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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 May 1885, p. 8

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 ismsm I tf -J â- i m r. if. Tbe itfkiale MM Is inaed eresy Thorsday, at tfaa office, ICOl Utreet, Markdate. Tbbhb â€" fl per year in advanoe; f 1.50 if ntt paid vithin three mooths. Professional and bonineai cards one insh tftce and under, per year, 94. 1 TB. 6 uo. 8 xo. Whole colomn foO 00 937 50 915 00 Half oolomn 27 00 15 00 10 00 Qnuter oolomn .. .. l*: 00 10 00 S 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Three inch space .. ..10 00 5 00 Casual adrertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per lire eaeh Eubseqaent insertion, noniareil measure. Editoiial notices, or notices in local col- omn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each sabseqnents insertion. Htray animals dec, adrertised 3 weeks for -91, the advertisement not to exceed twelve ' hiMS. No paper discontinned until all arrears â-  are paid except at the aption of the publisher. â€" jobIprIntinc. â€" The Staxdakp office has a splendid equip- 5ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- •cial attention to ordei-s by mail. Orders £Ued with dispatch. EDITOB AND PBOPBIETOB. J. P. MARSHALL, L.DS. mKHTime* â- â€¢â- -" ^•'^V' GRADUATE OF TOBONTO SCBOCHi of Dentistry, wiU be at th« liukdals Hcose^Markdil*. oa th* lai sad third W«d- nesdar of aaeh aaonth and also at Mnnahaw's Hotel. Jlesberton. th* iaj following th* third Wednesd^r in eaeb maaOituc thspiM tic* of his prolessiMi. lM-47 ^sik .i .- W. C. RICHARDS, A 4BCHI- B^THiDSB, CONTBACTOB. ncT, MarkdaU. iS4lT COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRIOBVUiLiB. Ont. Largs and eommodions Sample "Booms Good Bed Booms, dro. The Baf and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor ' Tlw« anw fl» f !taai»lfiMft^t» tiiaMaee m :th» Iw m eCT of tM soiroonding eouniry that., faajstifraiag opl ,,|«u wiaiil tdt ««7 othw â- oiler aiU, No m(u» waiting while ^e giut is being ground. ' 5 The following is CKe -s^ide at enhttge :â€" Wheat Weigliii^«r^ 46 Ibe^'^loar. »• •« 61 " S9 " •* " ♦•. 60 " SS " " •• " iS8 •• S7 " â-  " • M 58 « 35 .• .. " " â- ST " 85 •' " with offal in propolitiOB to emoont ot flour. I find the average weight of new wheat to oe 60 lbs. to the bushel, and tlie most of it, if properly cleaned, would weigh 61 or 63 to the bushel. "^^ mEM souMD Bmcii: Tttkiag tifect Monday, November 24H GOING NOKTH. STATIONS. John W. Ford. ARKDALE. $^0^1. HANDS, EGHLfN GARVIN, (SUCCESSOBB TO LAVDKB HAJiOs), â-º AUlilSTEKS, Solicitors, Prot^rs, No- taries, ConveysBcers, Ac. Menevto loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 Sing Street £a»t. 19i)-25.1 ToKOMXo. B' J. ASSON, BAKBISTEB, MASTEB AND DEP. BEG in Chancery, Notary Public, ConveyanS cer, c. A SUMBER or FABUS FOB SALE. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block â-  Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarlaiid's Store, on Friday and Satmday every •orcek.. 57-ly JOSEPH 6I6S0N CONTRACTOR. Contrasts teJssD fw «U kifids of BRICI W9 STME WORK, Plain Omaooezital Plasterinf;. Cahomining in tM Shadet and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stahsabs office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE For any of the FOLLOWIHfi PAPERS AT THIS OFFICE: B Ci'casor dr VLf^ rrison, AKIU' .Lifs,SOLIOITOES. CONVEY- PaiK'es, c. «, Offices in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block,; •OTcr W. F. Wolfs Store and in MARKDALE; Orer W. J. McFarland's Store on Thursday and Fiidfly of each week. ts^Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. John Ckeasok, Q. G ' Duncan Mobuon Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-lv Alexander Brown, ISSUEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei in B. 11. c. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, I Mereliauts, and Land Sales, Punctually at' tondi:c. to and charges made very moderate PriceviUe, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T ISAAC STIJVSON. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 19o-rim* MABKDALE P. 0. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE Diaay or Weekly Mail, Daily os WesklyGlobe, » Daily er Weekly News, • Daily World Family Herald and Weekly Star, American Agriculturist, Farmers' Advocate, • ' i» Toronto. Toronto, fbronto. Toronto. Montreal. Monthly. Monthly. Wm. Broi^vn, JSSUEB OF M.iBBIAGELICENSES.c Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptl} attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se ourity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAM WAGONS. M Butcber Sbop. The best meats the country can produce kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED Erar Subscription can commence at any time. STANOARD OFFICE, MARKDALE. SEEDS SBGDS IMPORTED â€" FIELD AND BARDEN SEEDS 4r« V* ^W^MM* MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of PUMPSy Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Ii-on Pumps Supplied Orders respectfully solicited aad satislEaction guaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and Bentinck townships. tS* Orders by mail )^romptly at- tended. 219 OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS Twonto.... Leave Cardwell Junction Charleston. ..... Orange- 1 Anire. vilie. /Leave.. Orangeville Juu. Shelb;irBre.'k Dundalk Fleeherton Markdale WHUamsf ord Gbatsworth ..... Owen Sound Mail, 7 20am 9U7 •• 9 2.. " 9o0- 10 (»:-. •' 10 17 '• 10 45 " U 10 " 11 'Ba H 51 i 7 31-' 8 04" j 8 30 " i 800" i itlO' i203pmi 9 22" 12 28 " 9 49 • 1 00" liovo" 4 40pm 6 27 â- ' â- ' 7-^2" 12 5 I GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Otren Sound.... Chatswbrth.. .. Williamsford. Markdale Flesherten .... Dundalk Shelborne Oi-angeville Jun. Oranee Arrive. vilie.. Leave. Charleston Gardv*^ Junction. Exp. 5 20am 5 50 " 6 .)5 " 6 27 " 6 42 " 7 0S 7 31 8 00 8 12 8 35 8 55 9 07 MiiJ. 114." 3l(h 445" Git7- Mixei. 2 4.=ipra|6J;1,a 3 ir. '• I 7 9,v 3 30' 3 52 ' Toronto Arrive 10 45 j 4 00 I 4 31' j 4 67' |-5 23 ' I o 35 ' 5 6-5' 6 13' 6 S7 ' 8 35 ' 7 54" 8 35" 9 00" 945" 10 45" 1150" 12%! 12 40" 126" 2 03' 1 fA share of public patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the stand in McNea's block. CITY HOTEL, John IHcAleer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated on Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo- dation. Union bus to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKPATiB. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. W. H. RUTLED6E. 'E'^asih.iona.ble l^aliox*, OVER HACFASLAND^B STOKX. •A PERF CT FIT GUABANTEBD. SAnUEJL. WAB1ELI XXTELL DIGGISB AND DRILLEE. ALL Yf orders promptly attended to. Besi • deuM -Snider's HDl Owen Sound 12S-36 MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.MmNEWS,Propriator Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, He»TT and Light Harness always on hand. Mso Whips, Tranks. Valises, Blanketo, Bobes. c., always in stock. EUGENIA Grist, SafandLathMills Having made eqtensive improTementa in myOnstMill I feel confident I can give g(xd satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day, Custom Sawing and Bills FiII«i ea tk« shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Battomnt, White Ash, Blaek Aab Basswood, Pins and Hemlosk Lags w«at«4 The place to buy your Seedo is at PARKER'S, Drufifstore, DURHAM. J. J. IRWIN, Veterinary Surgeon, GRADUATE of the Out. Vet. CoUcRe, Toronto, has opened business in Mark- dale, aud is ready to attend all calls. Office and residence opposite the Markdale House, SydeuhamSt. Chabqes MoDBiiATE. 