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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 May 1885, p. 4

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 If ' f J J\^ /^ I;' • Tha Stettftard MABKDALE MAT 7. 1885. K MIGHTY CONPLAGABATION AVERTED. On Tuesday last while we made onr regnlar moroing call at the Post office about 8 o'cloek, smoke was discovered by Capt. Bichards issuing from the hardware department, and the alarm of fire was given. The Captain, n«)t being able Co discover anything but smoke in that quarter, cried "It mast b« in the cellar " when he, accom- panied by Lieutenant Smythe and Colonel Bowes dashed for the lower flat while Major Bigger and Private Steyens waited m breathless sudptince the arrival of particulars from the sup- posed origin of the increasing smoke. The MilUneTR stood in amazement while our nervous form â€" well, we ean- not find words to express our feelings. The Cjreneral himself, as also a num- ber of the sub-oflBcers, had not yet re- turned from breakfast Suddenly, however, the Captain and his willing toen returned without having discover- ed the devouring alement. "Where can it be " snouted the Captain, and he makes a desperate dash through the blinding smoke into the crockery and hardware, when, lo a fciu pail of ashes was found in wUicb tlicre had beeij live coals and considerable rub- bish, causing the above smoke. No damage, except perhaps nervous pros- tration on the part of some of the naore excitable wituesses like our- selves. SIR D. L. MACPHERSON. Sii D. L. MacPiierson's physicians have adviseil him to give up office at once. His health ir. reported to be extremely precarious, but it is not at all certain that ttie kuight will take bis medical udvisers advice. Fleslierton. Havingdecided to giveup B«s»« ,««, ofiering his ^^ •'""'P^l'^}^;^ SHEF HMYY HARDWARE, OTT8, OttS, GMSS, Ac, Af COST. TW8 te a genuine Cle*rthg«rt sale. Call •*:;2L»:Jl^'»Jf^'!^ SIGN OF THE "BIO AXE." ^° 53 ib .-Of' •= "la-uiv .j»,,.?W^* WUeat...... '5 i^Pf i»*8 Wheat kk^'W. OatB .... ' Gutter â-  ' Es-'gs .. .. Apijles Potatoes H«v .... PiMrk ... FJour .. TIE lOlTI An anxious week and poor progress. 6EN, MIDDLETON WAITING FOR SUPPLIES. FATHER FOURMAND MUDERED. if'rom our own correspondent. On Wednesday evening last a very apciable gathering of the Sons of Tem- perance and tueir friends was held in their new and commodious hall in Dr. Christoes block. After the large gath* eriug of about one hundred and twenty five had assembled, and all had for some time enjoyed themselves, some in gr lU B discussing the topic of the day (War News), and others busily engaged in the various game» and amusements provided for the occasion when in due time order "was called and the usual blessing sang, when the waiters appeared with trays laden with Cood thiugs. After all had satisfied the inner man, our genial fnend Mr. M. Kichardsan, who always feels quita at home on such occasions was voted to to the chair, and performed his duties there in a most happy manner, when a very pleasant and interesting pro gramme was gone through. Miss Hopkiu, a reading in her nsnal able scanner, Mr. Walter Woods, a song which was loudly enchored, A. R. Fawcett, a reading, after which the Missess Bellamy sang, Dr. Christoe, a reading, Miss Maud Bichardaon, s song, J. Blackbunir a reading. Miss Bella Christoe, a song,, after wkick the Rev. D. C. McDowell gave » short address, when the company all joined in singing "God Save the Qaeen,"and the company separated after having spent a very enjoyable