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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Oct 1885, p. 1

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 iil^ f;'V-Ka«sj«j;,„,^ ^L.V^ .). -No. 204. MAUKJDALB, ONT., OCT. 1, 1885. {Copies of xhx Stuisjlso Fivx CKirrs kach. AN/ JO DVPLICATE mmOE OF WATCH \i,orSOz. CASE -AT AS- ures -AND- any city firm, ge Agent, or Jew ir that tries to deal i section Grey Co. i, BROWN J The reliable Jeweller: I ffld Other Items. mi fuhimns intended to benefit imI nr Svietij teill be charged ten i-' thr ;;/•â-  inseitiun and five "lA fMhic'iuent insertion. Ladies' trimmed Hats from 75c. up. at Hill Bros. Mb. and Mbs. Johk PickeIt, of Berkeley, are visinug friends m Cincin- nati. Me. ard Mrs. Allen McDongall arrived from Port Arthur on Tuesdav last. ' Wk are pleased to see our genial friend, A. Hiil, out again, after his recent illness. Peof Low's Magic Rulphbb Soap is highly recommended for all humors or skin diseases. DiNNEE furnished in Hanlej's Hall, opposite Queen's Hotel, Williamsiord, for 25 cents on day of bhow Fair. Freeman's Worm Powders are agreeable to take, and expel all kinds of worms from children or adults. Me. Waltke Buens, millwright of Chebovfjau, Mich., visited his daughter Mrs. F. Saijeant in Markdale this week. MotjBNiNG Goods in Black Crapes, Black Cashmeres, Black Ottoman Cords, find Bai atheas very cheap at McFarland's. livsteis iu to-day at Han- [5co:t Act lias been J Co. carried in on the '.;e will be a town Biiiay ill January. jLevE, of^Ieaford, visited her Irm tills village last week. iBeilsteads, Mattrasses, and iBeds, go to Grant Co. iLoniK Love is this week HKstfr (Hill Bro's Milliner.) I'TAND.iKD to the eud of the twenty-five ceuts to aoy ad- let aittmg of the Division kii De held in Flesherton the p'ber. liFleuiy, Wilkinson, or- McGill go to W. Jackson, opposite JEofice. Orangeville m Ad- the \tm. l^tcrc'f the [Ms taken a partner " Mr. T.A.Bellamy. 'Bko's planing mill at Port 5urnt on Stinday last. insured for §-1,000. „er of the Shel- [wese factory has absconded, p'« $6,500 unpaid claims. HRE.-First class cooking â- â€¢?: •^. trimmed and complete "•"Jat Walker Bro's, Markdale. -^Jackson sold his farm, ,;^f T. ct S. Koad, Hol- 'Jt.John Ritchie, for $1,800. icm,i'^f"' rrocess" flour ""ipleted, ajid is capable ol barrels of flour per m 80 r'^^ork on the steeple of 'baptist church, Hanover, '»oai3ei2bt.v feet high.â€" eighty re- in i^i^'.^^s thermometer '!«^,ibeshade and 118 ""•Monday it reached 82 in ^gksforsaleat Spar- u'^gles warranted as re. Mrs. Maby Thompson, cf Toronto, wa« afflicted ^fith Tape Worm, 8 feet of which was removed bj one bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 500 Shirts and Drawers, 95 i^airs HorseBlankets, one caseBed Blankets, 1,120 yds. all Wool Flannel startling value, at McFarland's. W. McLeod has just opened out a choice lot of Boots Shoes which he can and will sell cheaper for cash than any one in the trade. Labge PoTATOEB.-Mr. Wm. Bennett, of Artemesia, sent us five potatoes which weighed eight lbs. Mr. B. bas a quantity of fine potatoes for sale. Say, boss, how is it McLeod sells his Boots so much cheaper than any one in town Why, because he buys for cash and gets the discount. School Book's.â€" A com- plete assortment of ne headers and other School Books just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Pabk lot in Markdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to R. Free- born, Williamsford, or enquire at this office. 