li- 1 14 (I ji â- ) ill? i A LONG DSIFT. VtoattiiC SeorU Fnm th« Jara Bniim«B. Tae following interesting aeooant of •ahea and pumice from the vqlcanie eiop- tkm on the ialand of Java in 1883, found •float at sea in Janaaiy 1 wt, u farniahed from the log of the Intolope of BtMt^on: Ffom the 14-Ji to the Ib'Jx, of Janaary, betven lati-ades 1 degree 'snd 4 de^^rees â- ovth, and longitodea 83 degrees and 84 degrees east, we passed through quantities of pnmlceB':one and ashes. Ac umes the Ma appeared to be literally covered by It. The Urge piecaa were heavily weighted with marine growths, and muiy pieces appeared to be on the point of sinking. We picked ap a smallquantlty of it, and MBoog it found a small and very peculiar shaped fish, somewhat resembling a turbot. W« OM^ mention that a large n umber of fish similar to the one we caught and a fish resembling an alewive, also lots of â- mall crabs, were among the pumice, and they all appeared to be busily engaged awtasBilng from piece to piece eating barn- soles, etc. The pumice Is, no doubt, part of that thrown up by the terrible eruption which occurred in Java Aug. 25 to 28 1883, and, therefore, has been afloat some 600 days. We were surprised to find it in this par- ticular position, and more surprised tc fiad any of it afloat at all after such a lapse of time. About the 28bh of September last the â- ea beach of Natal, south west Africa, was covered by pumice, cast ashore by the â- ea. The pumice must have begun if-s jour- ney about the 28 h of August, 1883, and In 397 daya it had drif :ed â€" taking Java as its point of departure â€" adistance of 4,400 miles, or 11 geographical miles per day. This is certainly a moaii instructive il- lustration of the w ^sterly current we always espec' whea crossing the Indian ocean toward the Cape of Good Hope. Bat how did the pumice reach ihe poal- tloD in which we found it in such q[uanti- ties. We can only form conjectures as to the probable course It took. The equatorial oacrent, which originally starced this large qaantlty of pumice and ashes and landed part of it on the African oast, runs from Java in one large body, to about latltode 18 degress eouth longitude 70 de grees east; here Itdivides into two branches oneflowing southwest, and the other weab- northwt^st, toward Madagascar. So say the writers on 03ean currents. Ships which arrived at Bombay daring last Aogusb and September, and passed «ast of Madagascar, rapo?t large fields of pumice off of this Island this comprises o le part of our conj ecture. The current proceeding to the north west and reaching to the north point of Madagascar azain divides itself, one brauch entering the Mozambiqae channel and running to the southwest the other, c jntiauing its course to the northwest event- ually strikes the African shore to the northward of Zinzibar, and is turned off' to the northward, and again, after having been whirled aroand, and held in bondage as It were,f jr atlmeby conflicting can en ts and the changing monsoons, part of it is carried to the position in which we found It la such quantities by the easterly cur- rents which prevail about the equator dur- ing the northwest monsoon; and hear it wUl again be held by changeable carrents until eventually it becomes snffioiently weighted by marine growths and sinks to the bottom. Part of the large fialdof pumice, which origiually started from Java, will no doubt be carried to the southward of Aguihas bank, off the Cape of Good Hope where the carrents are very strong, and turning sharply from the southwest to the south- ward and southeast, wUl reach the well know easterly drift, which flows all the year round, and is so favorable bo ships bound to Australia when