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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Jul 1885, p. 2

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 ill i I i 'J I 1 I I i H H _i- " i ii Habert Hecbor, of Libertj, la qoite qaeerly coiutit,nted in one reapeot. He •iieda all of hia finger naila and two of hia tea naila yearly. Tlie old naila are grad- n»lly eroirded cff the fiogen by the ner Mid tender naila growing behind and un- der them. Oa the 8th of Febmary Mr. Alford Long, a farmer in Warrior diabrlet, waa aroased at midnight by pain. He fonnd that daring hii aleep he had chewed hia tong«e horribly. Next morning it had â- wollen to anoh an extent that he ooold not spei^. After the awelllng went down • cancer wa« diacovered on the tongae. Thla grew to aach an extent that the poor aaan eoald only be fed with grea^diffi- oolty and at laat died. A Skye terrier, owned by a Baltimore gentleman proved one day recently that it eoald feel aahamed of a diahoneat act. The aiaaterhad alwaya treated the terrier wellâ€" in fact, it had never been paniahed. On the day in qaeation the gentleman waa at table. The little akye aawa cutlet near the edge of the board and yielded to the temptation co ateal the meat. The catlet waa alyly aeized and taken ander the aofa. The gentleman pretended nob to aee the act of 6heft. Bat the conadence of the little terxiaraoon got the better of Ita hanger. It brought the catlet back, laid it at the feet of ita maater, hung ita -head in shame and slunk away. Ja the musaum at Dublin there is, or tras, *ili3 skeleton of one Clark, a native of the city of Cork, whom they call the Ossified Man, one of the greatest ctuloai- tten of nature. It la the carcaae ot a tnaa entirely ossified in .his lifetime, living ia that condition for several yeara. Those that knew him Def ore thla anrpria- Ing alteration, affirm he had bem a young man of great atrength and agility. He felt the first symptoms of this aurptis* ing change aome time after he had lain all night in the fielda, after a debauch till, by slow degrees, every part grew into a 1ony substance, excepting hia akin, eyes, •nd Intestines his joints settled in such • maimer that no ligament had its pre ^er operation he could not lie down Oi. rise up wichouii assistance. He had at last no bend in hia body yet when he was placed apright like a atatne of stone he i:oald stand, but could not move in the least. Hia teeth were joined and formed into one entire bone, therefore a hole broken through them to convey waa liquid substance for his nourishment. Tne tongae lost its use. and his sight left him 9ome iime before he expired. Hfew Uses for Electricitj. The poaaibilities of electrlciby havebeen known to men of science for many years, but iuB actualities are being realized only in our own times. It la now being in- troduced into mines for a great variety of uses, especially as an illumlnant; but also aa a motive power and a means of com- municitlon. It has replaced the old tal- low candle, and there la no longer any need of the safety lamp, for the light can be carried in hand and is so brilliant that labor can be continued for the whole twenty-four hours. Its use in lighting cities haa had one curious result. It has diminished crime, for deeds of murder and robbery are usually accomplished un- der cover of darkness. Statistics prove that crime of all kinds have diminished in the portions of cities that have been well lighted. Another fact of great interest is that plant life thrives best under a con- tiuous electrical light. It is superior to annlight, because the latter is necessarily Intemuittent. Plants, it should be re- membered, reqaire moisture, heat, and light to filature. It has long been noticed that the folia£;e subject to the mid- night sun of Norway waa exceptionally brilliant and vital, due to tta fact of there being no night for half the year to ob- scure the rays of the great luminary. It is now suapected that in hot- houses and conservatories the use of electricity after the sun goes down will produce remark- able results in way of plant development, notwithstanding the wondera already