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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Apr 1885, p. 8

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 *s* i ' â-  rl mmt soma uumai. Tatmg 9Kmtmniaf, MmrtmbmraHh. 1994. QOINO NORTH* qp ii STATIONS. Ttmrnto.... Leave Cudwdl Jtmction Oharlerton. Onoge- 1 AittTe. Tilie, [LeaTe... CtewigefviUe Jua.. Hl^bame Dondolk Fleflhettoii. Markdale WUlikmsford .... OhatowwUi Owen Soond Mafl. 730am 907" 925" 950" 1005" 10 17 " 1045" 11 10 " 1186" 11 51 '• t.203pm 12 28 100 Exp. I Mixed. 440pai 627 " 6 45«* 7 03" 7 22" 7 34" 8 04" 8 30" 8 65" 9 10" 9 22" 9 49- 10 20 •• li45an 1230pm 12 55" 114" 210" 8 06" 4 06" ^33" 4 46" 6 87 " 630pm GOING SOUTH- STATIONS. -Owen Sound Chats worth ~WiIliamsford Markdale Flesherton Dnndalk Shdbnrne ....... OtangeylUe Jan. Orange Arrive. ville..f Leave... Charleston Cardwell Junction. Toronto Arrive Exp. 5 20am 5 50 " 6.)5" 6 27 " 6 42" 7 06 " 7 31" 8 00 •' 8 12 8 35 8 55 9 07' 10 45 " I MaU. 2 45pm 3 15 3 30 3 52 i06 4 31 4 57 5 23 5 35 ' 5 55 ' 6 13' 6 27' 8 35' Mixed. 630am 7 25" 7 54" 8 35 " 9 00" 9 45" 10 45 " U 50 " 12 15pm 12 40 " 1 26" 2 03 'â-  MARKDALE. a HEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore. Having jusl received a ' Choice6i Fresh and Select stock: of Teas, SSiTgars, Tobacco, Scc^ Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 193 J. PLEWES. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLathMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND â€" -THIS NEW- â€" PaiBBt Process Fhuring Miff Is now completed at great ei^Dae, OD the rtfost -Ai»P»ROVSI3 plans, and with the best ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, "A ladel WH." 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a Snperief Article of Fiour. A fair trial respectfully so^ licited and I have no fear bul^ the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat IS" Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. ARGUS PLEWES. 219 .UNOERTKIlie btt ntifliadr •aiit •Tfi â-  h':*: QOltnKS, riXBlEBTB. " SHBOODS. FiiBUL r mriflims sapidied te sIiortMnotMe. A. STleiidi4 JQ[esLZ-se fNr hire at modexftto rates. i ieiiiEi Picifi p li. LANDSl vS1 1. 1 T.i In hinnesoia. North Dakota. Mon _; y l:.-ia. Idaho, Washington and Oregon ITrosi Kiafce {superior to PncctSoniMl* t prices ranginn chlsfly from f 2 to f8 per acre, I 5 to 10 v^ars'^time. This is the Best Country ^r securing Good Homes new open for tettlemahf. •sa pn on 1^ 3 2 O arres of Government ja W^W^ff T,and Free under the Homestead J i m. at Bbi and Timber Culture Law*. XOTE -TO.Bl8.433 Acrrs OR HOBE XH^ U.«E.F nf till tfie Public /^sids disponed of In. 1883, â-  .-re in tlie Nnvtiorn Pacific country. Bookaand Map« ffnt FREE, riescribinr the Nortliem VwneiOf '«ant7,tne Kailroad Lands for Sale and I h- FKEE tioveriiment Lands. Address, CHAS. B. M1J0RN. Land Uom'r, N. P. B. K., St. »»»!, Mian. S Chopping Done Every Day. Cnstora Sawing and â- shortest notice. BHls Filled on the LUMBER AND LATH ON HAND. ALWAYS Cherry, Butlornut, White Ash, B^ack Ash Basswood, Pine Jind Hemlock Loj^ wanted 91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. A RARE_CHANCE. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. THE undersigned having lost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Iill, which is situated 4^ miles West of Markdale. There is an abundance of splendid timber very convenieut to the mill a good business has been done, and i^Q excellent chance is in store for a good pushing man. ' The mill is mostly new, being erected three years. Machinery in fine condition. Steam power 30 Jborse. Terms easy. For further particulars apply at this office, or on the premises. J. A. DUNCAN, 230 tf Markdale P. O. MARKDALE. Manufacturer of all kinds of iPUMPS,= C)'Iinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron P*iiinps Supplied. Orders respectfullj solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and Bentinck townships. IS* Orders by mail promptly at- â€" All iirds cf â€" PICTURE Done ou short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. FRAMING .fiO d^ ffTte tic 0*1 iBatat. yiediiertoii 141 0» • 00 •7 ii^Aie 00 iOttiler^otaiim .. .. V^ 00 M 00 iimiBflkvpM.^.... TOO 4^ 13K!MteehivaM»i.. M 00 S 00 iB8«ttio«,;i8 oasis per line M«h salMatpM^t jwml^iaMraM.; .- '4otioe«, or BOtiM fnloealflOl* fMBUii 10 ONita p^lipefirst uwctim, 6 Mats iie iB%B«mdit8 inaerfibn. ' IStafsr K^hbala Vte.i adTertisea S ' wwks for fl.Mlh* MlTertiaemcnt no* to «xaeied twelva linaa. Kd'Vaper dtaaontitaaed VBtQ-aU arraara •M paii exM^ At the tptagm of the paUidMr. -JOB PRINTING.- 21 1 o 3 (D »*1 -i a -I « " L 5 2 1 td 7 1*1 o â-º1 O CD 9 GO • â- ^ O tended. 219 SEEDS SMDS IMPORTED â€" FIELD MD atROa SEEBS The place to bay your Seedo is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BIUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, disordered LIVER, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ V OF THE HEART,' ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE 8K!M, mm arising i i(IDNEY^_ 8TOMAC»^ And every spwies of dlMOM arisinK from -.. â€" d LIVER, KIDNEYOl fâ€" â- - BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. HILBURN go.. '*~"'%SSHTa OJPF-ICE OF THE ndurtoi ROBERT 8. RAE, TAILOR !*â- Â» Sydenliain: Sti*eet« All kinds of IVIsix-ble and Moniunenta,! AVorkaa, such as Monaments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter apd liable To^]-- in American and Italian Marble, and made on $Uoti JBotiee. JilsplbntieB in Marble and Marbeleized Slatcc, Ac. msd. ii^k^i,_y.i yll, '.X^?' ' Ut,' j..ii_. *f â- â- r.f; "•Wi-iiiss**'*-;?^ :logd Cures Disstness, Z:a)s cf4?P^e,:J[nidi0bsii(^ Iyspep9ia, Jaun^e, A^ims^ih^lHGef Piv^hss, Blotdtes, ht^ls, kvmoft, SaU M " \^9fipslas,^and all eSgeaaes 4bmHfp9m^ M^tim Ths Ssavdabd ofikw luw a aplsBdid equip- ment of poste? as well «a fine job tjrpe. Spe- cial attention to ord^s by nudl. Orders filled with dispatch. O. ^W- »TJTT..EIGS-JE EDITOR AND PBOPBIETOB. I^gal* HANDS, EGHLIN GARVIN, (succzssoBS HO LACSEn hands), BAKBISTEBS, Solioitftra, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, Ac. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street Bast, 199-251 ToBOMTO. «»y HiiAlWediBeaday in eaoli uio] tioe-of bifs j^afessiou ntiiiKJ W. ti. RICHAI BtJILDEB. CONTHACTOK ncT, lUrkdale. jr. KffASSOM, BABBISTEB, MABTEB AND DEP. BEG in Chancery, Notary PabUd, CooTcyan! oar, Jtc. A VXmSSR OF TASMB FOB 8AI.K. OiTicES â€" Owen Soaqd, in Vifcker'a Block Ponlett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday crery woek. 57-ly Creasor 9r mrrrison* BAERl' -x.o,SOLICITOBS. CONVEY- ant^es, e. t, Oftices in Owen Soand, Dafferin Block, over W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. MeFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. EaP*Fand8to lend on reasonable terms. JbHK CbEASOB, Q. G DVMCAN MOBUON Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-1t jilexander Browv. ISSUEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Oommissionei in B. B. (fee. