ijMwMMTw^ 'W^'^iilkHi^ in a. T^^^Bn am ^^ fc« M %Wi « '»: «« " ^H" ' 1 8H* '•|9lOw pm| ajgu '!««- 1(^*^4 ,L. o.-No. OU^iH. 1, HI' â€" â€" â€" im ?%i ' 315" 3 30" 3 5^.. (i i06" 4 31" ti 4 57" u 5 23" k 5 35" it 5 55" (i 613" tt 6 27" " I 8 35 " GOOD TIMEKEEPERS. enuhe Waltham, Elgin and Springfield Movements. kradcs Kej and §tem Wind- ers now on band. \swiss Watches $9.50 to $16, Lry suitaljle for teachers, being dose Fob Latii, Lumber, Flooring. SmIh'I Thb HiHJTto FE.vnr, pde boUow Doors, Frames aiid Moulding, go to cheeks anatrecaridilsftpii^te; indicate timers. rirat-Clan ABLI8HME ed a want 1 SHROU â- NISNII orteii notite. net rate ratei. of- t notice. I. Ml Stre ALI FROJ ifftctmi' sat of nlti, :., Oft* p8ttee»%, istees»»^ aentjrf band' 0. Idaa^ [110. I*' SSif*, 26 Watch Cases, gj 2 to 5 ounces, Huntig and Open Face, Waltham Scret? Bezzil. \nrS DUST PROOF KiPT IN STOCK. stock of Ro]l-plat e Chains and Seale. line of Weddi ng Ha^ "Gem Bings, Sets, EoU-plate Neckletis Bracdets, rpins, etc. Gents' Cuff and Collar Bnt- Clocks, Musical Instruments, Violin ngs. Best line Fishi ng Tackle in town. fcnt nferidan Co. Silver Plate flat and Hollow IFare. I^f mKH REPAIRING CAREFULLY DOME Goods and Work Warranted to be as BepresetAed. Call and see my stock how complete 6, and get my close qactations e're yon tbase, THE EELIABLE JEWELLEB, A. BROWN, FRAiiAoGiil and other Items. INotices in these eolumnt intended to benefit individual or Society wUl be charged ten ntt a line for the first insertion and five »U a line each subsequent insertion. Orangevillc Brass Band has beenj Irokeu up. National Pills will not gripe or Bieken, jtt 8X8 a thorough cthaitic. Miss Minnie Borke is home from je for her vacation. Misg Lottie Loye, of Meaford, is isitiog her eister in Markdale. Markdale Cheese Factory is mak- ag from 17 to 18 cheese per day. The Imperial general election s are » be held on the 17th November. Six tons Sugar purchased before ^he recent advance, 'dt MeFarland's. IdOns dresses 'Bre worn longer in July -than m Juneâ€" One daj lonc^er. Fob Nails, Hinges, Glass, Putty, o, go to Walker Bro's, and stfve money. Wshad aipleasant callon Friday past, from Mr. C. H. Jewdll of Dun- Ai Sweet As Hojwt is Dx.lowf^eMant IWoim Syrup, yet sore to destroy aiid exp«l ^ormg. Poroffice stools, 'WhrflBotB, flat A Umberella standsjgo -to Grant ft Co., |-«arkdale. Uuâ„¢ SuNDABDfto any address the 'W«nc€oftheyearfor60«entfc Come f along now. J p!l!^ ^° " SiBM to try FrMman** Worm Ak Vincent farmer laid two very H»n?e eKB in the Meaford Mirror rf- I «ce recently. hoi. Low's Sblphtib Soa* b a dsUglUfbl S^fi^"' ^^asa good e»atiT8 lor W. J. Spears and laiv. have Grant ft Co., Markdale. lis. B. B. CuBRiE, of Markdale, ia the guest of his brother, Mr. Wm. Gnrrie. â€" Mt. Forest Rep. Foa Net^e lUuih, Summer Heat, Eruptions and general toilet purposes use Low's Sulphur Soad. lor Newel Posts. Stair 6alu$ters, Hand Bailing, and Table Le^s go to Grant ft Co., Markdale. Ckocp, Whooping Cough and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by A. Turner ft Co. x Aix WBI.I. PLBASEo.Tâ€" The ohfldrei) like Dt. Low's pleasant Worm Syrnp and parents rejoice over its virtaes. For lame back, side or diest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. Turubr Co. z • .--I- E. J. Arnold, night operator at Central Union Junction, on the 0. ft Q. B., was home on a visit last week. Shiloh's Cough and Consusaption Cure is Sold by A. Turner ft Co. wi a gttarantee. It cures consumption, ts I*aris Grreen-â€" The only reliable potato bug «ntidote â€" for sale at the Medical HalU A. Turner Co. Fob Bed Suits, Side Boards. I Bureaus, Tables, Lounges, and Camp Stools, go to Grant «nd Co.. Markdale. Two FAimjxs moved to Markdale last week, Mr. Joseph McLeod from Michigan and Mc» Williams from Wiarton. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by A. Turner ft Co. z Thb total proceeds of Christ Church bazaar and gurden party on the even- ing of Dominion Day in Markdale was f 114.66. 800,000 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's miU, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. AH shingles warranted as re* presented. Mr. Wm. JacfcsoB, Jr., of Holland, has purchased from Mr. Wm. Walker the village property opposite the Standabd Ofiice. Si.EEPi.ESB Eights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cun 'is the remedy for you. bold by A. '(Dnmer ft 0o. z Mb. 'M»d "Mbb. a. Memon and •daughter left this (Thursday) morning r EAusas, after a twe months visit mtb friends. IFbissh Abbivals. â€" On Mcmday last Wes, Whitby, Bam Wilwm, Jas. and Miss Donsett airiyed froni Providence Bay.Manitoulinr MvsicAi. OOO08. â€" New Concertinas, Pielo's, Harmonicas and Fifes, A 1 instramenU at W. A, Brown's Jewel- lery establishment. Will You Sopfbb with' DyiBpepna and Liver Compltintf Shiloh's Yitalisar is goanitntecMl to cure yon. Sold by A. Turner ft Go. will qoi^i;ly, anjl ie9^c|iij3]ly r^ove them. .at •iii;;i;:K,;. CiifAidatJuBxn, "hiealth and sweet breath secured, by' Qhiloh^s Catarrh Bemedy.: Pnce 50 qents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by A. S^nmsi; ft Our subscribers wiH kindly tell thdr neighbors Who borrow the- Stardabd that they can havJs it the ballance of 1885 for the smidl sum of fifty cents. Mb. Jas. McDouoall arriveed from Port William y^stwda;^.' E[e brought with him a lne specimen of silver ore from Silver Mountain, near Fort WilJiam. Ir you ate looking for a reliable grass syth be sure and call at Hill Bros, and get a calebrated Bixford make. The're the kind that will save the muscle. Thb erection of the new Methodist Church is progressii^ riEtpidly- The bnck work is nearly the top of the windows, and in about another week will be ready for the roof. AN EX ALDEBMAN TBIED IT. Ex-AIdArman Taylor, of Toronto tried Hagyard'a Yellow Oil for Bheniuatism. It eared him after all other remedies had failed. On Sunday next at 10:80 a. m. Bev. W. Casson will preach a sermon in the Markdale Methodist church, for Orauge Valley, Eells' and Markdale L. 0. Lodges, which will be in attend- ance. MA-RyT»i^T.g Bbass Band will accom- pany Sells' Orange Lodge on the 18th to Flesherton, leaving Beaty's comer. Orange Valley, at 9:80 a. m. A large gathering will be at Flesherton where the District Lodges meet. Mb. H. Fbbeicax of Walter's Falls wishes the fanners of the surrounding district to bear in mind that tibey can always depend on having their grist home from his mill the same day they come to mill, and full satiE^action every time. July number of Our Little Ones is j to hand, and our little ones are tickl- ed to death almost each month when the little gem comes to hand, are so many pleasing, interesting and useful things in it the illustratious also excellent published by the Bus- sell Publishiirg Co., Bo8t(ni, at $1.50 per year. Thb Ladibs' Am of the Markdale Methodist church will bold theur an- nual gtnrden party on f\tiday eveniag, the 24th July, at the reaidence of Mr. Wm. Armstroag, adjoining the village. This is perhaps the most beautid locattcm for a reaidence in the County and is well arranged for a lawn party. The Brass Band will bein attandanos^ and « Rj^endid time is «xpected. A meeting of file directors bf Glen- elg Agriooltnral Society was held at the Bevere Hotel last Thursday, whffli importsnt business was transacted. Those vrho wish to become members should do so before the 26th July, as after that date $2 will be the fee. Wm. Haskett is the Secretary, who will attend to all business of this natuire. Those in the village and dis- trict should do what they can in mak- ing the show a success. CoNCBBT.