125-tf Mias Maggie Milleb returned from Owen Sound last Thursday where she has been ^peudimg the last two mouths. Sheis wonderfally improved iniaealth. Wk have been informed that the bear shot by James Henry Vaase, south of the Durham Road, as report- ed last week in ihis paper, was in a trap at the time. Educational services in the Methodist church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Howell, chairman of the District, will preach in the morning and Bev. W. Casson in the evening. On Tubsdat last a large number visited the potato patch of our citizen, Mr. Wilson Benson, where curiosities were to be se^n in monster potatoes. They were the Lion variety. Ladies' plain JersSys, ladies' braided Jerseys, ladies beaded Jerseys, ladies' Ulsters, ladies' Wool Wraps-, Imported Direct from Manchester, England, by W. J. McFarlana. The Pbesbytebian Review is gain- ing in usefulness and popularity a- mone that staunch body. Sub.««cription address G«o. HvTfrom town Nationai. Piu.8 tae a mild pozi^ative, acting on the Stomach, Liver and Bcwels, removing all obstructions. We had a pleasant call on Saturday last from our old friend and citizen, Mr. Arch. Butter He is about taking a trip to California, and will probably make his home there. He has a brother doing well iu that land of gold. Cbodp, Whooping Cough and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by A. Tamer Co. z Mb. H. Gill, of this village, who has been engaged in Owen Sound this summer, gave us a call on Tuesday last. He has since accepted a situa- tion for the balance of the seaspn on the Algoma, one of the C. P. R. steel steamers. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is Sold by A. Turner Co. on a guarantee. It cures consumption, z It is appalUng the number of steam threshing machine explosions there are, and the lives lost thereby. Three explosions have already been reported in Ontario this fall, and the threshing season only nicely com- menced. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by A. Turner Co. z K ,, 'g Fall Show in Mark- 1 to-morrow promises ^-^ccesgful yet held by «'EBED.-The ,^^»ed its Standabd recent indis- tbis week If you have lost any animals by stra^dng away, be sure and see the list in tiie Standabd and if not among them then advertise at once. We have had a great number advertised in the Standabd this fall, and many have been found thereby. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh'a Cure is the remedy lor you. bold by A. Turner Co. z The Markdale Brass Baud wUl give a concert in C. Prices Hall= Williams- ford, on Fall Show day, Oct. 7th. The band has gained the reputation of giving first-class concerts. A lengthy programme is being prepared. Ad- mission 25c. children 16c. as »J?%ari ii*fc"""^^fiy«f this '•8 ever. Manito- Helooben*,"' only $1 per year Robinson, P. 0. Box 2667, Toronto. Ladies' tbe right place to buy jmtt Mantle and Ulster Cloth is at Hill Bro'a, where ypu can get it out and fitted or ia»4a to ord* in tbe very latest style, as Miss L^e-is *n ex- perienced llaaUe and ^Jlster Maker. It is pub^kly ask^M iihat " Jam^" was lead to the R. R,- ti-90?t ^St. Thomas for the express purpose of M ing killedi the great MSm««l l^*' "** incoraWe fnix^auf teoable, and Wi» hecoming ^prtblM» thia M^V^ gwair. a worii %ai iW* *«» •drertioMMnit* Hofcmww. cents Turner z Will You Scjffee with Dyspepsia and Liv^ Complaint Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by A. Turner Co. z If you haye a Waltbam, Elgin, or Swiss Watch broken or injured in any part, leave it with me I have genuine material, first-class tools, and fifteen year* practical experience at the bench. Warrants honestly fulfilled. W. A. Brown, the Reliable Jeweller. Catabsh Cxtred, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pnce 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. Turner Co. z The Ladies Aid of Presbyterian church will hold their annual bazaar in Agricultural grounds on second day of the fair, 2nd October, where dinner will also be served at 20c. Concert held in Haskett's Hall on evenmg of same day. A good programme is being prepared. Shiloh's Vctalizeb is what you need for Consumption, Loss of Ap- petite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 76 per bottle. Sold by A. Co. Pat Up.â€" All who are indebted to me bv over-due note are requested to settle' the name immediately at the Banking office of Wm. Lucas Co.. Markdale, where I have placed all ra notes for coUection as I will be away for some time. D* J. Shauahan. 