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended, to and charges made verv moderate. Pri«evme,«ept.l7,1880. 1-y Wm. i^oim, JSSUEB OF MAEEIAGE LICENSES, c Conunissooner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed.- N. B. â€" ^Money to Lend on Beal Estate se curity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor- CITY HOTEL, John MeAtcrer, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated OB Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo- dation. Union Ims to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE, ONT. J.^Ej Marsh, Pn^' F*a.sIiioiia,lle Tailor^ OTMt IUGFABi:.ANI'8 STORB. PERP CT FIT G0ASANTEED. tSend six coitB for postage, and receive free,a costly bo» of «o«dff which wiU help all, -J 1.* -_ ^- o*«ith^ sextj more money nghVaway than anything else m this worhL Fortunes await tte woi-kers absolutely sure. At once address Tbto A Ce., Augnsta. Maine â- -:â- --. â- ' M.i 187-389 IK DALE .â€"i ?^,W*rr:«^r â- *•â- ' ESTABUaHED 19 YEARS. .IITfllEVS,nopriaiw â- Noting l»ot gpoi 8*ocfc nBed1iiid m^ DoBtde SAninBl^ ^ABDEiT] lHrr*lki DIGGUB AND DBLâ„¢ W orders promptly attendidh^ dan^ â€" Snider's HDl Owen Soniii COMMERCIAL HOll PRICEVI1jL,E. Ont. Large and commodious Sampled Good Bed Booms, c. The Bai tjJ well supplied with the best them fords good Stabling and attentive! THOS. ATKINSON, JOSEPH GIBII CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken for all kiDdsoIl BRICK MD STOME RJ Plin Ornamental Plasteii Calsomhsina in all Shade$ aniij Chargen moderate and satisfwtM antee" Orders left at ahe Stiksai will receive prompt attention. ISAAC STI.\S01f, Builder and Contra In all kinds of Bnck and Slon«T Estimates given. A J work guarantc^^. Orders by mail promptly attesddi igo-em" MAEEDiLII J'OHN NOB] MARKDALE GEER'LByffl HORSE SHOEll A SPEOIALTlt. Also ftgent for the celetn CHATHAM WA( MarMale Roller The subscriber begs leave to s the farmers of the suiroundiDg c he is turning out flour equal to i roller mill. No more waiting while the gns| ground. The following is the scale of eick Wheat Weighing 62 lbs, 40^| »• " 61 " 39 •• " 60 " 38 ' •• •• ,59 .» 37 ' •« «« 68 " 36 ' •« •• â-  57 " 35 • with offal in proportion to amonij I fmd the average weight of be 60 lbs. to the bushel, and then if properly cleaned,, would weigM the bushel. JohnW.n M Butcher The test mmts thecoaDti7l kept on kaad and* DELIVERED TO ALL PI THE TOWN WHERE OB A share of public patroosfit^ solicited. Bemember the stand in ^* w. H. m TO SGHOOLjri The nnderngned is xnannfi cellent assortmeU Scbool Fxxrfi'J OcasistiBgtrf SCHOOL SEA»] TEACHEBB' DESKS, etc., design uuTmost approved teftommeoded by School Tms^ .en, Ibr.d^ness, comfort r" whfoeTW tried. An assortn .School Bells kept always on^ oat^logne to Chatsworth F. 181 ' ANDS and »ftrfi»in4f."^ii ^^MMMiI^ FARM FOB pT 28, eon. 11, Glenelg^ iily cleared and " is three miles fi *n very easy apply to Geo A -fa TTTNG.I

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