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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Sep 1885, p. 1

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 Mock. Laytl U proTo tba,, 's** and Oi T, n beo nciple. m Stl ' o{ lo( nxmin lig Holland ToTOship, c« glOO acre*. Ihii k«l 1 with beech mjpk, ilnck, andiasihateJii cley, B from •ikilale stations, « I Bruce Rail»»j. icrticnlareapplj to llarkdale.ortotheiii PEOUDFOOT, Barristcn, GodiiiL] ORM SYRUPj l!\r SYRUP is the I niiiator. It is pletiutid )u:gf)tive, safe and e ew doses. IVRKER, Druggist, Dniliam. '!)? CHASES] LIVEfi CURE Is REMEDY ely with the»««»»^'f';^ ys, Siom-ch* IW"â„¢ I O SOLD ,_^^| IrmiUeJ mit Lmr'^\ remedy. Ci«NAWArFW tdical Guide "*»2 oier joo metu wj e price of tlwaWW» lURE. Aafe««»P-*" ivEaPiiu.'J""'*! |L DEALERS ;ee( pyng- [Harkdale Standmd I «KT Thursday, *t the tf ea. Mill ""Street, MarkiUe. jlptrvearin adTanee; tUSOif r^Ihin three montha. •"' I and bnoiness eaid* one hull fidTertisements 8 cento per line flnt 3 cents per line eaeh â- abMfnant nont'sreil measure. notices, or notieei m local eol. j ^„ts per line first iiuertiom, S eeaia L«,uents insertion, r^^inials *«•• »dTcrtised S weab for [advertisement not to exceed t»^« ,„er discontiuued nntil wccptatthcaptionoftl leiccpt all arraan the pabliaher. JOB PRINTING. BiiXuiKL olSce has a splendid eqnip. I oo5*e' as Mxll as fine job type, ^le- lention l" orders by mail. Otdera di|iia:cU. EDITOK ANU PEOPEIETOB. £«9al. D8, ECHLIN GARVIN, L .^^£,.,,.11^ xo LiCi.Er. hands), RHI.STKl'.S, Solicitors, Proctors, No- Itarii- "ijvcyancers, c. Money to How. -t rn'.c.-^ "f iuturest. Offices lO King Street East, Toronto. [j^XtKS, SULICIXOEH, Ac. 5tUI!EB OF FARMS TOR SALE. •rjiiâ€"Owt II Sound, in Vie?cer's Block Si â-  l;r;ii:';li office in JIarkdale, over a'ni'B StoTc, ou i'riday and Saturday â-  k °^"' Tmass.. W.Massos. .4l-iaiiU«T Brown, rEi;(,f yUrr.we Licunsus, Fire and ' ln-uiv.^!"c .\gent. (Jommissionei K .V'-- i'i):iV".vancer and Licensed j„'(,,r tiir Ci.iiiity ot Grey. Fanners, knt--, nii'll.iii'.d. Sales, Punctually at- i made vury moderate. ISSO. " 1-T \\m. Brown, cEiiiii- mai;uia(;elicenses,c j^:,,i.ii iji li. ii.itc. ,111^' ill all its liranchos promptlj aij.r'iri-fiilly executed. »_.\IuiKy to Ltnj du Pieal Estate se .MARSHALL, L.D.S. kUir\Tr. I'l' TORONTO SCHOOL liil li.!.!;-iiv, v.iU l)u at thif_ Markdale j(jiik.l.,:i!,V.'ii tlie lat and third Wed- 'racli iiiiiiuli anl also at Mmishaw's Flislii'ito'i, llip day following the |iS' sHiiy ni i.acli riionthfar theprac his iiruii-ssioii ' 122-47. 8Ani i:i. WAKDErt, ELLl'U.dKn AND DKILLEE. ALL onltr- pri.nii'lly attoiiJed to. " Resi -Snia-i'^lliU ciwen Sound 122-35 iliioiijible /Tailor, OTtR MA (EHF CT -FAUI.ANU S STORE. FIT (iUARANTEED. Iw. c Ini.Di-.i;. RICHARDS, (dMUACTOR, ABCHI- vl;il.' 1241y ISAAC STI^'SOS, lilder and Contractor jtiU kinds of lliick and Stone irork. mates givi'n. Jwork (.'uaraiiti-t'd. isrsbTuiail imnuptly attended to. MAUKDALE P. O. B. \\m Sl Ornamental Plaster Oj [H.-i(r ih;' new ksbyterian Church Mark- ' dale. ptes. Oiniin s "untre Flowers, and all k of plaiu niul oi r.amiiital jilastering ei- hiateii«ii'it niir.-. L'alsomining Lime ^inganJK,iiiiir iiidijiialy attended to. J constantly on Sl 1 -ii mUes N«tt " Ibrasia. IkD STIN80S- \\m GIBSON CONTRACTOR. CoDtncts tiikiin for uU kinds ot iCK m STQME WORK, 'I'-ii UiKinuc-l: al riasterins. »wi»i,{,, „/; shad,s ami Colon. "f^ lawlcmte. and salisfaction gnar- â-  .â„¢" I'-ft at :die SiAXi).4BD office fWe^'s prompt atttution. 1261y. dySaA I MANS PAW. Le weight SSltajv* Jrun it. One" Vod in tl»*"Si â-  at once. «"•" I |W WOBKS, [llSIOf HOUSE, MARKDALE, "^an, Proprietor. IWiDALEHisE, '^â- iSKHALE, ONT. iriBa VOL. 5.--N0. 