I' '*i l.-l ' ,.i i ^- •1 ' II I il 5 t 1. CUBALTAS. XOituydiaoipiiiiala the day. iSkrm^^ 90a fotget the vnlin^ aot prodaee a 9tocil f and m Toor tkbtching pMi l| doij «o«nteraigned, alid arm ^6 lor a limited peilod« aid ttat yoamiuc makdiktt ^fortificatioa (w if yoa coald ^1 «hanoteTiatic of the place.) Jjfttererjr tarn Tfon come on new batteri^ Rre*t gnna «nd mortars, with thdr Choiuand hard, tilaek eyes, keeping watch and ward. Death's playthiogs ereiywhaMi, the yery »rdeDs yielding only grapediot and ocher l^ead Sea f rait. BeslAegraoefal flower '^ntaes are heaped op great pyxamida or «anaon balls fixed bayopeta gleam be- neath the spiked aloes tall plnmea of grasses wave over plomed bonnets, and «aarlet bloBBoma resolTO themselves Into tartans as first one, then another wells Juiown regiment marches down with pipe- pUyiog, for there is a field day on the pas- «ide groand in as pictarecqae a spot as yoo «re Ukely to find, aod Spaniards and M jors •Jews and Batons are among the spectator, j to say nothing of rock scorplona, aa Eng- lish children bom on ** Old Gib '° are -called. Doubtless, also, the Barbary apes are looking down at na from hannts amons; the «liffs, where they will find a refuge, beln protected by stringent laws. They are tailess, of course, as their name implies, foor, humble-looking creatures, yet more precious than all their long-tailed brethren tnasmach ai they are the sole repre- ^ectattves of the monkey tribe still ezist- iDg in E aropo. They are found, however, tn vast numbers on the coast of Barbary, «nd this haadf nl of the rock seems to cor-. XQ borate the story of the former union of ^he two continents. It would seem that "the maklrig of the Phoeaioian canal had cut off the resroat of this garrison, isolating "them from their fellows. Hot, though "they alone remain as living proofs of the time when Europe and Africa were one, 'there aro wonderful caves in the rock where liones of elephants and rhlnoceroaea, leop- ards and hyenas, lie bleaching together «B thoy hi7e lain for conntleaa centuriea «tranp;8 memorials of still more remote »ges, when they and their fellows were free to wander at large throus^h Spanish «ad Italian forests, and thence pass undis- itotbed to Calais and across the dry land to Dover, there to leave their old bones for the wonder and edification of curious and tnquisltiva human beings in this 19 :h cen- tfary. The caves are not at all antediluvian tombs. Some have been homes of the living, who have sought an asylum in times of danger. One of the most inter- eating of these rock dwellings is known as Martin's Cave its only entrance is from tbe actuil face of the precipice, the per- pendi .ular cliff towering 700 feet above it, while an equally precipitous wall of nat- 3iral and artificial fortifications lies between it and the calm blue sea below. The only .access to this cave is along a steep and (dangerous rocky ledge, scarcely to be call- «d a path, whence one false step would MviA you through mid air to find your rest In the quiet waters of the Mediterranean. Bat within the cavern you will find still •quieter waters. Ton pass from the glowr ing sunlight into the dim, ghostly cave, where tall stalagmites rise up to meet the pcmdant s-alactitea which adorn the roof, giving an bfifjst of gray pillars, some slen- der, some ttiaasive, and as you peer through them into the innermost recesses of the 'Cave you perceive a still, dark pool, into ~which from time to time one single drop â- ci water falls with a dull splash from the rock above. The Russians on the Amoor. The MancLiooiia boundary question which China has suddenly raised up ia quite an «aaiy one to understand. The diepnied ter- xttoryis on the south bank of the Amoor, »nd was really never formally csded to â- Raasla, b .t which the government of eaat- «ra Siberia has, durinng the past twenty ;;€ei78 planted thickly