Grey Highlands Public Library Digital Collections

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Jul 1885, p. 2

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 â- i-i^â€"-'-:'^-" i •; Hi m.i i I I i^ i If Iji- i^^ i ..• ml »tmtm»_m_ togivelraab! oiEdwimli we â- hoold in 'fcror oi poor widowed tofaJ. Ed#ajJ'lBya-Wf IMBB tB ttiiiit'groflraw T't" or, we ahoold aay, how his condact would •ffeot othen, Reokleeti impolsive, and ^**7j .^e to^ jtt j aft TiitniwmiV â-  n a nB d him t. Hi* appearance at home, after aehool, was alwayi the b^jimdag of disordiBfi, or tiie ai^ nal for troable. He cOoIdnot'paM faiayonng- «r brothers or airteti withoot piatting hia' hand npon them in aa improper manner; nor ooold he see them eojoyiiig thtanaelvea withont some kind of interference. That Edward made himself the distorber ef the household. As we have said he was a great trial to his poor mother, whose health was feeble, and who, in order to keep her children aroond her, \olled daily beyond her strisngth. One afternoon Edward came dashing into the hoose, in his usual boisterous maoner, slamming the door behind him with loud jar rattling and stamping np the stairs with a noise that resembled more the ;tnunpllog •f a horse than anything else. At the land- mg above, he met his brother Harry, whom he sainted with a pinch on the ear, and set tiie little fellow to screaming viol^tly. As he entered the aittcng-room he deliberately kicked over a house which Charley had just built with patient ingenuity out of some blocks which had been given to 1^ and, siezing Anna's doll, he threw it roughly to the top of a dothes press. The consequence was, that all three chil. dren were set to crying. ' Edward I" A feeble voice called to tiie lad from the adjoining room. It was the voice of his mother. Knowing that he would be reproved for his conduct, Edward did not ob^ the call, tnd waited for it to be repeated three or four times before answering his mother. " What do yon want " came then, rude- ly and nndutifuUy, from his lips. " I want yon " There was something un- Bsual in the tone of Mrs. Martin's voice. I^ was not angry nor reproving, bnt low and- 7ery sad. Edward felt, instantly, sorry for what he had done, and spoke a few soothing words to hisbrothers and sister, though with little sfiiact. Then he went into his mother's chamber. He found her lying upon her bed, and looking very pcdeand troubled. " The children were quiet and happy un- til you came in, Edward. " ' There was, to the ear of the boy, astil^ deeper sadness in his mother's voice. He did not attempt to excuse himself, for he felt Oaihehad done wrongâ€" but stood silent* with his eyes upon the floor. •' Edwara," resumed Mrs. Martin, ' it is act very long that I have to stay with you. When I am dead, yon will remember the palw you gave yonr mother, and this will be sad' recolection. The mother's voioe trembled; then she Imrat into tears and hid her face in the pil- low. Edirard's feelings were touched. He atood, for a few moments, near his mother, and then siowly moved away. He felt sorry Ux what he had done. Pauing through the adjoinidg room, he wont np to the garret, where he slept, and with a ugh laid him- self across his bed. He seemed to have been lying there only a few minutes, when he was surprised by the entrance of a strangen who said to him, abruptly «• Your mother is dead I" Starting up, Edward ran down-stairs, where he met a crowd of persons going into the chamber he had just left. He followed. One glance at the pale, death-stricken hce of his mother suffioen. Uttering a «y of grief, the nnhamiy boy Orew himself beaide the lifeless form of his farent. Oh what a crowd of rebnking memories now thronged through his mind' Svery unkind aot and word eame np before him, and they filled his heart with unutter- able, yet unavailing grief. She who had so loved him and so suffered through his on- Undneaa, had