brought to light by this subtle power of nature. Scientists say that we now know only the A B C's of eledtricity. When all its factors are combined for the use of man there will be created for him a new and wonderful environment. The Changed Condition of Things. There has suddenly aprung up a de- mand for Europeans who understand the language of Oriental nations. The Bua- sdan government gives high pay to men who have a knowledge of the Chineae, Persian, Afghani8tan,and Sanscrit tonguea They are needed aa Interpreters, and if they are men of afiEaira also, they are well paid, and are given high official positions. The whole of Central Asia la to be opened up to the commerce of the :world. Thibet, which has so carefully l^arded its borders from foreign intru- ders, is negotiating through one of ita Orand Lamas with an English agent named Coleman Macauly, with a vie w of opening trade relations with India. Mr. Colqnhoun, who haa travelled through the country, says that a railroad would now be welcomed in the Shan states be^ tween Burmah and China, and would pay large profits. From every quarter of Asia come reporta of awiened enter- prlae, of the formation of new trade relatiotiB, and of projects looking to the building of railroads and telegraphs through that populous but hithertofore backward continent. The moat aston- ishihg phenomena on thia planet to-day, ia the spectacle of renewed life in these Asiatic populations, a great part of which is directly traceable to the infloenoe of Huadan conqueat aouth of the Caaplan aea. War ia an evil in itaeU, but it ia often the meana of apreading dvUbaklon and renewing the Ufa of baokwacd and deoayiog oommonitleB. â- arriase Statisticsr ..r The atatiatloa of marria^ In dflMant oountriea fumiah aome Interesting facta. Topng man from fiftaen to twenty J90a many young woman avacagioc two i or three yaara older than themaatVoa bat if they delay marriage antO they are tweatf to twenty-five jeara old, their apooaaa average a year younger than themaelvea. Aa msn grow (dder thla differenoe inereaaea, till in extreme old age, on the bridegroom's part, it is apt to be of the nature called summer and win- ter. The husbands of young women aged twenty and under average a little above twenty-fire yeaia, and the nequtllty of age diminlahea thenceforward, tiiifor wo- men who have reached thirty the reapect- Ive agea are equal. After thlr^-five wo- men, like men, marry thoae younger than themawlvea, the dlaproportlon In- creaaing with age, till at tlurty-fi'e It average* nine yeara. It ia alao found daat the gr o a t eat number of marriages for men take plaoe between the agea of twenty and twenty- five In Sugluid, between twenty-fire and thirty in France, and between twenty-five and thirty-five fas Italy and Belgium. In Hungary the num- ber of individuals who marry Is 72 in a thousand In Denmark, 59 in France, 57, the city of Paris showlngSS In the Netherlands, 62 in Belgium, 43 Nor- way, 36. Second marriages occur among widowers three or four tbnea aa often a» widowa. In Eogland there '^0 marriagea of widowera i^ainst 21 of widows; in Belgium there are 48 to 16 .in France, 40 to 12. The statlatiea are curiona, and while they may differ alightly from time to time the change is not materiaL They point out in a rwy auggestive way the inollna tion in r^ard to marriagea which govern the human family. CMavriiâ€" AHew Twafaent. Perhaps the most extraordinaiy soocees that has been achieved ia modem science haa been attained br the Dixon Treatment of oatairh. Oat of 2.000 patienta treated daring the past six months, folly ninety per cent have been cored ol this stobbom malady. This is none the leas startlinK when it is remembered tkat uot five per cent, of the p tienta preaenting themaelves to the reffolar piaotitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cores never record a core ak all. Starticg with the daim now sanecally beUeved by the moat sdentillo men that the diaeue ia doe to tiia preaenee of living parasites ia the tlaeoes. Sir. Olx- Bon at once adapted hia core to their extermination thia aooompliahed the catarrh ia practically oared, and the permanency la on- qneationed, as cnrea effected oy him fonr years ago are oniea atiU. No one else haa ever at- tempted to cnre catarrh In thia manner, and no OtlieT treatment haa over cored catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple and can be done at home, and the present seaaon of the year ia tbe moat favorable for a apeedy, and permanent core, the maloilbr of oaaes bainii cured at one treatment. Safllarera ahoold cor- respond with Measra. A. H. UIXON SON, SOS Kin){-8treet West, Toronto, Caoadtt, and enolose stomp for their treatise on catarrh.