^;.".»^y-^^**â„¢t'.wip^»M,r.'i: ~i'i I l« ' I D I '51':: I l-"l 'll ^-^ ^if I f I H 'â- ih- WSUt-.- !ii*«***!«t MABKOATiFi JUNE 11. 1886. OLADSTOME'S GOVERNMENT DEFEATED. Tb« GoT9rnment has been defeated in the Commons, England, by a Tote of 264 to 262, eansing great excite- ment. GIadst(me iiae resignsd. â- »»«y^Taa^-f?* 3g*jy';£g3~ mrpi*tia .â- mi* GREAT SAtlE of " H IVHMIIIWVffWfVffffV* MAKKDatjj^ Wlmert T^ Sjrinir Wheat. » Having decided to give up Business, is now offerii^ his his immense' stock of f HEAYY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OES, GUSS, Ac, AT This Is a'irenulne Clearing out Sale. Call early and secure Biirffalhs. Pr«HiptBeas. Promptuess is one of the qualities which commaud saceess. There a^e certain gentle^ attractive qaalities which win it, but promptness makes no sait for prospeiity, it commands it. Protuptness is leadership it does not follow like some of the other 'â-¼irtueb it leads the charge, and plants itself first on the obsticle in its path. This is a prompt universe or it would 'Cease to be a universe, and go back into the chaos out of which the divine Builder reared it. Every world sweeps round its orbit without the delay ot a second every planet completes its -august circuit through the heavens on the instant; suns rise and set century after century, and the sublime move- ment of the uniyerse goes forward without the loss of a moment. The overhanging heavens are God's time- keepers, by which earth sets its clocks, and marks the little interval of its life. The heavens which declare the glory of God declare also* His promptness the business of the universe is always done on time. The .business of men's lives can be well done in no other way. The man who dplays and is late violates that order which is Heaven's first law, and does what he can to turn the world back to original chaos. He destroys his own chance of success he breaks up the carefully- laid plans of other men more faithful than he he blocks the wheels of universal progress. Such a man is not only a failure, but a nuisance to the community in which he lives. If you want success be prompt fall in line with the stars, and do your work on the instant. God is prompt ypu cannot afford to be otherwise. SIGN OF THE "BIG AXE/' Bailsy Peas .. •••• Oji?! .... u w b;^*::::::::. • VJ ;«? :::;• j ^pi~ • HI Potatoes kl it SSL ••-.oS^ •••• 5(10. •••• »7i J •••• 17 J Poric Floor Wool MARKDAu CIISED ICMSS I GREEL Bii[ Bear Comes Into Collission With Tbe Foliee. A CLEVEB ri4AinE MOVEMENT MAKES THE INDIANS FLT â€" THKEE MEN WOUN' VBD â€" ESCAPE OF SOME OF THE CBnr's PRISONESS. !• t A Meg:l ected Outy. The following we clip from the Advance of last week: "On the 'evening of the 25th being m Markdale. I ascertained tl.at there waa to be a concert in the Methodist Church and, when time hangs heavily on your hands, ' 'anything at all" is a relaxation, so thither I went, and I must express ^to you my astonishment at the high musical talent displayed in the opening pieces of music. I suppose the singers were mostly members of the church in the possession of musical talant that would be envied by many churches here in Toronto. It is not only in the possession of melodious, towering, rjnajestic voice, but in that emdite •inflexion of tone which conveys pathos or passion, tenderness or tragic, ao- cordmgas the sentiment sxprsssed in the various moods of the piece of the music. Misses Christoe and Damade of Fiesherton, and Mrs. Fo^ of Owen Sound, were mentioned to me •8 being visitors, and certaOnly they were a rare Acquisition. One of the chour singen, Mr. Anderson, who favored me with a copy ofan original poem which I herewith •end you-FUg of Brittannia-possesses mnsical talent rarely net with, emn amongst our professionals. In the performances of a ehoir we can rarely distinguish the best, if all are some- what equally quaUfied but,, when he •comes to a single handed contest, the jring of true metal "will ©at." This gentleman's rendering of "Flag ofBrittannia, andthe Marcu of the Cam«ron M^a," speU-boun4 the audience. At the conclnsion of each piece there was an enthasiastio out- burst of applause, that "made the welkm nng." "The March of the */ameron Men" was encored to which Mr. Anderson gradously responded. One pecuharity in this gentUman's Bmgingi«,that while it is sweets^d melodious. It yet possesses the mas nefac electryfing of imbueiM his •ndienee with aU the fervo? ftfienti. ment expressed m his song. «nd Markdale Choir may fee) proni of thor ooUeague Mr. Andew)n: (We regret to have to say that Per- peteal Traveller isestray in gmngMr Ani^Km as one of tbe aboye ohoir. JBia.) YmuB ever, ItefBiuAL TaafiubEB, Winnipeg, June 7. â€" Lieut.