paased away. He wonld see hsr no moreâ€" wonld never again hear her loving voice. What would he not then nave l^ven %o be able to recall the past? ' Oh my mother my mother " he cried. ** Come back come back to me I will â- ever grieve yon again " Suddenly there was a change. Alight •eemed to break around hun. He started â- p and found himself in lus garret room, with tiie last rays os the setting sun look- ing in up jn him. " Was it only a dream I" he muxmnied, aa his panting breast rose and fell and he gazed donbtingly around him. "Was It «nly a dream or is my mother really dead?" Not until he had hnrtied down to his mother's room and looked upon her li^ng face, was Edward fnJy satisfied ttwfe he had been aakep. She lay in a qnisffe shm- ber; but there were tean npoa htt pale dieeks. AUttlewhile he atood beading over her, and tiuio, obeying tta iaspolseoC his he«n, he •wakened liar wMi a tewBk •♦ I will try to be good, mottsr I indeed I wm," oame eancstly from lifs VfM. ward Martin has been one of tiie kindest brolliersaad most oliedient of aoni. AT^«r9tory•.^, -# Here Is a.^toMl^ «me Ijl^ Istory, J. tiie lower animals and more especiaily of the ^niiairtJable gbbdneas of Provide^ ih i' dangets Irom which weak mortals^ WiMi d!o iot pfaifi their faith inr tfitst in Hik 'to whom ia tilings are possible, wodld 'ttiink tiierewas nd escape. "'â- ' â-  A'maBi, tHio shall be .nameleas, wm df ai joumtoy in bonntetion with his bitsyieaB' which hacd'tb be aiecompfiahed Ina 'given time. To aave rtimej. he i ptanaed goiiig through a amall islsod, the oeotre, he knew io be a dimse jooj^, the abode of t^;eah; He, however, changed his mind; JiUtd thought he would take the longer ronta toiuid tiie • island. But again at tiie last moment ha fbnnd it neosaaary to adhere io lus'«riginal Arrangement,' and aooordiugly- started alone and unarmed to go throngh ' the jnagle. It was day when he started, and he hurried on anxious to complete the ymsaisf, before night set in with its dangers^ ifint night at last began to fall and he bad stiU- agood way to go before he reached has home. He heard the roaring of the tigers coming nearer, yet nearer, and still the ' pressed forward. of OajiMi " »•â-  • of /a ^W Vf rbj itaoMhaTe been re- ^Boanunptioii, ooneamptiTe ot leaA and wooci ue in Jiwm Avor 'â- H^?" ' ' â-  â-  â-  'â- 'â- â- "â-  and she'd be the belle of the He heard them oircling roun^, evi^ otm- ing near. Tigers never go straight t9 the^ prqr but drde round and round,, al^ys making the rounds smaller until they, spi;^i^ and then there is no escape from.their terri- ble grip. Still. they oame ana neoould Me.itheir; eyeballs glaring in the dim light. He k^iew that, one false step, would have been his death. He kept on and on, never flinc^h^ng, though with yells they fawned round nis feet, looking up in his face. On he pres^id with a strength given to his treml^ling limbs fpr the time, and still the viriyl brutes gU^ in hisfape with their bloody shot eyebijls looking as though th^y. t^iust' ed for Uood. Steadily, wit|i his eyes looking! str^hti before him (he had peculiarly glistenhag black eyes), he pressed on, when jOirongh the gloom he saw a bright light which he knew was his home, and the tigers only left him when almost at his door. His wife opened the door, and he walked past her and sat down without a word, and so changed was his face with the dreadfol hour's terror that his wife did not know him. It was two hours before he was able to utter a word. Terror had paralyzed his speech, and he had kept on walking me- chanically. He was never the same man in health after that. ••"She iiaa eiltttrh' so batt it is linpleu- ant to benear her. She has triad si desNi thiogVjfind nothiifg beip^ her. J fun ponr^tor I like 1»w, bot that doeaxi'b tauittixkfthu dlsagref^ble tdttneVo be around her." ;Noii:,.if sh^-hadosed Dr. Si^'aOa- taqrbi tUanedj, there woial4 baye been notiiiiigof thekind Ndd,fbr tt idll oiire catarrh every time. I vYelvet^eollaii^ «a,ira8feB, and- breMlea are, wgrn; witii gingh M SS and ^at t ee n ji. NervQie deNUiiyt piwuktiuwd?