Manarey, auctioneei;. Friday, October SOth^ on lot 8, con. 14, Glenelg, a large stock of srood cattle, horses, implements, «. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms, 14 months credit on approved joint notes. The farm will be offered for renjfc for a term same time. Wm. G. Lamb, proprietor; Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Tuesday, Nov, 3, at lot 44, con. 2, West T. S. Ed, Holland. Mr. Jas. Freeborn will sell 9 head of cattle, nineteen sheep, a lot of hay,, imple- ments, c., c. Sale at 1 o*clock. 12 months cred,ij;. Geo. Noble, auetianeer payment of the claim might be dis- puted. His Honor Judge Macpherson held a court of revision at Rocklyn on Wednesday last Mr. Enoch BaU of Meaford. was the only appellant. His name was duly placed on the Voter's List. There is not as yet much talk bemg indulged in regarding the approaching municipal elections, but «iere will hkely be, a host of aspirants. The present m«mbers will all seek re-election. Mr. Robert Myles has not yet definitely announced whether or not he will be a candidate /or the reeve- ship. Mr. Alex.Erskine is almost certain to oppose Mr. Gilray if Mr. Myles does not. Mr. James Erskine will likelr again oppose Mr. Fawcett for the deputy- ship, Mr. W, J. Black is also spoken of as a candidate for this position. It 18 not likely that Mr. James Longhead will again seek election to the position of councillor. It is un- derstood that Mr. Joseph Hawkins intends to run. The ninth-liners state that they will place Mr, James Webster of the mills in the field for councillor. Mr. James L. Wilson, the energetic secretary and treasurer of the agri- cultural society, is spoken at as a probable candidate for some of these positions. Quite an amount of interest is centered in the Orrâ€" Farewell libel «uit, which is to be heard at the assizes now in progress at Owen Sound, Some thirty witnesses haye been summonpd from Euphrasia. The Fairmount post office is in charge of Master Ernest Jordan, son of the Fppiug P. M,, during the absence of Mr. and Mrs, Orr. A farmer near liocklyn is reported to have absconded. Several persons are financially intei-ested. mm kDortant Notioe. SavE Hose? By buying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Pipes, Ac. râ€" AT JAS. G. RUSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. I take this means of inform- ing the public generally that I have opened in MAREDALE An Agency for the sale ot the famous /ooooooobo ceooo'oooo\ It IE a facti, as every one jsays, that RUSSELL is the man jto repair your Watch or Clock properly. "DOHERTY ORGAN » STRAYED FROM the premises of Mr. D. J. Lewis, lot i9, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the last of June, two ewes, one ram Iamb and a ewe Iamb. Any person giving information as to their whereabouts will be liberally re- warded. 267-3in. SORE THROAT. To cure this oft-occuring trouble use Hagyard'a Yellow Oil mtemally and eiterrially. Yellow Oil cures Croup, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ear Ache, Deafness and all sore and painful com- plaints. â€" ♦«» Jottings From Enplirasia. From the Mirror. The township treasurer has re- ceived through Messrs. Tront Jay, agents for the Glasgow and London Fire Insurance Company, $825 being tho full amount claimed fo^ damage to the township hall. This will be good news to all the ratepayers, except, perhaps, a few prospective candidates for municipal hondrs. It is r^orted that one of these wrote to the eompuiy lettiog fonrth groaiiii npqo'wliieh TEACHER WANTED. FEMALE, holding 3d class certificate, duties to commence Ist January, '86, lor S. S. No, 15, Euphrasia.. State salary. Applications received up to noon the 14th November. JAMES ELLIOTT, Sec.