â€" Afon^eol Star "The church in the world," aays a recent writer, "ia like a ship on the ocean. The ahip ia aafe enough on the ocean, ao long aa the ocean ia not in the ahip. The church ia aafe enough in the world ao long as the world is not in the church." Ladies who Shave It will occaasion you surprise to learn that many ladiea make a practice of using the razor. Nevertheless, it is a literal fact, aa many brothera and hoabanda can testify. Why should it be considered un- womimly to use a razor, especially to shave down troublesome coma. The only rea- aon against the practice is because a new and a brighter era haa dawned upon the safferera from corns, for Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, by its prompt, certain and painless action, has done away with the necessity of resorting to the danger- ous practice of using the razor. Try Put- nam's and be satisfied that it ia the beat and surest com cure. Beware of imita- tions. A pretty fancy for a key rack ia to cover a wooden rolling pin with pluah, or any color preferred, adorn it with a apray of chenille and tinsel embroidery, and patinto the roller a row of acrew hooka. The roller ia then hang on the wall, with ribbons attached to the handles. The tobacco of Martinico was once the favorite with the smoking world, and when old Father Henipen descended the Missis- sippi about 1680 the Indians were moch sur- p ised to see an European with such an ex- cellent sample of their native plant. But the smokers of the "Myrtle Navy" wou^d give but a poor account of the once celebrat- ed Martimco. Their favorite brand is as moch superior to it as it was to the raw and nncared leaf which the Indians of that day smoked. We seldom find persons whom we ac- knowledge to be possessed of good sense ex- cept tboee who agree with as in opinion. When such occasions do occor, oor self-love always induces a decision in favor of their jodgment. With Satisfaction. Poison's Nerviune, the new and cer- tain pain cure, is used wii^ aatlafastion In every inatance. There ia abundant rea- aon for thla, for it perf orma all that ia claimed for it. Nerviline ia a never-» failing cure for cramps, pains in the side or back, lumbago, sore throat, chilblaina, toothache. Nerviline is, in facb, a sure remedy for all pains, both internal and external. Try a 10 cent sample bottle. Large bottles ouly 25 centa, by idl drug- gists and country dealera. Men of quality never aiqpear more amia- ble than when their dreaa ia plain; their birth, rank, title, and ita appendages aure at beatinvidiooa; and aa they do not need the aanataaoe of dreaa, so, by their dia- claiming the advantagea of it, they make their aoperiority aet more easy. tern vMwjMva Bew York CMr, â- â€¢Â«â€¢ â- â- â- â- â- i., â- * a Mat oC one miiHn,. da" iUM latraoMmaaaB â- â€¢ a tm at one mUUon doUm. â- i*g" "' *g j*?*"q" q»* tbaOnndVidaa MjfitMT Rr a mimtr -** What murt a nanbetobe bmied with militaxy hononP' Podtiraly Popular; P'ovi^ K'^J :^ro pSceleM; ^^^^ JS^jl^ cepdbly Potent ^odocW fj^SS ' P^fit Precluding Puitfiaa »* f-^-. Promoting Pud^ and ^••o^^"â„¢!!*' Price, P^ty. fharmwiata Patronlstog llerae Prbcuro Plenty. The June flower wedding ia the fancy ef the pasiing moment One flower on y laar- raumd inmaaaaa of decorative effecta, other flowera forming dashes of another color at remote distances and long intervals. •• ehe tried her prM»ttc« h»?