evening. The cause of Temperance stUl pro- spers in our midst, the Fleshertoo Division of Sons of Temperence is in. Inmost floarishing oondition. Ws nottoed onr old townsman and^ respected fnend Mr. J. B. Anderson;. in town on Mraiday iasik paying some of his old friends a visit her*. Come agaiL* iriend A., always welcome. which supplies, ammunition and Gtatling gun were loaded) having been fckuok on a saud bar. The water is now rising on this river (the different THE WEATBEE. During the past week the weather has been generally fine wkh tempera ture rangiȤ from 30 at naght to 60 in mid-day. SKEWNGi. A large amount of seeding has been done and many of the farmers have ^cished grain sowing, and some have ^heir potatoes planted. The weather in Manitoba Province has bsen quite open since tbe 20th February. BUSPENSB" Tha whole country is in a state of anxiety and' suspense awing to slow progress being made towards sur- mounting the gigantic difficulties, and the apparent impossibility to procure reliable infomnatiou as to the actual state of affairs and progress made by the ferces. wamNo. The troops uudtr Gen. Middleton are ver^ impatient, and exceedingly anxious to go forward and face the enemy, but haTe had a long wait owing to the steamer Northcote (on j twelve wounded.- Col. Otter covered, a four lady correspondents in parts of the Dominion," WAITINa FOB THB GAPS TO BX CLOSED. The Montreal Garrison Artillery will leave that city as soon as the ^[aps on the G. P. B. are closed on the Lake Superior section, which will soon be complete. DONATIONS. Toronto people have forwarded two car load of various kinds of necessaries and comforts to the biave boys, who have gone to fight (and if necessary to lay down their life) for their country. These contributions have arrived in tho North- West are in charge of Lieut. Hume, son of Hon. Edward Blake, for distribution. liatest. AB's^TTLE. Coi.. Otteb a:ttacks Potjnd-makebs BBAVES AND FIGHTS SEVEN HOUBS. SEVEN OF OTTB MEN KII.IJEDAND TWELVE WOUNDED. Winnipeg, May 5. â€" A dispatch from Saskatchewan, Landing, via Swift Current, per couriers, who arrived this evening from Battleford, brings news ;jof a battle fought with^tbe Indians at PoUndmaker's reserve onSunday, Ma^ 8. A fighting column of 800 men under Col. Otter attacked the ludianSi 600 strong, at 5 o'clockdb the morning.. The fight lasted till noon. Pound) maker's reserve liee on the Battle river, between it and Eye Hill cre*k, near Manito lake. This chief hss been joined by other bands under Red Pheasant, Moosomin, Strikebim-on- the-Back, and others, and was, now acting ioi conjunction with Big Bear, Little Child, and other obiefs opera- ting further west. Otar fi)ss was seven mem killed, and I â- â- â-  I tfouar u«ll S$.S.I%o. 8,Art Second Classâ€" ToUl 47S.^£Un^ McKee, 489 Eleanor MeEs*,. 410 ;: Haoson Badgenm, 249. Third Classâ€" Total 681!.â€" Maggie Pariiamect, 474; Hannab Stafford, 874 Charles Stafibid, 342: Fourth Classâ€" Total 4751â€" Bella Thompson. 414; Alice flSeholson, 891 Mericm Badgeriiw, 284. SxAB inxsras, Teadiar,. better A THBOAT CUIffi. A cure for Croi^. Thsre rsnedy fi^r Omup HAgyardVTeDoir OdUkMiM and ap^ied aee^n^ug^ to Jrwtions. 