[on ier fly '^iT^' snider, E«,.V f ,v». the 0. S. Times. rlJ ra*' ' 'Je'atiuirs of v\-Lo took our au a©tive town and â- Id J aiui this week we bave at:uh of one who, of various public iioiniHeutiy before |s1 i.V. ':t:.ae-:. the early days are ^fast l^ra the "if the county ever since f'jj Mr Sm-ler was born ""'VE^lin'O" a few miles up '^,llirciii Toronto, in the ,â- ,,,1.1 :-ontin!ictl to reside ;:,,J,t t'.ie year 1848, when ;;j. p tile Township of " bd!!/ j.ppoiiitecl one of i,._. •• tliLs then newly l)i tliiit position he viitli most of the i Ic'r.r;:^ a man of ,1,. .-iiowed then: v.liicii won their m. He resided in u!i V received full county as appointed _. -;;,:.n]t' i;f tl;e comity, and re • (!v.t!i S'Hiud on the erection c,,i;:jI.V biu:. lings in 1854. On i "i^j biC"Ui'ug incorporated VI ije v^as a candidate for tii'rHUcl w;is elected one of the Urt-e:ita!ives of lliver Ward. ^ij 1;l- was tli'cted Mayor of the iiii!,' rbfc I '{lice lor two years ^•e-Eiuur Three times subsequent- pi; fb;ctei.l to the same honorable u b.iiig live years in all. The me was in the year 1871, since ti'.uo lio did not seek any .jrs! olilco. At the election in le whole county being then Jcctnal district,) his Eeform Lprcvuiielon him to resign his ;ii ^lieritY- and become a ^:Uc. Althougii his great person- liihritv a!iioi:,ust the old settlars frcd him a formidable opponent, defoatfd by the late George Ion. Tho next year on the ley ccciniing for the baufeen tdii, ho became a candidate for [e::is!ative Council but was de- iiv 1). L. ilacpherson. At Idtirtticn. the county wab divided Iwe IliJiugs, and he became a Idato for the North, defeating the lAiiv Iniulton, and becoming rjt representative in the House lommoiis. lie occupied the Ion liunng the first Parliament, It tik' L,-er.eral election in 1872 lj;,'i.iii returned, defeating Jno. iLlm, i^ir presont "Warden. When laekoiiziL' (rDvernmeut- dissolved '.u^ii 111 Lsyi he came again tiio I'oiistitueiK-y, and was |l tho third time, on this occasion kiuc S. J. Lane. In 1878, how- [^^hai lie caiKo bciorethe electors was again liis opponent, iicecedol m dofeafiug him, since, jo he rL tired from partici- poiitical ;;nd other public |s. i.o iicalth being in such a ir:-V,i ftate tiiat it was not cou- U s:-!j to eng:5(je in anv excite- Artemcsia c«i This council met aak pc|^rk (^ Be- vision on the assessment of 1885 Presentâ€" Messrs. Christoe, Blakley Elliott, McArthnr and McKee. After each member had made the neeessary bath as a member of the court, the following appeals were called and dis- posed of Henry Johnston, appeal diemiBsed John Miller, assessment on real pro- perty, reduced §200 A. Munshaw, assessment on village lot, redaced $250, ou account of house having been burned. The following changes were made on the roll John Hopps, asseesed for John Miller's property iri Eugenia as tenant J. H. Campaigne, assessed for lots 4 and 5, Belt's sur- vey T. J. D. A. Stinsou, assessed as farmer's sons W. A. Milburn, as- sessed for lot 5, Collingwood street, Flesberton, instead of T. "V\^ Wilson Carey Treadgold, assessed for lots 1 and 2, Durham street Wm. Wright, assessed for lot 138, 3rd west, instead of James Sullivan Silas Leslie, as- sessed for lot 25. 1 S. D. E.; Godfrey McTaggart, lor Jot pt. 9, James street; John Wesley Albert Stinsou assessed as owners for lots Bi, 35, 38, 89 and 40, 3 S. D. K. Mr, Elliott moved, seconded by Mr, McArthur, that the assessment roll revised and corrected by this ai-ays took an active iuter- :if:airs of the Methodist plicro, of uhich he was one of pt prominent; members, and to Fucmos of -^yiiiL'h he was always •.y ;uui liberal contributor. A' I J -euial and kindly disposition, I" and honorable, and ever ready "r iiio'se w!;o needed it, he ' wa's p^i ami usteemtd by all; the p'-ot' limes be was 'elected to ptitive positions testifying to [P^-Jity. ;ind even his most "cca oppoueuts, never enter- ^1|:t etuer ll-eling tbau that I'll' ^^i^ "â- â- icudship lor him ;5^" Itr months past his ';^sbfea very poor, and for f "ksEll hopes of recovery ^n?iveu^ip; but he lingered fT "^^^ifiy moruiug. when he f.