ST9KT 0r A B«TTI :i Si 1 iKS i Pi " Ji I ri i' r-R ..f ft ' !»• S 4 .I-.- ill #; II â- 1 11. lift 1 V .- I!" i A*TvI«Mcr A iM mptein wya tiM Boakn Httald, rdfttoa that on Jane 4, UM, tib aohmm- er R. Bowen, Oftpt. ThMnpaop^ boond to OlonoMfeer fnm Maeaiiia* was ptabmg »bont in a loig ooeao swall In Istitiida 4S deg. 46 nin., longltBda 00. dM, 47 min. We bad made a good ran thua ur, but on tbia partieolar dayatroek a dead oahn. Tbere was littleto do, except to watob the reMel and wbJatle for wind, and several â- ehemea were Invented bj tbe cffioera to pass away tbe time. The second mate of ths Mhooner, Mr. Crolkihank, bad left asweetbeart at borne, and natatally bis mind drifted aovoas ^e watery waste to ber bright eyes. Noticing bia preoccupied manner, the CHtain.'s wife suggested that be send bis love a message from the sea. The idea seemed a good one. Ha wrote a note, inclosed it in an envelope, address- ed it to the yonng lady at Big Brook,Cape Breton, inclosed the whole in a battle, and threw it overboard. Their was great speculation at the time as to where the bottle would bring np but in a few hours a breezs sprung upj a jd, in working tbe vessel, »11 thoughts of the bottle and its contents were forgotten. The schooner in due time arrived in Glou- cester, and Mr. Cruikshank started for Cape Breton. His arrival was expected, but his astonishment may be imagined when bis lady-love brought forth the iden- tical bottle which tbe mate had thrown into the sea, and produced tbe note con- tained therein. The stry of tiie drift was a singular one. It bad been picked np on tbe shores of Little Dover B^y, on the east end of Nova Scotia, after a drift of forty-one days' duration, and the find- er sent it to the youns; lady. Another singular circumstance connected with the finding of the bottle was the fact that tbe fiaaer turned out to be a near relative of Mr. CruLkshank, although they never bad seen each other. Where the Old Shoes Go To. It baa long been known by many per sons what became of the old tin cans which are picked np throughout the city aod are carried away in wagons, but it has only recently been diaeovered to what nae the old shoes are put. Occasionally wagons go through the city, and return toward New York heavilf laden with oli shoes and boots â€" those that have baen thrown away as worthless. It is quite an Indtutry in New York gatheiiog these, and they are said to be worth five cents each. The foreman of a wallpaper factory in the city mentioned saya that different prices are paid for different, grades of leather, and that a pair vi fine calf-skin boots will bring fifteen cents. The boots and shoes are first soaked in several waters to get the dirt off them. Then the nails and threads are removed and the leather is ground into a fine pulp ready for use. The embossed leather papeiings which have come into fashion lately, as well as the scamped leather fire screens, are really nothing but thick paper covered with a layer of this fine pressed leather pulp. The foreman of tbe factory to whom the reference is made says that the finer the quality of the leather the better it takes the bronze and oli gold and other expensive colors in the designs painted on them. Fashionable people think they are going away back to mediieral times when they have the walls of their libraries and dining rooms covered with embossed leather. They don't know that the shoes and boots which their neighbors threw into the aah-barrel a month before form the beau- tiful material on their walls and on the screens which pi^ect. their eyes frjm the fire. Many other trades use old shoes and boots, and the tops of carriages are largely made of them ground up and