- elia^ of power In either sex, speedily and pehiwiMd j ' euiad. Large boolc. three l«bttt atatt^ OdiiMitation freOi -World'i Dispensary Madioil JUoKMiiatiloni Buffalo, Ve^TOt ribbon Is used to ontiiaie ^c3s, Imitikts tiidts, and mdh tabliers. Halcyon lay. HW inbied ^e range df iaaodaHon npoa the! buniin mliid. Memory la vnt fond of prtaomiig j|M(HiweB of erenti hvJb ^e obaza^ter of aooh erents must. be difffliftnft t6"tti«et the pecoUarftles of the lAdhldlud* Thb ftleaaant reMlleetiona of aM"wonld lail to find • place lathe .memory. 9lMHtheir„ bat to our mind the halqroii daya are those that follow the nae of Fotbaifi^PaihleiM Oom Extractor, the BiOMaafkawd patnleaa comoar^ for in pniiqtly seUenea the miaeiy by remove ing %oblne coma. ITryPatnam'aPkloleaa Com Bxteabtor, and aee th|it no aobati- tjBtdftipaimed off aa gimnlnei ' fie ihM jrtndies "books alone will know how tidaga ought W be and he that studies insn will k««w fajtiw tiilngi are. A.P Some Original Proverbc^^ A white le often makes a bUok ^ll^ It's a poor mnsioian who cant blow his own trumpet. He who would eat the egg must first break the shell. Every back has its pack. Pens and Ink out of reach avoid many a bieach. Look after your wife; never mind yourself, she'll look after yon. The present Is the child of the past and the parent of the future. The want of money is the root of much evil. Egotism is an al- phabet with one letter. If yon'd know a man's character, follow him home. Better a line of sense than a page of nonsense. The surest road to honor Is to deserve It. Only whisper scandal and its echo is heard by aU. Ifs not the clock with the loudest tick that goes the best Sighs are poor thfaigs to fly witiL Home Is the rainbow of lie. Don't complain of the baker until yon have tasted his bread. They who live In a worry invite death hy hurry. .w»0# Wyie8hiiw«l(htafp.I)wiaM. ASKTODB aBOOSR FOB OBt. mgBIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING [tea BBBO ATKHHIBM far wie two aeiii^two ii A ^UATY' MOtTSTACHI gnannteed with J% threebox spf J. 0. AnnteL's Fromoter.or mpnerrrfimded. Wiltten Bomuitee with thrcebozai. Fifty o«nli • box. Thrna ior one dollar. AddreisBox 311 Loi don. 60,000 aoiaa of Impiorad and naimpfored **»twt«« ' Band for oar Baal Brtata JodtimL **CBBOUUB! r nwBay^XagUA H«M and CMtIa LbHMiaBt aad Waahlor OomMtie Aniawla ]Mt intradaeed tram Xnc- '%P^^^*^ ' "â- "" in we over U Man. OunMdi â- k:ndiMaMi bMta onto. bmiMi, andrantaik Ootm teamoiAd to a batt) poiittvelf dHtrnyi fleaa. iioa and Vm»o.«9._saf1a3omJiL Obeolara tree wiiU lor ^NXBS 00., 7EB Orais 8t, ICantreid wanted everywliere. Oood indnoeaMnta to Apaly atOBoe tat temwjndpM*«i'" pUBMB FOB BALK. It 8aTed My Wife's Ufe. This la the report of a PrlnoeM alnet geatiemaa who bad the opportonl^ a few nighta alnoe of teatfaig ^aon'a IiIbb- vniKx, the great pain core. Be prepared for any emergenqr bj liaving a oottla of Nerrttine at buuL It only coata Io eanta to teat it, aa you can bay teat bot- tlea at any drug atore. Get a 10 or 26 cent bottie to-day. Bore in rheomatism, neoralgia, onmpa, colic, headaohe. Ner- viline, the aore pop pain core. All drag- giata, 26 canta abottie. Our grand business in Hfe is not to see v^tlies dimly at a distance, bnt to do wliat Ilea clearly at hand. M» SHB.s. TccKBR SoN arO'often asked to aeU their Myrtle Navy" tobaooo to le. tail deakra. They never, in amr ease do so, and for the beet of reasons. ^Die whole- sale trade of tiie country have a distribnt- iag madiiDery whidi haadlea tiie Myrtie Navy" withont aay addition to its pmna- antexpensea. If the mannfactateawae to vadertake that work, asthey would bv would requS I?S*^"S ™«»»*°«y. tiw whol7cfl.t aiwhic wonld have to be borne bv^ p^rfthe tobacco aaK andof SSj ftworfdfannpontheoonsumer SeBiMta to tk^SrJLT^SL" isa convenianoe 5^?1SS-*^** **"'"• every t«?3«J wbo eaUsâ€" in the grooenr «â€" ^r!