wichcolonieaof exiles, resocvist3, and Cossacks. The colonization escteads to fr:m twenty to fifty milea south j€ tho river, on land not included in the last treaty with China, but which China Itfts allowed Russia to cccnpy and colonize •without opposition. Now the governor- eeneral of eastern Siberia reports that "bands of armed Chinese have croised the Rossian frontier i»xl4. surprised several Cossack villages." Dire punishment will presumably be 3e'ed ont to she "depredators" by Russia, ^soless, indeed, Eogland intercedes for th«re is but little doubt that the attack 'waa a result of the proposed Anglo-Chinese aiance which was being negotiated at ^he time when it seemed likely that France and England were about to seriously dis- m^cee on the Bosphore-Egyptian question mad a Franco Russian alliance appeared to iia a pDBsibiiity. To meettbiscombinationEagland'splan -wonld nam -ally have been to checkmte Xioasla and France by aiding the Chinese in To nqoin and on the Amoor. It was «addenly reported that the Chinese lef nsed to evacuate Tocqain, and almost simnlta- oeoosly the Manchoorian boundary ques- tioa was raised by the Chinese government. 2 aite as suddenly, however, the Bosphore- £gyptien question was settled. England thought it wise to come to a peaeef d on- ^entanding with Buasiaabout the Pen jdeh incident, ^e Chinese goverment quickly xepadiatedany idea of notkeeping hereon- tcact with France, only the pooriy armed Cluneae marauders on the Maaohoorian frontier could net be reached in time by telegraph to st^y farther prooaedinga. One-legged oratora are always sm £al OB the stomp. TMB LOUB-KIUI CLVK. toB th«Pi lid like to ^ok* Side Bar SkiniMr, t, aa the dufe 1 ^- Ik i rpodC teas"V4t dVtepoiir am tne, liere it am de dcoby of ebery yoong man who kha anpporfe a wife to take one." "ItamtnaerMh." ** Den let me compliment yon wid one hand an' spoke a few rewUEks to you wid de odder. Oittfai' mar'd has ifii werry ae- rioBi aids. For iastanoefaatde-fat gwine to mar'y yon bekase ahe lovea yon, or to spite her f olkes hekase dey kept her away from de skatin'a rink t Am yon gwine to mar'y de gal for love, or bekase hfur ther has some wealth whioh yon hope he'll shell ont far yoor benefit t " Love am a powerful emoBhon, Brad- der Skinner, bnt love widont pork and ta- ters to keep it goin' am like de froth on top of sodawater. " Don't mistake yoor sentiments. If yon am sartin dat you love, go ahead. If it am only lollypop, hire out as a deck hand on a steamboat fur a week an' it will all go away. I hev knowu couples ez seemed to be dyin' of love. Dair silly ackshuns made 'em de laffin-stock of a hall naybnrhood. Dey seemed to dote and dote, but it didn't last. Arteraoonple of y'ars de husband war' a home grumbler an' tyrant, an' de wife a gadabont an' a acold. What dey s'posed was love war' only lollypop. «..,-. " Doan' marry a gal hopln' dat her father will set you up in de barber bizneas. Most fadder-in-laws not ooly want all dey hez ^ot, but am wlllin' to struggle for another $20,000. **Doan' sot down an' figger dat fo' ta- ters, a loaf of bread, half a pound of meat an' a quart of applesass am goin' to ran you fur a week. Yon will want all de sal- ary yon kin ai'm, an' yon had better look aroan' an' find somebody who will lend 'you a dollar now an' then. ' Doan' flatter yerselves dat all yon hey got to do am to hug in de house an' kiss ober de gate. You'll be hungry fur co'n beef an' baked beans yonr cloze will w'ar out your floiu an' butter will wasteaway, an' a bill fur two months' rent will send a chill up yer back. De man or woman who specks diat mar'd life am a green an' shady lane, lined wid orange blossoms on one side an' ten dollar bills on de odder, am gwine to wake up some day an' find de rats leavin' the place in disgust. " Think of dese things, Brudder Skhi ner. Yon kin get a wife inaboub fave