pressed into sheets. Book-binders use them in making the cheaper forms of leather bindings, and the new style of leather frames with leather mats in them are entirely made of the cast-off covering of the feet. There is very little wasted in this world. ' A model Dos Story. Oae of the most singular incidents of brute intelligence that now and then cause men to pause and ponder upon tbe inscrutable mysteries of creation ooonzred recently in the city of All^hany. A gentleman residing there has two very intelligent d(^rs, which be has trained to work in a treadmill that runa bis wife's sewing machine, thereby relieving her of t lat labour The dogs take turn about at t, one working in the morning and tme in the afternoon. The lady was recently making a masquerade ball costame, which, of course, she carefully guarded aU know- ledge of from her female friends. One lady especially had tried every means to find out what the costame woold be, and an absolute enmity had grown ap between tbe two. The other day one of the dojs was taken sick, and tbe morning dog bad to do doable duty. To this be strmuoos- ly objected, but was whipped until he did the work. At the matqaerade baU, a few nighta aftwwarda, tbe bdy was deeply obagrined to see her rival wear aooatnme Identically tbe same as ber own. How she could have got the pattern remained a mystery, untU the Udies became friends again, and the faets leaked oat. It aeens tile dog knew of bis mistress's deaireto keep her costame a aearet, andreaentfnl for the extxa work impoaed open bim, had watched bis opportunity and takan the pattern of her rival in bis month. After itbadbcMi faispeetedand copied be had returned it to its place onder the aewiiMr maehhie box and carefoUy placed theadih sors ud admble npon It aa tbey had been. sMnci. Poital Caris Afevionftinvavtiom lk»ttal4MK tfbeiiat mpgfy pflslaldH^crctniifpad and paper bam aireeaptede to Iw IniylpabiiBplaap^s' â- fiii of siiehapbm iopeaM whiish the^paiciiear drope intot^e dune. T^ inventm oi tluB ecntrivanoe ia an HwgHAiw^w, and he made a aao- oasaful ^petimoit in introdufling it in hii own ooontry. Tae appaiatns oondsta of a box, aome* what luger than an ordinary lansp poat letterbox. In it are two oompertmenli, one containing postal carda, the other, stamped envelopea with sheets of pvpn enclosed in it. Behind these isa com- partment enclosing the madilnery. In the lid on the top of tbe box ia a alit over each oompartment. When aooinof tiie denomination (involving a certain size, thickness and weight) for which the ma- chinery has been constructed, is dropped into the slit, the look of a drawer in the bottom of tJie box Is released, and on the drawer being pulled out a postal card or stamped envelope is found in it. Any other than a proper coin will not release the lock, but, running through the ma- chine, is expelled upon a board at its base. If the coin is bad, it is retained in the machine and the lock is kept fostened. When all the cuds or envelopes have been sold a plate rises over tbe slit marked "empty," and no more coins can be put in. The machinery of the box may be ad- apted to the delivery of a variety of art- icles, such as theatre tickets, ferry tick- ets, prize paskages 'or fancy cards, and it is expected tluit it will be employed by many of the larger shops and hotels for this kind of delivery. JaOaHi Johnson, ot J a BU»|gi^llr^thont theaid^it It Astonished the Public to hear of the resignation of Dr. Pierce as a Congressman to devote himself solely to his labors as a physician. It was be- cause his true constituents were the sick and afflicted everywhere. They will find Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis- covery " a b