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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 May 1885, p. 6

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 mp "I t i' m ^3im.' :.\ TMI LIMB-KIUI CLVB. «.««JL»^ the fast thrt tfa* Hon. Orv plni Bogn, of DoUwim, wm in tke ante- iooB a^wMtiM to ddmc his sd.b"' •a ketim on ^WOk tta Ooi Shook Off Hla Mtuthf Th« oommiMM won* oa« to •«»«• *^«*S: man in, hat preaan^ rotumod ^wrth «Im aiatomant •hilt ha waa Ifing on Uia Iwjoh In a daap atnpor, and that he had OTldflntr ly bocn drinking hflavilj. "Do oommitteo, aaalrtod by Gweadam Jonea," aaid the Pnaident. ** wiU eaoort do ieotaier down ataiia in da jmwc oon- Tanlent manner, an' when he haa leaohed de allay doah itWill be do doo^ of de oommitteo to aee dat the oooaahon be made a memorable one in hb diaxy for 1885.' A GOOD HfTSSTMBST.* The Secretary anuoouceo th«i fgUowing cffiolal report from the brandi dab at Petenburg, Ya.: The Dameof thia dub fa "TheAnti- Uara," and we have 124 active members. Our financial poU^ haa been to fine each member 91 fcr erery lie told. At the and of eighteen montha we c QDted up and found we had taken in $1 80. Eli Perkita came here to leotare before oar T. M. 0. A., and afier the leenre we madehimanhonoiary member aoft in leas flv^w forty minntea wp took in oyer #900. CONSIDBB ObSKBXXAV- P. S.â€" Do yon I now any other person who would be aa profitable to va aa an honorary member aa Bli f If ao^ who f â-²X If ONTOOHXBT. nie bran ih at Moar^omery, AIa.,wliidi entitles itaelf "The Spartan Fathers from Sparta," reported a membership of 288, which is a gain of sixty two in three months. The clab was working very bar- moniooaly, and the only dark shadow on the horizan was cast by the White Msn's Drag Stole Clab, of the same city. This latter dab had the whole field to ii-self fcr years, and was now intensely jealoas of its yoong bat stardy rival, and had made threata of blowing ap Sparta Hall to wipe oot competit'oi. HAinc IHANKS. The following commanication waa then read in a tremoloas voice Andebson, S. C, Apxil 10, '85. Bro. Gkurdner At the last meeting of onr dab, which is oaUed "The Hercio Whitewash So- daty," oar Secretary read an account of yonr temporary illness, and the dab at onoe passed the following resolation "Resolved That it is the sense of this meeting that Brother Gardner shoald soon recover his health, bat if Providence dlrecta that he be atricken down and gathered into the arms of death, this clab stands ready to donate $60 for one of the biCTest fanerals ever held in America." Tnere is very little lime to be had in this locality, and we have to do a great deal of oar whitewashing with lamp- black. What rates can yoa give as on a car load of fall lime, warranted free from all rust or Insects f Fas Off Smith, SeoretaTy. The Prealdpnt retatned whathecdled his "inflammatory thanks" for the reso- lation of sympathy, and the Secretaiy was directed to make the very lowest rates on lime, and throw in two dcssn white- iraak brashes. FAIB WABNUrO. A commanication from Memphia gave information that Division Jcha