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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Jul 1885, p. 5

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 JIB^ ioily^ faly bj' icceis; )aplim» i^eathtr :t is ex^ 3 Yelloir iy com- res. ry. ty. vfibt bty-fout blessod* i a few naself a Laria L. rho has ^nge in the pa^ iderstoofk }ot take- •'go west ry," but \d Deatht^ :6th Jnne» Df a son. Pepper, oa srer to Miss 3 Falls.. June, by 'tolomew of pbrasia. I June, bf "â- ickham to- 3 Falls. nee of the ,y Rev. A. icnford t» 28tli Jiinej shant. to to lo to o 10 to Lo to lo \o $C85 8U 67 58 12 00 75 30 12 00 5 00 4 125 18 k E. Bxpense», ;t ma-- mak- )f the )sitioo ;;.tSjoining that town. • ' notice by the Pa«. that tbe Felt Works are nearmg com- ^r^.9mJim^9m nmakm Wr^^nwaw. M. P. P, »d lunalf w«c^ BMMBgsri 9^ i|^ M$th ioK* for Pon Arthur (» a 8. Tt over u^nran^eriUe Advertiser says Mr. ly. house iu that town was :«1 last week and $21 taken ;?pants pocket. Mr. S prom. ^Jn warm reception the next tb7r come. That's a consolation, It. h« Sbelbtirne Economist gives an ,L report of the marriage of Mr. Miller and Miss Dunbar, both of Ivilliige. lly scp. " It buT IretaiMt StaffordViuiiitnre and^galr fceloy at AmpnoT. Out., wm boriMdoii^iui- aa^ hwt. »l8rHoa«hton'8 wqoU^ in]]. Loss over $40,000 with ahont $8,000 insurance. N. McUolman,' M. P. P.. left I^t wsek, on a trip to Gore Bay, Ifaai- touhn l8laad.--B. V. Timet. sec bv the (;ollin?wood Bulletin Le aTicultural buildings in that are "to be rebuilt at once, the bet beiDg already let. le coruer stone of the new Division Presbvterian church, Owen ^as laid oa the 25th June. It [ost $12,000. FoPEST is undoubtiy a lacrosse as there are three clubs in e iiere now aud a fourth is organized by the players com- thc second 12 of the Lornes. â€" umiUfP^sentatice. David Stonehouse and Mrs. Patcbie, formerly of Glenelg, tfit Saturday mornincr for High Manitoba, where the former settliBg on his laud and the Jcoes tojoin her husband- We Ithem all success and propperity teir new surroundings. â€" Grey Lging Grain. â€" About half of each I pf grain brought down by the |E. boats is to be bagged here bt direct to England by the [line of steamers. The bags are Ihed by the Allen Company, lold about two bushels each. â€" Xkihertiser. Saturday moruiug last while Dg an engine on the turn table Isbcrtou Station cue of the centre |f the latter gave way when the ' uiisct and completely wrecked Jrntable and engine. A gang of irorked all day Sunday, Sunday land up to about three o'clock p. lilondny before the engine could lued.Tho engineer had a narrow 1 but luckily carao out of the i-uj) "right side up with care." brii-table will have to be recon- jBd.--Fle:iherton kdrance. (This |secoud time tlie above turn-table aved tlic- siunG trick pef'ple are too careful about ling tlie fLeliug of other people. |0M- a waii who cannot sleep at I so great is hiS fear that he may ]ing!y pass a couuterfeit bill on Iter, aud that big-hearted man larded against such a mishap jliug this paper for years with- |eriug to pay lor it. Such rare ness renews our confidence in 1 nature. |WAY.â€" Last Saturday evening Somers vas driving down nxa t-treet, tongue of the buggy I *btoHgh the neckyoke ring and came on the horses heels. took fright and ran away \% tlie tongue from the buggy P^'iig Mvii. Somers out on her â- ^' ^ide, bruising her very ^Irs. Somers had a very escape from serious injury or " neck, and was most fortun- scape as she did. The horses "glit about half a mile down d and ' 'Sexis. t^itor of the Flesherton kicance ^aaer last week on the deplor- [Qation of the sidewalks of that i --'fgt.-ti.yeatf.^ WWfff^^wn. JIlanitolMi Cn»ps. AIX BCPOXTKD IN KXCBLLKNT COkSmON. WiNNiPBG, June 21.â€" The Manitoba Department of Agricnltnre has issaed the first bnlletin of the season, based upon the return of SOO correspondents. The weather during the seeding was exceedingly favorabloi the season being two weeks earlier than the average. Snmmer following was largely increas- ed. The total land ploughed was 519,785 aeree as compared with 444, 916 in 1884. Fatlwhaatisnot grown, the spring wheat acreage being 857, 013 a compared with 307,020 in 1884. Oats acieage 151,868 compared with 172,045 in 1884. Both crops are re- ported in the most favorable condition from all portions of the Province. Ample rain fell during the seeding to give the grain a good start and kept up a