they ace south of 40 degrees latitude, and eventually be landed on thecoaats of Aus- tralia and New Zealand. Trus in theend many thousands of miles will separate what was once a portion of Java. I may mention that we passed small quantities of it In the South Atlantic. The last we faw of it waa when we were about 500 miles to t.i uurth west ward of the Caoe of G^od Hopa. A Captive Kins« The authorities of the Maritime Hos- jital at Brest have, at the present mo- lient, under their guardianship a king, jBcently brought to France as a prisoner It war. His realms ara situated near *orto Novo, on the west coast of Africa; And while wandering about his dominions King Hambo, quite oblivious of his oath of fidelity, incited his subjects to rebel against the ^rench, when their Marine Infantry were recently landed in Senegal. He was slightly wounded by the Franch oldiers, and being captured, was shipped off to Fr ince in very depressed spirits. Although treated with every consider- ation in the Brest Hospital, this sable- ddnbed monarch declines, it is said, to ti^e a cheerful view of life, and appears tO;b8 pining after freedom. He can con- vey with no one, there being nobody who understands his language, nn he is obliged to make known his wants by adgns. iVhen requested' on his arrival tiie first night, to undress before going to bed, he very energetically ref useid to do â- o, and ever since he persists in keeping his clothes on night and day. 'EAag Hambo seems to have conceived a strong attachment for the doctor of the ward in wl^eh he is placed and, now that he Is becoming convalescent, he evinces his at- tachment by diligently bnuhiog iSvki gentleman's clothes wlMnever he gets an opportunity of making himself nsefal in ti^s numner. It is net intended to de- tain Uie eaptlve monarch in Franee. 'When quite recovered from his wound he will be restored to hts falthf ol sahfestB. Business Enterprise. After the iuoorti^ot gold in (Mitovnia In 1843, says the )vcTland, and before any commnideation was had with American or European c^mmeielal pvts, the de- mand for supplies cl almost every kind bee tme often oppressive. There were no railways, io teli^raph, no steamships by whic^ comainnicatlon could be made no intimation when any ship would approach the coast, yet it was of the utmost import- ance to the merchant that he obtain the earliest opportunity to board an incoming vessel, and make such purchases as wonld in a measure forestall the efforts of Ills rivals. For this purpose each of several trading house* kept in constant readiness a good boat and a set of oarsmen, with whie^ to ineet any craft that came intd the liar- bor, and secure the first chance. In the front rank of these competing houses were those of C. L. Ross and of Howard and Menus. One day, a shout was heard "A brig is coming in!" In a moment Howard had the rudder- lines of his boat, and Boss those of his, and eveiy oarsman sprung his "ash " to the utmost. It was about three miles to the brig, and the race was closely contest- ed. Boss was only a hundred yards ahead, when he grasped the ropes and sprang over the bulwarks. The captain stood at the rail and Roes accosted him in his peculiarly rapid manner, â€" "Got any red woollen shirts 1" "Yes," s»id the captain, "a hundred dczen." Without asking a sinijle question as to the further contents of the vessel, Boss said, â€" "^hab will you take for your entire cargo â€" every-thing in the shipl" "A hundred per out. advaaea on thg New York invoije." "It is done," said Roes, as he handed the skipper a hundred dollais "and this binds the bargain.