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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Oct 1885, p. 8

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 liii^ " !! g;L' B g*l ' i!! il B i l ' J.-UL ^^. !f ?#l*'^j If: 1.4. :t i. 1 h^i Is lesned ev«wy Thnrsday, af the ofioe, Jjfll Street, Markdale. Terxsâ€" ?1 per year in (uiTaoee; f I..tO if not iaid within three months. Professional and bncineFs c-'i^s on« inc;i Caspal advertisementfl S eeiitf p^rline tir.«t insertion, 3 centg per line each sabwqnent inBcrtion, nonpareil meaenre. Editorial notiees, or notieen in local col- nmn 10 cents per line fl. ?t insertiou 5 c«*nt« ca«h 9nb8«(jn«nt« indortion. '^^ay animals *«., adv«l£»ed 3 weekw for W, tiM adyertiaemtni bo« to «c«t-d twelve lines. No paper disoontinned nntil all arrears are paid except at the aption rf the pnWi«li«r. â€" jmmmmc. â€" Ibx Stajtoabd ofiSce iia« a i»pleMdii equip- ment of poster m well as fine job fyj^ Hp»-- •eial attention to orders by mail. Orders fiiled with dwpateb. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOB. %jtt»U HANDS, ECHLIN 4 GARVIN, (STJCCKSSOItS TO LAUnSS ft HANDS), BAEEISTERS, SolicitorB, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, Ac. Sfoney to loaa at lowest ratee of interest. Offices 16 King Street 2aat, 199-251 ToKoifTO. MA9S01« MASJIOIV, T)AEEISTEP.S, SOLICITORS, At. k KUMBBK 07 FARXS 70It 8AI.K. Otficks â€" O-wen Sound, in Vieker's Block Ponlett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Satuiday every week. 57-ly J. Ma?son. W. Massov. Alexander Br«-«ni. ISSUEI; of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agenf. Commissionei in B. P*. e. Conveyancer and Licensed Anctioneftr for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merehantt;, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made Tery moderate. Prioeviile, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-y Wm. Brovm, JSSL'ER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES.c Commissioner in B. R. fec. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate ge puritv. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. »E]WTIST, " BADUaTE OE TORONTO SCHOOL \jr of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at's Hotel, i'lesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47, lARIMLE Roller nP Bran $9 a ton /. W. FORD. WH. B. sniiiE, Ftain A Ornamental Piaster Opposite the new Presbfteriaa 6iMrdi lark- Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and orhameatal plastering ex- eented at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. ^^UbrlJ^ JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. [Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK IID STONE WOUK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsominim in all Shades and Colon. Charges moderate and satisfaetion gnar- antee^l. Orders left at ahe STANnxKn effiee will receive prompt attention. 12«-ly. TO SCNOOLjrROSTEESr The undersigned is naanufactnring aa ex- cellent assortment of School Fumiture, Consisting of SO BOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chats worth P, 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. SAMUEL, UTAROEf^l., WELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL orders promptly attended to. Resi dene* -Hnider's Hill Owen Sound 122-86 fashionable Tailor, OVER MACFAKLAND'S STOKE. K PERF CT FIT GUARANTEED. B W. C. RICHARDS, UnDER, CONTRACTOR, A ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. 1241y IfTAAC 8Tll«SOn. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Bstimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 1»5-Bm* MARKDALE P.O. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MRKDALEHiSE. ROBERT 8. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenham Street* MARKDALE. MARKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop, COMMERCiAL HOTEL PRIOEVILiLiB, Out. Large auil commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, Ac. The Bar and larde svpII supplied with the beet the market al fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's tflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor EUGEMA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Out. J. McAleer, â-  Prop. ThvpaUionuor taly on Mceintw overv "«««My MtMitkm M to IUuWm, DriBk. /MM,u4BomOu». t4447 MARKDALE HARN ESS EMPO RIDl ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.MmHEWS,Proprlator Nothing but good atock usea aud tbe best meohanicB employed. A stock of Doable and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. Also Whips, Trnnks, Valises, Blankets, Robes, o., always in stock. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GENER'LBMGKSMITH HORSE 8HOEINO BPEGIALTY. •...(• Alao tgrat ibt tin oebtnM CHATHAM WAQOm. MARKDALE. M' H'g ISTEW Patent Pneen Fhurmg Miff U now completed at great expense, oo the plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- injr it, in every sense of the term,»«l«MM." I am therefix-e in a position to give the public a Sipgrfif Irflde of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear hut the result wili be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat IS* Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. uans PLEWES. 219 EUGENIA Grist, SafandLatbMs Having made eq tensive improTements in my Gnst Mill I feel eonfident I can gire good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Cpstora Sawing and BiOs Filled on the shortei^t notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bntlsmnt, White Ash, Black Bass Kood, Pine ind Hemlock Logi wanted 91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. X4i«att James C. R^iselPs Mono JomiEBr snmE, :f L E S ^Elt T O I«, Is e plae* to bi^ Watebes, Cheb amt JmmBvfi A I«^g» asaortrami just f» hmmk, A I Solid Silver Watches, Foil Jewelka, from $8.50 up to $26, worth from $10.50 to $32.60, war- ranted from two to five years. B wHl pay yoa to eome twenty imlea to hare yoor Watch, or Clock repaired by RQasell. SaiisiaetKm gnaianteed every IAS. t. nSSELL omEMsoim '^,:.5S^^*'****^" time. 217-269 MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of =PUMPS,= Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Ir^pn Pumps Supplied Orders respectfally solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and Bentinck townships. 13* ')rder8 by mail promptly at- tended. 219 EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FONEIUL FUMiSHIIOS BVpplisd •n tbe shortM iiotiM. A. Splendid Keajrse for hire at moderate ratei. â€"All kinds ofâ€" PICTURE FRAmNe Done on short notioe. ROBT. ASKIN. MARKDALE Woolen ills. Weaving done on short notice. Cotton warp supplied. Charges moderate. A call respectfully solicited. 248-4in F. J. RITCHIE. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUEER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, hilarities. Furniture ^larble, dc. Taking effect Monday, Ausu3^^ ^^G NORTH. aTATloXS.^ 9 25- UaO' ID Q.i • lam. JUST EECEIVET) 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble IS" Largest stock ia the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will he sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Monuments and head- stones of Tin. Spelter, or Zinc, soldereii to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABBISON. Foi • Sale by Walker Bi "OS. MoCO rdine 11 ^H^W ^s " a nv -^ • ® M ARK DAL E. MEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewe, s' Flour and Feed ' tore. Having just received a Choie«0, FrMh ami Select stock: oit- TesL», Su^a,z*g« To^bacco, Scc^ Which wiU be soH VEBY CHEAP. I respeotMly solicit the public's patronage. J. PLEWES. 1^8 .-- ±J TBioB, p. Ii« B. Oatano,and iiik cib- tfi Mwr. Aw Uteetaaai Dwf^ Toronto .Leare Caidwell Junction.. Galetlon ' ttan(re-| Arrive.. !!i wile [Leave ' Orangeville .lun.. ,,, ,, aitelburne â- "â- â- â- â- ." ll" Dnndaik... •,,,"" Flesherton,.::; \]t" Markdale:. i,?*" Wihianisford " ".,,'" chatsworth :;â- ; ::;!,^ OwenSoniid. -^' («» "a* Sii- illff- 10 20- Owen Sound "-.,,: â€" Chataworth. 'Zt*^ 2% I Williamaford '"â- â-  VV' 310^ Markdale \\'^.""'\t^' ^^' Flesherten ...-. " " "' Dnndaik Sheibume Oi-angeville.Jun.. ..!!." Oranjte Arrive â- ville.. j'Lt^ave..... ..\ Caledon Cardwell Junction. ........ -., i Toronto Arrive ...,...' lo ij- SpMial Steamaliip Express leaTes Owa I Sound on Tuesdays, Tkursdays and for Toronto and Points Ea.t. on aniyiic p â-  l^^'^^'^^V from tort Anlu and Poi* J in Manitoba and Nortli-West. ' 6 42' 7 0«- T31' 8 0()' 8 12' S 0.5 • !) (17 • S.52- iO«- 431- 457' 523" 535» e 5.5 613- 630- YOU CAN SUBSCRm For any of The FOLLOWING PAPill AT THIS OFFICE: • TeroBli. I T(»o«o. Daily or Weekly Mail, Daily os Weekly Globe, Daily er Weekly New3, DaHy World ' Torooti Family Heralil and Weekly Star, Montml American Agricultnrist, YoutUj, Farmers' Advocate, llnnth^. IS* Subscription can commence it any time. STANDARD OFFICE, MARKDALE. :^jD?GH/ISES ^^tlKMOELld LIVEF CURE^ HAVE YOU ^1 Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, BaoMJI Jaundice, Headache, Dizziness,. Pain u tbtWI Costiveness, or any disease "ism? ^ro'VLS^I Uver, Dr. Chase's Liver Cum wJl be feBWU i»| and certain remtdy. NATURE'S REMEDY The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's L'"' WBJI Liver Complaint resu solely with 'he fact to«l compounded from nature's weH-kno^jiUverr^aMJI MA^bRAKE AND DANDELION, COmboed W«h Ml Olher invaluable roots, barks and herbs, fi^l powerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, bowe»»| Sood. 500,000 SOLD I Over CftftuUf million ,f Dr. "'^J'^^l «cr told in Canada alcne. Iff '•"'f'f f;^*! wtmoH and child who is troubled vntkLmrl.i'y flaint to try this excellent remedy. SOMETHIHOMEW. CiVENAWAyFlK Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase s LrroWl ij rvXible Household Medical Guide and Ml Book VU pages), containing over ioo n«""^^l ^oSeS^y medical ^^ and i^^^^X able, and «rorth ten times the pnce of the "»«»». I THY CHASrS CATARBH Cure, a safe and pm»i remedy. Price, 25 cents. I ^THYChase's Kidney A«DUvE«Pilw. .5rts.P»i»l SOLD BY ALL DEALERS «.«0I(UII80N CCSol^Ag^rtfcT SpeddingsSpeedySii mHE GREAT â- ^^MANSSAff^^l T HAS no equal, average wght^^^'«r,l boy ten years of age can run u. â-  sawed 3 cords of hard 'fJ'jZ fA and forty minutes. A^^nts 'mte wr^i eularsandsecn..m.^^^^^^^^^^^ June 3pth, '85- ^. 5.-N0. 20 [Mj, UteitioB ^ew Goods now In. acrican Watches, flocks, Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, lusical liistruments and Strings. Warrants honestly kept 1 goods or Work. W. A. BROWH, The reliable Jeweller. last BiuousNESS, ILzziSr DYSPEPSIA IKDIGESTION. JAUNDICE. eRYSlPELAS, SALT RHEUH. mAmBum HEADACHE, Hial andOtheri teffls. koncBS in these columns intended to benefit individual or Society teill be charged ten I a line- for the first insertion and five I a line each eubtequent insertion. j Weekly Globe to 1st January p7 for $1. Weekly MaH to Ist January ^7for$l. Weekly ^«irs to let January for$l. ' HOLE barrel gun for sale, apply to \, tlie barber. \}ba. MoNToouEBT returned riromAllenford. E. Saltebds, of Teeswater, ie tj^nest of Mr. Thomas. ATE yo'i seen the eleeant stock of ' Millinery at McFal-land's SrAifDABD to Irt January 1887 Babecribsrs for $1. cash. Fot Bed^ads, Mattrasses, and *Dg Beds, go to Grant Co. Ft bad a call on Friday last from ke Keefer, now of Forest, Ont. iOlabaBukns, of Toronto, is nding a few days in Markdale. oases Boots Shoes, all soUd fww, rattling value, at McFarland's. U^ Minnie Douglas returned from TiMg friends in Toronto on Monday. |ALETTEa from James A. Eowe, to hand and will appear next 1*511?" pnze list is crowded out ^I hate to lay over until next P» "ext sitting of the Division \nl\ '*• ^^^^ ^^ Flesherton the ' October. Erf.* ^^^"'yvWilkinson. or McGill ^Sojo W. Jackson, opposite ^office. [_«» loBQB, of Shelburue, ha» Unotherfine new boat for ite. •W's Kagic Sduphke Soap is imended for all humors Bes. ^meres 25, 86, 46 and 50 nanted fast dyes, Import- •3IcFarland'8. â- 'If " â- ^"® of a new fjowh at Corbetton was .^ "v. the 29th alt. I.'l^y.rforll.toend of *5ttleaveyonr subscription Powders are HEADACHE, ^^ i^Offi ^*M*"-*«k^^ORBU)00:_. ?w Of those papers. • Worm ££,*J^®jnd expel alTl-rnds r^«JuWwn or adults. Juf t class cooking « stid complete 'â- .^iukdale. MiHiai «iliiliiMaBitti tHauaM

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