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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Oct 1885, p. 4

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 .s-;i|JUP'iiWf!P!!iii!PBP«! If •.*-ii| Ui h ff â- :« fir F- I i* Th« StatMlard. MARKDALE OOTOBEB 1, 1886. TO OUE PATRONS. We have no particalar pxcuse to make for haying so soon enlarged the paper to its old size, except that of an increased advertising patronage. We trust our correspondents will continue to make their department of the paper a leading and indispensible feature in the Standakd. Subscribers who are in arrears would greatly assist by squaring accounts. Do not allow the coming January to arrive before pay- ment is made of all arrearages; it does not amount to much for you, but it is very embarrassing to us, having seyeral hundred of this class on our books. We would heartily thank those who have been so prompt in the past, and trust their number will increase. We also owe a debt of gratitude to a num- ber of our correspondents for their regular and valued correspondence. 'Do not weary, c." PROHIBITION. In several city, as well as local papers, the question of a plebiscite, or general yote over the whole country, us to the desirability of prohibiting the liquor.. traffic, has recently been discussed and generally favored. This could be dooe at a general election without any material cost, and would serve as a test, whether the country is favorable to such legis- lation or not. There would be an ad- vantage in taking the verdict of the people wholly apart from political partyism, and would test the sincerity of those who find :^alt with every measure of practical legislation for limiting the traffic, but who profess to be favorable to a general prohibitory law. It is yery evident that without the support of a general public senti- ment in favor of prohibition, a pro- hibitory law could not be efficiently enforced. GiiOiiE GALL. On 8ahjlM»%, itM\B Mr. Thos. Williserolt, a joong man who resides a mile and a iutlf from Williamsford Station, and who is a member of Hdland Gonaeil, together with Wm., son of Mr. C. F. Moore, Coim^ Sheriff^ were sitting in a boggy in the yard of Mr. Williscroft, youig Moore had been handling his revolver, and on {putting it m his pocket one diamber somehow discharged, tlie bullet piercing WilUscroft's breast and entering the lung. Drs. Oldham of Chatsworth and Denham of Owen Sotmd were in attendance the same evening, bat we understand did not succeed in extracting the bullet. A report came to Markdale on Monday evening to the effect that the wotmded man had died but, we were more tban gratified to learn the following day, that the report was false, and that there were no unfavorable symptoms. WilUscroft is not at all out of danger yet strong hopes are entertained that he. will fully recover. He is a strong healthy young man of about 28 years, and very highly respected. It appears he and young Moore were going out the following day on a tour through the county serving jurors subpoenas, and bemg very intimate the latter came from Owen Sound to spend Sunday with him e'er starting, when the above sad occurrence took nlace. MARVELOUS. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will cure Siek Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are waiTented to cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Biliousness. Sold by A. Turner* Co. Oct Presentation and Address. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. There is a probability tha^ the recent North-West rebellion will prove the commencement of a new era for our fair Dominion and when we con- sider seme of the circumstances in connection with the rebellion, and in- cidents which have grown out of it, they are indeed very suggestive. Kiel, the ringleader, has been tried, found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged that his execution will not take place, appears very probable, and why Is it because he is of French .origin It appears very like it. Had he b;eu English, Irish or Scotch, or even a Canadian, he would certainly have swung. Then take another instance, viz., the late trouble between Sbeppard, editor of the News, and the 65th Bat talion the defendant was found guilty