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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 May 1885, p. 2

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 Dominion Lme of Stes ;».J I ;l- I, t V 1 Hi V t â-  I- 1' all direetioiu. Their fbg wm â-² BOUBIIIolklBOS. The only â- tzoD^.pooUon to â- ow VM Uie high toeky one on tbe hill. The three oompeniee of StafEordahiree irere reioforoed nj two more, uid with •ne tremendotu yell they ehaiged and hayoneted the enemy in all dUreefiona. The Boyal B^^andera then eharged from roek to rook, and completely annihi- lated the enemy. The enen^ nnmbeivd abont fifteen hundred, and they loat 660 men, kiUed and wounded. Oar loea waa three offioera and 13 men. Oar woonded waa 54 ncn-oommiiaioned cffioeraandmen. The troopa returned after burying their dead about 6:30 p.m. The Toyageura were not permitted to leave the surelw, but a few managed to get away and went ap and mw the fight. Lieut. -OoL Dennl- lon atood beaide the oaiinon, and auisted materliJly in sending some splendid ahota into the enemy's nnk«. Eighteen shell and six shrapnel were hurled into their rat k), doing great damage. Aa soon aa the battle was over the yoyagenra rushed eat of the zareba and made for the battle ground, where they reached in time to see the wind-up of the fight. They secured many valuable mementos in the alupe of funs, knives, swords, etc It was AW AWFUL SIGHT to US Canadians who had never aeen a battle. I can assure yon, to see the dead and injured in hundreds lying about waa something awful; and especially at the fort where Gen. Earle waa killed. It was a stone hut about eight feet tqnare filled with straw and thatched with rushes. Sixteen men tock up a position inside, when they saw they could not get away tiiey fired through the chinks at every one who came near. When the soldiers saw Gen. Earle tush forward and fall they aeemed to become crazed, they rushed in a body, surrounding the hut and firing into' the doorway. The shed took fire and all inside perished in the flames, but mot a noise came forth, not a sound to toll of the awful agony within, for above all things a true Mohammedan abhors one who sues for mercy. Not a cry came out of that awful pile of dying men, but each eontinued whUe life lasted to hurl death into the ranks of the English, till at last suffocated and burned, they died. ATTEB THE BATTIiE. After burying our dead we returned to eamp. The C»nadianB in little groups talking over the events of the day, and wondering if any more battles would take place before they reabhed clear water, for this rocky cataract sort of water is not the most desirable sort of place one would like to be fooling around in knowing the Mahdi'a followers lurk in rocky holes an- xious to pick off any unwary soldier or Eannck who wanders away too far bat they are all anxious to be armed and permicted to take part in the next battle, should there be one, as Lord Wolseley wants us for boating purposes, andnot to fight, we will have to stand back and look on. Russian Bo{?aery» 'Bu8sia has in its service but two hon- est men, yon and me," the Emperor Nich- olas once said to his son Alexander. If such a remark were jusfifiable half a cen- tury ago it would seem tiiat the country has made but little progress in either,of ficial or business honesty, whatever it may have made in other duections. Bob- bery goes on in eveiy department of the State, and permeates every branch of busi- ness. "Bobbery is the