-Treas., 268 70 Markdale P. 0. And world renowned The Doherty stands at the top of the list as either a Par- lor or Chapel Organ. For strength and variety of tone, as well as beauty of finish and durability, it stands without a peer. The Singer Sewing Machine is known all over the continent as the most perfect and dur- able machine in the market. Those who anticipate purch- asing anything in the above line will consult their own best interests by giving me a call before closing a bargain else- where. Office in Dunlop's old stand, Markdale. HUGH WILLIAMS. Vooooo.oooo ooooooooo GIVE HIM A TRIAL, Every job warrantetJ to give satisfaction. ^_^^ JAS. G. RUSSELL. 217-269 FARM FOR SALE. on A *^^^^^' within ope mile of JWil- fC\J\J liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 3t 43 44, first eon. East Toron- to Sydenham Road, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 9t) acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good frame barn, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with gocd stream running through it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at onca^. For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ontv^ FARM FOR SALE. LOT 20, con, 10, Euphrasia, nine miles from the'flourishing village of Markdale, and one lot from Post Office. This farm is Well watered, solid clay loam, contains 100 acres 4-5 of whicli is cleared and under cultiva- tion and the balance fine hardwood timber, also a frame barn 30x56 thereon. Terms easy, for particulars apply to THOS. MUXLOW, Goring P.O. 263-72 Adjoining the premises. Good Investment. The STAHDARD 14 months for $1, QRAND PREMIUMS m TWO SUBSCEIBEfiS TO We have had a large number of letters from people who sent in Clubs last year and received the prize books, in which they say, "We had no idea that the prizes would be such good, well bound, valuable books. If your subscribers only knew what good value in prizes you were offering, there iis not one of them who would not send in a club," This year we are offering a much more attractive and in every way better list of prizes. Anyone sending in TWO Yearly Subscriptions to THE WEEKLY MAIL, at the regular rate of One Dollar a year each, will receive as a present a choice of one of the following valuable Books, which will be forwarded postage prepaid AWOHAV'8 BEASOH BrW.D. HOWELLS Author of "A Chance Ao- â- »i ic qoaintance," "Our Wed- aingJonmex." etc, etc STOpmgej, WjU printed Soflne mTper, and h«nd«omel/ bound in axtta al2^ bjapk and gold. 3 BESSIE'S FORTUNE By MABT J. HOLMES fflO pnges. Botmd iacloth extra, with handsome nXt^W^«^ ever popnlar.nthore» 3 aiTEENIE HETHERTOS Bx HABT J. HOLMES 4U pages. Bound in cloth extra "idB?},\^* of thebert storiea jever published, with hand- some deaitcns, 4 WITHOTTT A HOME BTS.F.BOE Antbor of "Bgrier B-n«l ^S^i;;,^^f^ -^^^^^ etcetc. 4X)pa8es Handsomelr bound in eloth:- A TOTTHQ GIRL'S WOODI0 BxKr.BOE Anlbor of "Bar- riers Burned 'Awar." "Wlttumt aHwe.»etc» paces. H.and- aomety bound In doth fn M w" " pId. Amosten- tartalnl ng a nd popular sUiry aud one wtaldi should 9 HIS SOXBXE BTTALS BtX. P.BOB ._..«». -^!V35 TMsbookhaa had an ImaaaM sale in g?i8StJ!f2dtoS?oltl» best .tort, of thla popular aarttaoc. 7 THE EARL'S ATOIEKEBT BrBEBIHA U. CUX BOTodiadadiMtn. Aa Author of "That Lass o'Lowrie's.' Bouna in doth extra. 9 HAWORTH'S BT FBANCZS HODOSOX BX7KSZTT 330 paces. IITFELICE Bl MISS AUGUSTA J. EVAKS Has deservedly won a splendid reputation. ITer " St. Klmo" is a powerhit picture of a bnrt man with latent trait» of (goodness, which are developctl by the gentle influence of a pu e wonj;iu. Her "Inf!Uce" 19 a thriliiDK story of the stage, and gbows a clear rnalysis of human nature. 10 ST. ELKO Bt OTSS AUGUSTA J. EVAXS 150 pages. Bound in cloth extra, with gold stamps. 1 1 SF7 OF TEE REBELLION Bv ALLAN PINKEETOK A true story of the spy syrtcTn of tbe Frited Stales army daring tho lato reljelliou; revonliii:; many secrets of the war hitherto not mnde public. Compiled fromofBclal reports pr»paret for Pre«i- dmt Lincoln, Genei-al HcCIellan and rroTcwt Marshal General, by Allan Mnlterton, wh^i was jqhief of the United States Secret Serrice. Stil pages. Illustrated. 