of libel without knowledge, and fined $200, which be promptly paid. This .did not satisfy the wishes ot the motly crowd, but on his (bheppard) leaving tiie court-room, the desperadoes t tempted to mob him, and because he dared to defend himsef b; drawing a revolver from bis pocket, he was ar- rested and draged to prison, while his chief assailant was not only let go un- punished, but pronounced by the officials, together with his bloodthirsty associates â€" "all gentlemen." â€" Shep- pard was of course released, but had to be guarded by the police in order to save him from the lawless throng. Can it be possible that England's brightest colony is to be ruled by such a biased and disloyal element It is high time that patty politics were a secondary consideration, if not burned altogether. It is evident to every observing mind, that party is first and C3nntry second at the present tiioe, and it is also plam to be seen that if a etaange does not soon take place, we will loose our boasted and much to be cherished "equal rights to all." The country is leing thoroughly awakened to its dangerous position, and all lovers of British justice will require to throw politics to the wind, and demand om ^e powers that be, a fesffless on- Wftvoring and unbiased justice, which alone ean bring oontinned peace and prograM in oar £ur DraniiuoD. On Friday evening last, prior to Mr, S. M. Smythe's departure from our town for Binghamplon, New York State, where he has accepted a per- manent situation, a large party was given at the residence of Mr. Corn- wall, when the guest of the evening was made the recipient of a handsome present, together with the following address, which he responded to in a lew brief remarks To S. M. Smythe, Esq.: Deab Sib, â€" It is with the most poignant feelings, of regret, that we have but learned within the past few days, of your departure from amongst us. The unexpected nature of your removal is intensified by the fact, that your absence will cause a void in th« social circles of our town of which you formed a prominent feature, and lenders our separa- tion the more painful. We herewith present you with this testi-. monial of our esteem for yon, and had it not been for the limited time at our disposal, would have made it of a mere substantial' character. Trusting you will accept the gift in the spirit in which it is given-^Jiot for its intrinsic worth â€" we trust that you will find oppcrtunity in the future to renew the asso- ciations of the past. Wherever you may go in the pathway of Ufe, rest assured that a friendly greetuig will be wafted upon the breeze from i(f arkdale to your new home. Signed in behalf of admiring friends, HyoQ Mebceb, W. T. Jackman, Fbakk Pobteb, W. J. Benson. ♦»* A SAD CASE. The poor viotina of Chronic Dys- pepsia apparently suffers all the ills of life, living in Qcntinual torture. Regulate theLiyer ad the Bowels and tone the Stomaqh with Burdock Blood Bitteis and the dyspepsia tfonbU is soon gone. â-  ^~^ ' 'JMron owowi tJpoiit tiie^ninl otimr brave koys, Ow Tolonteen of No. 6 oompany (Fledierton), from eamp at Niagara on Satarday eveoiiig las|. fh»j ^6x6 met by oar brass bftcd and a namiber of omr eitizras at the. de^t. Led by Uie band e men marcht^ in military order from the station^ when airiving at e Ihrill Shed there were several hundred people present to welccHme them home. After b^g relieved of their aeconterments, the men were invited to sit down to a snmptaoDS spread provided by the kind ladies of the village. After tea, short addresses were dehvered by Rev. Mr. Ayres and Captain Campbell. The Captain spoke in the most praiseworthy terms of his men and their conduct, also heartily thanked the ladies for their kindness in preparing for them such a handsome spread. Tne men all looked hearty and looked as if they had enjoyed their days in camp. A threshing machine accident which resulted fatal happened to Mr. Alex- ander Smith on Friday last near Eu- genia. Mr. Smith's clothing being caught by a bolt in the tumbling shaft, he was thrown violently against a post and severely injured in the spine. He remained quite conscious to the last and passed eacefully away to join the company of the first born on Sabbath evenintc. His remains were followed