*^ As the captain received the money, Howard reached the deck. There were no red woolen skirts in the country, and every miner must have a pair, even if they cost him a hundred dollars â€" and Ross knew it. Don't do it. Do not wait. If suffering from pain, but go at once to the nearest drug store and buy a sample bottle of Poison's Nxrviliks, the great pam care Never fails to give immediate ret :. iN^rviline is endorsed by medical men everywhere. Don't wait a single hour without trying Nervlliae. The best medicine in the w^o.ld to keep in the house in an emergency. Ten and 25 cents a bottle. A love letter may be said to be a writ cf attachment. l:ouag Men i Road TMs. Tlis Voltaic Bait Co,, of Marahall, Mich,, efifer to eead their celebrated Electro- Vo'-^tic By^t and other glaotrio Applianois on trxul for thirty days, to men (yoang or old) afflicted with cervouB debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred tfouoles. Also for rhenmatiam, neuralgia, p3riiysis, and many other diseases. Oom- pls-:;ci restoration to health, vigor and man. booi guaranteed, No risk is inoarred as t.iirt^' days trial is allowed. Write them ii^ «»,5 for illm*"»te oa'nuW" hum. No possessions are good, but by the good use we make of them without which wealth, power, friends and servants do but help to make our lives more unhappy, Importamt When yon visit or leave New York Olty, save BagvragH, Bxpressagf and Cairiagre Hire and stop at ()BANO Umoir Hoteii, opposite Grand Central DeiKit. 150 elesant rooms, fitted up at a coat of one million dollars, reduced to 91 and upwards per day. European plan. Klevator. Restaurant supplied with the best Horse cars, stages and elevated railroads to all de^ pota. Families can live bettor for lesj money at the Orand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the oitv. Be courageous smd noble-minded our own heart euid not other men's opinions of US, forma our true honor. What l8 CataTli r Catarrh is a muco puurulent dischargfe caused by the presence and development of the vegetable para- site amceba in the internal lining membrane of the nose. Thie parasite is only developed under favorable circumstances, and these are Uorbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxcemea, from the reten- tion cf the effete matter ct the skin, suppressed per- spiration, badly ventilated sleeping apartments, and other poisons thai are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal liains; membrane of the nose in a oonsttnt state of irritation, ever ready for the s°eds of the germs, which spread up the nos- trils and down the fauces or back of the throat, caus- ing ulceration cf the throat, up to the eustachian tubes, causing deafness, burrowing in the vocal cords, caxising hoaiseaess usurping the proper itructure of the bronchial tubes, ending in pulmonary consump- tion and death. Many attempts have b^en made to discover a cure for thisditttressingdiBeaseby the use of inhalementa and other ingenious devices, but none of these treat- ments can do a particle of good nnt 1 the parasites are either destroyed or removed from the mucous tissue. Some time since a well known physician of forty years standing, after much experience, succeedrd in discovering the necessary combination of ingredients, wh'ch never fails .in absolutely and permanently eradicatincr this hortible disease, whether standing tor oneyear or for forty years. Those who may be suf^ fering from the above disease should, without delay' communicate with the busi-iess manager of MESSRS. A. H. DIXON SON. 805 King Street West, To- ronto, and get full iMrMculars and treatise free by eit-- closlng stamp.