aneficent use of his scientific knowledge in their behalf. ConsumpMon, bronchitis, cough, heart disease, fever and ague, intermittent fever, dropsy, neuralgia, goitre or thick neck, and ul diseases of the blood, are cured by this world renowned medicine. Its proper- ties are wonderful,, its action magical. By druggists. Speak well and little if you wish to be considered as possessing merit. Say, why is everything Either at sixes or at aevans 9" Probably, my dear nervous sister, be- cause you are suffering froin some of the diseases peculiar to your sex. Yon have a " dragging-down " feeling, the back- ache, you are debilitated, you have pains of various kinds. Take Dr. B. V. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription " and be cured. Price reduced to one dollar. By druggifcts. Beryl green comes with a bluish metallic lustre among the spring greens in millinery goods. The Worst Urethral Strictures speedily cured by our new radical methods. Pamphlet, references and termSj two letter stamps. World's Dis- pensary Medical Association, 663 Main Steeet, Buffalo, N.Y. The best education in the world is that got by struggling to get a living. What will he do with it A most interesting chapter could be compiled showing the peculiar means sometimes re-iorted to to relieve pain in some suffering member. Nnmberless cases could be cited showing tbe frequency of amputation of a toe to get rid of a trouble- some com â€" a radical remedy to be sure^ but one that many will hesitate to adopt. He that is wise will choose milder and safer means and use the sure pop remedy Putnam's Painless Com Extractor. It never fails, always acts painlesdy and costs little. Beware of dangerous substi- tutes and imitations. Sore, safe and painless. Palson Co., proprietors, Klngirtion, Ont. Bbuay a dandy before marriage beoomes sabdaed after it. Those who have Tried It Say The best proof of the great power of Pol- son's Nekviune over every kind of pain is obtained by the use of a 10 cent bottle. Nervlllne requires no pafiing every bot- tle tells Its own story. It cannot fail, for it is a combination of the most powerf al pain-Bubdulng remedies known to medi- cal science. Nerviline is eqnslly nsefi^. in external or Internal pains Try the great remedy, ten cent bottle at any drug store. Large bottles only 26 cents. The first newsdealer was Joseph. Pha- raoh made a ruler out of him, and he be- came stationary. Mtbtlb Navt.â€" The success which the Myrtle Navy tobacco baa with the public is beeanseit is composed of tbe very finest Vir- ginia leaf grown, and is numnfactnred witii the most scmpnlous care at every stage of the process. Tlie first thing In a boot is the last. PEBlgtNENT at Mr. Dfi^ _____ Us eare to ttiair J tUm auMCwmiHsheil tba mfaxA lspnMitieaUroared,a^«he^MBBaa«mii^ qnssdoned. as cures eOltotedlir UmtenrTean ago are enrss stilL No one else has sf«r at- tempted to cure catarrh ta this manaarjaadao other treatamt has ever onred oataz^ The appUoation at Oermedy Is slnqple aadwi be done at home, and the present season of tlw *ear Is Oe molt tavocabla fOr a veedrud p izmaneat cure, the audori^ of oases MlBg uored at one trsatment. Ssdvus Aoiddee|s respond with Messrs. A. K. mXOa. ft aON.aaS EhisHrtreet West, TOnmtOi Oaaada. a i^ a nd as w stamp for their tmatlpo on eatacA.â€" 'Jfonlrsal Star A.V22S. UndL-flend torlirt. lHas.CUi,uWATaOa,OoMoa,WoalI«ii,8iIk Oar Out FASMB TOR BAIJE.