268-64 Mi8«Lav» is agan in charge of Hill ^ro's Millinery D^arfaoaent, where she will be pleased to see her many customers of the paet season. Evwy lady should inspect h«r stock before pnrchasing and be oonjiwjed that she stiU takes thelead fer Styhsh Millinery, Ac. Fricn right. laievirtnerf CiM c Ami ««J«^' DRESS GOODS. The new Ottoman Cords At McFarland's. The new Seeillian Cords At McFarland's. The new Empress Checks At Mcl^land's. It will pay to see my fall stock of Watches, Clocks, Chains, Rings, Jewel- lery, Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Necklets, Bracelets, and Fine Silveware, ere yon make any purchases, as I have a large and fine assortment at pricjs that will be found dose. W, A. Brown, the Reliable Jeweller. Flnid Lightning does not take a day or an honr to remove Nearalgia, Headache. Tooth- ache, Lmnbago or Bheomatism, but will do it instantly, and withont carrying yonr head in a poultice for a day or using greasy liniment. Try a 25c. bottle from Hill Bro's. 4 There is a move on foot to build a Methodist church at Corbetton. The effort is likely to be successful as in a lew hours sufficient was subscribed to warrant going on with the work. We understand tne contract will be let at once, and the budding proceeded with immediately. â€" Dundalk Herald. We had a pleasant call last week from Mr. P. Rutherford, of Rutherford Bros., Bookbinders, Owen Sound. This firm are making a specialty of bookbinding, and will visit the villages through the county occasionally to take orders. We can recommend them to the public, as first class binders and honorable men. New Post Offices. â€" About a month ago a new post office was opened in Glenelg, called Rocky Saugeon P. 0., with Mr. McEechnie as post masterâ€" the mail is forwarded to it from Durham three times a week. Another new post office has since been opened in Keppel Tp. called "Shouldice" with mail once a week from Owen Sound. â€" Grey Review. Thxbe will be sold by public auction at the Revere House, Markdale. on Saturday, Oct. 8rd, 1885, that vwy valuable property on Toronto street, adjoining Hill Bro's block, containiug one-half acre, suitable for either busi- ness site or private dwelling. For terms and further particulars see posters, an advt. of which appears in another column of this issue. Rev. D'Abgent, of Maxwell, occupi- ed the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here on ^bbath last, he having been appointed by the lest meeting of Presbytery to cite the congregation of Markdale and Flesh- erton to appear before the next meeting to be held in Mt. Forest on the 18th. Oct., to take action in regard to the call to Rev. A. Wilson from the congregation of T^a. Now is the time to make arrange- ments for your reading matter for the coming year. Newspapars are both .plentiful and cheap, and most papers give in the last three mouths of the old together with the whole of the following year for the one year's sub- scription. Those in search of cheap reatUng should give us a call as we can give the best possible rates for any of the leadmg papere, besides we save you the risk of mailing money together with postage. Bill Nye says â€" The newspaper of to-day is a library. It is an encyclo- pedia, a poem, a biography, a history, a prophecy, a directory,a timc-taMe, a romance, a cook book, a guide, a horoscope, an art critic, a political resume, a lowpriced mnltum in parvo It is a sermon, a song, a circus, an obituary, 'a picnic, a shipwreck, a symphony in solid brevier, a me ..ley. EAST GREY PALL SHOW. The most delightful weather favored this exhibition throughout, but, owing doubtlebs to the fact that Colhngwocd and South Grey fall shows were going on at the same time. The exhibit in many respecte fell below that of form- er years, yet the attendance wa well up to the average, the gate receipts being $194. The show ol horses