min- utes, bn*! it takes five y'ars to git shet of some of 'em. Expect about one day's sunahine fur a week of clondy weather. Reckon on house rent comin' due de fust of ebery month, an' de grocer an' batcher keepin' an eye out fur you each Saturday night. It will amaze yon how de wood- pile decedes an' how de flour gits oaten de barl BO soon. Doan' walk into matrimony like a lobster Into a box, bnt figger on whether de bait am wnth de risks. If yon conclude to mar'y yon kin depend on dis club attendin' the obsequies in a body, bringin' along a bonnteons supply of ham sandwiches. If yon decide not to, it am probable dat you will soon be promoted to some posishnn of trust an' responsibill^." STATISnCAI.. In reply to an inquiry propounded by the Hon. Pokeroot Dayton, the Secretary announced that the Lime-Kiln Club now had 163 branch lodges, covering all the States except Maine and Rhode Island, and including Ontario, Canada, Halifax and New Brunswick. The membership of the L'me-Kiln Club proper was about 7,000, counting honor- ary members, while that of the branch lodges Was over 40,000. The club and its tranches represented spot cuh to the amount of $1,600,000. The members included piets, preachers, lecturers, orators, Btateameu, editors and all the trades of caily life. ONE UORB coTsra The President annonnoed that he was in receipt of a postal card from Savanntdi announcing the supposed death of Brother Hereditary Knox, an honorary member of three years' standing. Brother Knox was engaged in " hoolung" cotton bales aboard a steamer and fell from the gang- plank into the river. Aa he did not retnm to his work after a reasonable time had elapsed the supposition was that he remain- ed at the bottom and that the dob would get no more dues out of him. The three cotton-hooka on the north wall of Paradise Hall were ordered to be draped In monming for the space of fif- teen days, and If it can be ascertained that the deceased brother left a widow the nsnal resolntiona of sympathy wHl jjstib- ably be paaaed. Just the Same Every time. Everybody who has aiad or sold Putnam's Palnlasa Com Extractor reports that it Is the only sure pop Com Cure extant. C. Thompson, Tilaonboigh, writes: "In every case Patnam'a Com Extractor haa given entire satlatetion." Can yon donbt the certified testimony ofiiared by thooe who have need it. Try it to day. The only safe, sore and painlcM Com cnre ia Patnam'a Com Extractor. Beware of subatitafcea and tmifm^i/fns. Poison Co., proptietoxB, Kingaton. Bonnete cmne high this spring, remarks a fashion paper. The man who has the misfartnne to dt behind one at die thea- ter ia folly coovinced of die fiwt. "Does oor oonatant ehatter yool" asked a lady vH a fellow oa a teain gmhg weat. "Wo Hia'am~: I have been mazried on tothivlj yean." •• ThMW Pkyiieto fli faMhicned IiIm mara, diatoxb l«iity, Ipa, earn B^flMoflD't'tain roots' i "nlie foondto power as any of if. Ili^irjrilbbJrithont th i ItarmlBsaly, ei Iwy action o the id as an anti- ate ing stoi bUTons A oydone resembles a woman because when it makes np ita mfaid to goaometjrhere all earth can't stop it. » -j.- r â- â- PUes, fiitnlap jmd, pipfcww «^ eilly'oared. Book of putiealara tiro let- ter stamps. World's DiaDaoBary Medical Association, BofialS, K. T. ' It was a western market report«r who pot this into type "Floor is still high, but it isn't aa deer as doe." " A little fire ts quickly trodden out Whirh, b.