rule, honesty the exception," says a recent writer on Bus- sian affairs. ** No cheating, no sales," is one of the cynical proverb« of the coun- try, and the majority of the business peo- ple seem to hold it a fundamental rule that dishonesty is the only sure road to commercial prosperity, The revekitions at the trial of Bykov, once manager of the defunct Bank of Skopine, which took place recently atfthe Moscow Aasizss, illosfcrate this national dishonesty with startling emphaais. The extent of the depredations, the number ef years they had been allowed to go on aochecked, the number and churaoter of the people implicated in the robbery, the fact that the exposure was due to thia ef- forts of an obccure newspaper, and the necessarily rotten conoition of a eommur nlty in which such a robbery waa render- ed possible, all tended to give the case ah almost E aropean notoriety. The amoutft of the swindle perpetrated by the hank manager and his confederates wm reekoo^ ed at 12 000.000 rublea, or about $8,0C0,- 000. When, after two yeara of 1^ shuf- fling 'and delay, the conspiracy waa, at Iwt, exposed in open court, the figures, large as tJiey were, dropped into iniiignifi- cance when oompued with the aodal and p3litioal queations raised by this ezttaor- dinary trial. A Georgia fanner leased aoine land Ian year to a colorfd nun for a third of tb§. crop. A severe drought cut the erona short, and the negro ga^eted only two' bales of ootton and two wagon loada itt com. The latter was stmad and tha oofe- ton sold. When the laadlocd oalML for his share he waa told that there waanone for him. He aaked, in surprise,. '*Iidn't I rent you my land for a third of tiie o:op r '*Te8, bosa," said tha darkey, •'b'^t you aee dere was BO third. Data was only two balea of oottim and bwo loads of com all mine, and noffin for you by de contraob.** ihe mateh-nfe. Around the stock waa a ahort AhoDg of ladng leather whi ch m ade be taken loop, jtnti l»igaaDOiigbifi.iudd iwat.fiii-~ " gmofthecowbOT'ihaod. The other end of the stock termmatni iiLa tigering rvb- ber half an Inch in dihiMt«r at the thiek emland a qnertar^jio iath AlP Qk .» w y where there waa a little loop. A ateel spring ran Arongh the rubber to give it Btcength. Two feet of heavy leather, about the ilae of a aewing nuushinO band waa drawn half throoi^ the loop, thoa forming a dosUe laah. "People here do not know how to whip a horse," the dealer continued. "They ladi him under the belly and aeroaa the thoulden. The patient an^ mal at laat balka. If I waa a horae I wooldn't balk; I'd kick the stuffing out of everythh^K within a rod of me if I was whipped l3ce that. The cowboy is more peBsnaaive, He awimca the whip by that loop around the handle over two fingers of hla right hand, and swaying the whip across in front of him, brings hia hand down on hia left Up. The double laahee have an exhilarating effect on the horse'a hindquarters. On^ an anbn^en Mexi- can brondio would fall to appreciate that â- ort of treatment, and if he survived the application of six inch buzz-saw spun that would inunediately follow, he would never hesitate again when whipped on the quar- ters." Every Woman Knows Them. *^he human body is much like a good dock or watch in its movements if one goea too slow or tco fast, so follow all the others and bad time results if one or- gan or set of oi^iana works fanperieotly, perversion of functional effort of all the organs is sure to follow. Hence it ia that the numeronr ailments which make wo- man's life miserable are the direct issue of the abnormal action of the uterine sys- tem. For all that numerous class of symptoms â€" and every woman knows themâ€" there is one unfailing remedy. Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription," the fa- vorite of the sex." The first thing in a boot is the last, « « « « Premature decline of power in either sex, however induced, speedily and permanently cured. Consultation free. Book for three letter stampi. World's Dispensary Medical Asaocia^on, Buffsdo, N. Y. A Western calf has four ears. This Is fortunate for the calf as he will not be mistaken for a dude A Strons Endowment is conferred upon that magnificent insti- tution, the human system, by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery^' that fortifies it against the encroachments of diseaae. It is the great blood purififtr and altera- tive, and as a remedy for consumption, bronchitis, and all diseases of a wasting nature, its influence is rapid, efficacious, and permanent. Sold everywhere. The first ingredient in conversation la truth, the next good sense, the third good humor, and the fourth wit. Home Testimony* Many hundred recommendationa aim* llarin character to the one given below have been received, and give proof of the great value of Poison's Nbbviunb aa a pain remedy. Try it. Athol, Feb. 20. â€" We hereby r«rtify that we have used Nerviline in our fatn- iliea, and have found it a most reliable remedy for cramps in the stomach, also for headache, and externally for rhen- niatic pains. No house should be without diisinvaluableremedy,â€" 'LttesColb. Eli- SHA COLB, J. P. The best education in the world is that got by struggling to get a living. Wlien roa vUt or leave New Turk Otty, nf e BMsace Br p MM Me And OHiieee IDre, andilM at the CteAm) UhiokHotvi. oDpodM Qnnd Ceacr»I Depot 800 elegant rooms attea on at a eoet eC one aillltoii daOaia, â- tacei and elevated railroad* to- all ductal. Vam. iUei oan U*e better for leae moncv at the Cbaod VniHi HoM than a* anT oOar llfit.aiaM kotel in the Oit». Beryl green comes with a blmdi metallie lastre among the spring greens in millinery goods. â- 4«EM.M Imitation I Is the weak man'a inapiration and the highest point evw reached by a numer- ous class in the community. Without the ability or parseveranca to work^m an independent bads, tiiey Aikg like bar- nadea to ideaa emeaating from othera and with pervMBe bUndneea bdieve thsai to be their own. Now tiiat exjdaina why: that widely Imown and much appredat94 remedy-^PuTNAM's Painlbss Com Ex- tractor, has a dc cdu or more ixidtatora; not ha^jbig'auffident merit in themadvea un- prindpled dealers, for a larger piofit, palm tiiem off on vnaonpeetii^ aiul'eon- fiding onatomers as *^ast aa gjpod," Ao. Beware of all audi luad usaonhr Potnam'a Com Sxtcaetor. Sure. tiyn. ba'rinl^ p. Pohoii ft Co., Yht^f^baai pcapaib- ..Speak weO. and Uttie if y«m wiah to be ^onsid«iBd:aa --»^ Tha VgMMoBah Co., of MaohaD. lOah. to ssod fhsir VoltaleBatt, andethi OB trial ier thirty diya, to ddl^affliafesd wi|h asrrov daHB^, 1m oi â-¼italifey,^ and aU ' lor Nonaa IB laJowed. Write Dbnteatod pafeqpUik bMe, aad Ae jraiatastfsaB ecu* dnmlMt fav!m.ter a apeedy aad ;S^\hS mSSTa. B.viaps tteqs^m stamp fortkair ttsattaeaB eatainkâ€" Jtonirsai Star Bbny a dandy before inanlaga becomes â- obdoed afterlt. One of the sights of the City of Hamiltoa ia the factory in which the celebr»ted "Myrtle Navy" tobaooB is made. Some people'inay