â€" Jfaii (Canada.) Notwithatanding the statement that fig- ures never lie, calves are often false. The experience of the manufactorera of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is a valuable lesson in political economy. Previous to their commencing that brand, the tobacco made of the finest Virginia leaf was always held at fancy prices, and put up in some fancy style of manufacture It was thought that only the rich would buy such tobacco, and at the old prices none but the rich could buy it. The makers of the " Myrtle Navy " xeaolved to strip the manufacture of the tobacco of all its fancy «oetB and put their profit at so low a rate that no com- petitor could possibly undersell them with the same quality of article. From tiie very first until now tiieir rate of profit has been a uniform percentage upon tiie cost. It s their enonnona sales whidi make their low rate of profit a satisCactory one in the aggt«. gate, and also gives tiiem their firm hold uptm the market. Their success is am ex- cellent l as s o n for mannfaotnrers to study llMKondns Dress. Itis^^itf «^« ^^7' *^^S " eiet^^ettOy l»e determined by her dreis at breakfast-table an expanrt^*. showy eortome indicating that ti^e wetter has not yet learned the proprieties. »rt no one need be afraid of being called «* shoddy" if ber loveliness Is ••»??«â- ent by dayltght as at the hops. P^ faMnT is nerer the attendant ot disease aSore all, of those diseases peoollar to women, and which find •JW^T, «""**? Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescriptaon. Price reduced to one doUar. By drag- gists. â- A strict belief in fate is the worst of da- very, imposmg upon oiir needs an everlasc- ing lord or tyrant, whom we are to stand in •we of night and day. Ab3ve all other earthly ins IhatethebiR »W-*«»"'»«* P""',^^ Br slow degrees thay downwara wenO. And tften pause, or upward *«ad With such dlsoomcort are they nraugit. Thfcir good effects amount to miugbt. Mow, Dr. Pierce prepares a mU Tbat just exactly fills the billâ€" A Pelwt. rath w, that is allâ€" A Pleasant Pur^aUvo. and »»a«. Just try them as yon feel th 'ir peea. You'll find lb it I speak truth, indeed. Life in all its various phases is made up of reotriviag and bestowing, and he who fan- cies he can do without either loses more than half of life's power and happiness. The "old reliable"â€" Dr. ie's Catarrh Remedy. ... Freshman " May I have the pleasare 1 Miss Society: "OuL" "What does Sre' mean 1 ' "O U and I." The Sweet Singer of Michisan Tells no story that finds as responsive an echo in all hearts as the comforting and assuring words given In the short extract below. Speaking of one of the painful realities of lifeâ€" i.e.,â€" JUi aching com, Mr. C. Oronk of Dawagic. Michigan, adds testimony to the marvelous resnltsattend- ing the use of that great com cure â€" ^Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor â€" " I have tried it to my entire satisfaction, and, though not in my line of business, wonld like to keep it In stock." Beware of substitutes and Imitations. Sold by drug- gists and country merchants. A. P. 232 fTIASMl J J0H3 a XOB SAI1E.-AU Unda-flend for Uat. JoH ir J. DAI.BT. Qnelph. )^HHOB.aALLOW^ir Co., Ootton, Woollen, Bilk, Oa X pet, aad Wirsted ShntUe Makers, Dundai, On A8K YOUB OBOOBB FOB I MPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING UBS BKKD aTBSHIBBS for sale, two oows, two yearlins beiten and one bull. Write for deiorlp- Uon, prioe juid pedigree to Q. F. Baxkb, Trafal gar, FOR S VLE-^Six farms in Nottawsega and Sunni- dale.withorwithoutorope. Apply to I^IDLW ftNICOL, Stayner, or J. D. LAIDLaW, Tor^nto. 