IPP ||Pq|ifpP.UIkl-llil P.;l^l 1 il fi Â¥'â- 7} f^^r â- •wmri â- "^Mi^^Bti^. ^U0i: I -W iJ .s^. »' here, coaxt The Sl^ttdatd. JtAEKDALE OCTOBEB 29, 1886 !rhe Biel Case. Before Privy Coimcil. The Appeal Dismissed. '3anaclian Court Sustained on all Points. Law Committe* of the Privy Conn- «el on Thursday last gave their de- cision in the appeal case of Louis Eiel, affirming his conviction, holding that the Canadian Court in firit instance had jurisdiction of trea'son, that six men on jury were Bufficient, that short- hand notes were lawful repOTts of proceedings, and that substantial justice had been done to Biel. The Times, London, England, says it is the universal opinion in England thai Biel deserves death, Eiel's council are endeavoring to have a commission of experts appoint- ed to examine whether Riel is real sane or not, but Ibai prospects appear to point towards his execution being carried out on the 10th Nov. Last Fnday was Court day There were lew eawa and ttie was doeed early in the afternoon. The Methodist ehnrch. und^rgoi^ repairs at present, rendered 4t nnfi* S? worehi? on Sabbath ^f-J^ Presbyterian people kmd^y offered the use of their church, which was accept- ed and will beusedfor afew Sahbaths by the Methodist people morning and evenmg. As waa Mr. W. J.' ShepherdMOi eomJcffltor, rmer, etc., « at the be here COMFOET AND CONVENIENCE. We took occasion this week tn -viait Mr. Moffat's new residence on George St Markdale, which is now nearing completion. It is not remarkable for • size; but, it is for convenience, and the workmanship is particularly at- tractive, especially the plastering. Mr. Guthrie, the plasterer, is a workman of more than ordinary ability and taste, as clearly shown on this rssi- dence in moulding, paunelling and ornamental work, besides the beautiful -bard finish. This house will have to be visibed in order to get a proper idea of its convenience and compact design. Every room is ventilated, a point iu itself sadly overlooked in the erection of private residences. Then the bath room is convenient and will De one of the most desirable acquisi- tions of the house, and should be in every dwelling in town or country. We are gratified to see our very highly respected residents making such sub- stantial improvements, andtrasttheir .integrity and industry may bring its juerited rewafd. BEAE HUNT IN EUPHEASIA. Several sheep has recently been ;ki!led by beats in Euphrasia. One morning last week Mr. James John- ston, lot 15, con. 6, found two of his flock killed, and at once prepared to trace the tracks of bruin. The neigh- bors were immediately made acquaint- ed with the proposed ehase, and in a short time some forty or fifty were iu â- pursuit of "grizzlv" and tracked her to the swamp. It was soon ascertained that the old bear had three cubs, and by some means they became separated and the old one escaped, but not so the cubs. All fear of personal safety ^eft the multitude. One caught a cub by tbe tail, while another took aim with his musket, but suddenly the one witli the tally hold bethought himself safer a distance off, and let go, when bang went the old musket, and missed them both. The excitement ran high, and shots were heard in various directions. The battle, how- ever, soon ended, and the dead collect- ed. Messrs. James Jahnston, Eobert Donnelly and Enott having shot one each. The weight of the cubs went from 80 to 90 lbs. each, and their hides, we are informed, brought over $8 apiece. Mmounced, Eev. Mr. Ayers preached a very imprewive sermon on "Daniel in the Lions Den on Sabbath evening. His subject for Sabbath evening next will "Woman." Quite a brisk grain market now. The buyers are on the alert for eyery load of gram coming into town, and g«od prices are being paid. »â- » irilliamsford. From a Correspondent. t Business is gettuig a little hvely as the farmers are teaming in their grain. Can't I hold you A ship-wreck m the bush took place not far from here last week. A well known citizen of our town was out driving, and on his way home, thought he would get out of his buggy and light his pipe. Tne match hung fire, and Polly took fright and ran away, leaving Ihe