^ otdsn for •• Myrtie Navy.' 1.800 Ama Of Hlghhr Imprared Karmtaiff Laada for BtoAtalSttStr"^*^' •^â- "*^ FoiDaaoi^^Ta Oiroolar write to BAKUBL bobbbibon. HariMon THE AliLODIAL ARGUS, Giring nhuble intoniation tointeadlni imrnhMnriirf aadiandhooMi. â€"â€"»»â€"»â€".««. »,. AV. Frittie Co. Toofe Sareet, Toranta B«Bd3et»taB»pforaeopotthi AimtlRS VfTBLL BORING BUY THE STAB. WOlbeM 5 tolSinoii bole; band or bm^Mw* r • m gj^liweaij worked biiteam or boriMWrer. 8ead Mary Btnet. VaaaUtea, Oat. J. J. TAYLOR, TOBOBTO SAFE W0BK8. bsiabubhbd uac MANUFACTUBER8 OF FIRE Aim Bnpglar Proof Safes, "*** %?% "^^ klMs •! Fbe aid ^ma-wanre^nool Saf «a now ta alook. aft low anitabk for Prim. Bankera or JvHSmT^^ FAC7I0BT AND AATxao^f^fn^ 117 119 FBOMT STREET jA SLJjjjgrn CANADA PERMANENT MAS « BATnAt ceMPAn laoravoaaxBD AJDl isk. PAH) UP OAmAL.'""" ^{S!5! •••a*an«c«,' STRAIGHT LOANS. OR CRBDIT TOHOIBR Sh. to land on Mteofln- lta»i mrekmaei. BOIL£R FEEDS i, PDYPS FOR ^.V. PURPOSE ms£f«g^f2u^ apply to A. Behnmacher tt Oo.^ Tork i a. Bon^ll«%TSnMmt 1^ Quebec Waa. Sraokie^ Ftaliaaa^l lllaa. Portland. Bortoa. Uan^Brfai mmjji mm m For a treatment for caUrrh, ha»iiiiB-.T aore throaty «to.' Bekw both looil*S!i" this treatment always effectB^*^.??* fbbi treatment and be ouwd-«,^«i ^^ :pi*«edlctae. arH^i-**! tentf^ty anv iMraon, or at any ifrS iS.*! able toaeU It as a patent medioCUJ-J?! two montha. Tbe ttkree reoIpsT^XM oMe instructions for aelttrMtoenViffil Core guaranteed or money lefimdei ^ifil CUT THIS OUT The New CkrOpe;raMy9, • -ARE THE â€" B^ST IN THE St^lf^E^. Latest Improvfed Attachments Our price only |266aoh.' bortaic send ns atamp for oar decant ^le ruA aadsaaiplealBawlnc. MrMBSUBasfaaiaataoriorthfsafHHB aad aeatoc Aarlady wanting a maohina wiU do waQ to write Io TBI OO-OPXRATIVB Sewing Machine Co. M JAM TO gT SOUTH. HAMILTOV 1 CHURCH STREET. TO»w Si *°BU(I I '?«««, I wigtela trta MidttaStery glren. Laffle* nik« to^L-. elotht^ and CTery lady wiUbay »ft«J tnST, to wadi eaUeoS in Ave mtaute«. e^ton «Stah i fartaMn.78 JurU Street. TOBONIo.Ctui PREKIEB. RUDGE. ROTAL „ £XPEBT* KASeABOO 60 Skidkasti TzlQvoles. JT Send for Ikl SandScstuuliih. alogrne everiaaidhl A. T. LANE, Mont R. U. AWI THAT Lorillard's Climffj bearing a red Mn fa;; thitli Roae Xieaf flneeat; thtb Sayrr CU»»lnca, and tbat Lcnlllsidtfii tijnjwft and abeaowt. aoalitr coogUtNlll ' f :â-  â€" ^^ Oonntrystoiakaepers sadoihml PadUasBattwwlU flod tttottebi' nsatha Gelebiated Walker Bntturl Bpa d alslaeafOToaaoffannMiL Na solan saatoaHVUoation to JAMBS PASS 4m 4110 47 8t. LAWBENCB HABinn JOHNSTOh 5 FL U U the oaly pseparattaa'af Mq oontalBS|iMrl of bteti" ODawhlohliai fe powsr to ml meat lor brala. aafl dobs, sad a**! Of Dealers who of to and SeU In- $10 Reward for the Gonvictic LARDINE «!»«tiiwyw{S5%y|r«itbiTiai«riiiiKdMiro.|"***iv SAMUEL ROGERS 00. â€" MAKUFACTUBEBS OPâ€"â€" â€"AND OTHEB â- 8 Hm9 GOLD ]imALS AMD FUtai PBIZE3 WHEREVER FXHIBIffiD. QueOT_City oa Works, ToJ ME8IDEN MAHy iiMRANY. FOriBST MroEate J eBll^ ftoiap ifrtafe sopp landot^ef I be comp to such a d BO eoaseqni most exha Dther. Farm jail other wa; A shopkeef I such urticlec sell reai liat fine, rpo' land, or g6o( and pay ly to nse co ay. Do no and direct Two Enei shepherd sh ck to presei |blow flies. ' deposit t; bts about th carelessnea clip the ah at this seas hem dean, I immediate I of them. raw lins arts and to ' oil to give enoagh â€" ai rtth the mix is shonid [»at neglecte( alive by I aU over the 'Win be the worried wit I grabs which Soring ani; "• attacks jthe vmba, narrow V- ' that th( ' with their tothesi| in th( 'oflto mak. "'«f the _e noses Jydepoalt. "«xtare, ^thetrongh â- '•aldqnl Lfatotha of iyioruj »ot bat( compii '*^affe| **y*o: ^«ti

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