238-tf H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE M0KUMENT8 HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc^ JUST RECBIVEP 3 Carhads Finest Variegated Finest Marble NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Piewes' Flour and Feed tore. Having just received a Choicees Fresh and Sileet STOCIi OF" /Fotracco, c. Which wiU be sold VEBY CHEAP. I respectfully aolicil; the publio's patronage. i»8 J. PLEWBS. IS" LafRest slock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar rics in Vermont, Will be sold at prices whieh defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Jj B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABEISON. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Ckss UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And thereture has supplied a wttiit long felt, COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHKOUDS, and all2 FUNERAL FURN ISHINGS supplied on the shorten notice. .A. Sileiid.ii Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. BuMOck Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE mU0U8NE68, WZZIME88, DYSPEPSIA, IKDIQESTlOk, JAUMDICE. enrSIPELAS, SALT UtEUM, MEAKTBURN. HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERINO OFTHEHEAm; ACIDITY OF ' THE STOMACH iMYHESS OF THE SKIM, ^yMfa ROBERT S. RAE, 9iy. H. AEITT, E«ji«nia. OFFICE OF TJJ.1^ TAILOR Sydenhiuii Street. MARKDALE i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEJMENTS. Farmers will save mun^by buying their Agrienltnxal ImplemMnts irom Legate Carson, -â€"-AOEMTS FOBâ€" r- L. D. SAWTEB A CO., Hamiltoa. A. McOIIl. Chatsworth. BBANTFOBD BINDEE. MANITS BBOADCAST SEEDEB AND BABBOW COMBINED. Wiener's l^itey Tooth Harrow. Show Bookâ€" Say's old etand, opposite the Stamoabd printing offiee. J. H. CABSON. T. LEGATE. Also agents for the Walker Patsat Saei Elevator and Laeaa Lock Block. M U 1 MatJutactton Qnarttateed to Eyery Ite»p« k Bi'iilmk LOCD Pim^jeg, Briffiptlat, Blotcku, t,muial JBtdmaeh, Siaeuiu, TO SGIOOIjrRUSTEES. The mdeirsigned is manufacturing an «' cellent assortment of Scliool Furniture. Consiatincof SCHOOL SEATS and DESKb. TEAC^BS* DESKS, etc., of tue l»tjj design and most approved pattern. Bigw teettmmended by School Trustees and Teaefi- en, for eheapness, comfort and compactcefh wfaererer tried. An assortment of Fanntf" fMuMl Bdls kept always on hand. Seni Uf eete logne to (giatswerth P. O. 181 AMDBEW McGILl- HACYARDS i ^PECTORALi BALSAM. I ' ' Hai'OOiMual Car th«WiJian»iit tiin; "' _- C«ffi^«M^eW«£SM»TMrMt, A»nHiu. frr-B?. fiiy^r) la and Silver CaseJ sizes. Waltham, 1 ind "ws movemi Ifi Jewelled. Close| ants cover all bre Thomas oti \Dm R^Nes, 4 L Coin Case, Elgi iBal., -$12.00. good Swiss Watch, Case, $9.50. ertise Actual Pr |am in a position t L,. time or cash, th \t in tiiis section of aliens, compare wi Amy statement. L [to sellâ€" very ofter Ltion watehes. I ho Aonest representati We, and give no wnri E years. Cash discou krth considerable to \cULT WATCH REPAIR! WORK FULLY GtJi A. Brto seller, ncKB in these column* in Hvidual or Society wil J a line 'for the first tni taline eaeh sub ieqv^ut i 3vely weather, lot of interesting mi 'iis week. ^rs. Bloomeld is nov shier in this yillage. foRLath, Lumber, i ces and Mouldings, r. Allan McDougal i William ou Monda; [m Bedsteads, Oril Urasses, and Sprin ^rant Co. bereis now good t between England Rational Pols are i â- i but Uiorongh, »nd aaeh and Liver Pill tov can get your B Jwn's same price as a fvercd to you. rkdale Cheese facte operations for the sea OiseaMs. ifc -/ Al^-Jtyj VmHc nai-aiMccd to give "» -^ T. MIUH/RK ft CO.. rrcfriel

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