^2."n?» And then ehe formed the lusMS. O r "What la wowiaaa irorthi" »**i*% damael 6i a eraaty old bachelor. He dia not know, aoahaaald W. O. man (doaWi Jon O man) But woman feela wortn ttle if deaeaae haa invaded her KyBtem and ia daUy aapplng her atrength. For all female weakneaaea. Dr. R. V, Pierce a " Favoiito Preacription " atanda n^iyal- ed. It curea the complaint and bollda uptheayatem. Send two letter atampa for pampblet to World'a Dlapenaary Medical Aaaociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Ftom the descriptioB given in the Lonn Truth of the Princess Beatrice's trousseau frocks, they are neither pretty nor sensible, even though made by tbe coort tailor. Use the great specJfio for " cold In head" and catarrhâ€" Dr. Sege'a Catarrh Ramedy. Tar may be removed ttorn the hands hy roblnng with the outside oi fresh orange or lemon peel and drying immediately. Th* volatile oils dissolve the tar so that It cai^ be rubbed off. Whole cloves are now used to extermin- ate the mercUesa and indoatrioua moth. It is said they are more efifectoal as a destroy- ing agent than either tobikcco, camphor or cedar shavings. A.P234. STEAM PUMPS. FIRE lUHp! ' BDILER FEEDB ' pump: for all purposes Jljohes.en" oaaoo sores of iaapaoTed aad nainqpfOTad tooriaf iMds. Send for our Baal BMsIa JonrnaL CANABA PERH4Ni»lT -\^i-'54Bi«AW A gATn«S COMPA CT T " laooaroKAXBD A. O. U8S J axMstto.â€"â€" I â- BTJBEKntlBBD O^PITAIi 'SSS^ ^alO UP OtLPITAIi. S?9SS KBESBBVS WUSD h^SSi' «.TOT:ai» ASSBTi 8,60(^800 OFfICSi-Ce7*s BldckTeranto »U, Toronto STRAIGHT LOANS, OX CREDIT FOHCIER PLAN. The OoDUMUir hM a large amonnt ot money to le nd oo BealB.toteMonritisi al the lowest onrrank Mto of in- terert, resar^ile either in one nun or bjr Ini t al mani i. M mar bedtsired by the bwrroaer. AppUoations may be made diieot to the onaeialgnea by letter or otbenie, or to the loeal repreaeiitaUTee oi the Oompaoy tbraogtaoat Ontario. Aa the Oompani alirayi haa Imida on huid no delay need be expaoted. Ezpenaei redaoed to minimum. Mortgage* and Munieipai DOeaturet Punhated, A HBBBBBT MASOX Uana in Siraotoi 8ALB.â€" AU kinda.-«end torliat 171ABMB WOK 8ALB.â€" AU MJ Johh J. Damt, Ouelpk TBOa. GUuowAT a 00., Ootton, \VaoUen, BUk Oa pet and Wonted BhntUe Makerfc Dandat. Ont ASK TOUB OROOBR FOR IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING TT^OB SALE -Six tarma 3ta Nottawaegra and SonniW J; dale, with or without csopa. Ain^y to LAIDIiAW £NI0OL,sWier, or J. D. ItAIBLAW, Toronto. PUBS BBKD ATBSHIBBS tor lale two oowt. two yeuling heiteis aad one boll. Write tor tion, prioe and pedisree te Q. V. Baxxk, Tratalgar. **C]KSSOUME!r' The Boyal Ejgliih 'Hpne and Oattle Linamant and Wuh tor Domeitio AnimklB juitt introdnoed from Boa- laod, where it haa be?n in use OTer 12 years. Oorea all ikindiaeaaea heals cats, bruiiieE, andspnins. Oarea mange on dogs, and wlun used in the bath, (about a teaspoontol to a bat. )â-  po-iti*ely destrsys fleas, lice and all i secti on dogs, pcuitry, oi any othar mnimal. Bot- tles 25o! SOo. and 91-00 each. Olrcolars free write tor them. NESS 4 CO., 759 Oraig St., Montreal Agents wanted everywhere. Goad indnoemeata to good men. Apply at once tor teimi andpaiticulars. â- OABM3 FOR SALE. 1,200 Acrea of Highly improved Farming Landa for Bale in Wellington, Perth and Grey alao Briok Block in lit. Forest. For Desoriptive Circular write to SAMUEL ROBERTSON. Harriaton THE ALLODIAL ARGUS, GiTing valuable intormation to intending porchasers ot aiids and houses. K,. W. rrittie Co,* Beal Estate Agents, Oommissloners, Valnatoia, Tms- ties, and Financial Agents ROOM 0., Arcade, Tonge Street, Toronto. Send Sot. stamp tor a copy ot the aboT3 paper. â€" « TO AGENTS AND OTHERS. A complete outfit to mannfaotore RUBBER STAMPS. Full Inatmctiona, 2 Fonta of Type, Stock to make 60 stamps, on receipt ot price. 