Smith, an honorary member of the dab, was ad- vertising to care eonaamption by the lay- ing on of hands, and in order to fill Us parse was making all colored persona within ten miles of him believe that they had tht fell disease. A eommunication from Richmond, Ya., likewiae umoonced that Prof. Phosphate Wellington, another honorary member, was practidng aa a fortnae-teller, and everyone who paid hhn fifty centa was given ao mnoh good lack that work at f 1 a day was no longer an object. The Secretary wasdirected to warn both, members in a large, bold hand, and red ink, tbt they muab at Hice qoit sadt buLieM cr suffor expolsion, and Brother Gardner added, for the benefit ef his hearera: t«Cz-: ff*~=J» **When members am sick|» stralght^oai- dose, by a straittht-oat-dcctor, wiU either core or kill. Yoa git yer money's wotf, no matter which way it goes. We can't coantnaneeno member impotin' on l|n- â- aan natar' by pawin' around for twoaUi- lin' a paw. As far de biznesa of tellin' fottones, we all know de past an' kin gnees cloa 'ncff de facher to keep an exj^ vest-buckle whar*^wekln find it aiiy.tim^ de old one gives eat." â-  SET TO NOVA SCOTIA. Trnstee Pallbaok was then iixformed that he w? a to be sent to Cornwdlis, Nova Scotia, to organ'z t a brascb club, to be called "The P.^D. Q. Colored Aivfaara." -: ).o:( p ,ax- I R (K ft b ri 'xi^'it Li •I "I- Bl r frO U(( ;\1 f#? '^3*' r? s ^Kr\ I li ji?. cD, A 'f :i ^^T vV /p K 2 '2 3l' ji»" ,*--^ Mm :-i/r^i .•i«. V- li ill" m of I tm" i ir !l s. ^cC^" 4 [/' €!ff^^ O*' II JJ ' .# ;M .6 I- JSf' o 5^/ .S 'Q. r^:^ € Id' l-a ^* « =- ' jli"^- .â- Â»'^!'" ..^^ woo*. Y w 'flf'.A ^z IjO I--; Ml 3-.- s w ^. V^%^ hi r /:\ .^ a? u; /\ r rr -W. ^: f' e K I il.JL ^£1 â- â-  (â- . I ^f9fMA,f4l .ui iii" â-  U ;;r.-:I iJ. Itlwas the Trimmincs. "Bleeaed shade of Saint Cieesoa " howled old E^yson, when Mrs. BL 'a milUnwy hill «aua in. "BaatXbC ^^ Univaaa 1 968 for a bonnet i** " Yea, dear," ahe aaid ao aweetlF,**theaa ace the d^^a of JeffiKaonian aiwpHdty. Thelboonel only ooal 91,60 the iMi is fov tne tdaBnunBk" AndtheoldaaHipiniMd andpmdtha hffiwithont a I HAP OF THE NORTH trCi^T. In order to rif». onr i?a«ww wa beat idea posaible hi r^;ard to. the J^eaent NdHh-WeatrRebl^dn yrcihaTe^iocared an excellent iai^ br the irliottl%«ltory, which ia piddiahiid harttiirllfec the majp wiU be vatt wectli pseaerving for fntne reference dwci^f ^bo piei^nfei^vrtonattB disraption, aa Ul the^j^dno^: plaosf of Intereat are dearly muked out and can be traced attMMv.- The Province of Manitoba ia mxbdl^wiiied bythJaito: balliea, bntit la laid 4owi ^. Afiim^^: ao aa to give a .betterjdea of M» whola. ItwOlbeaeen thatWjpn^ »«»M in the aonth eaat eomer, ana bOAhatn thtf Oanadlan Paeifie Baffwiy atNldict elaar aeraaa IIm «iMiiliy«^'tf« to " memorable hfiM 9H«4|| work there at theveno^^M^ North-weat from this lies Bal^tfotd, at one time the loapltal of tite -iMMfr-weB^ and a beoaoae of the b e a q gwl condition of the abMMciNt^'o^ tfii^iiiM thUkll atill-'Mth«i^^ tlc4t ^^^^mmUIir Bcaarj«Di3npitflhah|nia UAlai tmttre aUiWiWtfce^ifeiMfcth psiii i n iAl trwaMan Affttaf yp wi^ .»Ufc» in ihtf diana MV^i^f' *W*tr?hll~^ ihtCrgji iPiihWf ^llrf itlifilll%iiiilili .idJbagiaaibynilway. 