rig in a bad condition between two trees. The ' driver took a short smoke and started in pursuit, and captured the beast. She was all right. He would have enjoyed his smoke better if all had gone smooth. A very independent wedding party drove throuj,h here to-day, and never as much as said, come, boys, and wet your whistle. Never mind, we will catch them coming home. Captured last week, a large black bear, by R. Bailey of this village. He was caught in a trap and was taken into the swamp where E. B. shot him about 10 o'clock that night by the light of a lantern.. The huge bear was lying on his back when advan- tage was taken of him and a great volly of buckshot poured into his mouth. One of the spectators says, "Dog on me, boys, doi^ go near him, he is foxing," and half the head blown off him. George Sinclair, of the North West, is home on a visit, and is looking quite well. He i^ going to return soon. We wish him a safe trip. atwhiehhehae ^.^^ this year. He exhibited Collingwood township show, held M Clarkiurg the East ««y ^show, at Flesherton the lenelg, at Markdale the Sydenham at Wo^- ford; the St. Vincent, at Mcaford. and the Euphrasia, at Ro«klyn. and succeeded in takmg over ^180 in prises. This is a very good record for one season, and proves plainly that Mr. Shepherdson's stock must be ol the best.â€" Mirror. s*y^_ r^f^- ;(â- • »J:S BLII .Si'jJ- BILIOUSNESS. When the Liver does not act promptly the bile accumulates to excess in the blood, caasmg yellow eyes sallow skin, sick stomach, diar- rhoea, etc., and the sufferer is termed Bilious. Burdock Blood Bitters re- gulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Blood, curing Bihousness. WetxiS op^a'a^otWfAKER SHOP in conne with our business, under the management of Mr. Kay,',^ known as a superior workman, and purpose turning ojj* class of g'jods of unsurpassed excellence at prices cannot be beaten. Repairing Done Heat^, Cfieaply ExpeioA We continu«to sell onr genuine Dry Goods, Boots Shoes c., c., at fig]»res which astonish the shoddy men v\^\ make such loud ••blowing."' PS- N. B--Salt only TO cents per iDcendiarism at Collingwood. CoLLiNowooD, Oct. 21.â€" A most outrageous piece of incendiarism occurred here at an early hour this iworning. The large and handsome brick dwelling just completed, situated on the corner of St. Marie street and Ontario, built for the Rev. Father Eiernan, was completely gutted by fire, which started in an upstair wing of the structure. The house was not yet occupied and was not taken off the contractor's hands. The loss will be from three to four thousand dollars no insurance. LADIES ONLY. The complexion is often rendered unsightly by Pimples, Liver Spots., and Yellowness. These it is well known are caused, from an inactive Liver ani bad blood. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See Eecipe Book for for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. MARKDALE. Fall Wheat »0 80 to Spring Wheat 70 to Bailey 35 to Peas 50 to Oats 95 to Butter 10 to Eggs 17 to Apples 25 to Potatoes .. 20 to Hjiy --^9 00 to Pork 5 00 to Flour 4 00 to Wool 17 to WM. BROWN CO. Markdale, October 20„1886. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Treats all Diseoss- es of DomestK Animals. â€" 0â€" Horses Examiii] For Soundness tti Certificates Given. VETBEINABY MEDICINES KEPT DISPENSE «C85 85 55 55 28 12* 00 40 25 00 6 go 4 75 18 Sold by A. Turner Uo. Oct. Berkeley. From a correspondent. Thomas Clark trapped a very large bear last week. One day last week some person or persons piled a number of dry sticks of wood against the house of Mr. Davis and set fire to them. Had the fire not been immediately detected, the house, which was a log structure, would, no doubt, have been burned to the ground. ..FleslieriOB. ifnm our own eorrtafonitnt. "PaMti^ATiaia and Abdbxss. â€" At the regaUr meeting of Prince Arthur liodge A. F. A. M. in thu vUlage on Friday eTenlng last, oar esteemed citizen. Mr. S. I^mode, who is the un mediate Past Master of the Lodge, was quite pleasantly surprised in the presentation to him of a vay hand- some Past Master's Jewel. The Jewel is of solid gold, very artistically engraved and set in a Very handsome case, U of which was purchased from our popiilar. Jeweler. J. G, Bussd, Esq.. of ttiis^ttpwn. Past Master M. Bicbardson made the 5^T- ?