suppose that putting nppln{^ of tobacco must be a very aimple matter, but a walk among the pondarona and com- plicated maohineiy of thia estaUishment would speedily undeceive them. Here are hydraoHo p res s e s screw presses, iron frames, all of anormoua strengtli, beaides a. steam engine asd many other pieces of ma- ehinaT.i__c|Lâ€" /. f nPorchaae not friends by gifts j when thou It to give, sndk will cease to lave. Joav J. Sauit, Ctadph. (or la T â- oa. Oauoh AT a Oo.. Cotton, Wotdtoa, Bilk Oar Ht an d Wonlad Btettlc llaken. Paitdaa- C at JOSK TODB OftOCSB »OR IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH. ^l^i^^a^'SS!^ Ba nltan Pnb. Co., Canadian Depcittcn Torcato. Can P" TTit« wMtn AvaflHlHBS for lale two eowt. two yearlinK heifer* and one bnlL Write tor deuria- t iop. priee end ped igr ee te O. J. B ammm., TnCaIsar.».« TTUBM F^SAIJE-lOO aeree tt lard-eOaerei alear. J^ ed acd 90 tene of good baidwood both; new bam and (ta le, lionre and orehaid. lirtaig â- pring aed wea The place U f ensFd well^ Mhcoi, post- r fflce and ahniahea eonvenien*. JMBfi. HABBIOAK, Ambbbmt. »t. » AGENTS WANTED ^taS^tiSsr^ ofl«ed to agenteâ€" $36 00 rer week eaeily earned. Se. (or eirenlar. Addreea F Bterenaon, riom, "H." Aioada, Toront o, Oaa a d a THBBB FABMS IX FLTMFIOKâ€" BeapcatiTely of 100.eO,aodHaara«: will be lold Mpara^ely tt r^ paired the land I* in the pcteh re»ioD, dirtetlt on the thorn of Lake Baron, asd •( the tineet qnaUty; pleotr of arowood and eoMe good ttaVw le m e tnin g; good • encee, bnU^ioa*. and oretaardi; Oxm'aeliie station 9, and Barrlk U mVn dirtaat. Apply p^onalljr or by tttor to Mb8. H WHinae, Oimlaehieh P.O. JOHN S. BARBER. Flies â- â- â-  Doit's Wasci Thbm. bd OB BBina 90 tHEOITJJlIOFILSCO. we llremt St. B.. TOBOW T O. Ag ents wa alad. FOB FLBASANT SBWINO â€" ^D8B ONLYâ€" Clapperton's Spool Cotton Warranted iVhL Sangth, and to mn amooth oa m â- owing maohine. Bee that CLAPrnxoii'B name k oa belabeL aiTlVwealeby al]Da.OoodeDraleta. eonvenienl Meat (or (armeri in their lioa __«ae meafi are cooked and ready tat naa Bold to grooem tlirondt the Dominion. Bend (or srll toW.OiaBK P.aBoata H Monlreal ' ^R. w. prittie; REAL ESTATE AGENT, CaaunlssloHer, Valuator Trastee A FUuai* etal Agent, Boom 0.. Aroade, Tonge Street, Toronto, Moof r to Iioao, Eatatee Managed, Propertiee ExcbangHL Man- ttolia and XTnited Btatea lanoa taken in part pajment lor city property. Banof aetoren of Star Biret, Leather Belting. Large doable DriTing Belu a ipecialty. Send (or Plica Lists and Disooonta. F. t. mm CO., '^^z^^ CUT THIS OUT I The New Co-Operative S ewingHlaeMnes BEST IN THE MABKET. lEW gTAHD! HEW7IJKKITOUBI Latest Improved Attachments Agents price fitr sMlar macMiie t60 Our price only 125 eaelL Be(are boyiiisaend wp atamp (or Oar elegaat photo- graph adiaaiplaof:eewiiis ISTKafebbiea gnaiantaad (or throe reUe and aeat oa 'trial. Anf lady wintii^ )k machine wili do wc^U to write to â- m oo-oPHtanva Sewing Machine Co. S JAICBS ST. SOUTH. HAMILTON. iX. ti ;â- ,;. 1„;MIIE ffTMQiJEnilliE. Ji MIT'"" MASOS. Maaagiaf nmtov UlaniliiB total Ml IttwMMP^ T.t to Idreipocd ^^ __ ?LThn?HdifaK,lSCBi aauH to A.8aBmnMhar IE Oa. batua Qneliee: Wm^flnMkl% PUIad*'" Allan. PoECiaiUi la Johtfi. kOoH B. A. ONTARIO PUMP GO. (Uaiited.) OmcB Airo Factobt, cob. SpasibaAtb. AXD Cbchi Sta. TORONTO, ONT. BUDGET^ I KAHeABOO lAiJ Mr Send for Uk, Boadscstampfotu, •togoeeTeriarodta T. LANB, Mont Ci^BIACa MPS an tw,, -~*tlm the Huket. 