Mail. Uiaej/ 72S« 754 •» 835 't^ 900- 94SM U«0" ia4o* 126' 3 03" 5KIN, st-ClasB U8HMENT. I want long felt, 3HR0UDS. ISHINGS en notice. Hearse rates. IAIIIN6 tM«. /kSKIN. ME, R, treet. [eoflUMetnigi ,L. 5.-N0. 245 GOOD TIMEKEEPERS- ^eenuine Waltham, Elgin and Springfeld Movements. des Key and Stem Wind- ers now on hand. \swiss Watches $9.50 to $16, \ry suitable for teachers, being close timers. 1 26 Watch Cases, ie; 2 to a ounces, Hunting and Open Face, Waltham Screw Bezzil. frS DUST PROOF KEPT IN STOCK, stock of Koll-plate Chains and Seals. line di â- U'ieddins and Geam Kings, L^ete, Boll-plate Neckle'te, Bracelet-!, 5'ins, etc Gents' Cuff aiad Collar But- Clocks, Musical Instrftmem^s, Violin Best line Fishing Tackle ia town. Int IWeridan Co. Silver Plate I Flat and Hollow lÂ¥arc. F VkTCa REPmiNG CAREFULLY DONE \liitiik and H'()»7i Warranted to be OS Befrrcseiitrd. 'Calland Hemy stock how complete I luJ get my close quotations e"re you p-e' â- " IHE EELIABLE JEWELLER, i A. BROWN, ital and Other Items. incES m these columns intended to benefit iMiriihtal or Societij icili be charged ten la line for the first insertion and five Is line each subsequent 'inertion. p.l Lamb returned from Cleveland iTiiesday, |. McCoLMAx, M. P. P., was in In this week. Is Maggie McLeod paid kt brother |e a fljing visit this week. leedino is now about competed and |etation exceedingly rapid. • • H. Buss has l^^ased th« Travers- jMills from Mr. Wm. Hall. ttB. A. Kirkwood's family left on pday for Deloraine, Manitoba. fomeUiing nobby m Gent's straw and ties this week at McFarlaud's ttf- Wm. Lucas and family «re â- nding a few weeks m Western Ou- 10, r """ of candies, biscuits, cakes P' «c., c., at Montgomery's il^'^.t "°*^^°? extaofiive prepar- JJ^yor the celebration of the Queen's Khl^°"" " *»^« a new S«ioo^""*=*^*^^«««in«r at ' 01 $12,800. I'i^»^'-«y caUoa Friday o?T?'" "-^^ "f Credit, form- •^^ iravergton. I W*' " °^ Bracebridg.. intnr^' '^^^" l'iSn^"°.f'"'^««fc»«acourt ^^jXJT^ *°^ Allenford ^^^reduced (0 50 cents. '"'•GSfe ^*' been opened 1^ Cn i?*^^"^ot.*'Garafraxa. ^^'^itthormfl^'"® "^gar coated, Shu.oh*s Ctibb will immediately relieye Group Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x BvsDkLK. will celebrate the Queen's Birthday on the 25th. An ntensive program is advertised by Itu^e posters. A Nasi Injbctob h:^ with each bottla of Shiloh's (Jatiwrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Turner* Go. X There are 144 hands employed in printing and bookbiniding apartments of the Christian Guardmn office, Tor onto. Don't fr'l to call and see W. A. Brown's ^ar^e and valuable sto^k of Jewel Iry, c., when in Markdale the 25th. Me. John Gimby of Brooke, near Owen Sound, died on Monday, the 11th in St., at the advanced age of 101 years. One cup of McFarland's pure Japan Tea taken three times daily, will tone up the stomach and cai« sick head ache. Setloh's Catabkh Bemedt â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, and Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Ce. x UsB Pbof. low's Sulphur Soap for Prickly Hear. Nettle IJash, Scaley Eruption, Itch, and all diseased con- ditions of the skin. Mr. Edward Lomas sold 28 load of bay and straw up to the 9th inst., which shows that fodder has been in- deed scarce with many. Why Will You cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 60 cts., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Scarce goods just received at Mc- Farland's, Children's Toffeto Silk Gloves, new shades Swiss Embroidery lovely goods Imported direct. The Sacromental services last Sun- day in the Methodist church were largely attended and more than ordin ary interest manifested m the service. Wm. Ijucas Co. have any amount of money to loan on real estate se- curity at 6^ per cent. Call on them before borrowing elsewhere. 