The couDcU met parwMn* ctec^ mcnt from the Jannary BtteAkn ""rnesdav evening of last week V^ Z Court House, Owen Sound. ^emb^rsallpreseut. â- The Warden briefly addressea tbfl 'mneil after wliicli he read sewal inmmnnications, which ware referred to the respectivp committees. The Treasures statement was read; alio reports frorii School InspectoirS ol Lt and South Grey. The Beeve of Artemesia presented petition c-f ratepayers of S.S. No. 6, Arteniesia. The Council adjourned till 2 o'elock jVednesday afternoon. WEDNESDAY AFTSKNOON; geveral accounts and comtiiunica- tioDB were tead and referred to oom- mittees. ' The Keeye of Osprey presehted petition rtelative to the widow of the late John Keegan, of the 30th Cam- bridgeshire regiment, Beport of School Inspector for West Grey was read; The Beeve of Artemeeia presented Kport of County Property Committee recommending the erection of addi- tional County Buildings, together with plans and speciffcations for the same. The Council went into Committee of the Whole, and passed the report without amendment. On the motion for the adoption of the report. Mr. V. Lang moved an amendment, seconded by Mr. Bogors, That tue report of the County Prop «rty Committee as passed in com. tnittee be not adopted, but laid over for the December session, to give; members of this Council an cpjior tuuity to ascertain the best and most economical of the schemes presented ^lost. The yeas and nays being called for on the motion for the adoption of the report, were, Yeas â€" Chrietoe, Blakely, McNichol, McKenny, Campbell, Hew- gill, Eobertson, Breen, Caulfield, Cameron, Shute, Totten, Pringle, Suwart, Bosses, Eead^ W. Lang, Gordon, McNaught, Jamieson,Agnew, Frost, Miller, Heming â€" 24. Naysâ€" Messenger, McBallum, Gilray, Faw- cett, McCormack. Davis; McMillan, Clark V, Lang, O'Forrell, Widmever, Gamey, Potts, McPhail, Rogersâ€" 15. Ou mdticn. a petition was ordered to be forwarded to tbe Honarable Minister of ]\Iilitia on behalf of the widow of John Keegan The request of the Deputy Eeeve of Owen Sound to be allowed to with- draw from speciid committee appoint- ed last session in reference to school matters, was granted, and V. Lang appointed in bis stead. Mr. Potts gave notice that he wojjdd. ask for a gi-ant of $500 to open side road 40 in the township of Osprey, from gravel road south to town line of llelancthou, a^ a leading road Dundalk. The Council adjourned till 2 o'clocjr ou Thursday afternoon. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. The Warden read communication Irom Co!. Brodie relative to grant for voluuteeis also several accounts. Dr. Christoe read report of special committee of Railway pelegation. whiclj was received and adopted. Mr. Kead read report of Education Committee. The CouAcil went into Committee of the Tyholc on the report and on motion rose, and asked leave to sit again. Mr. Frost introduced By-law 886 ior the appoint^ieut of a County feOiicitor without salary, Cpayment »5eing accordmg to services rendered.) ^hich was read §rst and second timed Ou motion, the Clerk was instrnct- «a to send copies of rules and regul- ations of the Council to the Councils iork, IJruee and Simcoe. The council adjourned till 7 p. m, THURSDAY LTENINa. Mr. McKenny read report of Ein- jnce Committee, upon which the ^nncil went into Committee of the "hole, and after making some amend inents thereto, the report was adopt- Mr. Read introduted By-law 887 ^0 assess the different mnnieipalitiei 01 the county for an amount at least «qual to the Legjalative School grant, 'filch was read first and second times «ter which the councU filled up the oy^w m Committee of the Whole. .- j;{-'*^s 338 and 339 to levy rfttes anV "^- year, were introdaced, "•^a read fitst and second times. ?°*'°^ *^ fi^a°* $500 to opea 40 '"® line II, the townthip of Osprey ID. I 'as lost. v'^t ^°"°*^' adjourned till 7 p, Viaay eyening. I;B1DAY EYBMKG. t ?«PcrtNo. 