pvqwav* mmw- Clenelg C9*Htn, ' met in t^^e Town Hall, ^r"sept. 28. 1896. parroant to ment. AM the members pre- °^be Beeve iti the chair. Min- 'f last meeting read and con- ""f'A iw Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr. ,E -that Felix McGrogan I. 'Tfli0 25 iov work on townline rf X and Artemesia, and Wm. B'^l'f "eg 75 for work at same place. S bT ^^i^- Dansmore, seeonded I Mr 'eil, that the followins; Lmits be paid, viz. :â€" M. Cameron, Eponald, buildmg culysrt at lot 1 $^ ^^- Morrison, building iS at lot 35, con. 2, $11 A. Mc- Kecbuie, culvert aud filling at lot 16, L 1 §12.â€" Carried. f Moved by Mr. McCuaig, seconded I uj Xeil, that Norman McDougald 'Inaid 86.50 for repairing bridge on Lline at lot 50, con. 3, S. D. B.â€" lloved by Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr. Dansmcre, that the clerk be instruct- Ito writu to Co. Treasurer to erase arrears of taxes against lot 26, â- on. 8, the same having been paid in Uk.-Carricd. iloTed by Mr. McCuaig, seconded It Mr. McMillan, that the Treasurer iustructeil to re-insure ToWnuhip jlland Stables.â€" Carried. lloved by Mr. Dunsmore, stteorded It Mr Neil, that John Cameron, Dur- L, agent far Mr. McGill of Chats- |J^, be paid $18 for two steel road scrapers.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr .Dsmore," that C. L. Grant be paid |fl,2o for pair boots for Mrs. Ander- lOD, an indigent. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Neil seconded by Mr Dnasmore, that $5 be graned to Mrs icisaac to assist in paying for her i's coiBii.â€" Carried. Mated by Mr. McCuaig, seconded IT Mr. Neil, that the Clerk be instruct- y to get printed bonds for Road Com- lissiouers to bind parties taking road Aiisjor the faithful fulfilment of con- pacts.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Dunsmore-, seconded ly Mr. McMillan, that the Clerk be I'lid §2.51, postage and stationei-y torn June 15th to Sept. 28th. â€" Car- hi. Moved by Mr, McCuaig, seconded Jv Mr. McMillan, that N. G. Duns- Jaure and P. Neil be paid $5 each for [litee days, letting and inspecting road s.â€" Carried. Moved by AT r. Dunsmore, seeonded ly Mr. McMillan, t}iat the Clerk be fud §15 for placing the rates for the leveral school sections in, the munici- Jjlity on collector's roll. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McCuaig, seconded Ij Mr. Neil, that the clerk note on pe minutes §5 returned ty Alexander i«il, being the amount of ciiarity mi to Kobert Bell.â€" Carried. Council adjourned till Dec. llth. J. S. BiJkCK, Clerk. SELLING OUT ^v!^^SSB^S! â- :i*^-S?~a*tVf.^*Mr Jirt**^**!taS?' o PRICES SLADBHTERED! BILIOUSNE.SS. When the Liver does not act Jmptly the bile accumulates' to "sessin the blood, causing yellow 'M sallow skin, sick stomach, " diar- ®», etc., and the sufi'erer is .termed «B. Burdock Blood Bitters re- latMthe Liver, Stomach, Bowels wBlood, curing Biliousness. Heliaad Council. I Council met at Holland Centre, Oct. I'" 1885, for the transaction .of ^eass. Members afl present «Te in the ehair. Mmutes of form- taeeting read and approved. [Aietter from She solicitor of the Q. â- «• regarding appeal to the Comity I '" read no action taken. 