^-The Markdaie Brass Band will give thefr first concert in Markdale, on the evening of the ISth (Monday next.) The committee axe sparing no pains to render the entw- tainment worthy the patronage of the public, and as they are exceeding the most sanguine expectations oi our citezens in their practice, we may ex- pect a treat on Monday evening in Mr. Bae's Hall. Admission, adults 25 cents, children 15c., curtain drawn at 8 o'clock. the guests of w. J. M^arland, *8q., the past week. J5f eFarland Importe Diraot and pay* ^cash for every dollar's worff of «wdi bought by him. J ^- Walter Shanly „ ___ fJig^^'^lamation on Sator^ylaat, was al^Bted M* ^renville. ^Aroui -National PxUa, cathartic, good wgar-coated. •Qli-biliffpi III mailing xnanosoript oir eortea- pondonte will be particular not to seal the anvelope, as it beconwB tntitl« to foH letter postage rate wh«i aealed. Thb Wiarton £cAo i« ox tears old sad bids f|ir to eeho thodoiogs of that fioorishiiig town, and assist it on the load to pro^oity for ysam to oome. W« admowlodgo, wWi Ifcwila.. "• edpt of subsonption firom £*w Bioh; niBon, Violaddt, Man., •»* MMwal fcom W. J. Whito, MontiomWEy, Man. Pa«lo» in MaAdale Ar ssjs Beantifnl Ideation. IJ^ ie^ »ld^ MMOsiaUa tenpa. Alply^R*"" ban. W31liaa)Bfonl,«# ffiktLTCai 'here an -?;.- tthis ^Hune is now being « fc Li,« ,L«. t«,pia mibf ^li^fa'SESf 5^ Partsols, cheap, McFarknd's. JSmbroicleries, cheap. .;-..,;., v" McFaibnd's. WlHto Dnss LawB.'^eap. ' IfeFaiUod's. k)torod aaABlaek Silks, eheap. JfteFsilaMni. Ifen^s aad Boy's Suits, dmip^ IfoFartaiia's. Odb vHIagetnstees have i^raat com â- leiad their street and sidewalk jm- prnvements and have dona a lot of substantial work. Mill Street has baea g|«ll^ ingfioved and the side- mlks lentriUyiepaiiisd andoonsidar- ftVle liiaae nsari The walk towarda the school is yet, however, shaky and daQfleroaB.aod sjho^ be k^t in extra t^MTi pwxng to tiie munbw of little aInUcsii traveDiagiliMyr s. of japid^maBOfic in which fl^ Sold As Jux be seal m aboQi^l eohunn, ilr.XiLaia. baa sold liisiiitareat i»^.jtenta. iMtosf^ H has tpucnad tMrt^tecfy IMS m»»«teflie 4ettoi« iyHi»«ii»ertiie slave miikei the jfe^ fmo!#ifti" tli#"estabB tfitn«it Mr. Sntt %:r|pf l^«dWattii» in- dbatnoas^aai 4M|pb eitaaan. and weJeaoniA «!«••*«* J»w *»» tiie^i«tM|i iipMi^^ amonnfr to A 8ECBET The seeret of beaaty lies in pare blood and good health, Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand key that tmlocks all the secretions. It cures all Scrofulous Diseases, acts on the Blood, Liver, Sidneys, Skin and Bowels, and brings the bloom of health to the pdid cheek. Mormonism is becoming more and more effectually hemmed in, and the day of its extermination, or the exter- mination of its most debasing feature â€" polygamy â€" seems not lar distant. Not only have men been fined and imprisoned in Utah for practiring polygamy, but three of its missionary elders have been imprisoned in Ten- nessee for preaching polygamy. Of eourse there is the usual talk about the rights of free speech, but the peo pie are becommg too much roused re- garding the growing evil to allow it to continue much longer. THIS IH BELIABLE- B. N. Wheeler, Merchant of BvertOB, was owed of a severe attack of inflammation of the huags by Hafgrard's Pectorial Balsam. This great throat and long healer cores weak lungs, coughs, borseneas, bronchitis, and all pectoral complaints. MiSFOBTUNES SELDOM COMBS BINOLE.