288-3m Bev's W. Casson. T. Grandy and Mr. W. A. Brown left on Tuesday to attend the District Meeting, Methodist Church, at Wiarton on Tuesday. Thb Hectic Futsh, pale hollow cheeks and precarionsappetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove them. Mr. Osbom, our genial and popular conductor spent Monday last fishing in this vicinity and succeeded in tak- ing home a very fine lot of speckled beauties. The Eev. Geo. H. Thater, of Bourbon, led., says; "Both myself and wife owe onr lives to Shiloh's GoKSCMFTiON GoMK." Sold by A. Tnmet Co. x This takes the cake for early pota- toes. Mr. S. Jefferson of the ninth line Euphrasia, dug over 100 bushels of splendid potatoes on the 18th May. Who ean beat this. Fever colic, annaboral appetite, fretfulness.vreakness. and convulsions, are soipe of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the wonns with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. ^, A BAND meetmg -will be hsid m «ie Markdale Hoaee tl|ie(trbi^8day) even- ing at eight o'clock. This i«* an important meeting and all subscribers are requested to attend. F« DyBWP9a.andLiverComplaint, you have a printed guarantee on oveiy bottle of Shiloh'i Viteli»r. J* never feile to cntei SoM. 1^ A. Turner Co. x WAii!rw).-^6h)od- reliaWe man to anvas the Tillage of Mitfl^^tod •nrromMing townships, for bookbmd- ing- 'Good comini8sion8.-*:Selerenpe reqmwd, write for particgtois ,|o n The London dynamiters have been sentenced to imprisonment for life. Ant person having pore Barley fit for seed for sale will do well to leave particulars at this office not later than Saturday 2Srd. Sixteen hands are now working on the new Methodist Cl^nrch, and if the weather contumes favorable the work will progress rapidly. The gaps are now all closed on the C. F. R. north of lake Superior, the last spike having been driven on the evening of the 17th. Abe TotJ Made miserable by in- digestion. Consumption, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite,' Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x R. 0. WmxBY finished painting the Methodist parsonage (formerly Primi- tive) this week, and it is now one of the most comfortable and tasty dwelling's iu the village. Wm. McLeod has added five years to his lease of the premises he now occupies. This would indicate that his business is prosperous, and the boot and shoe business looking up. Any person desiring a first-class job in plain and ornamental plastering should consult W. G. Guthrie, resi dence opposite Presbyterian Church. Mr. G. is an excellent mechanic in his line. Mr. Alex. Webster,- formerly of Priceville, and now of Cookstown, vis- ited his sou in Euphrasia last week. We were much pleased to meet hia genial countenance in our village on Saturday. Me. Wm. Hall, who left Traverston mills three yeaas ago, took with hira at that time two youug calyes which now turns the scale at 3.200 lbs. A sauucy pair of three-year-olds we should say. Cheap Rates. â€" On Monday May 25th, tickets will be issued to any point on the C. P. R. at a single fair for the round trip for one day only. Also on May 22, 23, and 25, good to return on 26th inclusive at Fare and One Third on round trip. The Bell Telephone Company have recently opened up an exchange in Meaford, and have about twenty-eight subscribers. The line will be built from Owen Sound to Toronto by way of Meaford and Collmgwood this summer. John Chisholm, Esq., Warden of this County has donated $10 to the South Grey Agricultural Society, to be given for tJie best package of shipping butter, and to be divided as follows: â€" 1st prize $5.00; 2nd, $3. 3rd, $2.00. Mb. Jas. BEEcmorr, one and a half miles east of Flesherton, has an ex- tensive greenhouse on his premises, and favored this village with a load of beautiful plants on Saturday. He had no difficulty in disposing ot his load, «nd intends ooming again. £xsuacNT Opnmie. â€" The i acre lot opposite the Town Hall, Rocklyn, upon which a very eomfortable dwell- ing house and ocmvmient shae-shop are erected, can now be bought cheap, and on eaf^ terms of payment. It is an excellent location for a shoe-maker, blacksmith, or other tradesmen. Apply to W. H. Dodson, Rocklyn. Mbetincmi are bdng held in tLe AgrieaJti^ Hall every eyeninl by the Salvatfon Aimy, commencing at 8 o'clock except Monday night, that evening being reserved especially for the members of the army. The meeitangs we' well attended, very orderly aod we bdiep» » g0od work is being done. Comwot Stoi«.