'iliiiiitlie gmH boM puiaeM lor ' jttats. iMdn. iniwnwtiott,s, IS Saskatchewan) and a report isto hand that the steamer has been floats and has reached Clark's Crossings so that news of an important chasaetor may be looked for forthwith. WHT FATHBB FOUBMaND- WAS KXtiCBD. Archbishop Tache has receii^ in- formation confirming the- report of the killing of Fadier Fourmanat Batoche. He was killed by ther Bidians for re- fusing them absolution for rdbsUing against the Gtvanm«it. MAIL FOBinHI TBOOP8. The Wiimipeg; ^ffimes says :â€" "An immense quantity of mail matter pa8sesthronghthe post office here for the tfeoops at the front. The mail fos'bhs loroft-advaiiciwc on Batoche's 'grossing' leaves Qn'Appclle twice a week, and' that for the tooops at other' points is sent on without delay. The The qnantity handled may be imagined when it is known /that all the leading newspapers, of the Dominions gxatnit- »M^ fnaiish eaohi soldier With a )gagtttu la4th]»oojBUig- M then^do fi»a. all saetiou- are aorabared by the? thousanda^ and tlMHoalto dolcbMOBie*: appalladias he euatamiSatea including the engagement, 70 nciles, fought the battle, and returned to Battleford insid e of thiity hours. The men behaved magnificently. Tbe South 11^ of killed and wounded is as thaa wliieh reqnlr^hovn of laborict^sbrtf! Msyor G§Bf|r^J^^eton receives bj. iar the laigfst eonasjtondenef of anjr offiser m tim fidd, owing to the asan j ' odmihunieatii^s #hn^ he geir' JE^oiar the GovenHD«at, Tha Qaaea'aOwn' s^daatly ,h||ve Ifft iBaaj .lalued. ft«ndtf4Ntbiii^ as^a balk of^th« jtaltars #hi^^ to B«^rC^@NIi M ajaaflrdaA iwwwk aitef^^-wffl^ it ^maia^wiiA^iliiii mVrf- tm\ikt m af» follows: â€" ILTLLKD. M. W. H. P. €crporal Laurie. Corporal Sleight. Bugler Burke. OTTAWA rOOT OTTABM. Private Oyood. Private Maynard Bogers. "C" ooupjtnr ixwAKtsn bohool. Bugler Folkea. Private Dobbs. Totalâ€" 7. WOUNDKO. N. W. H. P. Sargeant McLeod. ••b" BATTiar Lieut. Peltier. Sergeant Qtdlavj. Corporal Morton. Gonner Beynolds. "c" ooNpamr ZMranTKr bobool. Sergeant-Msjor Spaekman. OTTAWA FOOT OOABM. Coroi-Sargeant Whiter. ' Private MeQuilliken. MaxfFeil. Not much news this week, but such as I have I give tLee. Farmers are busy ploughing and some have sown seed with ttie expec- tation of reaping a bountiful harvest. We hope they won't get disappointed. The villagers are arguing the side walk question,, and intend holding a meeting on that subject shortly. One of the oldest resideucei of this place formerly occupied by the late Joseph Maxwell, has been torn down and is beiug replaced by his sou's re sidence, which will present a better appearance to our town. Go ahead Dick. Mr. John Kbrton, Sr., is seriously ill. Mrs. Jas. Grosby, of Stayner, is visiting friends in this place. Miss Minte Badley of 'Toronto, is ^tiling friends in this' Neighborhood.^ Mr. W. F. Kirton lost 12 fine ewes last week. It is thought that early shearing and exposed to the cold nights was.the cause of their death. Still persevere Billy. Mr. D. A. Holman of the big boot, and who has kept batch ail winter, has given it up and made a change for the better. "I'll bet he wont batch it-agaiu." Bev, John Chisholm, who for the ipast few years has been laboring in this locality ,inteDds leaving tor British Columbia in two weeks.. The best wish- es of his many Iriends go with him. Shortly after noon on Monday the {the farm residence of John Miller, of Maxwell, was burned to the ground. Cause unknown. Bev. A. Wilson, of Markdale, preached an excellent sermon in. the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last and was admired by all present. Business men report trade rather dull at present. Scarcely any sugar making going on this spring. Barney is longing for a taffey pull l)ut I think he will get left this time. Yours,, Pmz. l??