366:niilea; iCegina to B«t«Mhe, abonfe J60 ndfaa. The Saa- katohewan RivM?, Ingljn^Mwg' il two branohea, atartii^g faim Lake Winnipeg^ i^ i^a|M]M9fift 4i*Â¥P» i^MOnnUes From Edmonton -to the heareat point on the rsalwav aonth ia • abonk 'SIMrndles. Fl6m SirqIOjcMMA italtanto Oul S^nth JHH mav !iotiilb Bibh aUiMa wfui ItaHl sad .JR i9P«»|wn. mm» ymm i â- to^. bm jm« St. {^atondbmnaa «n imperial that. In spite of the assertions of the i j^panitnpioqaa^ first placed any i ,t;berenm1;^ zhe next day, howeTeri Vi^t'imMmfaui4^ aiuK* incredmow p^ple were convinced. JS|»jeli|y^ j^rtittnhwent into ecr" ^d«i||^ AYoB aee that Ale lanAl '"^^tl hold r^maator^" JJJJr oontinnedl Pi- it hare ocme 'if I »• oried Lnoy, I "mj* yoor poor! ideredr ,, Lwiafed 1" exdauoDt-. |S^ "isriy It by whom 1 -- »n ' SarMiaa Loey, l ithingl«««i?'" huiToalMre of what Lt what do they oettdnbe did nl Into hia P«*etJuJ ^houae. Itoldhini| fiid, haa to I this very room, rt litaothat thiatorrij Might home to him. ^eratand »* P" i Lob of aome diagniaej r^t no doabb an exp i) W what ought we to ^â€" »--" her ruddy 'oMmot think. Let r Manriee and take hU ling I implore yon al J the love you bore yo [ud that ia that you Id bar death faithfully isnivea. lam carta •t a fearful crime hs i hare but I cannot he will help i How, Mia. Mitoh si" ieed I wOl 1" died S9 jom Lucy's reaolnte to [a great effect. ** Oh, D to fear you are dearei tl My poor, poor mbt Uy, Fanny, Harriet, e.will you not? ' Mother (savaaaly)â€" Jdumia, yon bad boy, yon have eaten yow little bnlhar'a aandy. Didn't I ainnit cqvaOy bebwMH » yonf Oonlfe'fc yonba ntniiwt wtoh yanr I aaJ erwn and leave yonr little brothac Ua the *ara1 Johnnie (wUmMri|ii^)~Y«i, L«^aM^bcktaok|iiii£ tafe didn't yon tdlnwtiija^Srdaf that I ^^ older and Bsmtahr^ra 9«rt 7 ly that we did 1 We'v cried Emily, the a Mitchell haa done ad V" And I," laid i dy. |iow two of you go and ioe. Don't wait for I word that he la wantec MitdieU, lodtn and let me go away i I old woman did aa A at Ipqr with a aad c viik Vum f ollawe nto down-stain, ahal jn»rj ahe JFllt ifvair, w^^lhe; aujJpl^faatmJfiMjopwardLiphiaenemisepfeB lla4 of talai^iplaia d«#b ^fhe ^-irvM^^^m^htHaoa were of short „_ ^^^ _._^ .*r^.^,. .-..«. «ttofe» B^£^ trttnapired that it wiM tlialliniyanft w^ift waa aeated on the IfMi^titev^'JMhe^ bat a wax figo^ in the imperial tuniform, its face baiv ^biMatfnlretittblHioeto ihe feaitfOj H » h p^ a wiitii ' f tteCair's consent^ h*d been obtained byioS*' oat that his »• more •â-¼"*! It. was absdntW lie indaaiiUs fallen prcstiga^ I in Id tlwM aigaments, tf^ inawank H^^gT l^alMltliilhdvWMntB of IV.' l^^fil^wlKiihlHvof 'the T« ,^of the W»' lUa «aaetha«22 »ao.oalladWr rofthemfl*^! ^^Wdledla*" Poor ItVnot I* on. I ahall be :Manriee." t oat room, endeavori] |to think ratlimally of " "^dkoBp! Binhmond had bee [thanight aha waa ilMlthathehadinw l^dnUiwaaalaoa fc [mabs yond tiiat everj HaaTen,Iha' 'llp^.luiNL^ift.aei m '^fÂ¥ «*»•

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