02 COXHOH SENSE nr THE HOXrSEHOLI) Bt MABION HABLAHD • 310 pages. Bound in oil -cloth. This is srtnrrr- ladged by everyone to be the bw*. most complele, and Msiaet umlersto-jd Cookery Book everjuV Ushed. The directions are exact, anl the luBn- Utiea, qualities, times, etc- are given with Kuch exactness, that success is certain .tQ thd bouje- kawur who uses IL "--- ' ' ' 13 EVE'S DAUMTBRS iOammon Sense for Maid, Wife and itofhcr. hy Marion Hnrl."nd, author of "Common Uenseia tbe HonseiioU," ,. MO page*. In clc«h Wndin^ neat A book that ^hould be found in evary honsehol J. 14 OUR DEP0RTHE3T Or the inn-nara, conduct and drew of the n*n*» iSfaud'sneiety. inctadlng f otbm foe lette.-. invita- ^^^^^Mc. Also valuiWe "•â- ^1'"^%^' enlRiro and trslnlnc. CS"i»ellri!^*v reliable auauwitlM by *^»*- SSJ^t^- puas. nhutrated and hBaOromfilr bound MaSiEOi. with gold and BarttrtB ogfc 15 FOUR GREAT PREACHERS A nlleetiou of choice mTnoTM bv "u'T**^ phtad AMeba. of tt.'e oeWiratwl dl»»n«^ «' ^^ PriBtod IB good dMT ty.*, ud »»»»«»- 16 MOODY'S SELECT WORES By r L. MOODY 412 pBgoa. With portrait of the eTnngeii«t. Thl»' is a ••oUedion of anecdotes aod illiistratiojiBfrom ^r. Moody's Speeches and Sermons. 17 GETTING ON IN THE WORLD Ex WILLIAM MATHEWS, LL.D. 340 pages. lionnd in cloth, in blue and cold. This U one ot tho liost popular books, by a writer who combiiujs Itnowlertge with th'i abiUty to impart it in a luost attractive form. Ther^ is no Lul ler book for a^roung iiian, in fact for any- one, to read than " Oefticg on in the World." 18 HOURS WITH BEEN AND BOOKS liv WILLIAM MATHEWS, LU). Sa pages. Bound in cloth, in green and gold. "Worth any day ten times its coat for the tenth part it contains," I'ull of useful information. 19 THE COTTAGE HEARTH A large, finely printed monthly magazine, mnde up of attractive literature, pure- in tone and • illuftrated. Its price is tl.so a year. Anyou» senilingTHREEy «rly subscriptions to tlie Wkbelt JlAiLatthe regular rale of one dollnr each wiil receive as a present the above capital mpgaziui- for oTie year. Kprcimeu copies will lo s'^iit free- on application to Tho Cottage UearLh Co., i^oiiiou^. Mass., ijJi. RULES. l.-The full prices of the papers subscrib- eil for must *n all casus accompany the order. The prices are Week- ly Mail., iUM a year, SO cents for 6 mouths Daily Mail. STjjOayear, ^j^'iOforenionthi' 11.75 for Suiouths; Enanxa Mail,, $i.50 a year, tl-Xii for 6 months, (35 cents for 3 mouths. 2.â€" In countinij up your milMcrip« tions to see how niauy prizes yon are eDt.itleI to: A cnb-Kiriptioa to tuo Daily fr Emcnro T.tti. fbr S monJBis I. etual to a Wxxklt furcoie ye; n Daily or £tzi( uiafi.r6 months isequalto SYVuciuasforayear; and a Dailx or Evxmmo for unu year is equal to 1 V\'Ej:KLias, 3.â€" SnbscrlpMon. ter the oombbi^ " JCatt and Sewing Hachlue Bargain.",. will ..oflnt Just the same 08 ordinary rabs^ptJlontf^" 4.â€" There is SO «itra charge for/^niling papers to GrM^ Lrttain or tbe, tmited .Stater, and iub- EcriptiOD^ tw tluwe poults 'Mjmt.as ordinary vubwrtl^i^s. ' ..... a.â€" I'ttcotitle to a^rls^. fljikipustfoprirtof at lci4 TWO subscribers, and',rfs liumj' more as pps-,' sibte; that .1:1 to «ay. the Fending la Of one ratK »i«-i.i'.loB ta tbe DAiLX.MAnt. or to .t^ WipftX: Uau. wouH rot entitle the sender tf acriie, out. a yeirly rutif^M iptiou tu both DAiut.sud Wkeely. ' or Severn 1 rulieci ipt tum tu cither m"e or both, wiU baaUriiTbt. "-â€"A tub«5Hr»fc»i to TnB Vol. for tvri y?«r with t '19 it.(,u»y in pd vane*, wjll count as two tub- M:ri(jer-«: or. a rabscriptioa for three yettr* «* tliroe nt"crI1}ers. â€" " ly/ff /Ail /ist it satt.Pt in /H/tflA IL^ffff.' f*^ l(/luiuii •ra .11 h.«dsonielv bcunjl li, "loth. T»/;'ir;h:. liy Excellent 'itijthof., Jmct ' w»l MVelcbme Jn .ry family. •' ' ' R e memb'r. w. prepay .11 port.g. en th» p.^«raMd pb^tir. book.. *f** •"If vW**'"' i»"rt T «•«! fl»w»« â- â- - A* • â- "' ;.v, .S i-i:i i f i^!^" iWk^^- ri :|«|: "f " IM.I^ ' '-i 'â- r,' tffi;% figh