-i^ auflated, rivets cannot qaenchr Procrastination may rob yoo of time, bat by Increased dllUgenoe you can make np the loss but If it rob yoo of life the loss is irremediable. If yoor health is delicate, yonr appetite fi^e, yonr sleep broken, yonr mind depressed, yoor whole being on" of sorts, depend on it yoo are seriously diseased, la all snch cases Dr. Pierce's "(rolden Medical Discovery ' will speedily eff:;!Ct a genoine, radical cure â€"make a new man ot yon and save yoo from the tortures of lingering disease. A dentist is no chicken. He is always a pull-it. OataiTliâ€" A Hew TreKtBCBt. Perhapa the most extranudinary snooess tttat has been achieved In modem sdence has been attained bv the Dlzoa Treatment of catarrh. Oat of 3,000 patlenta treated dnrlna the vast riz monuia, folly ninety per cant have been cored of this stobbom malady. This is none the less startling when it ia remembered that not five per cent, of the patients nceseating themaelvea to the r^olar practitioner aie benefitted, while the patent medicines and other advertlaed oorea never record a cnre at alL Starthig with the claim now Kanerallybe- Ueved by the most scientifle men that the disease is doe to the presence of livinR parasites in the tissues, Mr. Dix- on at once adapted his core to their extermination this aocompllahed the catanfa la praotioally cored, and the permanencf ia uup Qoestioned, aa cores eflteted by him foor years ago are ooree atilL No one eue haa ever at- tempted to core oatcurh in this manner, and no other treatment haa ever cored oatarm. The application of the remedy la almple and..can be done at home,, and the preaent aaaaon of the year ia the moat favorable for a speedy and permanent core, the maiorlfer of cases being cored at one treatment Sufferers a'lonld oor- reapond with Messrs. A. H. DIXOm cS SON. S 36 King-fltreet Weat, Toronto, Canada, and endoae atampfor their treatiae on oatarh.â€" MoHfraoI Star A coontry aeat â€" ^the milking- atool. Taking experience aa the teat therecan be no qoeation about the anperior qoality of the " Myrtle Navy" tobacco. From the tirs year of its manofactore the demand for it has steadily grown. Even in the yean which were marked by oor bosiness de- pression, there was no pause in the iaoreaae of the aale of it. In the dull years of 1876- '77 and '78, the sales of it were vastly great- er than in the prosperoos year of 1873. The best post traveller is a letter. Iai]HrUBU Whea roa vMt or iMf e New York OUr. Mva Baonm Bz^rMMoe and Owitese Wn, and itop %t ttie cSujto UinovHoT«i« oppoBite Onuid Oentnl Dwtk m elegMitroomi fitted np kt a ooit of one mllUoii dollan. to. andnpmidi ner day. Bazopean plan. Berator' Bertanrant loppUed with the bertT Hone Mm itagee and elevated rallnada to all dapoti. Tarn- iUeeean live better for lees money at the Orand Union Hotel than at anv other Snt-oIaH hotel in the Ott». Money n your purse will credit you wisdom in your head will adorn you, and both in your neeeaaity will aerve yoo. The Eagle Steam Washing Machine. A washing machine has been invented which executea ita work with a great sav- ing of time, labor, and wear to clothes, also fuel. In the States this machine Is sold by the thousands, and is just now be- ing introduced into Canada by the mana- facturer, who has sent out some hundreds of machines on trial, and to prove the worth of this machine, not one has been returned, and house wives who once test this will find it an invaluable addition to saving of labor. Any amount of *» Cana- dian" testimonials may be seen on appli- oationtothefirm, 78 Jarvis street, Toronto. See advertisement in another column. I have seldom known anyone that desert- ed troth in triflea who ooold be troated in mattera of importance. ThenTeUIt To the vicdm of pains and aches no tidings can give greater pleaauze than the means of relief. Poison's Nsrviuns ex- actly fiUs the bllL Nerviline cores rheo- matibm. Nerviline cores cramps. Nervi- line cures headache. Nerviline is soie in lumbago. Nerviline, the great cnre for internal or external pains. Trial bottles costing only 10 cents may be had at any drag store. Boy one and test it. Larffe bottles of Nerviline only 26 cents, at all droggists. Nerviline, nerve pain core. Awi^e and good man dees nothisafor appearance, but everything for thesa£e of having acted well. TeiuclU roltidcBelt The VoltidcBelt Co., of m^^iA^i |q^ oflFer to send their ceMnated Eleotre* YoltaloBelt, and other Electric Ap^ianooa •S..