'\|' -T.*'"""*?]?**^-" %i Hi. 0am SOUTH. 20am 50 05 27 42 " 06 31 00 12 35 55 07 45 3 15 'â- t 330" .8 52'.|, *06«: 431' 4 57 " ' 5 23" 5 35 " 1^ 5 55' 613" 11 6 27 " i il 8 35 ' ut a First-Clau =8TABLI8Hil applied a want 1 ETS, Qd all; URN I Still he siiortes notm. i SHROi; lid Heaj moderate ratei. kind* ofâ€" FRAMI short notice. )BT. ASKIll S. RAl lHI Str DALl TRBS' tortmcBtol 1b, etc., 0* J^l loved pat^^ L,l TrTtft««*^ ^ort aJi47P rgortmeo'f lys on li»»^ VOL. 5.â€" No. 251. MARKDALE, ONT., JULY 2, 1885. Copixs or TBx Stamdakd FlT CXim BACH.' GOOD TIMEKEEPERS. j8 Genuine Waltham, Elgin Snringfhid Movements. and Ora'fc^ Ivcy rs ss«w and S^BHi Wind- on band. 30 Swiss Watches $9.50 to $16, Vcrv suitui'k for teachers, being close timers. 25 Watch C^ses, â- I make- •1 \Cl i "iice. ounces, Huntinj? and Open Waltham Screw Bezzil. EAHrS DUST PROOF KEPT IN STOCK. Fiuo :-tot.k of FioU-plate Chains and Seals. Lart;e Labies" Si ts. f ^Ycddin2 and Gem Bings, Holl-plate Necklets, Bracelets, bill- Pins, etc Oeiits' Cuff and Collar But- tOIlF, Cl0ftl^ Musical Instruments, Violin I'ittiiiK^. 1j ' iine Fishing Tackle in town. ,4g4)«t Mcrsdan Co. Silver Plate Tint and Hollow \Â¥are. FIKE WA TCH REPAIRING CAREFULL Y DONE Ail (jdf'lf ""' Work WaiTanted to be as Represented. fS" C all ar;(l ^ee my stock how complete it is, and {,'f:t my close quotations e're you (lua-basii THE EELIABLE JEWELLEE, W. A. BROWN, Local and Oth er Items XoTKKs in these columns intended to benefit any indirhliiai or Society teill be charged ten ;erf,- (1 line f'lr the first insertion and five :eu.ii a line each subieqwt^t insertion. Maikdale v,'as almost deserted on Domiuicu Day. Miss ?iI.MiGiE Burns of Toronto is Yisituig m Markdale. Natioxai. Pills will not Rripe or sicken, 78t are a tiiorough cathartic. Waltei's Falls lodge of CO. 0. F., is in a tiourisliiug condition. Mk. p.. H. Byeks of Rochester, N. Y., will accept thanks for papers. FoK^viils, Hinges, Glass, Putty,- c, go to Walker Bro's, aad save money. As SwEZT As HoNET LS Dr. Low's Pleasant "Worm Syr.'p, yet sure to destroy and expel TOrms. Cash for eggs at Cusrie's egg depot, -BenBou's Block, near the Standaed office. It Can To No Harm to try Freeman's "Worm Powders when your child is aihag, feverish or fretful. For office stools, Whatnote, Hat Umberella stands go to Grant Co., Markdale. Prof. Low's Si-lphtir Soap is a delightfal. toilet luxury as well as a good i curative for; skin diseases, ' ,50 Cents.â€" The Standard to year any for Doo address the ballance of the lialf a dollar. Lovely Sateen Prints, Muslins in ^inte and Spott and checked Lawns =it ilcFarlands. •. ike troops will return from the ^ortiiWest via Owen iJound to Toro- nto m a few days. For Lath, Lumber, Mooring. Sash, 'f^ors, Frames and Moiilding, go to ^^ant Co., Markdale. ^^fs. Dudley was acquitted of the ..„,P " shooting O'Donovan fiossa on the ground of ineanitj. 8altt??^P^"Sgy, nearly new, for 'e. or trade for a horse. Apply to ^^'^er Bro-s, J^Iarkdale. mS.l^" SJlka, Satins Brocades Cai^vt? ^t 'â- '°e half original ^^orKewel Posts. Stidr Bslurters, Special diBcbuut foi: July; at Mc- Farlands, 25 per cent o£f all Parasjls, Mantles and Trimmed Millinery. Markdale lodge of C.O.O.F. has 30 members in good standiot;. The A O. U. W. 80, and the B. T. of T. 22! Hill Bros, have on hand 8 cases laoiie: Clear Bacon which thoy are selling at a small advance on cost. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.i !|Par*is Oreen. â€" The only reliable potato bug antidote â€" for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Fob Bed Suits, Side Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Lofinges, and Camp Stools, go to Grant and Co., Markdale. A Nasal Injectchi free with each bottle of Shiloh's (Jatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner Go. X FlesUertou Methodist S. School will have an excursion to Toronto on the 9th. Tickets $1.60. good for two days. MuSicAii GOODS. â€" New 'Concertinas, Piclo's, Harmonicas and Fifes, A 1 instruments at W, A, Brown's Jewel- lery establishment. Seiloh's Catarrh Eemeiy â€" a positive cure for 'Catarrh, Dipthrie^ and Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Co. ,,-oc In mailing manuscript our corres- pondents will be particular not to seal the envelope, as it becomes entitled to full letter postage rate when sealed. Why Will You cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Our subscribers will kindly tell their neighbors who borrow the Utandabd that they can have it the: ballance of 1885 for the small sum cf fifty cents, Pxs. lot in Markdale for sale Beautiful location, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to R. Free- born, Williamsford, or enquire -at this office. 