WW. â- V* O^wmJ- ^•^•Ij. rt*. to |C» 1 to oa to « to a to t to a to •1 to i to 1)0 to to a to I ^\ [â- v^\ mi l ft. 1« M. I.I H i t" itS:^ ' "^H:^i.n%i ' ::,^ f ^aiMi a^i 3i aoi Flesi The T«fteber8 AwoeuUion oi SodHi r^» held tbeir aniuMl meetjag of 2?/Joci»tioii in th* Town BiOi m Si X« on Tl.arrf*y and Fiidsf. «a very proP»*^o°^ " eonaeqneiw© of which tliere was the largest ammbly !f teachers of any former meetuig of the association here. Daring tho iwo In session th-'re was many papers ^ii god some very interesting ettiayi Len • one essay given which stood oat bejond all the others in the praise •nd credit given by those who were nresent, was that by our C8te«ned and iopuUr lady teacherjtar the junior de- ^laent of the Flesherton pnblio Jcbool, Miss Sarah Hopkins, "The teacher and his work." It was a masteriy effort and well deserviiig of the cfddit given. Mr. TiUey, Direc- tor of Teachers Institutes, was present faring all the session and contributed fome niaable information on several sabjects. The entertainment held in the Town Hall on. the erening of Tborsday, the 28th,undrr the auspices of the association was well attended, the Hall bemg crowded to the doors. Mr. M. Bichardson, chairmui, gave a very interesting opening address. Songs were given by the Misses Bieh- ardson, Miss Damude and Miss Chris- toe, which were duly appreciated by the aadience. Mr. Ferguson gave a j-eadiog and Dr. Christoe a short ad- dress, the greater pact of the evening being allotted to Mr. Tilley for his address, "Relation of education to the State." Mr. Tilley is an easy and fluent speaker and for oyer one hour deeply interested his audience, after which the company sang "God save the Queen" and the assembly dis- missed. Rey. Mr. McDowell has been absent for some days attending the Stationing Committee of the Guelph Conference. In his absence his pulpit was occu- pied ia^he morning by Mr. Suggott very acceptably, and in the evening by Mr, Thos. Osburn. naxivell. Yez' will have to excuse me for not writing last week, as my wife Bridget was not well, and I had to wait on her. The doctor says it was "inflam- iDuntory consumstiun " butnevertbe- Jess she is well now. We had oo fun hereon the 25th. some were away to the beaver fishing iind tloEC well. C. A. Chant made over 50 nice little fellows kick the ijiicket. Over-feeding is often the cause of 'ieath. Mr. W. F. Kerton lost a fine tolt last week. Tii« poor thing had lieen trying to die for about three montlis and could not succeed till the "wner commonced to plough with it. Accidents will happen. MoRsrs. Herron Bro's have opened "in iu thfi cooper Jine iu Guy's wagon «li^-'|i. Batter tubs wiil catch grief Our esteemed friend, John Miller. :•â- iioiind for"Alpeiia" soou. Wonder i' iie will take the mulofl and the little i^i-sack? The latter has answered Jiie purpose of a "town clock" since it -ame, for it would bray every hour, and we would not like it to go away '^ow. Guess we will buy it. Mr. Thos.. Browuridge has now a "'^ry fiue house. It has recently been veneered with brick, by Fred Eyder. ^wch presents a beautiful appearance. The Maxwell boys have joined to- o^tiier and organized a base ball club. ^mch H expected to be a good one. P "as now about 30 members. Joseph ^amey and Sandford Tuck were ap- mki captabs of the club, and can plT^P^' ^ell. Johnson Little, president, and Andrew Sharpe, Sec ^^eas. and no dnnht some 09*., OnSctaraiiflMtilfttetK let «. of • iMtan oieeond, m nUah ^^ Ind bem put to«Mhar Ja hnuTZ the first one niMd aotf atarad m tha iwnal w»y. tiialowtr girt wae sot ia pUee when tlM6 or hn m sot npon it in order to mit tW ttpwr nrt in its 0aee. bnt owing to tho bmt n^ being •affidantJiy biMaa, the waAi on Um lower »e«aiued tin stay to Kive Way when down eaaeOe staDd. ing bent apon 80 men iajaxiDg five, aafoUows; John Fenis was itniek on the head and ahoUec knoeking hiin senaeleM W. J.Tieacy was stmok across the haek and held fitst; GnstisBnrxett jumped, Iqihthig on a' stone breaking his leg Banial Wallace jumped and fell, and another iomped npon him, putting WaUaee's ankle out of joint Wm. J. MoGee also straioed his arm while jumping. Ferris and Leary were thou|^t