®^ Maxwell, Jan. 1, '86. presentation, aeecHnpanied by a Teiy apprOTci»(elT tT""' ±«»v" «»xw«u, jan. i, '8( "^•^Pi^M fitting reply, g? W. â€" ^!»ior Jadn M«!PlMtaoii. of Own A PROFITABLE LIFE. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in thie world as the celebrated Dr. Chaa. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone We want eyery person troubled with Liver Complaint, Byspepsia. Headache, Kidney or Urinary Troubles, to call in at A. Turner Co. and buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Recipe Book $1 Nov. New and Renewed iSnbs. We purpose pnhlis^g •yery altern- ate week the names of new snbecrfliers as also those who have remiwed thur subscription to the Standabd daring thefortnight, witaithedate to which their subscription is paid. Those not marked TMiD are all renewals. Many thanks to all ' those whose names appear below. Who will add to the list next two weeks John lArge, Primrose, Jan. 1, '86. John Carter, Markdale, (new) Jaa. 1, 87 Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, twetnty five cents, BIRTHS. Oldhak â€" In Chatsworth, on the 2tb Sept., the wife of Dr. Oldham of a son. NoBLB â€" In Markdale, on the 27th inst., the v/ife of Mr. Geo. Noble, of a son. MARRIAGES- Shith â€" Pedleb â€" On Wednesday, 14th iast,, by Bev. A. Wilson, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Pavid B. Smith, to Miss Bachel Clendennittg Pedkr, both of Artemesia. Gsorc â€" SomoHB â€" On Wednesday, the 2lBt iast., at the residente of the bride's mother, by Ber. A.. WilaoB, Mr. Charles Wesley Croft, to Miss Sarah Ann Simmons, of Artemesia. Ccrmroâ€" iQoLKB â€" On the 14th inst., at the Methodist parsonage, Markdale, by Ber. ThoB. Grandy.Mr. CnttinR of Keppel, to Miss Bowles of Baphntsia. Wn.B0Nâ€" DoDQBOHâ€" On the 21st iast., by Ber. T, Griffith, at his residence, Spadina AveBQe, Toronto, Mr. T. Wilson, to Miss Sarah Jane Dodgson, ah of Brampton. DEATHS. Smithâ€" In Glenelg, on the 34th inst., Mary Ann Smith, aged 24 years. Miss Wm. Wilson, Matfcdal*, (new) Jva. 1, '86. !• '" Eobt. MeGio^er, IlMheiion, Jan. 1, 85. 1. J^Pid»tt,BBd»l,,.Aag.8.'86. HAGYARD'B PECTOKAL BALSAM. Cures Throat, Bronehial and Lung Diseases that lead to Consumption breaks up Coughs and Colds cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat, by loose " ning the cough, allaying irritation and removing tlie cause of discress. liOPORTANT. When yon visit or kate New T»k City save Baggage Express and Curiage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Om Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted np at a eo«t of cme million dcdlaxa, re daead at #1.00 and nprnk^ds per day Eiiropeaa plan, iUevator, Bestorant rappUMi mthtiiebMt. Horse cars. «taReaMd«l«Tat ed mlroad to aU depots. PamiBeB em Kve ^t« for lew money at ttle^ (Ghiadil Union Hotel thaa at any other first etuii hotel in toe CUV; .ui/ /• .. ;,. .j. j,^; eoN8amTioN?.^'S^ Thi« eyil habit'ici«gleoied, hjdn^ il moltitode of mifjeries, and "is tiLt sour oe of maeh illiiess. Boxdeek^filoul Bittets oores C!oD8t^atiatt.hy iobina ai^ regulating (he Bowds toaaaMng action. aoaSonr SftoMaol).^ 'to t u««METCiitMtterai«Lifw GAI.LS PROMFTfcT ATTENDED. (hSce Infirmary MILL ST., Opposite Standard Office, CHARGES ItlODERlTE. MARXDUL $t^'V(^#i $l^irei! Gook Stoves, $16.50 Trimmed Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves, Box Stoves, All equally low. Hardware, Lance tooth Sa^l B.uck Saws,. Hand Saw Axes, Nails, Glass, Putty .| At bottom price Intending purchasers will do well to give us a call a we cannot be undersrold. WALKER BRO'S, om Markdale. '^^3,'^v.\\^\\\v^^ j' Spectacles anil Eye-Glassffl ^AEE THE ONLY GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLESI m THK GA.'^AJyj.AJS MARKET. Tests are Real Pebbles are kept given to Purchasers to prove in stock. Genuinene They are recommended by and testimonials have b««'?