263. MABKDAIxE, ONT., SEPT. 24, 1885. f Copus or IH« Stixsuu) I flTB CUTS SACa. iArkdale Roller im Bran $9 a ton J. W. FORD. TO SCHOOL TBBSTEES, The itililersigued is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School â- Furniture, Consisting of SO dOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEllS- DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Bighly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, whereyer tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatswerth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIDM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.IIATTHEWS,Proprieior Nothing but good stock used aud the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Yalises, Blankets, Eobes, c., always in stock. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAIWI WAGONS. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathliUs Having mado erLtensive improvement! in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAJID. Cherry, BuOtornut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine ind Hemlock LogB wanted 91y. M. AEITT, Eugenia. ROBERT S. RAE. TAILOR, Sydenliam Street, MARKDALE. OMMERCiAL HOTEt PRlCETCLiiE. Out, Bft^n ""â- "â- "Odious Sample BoOIB» ,n sB^liii""" *=â-  The Bar and \m»»- S.'gMStn'"'"'« best the m«k«»Jjl «™4 "tabling and attentive HoaflWa ^SOS. ATKINSON. Propriator ^^^mk HOTEL ^^^ESU FALLS Ont. J. *%, Prop. Thepntiij necessary „ aUes. and 5, "tet " °° Receiving tnvpf "»»«Caie: aa to Eatables, Drhik. 241-57 9B y»M«-%^ MAR KD ALE. THIS NEW Patent Process Flouring Hill Is now completed at great expense, on the IVCost J^l:»i»ROVEr plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, 'A Model Mill." 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a SlIDSrior Article of Flour. " A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear but the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat. PS" Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ANGUS PLEWES. 219 ^iyiapni KOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINOS supplied ou the shprtes notice. A. Silenli(l Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds cfâ€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. MARKDALE s, We, the undersigned, would respect fully intimate to our customers and friends that wo are still here and pre- pared to attend to all who may favor us with a call in anything we can do in our line with tlie best possible eatis- faction. Also we will get yarn for those who allow us to do their weav- ing. IS" All kinds of merchantable farm produce taken in exchange for work at market prices. 248.4in F. J. RITCHIE. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Fumiturt Marble, dc. JUST BBCEIVEP 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble IS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARAHTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Honnments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, of Zinc, Boldere4 to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to bide the imperfections, and cailsd White Bnmse. H. B. HABBISON. Manufacturer of all kinds of ^PUMPS,^ Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron IHimps SrtppHea Orders reBpeetfially solicited and BatisfaotioB gnaraoteed, Abo A^eiitvfcHc Bargrait's PTEHTLASUFTeR ForOlenelg and Bentinek towndups. fS- lit^m by aiaa pron^^ at- tented. ^% NEW GROCERY SIDBE IN OONHBCTION WITH Plewes Fhur and Feed tore. I AGREE TO DUPUCATE AMY MAKE OR GRADE OF WATCH IN 3. 4, or 5 Oz. CASE â€"AT ASâ€" Close Figures -AND- EfflESTksptWMITS As any city firm, Grange Agent, or Jew pedlar that tries to deal In this section Grey Co. W. A. BROWN, The reliable Jeweller Local and Otber Items. Notices in these coltimm intended to benifit any individual or Society teill be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Jive cents a line each Bubieqvent insertion. Equimoctiai. gales this week. Beechsut are very plentiful. • Fbesh Oysters in to-day at Han- bnry's. Mbs. D. £. Wbioht returned to Toronto this week. YouNO men in want oi nobby Suits, call at McFarland'a. Glenelo Council meets at the Town Hall ou the 28th inst. All Wool Blankets, very cheap at Bicbardson's, Fleshertou. The Middaugh House, Durham is to be heated with hoc air. A splendid crop has been harvested in good order in Manitobli. No. 1 Godericb Salt 75 cents a bbl. at Richardson's. Flesherton. Db. Spbocle is building an addition to his brick block on Mill St. National Fills will cure constipated bowels and regulate the liver. Mb. Wm. Fobd of Normanby vijited friends in Markdale this week. Mbs. Cbane, of Owen Sound, is the guest of Mrs. Trimble this week. For Bedsteads, Mattrasses, and Spring Beds, go to Grant Co. Fat cattle and sheep for sale. Apply to Mrs. Might, Glenelg. 