were fair in number, but below th^ average in quality. In cattle there was a very large exhibit, chiefly grades. Mr. Jake Halley lost a fine cow on the way to the exhibition by being over- heated. R. Oliver had a fine herd of Devons, and O'Brien Bro's had a good herd of Shorthorns. The exhibit of sheep was good, and W. J. bhepherd- son was the chief exhibitor, having 37 head of very fine sheep. There were but few pigs. In the agricultural implement and maebineiy line there was an almost entire absence of either. Mr. J. H. Heard.of Flesherton, showed a large gate which is well worthy of favorable mention, and should be seen on every farm. We will give further details and prize list next week. Reduced Rates. â€" To Dundalk Show Fair, on 5th to 7th from Markdale and return, fare and a third or for one day, 6tb, single fare. The law requires that every person who takes iu a stray animal must notify the township clerk of his muni- cipalily of the fact, in addition to ad- vertising it, giving as minute a des- cription of the animal as possible. The clerk is lequired to keep a list of all such animals. Persons failing to comply with thoje provisions of the law, mak6 themselves subject to a heavy penalty, and besides cannot collect expences for keeping etc. The (rr^yJfenVjp speaks disparagingly of the quality of the reading matter given in the Standabd when he is so badly whipped in quantity, but the editor of that paper knows well that the class of reading matter served up to the Standabd readers is infinitely superior to that of his paper, which is to a great extent a rehash of silly personal twaddle against his more successful town cotem. Tiie Standabd is second to no local paper in the dis- trict for local news, and that which is not of a local character is both deeply interesting and instructive. We do not believe in puffing ourselves, but we must rise m self defence. Election of Officers. â€" The last regular meeting of Markdale lodge C. O. 0. P. No. 78, was largely attended and very interesting and harmonious. The following were elected for the next six months, viz.: â€" Bros. John CsBsar. N G T. S. Sproule, R js of N G; J. E, Marsh, L S of N G J. W. Sproule, V G W. H. Rutledae, R S V G James Bryan, L S V G W. J. Benson, Sec; Adam Turner, Treas.; Samuel Sarjeaut, W Andrew McFarland, C. Trustees â€" Bros. R. S. Rae, Geo. Grant and A. Turner. This ledge is in a prosperous condition and ite meetings weil attended new members are constantly being added. Habvest THASKSGiviKG.-The English Church Harvest Thanksgiving serVice!,. held last Sunday in this village were largely attended. The very handsome interior of the church was profiuely decorated with the various varieties of „j, J a me _.^ of life and death, a grand aggregation Ip^ain, fruit and flowers ot the season. idtot of man's glory and his shame. It is, iii^bort, a bird's-eye view of all the joys and griefd, the births and deaths 1^ pride and poverty of the .-world, sad all for two cents â€" sonietimeB. Mrs. Bobert Hoopec, of Kinloss, eoonty of KrBoe,ina letter. says: "UsmbeeatrooUed with Dyspepsia and Liv«f Complaints lor a iraBilerrf3«aa,wdamgl»i^mr to tb* pddieas weU a» ia^d^ -tiMrt m/Baemc't BfeeajQue itVH^ n»f|!Oi|iMl, anl.X. «P now aU light^ilbuikp te ICoC^rwo^s, j^^^ Cote. ,«iate|%iof 1D» j i^i |n i iiw i, *m and appropriate evergreen mottbs encircled the walls. A number of beautiful boners beanqg texts of dcriptore suitable to the occasion were hung at' each end of the church and in the .chancel. A very pretty banneret painted by Mrs. McGibbon of Milte^ an^ jprMefated by her to Ihe ahurch osu^eiiteil » Eagle Jjceterp A corano^i*^L filled to; overnrin^* wi ft vefjr cfe(»o^variety«f ii]^£nilt»« 4 j-.i ill iin.'i :â-  â-  W7' M 'iUX -;â- ! 1':^r i .J fi^U; I i!-p':)f 3.' .^1 ^•.: If 111 fit *â- *•;-â-  ti.1" â- â- â- X Vli 'ilM i\m 'fit .â- â-  \- m m i â-  J' 9* ai â- i t • t. W-'^MI^I^* qrt ea i:i

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