*^. '" " ^y* meiroung or old) afflicted with aervoos debility, loss of vitality, and aU kindred troables^ Also for rheumatis m neoralgia ^ralysiB, and " ^^^^'^^J^^f*^ ^Complete lestor- alum to health, vi^ and maahood snaraD- teed. No risk is inonrred as thirty dan' trialis aJowed. Write them at oaoa for Unstratod pamphlet free. "»«* w An exohaoge contains an article headed. '•Baform at Fonerda." This, hi oor onln- lon. wiU be of UtUe good. Thetimito reform IS before death. -.^/!^^"*» â- "»* *» "«' irlth TioUnls^ So excellent a device should not be confined to any partlcalar ranless. ion or calUng. *««**»- •* What fa there in a^nineepler aaks ahooselmhijoamaL We sbooid like to Msw« AatqoertlsB, haStYmm not tUm to get out a sapplenuDt. SEND FO^ ClRCULi ,^ND STATE REUlFd tv CRUMPS FOR ALL PURPOSES F *iWhat is the last important act that 9eoite Washington ctidr •â- '^^ teacher «f i^ liureBiile hiiltery Aum'*^ know," piped a freckled youngsttf "he died." .^ ^V7..^^.•.•;. .:- â- --r ..:â- :.â- :â- â- .. ^i^^i^ lABMS KW (MLIAâ€" an fetBdrk-eMe forllrt ttOfM J- lULST. OMlh. fW\mf». aAtu)w» 00.. Ootloa, WooUan. 80k Ou X pet an d Wontad Shnttto Makcn, andaa. U nt ^ASK TOUR OBOCKB FOE IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING PDBI BBBO AvftOBraien for lale two oowa* t«° yearlins heilen and one ball. Write lor deeorip- tton.piiee and pedigree t e Q.J. Bakmi. Trafalgar. fl^HK BLIaD aflUoted SKSâ€"ThoM we tfttatt^ to I lot MfWaut lie Watar, it «»« rij «S*« " iSeiN that are owable, even Ooiw BUndnea^ Mk Cnr dmssiita for It. Wlxdeaale by Ivaian Bona a 00,, oatraal. Send for drenlar to rae the marvdmia onrSrXted in MontieU to OBO. W/UJaMS. 708 St. I«wi«D«e itMet, orat QABDNKB-B Dwf Store, oof. net MoCMll an d aotw Dame etrae f **C*i;.D WATUt IMF 1 1" (TAB xLixiB anaxr na nwdinXnglacdBlnoe 187% awarded Bold meda IM- oon. Bng., 1881 Boarnvs cubk tub Scab and U »Mn diseaeee elUier on CktUe, horHaoralieep; deatron ail inaeete and lioe aLio inaee â- on planta. Tinea and treei. ^ritefuroJreuUufsandprioeJ.andBiwterttoonl- al from Hon. IL A. Ojohrane. AddrMi NB8S OvX, TSSOraicSt-MiairaaL Aganta Warned. Goodindaoe- menta oSei«d to mart man. THE ALLODIAL ARGUS, GiHog ralnable informaUon to intending ponhMMn of andaandhooaeo. K,. W, I»rittie Co, Ksal Brtate Agenta, Oommteaione'i, Valnstora. Troi- tea, acd Hoanoial Asentt BOOH O., Ai«ade, Tonga Suees Tcwonio. Seod 3ct. stamp for a copy of the aboT£ paper. Manofactoraia of Star Bivet, Leather Belting. IMge donble Driving Belts a ipeoialty. irSend for Price Lista and Diaooonta. F. E. Dg OH CO., "^a.^ FOB FLBASAin? SBWINO ^USS 0NLT-â€" Clapperton's Spool Cotton Warranted FITLL Iiength, and to ran imooth on ani â- awing maehine. Sea that Oi.APPBBTOir'B name la ot beUbel. ly Joraale br tX\ Dri-QoodBDealen. AUGURS WELL BORING BUY THE STAR. Will bore 6 to 35 iaoh hole; hand or hoise-powrr 90 leet'per honr. Otr combined angnr and Book Drill a Kand BoooeM, worked bf steam or horse-power. Sead r Oatalogne- es Mary Street, HunUten, »mt. Dominion Line of Steamships Bwwing In eonneeWon with the Grand Irank Bailwx ofOanada. Sailing from QnebeoeverpBatnrdardnriai the summer months, and from Portland ererf Xluasdti dming the winter months. Bailing dates from HOIVTREAI., «tta Jnae SAKnA. STtfe Mums BttOoKLrar, MUh •• otMaaage:Qk] TOKONTS 4tlt Smlf. ibee to Idrerpooi tab, •«» •U7, «I44, aeoordiag t: t68i 980. Hetnm. 