to be fatal cases bnt after the lapse of some two hours they both ahowed sisns of animation. Drs. Chr^toe, Cartw, and MeBride were immediiitely des patched for, and did all in their power frr the mjnred ones, and good hopes are now entertained for the recovery of the worst oases. After the wound- ed were cared for the msioi; of tiie building was proceeded with. This should be a warning against the reckless racing, so common iu con- nection with the erection of frame boildmgs, and the unohlled for noiie and disorder so prevalent when con- testmg for a victory in such matters. Honorable Dlattaictloii. We are pleased to notice in the re- sult of the recent examinations for Art [Scl^ols throughout Ontario, held in Toronto on the Ist and 2nd of May, that Miss Laura Borke and Miss Minnie Borke of Markdale, who have been attending the Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, are among the suc- cessful ones in obtaining teachers certificates. Miss Laura Borke, free- hand drawing, practical geometry, model drawing and men^ory drawing. Miss Mirmie Korke, practical geometry and model drawing. During the past session over 8000 students have been stodying industrial art throughout the Province 1100 studints were candi dates for examinations, representing about fifty institutions. The iact that these young ladies were successful in obtaining certificates where there were so many candidates, speak very highly for them as students, and also that they must have natural gifts and tastes tor the art. We wish them coutioued s access in tbeir future studies. and eteaiiiwm^ae^ ke anta liltfaia • fewyMdroftibe siS nad al the ncrth end ol the yHUmt, 19 vhidi he was going. On twsmg the cnmer the rig npeet throwing the oeenpaataoat, and iiqaxing Miss Mc- Golmaa'e a^e and bcninng her tiiigh and leg ecy badly. The young woman wwe brm^ebt h»A to Mr. B. Ghnen's honae, whsve Hias MeOol* man ha« been lying wver nnce in a very precarious eonfition, bnt Dr. Oldham who is attendmg her, haa hopes now of her speedy recovery. Miss Tory escaped without injury beyond a haid shaking up, and young Tory, who uas the dinrt cMue of the acc^ent, also esc^ed uninjured. The horses were caught down in the swamp. Perhaps young Tory is sufficiently punished by remorse he must feel at having eaiued hie cousin to nearly lose her lite, but most people thmk he should gel six months at hard labor.â€" CAateportik Ntm. I had for years been a miMraUe mfforar from Dyspepsis. and tried all known temedies and tb(9 bestmodioal skill rf my aeqiuuntanee, bat still grew worse, mitil onaUe to eat any thing without great snlTering, or do any kind of work. I hegfta to thiixk there was no hope for me. and that I most sorely die when, like a drowning man catching at a straw, I detomined to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once b^an to Im- prove so rapidly that in two months I wa«t as well as I had ever been in my life. â€" Wh. EvsBs LxAKiNOTOx, Sold by Hill Bro's. Free trial bottles 6 iinpoRTAirr. Gleaelg §tafistics l§§4-5. "When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotd, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duced at 91.00 and upwards per day.. European plan, Elevator, Bestnrant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first elaas hotel in the eitgr. Tbe Afghan Question. St Petbbsbubo, May 29, â€" The following is the exact state of the Afghan frontier negotiations. The Ameer- surreuders Pendjeh for Zul- ficar. The question is unsettled whether Zalficar Press shall form part of the boundary or remain wholly in Afghanistan. Bnssia insists that Meruchuak belongs to Pendjeh. Eng- land objects and makes the retention of Meruchuak a situ qua non. This difference is now the main difficulty. â- 3 m\„\.i. â- ^^^^^ 8ome of the b or7?"