261-63 Edwaed Davis is havmg a dwelling house built on Queen Street, to rent. Mb«. W. J. McFarland is visiting at the Hon. Judge Lazier's, Belleville. Tee Standabd to the end of the year for twenty-five cents to any ad- dress. Mb. W. L. Dixon, has been re- Having just received a eMMt. Frwii aii StiMi rFeas* ...-=- t -- ^Tol»cco, Sep, iTKdi irin be Bold T?BT CHEAP. I wspeetWHIy sdijlt ti» paWie's jatwmage. ".;:'!4;'v.-" 199 J. year. Mb. Thob. MnxLOw, of Euphrasia, has a farm for sale. See adv. in this paper. Miss Mamie Bowes left last week for Collingwood, to attend the High School. Ikliss Maby Porter has been engaged as teacher for S. S. No. S.Glenelg, for next year. BEiUTffUL Tapestry Carpets from 87^ cents a yard up, at Bicbardson's, J^lesherton. The itext sitting of the Division Conrt will oe held in Flesherton the 28rd October. Tbs finest lot of Ulsterings and Dress Goods we have laid eyes on are at McFarland's. FivB daily papers in New York have suspended publication since the first of last January. Fob a Flenry, Wilkinson, or McOill Flongh, go to W. Jackson, opposite Stamdabd office. Two young ladies of Gnelph have been lostieatinK for the past week at the Markdale House. Works eanse mneh sickneM among cfaUdrflff 4kat Freeman's Wo«b Pow- detswp^swMljroan. ~LuftKa' Wraps inlijutfea Wool and aoth. a cbokse aaMrtment, at Bitti- k^dson's, 'FkdiMiaB. ' Mb. Jas. Bkzai' of Am HouM, lladatale, kwt yomig bone last week. SujOiegranddiivIayafNaw Fall and Winter Goods jus* Ofnui Biehsnbcoi'B, flaaherton, •. Dutftwrospniiia ins raged in the vidni^ of Bnmardi^Bak.. laat *~ ^ly farmoa wtte bmcned put. "WnttK Mf Pm»u 00 wbo deemn their fatewmen r aJiW » ' M^ool taadier of a pvtl. "Xo GMMdat" trw the fn^ ^WS' .sâ€"ikturiceH •*» J. B. TrimUe has Boots fc fit the largest men in the Conntj. Fob Dress Yelveteens in all the newest and prettiest shades, go to Bichardson's, Flesherton. Pbop. Low's But.FEDm Boaf ia a cheap and handy form of obtaining the healing Tirlnes ot a salpbnr bath. East Grey Fall Show at Flesheton next Tuesday aud Wednesday, Ijonth Grey at Durham the same days. Last week's Stamparb, under the management of our foreman and P. D., was well r3ceived by the public. Look Hkbe. â€" First class cooking stoves No. 9, trimmed and complete for $16.50 at Walker Bros, Markdale. Shiloh's Cubb will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x^ We regret to say that owing to heavy VisnoBS to the Fair don't fail to visit Bicbardson's Millinery, Mantle and Costume Show Booms, Flesher- ton. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co. X If your child is stubborn or hard to administer medicine to, Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appreci- ated. Smallpox is still raging in Montreal aud the death rate increasing there were 246 deaths last week, and 41 on Sunday. Hill Bbo's large store is r rammed with new fail goods, all bought at bottom prices, and will be sold accor- dingly. Mb. Dauxtdb, Secretary, of East Grey Agricultural Society will accept thanks for complimentary ticket to Exhibition. 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. AH shingles warranted as re- presented. The Chejley Enterprise says: "The editor of the Mitchell Advocate has eleven boys aud each boy has a sister." Shiloh's Caiabrh Bemedyâ€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, and Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Co. X X Herbebt Irwin arrived last week from British Columbia, and left this week for Philadelphia and will return to B. C. this fall. The Shelburue Economist is two years old, and is a vigorous, well con- ducted youth. We wisii it the success it richly deserves. The Markdale Standabd is five years old. The Standard is a first-rate