9Wi «u»i «u(, *i«*, â- ooonung steamer and berth. Intermeoiate 936, Stewate a lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in steaaiM- marke' thus: are amldshtes, where hot little motioa tOlt, and no oattle or sheep is oarried on them. Vor Ik tber nartisnlars apply to any Grand Irank BaUwat Agentof looal agent s ot th e Oompany, or to •ATn» T«|BBAKCB A C«.» General Asanti MaDt"al, CAUTION 1 Saeh PlngoftlM MYRTLE NAVY 1 IS MARKED T. B fin Bronie Letten." NONE OTHER CENUINE CUT THIS OUT The New Co-Operative ARE THE BEST IN THE MAEOT. â- Kw wtAxmt nw wtmswwvmAi Latest Improved Attachments â€" a. Agents price for similar macMne S60 Our price only 125 eaclL •'S'^s.s^SOTsS;^?""'" " •'•^* »«««*» ^Maohtaeagua»anwii?tothwej«ua and sal w Any ia dy wa nthig a madiine wlU do waP to write t THE CO-OPXRATIVX Sewing Machine Co. 22 JAMES ST. SOUTHi HAMILTOK ALL •*'(K)LD SEAL" powdeI tOti SALK BY GROCERS • ;. TheHeaWiliiea^, Forest, and mort « aome in the market. Guranteed Pn. J. J. TAYLO TOSOSTO SAFfi WOKkT ESTABLISHED 1855 MANUFACTU8EBS OF R AND " Bnrglar Proof Sak 8IVBI,T4VI.TS, TlULTDOOIg. 1 Prism Locks, and all kihds of Pin J Bui^lar Proof hecnritjes. I Patenteea and aole mannractarets ot n,..^! afea,with Non-OonductioK Steel Flange Doo^JSl hare been deronstrated by actual tests toLJl beat fire-reaiating: sates now mode a otuihl I econd-hand Fire-proof Safes now in stodLTuI Pricesâ€" also Five Second-Hand BargUrPioii?! snitable for Private Bankers or JeweUtrg. â- ^I FACTORY AND SALESROOM I 117 119 FIHINT STREET asU OMj illan Line fioyal Hail Steai^ Bailing during winter from Fortland even Tim^l and HaQfax every Satnrday m ti-Tarpooi, »ndhSll from Qnebec every Satorday to LiveriKnl, aaUiBMHI donderry to land mails and paaiwnicen for Snotu^.l fraland. Alan fntm SMtimnr«.*iii 1Tlif.. ..jvr^*! to and from HalifaT. Po-tland, B Jston u^nl pUa and daring inunmer besweea Qiasgov lalZI titnal, weekly f'lasgowand Boetan, weeUr: ind olZI and PhUadelphU. fortDightly. "=»^-"a«i»| For fraifht,. pacgaga, or other InCormikl apply to A. Schnjnacirs' fc Co., Baltlmwiil Canara ft Co. Halifax Siea G%, St Jgtal N. F. Wm. Taomaoa CkJ., St. John, H tl AJlan Co., Chicago; Love «fc Aidai. Si York jH.Bonrller. Toronto ;AiUi« Raetn Qnebec: Wm. erocldQ, Phl^ade'phiB; E i Allan. Portland. Boaroa. Mctiel. MPSSiS U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Clima ?bA bearlsf aredMntofl' that] â€"â€" Koae Xieaf fine cut that U,uw« TSa^r Clipplnga, and that Lorlllaid'i gsUkal the best and obeapest. Quality considered mnm ttiore a positive Tcmedy f:r tbo abca i-Useasibja I use thonsaDtls of crbos of the womt feird aad (KMI I BtBIiiiebave!?in cured. Indee'.i.eoBtr.inEisiiiTftlB I In In efficacy, that I will send TW© BOTTLKSFEft,*' I getber vlth a VAI.lTAiiLR XKEATISE en tli!a t\nm.t mBjaaOBieT. Give Express and KO.a4'lPgg. VS. T. A. SLOCCX. Itl Puir;tlU,Kl*Tk^ PREMIEB. BUDOE. BilTAl. GANADIil. £XP£ST, KANGAROO SAFETI.| SO 2nd hand BIctoImhII Tricyolea. JV Send for list Send 3c 8tampforlAi|eilM| alogue ever issued id Cui'i| A. T. LANE, Montreal wcmmmn cabbiacb tops are ttt^l •»I Aeapcat Im the Harket. Ordtf •â- â- nwBB jrnmr Ctariava Sakar. Take a* « The E.fl'J^I V.-.4r IS, "'i^l Tented thrt'rfJ boara, can JJ^S,! in one lion:. «£»b watiiel.U»^^l trWradtenltarjrBiwn. Lndios mRl.-flE J i'):^!"""!^! «o^», and every l»dy T^iil bnv after tr-:ip it, SdrO*! tovaaheabcoB infive minn.rs cottci 'n. ' in 2ft "JWl lO.ornOMle. Address, FEilRIS A o..J':itcutce«»'"^s iactaiera,TS Jarria Street. TOBOSIi^.^aiiiiia lamers, 111 Men and aU Oil Consmeis â- aw., n A « Jâ„¢^ SAYEVOmt BY CSDtO l MCOLL'S CgfcEBRATED OVA McWU BIOS. ۥ,, TORONm liaTeao( Lt one time the B Ea8*'the beat fa; xoond porpoaea, ' Itjr, good laying a •oi, we thbik th -that is, if the r IfBadiasarebi are better lay itable, bat on th Wiety which cai ker position than 'ot bosiness â€" that 1 all goose qoalitie [eeae eqaala the t good qaalities L I. They need n only graes and en spring com?8 tl kty of egga. We t Dt the superior, i tly for laying. e egga in a season t J nothing uncomm ay 40 to 50 eggs f spared with othe; kpt to hatch well, atched, after he nght for growing i ler grass or lettuo litly ealted, v-itT jk, and a dry, wai I of thrift and a f mole. How to Bu]