125-tf The heat wss'very oppressive last Sunday morning, but a thunder shower blew up and the thermometer dropped from 95 m the shade to 45 in a few hours. The Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will qiiidkly and effectually remove them. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on ovcry bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never failu to euro. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Messrs. Jas. Arnold and Frank Maidment of this village left on a trip to England on Thursday Morning. We wish them a pleasent journey and safe return. The Rev. Geo. H. Thatbr, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both myself and wife 6we our lives to Shiloh's CoMsuMPTioN Cdbb." Sold by A. Turner Co. x ETery man that wants a reliable 'easy cutting syth should call at Hill ®ro8 and get one of the celebrated £ixford make, which are by iar the best now in use. Are Yott Made miserable by in- digestion, Consumption, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin Shiloh's Vitahzer is a positive cure. Sold by A, Turner Go. x A MAN in Meaford, says the Mirror, named Fox, was burried to the waist while digging a drain, which caved m on him. The Fox was dug oat with- out being much the w^e. New Goossâ€" Ladies Gold Watches Bings, Necklets, c., Gents Roll plate Chains, and Caff .Buttons. Fme goods marjted iu feiriffeures at close prices, W.A. Brown! leweUer. R. O. Whitby has jost completed thopaintiilof Mr.B.' Tony's bnck residence i4Glenelg,and Mr. T. wishw US to sa/liat he is hi^hj^ fw^ wi the mm fon6 flm*8|po|. OuB brass bond while playing m Mark Street Monday evening were inyited in and treated to cako and wine lunch by G. S. Bowes, Esq., The boys continue to create a favor- able iotpressiun. W. H. Rutledge is into his oli busi ness, butohering, Mr. Burnside having withdrew by mutual consent. Mr. R. is ambitious and popular; We hope his health will continue to improve and his business prosper. The grand clearing sale at J. R. Trimble's ie still going on. He is giving special discounts m all lines of goods to cash purchasers. Eery person hav- ing a lew dollars to spend should by all means call and get quotations. Me. H. Freeman of Walter's Falls wishes the farmers of the surrounding district to bear in mi»d that they can always depend on having their grist home from his mill the same day they come to mill, and foil satisfaction every time. During ' the month of July Hill Bros, are bound to elear out all Sum- mer DresiSgoods, Muslins, Ginghams, Prints c., a splendid line oi Dress goeds at 15 cents a yard cheap at 25c Come along and you may depend on getting Bargains. Mrs. Jacob Loughead will please accept thanks for a basket of "beautiful strawberries, Mr. Loughpad will have strawberiie8 to market twice a week while the ^season lasts. He is successor to Mr. Jas. Yelland who supplied the village kite years. The annual bazaar and garden party m connection with Christ Church, Markdale, on the evening of DominionDay, was a grand success. The atmosphere was quite cbilly, but those present appeared to enter into the sports with all the more ambition on aocount of the cold. Time and space compels brevity in our report. Proceeds about $100. Accident at Kimbebley. â€" On Fri- day evening last Mr, John Plewes and wife went out for a drive with a spuit- ed horse and bran new buggy, but un- fortunately before they had gone far, one line broke, causing the horse to turn short and upset the rig, throwing