-Gov. Aikens has reoeiyed a message from Gen. Middleton's camp, near Fort Pitt, dated June 2, to the effect that Bev. Mr. and Mrs. Quinney, Mr. Cameron, and two halfbreeds, who haye been prisoners with Big Bear, through the assistance of friendly Indians escaf ed, and were now in Gen. Stcange's camp, twelve miles from Fort Pitt. Mr. Quiuney. stated that none of the women have suffered any indignites. Gen. Strange says that Big Bear's band has broken apart, virtually into two parties, and he has still the Mc- Lean families and several other prison- ers. The general is going to follow both trails with all his mounted men, and hopes lo catch Big Bear yet. Mr. Cameron, one of the prisoners rescued, gives the names of the Frog Lake murderers. He says the Wood Crees saved the prisoners' lives, the Plain Crees wantmg to kill them. He states that Mrs. Delaney and Gowan- lock have been well treated. All the prisoners were comparatively well treated, and no indignities were oflfered them. EEINFOKCEMENTS FOR GtN. STBANOK. FoET FiTT, N. W. T., June S, via Battleford, June 6 â€" Gen. Middleton with 60 men each of tbe 90tb, Midland and Grenadiers and a GatJing left to join Gen. Strange this evening. AU the mounted men left early this morning. AN SNGAOEMENT with THE BSAB. FoKT Pitt, June 4.â€" Captain Steel with several mounted scouts and police had an engagement with Uig Bear at Two Lakes, fifty miles south- east of here, yesterday. He came upon the Indians as they were striking camp and immediately attacked them. Finding then: front too strong he exeeuted a clever flank movement, taking the Indians m the rear and driving them in disorder across a creek, where he was unable to follow on account o| his small force he saw no signs of ih« prisoners during th4 fight* Capt. Steel aent an intprpreter to McKee with a ftag of truce. He adyauQed but was fired on. He got near e«oagh to be h«»rd and called 09t to Big Bsigr in Indian, who replied mdistinctly, McKee said, "If you will deliyer onr people we wiU eease ^r«»8" Ti» Indian replied. "We mtend to olean you out." (^pl. Steer* loss was three womided, ^rit,-Mwf Furry in tht brtst, Bill West, a scout, in the ki«e» and J. Fisher in th^lbrearm. Ottawa, Ont., June 8.â€" Whien the house of commons met faMlay^ before the (Mrders for the the dav were called the ho^. mwstei' of niUtia said be has just receiye4 two telegrams Qpn- v«ying the tidiogs of the safety of the prisoners in Big Bear's bands. The first was from ^fesrt Pitt via Stran. benzie's station, as follows FoM Put, June 8.â€" News just received that MeEay and eight scouts of Gen. Strange have brought in Mrs. Delaney. Mrs. Gowanlock, eight men, five l^alfbreeds and two Wood Cree^ who were in camp by them- JjelTea, The breeds say they have hew pxiMmers and one of the Greei w the man who let Mr. and Mrs. Qmnney and tbe other tinrteeu men w«pe. We go on tomorrow after Big Bew and shaU keep np com- mnmeation with Port Pitt. Fbfd. Mmnunm. 40 miles from here. Oen. Middleton is after Big Bear. Gen. Strang* is near Frog Lake. The following prison- ers came in yesterday Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Gowanlock, Dufresne, Simpson, Gladne, wife and one child Mozean, wife and four children Pntcbard, wife and eight children Alfred Smith, wife and four children Hazil, wife and one child, A. Drenan Abraham Motts, wife and six ohildren; Gregorie Dinavie, Peter Blondoin, Henry Dufresne, two of Simpson's step-sons, two Indians and two sqnawa. The prisoners are all well. Tan Stsaubenzie. FROG LAKE. OEN. STBANGE in NEED OF MOUNTED HXH" FIND AN INDIAN PBOVISION CACHE FaoG Lake, June 5th, via Battle- FOBD, June 8th. â€" Gen. Btrange's column arrived here Uiis evening. We are taking forced marches in order to head o£f Big Bear, who is thought to be making for Cold Lake, where he has supplies cached. Capt. Yallamey's and Smiths companies, Winnipeg, light infantry, are with us. having arrived from Edmonton. The infan- try force, including two companies of the 65tu Battahon, numbers of about three hundred and tWenty-five strong badly in need