continous growth. Every indication is fcr an early harvest. The total product of wheat is expected to reach 7,179,581 bushels, leaving a surplus of 5,675,000 bushels for export. Other crops are all reported in a satis- factory condition. Hay promises an abundant yield. Live stock came through the winter in fair eondition and free of disease. In every branch of farming the prospects are better than any previous year in the history of the Province. The construction of branch railways during the summer will give additional impetus to farming operations^ and much ad- ditional land is being broken in consequence. Mr. Ju. QBQJbfMUmd»'mt A 70Mi| lad lusmd CbirleB SelMiii- befeU » aa aaeident last week, He h«4 been engaged iniiaiiluig ioiue Boull pdes when one of Ihem' took a Bwihg and atrikiBg bim on the 1^ broke several bones, the little feUow was so(« conveyed to hie home here, and Dr. Kerr waa soxt for aaddreaeed the limb, he u doing very wetL Bev. C. Shaw preaebed his farewell sermon last Sabbath evening, he leaves this week for his new field in Hunteville. Mrs. "Wm Herron of Scarboro visiting friends in this place. Mrs. Wright of Vanghan Tp., and daughter of our respected citizen Henry Fields, is visiting Inends in this place. An old man in the employ erf Mr. Holman, hud a narrow escape, by falUng a distance of about 20 feet, lighting on his head, but a small cut on his scalp was the only injury he received, guess he wont try the same game again. Thos. Hamlin of Toronto arrived home on Saturday last.Mrs. W.L. B. Hamlin, accompanied him. The Rev. Stephen A. Arkels, ii ex- pected to be here this week to take charge of the C. M, Church. Praz. were uninjured.- Tbe Talue of a liVife. "You see," he was explaining, in answer to the inquiry of what the prospects in Jersey were, "our folks are about discouraged." "What's the trouble?" "Cholera." "Why, the cholera hasn't reached us yet." "I know, but everybody's talking. We can't raise cucumbers on account of the scare, and we dasn't go into onions on account of the bad weather. We shall shell out a few 'taters, a little corn, and more or less huckle- berries, but I tell you, stranger, if my wife didn't earn a dollar a day at dress;paking I'd be ready to give up the battle." She made; Him Take Back His Bad Dime. Pparrows entered the Methodist L 'J: .Sunday morning and W S melodious notes with] him P OJ ^be choir and congrega- ' Forest Cor,federate. "Say, dear," paid an Evansville wife to her husband, "that dime you gave me this morning for milk was no good." "Didn't give you no bad din^e,'" growled Jones. "Yes you did, and 1 want you to take it back." "I won't." "Well you just will now you see if you don't." At noon Mrs. Jones was all smiles, and waited on her husband so nicely that he felt like telling her that he had given her the dime and was sorry ,and would give her another, but conokid^ he would wait till evening. As'she handed him a nice piece of pie, she remarked, "William, you'll have to eat this iu a hurry it's nearly time to go to the office." William bolted it down, but all of a sudden gagged, and then swallowed somethuig as if it hurt going for" to r^ry often pWaro«ic/eis" ^°1 Inspectors lively. J^'lJalkH.mW, in connection " to advertise free of contribute besides, o the affau: after it is over, otW oi "• Perft^ctly 'Ciinrches and societies "« iJi this particular. tfortr*^*°^sto an old ^°oor;^t'l°^^i«,birthday IVontlilj Fairs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dandalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forest-^Third Wednesday in each month. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FABM PEOPERTY IN the Township of Glenelg. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a certain mortgage from Finlay MacBae to the Vendors, which will be producede at the time of sale, and on default of paym nt of the moneys thereby secured, there wih be o£Fered for sale by Public Auction at Marsh's Hotel in the village of MarKdale, on Wedneg- day, the 22nd day of July A. P. 1885 at 2 o'clock p. m.. by A. S. Vandusen, Auctioneer. Lot number Twenty-two in the Ninth Con- cession of the said Township of Glenelg, containing 100 acres more or less, about 65 of which are said to bo cleared and about 40 free from stumps. On the premises are said to be a frame house. The lot is specially adapted for a dairy farm. Tbbus â€" 10 per cent, at time of sale, 15 per cent, within one month, and the balance to be secured by a mortgage of the premises, payable in 5 years with interest at seven per cent, yearly, or such other terms as may be arranged at time of sale. For fiuther particulars apply to MOSS, FMLCONBRIDGE A BMRWICK 9 O *** Ot "ill so Sj 2 » o r" •♦ flag" gjc O ID t3 .