1,7' by Mr. Galbraith, seconded It- ""te. that we pay Wm. Nor- Tf patting up notices and letting P^^nice Bridge, $4, as we consider 'Unount 8ufficiej;it for the amount jorkdone, L V ^y Deputy-Peevt, lecended cfj: Williscroft, that the Clerk I'wBhea'g deviation. " ro ^^- SMe' seconded by [j'^ibraith, that the Clerk notify "of !!^® *o remove obsbuctioiii 'Stream opposite poand other- i..A'.^U be taken to remove the Having tally decided to give up business in Mark dale on Feb. 24tli, 1886, that being the day on which my lease expires,! will offer at greatly reduced prices the whole of my very large and well assorted stock of General Goods, amounting in value to over 'Twenty Thousand Dollars" ($20,000). This is no humbug or advertising scheme. I am bound to sell out, and sell I will. No matter what other merchants may tell you, do not be humbuged by them. Don't you lay out even a ten cent piece un- til you have called and seen my stock and ascertained prices. I expect a tremendous rush for my goods dur- ing this fall and winter. I will make the prices right for you every time. Please call and see for yourself and be convinced that I will only sell you first-class goods at much lower prices than you can purchase the commoner goods for that are kept in other stores. Th« Cuwdiaii PMiAe xailwftj is now an aeeon^pKriMd UnA, From one ibKtt id tiie oontmoit to the other the iron road stretdias aoroee interminable {dains, oyer magnificent roinc, tbronf^ Mvage paâ€"ao, and np mountain ranges that were unknown before the pioneers of the line made their memorable sarv«y From Winnipeg to Calgary the work was easy, but the line of the railway from Calgary to Eamloops must be regard- ed as one oi the engineering triumphs' of the World. For the first time in the history of men the passage of the Silklrk range has been made as easy as that oyer Salisbury Plain. The benefits of this great undertaking to Canada will be inestimable. British Columbia has now been joined to the' sister States. New Westaninister i»- within a week of Ottawa. The great- timber Bopply of Paget Sound the Colombia fisheries; the Alaska seal industries the agricdtaral produce of Vancouver's Island have now a- new and speedy outlet to the devour- ing East. The population there now fear no longer, in the same degree, their want of coast defences. Within seven days troops, and attillery, am- munition may reach them from mili-' tary headquarters. Portions of Asia, too, may find this new space of oivihz* ation a shorter and cheaper route to European markets. The work is a- great monument to humane skill, courage, and endurance. It is ths (greatest work yet accomplished by Canada, and we join hands with our' brothers across the Atlantic in celebra- ting its completion. â€" London Echo. SOEE THBOAT. To cure this oft-occuring trouble use Hagyard's Yellow Oil 'mtemally. and externally. Yellow Oil cures Croup, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Bbeumatism, .Neuralgia, Ear Ache, Deafiiess and all sore an,d painful eom- plaints. J. R. Trimble. GRAND PREMIUMS m TWO SOBSOMEEiS 19 J We have "had a lairge number of letters from people who S sent in Clubs last year *nd received the prize books, in which ^^ iistey say, "We had no ideasfchat the^prizes would be such good, iwell bound, valuably books. If your subscribers only knew what cood value in prizes you were o^ering, there is -notouis of ithem who would not send in a club:" Thi« -year ^e are offering a ^uch mere attractive and in every way ibetter list of prizes. Anyone sending in TWO Yearly Subscriptions *o THE WEEKLY MAIL, at She regular rate of One Dollar a year ;each, will receive as a present « choice of ijoe of the foHovi/ing valuable Boobs, which will be forwarded postage prepaid. S HAWOETH'S Bt KBA.NCES UOnOSQX BUBNETT 32PpagM. '*this, I If "•, 7^ wpense. ra y Mr. Shuts, seconded by 'Oft. that we adjourn till CiiBBON Pbior. Clerk. ife*V8coB.D.