of mounted men, the force having only 86, Gen. Steele's mounted men being with Gen. Middle- ton, who is following Big Bear's trail. The men are in good health, and will follow the In iians to the North Pole if necessary. PBOVISIONS FOUND. We discovered an Indian cache near tbe trail to day, and secured fifty sacks of floui and thirteen sides of bacon. The scouts just in report on signs of the enemy. Th« weather is wet and cold. We, the undersigued 1 fully intimate to ourcustoB mends that we are still het pared to attend to all who 1 us with a call in anytb,D»3 m our hue with the best pc^il faction. Also we will L?! those who allowustodotljS mg. IS- All kinds of mer farm produce taken inexcb work at market pricei. 248-4in F" J- RITC« -FBOM- MARKDALE. BERKELEY and WILUAmFORD m \:% Plain Ornamental Pk Opposite the new Presbyterian Ghurct daie, AjAeUr Cornices, Centre Flowjn i kiads «f plain and «wnamcntal pljl. eented at cheapest rates. IwcT^ done for eij^t and a half cents peri/ Lathing and all lajbor done- by mJ finding mateiiak FARM FOR Sm Tb^^Buzz Saw" JVemrspaper. The May number of Lam Smith's Philadelphia Herald literally sparkles with dynamical and electrical ex- posures of pernicioui newspapers, frauds, quacks and humbugs that in- fest our land to the detriment of legiti- mata journalism and busmess and the morals ofour boys and girls. Editor Smith prefers serious charges against Gov. Bunn, of Id^o, and calls on President Cleveland for Bonn's re- moval. Anthony Comstoek, Secretary oftheN.Y. S. for the S. of V., w' again o£fe^ed $1800 to explain bis connection with W. L. Allen, tiootori- ons Iraud and legally indicated black- mailer. The Texas press and officials are appealed to to drive Byron S. Van Baah, of LecQ Springs, Texas, ^m that State. ItaDpearsthatVanlUnb, 18 tryii^to •itij)li8h a harem. "Dr." W, H. Hale, publisher of "Health and Home." W«shuigton, D. C, is again folly exnp^iBd. Algernon H. Wilcox, Tom ^w^ster and "Dr." SK:J",i' P^«lpliVt. are «ven "T^y Days l^otice' to^ discon!^«e T *^n'"V« "P«iWj5ovM and TMiqr PiU" buau^^ Smith glares iftiieydonot heed his warning he will arrasi and pro^ieonte them himself. The Louisiana Lcdtsry Co. is aoaia expoeed. The stories, poetry, and pnzsle department of The Herald are exeeilent. 8n«tli scored his forty- sixth victory on the ^Ist of May, U- fore Judge Arnold, th^ jury awardimr 4Biith $2*^000 dami^geV Wednesday, Jnne 17tli, LOT 19, Gon. 12, Glenelft conk acres, 30 cleared, fenced and L. tivatirn, balance chiefly hardwood i 4 J miles from Markdale sawmill con I also school. The farm is well wata suHable for either a dairy or grain fai be sold cheap and on easy terms, fori partlcnlars apply on the promises t JOHN GLLAGHEE, 247-60 Markdakli Sfff/HGLESFOfiU UNDEB THB AUSPICES OF- MARKDALE ROYAL TEMPURS. THE Sab9QEiber wishes to infoul pabhc that he hue a large qn Cedar ShinRles of the best qa Sparling's MiU,. near Yandeleur, ta\ JOHN..^EBKH| Vui Orders by mail pronqjtly to. j i » rFiclziets lor round trip, good to return same day or any tram fol. lowing day, only fl^iyfll. Childwn under 12, half piilpfl^ NOTE LOSl ANSOTE cf $24.00, drawn by Jaj ling of Artemesia, in favoKM Hamilton of Markdale, due abonttlicl[ Angost. Any parson finding same vilj leave it at the Sxahdard office, w parties are hereby warned agaiitff song said note, as payment has beenitl *8-60 WM. HAMBll Train leavM Willian|if«rd M. «:06 a, m.; Bsykdej, 6^4 Marik^ila, %,p. Ettamifig, leavea Tb^ont^ at 4:40 y, m., or %.10 ». m.. and 4%40 p. m. fol- lowiagf day. Tlie second despatch reads Vi June 3ZKAOBBWSOE ^factirt. •! Bi9," said one high gchool mri of Boston, has married one of tha coij^heee m a Boston thaater I wonder what a coryphee' is " ».^??' ^?^' "^^ I '^c^ it y most be aome kmd of a girl. I don't Bayeop«ied^|elegraphoffi;,iggt • /ear^^*^ ^^•^'^^^"^^f «««f -*r^.- â- J i" MAR K P ALI THIS NEWâ€" I^PBkk^^t Process Fhurins la nia^ completed at great on the J^%St and with the bcsJ^ ch^er^ manufactured," ing it. in every sense ' Ml »r Tiel^U o» W Ikad^om 1% Foitir, irom tba ibUfnruif (^lamitttf, ^i^opi the Statwiif l^pipi,^ Ji4,|^ ;^^ -â- â- â- 'â- 'â- f.s-M' ...;' Williamttord on morning 9: Jam therefore in a td give the public a Iflleli of Flour. ^•aA fair trial respectW Ucited and I have no tf\ th^Tpkiili will be em^ satisfactory:^ (foak paid for goo^ii^ is* Flour, Bran, Sboii ^^Iqi: sale wholesale-