both out. Mrs. P. was badly hurt but Mr. Plewes escaped serious injury. The buggy was badly dilapidated. Mrs. P. is recovering. An Able Journal. â€" Toronto Truth is the most logical and thoroughly in- dependent weekly journal published in Canada. It has an efficient staff of contributors, making this department exceedingly instruetive and interest- ing, contains a large amount of current literature, also a valuable health de- partment, in fact it is brim full of useful and interesting as well as amusing reading matter. Royal Templars. â€" On Friday even- ing last at a res:ular meeting, the fol- lowing officers were elected in Mark dale lodge Royal T. of T., No. 142 :â€" Select Councillor, R. W. Ennis; Vice- Councillor, W. T. Jackman; Past Councillor, C. W. Rutledge; Chaplain, Rev. T. Grandy Sec., J. R. Ander- son; Fin.- Sec, A. Hill Treasurer, T. Hill; Herald, J. R. Mathews; Guard, W. J. Boyd Sentinel, J. Mc- Eenna. "Immiobant Chilpbbk." â€" Mr. John T. Middlemore, the founder of the Orphan Children's Emigration Chari- ty, London, Ont., left Liverpool on the 18th inst, in the S. S. Lake Winnipeg with a party of 30 girls and 40 boys between the ages of 5 and 14 years, who are brought ont to this country for adoption or hire, chiefly among farmers. They are expected to arrive at the Guthrie Home, near the city, on or about the let prox. This will be Mr. Middlemore's 18th annual visit to these shores with juvenile emigiants from Birmingham, England, since 1872. Already many applications accompanied with good references have been made for tihe children ex- pected to arrive, but more are required. Further particulars may be obtamed 1^ addressing Ma. H. GxbbenSi Man* ageroftlw Chitiine Hem*, London, OnL Fluid Lightning does not take « day or an hoar to remove Neuralgia, Headaehe. Tootii- aohe. Lumbago or Bheumatism, but will do it instantly, and without canning your head in a poultice for a day or using greasy liniment. Try a 25c. bottle from Hill Bro's. 4 YicTOB RoLLEB MiLL. â€" Mr. Angus Plewes has completed the raising of his mill-dam, added improved machinery to the mill and is now running full blast. Customers can depend on having, their grist home with them without delay. A superior quality of flour to any previously turned out is now guaranteed. Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, c., always on sale. Chopping done every workmg day. The public are cordially invited to give us a trial. The virtue of CarboUe Asid for healing, cleansing and parifiyng is well known but from the many modes of applying it, the pubhc is uncertain how best to use ii' To meet that want, McGregor Parke's Carbohc Cerate is prepared, and may be used with Confidence. Do not be misled. Take only McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold at Hill Bro's. 4 Nearly a Gonnbr. â€" One of W. J. Noble's horses got out of the pasture on Monday morning last and attempt- ed to cross the cattle guard at 90 side road, a mile West of Markdale, and fell across the rail, being found in this position when the morning express came thundering along, but fortunate- ly for the horse as well as the train, the latter was brought to a standstill before reachins: the animal, which was removed off the track and a smash up thus averted. The horse is recovering. Mrs. Bobert Hooper, of £inloss, county of Bruce, in a letter, says "I have been troubled with Dyspepsia and Livcr Complaints for a number of years, and am glad to say to the public as well as friends that McGregor's Speedy Cure brought me around, and I am now all right, thanks to McGregor's Speedy Cure. Himdreds of like testimonials are frequently received, and are daily proving that this is truly a wonderful remedy, curing Sluggish Liver, Bilious Headache and Costiveness, where all else fails. Sold at Hill Bro's. Trial bottles given free. 4 Notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Wm. Mason has been twice burned out the past year, he is now to the front with a stock of wh«eld rigs which is worthy the attention of those requiring such. He guarantees his work and thus secures his Custouiers from being gulled. See his advt. in this paper and then go and examine for yourselves. Mr. J. McKenna is a thorough practical blacksmith and does the iron work, which is a suffi- cient guarantee that it is genuine. A SECBET The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and good health. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all the secretions. It cures all Scrofulous Diseases, acts on the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Skin and Bowels, and brings the bloom of health to the paUd cheek. Leg Bboken. â€" We regret very much to learn that Mr. Arch. Neilson near Proton Station, had his leg brok- en on Tuesdaj evening. He left for home about 7 p. m., with horse and buggy, and while driving down Steven's hill near this village, the horse commenced to act ugly and broke a shaft, then started to run away throwing Mr. Neilson out with above result. Mr. John Moffat oyer- took him where the accident happen- and took him to Flesherton where he hsd the limb dressed by Dr, Christoe. AFTER SEVENTY-THREE YEARS' SUFFERING. Rev, Wm, Stout, of Wiarton, was cured of aerofulouB abscess that seventeen doctors could not cure. Burdock Blood Bitters was the only successful remedy. It cores i^ll impurities of the system. FiBE. â€" Jas. Nash, Artemesia, lost dwellmg and outhouses by fire on Mon- day night last; about 11 o'clock p.m. while all were asleep Mr. Nash was awakened by the cracking of the fire but not in time to save the house, and only a part of the clothing was raved, the furniture being all lost. The wind was blowmg towards the bam which stood about 10 rods distant and fired it, no help being within reach the out- buildings were consumed with con- tents. The fire is supposed to have originated from the chimney. Loss about $800^ insured for $200, THIS Iti RELIABLE- R. N. Wheeler, M«cliant of Everton. was evred of a sevsre sttaek of inflammation of the Inngs by HftfEysrd's Peetorial Balaam. This great nuroai and lung hetjer.earesweak i lungs, ooogbt, horseaeu, l»oncbitia, and all 1 psetoral cotnplaints. i BoildinK up a Ha j-Stack. The great point to be secured m stacking hay is, to keep the center the highest. If this is done, water can not penetrate into the stack, bat vAli find its way to the outside under the most unfavorable circumstances. If on the other hand, the center is hollow tile water must drain into the center, and so rum the stack. An excellent way to build a stack is to set a tall sapling firmly in the ground, with a foundation of rails around it then begin at the center, and place the hay about the pole, gradually spread- ing, until the edee of the base is reach- ed. Continued building up the stack, the highest iu the centre around the pole, the builder standing iu the center 80 as to tread the hay firmly there. As the stack settles, the outstde sinks more than the center, and helps to make the stack better. The top of the stack is finished by fastening a covering of hay to the pole, with hay bauds wound firmly around it, A stack so made will not leake, and even clover hay may be safely stacked in this manner, because the water must make its way to the outside by the force of gravity, and escape there by dropping to the ground clear of the Bta,cic.â€" American 4g}iculturi$t for July. AN EX ALDERMAN TRIED IT. Ex- Alderman Taylor, of Toronto tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil for Rheumatism. It cured him after all other remedies had failed. THE MARKDALE STANDARD Is second to no paper in the district. OJLY $lper Year To any address, if paid in advance. IS* Our machinery and type are up with the times, enabling us to furnish, on short notice, work of all kinds such as Posters, Dodgers^ Programs, Streamers, Plackards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Cards, ' Notes, Receipts, Funeral Cards, Circulars, Pamphlet work c IS* The best of satisfaction given in both quality of work and despatch m turning out the same, together with mod- erate x:harges. OFFICE, MILL ST., C. W. RUTLEDCEp Editor JPrpprtotor. I %-M ' ti ti â- i| (t- I.,' '\l 0^ f mm â- 4' â- y m 'il^-;_^;^ --.-.- n! '_.