2 of (J)unty Proi^' pgppoyed artaihOTwl fl w Miij BmMmgs: OwwiaonndpiVfltt, 1 'Skmnmo^^ -ftdflptod. ^--â- »^-^i9,.,^r9d m^ Christoe f6a4 A^'iii^^ of speeiI eoimniito^ W^iniiifre to wrreetnees of e^rtUiT-iliiSSflg^' ^^speetots, k^:^*^,^ (fe nwtldtt the Oomicft 'iwai into Conmiittoe of the Whole on ' xmart. T|ie first cUwae sot lortk thfct the «emmittee had iwtted vpaii the Min- ister of Edneatiou, who. m inswer to questions, had assured them that $8 POT day was aU H». Qoidon was en- titled to as School Inspeiilor at Ex- aminations, anil^ recommended that in accordance therewith he be p^id at that rate; LetttlfS i^e r«wl by Mr. N. Bead. Chaurman of Education Committee, and M):. H, Gordon, in which the Minister of Edncatitm was asked what the County was entitled to pay Mr. Gordon, and answers re«^yed that bemg Town Injector he was entitled to |6 per day and Mr. Bead moved that tbe clause be amended by insert- ing $S instead of $8. After a lengthy debate the amendment was carried by 30 to 19, and the clause amended to $5. The second clause of report stated that answers had been received from twenty-four Inspectors as to salary paid for Secretary's services to Board of Examiners, and recommended that $25 (being the average amount of salaries i,ivoB,) be paid for aoen sot- vices here, mstead of $100 s« former- ly. After some discussion the eUose! possed. The next mattOT referred to in re- port was e amount of allowance to Examiners, and a recommendation was made ,that 75c. be paid for eaeh pupil examined, which was according to statuiory aegulations. The clause was passed. The last clause set forth the necea- sity of Inspectors devoting their whole time to the work,and that they should be men of the highest quahfioation attainable for the office, and recom- mended that the three Inspectors of Grey should be merged into twoâ€" six months notice to be given of the change to the present Inspectors. A lengthy diacussion ensued on this clause, which was eyentually struck out. The committee rose and adopted the report as amended in Committee. The Conncil adjourned at miduighl till Saturday Morning. ,; SATUKDAT MORNING. Mr. McKenny presented report No. 2 uf Finance Committee. Conncil went into Committee on the report, and after makmg some amendment thereto, passed and adopted it- Bepoit of Committee on communi- caUons was read, and on niotion ad. opted. Council went into leommittoe on report of Education Committee, and passed report without amendment, which was afterwards 94opted. The Conncil again went into Com- mittee, and filled uy By laws 837, 388 end 339, which wer^) Uien read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Frost, seconded by Mr. Miller, That in ease of an appesi by any municipality from the eqnaliza lion of the assessment now made, this Conncil hereby expresses ite willing- ness to have the matter determined by the County Judge. The Council then adjourned to Decf ember 16th. â€" O. S, Advertuer. DO£S THISBEFRB TO YOU. Are 70a troubled with MUsonsness, dys. isia.^veror lddn«y c om pl a int g, or bad I If so 70a will find • osctain Bnrdoek Blood Bitters. ente m The seascn is now fax enough ad vanced in the United States thftt a fairestincato of the eomiag whei^ erop eaa be made. The offioial esti- mate of the Afrrienltnna Bmeaii is that the total wheat yield this year will be 880 million bnshels, or 80 mil lions less than was at any time estim- ated: ItissaidthataftoraUreqnired for bread and seed is dedaeted from tlus qnantity the balsnee left for ex- port will be quite smalL The iHieat market of England has been ^utt^d for the last year or two, however, and there will probabljlj|B plenty and to spare, anyw^i ?i:_«v ii3|fi^^^ in 1^ ^-^aifrilStOOT OP HUNDBEl^. Mr. John MiOTiwm. ci 8*. Axa^ N. Hfe diB!?«Nlt jT«»!*e«|P ««Bwa?»