^aeelully away. His fuueral- l';;-^?usy ^-as attended not only [-== coucoursG of citizens, but 5^;'!=^=^ number from the sur- ^^ wuniry, the members of the it"' "'""^°g i° a body, ^-H^s^elosinsout of respect • rdROAT CURE. NYJi ""P than I arpiied°"'l^^l^e^ internally L^'^l^accordinij to specif Uanacc^'r' \^^ f,'reat house- J^, Central ie^.^ ^.f ^I- opposit. ' « ' ""st of oZ n.-^^^S^"^*^ rooms ten ' and "^^' ^°^^' " ^Wf- fior^ ««^""'^t supplied •«» fir»t elM» hotel in now court, be certified by the Clerk, "as the roll for all assessment and other pur- poses subject to any appeal to the Co. Judge. â€" Carried. After the Court of Eevision the council met for general business. The following petitions were presented and read â€" Sarah Cameron re deviation on lot 3, con. 3, S. D. E. J, G, Brooks et aire grant to assist in open- ing Alice street Henry Weber et at re valley road D. S. Munro et al re Mrs. McComb the trustees of S. S, 6 presented an application asking tho council to issue debentures on credit of said section lor §1100, to be repaid in ton years the Gospel Army was allowed the use of Town Hall for their meetings at §2 per month the petition of J. G, Brooks et al was laid over to be considered at July session. Checks were issued for payment of the following â€" Sarah Cameron $60, for road deviation on lot 3, con. 2, S. D. R, E. McGowan, for flour furnish- ed Neil Kennedy, an indigent, $8,75 John McLeod, lumber for Priceville bridge John Whitby, balance of salary as assessor, $42 S. Boyce. $2.50, road job Ward iNo. 4. Messrs Blakley and McArthur were appointed a committee to examine and report upon a proposed opening of road, 2nd S. D. B. Alfred Ward verbally ap- plied for compensation for clearing 180 sideroad, referred to councillor Blakley. Council adjourned. A meeting of the Local Board of Health for Artemesia is called on the 25th inst. at Town Hall, Jlesherton. EASILlf CAUGHT; It ia yeiy MMUy to eateh oold. bai mt so easy to cure it unless you use Hagyaid's Pectoral Balsam, the best remedy for all throat, bronchial and lung troubles, coughs, colds and con sumptiTe tendencies. On Friday evening, 12th inst., the congregation of Kev. J. Edge, Paisley, celebrated his return from Conference by the presentation of an address and a purse contammg gold to the value of $113. The address was highly ap- preciative of Mr. Edge's ministry and worth. A GOLDEN OPINION. Mrs. Wm. Allan, of Acton, declares that Halyard's Yellow Oil is the best household remedy iu the world fur colds, croup, Bore throat, burns, scalds and other painful complaints. Her opinion is well founded. Captubek. â€" Messrs. Wm. Noble, Duncan Marshall, and several other parties had quite a chase after a bear on Saturday last. The bear was shot by Duncan Marshall, in Mr. ± oster's field near Honeywood. Mr, Marshall were brought tho bear to Shelburne ou Saturday evening. It weighed 300 lbs. â€" Shelburne Free Press. A SENSATION. An unparalleled sensation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and un- equalled manner in which Neuralgia. Tooth ache. Rheumatism, Backache, Headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning. No offensive, disgusting drugs need be taken for days. It is an instant care. Try a 25c. bottle f'om HiU Bro's. 3 IT ••* -I O Commendable. â€" Dundalk is to the fore with large and attractive posters for Dominion Day celebration. They generally take the cake m this line, viz., liberality and taste iu announc- ing their exhibitions by conspicuous posters. The Herald also comes in for a good share of credit, and especi- ally Will Eutledge, the foreman, who did this excellent job. DON'T BE DECEIVED Beware of any di uggist who will try to induce you to take anything in place of McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel of healing for Sores, Cuts, Bums, etc. No family should be without it. It has no equal. Get McGregor Parke's, and liave no other. Only 2oc. per box at Hill Bro's. 3 CO C O -• iTK 3 D 00 OQ " 2 g^O « » M ® *^ â- * " -• s a O © m 3 t-" 2 So g.2 fi 2«oS20 â„¢" S? « to O " 5- 3 ^S- I B. O 03 o 3 CD Purification of Drinii.ing' Water. Royal