by a large concourse of friends and^interred m the Flesherton cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. It is also our sad duty to record the decease of another of our citizens, being that of Mr. James Gadd, ot the firm of Gadd Milburne of this village. Deceased was a youns: man married only a few months, a highly respected citizen, tho' early, life was seized with that monster lung disease, and on Tuesday evening passed away. His young and sorrowing widow has the sympathy of the entire community. J^^ /hnorary B^atkiate of Ontario Veterinary CoHea» *•% Treats aHDiaeaS' es of Domestic fVi Animals. â€" 0â€" VETEBINABY MEDICINES KEPT DISPEns CA1.LS PROMPTLY ATTENDED. CHARGES JnoOEBi OKee infirmary ^^ SYDENHAM ST., Opposite Markdale House, |\f|ji|tj[n| ^ip^^^t Sl^ir^i^if I Cook Stoves, 1 6. 50 Trimmed Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves, Box Stoves, All equally low. Hardware, Lance tooths Bnck Saws, Hand! Axes, Nails, Glass, Putti At bottom pri Holland Council* A Free R»4e to Owen ^ound. Dr. J. r(.. Kergan's British American Surgeons will bo at the Queen's Hotel, Owen Sound, from Satarday morning, October 10, until Moncby, October 12, and in order th^t the residents of Afarkd^e and Tioinity who clesiie to obtain treatment from them,c9n do so without incuring any expense, the follow- ing liberal offer is made All persons pre- senting to the Surgeons their return ticket from ifarkdale and simply consulting with them (whicb is free) will be dined at the Queen's Hotel at Dr. Kergan's expense, but all who order and pay for at least one month's treatment, will not only be dined but receive ako amount of their railroad fare for round trip. ' Tho fact that we return the amount of railroad fare will in no way increase the price of treatment. Our Surgeons are pushed for time (it being aboolutely necessary to fiU ap- pointments at Buffalo, Albany and Ottawa) and we find this a much better way of accom- modating both them and our patients. By takmg the 11:50 tram Saturday forenoon you will reach Owen Sound in ti©e for dinner with the Surgeons and^haTB ample time to consult them before retommg on the 2:3« p. u. tnin, airinng iMms alKMit 4 o'doek; XijOM nuUrta 8o'«» oktam awrittra opinifln (fcis| fnna Or; ^IQmao and liU 3» The council of the township of Hol- land met at Holland Centre, Sept. 22nd, for transaction of business. Members all present Beeye in the chair. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, feconded by Deputy-Beeye, that an order be issued to S. S. No. 5, for $6.55 on account mo^ey omitted in 1884- Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Deputy- Beeve, that the sum of $1 each be paid to Messrs. Green and McClure, for inspecting culvert in Chatsworth. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. Shute, that we grant $12.50 to each of the Holland AgricuUural So- cieties. Moved by Deputy-Beeve, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the bill of John Hamilton, for cedar plank for build- ing culvert,, be paid. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Howey. that Wm. Foster be appointed as arbitrator in reference to U. S. S. No. 2, H. E. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, aeco^ded by Mr. Wilhscrnft, that a rate of- nine mills be levied on all the ratable property in the township, both real and personal, to defray the (KineAt expenses of the present year. Moved by Mr, Shute,* seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that the witnesses in i connection with the township oi Hoi â-  land and T., G, B. affair be paid. Moved by Mp. Galbraith, seconded by Mr, Howey, that the By-Laws for imposing a rate of nine mills on the township bs read Ibt, 2nd and 8rd times and engrossed. Mr. Howey placed on the. table re- port of Bruce's bridge. Moved by Afr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, that the above report be adopted. Moyed\by Mr. Bhute, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that we accept appli- cations for the collecting this year. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Howey, that John Marisiiis be appointed collector a^ s^ary of sixty* five dollars. Moved by Mr. Will^sproft, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the B^-Law for the appointment of C^erk b« read Ist, 2iid and £lrd times. Moved and seconded, that this council adjonrn til) ^e 17th day ol December. (Jakson Buck, x^...j. Clerk. SS* Intending purchasers will do well to give us a we cannot be undersold. WALKER BRO'S, 3m 'M.\RKDAU Fall Shows 1S6 S. Gleuelg, Markdale, Oct. let and 2nd. Euphrasia, Bocklyn, Oct. 9th. Oaprey, Maxwell, Oct. 8th. Hollland, Chatsworth, Oct. 8th. Proton, Dundalk, Oct. 5th 6th. Holland Centre. â€" Holland Centre, Oct. 7th. Artemesia. â€" Priceville, Oct. 6th. HIGHEST PRAISE. The well-known drug firm of N. C. Poison Si Co., of !B^ngston, writes that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-, berry has long been considered the best remedy for Summer complaints in the market, and adds that their customers speak in the highest terms of its merits. Wild Strawberry is the best known remedy for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and all Bowel Complaints. Notices of^Birtlis, Marnaget, and Deathe, ttDetnty five cents. BIRTHS. TuENERâ€" In Markdale, on the. 3pth Sept,, the wife of Mr. A. Turner, Druggist, of a son. MARRIAGES- DuNsuoBE â€" ^Walkbb, â€" ^By Rev, D. Perry, on 23rd ult., Mr. Samuel Dnn8moi:e,of GoUing- wood. to Miss Martha Jane Walker, second daughter of Mr. Francis Walker, of Glonelg. McEsNMiTi â€" Feb, â€" By Eev. D. Pe*^ -y, on the24thult.,Mr.BobertMo£ennit oMiss Aliqe Jb°ee, 8«cond daughter of Mr. viTSliam Fee, all of Holland. FARM FOR SALE! TOMT. LOT North i 16 on the lltli com Holland, 100 acres, 70 acres t 30 acres in good state of cultivati*, balance hay and pasture. There is i farm a gocid log liouse aud faame kid good w^l near the house also a ' Scnoot and Post-ofSce on the nextl rent for a term of years aud tike i ments for rent, or will sell on Par particulars apply to JAMES BEUCE, Li%0 Or to William Steele, Ionia, Mid Store to Rent in Makdak I THE Store in PiOyuold'sBM bj Application as to terms canbenl from Johp Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITS, St. Viiiif 143-tf. Strathuairn.P. 0.,( LAJVD FOR Sm ESTEAY. CAME to the premises of the subscriber lot North i 14. ooB. 10, Holland, about the middle of July, a red yearling steer. The owner is requested to proye property, pay charges and take him. »OBT. B3ADLT, 264-66 Lily Oak, P.O. FARM FOR SALE THE n jrtti liaU of lot number I cession 11, Holland Township, of Grey, containing 100 acres, Tliii| all heavy timbered with beeeh bass wood, and hemlock, and is si 4 miles from Berkeley, fi from Wi and 9 from Nfarkdale stations, 1 Toronto, Grey and Bruce Eailwij. For terms and particulars applj "J S. BOWES, Esq., Markdale, or ta4 signed, GAEEOW PEOUDFOOT, Bar.TS 253-tf FARU FOR Si THAT excellent farm in the tcwnship of Artemesia, Co. of Grey, known as ilfount Boyal, lora 117 and- 118, con. 2. nort^-east Toronto and Sydenham Gravel Boad, con- taining 100 acres, 80 acres cleared and in first-class state of cultivation, well fenced in 10 acre gelds and a lane through the center, 20 acres good hardwood bush, large frame bam and good stabling, frame drivi^ house and good frame dwelling house, never failii^ well, good orchard, 14 acres fall wheat. This j farm is 3^ mifes from ^e thrivinK ^1" ' Ifarkdale and fii miles from Flesherton. .-«. ,. iril„na futthw partieolant apply on the premises, or j Qf Yaiuaole yiiiagf by letter to A. NOnWELL, C%f\n AGBES, within one I /C\J\J limsford Station, beingl of lots 38, 3ft, 43 U, first con.Ef to Sydenham Eoad, township| Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 well fenced, and under good frame house 22 £ 32 ft.; kitchei well finished; good frame house, straw house, concrete stable, open sheds, and all nei ings two good weOs orchard c h^ttiy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 f well fenced, with good streanl through it; balance well nmw maple, beech, hemlock and cedar-^ Good title and posseasioB j For particulars apply on prem letter JOSEPH FANNING "Williamsford Sttto Co." ir Aee» 10 Ecant Sept.