'CKaSOLlSK!!" Thq Royal Englich Hore and Cattle Liiament, and waih for Dometlo Aninals jut introduotd Bug- land, where it has been ii una over 13 ears. Ooiea ail skin (iiseaaes, hea'B ootii, iiuise' auaspiaiaa. Cures mange on dogd, and when used in the bath, (about a tetsp oofn to a bath) posi LveJydMtroys fle ts,hce, and all Inseeis on dogo, octir.ry ar^d other acimala. Bottlei 25c 69e. and iitl tmch vircularg f^ee wiico for ihjji. VB'tif A0O.,7sa iriiii B ., itfoutrual. A enta waiital ereryvhere. Gocd injiuoemerta to good mjn. Aip^f at on«e for tenuj ^adijarticnlaa. Ijarsedoi ctKrera •t Star Blvet Street, iMt, 8*i«Kte ivloR Belts a specialty. SsaS fo r Prloe iilsta a nd Diaconnte FOR FLBASANT SEWINQ â€"â€"USB ii^X .«. Clapperton's Spool Cotton I Warraated jruiiL Length, and to run smooth on siu sewins maeUne. See that Olappuitom's name la e laoeL â- *^~ â- - â- â€" ..â€" â€" the 'For sale bval^nraOoodaDealen. WATER STAR AUGUR $M Per nay WELL BORING baa no anperior; SO feet per boor; hand or h irse- powe' eombined baring and roa drilling mMhiae*; nand raooeai fint prlaza and diplomas. Sdod for Oat- alogoe. •8 M ary Street, namUten, Canada. YALUABLS 8EGIIEI AID MGIFE For a treatment for catarrh, hoarseness, bronchitis, â- ore throat, etc. Beings both local and constitutional, this treatment always effects quick and permanent cures of even the worst cases, catarih causes ludf of the cases ot aonsumption, and thus carries off 3'easly thousands of victims it is folly to neglect it in the faae of this fact. If you are a sufferer send tor this treatment, and be curedâ€" surely- safely, aud qaickly. The medicines are cheap, and can be prepared by any person, or at any drug store. I am unable to sell it s a patent medicine, as it keeps only two months he three recipes with full and complete instruct ona for self -treatment sent frf e for 91. Cure guaran- eed, or money refunded. Address. 81 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. Dominion Line ot bieamship Banning tn oonneoUon with the Grand Trunk B»l!w» ot Canada. Sailing from Qnebeo every Saturday dorln Uie summer months, and from Portlwad ever* Xhw day during the winter months. Sailliig dates from QXTSBKO. HontresI, 6th Jnne RrooklTn, 30tli " Samla; nth Jute Toronte, 4tli July ^IS SL?"?^ â- "k**â„¢*"' *o W'erpoel. m «66, »af Betnrn, $90, »108, •U7,Sl«,aSii3Jii t (teamer andberth Intermediate, m, steerage aalow- *â- * t'^L-"' «»loonB and atateroomo In attamarr marked tteia • areamidabipa, where but little moHoE la felt, and no eatUe or ahees is carried on them Bu tarther partieolara apply to any Grand Tronk BaUvat Agent or ooal agents of the Company, or to DAVU TOBSARCB dk C«., General Ag ento. Monlrwl. Allan IiUie Royal laii stsamsli^ from Qcebee evm Saturday to Uverpool, oaUlngatLon ondarry to iMd mails and vmtmmgen for sSSrmlM areiaad. Also from Baltimore, via HaUtas and BlUoli?a ». F., to Xilverpocri fortnightly during anmmejmooSi Ihe ateuaers of the Glasgow Itaea aaU dnringw^ to and bcm Halifuc Portland, Boston andfuC^ phia and during (ummer between Glasgow and Hoa. treal/ weekly; Gla«owand Bottooiwe^S^u^ GUmSL aadPbuikdi^Ua7actnightIy. ""â- '"»' •«»« "'â- â- SO* ..5?'J?"^f'^J""*^ » Other infonnatioB d^aid fcCto^HaUfax sfiifc' oSTaf jM N.F.iWnu Thomson ft Ca. BfcjSuirKTBr Allan Co., Ohioaso Lots AldeS; »e» York H. BourUerTToronto AllaMtSS » cS QuBbeo: Wm. Brwdde, P^iUddSiSTH. â-²" Allan. Pitopifalot Bosto? ManSSg^ " " SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND STATE REQUIREM[J; NORtHEYC? Toronto, 0. STEAM PaMPS. FIRE PUKP^ BOILER FEEDS- PUMPS FOR ALL PURPOSES THE ALLODIAL ARQUSt OMag«ml»»Ueiafonutioa tstatsaMng pnshMCfscf lands sad hooies. ft. W. PRITTI8 CO.. BealEstrte Anats, OommUilyjw;, Vih»tp«. Tftnj- t*9a, sDd nnaootU Arsnw. BOO\f O.. ABCADB Tooge Stnet, Tomato. ^^ Bead 3et stamp far a e py of ty atov mntt. CANADA PERMANENT LOAM dk 8ATIir«« COMPiNT iKOOKPoiuLTSD AD. 1885. BUBSORIBBD CAPITAL... ^•I'??'