* Blood BittaSflnred A' a t9auaelbnli^ A TBUm SlAfBHBia. in»is«sa aoTCt dia." and bi* tod wMdsapotai ^mm^ ^ellw Ofli tMt dd « MyfvcstsnalalidiiitaAialase. I»^. nms^nt^ J\mta»m^ qrovp. aoas thnat. and iu soxeneas' and wbnnde of the fladi. Ask thy pvTM what thou ahotiMst Bnrdoek BloedBi^teiy aet at tha same tilne upon the Uver. ihabowIeS, the Udneya and the skin, i^Bfering or enrincE in every ease. Wamntsd satiafsetioa or mon^ re- Be slow in ehoosing a ftiend, bat slower in eschanging him. BETTEB TAAN GOLD. A good name, good health, a good eoia- panion and a bottle of Hag3«rd's Tellow Oil are among the first requisites for hmnan happiness. Yettow Oil Cores Rheumatism, Spniins, Lameness, Bmises, Boms, Frost Bites, Cronp, Sore Uooat, and all Pain and Inflammation. Before you attempt anything, eon- sidOT what you can do. DOWN IN DIXIE. The wife of Mr. J. Kennedy, Dixie P. 0., was oared of a chronie ooogh by Hagyard's Peetond Balsam. The best throat and long healer known. By reading, you enrich the mind, by convOTsation you polish it. THE BEST YET. The best blood deanrar known to medioal Boience is Bnrdook Blood Bitters. It poiifies the blood of all four homors and give stren- to the week. Consideration is due to all things, THE CHOLSBA. Possibly the cholera may not reaen onr locality this season. Nevertheless. we should take every peroaution against it. Dr Fow- leiB Ezjxact of Wild Strawberzy is a sore cote for Cholera Morbas. Coiic, Cramp,Diar- rhoea and Dysentjy. If you'teafih secrecy to others, be- gin with yourself. A STEANGE DISEASE. There is scarcely a symptom helousing to chronic complaints but that is common to tiiie poor dyspeptic, and he often feels as if he had every disease in tbe oatolage. Bur- dock Cloed Bitteri cures the worst from the Chronic Dyspepsia. In orderto judge of another's fell- ings, remember your own, KEEP YOUB. HOUSE GUARDED. Keep your hoase guarded against sudden attact of Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea;, Dysen- tery aad Cholera Infantum. They are liable to come when least expected. The safest, best and most reliable remedy is Dr. Fow- ler's Extract ef WUd Strawberry, Let your anger set with the sun, but not rise with it. SHOULD BE ATTENDED TO. Much suffering is the result of neglected constipation. There is no bttter regulator ai the bowels than Burdock Blood Bitters by its prompt action on the Liver all tendency to irregularity is lemoved, and one chief source of ilLheslth prevented. Pride is as loud a beggar as want, and a great deal more saucy, AN OLD FAVOEITE. An eld favorite, that has been popular with the people for nearlJ 30 yeurs, is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for all varieties of Summer Complaints of children and adults. It seldom or ever fails to cure CSiolera Morbus, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Bage robs a man of his reason, and ma^es him a laughing stock. A WANT OF ACTIVITY. Mneh of the ill condition of chronic in- valids is dne to want of activity in a alugg^ liver. Boxdiuck Blood Bitters arouses a healthy action of the Liver to seoerete pure bile, and thus make pure blood which gives, perfect health. None have less praise than those who seek most after it. GOOD THE YEAB BOUND. At all seasons, whan the system is fonl and the digestive powers feeble, or the liver and hidney inactive, Burdook Blood Sittaia are required. Apply tha Golden Bnle to your isvuy act and thought. UNFBECEPENTSD SUCCESS. For all porpoaea of a mily medinin e Hagyard'a Yellow Oa is the head of the list It is used with unjoeoedented saoeeis, both internally and exteraallr. It enraa Sore Xhroat, Boms Sealda, Frost Bites, reHevea and often cores Asthma. HAGYARDs YELLOW OIL CJRcD n HE U MAT li.^^ i*- i\ iliShfldc«B a1SITM4N BABpiCBZBB. -^ -^ TiienuuiiwMi iheiaoSi^tiiaa eaa Im tbe wimMdi oir^Ml ^Mstbeir IB loB adiiiit botoas HavanPs "VeUow OB ^nres T l i w ii tniti jw BI8TBICT DASHES. Tmi Bomrs^ â€" The voting on Satur- day last an the By-law granting a loan of $8,000 to Jas. S. Plewes to assist in building a Boiler Mill in Shelbume was carried by a vote of 50 to 27. Mr. Plewes,we understand intends to get to work at onoa on the* building. The timber is already on the greund.