â€" Every time .Sard's YeUow Oil u nsed *?« '** 0' Deafness, Fiort A WOXAH'S ^EASOir BtW.D. HOWELLS AnthorodC "A Chance Ao- T qualntuico." "Onr Wf^- dlngJonmey," etc, eta;, STOpmot. "WeUpttotod Sn^e p8p«ir, and h»n4iomeIy bound In extra Glotft, taack and gold. 2 B£SSIE'9 TOSTinirs Bt JCABT J. HOLJIES 4(10 pace*. Bonnd in doth extra, wtthiaodwine â- *?Sf:rSlS^'^ttl.*vV;POP«lV.nthor.» 3 aUEEJnE UJfiTJUJiBTOH BzUABT J. h6l|^ mpaset. Bound In olcittexha. and »2jL^o of ttieBest storiea ,e!wr pubU^eO, with huiu aomedâ€" Igni. 4 WITHOirT A 991U a«tbor «i^2jg« B^^^^i wi.Tffi? dfomalr llnelciUu 9 A YOUHO WOOPG AnUiDri krlara B faaaBa."^»-~ Rotate ISMkand to nad â- Te*'i*r Burned ^^fidtiffimn^ Hn SOMBBS in^Ai^ Author of "That Lasa o' liOwrie's." BonnJ in oloth extra. 9 INFELIOE Bt miss AUGUSTA J. ET^JvS â- naa derorredlT-wcm a eplendid reputation. Her I" is " â- ' " ' "'lnfellee"la o thHUlng "itory o^^e ^tag*. and â- howi a «(ear rnalTSia otnuman^tor^ 10 Bt miss AUQUSTA J.BTAlfS 40 paces. Bonndjn doth extra, with goid^tnnpa. 11 jBT.EIMO SPY OF THS BEBELLIpy Bt A3UCAKpnrKKBT0W „_.. A true atory of ttie spy ey stem of the Umted StatSwiSrSrhigthe fc«o rebdiloK jevealliy ^^aemta of the war hlthertonot^adepuMle. l^lj^^sat^s^f^sa^ pagS. ninstrated. ^^^ \% COXXOH SENSE DT TEE Hi^TTSEHOLD BTMA»l6UHABTJUrD am nana. Bound in oU-eloth. Thi* ia eaK^- iSS^Sro^ySw to be the b«rttno!? «22**St SSwiertSHenitood CooleryBook ever prt- uS^ The dlreotlona are «m*l."»1 *?,?BS: ^wTqiialltlea. timea, •»o-JS*.f*XVL' *L22l SSfci^ thyitacoeMi la owtain to tto hooaa- r.by M EYE'S BAVaBTSBS OwnwoB B«n^».f«jarid.Jfa »wajMi *^iS£rta«MHWaita«*«^ aseok 14 OlTEDSPpETlBHT Cm If foro gBlAf F BElffWli *^ 16' MOODY'S SELECT WORKS fix D, L. MOODY 12 pagfM. 'With portrait of the e*sng^«*. Mite is a collectioti of auecdotOB and llIustrstMiiu from Mr. Moody's SpeccUe.j aud Sriiiunei 17 GETTING OIT IHT THE WORID Br WIIXIAtt MATHEWS, LL J 810 pages. Bound in cloth, in blue and gold. Thi« Ig one of the mojt impular books, Dy a writer who combines knowledge with theabillty to Impart it in a most attractive form. Ther" is no better book for a young man, in fact for any- one, to read than " Getting on in the World." 18 EOTJBS WITH MEN AND BOOKS By WILLIAM MATHEWS, lU). 882 pages. Bound in eloth, in green and gold. " Worth any day ten times its cost for the tenth partJtcQptalna." Full of useful information. 19 THE COTTAGE HEAETH A large, finely pr]nted,nionth1y magazine, made up of attracttye literature, pure in tone and Ulustrated. Its price is (1.G0 a yeur. Anyone seniUngTHBXK y any subscriptions to the Wezklt Maii. atitbe regular rate of one dollar each wiU receive as ;a present ilhe above capital magazine for one year. Bpecbnen copies will be sent free on applicatldiato Th^Cottage Hearth Uo.,Boston, Mass.,Uii. RULES. «^Th« fuM praLces 'OdC 4ne papers .subsorib- ed forvmust^ all eases aooompsoy the «rdw- %ha prices B9 Wnx- vt Jibaik ifU» a year.ioeantsfar Smontiu: Dmlt ll«a,|7j00a]iear. (BJUforSmontbS, tl.nforSniqpths; Brxmio MAih for • Bwnflis, fls oeats or S montba. aâ€" I*«rantiae op yooF snbsorlp* tioasio Me licnr maar prtaaayoa W* eBliUed to: A sabaerSptlon to the Daiks or Jt biuh* V/tl for S awa ittia ii aqnaltoaWaaxurjeinivoiiayet. :aD*ixxfirBva» DM foremontha IscqaaltoSWaBKiai forsyaw:; and a Dailt «« Sfaawa #oron*7Mrla«Walta a-^SMaeHpltaM for «« «wIb!"