local paper and we wish it unbounded success. â€" Advance. Thb reason why McFarland downs them all: He Imports Dnrect and saves his customers the wholesale merchants profit, Chatewobth company (No, 6) num' bering 40, left last week for their an- nual drill at Niagara. They average 6 ft. 1 in. in height. Mrs. a. Chrllew, of Collingwood, Will., Wes., and Millie Lyons have been spending a few days with their parents of this village. For Dyspepsia and Liver CompUint, yon have a printed guarantee on ©very bottle of Shiloh's Vitaiiser. It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Turner* Co. James Hbnbby Vaosb. aged 16 years. ^ot and killed a fine she bear on Moaday, the 14th inst, on his father's arm, lot 81, con. 2, South Durham Boad, Artemesia. Abe You Made miserable by in- mgestion. Consumption, Dizziness, o^f?°^.,MVftite, Ydlow Skin? bhUohs Vitalizeris a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Changed Hands.â€" The Collingwood Bulletin has changed bands. Mr. J. G. Hands, who has been editor and manager for four years, steps out, and Mr. J, A. Gurrie steps in. engaged forPricevilleschoolfor another J.J. Liwiu, our Veterinary Burgoen, at weak isnieeting with increasing practice, and is very successful, thus filling a felt want in this district. Why Will -You cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Markdale people are careful of their dry goods to a fault, as a shower of rain on a Sunday keeps them nearly all at home from church. Cut This OuT.^Ladies, consult your best interest by examining Eich ardson's stock of new Fall Dress Goods before purchasing elsewhere. The body of Joseph Cook, a promin ent merchant of Kincardine, who was missing for two weeks, was found last week in Toronto harbor. A mass of lead in an elevated furnace in Paria was completely dissipated by a stroke of lightning, no trace of the metal being fcnnd afterward. VisrroRS to the East Grey Exhibi- tion next week, don't fail to inspect Bicbardson's immense stock of netr Fall Goods in every line eomplete. School Books.â€" A oott- plete assortment of new Beaders and other School Books just received fi the MedicaV Hall. A, Tomer A Go^ •^W» C«*oB-rr-llr. D.J. Bhiie l iy oftbisviUaceMK^t S18 Bp» mmt- in the SMigsfln on Ihieiday, the 16th. the hkst day of flie season fo fishing. Paxk lot in Markdale for sale Beantifal loeaticm, will be sold on reasonable teems. Apply to B, Free- bom, WiOiamsford, or enquire at tins office, 12«^ Thb iww post office in Owen Bound is a sabetantial and vary had* â- oma briek bniUing onPonlrttStEe^, sad waa o|»«»ed far business last Monday. Thb Bkt. Oxo. H. Thasib, of Bofirbon, led-, says; "Both myself â- ad wiib owe our lives to Bnua's C oaatiMf rtoH Gvn. tuaelr ft (?o. Sou ly A. losses in handling grain and butter the past year Mr, H. Foster has been obliged to make on assignment. We hope he will pull through, Mr, Thos. Muxlow, of Euphrasia, has lost 7 head of yearlings cattle. Any information as to their where- abouts will be duly rewarded. See ad- vertisement in this paper. Miss Bbeunbb, from the city of London, who has charge of W. J. Mc- Farland's Millinery and Mantle De- partment, has turned out this week some nobby Wedding Hats. Miss Maud Richabdson extends a most cordial invitation to every lady yisiting tue Exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday nest to inspect her stock of Millinery, Mantles and Fur Goods. The gate receipts at the Industrial iixhibition, Toronto, for. 1884, were $35',877.82, and for 1885, $34,134.00. The Little World receipts were $3, 199.40 and the electric railway $2,800, for the present year. Jr you haye a Waltbam, Elgin, or Swiss Watch broken or injured in any part, leave it with me I have genuine material, first-class tools, and fifteen years practical experience at the bench. Warrants honestly fulfilled. W. A. Brown, the Behable Jeweller. Cbedit Sale. â€" Ou Tuesday, 19th inst., by Duncan Amott, Euphrasia, consisting of farm ctock, implements, c also hay, straw and wood. Sale at one o'clock. This is an important sale as there is 30 head of stock in the bills. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. Tee Ladies Aid of Presbyterian church will hold their annual bazaar in Agricultural grounds on second day of the fair, 2nd October, where dinner will also be served at 20c. Concert held in Haskett's Hall on evenmg of same day. A good programme is being prepared. Pay Up.â€" All who are indebted to me by oyer-due note are requested to settle the same immediately at the Banking office of Wm. Lacas Co., Markdale, where I have placed all my notes for collection as I will be away from town for- some time, D, J, Shanahan. 263-64 Mr. Wm. Jackson, Jr., has made arrangements with Mr. J. H. Hull for his agricultural implement agency, and will in future have all kinds of Fleury, Wilkinson and McGill's im- plements and repairs always on hand at bis show rooms opposite the Standard office. Impoetaiit Beductiok. â€" The C, P, R. will issue excursion tickets from Mark- dale on 25th and 26th Sept. to Detroit $4.00 Saginaw and Bay City, $7.00; Grand RapidR, $8.00; Cincinnati, Chicago and Milwaukee, $10.00. ilckets will be good to return up to 5th October, 1885. liArE Haevesting. â€" Mr. Wm. Corn- field of the 5th line Euphrasia, com. menced ou Monday last to harvest a ten acre field of wheat, and what is even more strange than the lateness of the harvesting operations, i9 the fitct that it is one of the finest fields of wheat in the township, John McNassar, Bondhead, writes "Whenever I feel out oi sorts, bilious, or my liver not working right, or racked with a headache, I take Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure. There is more real benefit from one dose of your Liver Care than in many bottles of some medicines." Sept. It will pay to see my fall stock 4 Watches, Clocks,Chains. Rings, Jewel- lay. Caff Buttons, Lockets, Necklets, Bracelets, and Fine Silveware, ere you moke any purchases, as I have a large and fine assortment at pri»M that will be fonnd close. W. A. Blown, the Reliable Jeweller. ipstm P-r^^tfrnAnif meetings still Qm 150 have presented themsetfae for prayer, and every night yi t naes s e freu seekers. The work of the last two weeks has reached fsr and near, and nearly every neighborhood in the vicinity has been sfi^ted by the re- vivaLâ€" Dondalk UmUd. Thb Advbxtibts. â€" The Advoitists have once more revised their o^ala- tkMs and now annoance that the world will come to an end on May 14, 1886, no postponement on aceoont Of weKtUr; at any rate it wonld be a wise poliey in all thoae who are m aneais for the ttESMMBn to square tiiair ae- eoonts we eannot tell what a w moBB .may bring forth; hot it is ahnt^s bett« to be on the safe *• »»»•*• leport'of the rrOTMtejal Kxhihition at London, Mr. J. B. Trimble is pat down for Markham, and in Toronto report in same paper, Paridal*" guts tiie creuit, Willie Uev. A. VViisou 13 down as a Toronto man those errors are mis. leading, and havyatendenoy to detract tii^ etedit joatly doe onr village, Kb. W. G. Buttune, the eneigetio and tbocoagfagoing eontraetor, is ^piA' ing the new Methodist ohnreh in this place along rapidly, and will have it oomplated m Hovember, It is now roofed and the outside work complete exe^ some painting is also lathed and one coat of plaster en, and floored, so that he will haye it finished on time. Thbbb will be sold by public anction at the Bevere House. Markdale. on Saturday, Oct, 8rd, 1886, that rwy valuable property on Toronto street^ a^oining HiU Bro's block, containing one^half acre, suitable for either busi- ness site or private dwelling. For terms and farther particulua see posters, an advt. of which appears in another column of this issue. Almost Buried Auvs. â€" On Friday las Mr. Wm. Richardson, who Uvea about three miles North-East of Cor- betton was digging a well at Scheil's saw mill when earth fell in at one side, burying him to the chiu. A large stone struck him on the right shoulder, didocating it and brestking the shoulder blade. Parties who were at hand ex^tricated him from his uncomfortable position. â€" Shlbome Eetnontist, Dandy Dudb, â€" A