â€" aU JOHV J. DAUtT. Gaelph. THOS. I pet aa d Wowted Btottto Mriww. Danaa. ASK TOUR GBOCKR FOB IMPEBIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING UBBBBBOAklt^BIBBStori yearling heifen and one bull. •le; twooowi,twQ Write for deserip- tion, ptioe and pedigi«e te O. V. Bakxb, Tntf algar. FOB SALB CHEAPâ€" FnU or part eet ot Band In- •taramenta good order â€" rare ehanoe for new buid. Apply to A. JOBDAN, Rres oott.Ont. **C»JLO WATEK DTP 1 1" (TAK KLIXIB 8BBSP DIP.) naed in Encla 1 afrce 1873, awaraed gold medal Lon- don, En^., 1884. FosiTiTC cubs roB Soab and ill akin diibaaea either on o*Ule, horsea or sheep deetron aiiinmota andliee; alioinste^i on plaata, viaea and treat. Write f iir dreolara and prioe" and ree i^fatimoni- al from Hon. M. A. Ooohrane. Addreia NESS a CO., 759 0rair8t.HontreaL Agents Wanted. Ojodinduce- menti cflered to tmart men. Manufacturers ot Star Biret, Leather Belting. Larg« double Oriring Belts a specialty. Send tor Price Usts and Discounts. KINO ST. EAST. TORONTO. F. g. DIXOH CO., R. W. PRITTIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Commissioner, Valuator Tnutee Jk Flnan* elal Agent, Boom 0., Arcade, Yontre Street, Toronto. Money to Loan, Estates Managed, Properties Exchanged. Man- itoba and United States lands taken in part payment tordty proper^. _^ WELL BOR!NG AUGURS BUY THE STAR. Will bore 6 to25iqoh hole' hand orhorte-pow°r 20 feet per hoar. 0.r oombiaed aognr and Beck Dtiil a f rand laooeas, wjiked by ateam or horae-power. Sand f .r Oatalogna 8 Mary Street H «inlIton Ont. FOB FLSASANT SBWmOi U8I ONLYâ€" Clappertcn's Spool Cotton Warranted FULL Length, and to ran imooth on •â- â- sewing mar.hhiw See that OiiAppxBXOH'B name is n he labeL JV Tor aalp bp all Dn-Oooda Dralet*. BANK OF TQBQjN JOO DIVIDEND NO. 58. Notice Is hereby given that a dividend of four per cent, for the current half ear, being at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and a bonus S 1?? °^^^ °P°° ^^ paid-up capital of the bank, has t^is day been decJated, and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its branches on and after â- •nday, tbe 1st day of June next. The tranpler books will be closed from the nJa. to the 3i8t day cf BSsy, both days included. Thj Annual General Meeting of Stockholders for the election of Directors will be held at the Banking House of the Institution on IVednee- oay, the 17th atty of June next. The ohaJr to be taken at noon. By order of the board. D. COULSON, Cashier. Bask of Toronto April 29, 1885 CAUTION I Each Plus of th« MYRTLE NAVY I :i8 MARKED TB. ' In ftraan Lett«n.; MNE OTHER CENUIME The YoltSoBelt Oo., of Mm.1.^^ MUk, to ssnd tiieir eeiabrafced YdtaioBeltk ande on trial for thirty clagrs, to men tgaaaaar old) aflBiotad with asrroos debility. kS (tf vitality, and all Uadrsd tnmblea. Also for ritsfumatisBB, '»«"^*g*^ paxa^sis, maay othw dissasBai Oonmlefca atioD to health, vi^or aad naoLood teed. No risk is inenrrsdaa tkirty daya* trial ia aJowed. Write thaa at oaaa Ur Obstratod paasphiat fresb "Wbat'atko natter with thm Mkod a kfdy of a little «U« biothar Aa had vndMalood to «*0b, IloUlia'aMi^"«M tl» nn'i mifff iMtiiiiim • • " CUT THIS OUT I The New Oo-OperatiTe â€" ^ABE THE BEST IN THE MABKET. Latest Improved Attachments Agenlsp^lff fflsdIaifflaGluflB 1(0 Our pEice only |2ireaclL ^iSSSS^SiSSStmmm^.^ J^ B J4iaSST. SOUTEl, BAlflLiOH. M!6Blo^aaertolaaaoa BealBiiataMMiitiaa aktteloMat t mwigig^ cl Itt^ tticrt rewMble eiilM* ia OM inn 0* br InMBaents aa iMrbe««Uradbr thaboRoww. ^^ ApBdBailuw may bsBsd^diiMt totdsanda^sigiMd IfMtar ar « «»th» loaU w i w ss nt ii tfa ss of Ss Ol'mpvy Ihrcwhoirt Ontario. Aa the Oanmrj anpvshaa fondi on hand ae drtar need be aXEeetei X^ewearFaoeed to»hdB«B. jror^^iVs* and Ximie^al JMentmrm pmnhaOd. J. HKBBCBT MAaOW, Manaidn* Diieeter. 'ISSi iorrUneofStfi ivi'l?^'"** " '»0« Ratiâ„¢.