/®f' f fheM«f President, Vice-President. Bx.Pr««dent and Ex- Vice-President oiw^j Association of Canada the President of the CoUe(?e of ^liJ*J"*JLitf;i geons of Qashec the Dem of thi Medical Faculty of Laval umv President and Ex-Piesidebfs ol the Medical Conncil of Nova bcoi their q" A. These 'reeominendatiottB tfttght to be sufficient to prove irat it further fxoof is li^diMS,^ on TUBNi^n diCo^Z^SimmuJ::^ chemists and Of Tfe'8ftly;:i;jfece uijQ^ ijsrhere they can be obtain KS- Spectal€8 fitted OH scientific principle. mUm Store to Rent in H^^ (mffl! store, in B^ynrfJ^'^. LTipl»«ationastot^ jOHNWHlTB.St.»'7^ 14m, -.-♦i,n.ini.r, ... IwM^t r*' ^^^^^ ConntT ope TWB Hifi I^R iCwn^y ai'tem â- •-- Bffufl yoiding. The crim ^P^uraansUjr hemvj, there U ^^ to go before the Grand Ji tkoase of wounding with int eiottors*'Vf t^° ' coaspir May end ether crimes. Mr. __j (^wn prosecutor. The nun loasefon the docket was six. I gentlemen composed the OBAHD JOBX: Bfloj^, Foreman, James C. MiJ [ooodwin, John K. Beid, EUas E( II, James Bradner, Andrew Shi efer, Hy. Bnrley, Jas. C. Paters I Qoodefail^, Hy. Bonnell, Jas. Bro r Laidlaw, Bobt. Lynn, Wm. White] Tonle, John H. Burchill, J. M. Fet fcBiide, Eobt. Ledingham. I proceeding with the business, J r, Q- C, on behalf of the bar of in a short address congratula Jnstice Boie on his elevation to this being the first court he has Judge Bose made a brief reply. vs. Ghablton. â€" This case 1 out of court. BHK vs. BoBUKTT. â€" This was a 1 Mr. Christie of Owen Sound soui bTerfrom Jas. Burnett of the Manitoi: J, the price of â- machinery sliipjic j l-fated Jane Miller to his ad.lress, rith her. The defendant coutem here was no written contract, and Ixras no delivery of the articles tb bo liability. The plaintiff •contein lie correspondanee between tbeni c I a contract. The Court liel J that I did not show a C3ntract, and ente kent for defendant, with leave f jr jjla I move before' fall Comt for a vera Creasor Morrison for plaint 1 fe Masson for defendant. Bi vs. Blinshabd. â€" Action for bnâ€" undefended. Verdict for plaint Masson Masson for plaintiff, jGrand Jury brought in a true bill agaii [Foster for larceny, and against All for wounding with intent. TCKSDAY. ES vs. Allan Bowie â€" The prisor iidicted for stabbing Alex. Mitcbpll ^worlh on 20th July last, as publish '.Times at that time. Mr. A. Fn J. Jas, Masson defended the prisom I quite apparent from the evidence tl nber of young men under the influen hor had that afternoon attacked Wi s 8 brother of the prisoner, evideni 5 a spite at colored men. They aft attacked Ezekiel Bowie, anotb ir, and while this attack was going oner came to his brother's assistan [the row, Allan Bowie stabbed Ale in the neck with a knife. T: ok the view that he acted in self-defen quitted the prisoner. he conclusion of the case the.Jad Uex. Mitchell and Mathew Wilson boui h the peace for fiye years. Grand Jury brought in a true b tWm.H. Whifaiey for larceny, ai '•against H. L. Tottenham for forger M. Wx. ITmtkb. â€" The prisom â- of kroeny in appropriating inss a oheqne given to him by Cba ""for the purchase ©f lumber. TI ' appeared to be that Baim k bun a cheque for »50, payable 1 to pnrahaae lumber for him; thi f had endoTced the cheque and got .Mid then bought lumber which 1: tm his vessel to Owen Pound. Whe i here, Bkines said the lumber wa •kind he ordered, and claiming tba ttstructed Foster not to cash tb *atto pay it oyer to the firm froi [â- â„¢'»«*Mtobe purchased, ha (^**ed for larceny of the ebeciuc LT^*ly took the lumber wbicl [^^oftered him. On hearing th ./* *l»o prosecutor. His Lordabi] "** »M. and directed that tb »« acqoitted. A Frost for tb. ^Q*?***M»toonforthe defence ^TT " Jaxwght in two true. bUl; ^V ^^'^â- k«t~ to' forgery. I w. **'*•â€" TboM waa arery tedioui '^^ ^**" *** Meaford sought t( ^J^jyWhis pn^rty, one-half o: Ejâ„¢*r» •Triad away by th« jk^^"** """ on the 31st ol ^^* •naaboBt forty witnesses, fiririA*"'*^ â- »** o' Tuesdai 5«« JO o'elcok at night, and all dav •y.-- â- a}^ *ton^ in a true bill •JtQa»anar for wounding. "^fcsonjjit in two more true '^*» yttiaOmm tat forgery, ""**•*"*». White for a fc i ^j ^MtdsPBd Ume on the ^^Jw Hspujr 6Jeabroo for tJtuus McLaren StTBtlMWrt'J for defendent. F« idaintifL 8. Wilson for e%«2. â€" Aadmi tm an Caae ;?"