°^ '"^^ °^ay get a stump ^^fore long. We wish th^m succew. Pmz. ^leatord Road. "(Fr ""om our correspondent.) "^^•i by a bear la.t Friday night. raised W ^S^' °®^ '^â„¢e ^^1^ ^s "oo^vanlrti "â- ^^«^«' W.J. '"opv arSr '^^ ^^^^^ 'lie captains. AH w f ^^" ^»" tlie Tictory. Tl 1 ^1 '^»«i^e;rl? $°^^ pulpit, in 'the ^••fiUedV L^^'"' ^^^- McDowell. The Clerk of Glenelg township has kindly furnished us with the following interesting statistics Number of acres Assessed in 1884 68268, in 1885 68221, decrease 47 number of acres cleared in 1884 31852, in 1885 82795, increase 842 Assess- ment on real property iu 1884 $689,- 840, in 1885 $665108, inoreaee $25,- 268; Assessment on personal property in 1884 $48706, m 1885 $50560, in- crease $855 Total amount of assess- ment in 1884 $689645, in 1885 $715,- 668, increase $26223; Number of jersons in families rated on roll in V884 3583, in 1885 8546, decrease 38; Number of cattie in 1884 8881. in 1886, 8650, increase 929 Number of sheep in 1884 4507. in 1885 4520. in- crease 13 Number of hogs in 1884 1182, in 1886 1810, mcrease 128; Number of horses in 1884 924. in 1886 942, increase 18 Numbw of acres of woodland in 1884 84221. in 1886 21676, decrease 2646; Ntimber of acres swamp or marsh lands in 1884 10287, in 1886 10916. mcrease 679 Number of acres of orchard w garden m 1884 282, in 1886 899, increase j 118; Number of acres of ftdl triieat in 1884 1867, in 1886 1080,4eeceaae 227 l}«mbeeofaaaei«irrei|i»ifp4 ten from 6 tp'^M^mf^^^^^' 18 in 1884 488, in ISeSII^mcreas^ 17: Cbpr^ ^m iSto^in l^ in 1884.78, w^l8$6.W* decnsMe 18; Deatbam 1084 26..Hi4«e6 fiTf » *»*' Tei^o! biire proved easil:^ caught. It is very easily to catch cold, but not so easy to cure it unless yon use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best remedy for all throat, bronchial and lung troubles, coughs, colds and con sump live tendencies. For a clean shave good clip or genuine shampoo try Smith the Barber, Markdalei .-^i Mm stddress, 5jidate,-. f^ Jl^^r yesar ^^^"^M Is second to no paper in the district. ONLY $lper Tear la Hm place «akqp ^^^ laig^ aaaortmant ^nist to hand. A I Solid Silver Watches^ FnU Je welie d, tem fdJQ up to |S6. worth fifgm $10.60 to $8100, wac yaated from two to five jean. n wfli pay joa to emne twentgr miles to hare yoar Wateh or Cloek: repaned by BuaaeD. 1^ Satiilaetieii gnaianteed evwy JUtaiUmoL To any address, if paid in advance. Our machinery a.nd type are up with the times, enabling us to furnish, on short notice, work of all kinds such as Posters, Dodgers^ Programs, Streamers, Plackards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Cards, Notes, Receipts, Funeral Cards, Circulars, Pamphlet work c 5,000 Pamphlets turned out since ist January, comprising six different jobs. The best of satisfaction given in both quality of work and despatch in turning out the same, t^ether with mod- 217-S08 mm PiciFi p R.R.LAIiD8| AtarlcM MBtol lor wo y rton w iX HwMt wâ€" »w tor oolHoMRt r im,fcifc» SdTimbertiBltnwUwi. yQ*g wtre i» tiM Horthjrji Pii the PBKBOoTtmmnt Uadik Addret;, CHAS. B. EUGENIA HOTEL EtOENIA FALLS Ont. J. McAIeer, -Prop. The public may vAf on reoeiring overy necosMty attention aa to Eatables, Drink ables, and Hone Can. 244-67 HAG YARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM gR.TTBM'AJrS wObm powders: An pteaaont to take. Contain their otm PmsatiT*. la a aafe. aore. and eOteeteal in Ctaildzonor Adnlta SHINGLES FOR sale: emt j«;w-:\fiift:^ V M^; re^ectluliy iny^ te pabUp to glire «i^ a-oali when. inltosK^. V 1 '•"•J a' 4 «£vtifc^*. tmwntJL MVu. ST., i ,t^ f^jMf^'Jv. THE Sabscriber wishes to inform the public that he has a large quantity •£ Cedar Shingles ' of the best quality at Sparling's Mill, near Vandelenr, for Sale JOHN T^EBEB, Vandelenr. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 242-4« Store to Rent in Markdak. rpHE store in Beynold's Block to rent,^ JL Application as to terms can be obtained, from Jcdir Lyons, Varkdale, or JOHN WmXE, St. Vino«it, 143-tf. Stratlmaim. P. O.. Owner IL S. I 9 Ffaia Ornamental Piaster Opposite the new ' AvdMB, CahiaMm, Centw Flowerf^ and alb kinds of ^aln and othiMental jdi^^teitog ex*' oewtedatcfaeapoot xatMr. Two^. eooi wwk done for dq^t and • bidCxisHtB per yard. Jjatbmg and all labor dene bgr mo, parties finding mAtnrial^ " 9i4^BijHt^ nmm^sALE. LOT 19. l*«f««B.S tiTaSca^ oeS, loMMjaSnd wate etd- oBMoy pMHnraMi WBmer U iiiihi fiiam laalillt â- â- i â- tnf n i wy i iii irnt aLMj«bwl« yHtfSmmiMmm'mtmm. *ad veit^Uo |ta(»ritl«a4aJtr«raBifat^hnK, mu JflPtar 0*WA(IIHWy If -«a mm m MA 1 r' i T ' Jiii i '