-^Tfce layinir df ibe Comer Stene of the Histbodist Chnrch hkt« Ob tho 8601 psiiiiiBS tb bi: «B 4 occasion of xofnf tbaa oi^nanr, mter- eat. Mr. Warring Kanaee^f^f Toron- to bu Idndly coaottited fo be joesfflit for4hat puipo*^ ;«ai .«» .^ t^ fiitoB» at tbsee o'olool^.wbfa. W^'W* r-nrtft- Wm. Mason has removed his carriage busiuess k his new premises, McEenna's bloek. Thb Euphrasia Mission, Methodist Church held their fourth quarterly business meting for the past year in Ebenezer Church on the 11th inst^, with very satisfactory resnlte. Kot- withstanding the depressed state of finances, the amount raised for various purposes reached nearly double that of the previous year. Re-Ofenino. â€" Mrs. Montgomery has engaged a gentleman to re-open her bakery business, wishes hereby to intimate to the public that she is now prepared to supply good bread and all else that is in ths bakery hne, and that they can rely on gettinc; a four lb. loaf whereas they have been get- ting a three and a half for some time. I WISH to inform the public of this village and surrouD dings, that I am prepared to cut hair. Shampoo, Shave, and dye the yoiiHg mens' moustaches and do all matters and things to soften your mnstashe, so while kissing young Ijfdies' you won't eause them to shed tears as large as pump- kins. Come yoiing and old and give me a trial on your hair and beard. I will endeavor to suit all who will favor me with their patronage. Thanks for the past favours, I am, yours very truely, T. D. Smith. Tbamps. â€" On Wednesday night 13th a number of tramps broke into the Orange Hall, Holland Centre, and demanded a nights lodging from the Goat, which was unwillingly granted* The, following morning the goat's boss was informed of the intrusion when a complaint was lodged with the J. P., and a warrant issued for the capture of the guilty ones, Constables, Yogan, Greenaway, Telford and Dunbar were at once dispatched m persuit of the fugitives. Dunbar captured two, but, to his great chagrin they both made, good their escape. The other three were, however, arrested and tried be- fore Justice Price and Hamilton, and sentenced to three days imprisonment in gaol, thereby securing for them- selves,' (the prisoners) board and lod- ging for that length of time, together with a firee ride to Owen Sound,while their mbre unfortunate chun:s who escaped had to fort it or pay for or beg their rations. The Queen of course paid the costs oi the court. Damage to hall a broken lock and chewed drumstick. Thbbb is a big lawsuit on hand between the 0, S. Steamship Com- pany and the C. P. R. When the O. S. Steamship Company was on^nized, an agreement was entered into with the Toronto, Grey and Bruce, by which they were to haye the exclusive right to carry freight to and from the railway at Owen Sound for three years. When the T. G. B. R. became absorbed in the Onterio and Quebec, the latter road assumed the agreement. Meanwhile the C. P. R. constructed their stee steamers, and though it was at first announced diat they would run from Algoma Mills, Owen Sound was found to be the inore convenient place, and they were bro- ught here. While our oitisen« gen- enJly were rejoicing that ^ese magnificent boale wrae making our harbor their headqaarters, the 0. B. Steamship Co. were concerned for their agreement, which was interfered with by the new anangement, and failing to get any satisfaction from the C. P. R. as well as having some other claims unsettled, on Monday they issued a wnt for $40,000 for services rendered, and $160,000 for alleaged breach, of contract, .retuning D. McCarthy, Q. C. and Chas. Moss, Q. C, as counsel.