912.00. I. C. FELL ft Co., Toronto. FOR PLEASANT SEWING USB ONLT-i- Clapperton's Spool Cotton^l Warranted FULL Lengtii, and to nm smooth on aut sewing maahine. See that OLAPraaxox'a naau ia t he UbeL iT Tor aale by all Dry.GkMda Dealeia. Mann f actnyera of Star Rivet, Iieathax Baltins, double Driving Belta a qpeolalty. JVSend lor Price Usta and DIaoounta. Larce F. I. DKOH ft CO., KOra SI. EAST, TOBOHTO. AUGURS W^ELL BORING BUY THE STAR. WUlbwe 5 toSSinoh hole; hand or horae^awr • ai teetnerhoor. Our combined SgSwdlSS^ a 98 Mary Street. HaaaUton. •â- !. Dominion Line Qaebee, nth Taranto* llth Jnly and Jane I J^anla. «th|J«|w I Homtreal, isth J^ loweatralea. fflw aaUKma MdatatomS. hrSELS AiSLK^S*^ apply to any Qrand bu SSlwmi AseM or loeal agents ot the OcmT^nyTor to â- "â- * »AT1» TJwKSfU ۥ.. Oana'a l agents Moairfal. iMi m oyal HaU SteamsblBi. ^^°f.. ""^^Bg Winter from Portland ertn »» a^j^^ ever^Satard^ io'SSSSTa Sm, verpool, oalllng at ho ndaa BlJobn's ^^ jmoTi tntnlghtiy during stn'^Mk^Poii£Sd'Ss±%m phIa:„ddKSii%*teteS8SlS'*^^ trial, week: andPhfla For tTi wiatai hot-LwiL-S" """ ««nadal- it. passase. or other informatlsa ^%Si Al^. New BaajbCo. 1 B. A. VALUABLE SSliET AHD lSGIFE ForatreatMMnt tor catarrh, boaraeneaa, bronohitia, Bore throat, eto. Beinjr both local and oonafeitutional» thla treatment alwaya efteota cmlok and permaneni onrea of even the worst oaaea. Gaterrh oanaea half ot the oaaea ot oonaumption, and thna oanlea off gearty thonaanda ot viothna it ia tolly to ne«lect it 1 the face ol thla taot. Ityouarea anfferar aend tor thla treataaent tad be ouiedâ€" sorelyâ€" safely, and qniokly. The medidnea are oheap, andoan ba pre- pared by any peiaoo, or at any drug atora. I am aa able to aeU » aa a patent mediaioe, aa it keepa only two montba. The three redpea, with full andtoom ^ete inatioetiona for aelf treatment, sent for 91. Cure tmannteed or money refunded. Addreaa SI OHUBOH STREKi;^ TORONTO. J. J. TAYLOR, TOBONTO SAFE WOBKS« ESTABUSHED 1855. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE ANS BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, STBEI. TAUKTS, VAULT DOOES, COHBIKATIOAi BABK1.0CKS, FrisoB Locks, and ail kinds of Fire and BarKlar Proof Secarities. Patenteea and sole manufacturers ot Fire-proof Safes, with Non-Conducting Steel Flange Doora, whlcdi have been demonstrated by actual testa to be the best flre-resisting satea now made. A number ol Second-hand, Fire-prooJ Safes now in stock, at low pricesâ€" also. Five Second-hand, Buislar-proof Safes, suitable tor.Private Bankers or JeweOers. FACTORY AND SALESROOM, 117 119 FRONT STREET, EASLTWONTa CUT THIS OUT The New Co-Operative Sewing MacMnes I ^ABE THEâ€" BEST IN THE MARKET. Latest Improved Attachments Agents price for similar macMne'lBO Our price onlj (25 each. Btfore bnyhig send oi stamp for oor elegant photc gru^ and sample of lewlng. ^JmitMihinm guaranteed for three yean and sent oc triaL Any lady wanUng a auchlne wiU do weU to write lo THI OO-OPKRATIVK Sewing Maehine Co. 22 JAMES ST. SOUTh. HAMILTOK CAUTIOJ MYRTLE IS MARKED T. In Bronxe Letten, HOME OTHER CEIIIIkI R- U. AWAii THAT Lorillaid's Cliaa bearing a, red tin w-thTt, v ,,1. ^••* Ii**f fine cut ffii, Jl*!! p'*?P'"Ka, and that LorUto'l fui the best and oheaoest. anallty oon^JJi^* '0^'J^!'!/0( FREMICB. B«IAL CAKUli KANeiRuo U GA and hand] Trloyoles. Mr Send (or Un SendScstamptgik aSagae everJamidtoo A. T. LANE, Montn trial «nd territory given. Ladies mskn r; Ciothes, and evtry lady win b-j-H(ti-r to wash calicos in five iciiiutps c" 10. or no Bale. Addrrsa. 1 f actnrers, 78 Jarris Street "slie!iii)1 Tented tilt I, 't«n oa the Died b-jard, oaij Irish t in onebDc] Tiniedil J ada. EicriJ • d BgGSUjS; J 't'"!i Cyrils iasdij !:UI.S A; CO-.I-atPnajja TOl'.ONTo.Cuii, ^CjMTBOrS CAKKIAM TOPS in U and cheapeat la the Ihwket Mil nntmyvarcumace Maker. TaktiiC Country storekeepera andotheni l*MklBs Butter WiU find ittotheii* ciethe Celebrated Walter Eatter Special aizea (or nae o( (armers. Filw H oulaia gent on application to JAMES PASK A SO'i 41 to «7 St. LAWRENCE MAR EEIH JOHNSTON'S FLUID! It la the only preparation o( the Uod â-  taina all the nntritioua, together with tbej ing propertiea o( bee(, and the only w the power to supply nourishment tor bniA and muscle. $10 Reward for the Convictioiij McCOIiIi'S%£^ Of Dealors who of- ^i. fer and Sell In- LARDINE i cSaS^'Hyia' SS* l P^ sale by aU leadkg dealers ' M«^«" »'"^- A leriden Britannia Goipan; FINEST Electro Plat CAUU Goods «!»»? den Silver 1 are i^oi yon want' inflist onp^\ aiadebytJ* HAMtt*"" (» FeediiK Chi .jyugi^ 'ii â- -â- -â- â- i'*ifTriifir-"r-

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