*' the Winter montha. sSfigfiJ^- BABNI 4,â€" M ar 18, June 27 aâ€" VANOOtfVMt-livTjiuSFi- iiian Iilne Joyal lau staamiililps. ^^^-^^SSS^'S^i taadSlLjobr's, dwring winter SBd nUadel. .toUsanooLsalliniailica to land malls and iMlaad. A lwftWBj to aadfiem HSUtu. Po^Uaad. BoiAoa sad nUa: anddmiagWBaierbetwasaOUMgow and Moa SmJ. weeMy Olamrmmaf BoeSoa. weekly; aad fflawwa and faUaoBlpUa, fortcighi.j. Wat trei^AvaaMtte, or other Informatloa anir to A. Sdhumacher ft Co.. Baltimoca i Ooiiard*OikBalUsz:8hea«:Cto..St. John a N. 1" t Wm. ThansoB AOo.. St. Joha. M. B. j Allaa a: Oa. GblqaBo: Love ft Aldan. New Tork H. Rourlleri Immto Allans. Rae ft Cai Quebeq: Was. Brooklet PUisde'idiia B. A. Allan. Portland. Boston. Montreal. s;aa lauiona and itatn^ r sheep la carried iuS" ssaifes^ thns: Wti aadno eattle i or loeal agenta ot the 0?mSS?*»5 J Qenendi LADIES II1S OF TANSY 5y.i^^r^^gSfg •â- iiaBHiaeaB^H^^a SeoledparUeularsiett, Soedflo Medicine Ca. Philadelphia, go, GONSumi' riuN. Zbave a positive remedy for tbe abova disease by Iti ttbonssnds of cases of the worst kind and of Ic have been cnred. indeed, eo Etrone Is my tmn cacy, that J Trlll^end_TWO BOTTLES TOEE, to- Btandlni tnltoefi .. geUier wltb a VAL0ABL.B TKEATISB on this dUaase, te any MlSiKer. Give Express and F. O. address. DB. T. A. SJ.,OCUM. 181 P.wrl it..KewTork. R. Navy Cli. the best ani U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Olimag Fkg bearing a red tin tag that Lorlilard^ Rosel Splnva, an( cheapest. Quality considered t Rose Xieaf fine cut that LoriUard'i plnva, and that Lorillard's Snuffa, an PREMIEB. RUDGE. BUf AL CANADIAN}, £XPEBT. KANGAROO SAFETY. 50 8nd hand Bicycles and Tricyclea dV Send for list Send So. stamp for larg^est Oat alogrue ever issued In Canada "^1 Elrl.l "Oman (. years old "'•'ceolil wuuediui trial andteiTitorygivf.n. Ladies msbo R.^a^a*?** clothes, and every lady wjll buy after trvL'"' to wash calicos in-'five minm, s ooU c' S "i 10, or no sale. Address, FElUtIS A (i iv, '" factnrers.78 Jarris St reet. TUKoKTu.cSi*" ONTARIO POMPla (Limited.) Omci AWD Factokt, cor. Stmtl AND Cecil Sts. TORONTO, ON]l .5:^:3iilffii^ TANKS from the HmaUest np to 2,855 bbls. A. T. LANE, Montreal Coleman's ImproYed Flongli Harness ^Adapted to Oreltard Werk. Ho whilBetrees to injure trees. Euy on man and tnam. Working qnalities guaranteed. Honoy refunded if not satisfsc ory after a fair trial. Prioe, flO without ooUars and bridles. OEAVEY CO., OOLBOBmC ONT. IXLFEEDI gruaranteedtoni 10 to.25 bushelipL according to siitl Hills are tbe mj able, perfect udl est Iron Feed ml vented. Eleren Sizes. GEARED WINDMILLS flmm 1 to 40 h. p., for Pompingr Water, mnningr Grain Cnuhen, Straw Cutters, Root Pnlpers, or any other aiacliinery up to a 40 h. p. KtiBt milL PUMPINCWIi ttom 8 tsSII dlasitla. COKBOrs CABUACU TOPS are the keat Bkeapeat la Ike Market. Order «b« yearOanlaae Maker. Take ae etkar HAYING] AftiUliiiesfttil PUMPS I Pipe* Pipe! Iron aad Wood, j Deep WeU Pomps a J Water Sspi Specialty. MateriiLl Send us your address on a post card «ikH end yon 104 page iUustrated eatalogne toe. Xention this Paper JOHNSTON'S FLUID n ia the qalT praparathm ot thskliM Mntalna aUttte aaMtioas, togethsr f â- "iBnils^iaB. promrttea of beef, ant I one whloh haa Oe power to snpplf a Baiit for Mats. a«A Mna. mi4 m«w4* Famei^, Hill Men and all Oil Gonsem WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING McCOLL'S CELEBRATED 01 " Xi -^ liSl IT E," Per general Intaoatmg pnipoaea, ia uiexceUed, and their CYLINDER and ott^ eqnaL O^fimt Awarda aad Medala whereyer exhibited. «"F(w •••1 have no HeCMl wm, Si CO., TOROiWO. CAU! Goods BtaDm jden Silver PW| 'are not w onwantreli OD {made by tbe DEN NiAoa.1 'Haimsoiii Mtoalledhlm ali |t he called me a g called htm a bi£ V he called me a I lactlyâ€" 'zictlyâ€" M aaaingi an' now 11 voa Imow aboul