â€" 0. S. Tinus, â- â- 'â- » A BInk daroniele. 60urs ladies t^bto dlk gktres SO as. fix put. '"â- • V ^^ 120 pairs lide HM^iUiTiB 5 itifi pair. 800 ladiee eollara 6 ,cts. eaob.^ Wonderful goods at McPatlMids.: Ttnil tiightnfag doM.sot tike a.di^ or an iMnur to ronove MepiUKia, B»datii^ TboOt- it jprtap^iHid i rtth n nii fi i i a ii^ £gif»4ktMltefeaBQUin'iki; n^ xjt mart OOETH TO LEABN THE NEW ABT THAT I.XAnETH NOT TO SALVATION. And there came a day when the young man with the lead pencil l^s and high water panto bethought hmi of the skating rink. So he went out, and when he came nigh unto his girl he spake, saying "Comet Mary, let us gird ourselves up and go hence to the rink, for behold I have been diligent in my absence acd embezzled two coupons." So they Wentt one with ihe other, for they loved each other with love the great* ness of which was like unto death. And when the youth and maiden were come unto the rink they saw divers other young men and maidens waltzing hither and thither and standing upon their necks, and spreading themselves iipon the floor to the four corners of the place. And Mary wa^ pleased thereat^ for she saw the other maidens sticking ' to their escorts closer than boiler rivets. And bhe longed for some of the same agony. So she prevailed upon her lover to go and do likewise. And he went with a light heart, tor he loved the sport because he had been there be- fore and knew the whichuess thereof. And after a little while he returned and took Mary's feet upon his lap and fastened the skates thereon. And in like manner he did unto his own feet. Then they smiled one upon the other and went upon their slippery way. And when they had got out where the eyes of the multitude were upon them Mary forgot herself and looked back. Now, this was a grievous thing to do, for it was written on the wall 'Thou Shalt not look back when thou skatest lest thy feet forsake the and tread upon thine ear." But Mary was full of joy and chocol- ate caramels and remembered net these things. And when she looked back her feet flew from under her, and went up into the atmosphere and cut a star therein, and descended with a great crash and Mary, sat down on the thud, so that her bustle escaped and came put at the neck of her dress. And her fall was exceedingly hard ea, great was the muchness thereof. So likewise had her lover spilled himself, but he hurt himself not, for he had been like the seven wise skaters who had put co^ soles in the basement of their tsous^s. But in an evil moment he saw Mary's bustle about her neck, and he lifted up his voice and laughed and asked her from whence came the chaff bag. Then was Mary wroth, and she grew red in the countenance, and answered saying: Thon leadest me into slippery paths, and when the floor riseth up and striketh me in a grievous place thou cemest not to my aid ;. yea, thou gurglest at my misfortune. Henceforth we shall remain together a little closer off. And firom that day unto this she paiseth him by on the other side of the avenue. 1 •â- » tc PARNEbb." The well bred Trotting Stallion "Parnell," sired by Cleair Orit, the founder of the family of Clear Grit tietters, dam grand daughter of Im ported Glencoe one of the best thorough bred horses ever bronght to the United States, will travel this seascm for m«res by tiie villages of BIAXWELL,PUNDALK,ORCflARD DURHAM and PBICEYILLE. will be home every Saturday. This trot- ing oolt is ^e true blood of Old Clear GhriL There is no doabt whatever hie being a nattanJ ion of Old (Sear Orit, which he sbowa,, by formation, â- «nd farqad flat clean 1^^, wil^ good bone; koig pasterns and splendid;' heofiMmd by his charaeteziatie and 00*4 ii detybted C^Ntr €b»t st]rle«(tf tiottii^;v^a BredaDde«iMd,b7 i-, v\,t ' i»*sw " ' juaa O'Si^jkir, y*" !â- "'•â- f â- • Vi y^***;; h*^^ 1)1 ill i:\- â- I'fl. •» !i ff 1^ »^a.4i m yiJM^ .^„^,^igggji,||||||Mf|i