*!^S' ewisK MapiM Bargain » «iU vnait Iw* tta IUi imIIih pegef »t««,MdM*- as ocdlBwi oCat aapM- Fell Between The Cars. Last Wednesday 14th, a brakesman named Wm. Jones was wallang along, on top of the way freight going north at Orangeville junction, and felt between the cars to the track. Four cars and the yan passed over him and cut his body in two. When his mangled form was picked up by his comrades a few moments afterward life was extinct. He was formerly a conducter on the Northern raJlway, and resided at Davenport, where he leaves a wife and small family to mourn his sudden demise. The re- mains were taken to that place the same evening. «.â€" raapw is ho aKtm iHt Oh«a| Britain or tte Di Mriptiana for **â- " Jwibaer l pUcna. X-Ioantitlo toapHM* 'loantitlo toapriMaanbanNtaaMM* Troaa h acilto r aadMaauviMnM boa to tto 1« KMa «r to £ W* a ,toH, ptf^rtB-o. to h«ytt«^^ iBSortaoyMm «e«i»«tooaak- \il «t mmmm HOBSEMEN, ATTENTION When yonr horse is galled,' scratched oi' oat, or has an ngly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply If cOregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is «mdoabtedly the finest healiag and cleaMing application lor it. Be sure yon get McGregor Parlce's. Sold for 25c. per box. at Hill Bro's. 1 BnPTUBxn akd DBroBMsn people shonld not forget that CHAS. CLVTHE, the celebrated Surgical Machinist, of 118 King Street West, Toronto, will be found at the Markdale Honse, Monday, Oct. 26th. Mr. Chas. Clnthe has attained a wide spread reputation for the cure of Bnptore and Deformities by Mechanical Treatment and is known all over the Dominion as a man of Tery rare ability aud skill. Few have mastered this difficult Profession as thorong- ly as he has, and certainly none have attained public fame and confidence as rapidly. Ha deserves his success, so give him a call if yoa require anything in his line. HAGYAED'S PECTORAL BALSAM. Cures Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases that lead to Consumption breaks up Coughs and Golds cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat, by loose- ning the cough, allaying irritation and removing the cause of distress. A PROFITABLE LIFE, Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this woild as the celebrated Dr. Chas. Ov^ 600,000 of Ihs works hav» been sold in Canada alone We want every person tioabled with Liver Complaint, Byspspsia, Headacbs, Kidney or Urinary Troubles, to call in at A. Tamer Co. and buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it WiU cars yoo. Medians and Recipe Book $1 Nov. M«athl]r Fair*. Orangevilleâ€" The second Thorsday in e^ehmooth. Dandfllk â€" ^Tnesday befors Orange* tOle. FlMbestooâ€"Hondfty before Onutgo* nil*. ll»rWtlii -JitotiliNrhsfewOraPg*' DnHMUfeâ€" Thivd ZMrfd/ in Mpii ^*%-\ foi liAO fW; ;t' ' i; i ^^^'M' â- u â- ' 'v-l ill ' ' .I 4" a' '-• t«, Slfi M iC, ' â- .)i' Mi aj