£ sman on tiH^r was fata station. ^tfil;« train as usual i^«jMiHM|;e through ^.fllftmailaiidpassei |^P««r^l3ie teains haviu ^gfff Bjs^A aieans his )|I^H|bt JMtween tii6 brake on ^jhtttof him and the plai §iiwiM^eofaing oat after dra\ ^fi^^ing piu, throwing him 190 of the whaels passing below the knees. The gttaHij shockad those who wei Mg^nihe platform waiting j^gllKm the south, amon^ ff^n • luimber of ladies. ^trtanate young man was dra aoder the car and laid on the j antii Dr. Norton, who was s ainred. The sufferer was thi Tvyad to Jennings' hotel. Thi jMmed it advisable, in the MTing his life to amputate the gttmbers. One leg was ampu die knee joint and thd other ioefces below the knee. Bel openttion was concluded, how( beeame apparent that tLeyoun chances of recovery were smal] fonnd friends did all they cc make him as comfortable as p bat either the shock was so se^ the injuries so great that he c 8:80 in the afternoon. The fri the young man have been jjotii 1 is an ii LADIES ONLY. The complexion is often x§ aiwghtlT by Pimples, Liver and Yellowness. These it known are caused from Liver and bad hlood. Dr. C Liver Cure purifies the bloot whole system. See Becipe Bo for twlet recipes, hints and sugo^t oa how to preserve the compl SoU by A. Turner Co. Ctot the Password. "And so, my dear," said Mr. Billij ieglanoed over the morning papn, ladiesibftve at last established a Loi your own." •Tes, indeed we have, and we will jonr lords of.creation that we can run »n institution, and keep our secrets j. -ireU as yon cau," said Mrs, B. "I suppose you have a password and «d all that sort.ot thing. It ^vould h tony for anything if ^ome of you woul «et and give the whole thing away. I of eourse. you wpuld nqt do it, but you «ot object to telling your own husLan P»«word you surely can trust me tha aud Mr. B. held his paper before hi. fa Inde tte smile he eould not suf press. 1 "Well.hubby.'.saidMrs.B.(andsJ l«i* I have to tell you, but vou ""rt^l. It is: -I was a stranger WM me in." 'But isn't that rather a strange p; asswd •MdMr.B. -il'T'"" ^* "*y **«• bat tlien evei,.| .*^t onr society is strange," answered JJhe^^tWednes^y.wa^ Lodge me| «M Mr Brings Mid he guessed he. S£J^ ^o'P* that night, as hoi *J«f^^I. but would stay at homel 'iwper. So Mrs. B *»*°« an* went to the i left bun Lodge. Bu MmJT^,i^ ""• *^*° ^« began rami 5Z^,*^"^*«'^°d drawers, a J m^? half an hour had changed ?^'r:^irh"^-^--^^^ 42^^--- »Mhe word)J j^ wjpawtflm, he was soon atl 2rffi:^*^.«pâ€" d.f he ,%t he was hittdly inside ver lauiQg â-  â€" '^iaje^f 1 ImpeiiantAucfioii^ 264-67* JfKi^kdale P. 0.. Ont. FA'E44j ATTACKS. Among the most prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of ditteases, are those incident to vha Summer and Fall, siich as GholM^ Morbas, BiliomiGolMi Pi*rrh»«, l^yqeotery, 9ic.^ that oftes rroyefi^l m a v hQui. IW NOTICE. TU parents and gnardiuiB of children attending Jlfarkoale public sehool, we wish to ati^te that pr. T. S. Sprool* has ex- amiaed tbe obiUbreu of the seven! depart- m^(^, a^d aiif dSdren who were afflicted .vpt)i a o^tagioni dfaease have been notified ndttbattMid aehoiri ifntil perfectly enred; ana BJbW'Wfr lafOMt a foil attei^oe of '•hildBaii^aiboveltiaage of Vive Yean as set imotii ja aar taUioSdiocilABt. Ifthzoiifi^ _, aatatteild Mhool annum. Title l^'" Vij^aaja, Sept. 14. 1885. THERE wiU be sold by Pa^y Saturday, October 3rd, 18* •" t, m. at the Revere House, following Village Prope^ situated on Toronto Street, 01 Markdale House, adjoining aj within eight rods offte ThisisaverydesmibleproFgy. either for a-budness site or top iM being situated m the ceni S';^^besoldeitlieriB«*^ ^yidedtSsuitpnr^ser. money payaWe at time of M^, ^;^Meyoneort;voann»JP»: f^Lofsal_etosutp^l^[i JV» seiaed, blirdfolded I i*%li-«Ll?Z*'**'®° tilted on end, l| Sa^-^^d^adedly moist. J 28»»hi8feet,8ome one tLiJ 2» down his back, and at the ^bidd apot on his head, j2?^J*^« ^«» after mopping) »*^toor three times, hef *^*or^h the advice: "t\ J"[«»M head, if anyone ask] '*^d is. you just tell l^e took me tlu.ji "' '^-"*^"' "^wK me in.' C^jy' the street befol ;2 i^ **'*^«^«"ed appear *»elo*np. Mrs. B. wval .^^••^latoinakeuphis: â- Â»^*«T **'"**• *°^ t^*t she I â- ^^106^ But if ycu W£ la man can be. "and ye took mel «« ir^ts^a£"H O0»IMa -^BJ«»M»A MOBBUS ^^Jt" fii^ngarous CI Jtt__acnte or chr ^Wn:^ot incident •â- *• w found in Wil^ Strawb« i^jUroggiat. i^iSi.a«-^ iS i^^iViis* «« ri^itettifiiiitoiSiiiiii

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