^?! PAID UP CAPITAL ^-^SS'SSS BBSE'IVB FUND U00,005 TOTAL ASSBIS 8,600,009 OmCEiâ€" Oej'8 BIdss. Toromte St., TMemte. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT PONCIER PLAN. Tbe C impany has a la^^ amoont of money to lend on BeU Bstate seonrities at the lowest carreat rate of In- ttrest repr^yable either in one sum or by inataUne ata as may be desired by the borrower. AppMcationii m«y be mad^ direct to te undersigned by letter or oth^rwis^, or to tha looal representatives of the Oompaiy thrcnihout Ontario. As the Compacy always has fundi on hand no delay need be expeotea Expenaea reduced to irinimnm. Mortgages and Munieipzl Debentures purehased. J. HBBBSBr HASON. MaoagingDlreotor. J. J. TAYLOR, TORONTO SAFE WOBKS. ESTABLISHED 18551 MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE AND BURGUR PROOF SAFES BTEU. T«|IKTS, VAULT D«OB8. COMBItlATtOH BANK LOCKS, Prison Locks, and all 'kinds of Fire and ' Burglar Proof Securities. Patentees and sole manutacturers ot Firerproot Safes, with Non-Conducting bteel Flantre Doors, wbioh have been demonstrated by actual tests to be the best fire-reeistincf safes now nude. A number of Socond-band Fire-proof Sates now in stock at low price8*-al80 Five Seoond-hand Burglar-proof Safes, suitable tor Private Bankers or Jewellers. FAOTOBY AND SALESROOM, ' 117 119 FRONr STREET EAST, TORONTO. LADIES lie s feiy*CV O'l'*^ Periccn j' i^aia Ur IHRvl uiAaiwaTs Eirecrnal, â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- ^i^^â„¢ Sealedpartiaaarszct^ E Specific atedidne Co..PniladelDai«.Mb CUT.THISOI Mw Mew C c.O;^B„^ â- IS THE- BBST IN THB SBW STAND! SHEW PUsiiJI Latest Improved Atta* igents price for similar laduil Our prioe only $25 eaoli B fore bnyins aeud ua ttamp for onralM.., graph and tamplee of dewing. ' -_ JS'Maohines gnara k-.ed f jr three lein » I tri»L "' •I Any lady wanting a machine will ilo wellto,*! THB CO OPERATITI Sewing Mm 22 JAMES ST. SOUTH, HAMILiiji CAUTIOil MYRTLE M MARKED T. Iittten: RONE 6THER GENUil riJKTEP" I.C.FELL CO. «i?ANn^ k-iO't' 27ADELAIDEST.E.T0R0NT O j'^Uj R. u. awaSe~ THAT Lorillard's Climax Pliig bearing a rfd tin tag that Ltirilard"i »T ,... Rose JLenf flue c;u that Lorlllar.lV Navy Clippings, and that LorlUard's HuutTs. frr» the best aud cheapest, quality considered PBSMIEK. KUDtiE. BOTAL CASADIi EXPEKi, KA^tilROOSi 50 2aa-hia.i Bicyolsl Trxcyclea. "?â- Seed for List 33. stamp (orL,. alojrue over issued iiCi A, T. LANE. Mont? Country storekeepers and otbeis Handling and Packing Batter will tnd it to their advantage to use the CELEBRATED WALKER BUHER WORKER. Special sizes for U8f ot farmers. Prioe list uid cir' eulars sent on application to JAMES PABK A SOW, 41 to 47.ST. LAWRENCE MARKET, TORONTO. trial and territory BiveiL Ladies make gaxi ssaraia" clothes, and every lady wiU buy after tr\-iiie it: "' to wash calicos in five minutes, cotton good! is ^^ 10. or no sale. Address, FERRIS k CO.. fummi tactarera.78 Jarrii Street, T01iONIO.C«iii4» COHrBOT*S CAKUAOF TOPS are *l and eli«apeBt In tbe Market, orvj flrem jronr Carriage Maker. T«*«*T Und. JOHNSTOK'S FlOIS n ta tbe onlT prep:*r*Moo of thj Ijl^ eontslnB all the BntrJsions, Joii;eta«' â„¢ BilranlatinK. ptov-V.^' o? 'â- -«8' one '^taloh bas thPi nower *» •"'f',^ iPBnt top bp«ia. and ^jcas, snd aW" Farmers, Mill Men and all Oil Consi WILIJSAVE MONEY BY USING M:cCJOL1L,'S celeb OA.TEO oii^^'l "L.^RIDI2srK" For general lubricating purposes, Is unerooUed, and their CYLmOSR aaJoJ'l have no equaL Highest Awards aud Medals wherever arhiblei. *r For»l'«l dealera. MeCOLL BRO S. CO., TORJH T^ MERIDEN '"""^l iiiiii ilrfrj BRITANNIA COMPANY. â- !T- â- • FINKST Sectro Plate Goods BtsiBP ienSUverPjl »re not oW *J;I fonwantielljj .nsistongetWj tnadebytba