- Ib reference to our report last week of the accident which befel W. J. Noble's horse on the railway, we re- gret to learn J}ur information was not J correct. The horse was pasturing in _:^f 1 McDuffie'e field and made its way over a very poor fence to the railway track, and it appears attempted to cross the red bridge wh«ch spans the Sangeen, and there gat fast across the rail had it not been for the extenous of the neighbors who discovered the horse and aignalled the couung ex- press to stop, the train would have been a wreck as it was the train was saved, and the Irarse was got off the triM^ but will not recover. This is a sad loss to our young industrious citizen who had ihe misfortune a we^ previous to get his leg broken, his toaoa was his main dependence and we ^pe to see the Bailway Co. make liie damages, (which was brong^ About by tiieir iueufficient lanee) good without htigation. Wb haye received the fourteenth nmnber of the Canadian Pictorial and lUuMtmted War Neat. It contains the following iUnbtretions â€" Camp of Half-braeds Befogees at Fort Pitt, from a sketch by Mr. F. W. Cnrzon, speciat Artist of the Canadian Pietori- id, with Gen. Middleton's command Portiwito of Interest White Caps Band and their Captors, from a Pho- togn^h by Sergt. A. C. Barrud,No. 1 Company, 86w Battalion (Simcoe FoKoaters) the 85th Batt. (Simooe F«ostersim Camp at Qn'Appelle, from a Photogra]^ by Secgt, A. C. Banand, No. 1 Company Booghing it aft the Wiaut, from Sketehea 1^ Mr. F. W. Gnraon» Spedal Artist of the CatukHmn Pictorial, wiUi Oen. Mid- dlstofi's Command LonisBi^ taking ins daaty ConstitiUioDal as Bsgina. Also a fine, two page saqipIemeBt, slKNrinff G«ft. IfiiflletOB's Expidition by Biver to Fbrt Pitt also Battalicn Brill by ^fiie papla of tiiaPublio Schools, in the Md Lacrosse groond, Toronto June tfth, 188S,from ipeoial Photoffrnha and Sketehas. The New Goom. â€" Ladies Gtold Watobea Bings, Neckleto, ftc, Gento Boll plate Chuns, and Cuff Buttons. Fma goods marked iu fair figures at close prices, W. A. Brown Jeweller. AFTEB SETENTT-THBEE TEABS' SX7FFBBING. Bev, Wm, Stout, of Wiarton. was cured of serofulous abscess that seventeen doetora could not core. Burdock Blood Bitters was the only snceessfol. remedy. It cures kll impuiities of the system. There was a beautiful rain on Thursday last, and warm weather fol- lowed canriug a vigorous growth which will greatly improve the hay •rop. MeaBEOOBdk PABKE. Of Hamilton, Qnt., are the mannfaetnrersi of the greatest healincc and purifying omn- pound known for Sores, Bums, Cuts, Scalds, Salt Bheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called McGregor A Parke's Carbolic Cerate. B» sure and get the genuine McGregor Parke'a Carbolic Cerate sold by HiU Bro's. at 25e. a box. 6 Shiloh's Vitalizbb is what you need for (3onsumption, Loss of Ap- petite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 76 cents per bottle. Sold by A, Turner ft Co. z H«B«r Roll. The following is the June report of S. S. No. 7. Holland Fourth Class â€" Jennie Erwin, Aggia Downs. Third Classâ€" Maggie Price, Ettie Erwin, John Price. Sr. Second â€" Willie Spears, Jennie Jackson, H. Downs. Jr. Second â€" Sarah Stewart, Thomas Erwin. Caroline Ferris. Part Second â€" Albert Bouls- ton, Thomas Kemp, Katie Jackson. Part Firstâ€" Frankie Bailey, Thomas Spears, Maggie Erwin. Elizabeth S. MooBB, Teacher. I THE STANDARD to any address; commencing any date, for $1. per year in advance, or $1.50 if not so paid. Balance of 1885 for 50 cts. Wana. Dn ftga Co., niiaois, HASIMPORTKO PROM PRANCK H*nM.wal«4.a 1^ 75FEieEIT0FALLimEt paper selui ot ISets^ per copyi obtain« • able at local booksefiers aoi trom the' oAee otpn! .s -a .-v â- 9 ' il* ' M :f'3 !.i â- i 'â- â- â- (â- ffiBi-'l M- It? M^ Hi' j iiiiil â- HMiMgli ^BiMh ^Hii^i^ iMMhI