â€" IShelbarue Free Prest. Capt. J. A. Bpence, of Whittington. had two cows killed by lightning on Sunday last. Loss OF Memoby. â€" A reporter of the Toronto Tf^^7r/({, one of Canada's best dailies; has been interviewing a number of medical men on the pre- valence of loss of memory. "They all said it was a common complaint of their patients. One doctor said I notice that a man never forgete that you owe him a dollar 1 also notice that if a man owes me one. it is very apt to escape his attention. How do yen aecount for that said the report er. In tiiis way We are becoming more one sided every day. A well- balanced man ought to remember that he owes and is owed most of us become infatuated with one side of our mental activity and neglect the otber." Thanks, Mr. Beporter for the information, we did not know be- fore what was the matter with some of our subscribers who are in arrears. We now see thas they are cultivating the one side-busmess. Many, many thanks. Thb Oddfellows' Excursion to Col, lingwood by the Campana on Wednes- day was by far the largest excursion part that has ever left the town; but notwithstanding the fzreat crowd, the Campana accommodated them all without (rouble, and a pleasant day was spent, though some nad a ts^te of sea-sickness on the return trip. It is said that notwithstanding the Scott Act, a good many f the CoUingwood bummers still indulge in their favorite beverage. â€" 0, S. Timet. Thx Pic-kicâ€" The Picnic under the ans^ees of the ladies of StMary's Ctanreh, Owen Bound, came off at Bockford Grove on Dominion Day. There were a large number present, who enjoyed themselves, some in dancing, while others were competit- ors for tlie prizes offered for running, lumping, o. Tbe event of tbo day however, was the voting of tiie gold- headed eano between D. Creifshtan Esq. M. P. P., editor of tbe Timet, and J. H. Little, editor of the JLdver. titer. Tbe vote run pretty even dur- ioff tbe whole of the afternoon, but during the last half hvur a large number of votes were cast for Mr. Iiittle, who won tbe cane by a hand- some majority. The amount realized was j^tit $65. The Cape Groker ^dian Band was in attendjuMse, and added mneh to the oajoyment ol the ^j.-^Oth, 4dea titer. •• â- â€" 1 â- •â- J •: iAPOATAlVT. Whan yoa visit or leave New York City, â- ave Ba^mfe Express and Caniage hire and stop atwe Onuod Union Hotd, opposite Hu Gtind Central Dejpet. Elegant rooms Ated xq at a eost of one miUloii (toUais, re- daood ai fUW and nw »s hl#' per day. Bnropaan |dan» .Elevator, Beatii|ant si9ip9ied widi tbe beat. Hngn ean,j«ta{!es«iid alevat five James G, Russell's NOTED JEWELLERY STORE, Is the place to buy Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, A large assortmeut just to hand. A I Solid Silver Watches, Full Jewelled, from $8.50 up to $26» worth from $10.50 to $82.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to come twenty miles to have your Watch or Clock repaured by Eussell. IS* Satisfaction guaranteed every time. â- ""•^^^ JASi B. RilSSEU. EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALIiS Out. J. McAleer, Prop. The public may lely on receiving every necessary attention as to Eatables, Drink- ables, and Horse Care.- 244-57 Lumber and Shingles. THE undersigned has constantly on hand all kinds of lumber and first-clacs cedar shingles for sale. Mill .3 J miles North of Markdale, 11th line Euphrasia. 250-63 FOHD STINSON. m s. wm, Plain Ornamental Piaster^' Opposite the new- PresbyUrian jBhurell. lark-^ Arehes, Corniepsy Cen,tre Flowers,, uid all kinds of plain and omanen^ pl^Mt^ ring ex- ' eented at cheapest rates.. ^0' coat work done for eight and a half cents per yard. T.a thin g and all labor done by me, parties finding mat'iiaL 244-6m.p(t MARKDALE «d railraad to ail depots. FamiBfla ean bettar forlcH aaon^ at tto €iaod Unieiywork at murket mrioef. Hotel than at aaur ^er first dsaa hotel in We, thf undersigned, would respect faUy ij^^aiate tu our customers and friends iiiat we are still here and pre- pared to attend to all who may favor UH with ia call in anything we cnn da in our line with^ie best {wssibte f atis- faction. Also we will get yam for those who allow ni* to do. their wenv- iug. IS* AU kinds jol. mierclJ4utHbI«i farm ]urjd|icjiH^b«i^ in ei^hange for iUBAm F.J. â- i::--:: ti â- , tii m \i ^.!d If:- ifi* •il f;C, .1 i^la-fi J v sa mi^m tfaHi ift ift- liMaaaiiiiiiiiiiiikfa