young man of Orangeville â€" quite a swell â€" made ap- plication to a Markdale boarding house for board Jast Saturday, representing himself OS having secured the situation in McFarland's establishment, about to be vacated by S. M. Smythe. He was provided with a room, and the wants of the inner mau also supplied but 1 lo, and behold, he departed on the morning train. He didn't even leave his card. Now IB the time to make arratigd ments for your reading matter for the coming year. Newspapers are both plentiful and cheap, and most papers give in the last three months of the old together with the whole of the following year for the one year's sub- scription. Those in search of cheap reading should give us a call as we can give the best possible rates for any of the leadmg paperi, besides we save you the risk of mailing money together with postage. Were they Stolen.â€" On Wednes- day night, 17th, a pair of oxen was taken out ofthe field of George Ireton, Glenelg. Mr. Ireton missed them the following morning aud tracked them out of the field through the gate and about half a mile along the road, but failed to find them they howeyer, re- turned of their own accord the follow- ing evening. It still remains a mystery how they were taken out, whether it was an intentional theft, and the thief let the oxen go, finding he was being closely pursued, or, whether they were droye out for a joke, and allowed to return Fire in Euphrasia. â€" On Thursday evening last, Mr. Ford, a farmer on the townline of Euphrasia and Collingwood townships two miles- from Heathcote had his house, barn and outhouses together with all the seasons grain destroyed by fire. Ho had just finished threshing and wok putting the chaff back into the barzy, and wwked nntil after dark, had lantern with him he went into the house for something and while absent a colt ran over the lantern, setting the straw on fire; there was no possibility of saving anything the flames soon spread to the house which was but a short distance away. This is a very heavy loss as Mr. Ford had no insar- ance, What the Governor-General said abont Ont. at the London fair isworth bearing in mind. He had been look- ing up the figures aud fonnd thai oirtr of the total number of horses in the Dommion, Ontario owned one-half; out of the number of horned cattle in theDominion, Ontario owned one-half; ont of total of forty-two million bush- els of wheat grown in the Dominion, Ontario grew thirty-two millions oii^. of sixteen million bushels of barlev grown in the Dominion, Ontario raised fourteen millions, and out of forty-eight million bushels-of roots, Ontario grew forty millions. He might have added, that Ontario was also the milch oow- of the Dommion, only that it would^ not have been politic for him. to say^ so. W0UI.D commercial union with the United States mean the separation of. Canada from Great Britain The- Tory organs argue that it would, just as the Grit organs used to argue some years ufo that the N. P. could only have one result, and that was separOf.. tion, Tne Grit organs were wrongs, and there is no reason for believing' that the Tory organs would not torn out te be £Use prophets also. The British tariff is arranged in the way in which it best suits the British people. Why shonld not the Canadian tariff bfraxsaoeed in the way in which It wfflMsMt the people of Canada I WeiosK wail oadsistaod that eon- nmoal nmon w««U ba olgaetioBidile to ilie ir^'nnfmitln v mr a of LivOrpOei, Birmingham, Maacfaester, and other iodnstnal oentoes in En{[land, but we have yet to leam that tms country is being administered for the benefit of the maonCMturers of those who tax themselves to raise the revenue. It ia absurd to suppose that the people, of Canada wiU not do what is bast for- ibemsslves. no matter how tiie inter- ests of c^italists en the other side of the ocean may be effoeied; If British eoneotion would be jeopardised by eommerda! onion, then so much the worse for British oonneotbn. â€" Toroav to Tdapam^ ^i • «V«e«racS,;*i .^#t ti â- 

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