9tSn\ TOwOamaae Maker. lUei^ BATTLE r ' 7^~\-^7)?v^ â- BT^OB Fa tfitaa aad hrfa JP aowB.OalvaB,,Bhaep OAZSLa Vaasaa la aaed dUrn h na Om a. MBk OaM into oonaMoa, aowB,OalvaB,,BhaepandPigh The Teg zsLa Vaasaa la aaed aad reeoatmeaM tea MBk OaMia tfOdaoe man A, na^onrththe anal Nai,! Bvboi. A dollar bni idOo, AAanumnuL WKiagBt TANKS frem the amalleat wp te 8,8U bbU. I X L FEED MILL guaranteed to grind from 10 to 85 bnabelfl perhonr, according to aiae. Xheae Hilla are the moat dur- able, perfect and aheap. egt Iron Feed Mil jret io- Tontad. EtcTen Sicca. GEARED WINDMILLS from 1 to 40 Ii. p., (or Pamping Water, running Otain Cmshena. Stoaw Cnttere. Boot Pulpera, or any other machineiy ap to a 40 h. p. grist miD. PUMPINGWINDMILLS flwm 8 t« '30 feet dbuawter. HAYING TOOLS AfUlMKeafthe PUMPS Pipe h Pipe nttingg and Wood, Foxee or UA. Deep Well Pumpo a ftpedalty- Send US your addreea on a poat.card aad wo IwK end yon IM page illastrated aatalogne (rea. JTentJoM iMt fapur VorBalokr Goleman'8 Improyed Flongli \m Adapted te Orchard fTork. No whiffletrees to injore treee. Eur on nwi i tpam. Worlcing qnalitiee gnaracteed. Hon^y laf U not f atlrfaa ory after a (air triaL Price, flO oolUn and bridlee. i:EAVEY CO, OOLBOKNE ONT. CONSUMPTION Zbsre a positive remedy for tlio.aboTe dlsoue;t Jam ttaonsands or eases or the worst kind and « atandliMCbaTebeenenred. Indeed, so stronr Is nrn In IM efficacy, tbst I wlU send TWO BOTTLES' gether with aTALTTABLB TKEATISB on tals (UM«b»l anjMlfiiBier. Give Bxpress and F. O. addrese. I OE. T. A. SLOOOM. 181 Pearl St.. K««Tc4 LADrES Hli» OF TANSY STai^^r^^cga c aoedflo Medicine Oa.PMadelD! ^Mfrs.ofHANO STAMPS SteelAlphabets kait Ik flMta ftOlMMO R. U. AWARE I â-  THAT Lorlllard's OHmax bearlasaredtintair; thatiL. .^ «.. RoeeXeafflne out; that Loii jl'^TlJ^*!?'"'** *» tlat Lorillard'a Snafa* the beat and dieaaeat. analttr oonddered Farmers, Sill len and all Oil Gonsniners WILL SAVE, MONEY BY USING McCOLL'S CELEBRATED OILS] 03 1 2sr E," For geaeral lufa^tii^ parpoaea, u nnezceUed, and their CYLINDER and other U havenoeqnaL Highest Awards and Medala whenver exhibited. «"For sale by • deuen. MtCOlX BROS, fc CO, TORONm JOHNSTON'S FLUID Bl H jjl ifca anlr KMaialliw 1 the Malgt dteqlaAtea. vmartlaa oTbeet. aad tt^f OBawfiiahBM ffia nww to lopi^ a^ SMa.aad eaiJMM. IDEH BKITAJmEA â€"â€"'0 aUHUXAOTUttBS OT (:- â€" • #«I4 awl mn pt^ iMdWdliagtni gtreeii, Biulliltci^ 0» TBADX 1847]UfenBrM.Al* AGRIC^ f«w iin«o^ lob; " th«»*» f.'Itltated root. aSTn*^'"**^. IJJJJiorodierwl eiine.mello^' ,to ?«**'"â- ; tthe^ro"***"' ' a aaamar i Si good; If wF* ,,ppW to eaohj iMfthhe»P«'"°" treU, or bettor jgadi ao low the m C5«ptaedoable. ' r, two to thre ^evergreona" fnn»«iea,wo' radT*ntage,in ao ithrimafclvowll* Snccessfa ThiB qamtity of ba b^tfyoowdepandi blhe feed and oare fanpoaed. Amaaa S ii leportod to ht i of ordinary oow- iMir. H«ei«tbe: ' •bewellworththei own who want to [blepiofitontcf thel I Hb method oonalat r timott aolely, on ha »im on rich land, h kkt^refteoimgouf. Ml annnally^ amooi iperaore. The oo tinSammer, with leat,and In Win I itable and fed tl .tgiain. Under thia bffi want np from lead butter a year, inone i 1 in another 633 poi^ ifeedhigtheaame 2,300 poonda, pair, at 24 montl I a third pair, a1 and one pair, all native atoc from Mr. Scott finmy"Notea." Tl k Bueh batter had. Buds of dried graaa t faUi four qoarti of poti ^«nig. The firat 14 i I tkat yielded 633 pc till of batter. Th( (lU the time. -r^-«A

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