|Ji5'ta 36 DBIVE IT AWAY. Drive away all poisonous humor from the blood before it develops in scrufnla.or some chronic form of disease.. Burdock Blood Bitters will ;doit. 5 Tli«*BlHstnited War Mewa. n. sy m Indh); r 426.. HtMattis Bailiy.8yi. j^ i: ^8rd Olaii-^ttia InriBi ««.-' ^Am GBowthet, 85^: " •' M2t^iJiiftFM«8i^ .f~r. â- 'f5«ia:fea St. Bart Siasad'^ohv:" mfttO. 4r. Witttl i-m «csi M«Y'S^ erf" fixt 'SBas Grip Printing Publishmg Qbrnpanji of Toronto, ibsned last week Mo. 4k of their fine illustrated naws- papeiv. descriptive of events connected with:tha rebellion in the North-Wait. Eaehisoccessive issue of. tfaoa paper eclipseaitspredeeessors, uid. we are plened to observe that tha^pnblishars are meetmg with the soeaess which their efforts deserve. N«. 4 contains the Ibllowii^ illnstrations:^â€" Lord Melgnnd's Seonts. sorroundmg three of White Cap'a Wamors; The Winnipeg Liieht Infantry (91Mt Bt*. talion)*FBesMtBg,for service. White Gip^the8iDti£^i0f;; Trial Phtatiee jwith the* Gjktling at iSwift Carrenl.; ^SbL Otten^Brigads approaching,' IMa {South ElMkatdioiran ;, Iha, Ndva !Seoti» Provincial 'JBattalton- lU [Montreid; Steamers at IfijKlfidiM Qat Ibaidin^ Antmnnitioii and Btarea.; Heading Battalion Qrdeas ixk tba.X^ fiaMd».Hanultoa Iha- ifidlaQd iCol. WiiUains' Ba^ion marebinslo Ibe G. B. Depbfc» Winnipsff :Poriiaila of. OfBoara. aW4lM i^oatt^oaeMins GA;; P. '^.. f ^iiJT^ V'5i wnieh irill fi^ iifiM^ '"fhe aud. M a y i fl l J»^iuwatenA^ ij- numW, as. it will' aontfin. •n to oHier fine mui " '"'^^WlAf-^^NlBf: of ' 3 ifgiil f»i-» e*.©^ 10 to' \^i MiBf ,ijji MARKDALI THIS NEWâ€" Patent Process Flouring Is now completed at great exp on the plans, and with the best i chinery manufactured, mji ing it, in. every sense of "i Model â- â- !â- " term, I' 1 am therefore in a posih to'give the public a 3u| Article of Flour. I A fair trial respectfully i ilicited and I have no fear the result will be eminenti satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wk IS* Flour, Bran, Shorts.el] etc, for sale wholesale ret MGUS PLEWEtl The subscriber has m:Och pkasureil intimating to the Uadics of MaikJ dale and vicinity tliat slie has commenced the Dress-Making. Bnsi In all its branches. Having grdd ted in the ranks of the best seam-l stress in the Dominion, she feelf assured of giving satis- faction to ^11 whio may favor hetj with a call. The latest best stjlsj London, Pan's A New York Fam Stnctly adhered to. She bus on I a ^ply of FANCY GOOD! And a choice selection of tbe latt^l styles of T£tIM:M:iNGrS, Which for beauty and rare des cannot be surpassed, if even equalled in Markdale. Bespeotfttlly yours, M^ E. BENSONI Markdale, Apnl 7, 1885. ' FOife SAIiB. ,1/V/\ aerea oilAad on easy temUi jC\J\J Iiot 10, ooail2, Holland towB 60 seres ekared, b^nee iplendid tio kg boose sod bsm weU watered with fiuiiig spcing ermk. For terms, apptT|!] MAJOB, Fort Psrty, Ont., tJnPOBTAKK.. Whan yon visit or leave N*w Yo#' ssve Bsftgsge B^iess and Carriage Iui*| stop at tiw Grand Union Hotel, oT" ths Gtaad Cei^cal Depot. Elegant JUtediOp at aeost of one million dolun.^ dJioai at HjOO and apwaids fs EosOMaa ftlan, Elevator, Hesturant sq witbOfbest. Hmse cars, stages and ad nilroad to all depots. Families f" better.forless ntoney at the Grand Edi«t:^Sa at ai^ other first class lu tkad^ ,,' ;•:: ABAD KEGIiECl^ yViklit66jif% eostips,ted conn offlnsr m^^Os h sure to 1^( healUi Mid gcaat suffering.- " Bkwd Bittern ze^late the b»««! MM iMomola iJiMbkY action o^ ' «loiifhsIaar Iddneys and i^: World by « ^temedy for ^. 'IHenralgia, i" t* tWivalaaWeir«^j1 -.â- A-ti-abif-m^^ and IS

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