^ B r B' 3 ^t Toronto. June 30th, 1885. "Mary Jane," said he, "I jist swal- lowed something that didn't f«f«l right. What do you suppose could Jaava got into that pie " r-.i* i-.x â- .â- â- â- â-  "How did it fed, William "^^^ "Oh, sorter hard and roand." ^^ "Well, 1 gness it was that dime. You said I couldn't make you take ^t back, but I gu«ss yf^l'lf* You may keep it. V^ ,. m? fti r^* When Tou Tiait or leave New Toft Citj, save Basgaee Bxpujn anii CagMge hue and stop atETorSr Union Hotel, wppoote the Grand Central I«Pot.; EI«^^^^«o«M fitted up at a«ort rfone miDiOTi WSBW, re- duced at ll.OO and ^^^ ?^.,Jigj Europeaa |«lan, £lcJ»a^. »»*«*•*** "W!2 ed railroad |o lihemtr. " H ACYARg s YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WORM POWDlatS^ AnpleMaattotake. ContoiaUMirowa farsativs. Is a safe, rare, and «atetmti tt wmmm ia CbUdnnorAdalta MARKDALE ill From the Fire Fiend And Still to the Fore. Although I was burned out twice in one year, I am still alive, and wish to call attention to my old customers arid the pubUc in general, that I am doiiig a A LARGER BUSINESS THAN EVER Having purchased a Large Stock, Well Seasoned, at a Great Discount. I am prepared to give you greater bargains in my line of business tha.n has ever been given before in Markdale; So don't spend your money in Factory Made Work with the idea that you are getting a bargain because the price seems low, for it will keep you shoving your hand in your pocket for the "where- with'" to keep it in repair, but come and see OUT work and learn prices, as we can give you BETTER WORK FOR LESS MONEY â€" And give a â€" WRITTEN GUARANTEE. If anything gets out of repair we will repair FBEE OF CHAKGE. We have a supply of Buggies Democrats Finished up,which we axe sellingat very low prices. Great Discount to Cash Buyers. I Give Special Attektiok to Bep«irinK*Be-painliBff and Re- trimmiagr. James G. Russell'fr NO'ED JEWELLERY STORE. FLE^HEItTOTV, Is the place to buy Watches, Clocks and Jewellery.. A large assortment just to hand. A I Solid Silver Watches, Full Jewelled, from $8.50 up to $26,. worth from $10.50 to $82.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to come twenty miles to have your Watch or Clock repaured by Russell. r ' IS* Salisiaction guaranteed every time. 217-269 IAS. 8. RUSSELL EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENL\ FALLS Ont. J. McAIeer, Prop. The public may lely on receiving every necessary attention as to Eatables, Drink- ables, and Horse Care. 244-57 Lumber and Shing/es. THE undersigned has constantly on hand all kind.x of lumber and first-cla^s cedar shingles for sale. Mill .S^ miles North of Markdale, 11th line Euphrasia. 250-63 FOBD 4 STINSON. m e. We^the tmdersigned, woald riupeei folly intimate to our Mtetcsnert and friends that we axe etill biare and pee- p^red to attend to all who inay fiMror us with a call in anythmg we can db in our line with ^e best posdble Fa^ faction. Also we tirill get yairn for tliose who allow u«:to do t^lfe w«*v-, iug. i^AU kin4«.of o»wrfM»»*«^w â- .Vk-* iro«kM M prion. 848 4in. F. J. RITCHIE. 'Who has chuge of the'r-" â-  â-  ^.f ' SUCKSMlTIi DEIPIirrilEIIT, Wishes to say that he is pr^axedto give satislaetion, and jpuuantee aU;hlB r- wodc in. ^e differehi' bxanciie« i â- : of that dq^rjliinent^ bpi3fin j^t HORSE SHDBffGi^ ' m^Mme tmt Flifiat#riMfa rWei^k^ "â- aevEmpibjeA.i^'^^'^. v^ I^CaJlandaee us, v, r^,, Teiora xeapeetfully^' -.. .do.:q--;i5 ,{«ti"-*' Plain Ornamental Plaster Opposite the new Prtsbyterian Church Mark- daSe. Arches, Coruioes, Centre Flowers, and all' kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- â-  ecnted'at cheapest rates, 'jyo coat work done for eight and a half cents per yard. Lathing an I all labpr done by me, parties finding mat-rial. 244-6m.pit Wayaa* Bv Page Co., Illinois, HAS IMPORTED FROM TRANCE PmAwm Hwv9*.vplv4M f 3.e00,00«. icTmdr' 75 f ItCmtaF ALL HIM8E8 WboM Mrity of Mood to MUblMMd kr Mr m«b«m MMfM tlM STDO BOOKS OF VRAirCB. itVElf ttlHePRT ED to AMERICA, ^^^â- ^^^^^^ ISO BnoilJiHi^ InprM umm. Old aponch for ;«*«â- â-  a*' â-  ^t y ^i^lwLii _^^^^i^jjjjljjg^

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