Arch Meeting: pitrasia. That Orangeism is not on ths^ decline in Euphrasia is evident from the con- stantly increasing membership of the numerous lodges within the district. The fourth line lodge No. 54, has, sjnse it was resuscitated about u year ago, met with success which must be gratifying to its officers and to members of the order generally. A special meeting was held in the hall of this lodge on Tuesday evening last for the purpose of conferring the Eoyal Arch degree upon the following of its members, viz: Gilbert Gilmore, Samuel Martin, Wm. Perry, Henry Gilchrist, jr., Wm. Cook and Octavus Sparling. The dagree was also conferred upon Bro. W. H. Dodson, of Eocklyn lodge. There was a large attendance of brethern from neighboring lodges. Among them were Bro. Thos. Henry, School Corps. Deputy County Master, Meaford Bro. eeUs at 15 cents per copy Montgomery, County Lecturer, Clars- ' ' ' burg; Bro. Thomas Gilray, District Master Bros. Bell, Kemaghan. and Noble, of St. Vincent Bros. Condy, Lawrence and McConnell, of Kim berley Bros. James Longhead, Master, and James Boyd, Deputy Master, of Eocklyn lodge and Bros. Ellison and Israel Loughead, of Heathcote. After the lodge business was concluded lunch was served and the brethern dispersed at a seasonable hour â€" Meaford Mirror. A WIDE SPREAD EVIL. The great source of consumption and of ugly sores is scrofula in the blood. Burdock Blood Bittors purify the entire system and cure scrofula, as well as the more common blood humors. Shiloh's ViTAUZKa is what you need for Consumption, Loss of Ap- petite, Dizziness, and all ejmpUm* of Dyspepsia. " Pripe 10 and 7« per botde. Bo^ 1^ A. Me. Jas. Noble's young bear (Jumbo) was shipped to New York on Thursday. He was placed iu a large box with iron bars in front. He is now about 16 mouths old, and is a fine looking specimen. His comrade died some time ago, being choked while trying to eat a piece of meat. We understand Mr, Noble sends "Jumbo" as a jjresent to some friend in New York. â€" Meaford Monitor. A SAD NEGLECT. Neglecting a constipated condition of the bowels is sure to bring ill li«?alth and great suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, purifying the blood and promote a healthy action of the in Eu- stomach, liver, kidneys and Bowels. We have received the twelfth number of the Canadian Pictorial and Illustrated War News. It contains the following illustrations Eeecue of Mrs. Gowan- lock and Mrs, Delaney by a party of Scouts the Cowboy Brigade, from Photographs and ^ketches furnished by J. D. Higinbotham Co., Fort McLeod Portraits of Interest Apphcations of the First Bandage on the Battlefield â€" No. 2â€" from original sketches by Mr. F- Humme. Also a fine two-page supplement, showing "Sketches from the Front," drawn on Gabriel Dumont's paper bags, by Mr. F. W. Curzon, Special Artist of The Canadian Pictorial, with Gen. Middletotfs command and a "View of Battleford as seen from Fort Otter," from a sketch bj Lieut. E. Lyndhurst Wardmore, of Company. Infantry Toronto. The paper obtainable from local booksellers and from the office of publication. CoU^raOWOOD AOBICTTLTUBAI. BUILDING BoBNED.â€" The fine new building of the Great Northern Agricultural Society, situate in the town park, which was only completed at a cost of from $8,000 to §10.000 last Sep^ tember, and nsd then for the first time, has been destroyed by fire^ At 2:80 last Tuesday morning fire was discovered issuing from the main building, and before half an hour had elapsed, the entire building, as ell as the machinery hall was a mass of ruins. It was the intention of the Society to improve on tlie buildings to the extent of $5,000, and the contract for this work had only been closed laet week. The buildings were at the time of the fire all locked, tied it ia difficult, to conjecture how gach an isolated building eoold catch fire. The genera! unpresaoai is that it origuu^ by the hands of an iip- eendiaaf;' Insored in tiM Boyftl t fi^goranee GoiBPftny for $1,800. The average healthy adult man takes into his system four and a half pounds of water daily, and with it ton often a dangerous quantity of foreign matter and disease-producing germs. In very many homes during the summer months, water that other- wise would nauseate the drinker, is made cold by ice, and then is hastily swallowed, the coldness masking its offensiveriess. Uufortnnately for the health of the consumer, tne addition ot ice does not render the impurities in water innocuous, but often adds to iytsowncantributionofdisease-geime. The only safe-guard to the consumer is iu giving his personal attention to the filtration of the water used in his household. Water slowly percolated througb crushed vegetable charcoal will escape from it not only cleansed of particles held in suspension, but also of organic and other matter, the cheapness of charcoal is such that it is obtainable by all classes, and when soiled, a fresh quantity can be substituted at trifling cost. The most effective filtration is obtained by placing crushed charcoal in an earthen vessel, so arranged as to compel the slow passage of the water through it, as all efforts at rapid filtration have prove* inefficient. Only wooded spigots suoald be used in drawing off the water. A reservoir for the filtered water with a seperate ice-cliamber, will permit the water to be sufficiently chilled and kept all ice impurities out. Such a contrivance requires but very little room, is easily cleaned, the coal renewed, and is efficient in freeing water from impurities, â€" Da. Edwin J. Howe m American Agriculturist for July. oants Tani«r k James C. Russell's NOTED JEWELLERY STORE, F- L. E S HE R,T O ]N„ Is the place-to buy Waiches, Clocks and Jewellery^ A large assortment just to hand.' A I Solid Silver Watches, Full Jewelled, from $8.50 up to $26, worth from §10.50 to §32.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to come twenty miles to have your Watch or Clock repaired by Eussell. ,. tS" Satisfaction guaranteed every time. 217-269 JAg, G. BU8SEU, EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Ont.. J. McAleer, Prop. ThepuLlicmay lelyon receiving every necessary atteutiou as to Eatables, Drink- ables, and Horse Care. 244-57 Lumber and Shingles. THE nndersigned has constantly on hand all kinds of lumber and first-class cedar shingles for sale. Mill 3j^ miles North of Markdale, 11th line Euphrasia. 250 63 FOKD STINSON. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 19, Con. 12, Glenelg, containing 100 acres, 3J cleared, fenced and under cul- tivaticn, balance chiefly hardwood timber; 4f^ miles from Markdale saw-mill conTenient also school. The farm is well watered and •nitable for either a dairy or grain farm Will be sold cheap and on easy terms, ror farther particulars apply on the promises to JUHN GLLAGHEB, 247 60 Mark dale P. O MARKDALE HAfflXARDS YELLOW OIL i CURES Rheumatism WORM powders;. AvB plaasant to take. Contain their own ToKatlva. I8 a safe, tnre. and etteetuhM • ot worms iu Children or Adnltiu- We. the undersigned, would respect fully iutimH« tu our customers and friends t^t we are still here and pre* pared to attend to all who may favor us witli a call in anythmg we can do in our line with tiie bent possible satis- faction. Also we will get yun for those mho allow ni« to do their weav- ing. tSrjLU kinds of merchantable farm ]»rodace taken ilk exdutnge for work 9i qunriret prioef 104111 F, J. RITONIC, Store to Rent in Markdale. THE Store in Beynold's Block ta rent, Applreation as to terms can be obtained. from Johr Lvons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent, 14a-tf. Strathnaim. P. 0., Owner NOTICE. F OU SALE, two Rood milch cows, one WM. BROWN. newly calved. Markdale, Jnne 2, '85. U7-3in m I mm, Plain Ornamental Plaster Opposite the new Pmbyteriaii Clrarch Mark- Axehw, Comiow. Centre Flowm. and all fci«.i« of plain and niuunental plMtwii ^et- Mated at ehflspMt xatM. T#0 AW work done for eiidit and a faatf oantojMr^ttr^ I^Ohiic and all Ubor done bjr me. jMUtiae I I 11 |i|l i' IKt F 9 'J'l^l^K ' 1 rHk| 'iKSk yPfMi '^R 'i^Vil.^' m W^- ' r't^ ' "^^K ^ri: ' I-.^K H^ iili 1 • u:'i is I J? • I â- ' W 1 'it ' ii m I' â- ' ' â- ;1: Mi â- i,r .- n^:^ iff! i ift fiading awt-nat Ml-fiai:pl7